Freud's theory of psychosexual development identified 5 stages from birth to adulthood. Each stage focuses on a different erogenous zone: 1) oral stage focuses on the mouth, 2) anal stage focuses on bowel/bladder control, 3) phallic stage focuses on genitals and the Oedipus/Electra complexes, 4) latency stage is dormant until 5) the genital stage at puberty. Freud also described the id, ego, and super ego components of personality. The unconscious contains repressed urges and memories while the conscious contains our awareness and subconscious can be accessed through focus.
Freud's theory of psychosexual development identified 5 stages from birth to adulthood. Each stage focuses on a different erogenous zone: 1) oral stage focuses on the mouth, 2) anal stage focuses on bowel/bladder control, 3) phallic stage focuses on genitals and the Oedipus/Electra complexes, 4) latency stage is dormant until 5) the genital stage at puberty. Freud also described the id, ego, and super ego components of personality. The unconscious contains repressed urges and memories while the conscious contains our awareness and subconscious can be accessed through focus.
Freud's theory of psychosexual development identified 5 stages from birth to adulthood. Each stage focuses on a different erogenous zone: 1) oral stage focuses on the mouth, 2) anal stage focuses on bowel/bladder control, 3) phallic stage focuses on genitals and the Oedipus/Electra complexes, 4) latency stage is dormant until 5) the genital stage at puberty. Freud also described the id, ego, and super ego components of personality. The unconscious contains repressed urges and memories while the conscious contains our awareness and subconscious can be accessed through focus.
Freud's theory of psychosexual development identified 5 stages from birth to adulthood. Each stage focuses on a different erogenous zone: 1) oral stage focuses on the mouth, 2) anal stage focuses on bowel/bladder control, 3) phallic stage focuses on genitals and the Oedipus/Electra complexes, 4) latency stage is dormant until 5) the genital stage at puberty. Freud also described the id, ego, and super ego components of personality. The unconscious contains repressed urges and memories while the conscious contains our awareness and subconscious can be accessed through focus.
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1. Recall a recent incident in
your life when you had to make a decision. Indicate what the decision was about, the factors that we are involved and how you arrived at your decision. Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development
The theory is quite interesting for many
because Freud identified specific erogenous zones for each stage of development. These are specific “Pleasure areas” that become focal points for the particular stage. If needs are not met along the area, a fixation occurs. As an adult. The person will now manifest behaviors related to this erogenous zone. ORAL STAGE
(Birth 0-1year). Pleasure centers on the
mouth- sucking, biting and chewing. The erogenous zone is too much or too little satisfaction can lead to an Oral Fixation or Oral Personality which is shown in an increased focus an oral activities. This type of personality may be oral receptive, that is have a stronger tendency to smoke, drink alcohol, overheat, oral aggressive, that is, with a tendency to bite his or her nails, or use curse words or even gossip. ANAL STAGE
(1-3 years). Pleasures focuses on bowel and
bladder domination coping for demand control. The child’s focus of pleasure in this stage is the anus. The child find satisfaction in eliminating and retaining feces. Through society’s expectations particularly the parents the child needs to work on toilet training feces. In terms of personality, fixation this stage can result in being anal retentive, an obsession with cleanliness, perfection, and control; or anal expulsive where the person may become messy and disorganized. PHALLIC STAGE
(Age 4 to 6 years). Pleasure zone is genitals;
coping w/ ancestors sexual feelings. During the preschool age, children become interested in what makes boys and girls different.
OEDIPUS COMPLEX- Male attach to his mother.
This stage develop unconscious sexual desire for their mother. Boy’s then see their father as a rival for her mother’s affection. Boy’s may fear that their father will punish them for these feelings, thus, the castration anxiety. ELECTRA COMPLEX- Female attach to his father. Psychoanalysts also believed that girls may also have a similar experience, developing unconscious sexual attraction towards their father. A fixation in this stage could result in sexual deviances (both overindulging and avoidance) and weak or confused sexual identity according to psychoanalysts. In Greek Mythology, Oedipus unintentionally killed his father and married his mother Jocasta LATENCY STAGE
(Age 7 to 12 years). Dormant sexual
feelings, identification process, gender identity. Its during this stage urges remain repressed. The children’s focus is the acquisition of physical and academic skills. Boys usually more with boys and girls with girls during this stage. GENITAL STAGE
(Age 13+years or Puberty towards).
Maturation of sexual interests. The fifth stage of psychosexual development begins at the start of puberty when sexual urges are once again awakened. In the earlier stages, adolescents focus their sexual urges towards the opposite sex peers, with the pleasure centered on the genitals. Freud’s Personality Components
Freud described the personality structures as
having three components:
ID- Animalistic nature of man, destructive and
pleasure seeking. The ID operates on the pleasure principle. It focuses on immediate gratification or satisfaction of its needs. EGO- (self) Human nature of man, acts according to laws and morals, bounds by limits of reality. As a baby turns into a toddler and then into a preschooler, he/she relates more with the environment, the ego slowly begins to emerge. The ego operates using the reality principle. It is aware that others also have needs to be met. Although it functions to help the id meet its needs, it always takes into account the reality of the situation.
SUPER EGO- (conscience) strive for
perfections. To be good or honorable Near the end of the preschool years, or the end of the phallic stage, the super ego embodies a person’s moral aspect. This develop from what the parents, teachers and other persons who exert influence impart to be good or moral. The super ego is likened to conscience because it exerts influence on what one considers right or wrong. TOPOGRAPHICAL MODEL
UNCONSCIOUS- Contained repressed urges
thoughts, memories and wishes which are disturbing and threatening. Freud said that most we go through in our lives, emotions, beliefs, feelings, and impulses deep within are not available to us at a conscious level. CONSCIOUS- Consists of our thoughts, desires and wishes. Freud also said that all that we are aware of its stored in our conscious mind. SUBCONSCIOUS- Consists of experience that we are not aware of but made conscious by simply focusing on them, aware but not retrieved. Subconscious or pre-conscious, this the part of us that we can reach if prompted, but it is not our conscious. QUIZ
1-5. Enumerate the 5 types of Psychosexual Development. 6-8. Anagram SSCNOIUCOS NUSUICNOCO INBCNOSUOSSB SUPIDEO XELPMOC LTRAECE MLXECPO 11-15.True or False 1. The pleasure of Anal is centers on the mouth sucking, biting, and chewing. 2. Phallic is the pleasure zone of genitals; coping w/ ancestors sexual feelings. 3. ID is the Animalistic nature of man, destructive and pleasure seeking. 4. The super ego is likened to conscience because it exerts influence on what one considers right or wrong. 5. The fifth stage of development is Genital Stage THANK YOU FOR PAYING ATTENTION GOD BLESS US