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DOCUMENT COVER SHEET REVISIONS (Attach additional sheots if necessary) REV DESCRIPTION DATE BY 00 | Fist issue TFeb-t1 | ~KSaio [BHEL CUSTOMER NO_1702, 1705 & 1704] 12. 2[ Pcl ORG No. eB aT omen : eae PRAYAGRAI POWER GENERATION COMPANY LTD Bi 3 2,["""" [QB] TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED a8 b) PROETT Gene] PRAYAGRAJ SUPER THERMAL POWER PROJECT B5Be| Phase |; 3 X 660 MW AT BAI \LLAHABAD DISTRIC es5 BOILER TURBINE GENERATOR(BIG)PACKAGE INCLUDING STATION C&l 258 [CONTRACTOR BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD eeag) Cl BOILER PLANT, TIRUCHIRAPALLI~620014 2520 DMSO ee nc INETRE] — ane. ORANO Na = Sea SCALE 3233 EQUIPMENT USED ON TAG NO. DESCRIPTION (Attach adiltional sheets if necessary) | REV._[ NO OF SHEETS O1HAG25AP001 BARA, contee mene PHASE-| (3x660MW) Unit Name: UNIT NO 1&283 Purchaser's Contract Nor _| 00500 Purchaser's P.O. N 10946700 Purchaser's WBS No.) | 13420401 DESCRIPTION Erection Manual DOCUMENT NO. s27360.128 REV | op Erection Manual Rev 00 MESSRS ALSTOM POWER INC. PROJECT NAME Phase I : 8X660MW AT BARA SERVICE BOILER WATER CIRCULATING PUMP PRODUCT.NO —AP941018/941026/941034 TLE, BOILER WATER CIRCULATING PUMP ERECTION MANUAL PUMP ENGINEERING DEPT. Fe] 1 [Rev] No | DATE DESCRIPTION ‘SIGNATURE DRAWN [CHECKED|APPROVED| 22.7 |FIRST ISSUE A. Seis a Kp TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. ow cserses - 2 / 28 JOY Contents 0. General - 0. Safety precautions 1. Handling Instruction 1.1 Description of Major Component 1.2 Guidelines for temporary strage on site ~~ 1.3 Guidelines for conservation on site ~ 1.4 Special precaution for transportation on site--~ 2. Delivery Condition 3, Pump Casing Installation 3.1 Lifting Pump Casing 3.2 Misalignment. 4, Lifting the Motor 5. Tightening of Stud Bolts 5.1 Determination of Initial Tightening Starting Position 5.2 Tightening by Bolt Heaters ~ 6. Installation of the Motor Cooler ~ 7. Installation of the Cooling water Piping & the Instruments 8, Dismantling & Hanging down of the Motor ~ 8.1 Preparation of Dismantling . 8.2 Dismantling of the Motor 2 2 15 20 2a 22 22 23 @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. , MIVATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DW. No. G527369- 3/28 GENERAL @ In order to ensure trouble-free operation of the pumpset, it shall be carefully installed according to the instructions contained herein. Before installation of the pumpset, read this manual and all and related documents to fully understand the contents. © Modifications or alterations of the equipment supplied shall not be made without prior permission from the manufacturer. Original spare parts and accessories authorized by the manufacturer ensure safety. The use of third party parts invalidates any liability of the manufacturer for the damage caused. © During the validity period of guarantee by Torishima, NO dismantling of the pump or its individual components shall be carried out without obtaining Torishima’ s consent in this respect. @ The pump name plate indicates pump type, main operating data, production No. and unit No. Please quote this information in all queries. @® TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN Pa DWG. No, 527369 - 4/28) SAFTY PRECAUTIONS This manual contains fundamental information and instructions that must be complied with during. the erection of the pumpset. Non-compliance with the instructions contained herein can cause injury of operator, failure of unit functioning and damage to the pumpset. Therefore, this manual must be read and understood prior to the installation. Qualification of Staff Only appropriately qualified staff must be employed in the erection activities. Safety Alerts and Warning Notes The safety instructions and warning notes contained in this manual are marked by symbols as follows. ‘SYMBOL. DESCRIPTION [AC WARNIN Potential hazard that could result in minor or moderate Turvy ‘By CAUTION) | pier against unsafe practices Potential hazard that could result in death or serious injury ate Potential hazard that could result in damage to the equipment and/or equipment malfunction Informational notes General safety instructions for ion © Never open the terminal cover of any electrical device when it is energized. There is a risk of electric shock. © Wear helmet, safety shoes, ete before approaching the erection, © When lifting equipment or component using lifting device, check the center of gravity first and apply appropriate arrangement of lifting tackle to prevent accidential drop of the goods. © Never enter underside of the lifted heavy equipments or components. © Make sure the motor is isolated from power source. © When moving heavy equipments or components, hang wire ropes to the positions as shown in the instruction manual and use @ chain block, etc. @ Never touch the Bolt heaters, Stad Bolts or other components of pump while is hot. @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN een G527369 ~ 5 / 28) 4.Handling Instruction 1.1 Description of Major Component Refer to the following documents for the detailed description of the pumpset. [TITLE DRAWING NO. [General Arrangement Drawing [093090630 [P&I Diagram (093090756, [Sectional Arrangement Drawing [093090641 [Terminal Box Drawing (093090672 IMotor Cooler Drawing (338620 [Special Tool List [a338618 [O&M Manual [305633 1.2 Guidelines for temporary storage on site When it becomes necessary to store the equipment for a short time before erection, place the pumpset in a dry location, protected from the elements if possible, where it cannot be affected by ingress of moisture. It is important that bearings, pipings, etc are suitably protected against ingress of insects, grit dust or other foreign matter. 1.3 Guidelines for conservation on site In addition to the measure described for temporary storage, the following should be applied. Check the condition of the painted surfaces every three months. If corrosion is observed, remove it and apply a coat of paint again. Check the condition of anti-corrosive coating on blank metal surfaces (e.g. screw of bolts) every three months. If any corrosion is observed, remove it with a fine emery cloth and perform the anti-corrosive treatment again. In order to prevent the inside of motor from rusting, Nz gas should be filled in Motor every 2-3 month, Refer to O&M manual ~ item 2.2.2 : Dry Preservation about detail procedure for N, gas filling. 1.4 Special precaution for transportation and installation on site @ When receive unit, inspect it that there are neither discrepancy from your requested specifications nor damages during transportation. This unit is shipped after ou is done under QA systems. © Bo careful not to damage the goods when unpacking. © Care must be taken in handing and installing equipment, particularly in protecting Rotor ‘extensions, machined faces, electric cables, instrumentation, small bore pipework and ancillary parts. Use soft padding material as necessary to protect the equipments from damage by lifting tackles. Move equipments slowly when placing on the floor. © Do not place equipments directly on the ground. Use protecting material ike wooden block. © Pay due attention to prevent the rusting of the goods before pump operation. @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. © MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG.No.} _G527369- 6 / 28} 2.Delivery Condition ‘(Main components) MOTOR SET] Terminal box al 6000 Cover 3KN2gas is filled in the Motor. Cover PUMP CASING approx. 3400 kg MOTOR COOLER approx. 1000 kg Cover Cover @® TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIVATA-CHO, TAKATSUKISHL, OSAKA, JAPAN, DWG. No. G527369 - 7/28 3. Pump Casing Installation 3.1 Lifting the Pump Casing The pump casing mass is approx. 3400 kg. The cover fixed on suction nozzle, discharge nozzle and bottom of casing should be removed just before welding. The protection for bolt screw should also be removed just before installation of ‘the motor. 3.2 Misalignment Misalignment between pump center line and perpendicular shall be within 1 degree. Lifting lugs for pump casing only "Protection asi Pump casing position for welding. @ TOoRISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SH!, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No. G527369 - 8/28 4, Lifting the motor The motor assembly mass is approx. 6000 ke. Don’t remove the temporary cover during lifting work. In case removal of temporary cover during motor lifting (shown in the next page) is impossible, following condisions must be secured, + Don't damage sealing surface. * Don't damage motor set. * Prevent any dust from sealing surface. + Prevent any dust entering motor inside. * Prevent any shook from impeller. If the above mentioned instructions are not secured, performance and operation of the pump/motor unit should not be guaranteed. ‘Take great care in case the other procedure than that written in this manual would be carried out. Set the terminal box orientation as per General Arrangement Drawing (DRAWING NO. 093090630 ) Terminal box Don't _remove Temporary cover. Mass approx. 6000 ke RM Termine! box Discharge nozzle ZA Motor cooler @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIVATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No, G527369 - 9 / 28) Paint the bolt numbers on both pump casing and motor flange. (1 to 16) Then remove the temporary cover and inspect pump and Motor sealing surfaces Temporary cover is approx. 130 kg. When removing a cover, be careful enough about a damage to motor set and sealing surfaces, Temporary Bolts number 1 to 16 cover it t E saw a T | cH @ TOoRISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN Dwa.No,] 527369 ~ 10 / 28} Strip paint around measuring points. ot Bottom of pump casing. (4 points.) ~Top of Motor fiange. (4 points.) 5] 4 section: (A) = Bok 2-3 Bolt_6=7 Q)|| Bolt 10-17 Bolt 14-15 Pum) Strip paint, SS) 4 points each oe [Motor Tange] @ TOoRISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA~CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN. eee 527369 ~ 11 / 28 5. Tightening of Stud Bolts 5.1 Determination Starting Position Mesure dimensions B & C at 4 points each by Digital depth gauge or Inside micro meter. 3The variation of each value should be within 0,05mm_ Maxvalue ~ Min.value <0.05 Initial Tightening Starting Position “A” should be calculated by the formula below. Initial Tighing Starting Positon “A” A=C-B+1.6 Record Dimensions (A, B, C) (Recording format : Page 27) 2K B: Average value of measured 4 points. C: Average value of measured 4 points. ‘\ Pump cosing lt t Heat barrier|_f> a: Motor frange @® TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 171-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No. G527369 - 12 / 28 Set the Gasket (4113) on the groove of Heat barrier. Refer to Sectional Arrangement Drawing about parts number 4113. (DRAWING NO. 093090641 ) Locate washers and nuts on Stud bolts, as the heads of stud bolts protrude approx.170mm from motor flange. Goat threads of Stud bolts and nuts end with molybdenum sulfide. Starting distance “A” should be measured by inside micrometer and confirm the measured is"A” within the above calculated A" £0.1mm, Measured “A” ~ Caluculated “A” S_-£0.1mm Heat berrier_ (=== | i =<} Gasket \_] Li Motor flange | lh e 1 \ coprox. 170m Washer x16 J Nut «16, o_o Inside 1 a micrometer a} i @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIVATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHL OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No, G527369 - 13 / 28 Indicate mating mark between each nut and motor flange, r Motor flange Mating mark Mating mark. Nut Scale Division @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA~CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHL, OSAKA, JAPAN eee Ne: G527369 - 14 / 28) 5.2 Tightening by Bolt Heaters (1) Turn off all the switch of the switch box. (2) Connect the Power supply cable for Switch box. NP:NAME PLATE. _No-Plate nich O78) . | \ recital sk Cable Gland Poi Conection Power Supply Coble @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHL, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No. G527369 - 15 / 28 (3) Connect all the Bolt heaters Sch bax to the Switch box. ‘BX conect Bolt Heaters (include ‘wo Spare Bolt Heaters) No.1: 8 Bolt Heaters (4) Set the 16 bolt heaters to each stud bolt. / SCS a RaEETE Screw iny @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO.,LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA~CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHL OSAKA, JAPAN DWG.No.| _G527369 - 16 / 28) (8) Switch on Group No.1 bolt heaters. (8 heaters.) Don't turn on the switch while Bolt. heaters have not been set in the stud bolts. (8) Confirm all the stud bolts of Group No.1 are being heated up. (7) During the heating up process, surface temperature of the stud bolts should not be allowed to exceed 300 °C. The temperature can be monitored e.g. with aid of temperature crayon or surface thermometer. 4 CAUTION Don't touch bolt surface while they are hot. (Group No.1: @ (position No.:1, Group No.2:O (position No. + De Power supply Power Subply | < 3000 Ny, |{H-+-_++_ 1 T Kt f @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 191-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No, G527369 - 17 / 28 (8) Tighten each nut for Group No.1 Stud bolts by 20 scale divisions. (9) Switch off all bolt heaters and let the stud bolts cool down to approx.60°C. (Group No.1 Stud bolts) (10) Then switch on the Group No.2 bolt heaters. (11) Tighten these 8 nuts for Group No.2 Stud bolts by 35 scale divisions. Group No.1 Stud bolts Nut Scale Division < 600 (— \ sutace vamorter Nut Scale Division @® TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 171-6, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No, G527369 - 18 / 28) (12) Switch off the Group No.2 bolt heaters and let the stud bolts cool down to approx. 100°C. < 100 Sitoce thermometer (13) Switch on the Group No.1 bolt heaters. Group No.1 Stud bolts (14) Tighten the nuts for Group No.1 additional 15 scale divisions. total 35 scale divisions ) (15) After all the stud bolts are cooled down to ambient temperature, the flange to flange distance “A’ ” should be measured 4 points by inside micrometer and confirm the uniform tightening, Record the distances. (Recording format : Page 28) @ TOoRISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKISSHL OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No, G527369 - 19 / 28 6. Installation of Motor Cooler (1) Clean up the ses by the thinner, ig surfaces of flanges (2) flanges D,2,@ should be tightened uniformly and diagonally. Check the flange distance. ‘* The flange positions should be adjusted to be able to tighten easily 4 bolts of flange. (4 bolts should not touch the hole of flange) (3) Tightening torque (unit “kef -m”) @D 2” : 46 to 57 @ 1 : 31to 38 @ - : @to 7 (4) Tighten the bolts (mark @)) of the cooler support. Coe ® = ASME2500Ib RJ 2” | BOLT SIZE : NUT SIZE: GASKET 1-8UNC 1-BUNC X 180 R26 OCTAGONAL @® + ASME2500Ib RJ 1” a [ BOLT SIZE NUT SIZE GASKET BOLT SIZE NUT SIZE O-RING: 2 7/8-9UNG : 7/8-9UNC X 130 : R18 OCTAGONAL 1.1/8-8UN $5 100 2 11/8-BUN X 140 ] @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 171-8, MIYATA-GHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No. G527369 - 20 / 28 7. Installation of the Cooling Water Piping and the Instruments Connect the cooling water piping and install the instruments. The cooling water piping should be flexible to be free the pump set movement by the heat expansion and contraction of main boiler piping. The pumping set should be primed with clean and cold water immediately after completion of erection, because of motor prevention. Primiy procedure refer to O&M manual item4.1 @ : ASME 150!b RF 3” BOLT SIZE NUT SIZE @® :_ ASEM 150lb RF 1” 5/8-11UNC 5/8-11UNC BOLT SIZE: 1/2-13UNC NUT SIZE: 1/2-13UNC @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. DWG. No. G527369 - 21 / 28) 1-1-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKF-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN 8. Dismantling and Hanging down of the Motor 8.1 Preparation of Dismantling (1) Drainage ( Procedure: refer to O&M manual item 5.4 ) (2) Dismantling of the piping and the Instrument. (3) Dismantling of the Motor Cooler. (4) Set the chain block on the motor lifting lug. (8) Prepare the bolt heaters, a switch box and spanner. Motor Lifting Lug Bolt heater (x 18) @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No. G527369 - 22 / 28 8.2 Dismantling of the Motor (1) Turn off all the switch of the switch box. Switch box Front View mt prevery al eet! cum beeeer € e Ta ae ly Cable Coster NP:NAME PLATE jo-Piate Tay d mG | Terminal Block \ External Grounding Tersinal Switch box Front View (2) Connect the Power supply cable + for Switch box. PEAT cote cong eae ly cable Het LZ « ¢ € p Conection [ Power Supply Coble @® TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1 3, MIYATA~CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN. DWG. No. G527369 - 23 / 28) (3) Connect all the Bolt heaters to the Switch box. (4) Set the 16 bolt heaters to each stud bolt. fieXconect Halt Heaters (Include ‘wo Spare Bolt Heaters)| Sin 7,18 Bolt Heatera ‘ore spare [Set the Galt Hester 216 @ TOoRISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 0, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No. G527369 - 24 / 28 (5) Switch on Group all bolt heaters. (16 heaters.) (6) Turn on 16 switches for bolt heaters. (Exclude 2 * spare bolt heaters.) Don't turn on the switch while Bolt heaters have not been set in the stud bolts, ‘ae [Switch on: @ (All bolt heaters ) Switch box cre Switch (x18) Switch off (No.17,18 Bott heaters cre spare) rr supply Power supaly @ TOoRISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No, G527369 - 25 / 28 (7) Confirm all the stud bolts of Group No.1 are being heated up. (8) During the heating up process, surface temperature of the stud bolts should not be allowed to exceed 300 °C. The temperature can be monitored e.g. with aid of temperature crayon or surface thermometer. 4 CAUTION Don't touch bolt surface while they are hot. (8) Unscrew the nuts and remove washers. Hang down the motor by chain block. < 3000 G 7 Sete teens @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. 1-1-8, MIVATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHL OSAKA, JAPAN DWG. No. G527369 - 26 / 28 ‘Set the cover (10) Set the cover. + Wooden Supports (® TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. GO., LTD. 1. 3, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI, OSAKA, JAPAN ae G527369 - 27 / 28 sattteeR GRA) ‘9H Product No: Tightening Record (At Site) jést_Pump Twe ymrral SE, Bay IFA) SE, Bolt No. Measure [Ww omurbaa Gun) EE View from Suction End ana (scale:1/100ren)|(scale:t/100mm)| BRAM SRT SeaNisaS) ate) 22508 Fe refeece Av | ante se Det fron T3057) 35: Average] ats Whim Oath EEA) Initial Starting Distance A=0-B+16= £0.1(mm) ‘STRIGLE (Measure points) Te be [ASHI |ACHD] aa before tightening) last tighten BRE $RHTET (before tightening) measure [OE nea] atSE | Bate Wo: oven ccaerioma| Calelete | : | Vi fll -= - ; ! ! 1 Ered HS 1) BCARAS Ar RENTHSIMELTS. (Measurement after last tightening) pds a ate atten rere @ BobAoaetos eo foveamtlt } 05mm TF 5 © sere a5 #2 K ‘atwortmretpn: 2 © EAI ONEMBRT Seat Ent i micesen —— ee en compete seal power will not be performed, Signature Name Data @ TORISHIMA PUMP MFG. CO., LTD. ‘1-1-8, MIYATA-CHO, TAKATSUKI-SHI OSAKA, JAPAN bases 527389 - 28 / 28}

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