The Palmarian Creed

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The Palmarian Creed

Composed by the Venerable Fathers of the Holy and Great Palmarian Council, united together
in the Holy Ghost, under the direction and with the approbation of His Holiness Pope Gregory

Given in Seville at the Apostolic See, the 30th March, Palm Sunday, in the Year of Our Lord
Jesus Christ MCMLXXX, and second of the Pontificate of the Pope now gloriously reigning.

I BELIEVE in one true God, Most Pure Spirit, Almighty, Living, Creative and Eternal,
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost: One Divine Essence in three truly distinct
Persons, coequal and coeternal one with another.
I believe that the Triune God is eternal Love, infinitely good, holy, wise and beautiful, just
and merciful, provident, munificent, free and truthful, immutable, immense and
omnipresent, having one intelligence and one will in most perfect harmony; beginning and
end of all things, without past, without future, in one eternal present.
I confess one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity; Mystery of mysteries, prefigured in the
Old Law, fully revealed by Jesus Christ.
I adore Three Divine Persons, I venerate their ineffable community, their inexhaustible
happiness; and with the Angels I praise: Distinctness in Persons, Oneness in Essence,
Equality in majesty and glory.
I believe that God, to reveal His glory and share with us His love and happiness, moved by a
most vehement desire, decreed the Work of Creation.

I believe in one Lord God, Father Almighty and unbegotten, First Person of the Most Holy
Trinity, Creator of Heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, Who made all things
out of nothing.
I believe that the Work of Creation described in Genesis, was made in a single instant divided
into instants, within the twenty-four natural hours of the first and only Day of Creation,
called Dominica, or Day of the Lord.
I believe that, before all things, God created first the Most Divine Soul of Christ united to the
Word of God; immediately afterwards the Divine Soul of Mary associated to the Divine
Continuing, He created the Angels, of whom a third part sinned and were cast into Hell.
Then He created all visible things; and, as culmination of all these, He formed the first man
Adam of the clay of the earth, breathed into him an immortal soul created to the image and
likeness of God. And, out of his rib, God formed Eve, his wife, and breathed also into her an
immortal soul.
Man, so created, is able to know and to love God and to render Him homage in the name of
all the visible creation.
In His infinite goodness, God created our first parents in the state of original justice:
communicating to them the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, bestowing upon them the
preternatural gifts: immortality of the body, freedom from concupiscence and infused
But, deceived by the ancient serpent, Adam, by his disobedience to God, lost original justice;
and, by divine decree, lost it as well for all his descendants with the exception of Mary,
leaving to them an inheritance of death, original sin.
I believe that at the moment of conception of each human being, God continues to create the
soul, but now deprived of Sanctifying Grace.
I believe that God, in the fullness of time, in His infinite goodness and mercy, sent His
Onlybegotten Son to accomplish the Work of Reparation and Redemption.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, Onlybegotten
Son of the Father, true God and true Man; one Divine Person with two natures: the divine
and the human, two intelligences, two wills and one memory that is human.
I believe that Jesus Christ, as God, is consubstantial with the Father and with the Holy
Ghost. He is the Word of God, Uncreated Wisdom, begotten, not made, born eternally of the
Father. God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, and by Him all things were made.
I believe that His Most Divine Soul is truly human, with most perfect plenitude of grace,
with the highest degree of infused knowledge and most sublime vision of God.
I believe that the Divine Word, without leaving the glory of the Father, came down from
Heaven, and, for the salvation of mankind, in marvellous manner was made flesh in the most
pure womb of the Virgin Mary, not through the work of man, but through the action and
grace of the Holy Ghost, and He was made Man.
I believe that He was born in Bethlehem in the year five thousand one hundred and ninety-
nine of the Creation of the world, and that He was in all things like as we are, but without
I believe that our Divine Saviour, during His hidden life in Nazareth, was subject to
obedience in the heart of the Holy Family, also called the August Trinity on earth.
And that, during the three years of His public life, in His sublime mission as Envoy of the
Father, He proclaimed the Kingdom of God, and confirmed His Divinity and Doctrine by
His example and miracles.
I believe that, under the authority of Pontius Pilate, He suffered a most shameful and cruel
Passion, and was crucified; and, commending His spirit to the Father, He immolated Himself
and died, and thus He consummated the continuous offertory of His whole life.
I believe that, through this admirable and sublime Sacrifice, He accomplished the infinite
and necessary reparation to the Father.
I confess that, as gratuitous consequence of this act of reparation, came superabundantly the
redemption of mankind; and that it all expressed the most complete triumph of the infinite
goodness of God over sin. That which man’s pride and disobedience had lost, divine
obedience restored with increase. O happy fault! When love overcame hate! By the fruit of
the Virgin’s womb, was crushed forever the head of the infernal serpent. Where there was
defeat, now there is victory! Where the fruit of the tree of Paradise brought death, the Fruit
of the Tree of Calvary restored life. Where darkness prevailed, now reigns the light!
I believe that, from the side of the Divine Reparator and Redeemer, came forth, cleansed and
renewed, the New Church, with the Wisdom of the Sacraments.
I believe that, in His Soul united to the Divinity, He descended into Hell, chained Satan,
liberated the souls of the just in the Bosom of Abraham, filled the souls of Purgatory with
hope; and all bent their knee at the holy and terrible Name of Jesus.
Taken down from the wood of the Cross, wrapped in the Holy Shroud, borne to the Holy
Sepulchre, His Body, united to the Divinity, received the adoration of the Angelic Choirs.
I believe that Jesus Christ, Almighty God, His Body and Soul united, glorious and immortal,
rose on the third day from the dead by His own power, fulfilling the Scriptures, and leaving
us the greatest proof of His Divinity, the foundation of our Faith, pattern of our spiritual
life, cause and hope of our resurrection to come.
I believe that first He appeared to His Most Holy Mother; then to Saint Mary Magdalen, to
the other holy women, to Saint Peter and the other Apostles: to fortify them and instruct
them in the Faith, to confirm them in their powers, to send them to preach the Gospel and to
baptize every creature — which is indispensable for salvation — charging them to remain
together in Jerusalem until the Coming of the Holy Ghost, and promising to be with them
until the consummation of the ages.
I believe that, on the fortieth day, while blessing the disciples, He ascended by His own
power to Heaven with majesty and glory, to the acclamations and jubilee of the Angels and
of all the Blessed who accompanied Him in so happy a triumph. And, in the sight of all, with
the Light shining from His Divine Face, as Supreme King, He threw open the gates of
Heaven; and there He is seated at the right hand of the Father, equal to Him in glory as God,
and, as Man, greater in glory than all others.
I believe that from there He will come, with the same majesty and glory, to judge the living
and the dead, as Supreme and Just Judge with irrevocable judgement; and of His Kingdom
there will be no end.
I believe that Jesus, as God, is King of Infinite Majesty, and, as Man, is temporal King of the
Jews; since, as legal son of Saint Joseph, He is by descent heir to the throne of David.
I believe that He is the Christ, the Anointed, the Angel Mediator, the Great Prophet, and the
Eternal High Priest Melchisedech.

I believe in one Lord God the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity,
Creator and Renewer of the face of the earth, giver of life and sanctifier of souls, advocate
and consoler of us men, Divine Love and most sweet union of the Father and the Son.
I believe that the Holy Ghost, unbegotten, uncreated, proceeds eternally from the infinite
love of the Father and the Son, as from one principle, and is consubstantial with Them and
together with Them is adored and glorified.
I believe that the Holy Ghost is Himself Sanctifying Grace, the Great Supernatural Gift Who
dwells truly in the souls of the just, regenerates them in Baptism, makes them divine, living
temples of God, sons and heirs of His glory.
I believe that He is the Soul of the Church, Spouse of the living souls of the faithful, and that
— according to their co-operation — He fills them with His gifts and fruits.
I believe that the Holy Ghost, on the Day of Creation, covered the waters with His shadow,
giving life to all.
That He dwelt in the Ark of Noe, confounded the tongues of Babel, justified Abraham, our
father in the Faith, fortified Isaac, figure of Christ, guided Jacob, figure of the Church,
taught Moses observance of the Law, made him captain of the people of Israel, and dwelt in
the Ark of the Covenant.
He spoke by the prophets, anointed kings, gave courage to the captains, descended over the
Virgin Mary, appeared over the Jordan, was poured out in the Blood of the Victim
immolated on the Cross, came in tongues of fire over the Apostles, fortified the martyrs of
Christ, continues to speak by the Magisterium of the Church; and lavishes Himself over the
Palmarian Apostles, who prepare the way for the Return of Christ and for His Messianic
Kingdom of peace on earth.
O most vehement Fire of Love! O Most Sweet Dove! O Fountain of Wisdom! O Breeze of
Consolation! O Most Blessed Light! O Breath of God! Infinite Ocean of Light! Dispeller of
darkness! Impetuous Wind of Salvation! Splendour of the Glory of God! O Most Loving Gift
of souls!

I believe that the Most Holy Virgin Mary, real and most perfect creature, is the true Mother
of God, conceived eternally in the mind of God as His worthy companion.
I believe that Her Divine Soul, through participation in the Most Divine Soul of Christ, with
which She was spiritually espoused, was full of the Holy Ghost from the very instant of Her
creation, and full of all virtues and graces to a degree never suspected — with most perfect
light to understand the exalted mission for which She was created; enjoying the beatific
vision, endowed with infused knowledge, in a plenitude of light and grace, not only for
Herself, but also for Her to pour out over all creatures.
I believe that Mary, Most Loving Companion of God, is Mother and Heart of Creation,
Sweetness of grace, sublime Joy, untold Praise, ecstatic Presence, Breath of rapture,
exquisite Touch, mystical Cadence, Taste of delight, Cooing of the Creator Spirit over the
I believe that Mary Most Holy is the Woman announced in Genesis to crush the head of the
infernal serpent, and that She is prefigured in the Old Testament:
Eve, as mother of all the living; Sara, in miraculous fruitfulness and as mother of the son of
promise; Rebecca, as mother of the chosen people; Rachel, in the immolation of giving birth
to the Mystical Christ; Deborah, as captain of the Hosts of the Lord and Mother of the
Church; Ruth, as model of virtue, handmaid of the Lord and gleaner of souls; Judith, as
fortitude and sword of God; Esther, as sublime star of salvation; The mother of the
Machabees, as mother and courage of the martyrs.
O Mary! Described by the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament, sung by the Angels, expected
by the Patriarchs, announced by the Prophets.
O Immaculate and Most Pure Dove! Graceful as the Palm! Who is She that cometh forth as
the morning rising, Fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle
array? She is the splendour of the eternal light, the unstained mirror of the ways of God, the
image of His goodness.
O Mary! How fair Thou art! As the rod of Aaron that flowered without plough or seed, as the
bush that burned without being consumed. O garden enclosed! O fountain sealed up!
Of Thee the Holy Prophet Isaias announced: “The Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold
a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son: and His name shall be called Emmanuel”.
O Mary! Let my tongue, united with the angelic choirs, exalt Thy glories, repeating: Holy,
Holy, Holy art Thou, O Mary! Mother of God and ever Virgin.
I believe that Mary Most Holy was begotten by the work of man, of Her presanctified
parents, Anne and Joachim; She was conceived without original sin and endowed with most
perfect beauty, spiritual and human.
I believe that Mary Most Holy was free as well from all personal sin, and that in view of the
sublime dignity of Mother of God, merited the singular privilege to be the Irredeemed, since
She who never knew sin could not be redeemed.
I believe that the Immaculate Virgin Mary, in the very instant of Her Most Pure Conception,
enjoyed the use of reason; and, fully conscious of the sublime gifts received from God, —
which surpass those given to all other creatures together — with most profound and perfect
humility, most vehement desire and most generous response, offered Her whole Self to Her
Divine Spouse, the Creator, consecrating to Him the first fruits of Her being: the exquisite
lily of the Perpetual Vow of Virginity.
I believe that the Divine Mary, in the womb of Saint Anne, — Sanctuary of the Tabernacle
of God — with unceasing and heroic acts of Faith, Hope and Charity, revered, praised and
adored the Infinite Majesty in the Unity and Trinity of God, for Herself and for all creatures.
With sublime prostrations and many sighings She interceded and prayed for the salvation of
all mankind, and vehemently implored the Heavenly Father to hasten the hour of the
coming of the Promised Messias.
I believe that the divine Child Mary, in most sublime ecstasy, absorbed and withdrawn from
all sensible things, was born resplendently beautiful, as became Her dignity of Spouse of God,
filling mankind with plentiful hope.
Her devout parents gave Her the Most Sweet Name of Mary, as God had decreed and
communicated through the ministry of the Angels; at this Name, with profound reverence,
all bow their heads, in heaven, on earth, and in hell.
I believe that the Divine Princess was presented and left as ward in the Temple by Her
parents, at the age of three years — to the admiration of the priests and of all those in the
service of God, being Herself model and example of the religious life.
I believe that God, in His Infinite Wisdom, in order that this exalted Lady be able to work in
the sublime mission to which She was consecrated, in certain moments of Her life, suspended
Her infused knowledge and other most divine gifts, leaving Her in the ordinary condition and
state of the virtues, and thus, with the practice of heroic virtue, to be the admiration of the
Angels and the perfect model of mankind.
I believe that Mary, the Sovereign Princess, in an act of indescribable renunciation and
obedience, and the immolation of Her own will, full of faith and confidence in Her Creator,
accepted with supreme charity the divine command: being espoused at the age of seventeen
years with a just man of the House of David, called Joseph, chosen through a singular
providence of God.
I believe that, when the fulness of time was come, the Most High chose to reveal Himself to
men and to accomplish the Salvific Work of Redemption. He sent the Holy Archangel
Gabriel to the city of Nazareth, accompanied by innumerable Angels, to announce to the
Virgin Mary the Mystery of the Incarnation and to ask for Her consent, which She gave,
pronouncing Her Fiat.
I believe that, at that very moment, the Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary, forming of the
Most Pure Blood of the Virgin a most perfect body of a Child; and, in the same instant, was
united to this Body the Word of God and His Most Divine Soul; without ceasing to be God,
He became true Man.
I believe that Mary, Mother of God and ever Virgin, rapt in heavenly ecstasy, brought forth
Her Divine Son Jesus in a stable of Bethlehem — Who, coming forth from the Maternal
Womb like a ray of sunlight that passes through crystal without shattering or staining it,
was adored by Mary and Joseph; thus fulfilling the Scripture: “My spikenard exhaled her
And, at these glad tidings, the heavens smile, the stars sing, the Angels chant praise,
shepherds and kings adore, the hills dance with delight. The Messias is come! The
Expectation of the nations! All the Universe leaps for joy!
I believe that this Most Pure Mother, in obedience to the Law, in a supreme act of humility,
went to the Temple, in company with Saint Joseph, to submit Herself to the legal rite of
Purification and Presentation of Her Divine Son, and heard from the lips of the holy and
venerable Simeon this most dolorous prophecy: “And Thy own Soul a sword shall pierce”.
I believe that the Immaculate Virgin Mary, requested and received the Holy Sacrament of
Baptism from the hands of Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, obtaining the common
priesthood of the faithful and a greater plenitude of grace.
I believe that Mary Most Holy is Universal Mediatrix in the Dispensation of all graces,
Suppliant Omnipotence — a privilege that She uses continuously, as is well proved at the
marriage of Cana, when She hastened the hour of the first public miracle, or manifestation of
the glory of Christ.
I believe that Mary is Co-reparatrix, because she suffered in Her spirit all the pains that
Christ suffered in His flesh, offering to the Father the death of Her son and Her own spiritual
death, thus accomplishing a Co-priestly mission with Christ.
I believe that Mary is Co-redemptrix of mankind, because She united the pains and countless
afflictions of Her life to the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not as mere co-
operation, but as authentic suffering of the Passion.
Therefore I believe most firmly that the Most Holy Virgin Mary is Co-priest of Christ the
Eternal High Priest, and that this real and true Priesthood of Mary is inferior to the Supreme
Priesthood of Jesus Christ, greatly superior to the Ministerial Priesthood and immensely
superior to the Common Priesthood of the faithful.
I believe that Mary Co-priest is Spouse of Christ the Eternal High Priest, and Most Pure
Spouse of Priests.
I believe that Mary is Mother of the Church, because the Church is the Mystical Body of
I believe that Mary is Mother of Mankind, because all men are called to be grafted into the
Mystical Body of Christ.
I believe that Mary is Treasuress and Universal Dispensatrix of all graces, because She is an
inexhaustible Treasure and Store of grace, which with prodigal abundance She lavishes on
Her children.
I believe that Mary is the tender Mother of Priests, since She is Mother of Christ the Eternal
High Priest.
I believe that Mary Most Holy was present at the Ascension of Her Divine Son, and
participated in His glorious entrance into Heaven.
I believe that Mary, Help of Christians, gathered and presided over the Disciples in the
Cenacle, and that they were persevering with one mind in prayer and recollection, when the
Holy Ghost came down visibly upon them in the form of tongues of fire.
I believe that Mary is the Divine Shepherdess of Souls, because, as Mother, in the name of
Christ, She shepherds the flock of the Church.
I believe that Mary is the Divine Doctoress of the Church because She is the Seat of Wisdom.
I believe that the Most Holy Virgin Mary did not die, but that, living in Jerusalem, at the
age of seventy-four years, there came over Her a most gentle Dormition in the presence of
the Apostles and Holy Women.
I believe that Her Most Pure Body, united to Her Divine Soul, was placed in a sepulchre,
where She received the veneration of the Angels, of the Blessed and of the first Christians.
I believe that, on the third day, gently waking, She was Assumed into Heaven in Body and
Soul, not by ministry of Angels, but by the virtue that belongs to a glorified body. She was
accompanied by Her Divine Son Who descended from Heaven, and by all the Court of
Mary Assumed into Heaven! O wonder never seen! Who is She that cometh up from the
desert like the lily that grows in the valleys, like the fragrance of myrrh and frankincense,
full of light and majesty? She is the delight of the Angels, the wonder of Heaven, the
consolation of men, the joy of mankind, the happiness and peace of the earth, the health of
the world, unfathomable abyss of the divine mercies.
Mary Assumed into Heaven! Behold with delight the Rose of Jericho, more comely than all
comeliness, more beautiful than all beauty, more perfect than all perfections that are to be
admired in the Universe.
O Ladder of Jacob! O Lily of Zabulon! O Rod of Moses! O Fleece of Gedeon!
Mary Assumed into Heaven! O prodigy worthy of Infinite Wisdom! O most faithful image of
the Divine Face of Jesus!
I believe that the August Mary was crowned by the Most Holy Trinity, and is seated at the
right hand of Her Divine Son as Queen of Heaven and earth, whence She exercises Her
sovereign power over the Angels and Saints and all other creatures.
I believe in the spiritual Presence, real and true, of the Most Holy Virgin in the Holy
Eucharist, in kneeling position, adoring God and supplicating for all mankind.
I believe that the Most Holy Virgin Mary, as Spouse of the Holy Ghost, dwells in the souls of
the just, and that this presence, spiritual and real, is acquired, firstly and principally, in
The Holy Ghost speaks thus in the Book of Wisdom: “Then the Creator of all things
commanded and said to me: and He that made me rested in my tabernacle. And He said to
me: Let thy dwelling be in Jacob and thy inheritance in Israel, and take root in my elect”.
I believe that Mary is Health of Mankind, because on Her depends the salvation of many,
since without Mary there is no possible salvation.
I believe that Mary is the Divine Infirmarian because, as Co-priest, She cures the souls of
O Mary! Of Thee the Apocalypse says:
“And I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her Bridegroom”.
I believe the Most Holy Virgin Mary is the Precursoress of the Second Coming of Our Lord
Jesus Christ.
I believe and confess that the exalted creature called Mary, has attained all these privileges
as worthy Mother of God, and that the abyss of all Her mysteries lies hidden in this Wisdom:
Mary, Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, Spouse of God the Holy Ghost,
Temple and Sanctuary of the Most Holy Trinity and Mystical City of God. O Mary! Greater
than Thou — God alone!

I believe that the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, the Just Man, was predestined from all
eternity in the mind of God for the most high dignity of Virginal Spouse of Mary and
Virginal Father of Jesus.
I believe that Saint Joseph is prefigured in the Old Testament:
Adam, natural father of the human race: Saint Joseph, Spiritual Father; Noe, captain of the
Ark of Salvation; Abraham, father in the Faith and model of obedience; Joseph, son of
Jacob, son of predilection and model of chastity and fidelity; Aaron, chosen miraculously
through the rod which flowered; Moses, who spoke with God face to face; David, king and
fearless warrior of God.
I believe that the Patriarch Saint Joseph was presanctified in the womb of his mother in the
third month of his conception; and that his soul, from that very instant, rejoiced in the
indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Confirmed in grace, free from concupiscence of the flesh, by
divine providence he was unable ever to sin.
I believe that the Patriarch Saint Joseph is the man full of grace — and that, after Mary, he
surpasses all Angels and Saints together.
I believe that Saint Joseph, from the very instant of his Presanctification, enjoyed the use of
reason, infused knowledge and other exalted gifts. He consecrated himself to God by the Vow
of Perpetual Virginity, and rejoiced in the beatific vision, as in many other moments of his
I believe that Joseph Most Holy was born in the city of Bethlehem to his holy parents Jacob
and Rachel; and that this exalted man was always of an indescribable beauty.
I believe that the virginal Saint Joseph, at the age of twenty-six years, was espoused to the
Most Holy Virgin Mary.
I believe that also of Joseph Most Holy, in certain moments of his life, God, in His Infinite
Wisdom, suspended the infused knowledge and other exalted gifts, that he might exercise
virtue in heroic degree.
I believe that Joseph Most Holy, knowing that his Spouse, the Virgin Mary, had conceived
the Son of the Eternal Father through the work of the Holy Ghost, as he was a just and
humble man, considered himself unworthy to live in company with the Mother of God, and
to represent the Eternal Father, legally. Therefore, with unspeakable sorrow, he pondered
leaving Her in secret.
I believe that Joseph Most Holy exulted with indescribable joy on receiving through the
Angel the divine command to remain in the company of Mary, and to exercise legal
fatherhood over the Son of God by imposing the Name of Jesus.
I firmly believe and confess that Joseph Most Holy never at any moment doubted the
virginal purity of Mary.
I believe that Joseph Most Holy, in obedience to the Law, circumcised the Son of God and
called His Name Jesus, exercising his Legal Fatherhood and mission of Co-priest with Mary.
Therefore I firmly believe that the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph is Co-priest of Mary, and
that this real and true Priesthood of Joseph is inferior to the Priesthood of Mary, superior to
the Ministerial Priesthood, and greatly superior to the Common Priesthood of the faithful.
I believe that Joseph Most Holy is Father and Doctor of the Church.
I believe that Saint Joseph, because of his most high dignity as Virginal Spouse of Mary and
Virginal Father of Jesus, exercises, as Coadjutor of the Exalted Mother of God, the
Prerogatives of Co-reparator, Co-redeemer, Co-mediator, Co-treasurer and Co-dispenser, as
well as many other exalted privileges.
I believe that Joseph Most Holy, shortly before the public life of Christ began, died of love in
the arms of Jesus and Mary.
I believe that the August Saint Joseph is in Heaven in Body and Soul, seated at the right of
his August Spouse, whence he reigns over the Angels and Saints, and all other creatures.
O Joseph Most Holy! Vicar of God the Father, Guardian of God the Son, Bosom Friend of
God the Holy Ghost, Custodian of the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, Protector and
Defender of the Church.

I believe that Anne Most Holy is the Mother of the Virgin Mary, and that she was
presanctified in the womb of her mother in the fourth month of her conception: the Holy
Ghost dwelling in her soul from that very instant and filling her with most high grace.
I believe that Anne Most Holy was born in Sephoris, close to Nazareth, and was espoused to
Joachim Most Holy, of the House of David.
I believe that Anne Most Holy conceived the Mother of God in the City of Jerusalem, and
that she gave birth in Sephoris.
I believe that Anne Most Holy is in Heaven in body and soul, seated at the right of Saint
Joseph, above all the Angels and Saints.

I believe that Joachim Most Holy is Father of the Virgin Mary, and that he was presanctified
in the womb of his mother in the fifth month of his conception: the Holy Ghost dwelling in
his soul from that very instant and filling him with most high grace.
I believe that Joachim Most Holy was born in Sephoris.
I believe that Joachim Most Holy is in Heaven in Body and Soul seated at the right of his
Spouse, above all the Angels and Saints.

I believe that Saint John the Baptist is the Precursor of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that he
was presanctified in the womb of his mother in the sixth month of his conception, on the
occasion of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Her cousin Saint Elizabeth: rejoicing from
that very instant in the indwelling of the Holy Ghost.

I believe that the Holy Prophet Elias was presanctified in the womb of his mother in the
seventh month of his conception: rejoicing from that very instant in the indwelling of the
Holy Ghost. He was taken up, without dying, in a chariot of fire, and will return close to the
Second Coming of Christ.

I believe in the Angels, pure spirits, sublime images of God. Proved in love, confirmed in
grace, they behold without cease the Face of God, and fulfill at each moment the divine will.
Myriads upon myriads is their number; nine choirs in three hierarchies, they sing the praises
of God. Charged with the guardianship of men, they protect them from evil and guide them
towards Heaven. At the end of the ages they will sound the trumpets for Judgement and
gather together the elect from the four winds of the earth.
There excel, among all the Angels, the seven Archangels who stand in the presence of God,
who serve the Lord and who are charged with the principal missions:
Saint Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, Saint Uriel, Saint
Cediel, Saint Cedechiel and Saint Jereniel.

I believe in the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian. One in Faith, One in
government, One in the Sacraments. Holy for its Founder, Holy for its Doctrine and its
Sacraments, Holy in many of its members. Catholic, that is, Universal, since it is for all
peoples, all times, and embraces all truths. Apostolic, for the succession of its Hierarchy,
Apostolic for the ori- gin of its Doctrine and Worship, Apostolic for its mission. Palmarian,
since the See of Peter was first in Jerusalem, and rested briefly in Antioch. This Apostolic
See, by divine decree, was translated to Rome, and due to the apostasy of Rome, it has been
translated, by divine decree, to El Palmar de Troya in Spain; and, in the end, it will return
again to Jerusalem.
I believe that the Church, Catholic and Palmarian, is the Mother and Mistress of Souls; She
alone teaches the true and unchanging Doctrine contained in the Deposit of Revelation: Holy
Scripture, Holy Tradition, the Dogmatic Definitions of the Popes and of the Holy
Ecumenical Councils — and She alone is authorised to interpret it.
I believe that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, founded on the one Rock in the
person of Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles.
I believe and confess that the Pope, by the will of Christ, is the Visible Head of the Church
and Immovable Rock, Vicar of Christ, Successor of Saint Peter, Universal Father and
Doctor, Supreme Pontiff and Chief Shepherd, Symbol and guarantee of unity, Sweet Christ
on earth.
I believe and confess that the Pope enjoys the charism of Infallibility when, as Universal
Doctor, he defines a truth in matters of Faith or Morals for the whole Church.
I believe and confess that the Pope, as Vicar of Christ the King of the Universe, possesses
supreme power in the spiritual and in the temporal by divine right, as well as full power as
Sovereign, being Lord, Administrator and Distributor of all lands. This fullness of power is
represented in the two keys.
The Pope, then, is named: Abraham, for his Patriarchate; Melchisedech, for his Priestly
Order; Moses, for his authority; Samuel, for his jurisdiction; David, for his throne; Peter, for
his power; Christ, for his anointing.
I recognize the Pope with all his rights and privileges, and I submit myself to him with filial
respect and veneration.
I believe that Jesus Christ has constituted the Church with hierarchical order.
I believe that in the Church there are seven true and efficacious Sacraments instituted by
Christ: Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Communion, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders and
I believe that of these Sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders impress a
character in the soul.
O Sacraments of the Church! Fruits of the mystic tree, Fountains of eternal life, Channels of
divine grace. O wisdom of the Sacraments! Each overwhelms the souls of the faithful with
the fruits of the Passion of Christ.
Baptism purifies the soul from all stain of sin, original and personal, remits eternal
punishment, snatches us away from the power of the devil, opens Heaven, communicates the
Holy Ghost, makes us sons of God, incorporates us in the Mystical Body of Christ and gives
the right to the other Sacraments.
Confirmation gives us greater fullness of the Holy Ghost, confers His seven gifts, strengthens
the soul, makes us witnesses and soldiers of Christ, ready for the combat even to martyrdom.
Confession forgives sins, reconciles with God, cleanses the soul, restores or increases the
supernatural life in all who, repentant, sincerely confess their sins to a priest.
O Holy Communion! O Holy Eucharist! O Most Holy Sacrament! In which is received
substantially the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Mary is
received spiritually; prefigured by the manna and the Paschal Lamb, promised by Christ in
the synagogue at Capharnaum and instituted by Christ on the eve of His Passion. O wonder
of divine power! The bread is changed into the Body of Christ, and His presence is multiplied
down through the centuries in innumerable Consecrated Hosts. O prodigy of love! In which
Christ, for love of us, veils His glorious Body beneath the humble appearance of the Host. O
wonder of Divine Wisdom! Through Thee Christ remains amongst us, sacrifices Himself
unceasingly on our altars, delivers Himself as food for our souls and is our viaticum for the
journey to Heaven. O Sacrament of mercy! O sign of unity! O bond of charity! Be Thou
forever blessed and praised, and forever adored!
Extreme Unction purifies from sin, increases grace, succours and fortifies the soul, sometimes
restores health and always prepares for the final combat.
Holy Orders makes of poor mortal men priests forever, confers on them divine Powers to
pardon sins and to bring down onto our altars the Son of God.
Holy Matrimony legalizes and sanctifies the union of man and woman, confers the necessary
grace to live their union in holiness, adorns the Church with new children and symbolizes the
union between Christ and His Church.
I believe that the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, or Holy Sacrifice of the Altar, is the very Sacrifice
of Calvary, perpetuated in unbloody manner. It is the one, perfect and eternal Sacrifice of the
New Covenant, prefigured by the Sacrifice of Melchisedech, the Paschal Lamb and the
sacrifices of the Old Law. Its three essential parts are: the Offertory, the Consecration of the
two species and the Communion of the Celebrant. Four are its ends: to adore God, to give
Him thanks, to atone for sin and to supplicate for the living and the dead. O Pure! O Holy
and Immaculate Sacrifice!
I believe that the Church, in the person of the Pope, has the power to grant Indulgences for
the pardon of temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven, the debt to be paid either in
this life or in Purgatory.
I believe and confess that: outside of the Catholic Palmarian Church, there is no salvation.
O Spouse of Christ! Ark of Salvation! Bark of Peter! Never-failing source of holiness! Church
Visible, Church Indefectible, Church Persecuted and Invincible.
I believe that the Church has instituted the Sacramentals, numerous signs, sensible and
sacred, to honour God, to sanctify souls, to implore gifts and graces and to defend us from the
attacks of the devil.
I believe that the Sacred Images of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed ever-Virgin Mary,
of Her Most Chaste Spouse Saint Joseph and those of all the Angels and Saints, as also their
Holy Relics, should be kept, conserved and given due honour and veneration.
In accord with the teaching of Holy Mother Church, I distinguish worship in this way: to
God is owed that of latria; (adoration) to the Most Holy Virgin Mary is owed that of
hyperdulia; (supreme veneration) to Joseph Most Holy is owed that of protodulia;
(veneration before all others) and to the other Angels and Saints is owed dulia. (veneration)

I believe that the Communion of Saints is the sharing of grace or spiritual goods between
members of the Mystical Body of Christ, composed of: the Church Triumphant, that of the
Blessed in Heaven; the Church suffering, those in Purgatory; and the Church Militant, the
faithful on pilgrimage in the world.
Therefore: the faithful on earth can and ought to help one another with their prayers and
sacrifices; the faithful on earth can and ought to relieve the Holy Souls in Purgatory with
their prayers and good works, to lighten their sufferings and hasten their entry into Glory;
for they are not able to help themselves. The faithful on earth venerate and invoke the
Blessed in Heaven as friends of God, models of Christian life and powerful intercessors. The
faithful on earth venerate and invoke the Holy Souls in Purgatory, dearly beloved of God,
who, in turn, intercede before God for the faithful on earth. The Blessed in Heaven heed the
petitions of the faithful of the Church Militant and of the Church Suffering. O admirable
Communion of Saints, Grandiose manifestation of the charity of God!
I acknowledge and confess that Christ also assists His Church through the ages by
apparitions, miracles, and diverse charismatic and prophetic gifts. A multitude of
sanctuaries, devotions and religious Orders owe to these their existence. In these Last times,
there have multiplied extraordinarily the apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. She, as
Precursoress of the Second Coming of Christ, calls with maternal solicitude for prayer and
penance, announcing plainly the close proximity of the Return of Christ; all culminating
with the Apparitions, mystical phenomena and heavenly messages in El Palmar de Troya,
where Mary, as Divine Shepherdess and Doctoress, prepares and teaches the Church of the
Last Times to go forth to meet Christ.

I believe that the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face is the last and only religious Order of
the Last Times.
I believe that the first religious Order was also that of the Carmelites, founded in ages past on
Mount Carmel by the great and holy Prophet Elias, who imbued it with his spirit of prayer,
penance and devotion to the Virgin Mother of God to come.
I believe that this ancient Carmelite Order prepared for the First Coming of Christ, keeping
alive the authentic traditions of the Chosen People.
I confess that the Carmelite Order, spread through many parts of Christendom, became
relaxed, departing from its primitive Rule, and that later, by divine inspiration, it was
admirably reformed by the exalted Saint Teresa of Avila.
I believe that the most glorious branch of this Reform is that of the Carmelites of the Holy
Face, which, captained by the Most Holy Virgin Mary and the Glorious Patriarch Saint
Joseph, is preparing for the glorious return of Christ to the earth.
I believe that the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, or Crossbearers, are the Marian
Apostles of the Last Times, chosen by God to save the Church and to re-establish order in the

I believe that it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this, the Judgement.
I believe that death is: separation of body and soul, fruit of the sin of Adam, end of our
earthly pilgrimage, end of the time of grace, end of merit or demerit, beginning of eternal life
or eternal death.
I believe that the Particular Judgement occurs at the very moment of death, when each one
is judged according to his works, receiving irrevocably the sentence: eternal salvation or
eternal condemnation.
I believe that Heaven is eternal and absolute happiness, without mixture of any evil, where
the Blessed see God as He is, in the splendour of the Holy Face and the sublime beauty of the
Divine Mary, immersed in the ocean of the Divinity in the company of the whole celestial
court. This is the eternal salvation with which God rewards the good with a joy that never
ends, as Saint Paul says: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered the heart
of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love Him.
I believe that there exists a Purgatory, to which those go who die in the state of grace with
venial sins or debts of temporal punishment for sins already forgiven, to be purified with true
material fire before they may enter Heaven; with most vehement love for God and full
assurance of their salvation, they suffer unspeakable pains in proportion to their sins.
I believe that Hell, or eternal death, is absolute unhappiness, the conglomeration of all evils
without mixture of any good, for those who die in mortal sin; where the demons and the
damned suffer double torment: the pain of loss: deprived forever of the vision of God; the
pain of sense: eternal fire, the pool of brimstone, kindled by the justice of God, in which the
damned are hurled and tormented with eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth, in a sea of
despair, blaspheming and hating without end, horror of horrors, in the furnace of avenging
justice; whence the smoke of their torments shall ascend for ever and ever.
I believe in the existence of Satan, the ancient serpent or Devil, head of all the demons,
father of lies, inventor and instigator of all evil: who, by divine permission, tempts men
without respite to make them sin against God and bring them down into the eternal fire of
I believe that Limbo is the place where the souls of children go who die without Baptism
before the use of reason.
I believe that the Devil, Lucifer, head of all the demons, has been unchained, by divine
permission, in order to sift the Church, giving rise to the first General Apostasy.
I believe that the present time is that announced by the evangelist Saint John in the Book of
the Apocalypse.
I believe that on this General Apostasy follows a dread and awful punishment of purification,
manifestation of the just Wrath of God.
I believe that, following this great purification, Satan again enchained, there arises the
Sacred Hispano-Palmarian Empire or Reign of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
achieved through the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face or Crossbearers.
I believe that, at the end of this Sacred Empire, the Devil is unchained for the last time,
giving rise to the second and last General Apostasy, with the appearance of the Man of
Iniquity, the Antichrist in Person, and the last persecution of the Church.
I believe that, during the Reign of Antichrist, Elias and Henoch will come to preach penance,
leading to the conversion of the Jewish People.
I believe that during the Reign of Antichrist, great chastisements will befall mankind,
culminating in the three last days of darkness, when, on the third day, Our Lord Jesus Christ
will return to the earth with great power and majesty, in His Second Coming, destroying
Antichrist with the spirit of His mouth, and with the brightness of His Coming, casting
forever into the pool of fire and brimstone of Hell the Devil and his followers, never more to
tempt the nations.
I believe that, at the very instant of the Return of Christ, will also take place the
Resurrection of the Dead and the Last Judgement; the Blessed, with glorified bodies, will go
to Heaven; the damned, in their bodies, will go to Hell.
I believe that those who survive will acknowledge Christ as the true Son of God; they will be
confirmed in grace and will enter the Messianic Kingdom of absolute peace on the earth made
new, where they will enjoy the preternatural gifts which Adam lost through sin, and will be
able to attain high thrones in Heaven according to the measure of their love. They will
multiply until is completed the number decreed by God, and, without knowing death, they
will go through a gentle dormition to Heaven.
I believe that, at the end of the Messianic Kingdom, the Son will deliver up the Kingdom to
the Eternal Father, from Whom all proceeds, and to Whom all must return.
O Father of Infinite Majesty! Thou art Alpha and Omega, Fount of the Divinity, Maker of
all things, from Thee proceeds all fatherhood in Heaven and on earth.
Thou art the very Light, the very Life, Thou art all Holiness.
No one knoweth Thee but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal Thee.
No one knoweth the hour of Judgement but Thou — Thou Who dost apportion the thrones
in the Kingdom of Heaven.
O Love of the Father! Thou hast so loved the world that Thou didst give us Thy Only-
begotten Son! What manner of charity Thou hast shown us! that we should be called Thy
sons, and that we should be sons in truth!
Therefore we give Thee thanks and sing: Thee O God we do adore, Thee O Lord we glorify,
Thee, the Father everlasting of Boundless Majesty, all creation doth worship. To Thee the
Angels, to Thee the Cherubim and Seraphim cry out without ceasing: Holy! Holy! Holy!
Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory.
To Him that sitteth on the Throne and to the Lamb, benediction and honour and glory and
power for ever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
If anyone dare to deny that the Palmarian Creed is truth revealed by God, let him be
With Our Apostolic Blessing
GREGORIUS XVII, P.P. Póntifex Máximus

BETWEEN 1980-1992
In a previous letter from Archidona we spoke about the Pope and what has happened to him.
To better understand this truth, it is necessary to remind Palmarians of the new and sublime
dogmatic teaching about the Papacy. These Doctrines were newly revealed to the Church by
the Holy Spirit during the Palmarian Council that sat in session between 1980-1992.
Knowing the doctrine, Palmarians will not be confused when they hear the traditionalist
commentaries that are ignorant of these teachings and will be able to form a clear concept of
the Papacy, which before these definitions was not possible.
The sublimity of the office of the Papacy is undoubted.. The problem lies in the actuation of
the office holder not being in conformity with the centuries-old rules of conduct of the office
and contradicts the Church, as expressed by its Infallible Magisterium.
The idea that a Pope cannot divorce himself from the Church and that his espousal with the
Church is taken for granted to be permanent is erroneous. The fact is, the Pope can by free
choice or wrongful actions divorce himself from the Church.
Canon Law uses the diplomatic word “renounce” to express this truth. History maintains
silence over possible past cases, although it suspects there were Popes in the past that did
renounce. Here is the Doctrine, sublime and elevating, which will help many form a correct
and spiritually adult concept of the Papacy, and it is written down in the Treatise of the
I. The Sacrament of the Papacy, which is not a Sacrament of the Church, is conferred
directly and invisibly by Our Lord Jesus Christ upon him who is elected Pope, once he has
accepted his election..
II. Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Papacy, and only He can confer it.
III. The Pope’s Authority is Universal: “Feed My Lambs, Feed my Sheep, and Pastor My
IV. Christ imposes His hands invisibly over His chosen, conferring the Sacrament. His
chosen can come by means of a Conclave or by Direct Election, e.g. St. Peter, Pope Gregory
V. Those present kiss the feet of the Pope (Peter) as a sign of acknowledgement of his
Supreme Authority as Vicar of Christ and representative of the Son of God.
Now we come to a revelation on the Doctrine of the Papacy previously unknown in the
Church. This doctrine reveals the unique nature of the Papacy, distinguishing it intrinsically
from the General Episcopate.
a) The Sacrament of the Papacy is a Character, sacramental, extraordinary and indelible,
which consists in the impression of a Triple Cross on the Soul and in the Heart, with the
corresponding Mystical Priestly State (Treatise XXXIV, 187). Be it understood that the
Triple Cross impressed by Christ is indelible in the soul, has its extension to the heart is not
indelible, and can be lost in the heart by sin and apostasy.
b) The Triple Cross of the Papacy is impressed in an instant and forms an inseparable unity.
c) In virtue of the Sacrament of the Papacy, the Vicar of Christ has the Supreme Universal
Authority in the spiritual as in the temporal (Treatise XXXIV).
The Pope, by Divine Law and in virtue of the Sacrament of the Papacy (or Sacrament of
Sacraments, or Eighth or Invisible Sacrament), has authority over all human travelers of the
Universe, belonging or not to the Church, although within the limits established by Christ.
The Eighth Sacrament or Sacrament of the Papacy, besides lacking sensible, visible signs,
only Our Lord Jesus Christ, not the Church, has the power to confer, impress or administer.
In other words, Jesus chooses his Vicar by Direct Election, although historically he used the
system of the Conclave, or concurrence of men. It is he personally that Ratifies the Chosen
by His mystical anointing.
I think it opportune here, treating on this question of the Papacy, to make mention of a little
known message about the future of the Papacy, revealed on 1st January 1970 to a young boy
in the sister place of apparitions near Palmar de Troya called El Mimbral.
This written account in Spanish was redacted in 1971 and is in my possession. It is a
compilation by the lawyer and Marian Apostle Miguel Gay, who was present at the ecstasy of
the young boy Pepito, when the Blessed Virgin Mary spoke over the future of the Papacy. It
must be remembered that it was given at a time of great confusion in the Church, when Paul
VI reigned in Rome as Vicar of Christ and Palmar de Troya was as a Place of Apparitions a
mere 2½ years old.
Clearly understanding that a Redaction is not a word for word account of what the Blessed
Virgin said, it is nevertheless a surprisingly accurate approximation in nearly all details to
what happened subsequently.
Also she spoke to us about the coming Anti-Pope, saying that on the death of Paul VI they
would reunite to name the next Pope, that black smoke would come forth at the election
(=this happened at the election of John Paul I in 1978) and, coinciding with this black
smoke, will come forth a man explaining to the multitude that he is the elected Pope and
adopting a title whose name terminates in 5 letters (=Pablo is Paul in Spanish and
terminates in 5 letters)
The Church will accept this election because it lacks faith, but there will be a Bishop that will
reveal to the world what has happened (=Father Fernando). There will be a persecution
against this Bishop and the Christians that do not accept the false Pope. This Bishop will be
elected Pope, but will renounce the Papacy.
Palmarians, by reason of present-day events, are faced with the danger of losing respect and
veneration for the Office of the Papacy. They should always distinguish clearly between the
Office of the Papacy and the Office Holder.
This is why we say: Viva Su Santidad el Papa Gregorio XVII. We say vivas to the Office of
the Papacy and remember the time when the Pope functioned as Pope Gregory XVII. We do
not discount the possibility that some day he may retract his errors.
With my Blessing.
In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
A History of the Tridentine Mass Celebrated in
El Palmar de Troya
and the Mass in the Form of the Palmarian
Rite after 1983

In the turbulent days of the late sixties and in the seventies, the sacred place of El Palmar de
Troya was a haven for the celebration of the Latin Tridentine Mass. The Holy Sacrifice
decreed by the Council of Trent in the 16th century and celebrated in the Church until the
promulgation of "The Novus Ordo" in 1969. In those days, Catholic priests faithful to the
traditions of the Church celebrated with frequency what heaven desired and had petitioned
through the seers:a large number of Tridentine Masses.
El Palmar de Troya was in those days a principal place for the celebration of the Latin
Tridentine Mass, given the Ordinations and Consecrations in 1976 by Archbishop Ngo-Din-
Thuc of Bishops and Priests of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face.It is true to say that
El Palmar de Troya saved the Church, because it saved the Mass.Between the years 1968 and
1978, ten years passed of uncountable Masses daily celebrated by a multitude of Order
Priests, for the needs of our Holy Mother the Church.
The Order's fidelity to the Tridentine Mass obtained the grace of the Papacy, which came in
August 1978 with the mystical and direct election of a new Pope, Gregory XVII, by our Lord
Jesus Christ on the death of Paul VI.The new Pope with his See in El Palmar de Troya
proclaimed in his first Dogmatic Document the restoration of the Holy Tridentine Mass for
the whole Church now Palmarian.
The Latin Tridentine Mass was celebrated in the Palmarian Church and was embellished
with new Masses specially written in praise of the newly acclaimed glories of Jesus, Mary, St.
Joseph and the Saints.The Liturgy of the Church reflected these new Christological, Marian
and Josephine Dogmas. Amongst other Liturgical jewels, there was a Mass written in honour
of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, canonised by Pope Gregory XVII in 1978.
The Tridentine Mass of those days sang the glories of heaven in the Dogmas and Definitions
proclaimed by the Pope.You could have called it the Palmarian Tridentine Mass, for it
carried the Tridentine Rite forward to reflect the new Palmarian age of the Church. The Rite
was not stopped by a sterile, static conservative traditionalism, whose only obsession was to
maintain the Rite unalterable to the point of opposing Pope John XXIII in his desire to add
the name of St. Joseph to the Canon of the Mass.“The Canon cannot be touched,” they
said.“It has been fixed for all time!”
The traditionalists today in their opposition to modernism will not concede that the Church
continued somewhere else after the death of Paul VI and that it did not stop in dogmatic
matters at the Council of Trent or Vatican I.In liturgical matters, no Pope can be tied by the
liturgical decisions of his predecessors, because the predecessor is not the Pope that God has
designed for a future historical period.It is tantamount to denying the Holy Spirit the right
to work through his newly elected of the future in the liturgical field or to doubting in the
Holy Spirit's future assistance to the Church!
During the years 1978 until October 1983, the Mass of Trent was celebrated in the Palmarian
Church.On 9th October, 1983, the Apostolic Constitution and Dogmatic Definitions
promulgated the Holy Palmarian Mass of His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII.
The Tridentine Mass was the product of the 16th century Council of Trent, whereas the
Palmarian Mass derives from the 20th century Palmarian Council and most especially
expresses in liturgical form the teachings of the Treatise on the Mass regarding the institution
of the Holy Mass by our Lord Jesus Christ.
We can summarise as follows:
1. The Tridentine Mass promulgated at the Council of Trent in the 16th century expressed in
the liturgy the faith of the Church known and defined up until the death of Pope St. Pius
XII in 1958.
2. The Tridentine Mass re-established by Pope Gregory XVII in his Document Num. 1 of
1978 expressed in liturgical form the Faith of the Church now Palmarian, with its new
Dogmas and Masses, up until the Promulgation of the Palmarian Rite of Mass in 1983.
3. The Palmarian Mass promulgated by Pope Gregory XVII during the Holy and Great
Palmarian Council of October 1983, Feast of Christ the King, expressed the faith of the
Palmarian Churchthat was to be written down and perfected in the definitive Treatise on the
Mass, Chapter 15, Vesicle 33, 103 - 168.
The deposit of the Faith, or the deposit of Divine Revelation, was opened by the Holy Spirit
working through the Pope and the Council Fathers to reveal surprising and astounding
revelations of a character mystical and hyperstatic which, to use a phrase, took the Church in
a quantum jump towards the Messianic Reign.It is precisely the desired coming of the
Messianic Reign which the Palmarian Mass anticipates, and the complete victory of Jesus
and Mary over Satan and sin, and the restoration of all things in Christ remade anew, as they
were before the fall!You could say as in the Gospel, "The best wine was kept till last," in
respect of dogmatic revelation.
These Supernatural Mysteries of the Hyperstatic Order have been buried in the deposit of
divine revelation from the beginning and kept veiled to the Church for discovery in their due
time.Perhaps it was that, in bygone ages, humanity might not have duly appreciated such
sublime Dogmas, given the historical conditions of those ages, just as the glories of Maria
were hidden for so long so that her mysteries might not detract from the person of Jesus.
These Dogmas began to be revealed by the Holy Spirit to the Church in the 19th century
with the Definition of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Pope St.
Pius IX in 1854. Remember, Our Lady told Bernadette at Lourdes in 1858 when asked to
identify herself: "I am the Immaculate Conception."Later in the 20th century was declared
her Assumption by Pope St. Pius XII in 1954.
Here a word of clarification over dogmatic revelation is advisable and made necessary by the
charge that Catholicism has ever invented articles of faith such as those mentioned
above.Doctrinal Development is the Catholic response to these attacks and even more so
today the Palmarian answer.
It has been postulated that Public Revelation stopped at the Apostles.Justification of the
development of Doctrine begins by admitting that many impugned doctrines were never
implicitly taught, being contained in the explicit doctrines of earlier times in seed form.
Jesus Christ promised that while He was going back to His Father, He was sending His
Church the Holy Spirit to continuously guide it over the ages.Jesus told his Apostles, “There
are many things I have yet to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.But when the Holy
Spirit has come, He will teach you all truth (John 16, 12-13).”
It is absurd to conceive that the Holy Spirit ceased to guide the Church after the last Book of
the New Testament was written down, or that the Church was frozen into place after the last
book, the Apocalypse.It is obvious that the Church was created a living entity and that the
Councils after the Council of Jerusalem would have as much authority as it did.
Never has any doctrine been promulgated which could not be legitimately proved to have
developed from previously established doctrines, so that new doctrines never contradicted
the older ones but more properly complemented them.Every time the Church promulgated a
new doctrine; it first carefully proved it to be a legitimate development from previously
established doctrines.
Pope Gregory XVII began his Pontificate by declaring Maria Irredeemed, a privilege which
derives from her Immaculate Conception. He declared her Mediatress in the Dispensation of
all Graces, and also declared the presence of Maria in the Eucharist.What is here revealed is
the sublimity of the Divine Maria by Grace or endowment, and not by nature is she
divinised!And of course the logical first Dogma from which all these privileges derive is the
pre-existence of her divine soul and her primordial election.
The existence of mystical and hyperstatic Dogmas in the deposit of divine revelation is
undoubted, but the disclosure of these mysteries was kept until comparatively recent times,
when in the Holy Palmarian Council 1980-1992 they were formulated and expressed in the
Treatise on the Mass.
The opposition to mysticism and supernaturalism has always been strong in the Church, as
was the desire to rationalise the Dogmas so as to make them more acceptable to the beliefs of
people outside of the Church and to men of what is-calledthe modern age.
We live in a time of the supremacy of rationalism or reason over Faith; this is why it is not
convenient for many Catholics to explain away such Dogmas as the Immaculate Conception
or phenomena such as Places of Apparitions.The faith correctly understood is right reason
illuminated by the supernatural light of faith.Reason does not contradict faith; neither does
faith contradict reason. The two are mutually compatible.
Anti-mysticism was the order of the day in the Catholic Church not only in the 20th century
but in the 19th century, too, on the part of Catholics whose Faith was indeed minimal.There
is a danger that Palmarian Catholics might fall into the subtle error of rejecting the
Palmarian Mass, content to be Tridentine Catholics — defined as believers that the faith
froze in 1958.These explicitly renege on the Palmarian Faith, rejecting the Pontificate of
Pope Gregory XVII and his legitimate vicarial acts as well as the Holy Palmarian Council
and the Flight of the Church from Rome.
Unfortunately, to fall into the error of returning to the Tridentine Rite is indeed
temerarious.In the case of a Bishop, it is to ignore Pope Gregory's Dogmatic Constitution on
the Mass of 1983 and would most certainly occasion a fall into those anathemas with the
consequent loss of his powers and paternity over the Church.
What has happened to the Pope in the last 5 years does not invalidate his legitimate acts of
the first 17 years, and one is not at liberty to ignore his entire Pontificate as though the Holy
Spirit never actuated through him or as though his anathemas were all ineffectual, or to
arrogate to oneself the right to pass definitive judgment on what should be obeyed or ignored
during those first 17 years.
The Pope when functioning as he should is the symbol of unity in the Church.When he is
mis-functioning, he is a sign of the opposite:a symbol of disunity, as he has been for at least
the last 5 years.
A full theological description of the Palmarian Rite of the Holy Mass is given in the Treatise
on the Mass, Chapter 15, verse 33, 103-168, for those able to penetrate the sublime doctrine
that encapsulates the Palmarian Mass.In this theological exposition, it is clearly shown how
the Priest is constituted at the altar Mystic Christ, how Jesus relives his life again in the
person of the Priest, how our Lord assumes the Priest and by means of him perpetuates his
own Priesthood.
The dogma of the mystical priestly state means that the Priest more than any one else can
say with St. Paul: "Not I, but Christ who lives in me."And Jesus actuates in him in the form
of the light in the form of the cross from the mystical priestly heart, making his priesthood
efficacious and enabling him to confect the Mass and the Sacraments.
The Mass is simplified but profound and sublime in its words and actions and is the Mass the
Holy Spirit wants for the Church at this time, now that the true Church finds itself deprived
of its cathedrals and churches.This Mass is most practical for the priest to celebrate in house
chapels, and instead of one Tridentine Mass of 45 minutes, a turn of 8 Masses is celebrated to
the glory of God and for the needs of Holy Mother the Church in this Age of the Apocalypse.


In previous Letters from Archidona Numbers 4 and 26 I touched upon the subject of the
Mass and the Priesthood, and alluded to the problems that can derive from nostalgia for
the Church of the past.
We refer precisely to the Church, as it was recognised by its Liturgical Cult after the Council
of Trent 1545-1563, and the traditional Catholic mind that was enshrined in the liturgy since
that Ecumenical Council .This mind endured until the death of Pope St. Pius XII in 1958
and the start of Vatican II.
The Church, today Palmarian, no longer looks back to the Council of Trent as in past years
but instead looks FORWARD to the happy consummation of all things in Christ. The point
of departure for this change in direction in outlook was the Palmarian Council 1980-1992.
This council is the authentic and logical successor to the two previous Ecumenical Councils in
the Church, Trent and Vatican I (1869-1870).
Salvation History is an ongoing process, and what remains to be fulfilled is THE
The Tridentine Liturgy reflected in its time the vision BACKWARDS commemorating and
re-enacting every year in the Liturgical Cycle the Mysteries of Christ in his FIRST COMING
as Victim, Redeemer and Founder of the Church. The Tridentine Mass and Liturgy
encapsulated this expression.
Some Palmarian Catholics, unable to understand the grace of El Palmar are disturbed and
confounded by the Palmarian confusion of recent times whose origin lies in the
Papacy. They have sought refuge in a return to Tridentinism, where they hope to encounter
the longed for desired peaceful days of the Church associated with the Tridentine era.
There are also regrettable, a few Palmarian Bishops that were expelled that have fallen in the
trap and feel free to ignore and set aside all of Pope Gregory XVII legitimate Papal acts;
whilst maintaining the posture of being Catholics neither Palmarian or Roman. Their
departure from all Ecclesiology is most convenient in that it enables them to SAY the
Tridentine Mass. I deliberately do not say CELEBRATE the Tridentine Mass for the
doctrinal reasons explained in Letters 4 and 26, which you should read again as also the
Infallible Doctrine in the Treatise of the Mass Chapter 33 of November 1989.
It is as though for them identification with the traditional refrain, Where Peter is there is
the Church is non-existent, and they deny submission and obedience to the Doctrine of the
Church because we have now an Apostate Pope. They confuse obedience to the Church and
its Magisterium with obedience to the Papacy.
This Letter should be studied in conjunction with Letters 4 and 26, as it seeks to present to
Palmarians the very real dangers associated with the total rejection of the Pontificate of
Pope Gregory XVII 1978-1995/7; and his legitimate binding acts on the Church, whilst still
the officeholder and acting as Vicar of Christ.
A careful reading of the document of the promulgation of the Palmarian Mass in 1983 will
clearly show the nature of its BINDING OBLIGATION ON THE BISHOPS by reason of
STATEMENT. Since 1983 the Palmarian Mass has became obligatory on the Church as the
logical continuation in its time to The Mass of Trent. The Palmarian Mass expresses IN
LITURGICAL FORM the old maxim The law of belief, is the law of Prayer. Lex
Credendi, Lex Orandi. The sublime new doctrinal exposition divulged by the Holy
Spirit during the Palmarian Council 1980-1992, is written down in detail for all to read in
Treatise Chapter 33.
Moreover the promulgation of the Palmarian Mass by way of the Extraordinary
Magisterium clearly shows Pope Gregory XVII intention to proclaim dogmatically about
the Mass, and to bind the Church until a future time when a successor might theoretically
amend it.
The Promulgation appears at the beginning of The Palmarian Altar Missal but was not
considered appropriate to be divulged to the faithful in 1983.
Those few Bishops that are in error, some through ignorance, are misleading the few faithful
that follow them to believe it is perfectly valid and correct to return to the Tridentine Mass.
In some cases feelings of animosity and repulsion towards the Pope personally have clouded
their judgment in what reminds strictly, a Church Teaching matter. It should be logical
and comprehensible that obedience is due to Pope Gregory prior to his heresies and his
apostasy formalized in 1997.
In the climate of the unique happening to the Pope Priests and faithful can be forgiven for
making such errors, which derive from a previous lack of knowledge of the defined material.
Those that persist in the position of a return to the Tridentine Mass at all costs, are
seriously deceived, or wish to deceive themselves and might not realize this position betrays
Christ and his Church. The Bishop is normally subject to the Pope, when the Pope dies, the
Pope is spiritually dead, he still remains subject to the Church, which I remind all is still
Palmarian and will never again be Roman.
As I have previously demonstrated from the defined material, the Priest will lack the
essential Priestly Mystical state necessary to confect the Mass should he transgress the norms
established by Pope Gregory’s Apostolic Constitution on the Palmarian Mass of October
1983. He will fall in the anathemas written down in that Promulgation, and lastly he will
also have had retired his powers to confect, by reason of the power of the Keys as described
in The Apostolic Constitution of July 1983.
This second evil is worst than the supposed first of being unjustly expelled from the Order.
The devil does indeed walk as a raging Lion and is devouring many today. The words of
Jesus could never be more appropriately applied in our present situation. Watch and pray
least you fall in temptation.

I PREFACE——APPARITIONS_SECTION I( Critical preliminary study)

I. TO THE READER – computer translation from the original Spanish.
Diffusion Mariana Argentina has decided to publish the messages dictated to the seer Clemente Domínguez
Gómez in El Palmar de Troya, Utrera, Seville, Spain, in conformity with the text delivered by the same seer,
and as requested by me of the draft of the prologue of presentation.
I have agreed with taste and with dread. On one hand, it fills me with enthusiasm the idea of collaborating in
the diffusion of these messages that I consider to be real and, besides, most important for the Church and for the
world; but, and on the other, it intimidates me the greatness of the matter.
And I agreed because the fact of knowing personally Clemente Domínguez from the year 1972 and the
circumstance of having been in Palmar de Troya at the end of the year 1973 and at the beginning of 1974,
attending and studying the apparitions and other extraordinary events there happening, forced me to give,
certain, testimony of the truth seen and heard " in situ ".
I make constant that my personal account coincides with those of other members of a group of eighteen
Argentinians that, under the spiritual direction of the Father Silvio Venturini, travelled to Seville at the end of
1973, precisely with this intention.
I assume exclusively the responsibility of this prologue; I will meet, as they request , the explanations that they
consider necessary..
I abide certainly, by the decree of the Holy See of date 15-11-66, published in " Record Apostolicæ Sedis ", Vol.
58, N. 16, which repeals the former exigency of the "Imprimatur" for spreading apparitions and private
revelations. And I surrender, as already, to the definitive judgment(reason) of the Church.
And now I direct with live and(vivacious) interest to the reader, believer, incredulously or atheist, just person or
sinner, ecclesiastic or secular, traditionalist or progressive, powerfully or weakly, educated or uncultured,
healthy or sick, to say to him or(her), affectionately, that a book in the hands such as this can change
completely the tone and even the course and the destiny of ones life.
I will begin this introduction, by exposing, objectively, verified and incontrovertible facts, accurately of places,
dates and persons; facts that nobody till now could have explained humanly and that, definitively, are going to
face the reader with the supernatural reality that in our days is turned profusely to announce the gravest and
very close events.
After exposing the facts about what happened in the precise places that we have past, and after making
concrete the messages, there will be examined with critical spirit the objections that against them circulate in
certain environments lacking the due information.
And we will finish this presentation thinking about all three grave and unavoidable questions that
spontaneously arise, namely: a) The messages and the Revelation; b) The messages and the Ecclesiastic
Authority; and c) The messages and the reader.
We begin, then, making clear where, when and how the deeds that occurred, in Palmar de Troya, as a
happening from the day of the first appearance of the Holiest Virgin, on March 30, 1968, and the continued
taking place in what remains of the year 1975, with increasing pace and intensity.
The pre-arranged order takes us now to the south of Spain, to the undulating meadows of Andalusia, watered
by the Guadalquivir.
From Seville to Cadiz there is stretched nowadays a modern highway of approximately 150 kilometres of
length, which crosses the railroad near the town of Utrera. From Seville to Utrera it is possible to travel by
railroad and also the highway, native N 333, perfectly paved, that allows to pass rapidly all 29 kilometres that
occur between both cities.
From Utrera, the way inclines towards the South, towards Jerez and Cadiz; and when the traveller has crossed
approximately 15 kilometres, towards the left side, a humble hamlet of white houses, leaning at the edge of the
way, on the green Sevillian plain.
Its name: " The Palmar de Troya ". Ignored completely until a few years ago, is known already in the entire
world because in her surroundings one finds the place of the apparitions, a rural estate, called " The Alcaparrosa
" and placed also on the left edge of the way. Between the(village) and the entry in the estate the distance is a
kilometre, approximately. Modern services of bus are taken with facility from Seville and from Utrera a more
precarious local line communicates this city with The Palm grove.
At the entry of the estate there is an impressive and beautiful image of the Holy Virgin, under the dedication,
extremely significant, of " The Divine Shepherdess ", who extends her straight hand towards the place of the
apparitions, placed at approximately 200 meters from the entry and precisely on the summit that dominates
the beautiful region, summit that the Lord name " The Mount of Christ the King ".
Far from Seville, far from Utrera, The Palm grove, is wrapped in loneliness, silently and in the rural beauty of
the landscape, the place of the apparitions, with austere and humble dignity, receives the august visit of the
Master, and his Holiest Mother and his saints, with the permanent incense of prayer that rises towards the
height; and transforms it in an immense temple, limited only by the horizon, illuminated, during the day, by
the Sun; and covered, by night, by the gigantic dome of the celestial vault, flushed(passionate) and adorned
with the amazing precious stones of the stars.
There, in this wonderful place where the sky and the land touch each other, we have felt and feel the presence of
God, of the Virgin and of the Saints, by prodigious, rationally unimpeachable and inexplicable facts, which we
will never forget.
We examine these facts with all objectivity.
The first one of them shook us deeply on December 31, 1973, in the moment in which our bus, which had
departed, from Seville about 30 after 17 hours, was coming to The Palm Grove and the short crossing span that
was lacking to come to the entry of the estate of the apparitions..
All eighteen Argentine pilgrims that were travelling, all members or adherents of Diffusion Mariana Argentina,
had the fixed eyes in the magnificent late afternoon ... when suddenly we saw that the edge of the Sun began to
shine and to turn towards the right, (in the sense of the hands of the clock) with great speed, offering a spectacle
of great beauty.
It is a question of frequent fact in The Palm grove, also in San Damiano (Piacenza, Italy) and in other places of
current apparitions. We ignore if it exists or not some natural explanation of the fact, certainly unusually and
singularly frequency in the places of apparitions. But, though it was, we considered it a certain sign of welcome
by the Holiest Virgin in the precise moment in which we were coming, this unforgettable evening. None of us
has doubted after seeing and to feel the marvels of this sacred place.
Numerous groups of English pilgrims, French, Portuguese and Spanish shared with us the day of intense prayer
and penance, to repair for the sins that are committed in the night end of the year. Uninterrupted Masses of the
Tridentine rite were celebrated in Latin of San Pius V, with fervent homilies in the languages corresponding to
the different groups.
During the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we noticed that a small group began to make a detour
to a knelt down woman, with the arms and the face stretched up.
There was entering in ecstasy the seer Rosario Arenillas, a humble woman who gains every day the sustenance
for her family collaborating with her husband, Diego, and five grown daughters, in the compilation of the
Little later there entered also in ecstasy the seer Antonio Anillos Martin, a humble worker of the construction,
married and with children, he, supports his family with the work of his hands, hardened in, his bricklayer’s
We could verify that, on having entered in ecstasy, both seers lost completely the sensibility, that is to say: they
stopped perceiving the sensations that in normal condition every man receives by means of all five exterior
senses. On the other hand they had the happiness of seeing, and hearing the Holiest Virgin and with Her they
conversed, in the middle of a great emotion, which was embellishing very much their physiognomies.
The words of the Holiest Virgin were repeated by the seers and thus they could be recorded in recording tapes.
In this wonderful form the Holiest Virgin, the Lord and the Saints establish communication with those present ,
by means of a seer in ecstasy.
The penitential day lasted the whole night and extended during the following day with solemn Eucharistic and
Marian worships that culminated in the grand final procession. We took in homage a precious image of the
Virgin of Carmel of The Palm Grove, up to the well of miraculous water that one finds near the entry, close to
the wall of the estate of the appearances.
Coming to the well, the seer Clemente Domínguez, (who was coming directing the singing of the procession,
spontaneously intoned by the pilgrims he rose to the curb-stone and there the same he, fell down on knees, in an
ecstasy of a sculptural incomparable beauty. In a moment in view of, Domínguez, with the radiant face of
happiness, always turned towards the apparition, began to realize on the narrow curb-stone of the well, a turn
complete, against the laws of corporal balance and, in the middle of an indescribable fervour, we all understood
that the Holiest Virgin was effecting a draft about the Well to bless the present ones there congregated. This
way the seer confirmed later, on having come out of the ecstasy.
The following day, in the dusk, we returned to the place of the appearances, also called " The Lentisco ",
because the day of the first appearance of the Virgin, it was, precisely here, on a shrub of this species and during
the celebration of the Holy Tridentine Mass, He entered in ecstasy the seer Antonio Anillos Martin.
On Thursday, the third of January we returned to the Lentisco to do prayer and penance up to and after
midnight, with other groups of pilgrims, and in this opportunity we could attend another of Clemente
Domínguez’s admirable ecstasies, which genuineness consists in having seen it very closely, verifying the
absolute lack of sensibility of the seer before the light of the electrical lamp, verifying the great expansion
pupilar typical of the ecstatic condition(state), and admiring the transfiguration of his physiognomy, radiant in
happiness and of beauty.
This night the Lord blessed specially the Argentina, placed his hand on the head of some of us, amongst them
the Father Silvio Venturini; he, announced the proximity of the third world war and compared The Palm grove
to a lightning Rod that appeases the ira of the Eternal Father. He announced also the very nearby but
ephemeral victory of Marxism .
The Lord asked also the priests to defend the Mass of San Píus V the Tridentine Latin and predicted that who
does so will be chased and persecuted and accused, since he, had prophesied when he said that in his name they
would expel his disciples from the synagogues. He alluded to the enormous damage that in the world and in the
Church has caused the suppression of the three Ave María’s and the invocation to San Miguel at the end of the
Mass. And he, made know to us that in this moment Pope Paul VI was in Rome and strictly between ourselves,
in The Lentisco, in bilocation, crying for the Church and for his own mistakes; and he asked for prayers in order
that the Pope receives the courage of amending the mistakes of his pontificate. He, revealed also that these
days, of special prayer and sacrifice, the whole place of the apparitions was full of angels that were singing with
On Friday, the 4th, at 30 after 19, we departed again from Seville towards The Palm Grove to do prayer and
penance; and on Saturday, the 5th we repeated our visit and attended another Antonio Anillos Martin ecstasy,
whose physiognomy - that ordinarily nothing has to show - embellished and transfigured glaringly before the
radiant beauty of the celestial vision.
During the ecstasy there were placed, in the hands of the seer, rosaries, prints, crucifixes and other religious
objects that the Holy Virgin kissed and blessed. Also they placed letters containing requests that, finished the
ecstasy, were withdrawn by their owners. Naturally, the seer was thinking on the physical inability to read the
letters, not at least of seeing the persons who placed them in his hands and who from them withdrew again, at
the finish of the ecstasy.
Nevertheless, some days later, the seer made know one of these persons, that the Holy Virgin had read his letter
and had given the response to the seer. Already just before departing, from Seville for Madrid and Santander,
this person sent a note to the seer requesting him to communicate to him the response.
The seer wrote then a letter that came to the destinatory and it contained, in effect the response of the Holiest
In summary: a wonderful response for its fullness and clarity; and wonderful also for the way in which it was
given, since it is impossible that the author of the response is the seer
The innocent mistakes of spelling and of syntax and the laborious letter in which the divine response comes
humbly wrapped, they do not do any more than illuminate and embellish the evident genuineness of the
personal intervention of the Holy Virgin.
Naturally the reader would wish that now we were to transcribe here the complete text of the letter - the
request and that of the celestial response. We are going to satisfy, partially, this just desire transcribing the
postscript of the letter, where the petitioner directs filially to his(it Mother of Heaven, saying to her with
simplicity: " I ask You that your response should mean a certain sign of the genuineness of the messages of this
sacred place, if God wants it ".
The reader will judge if the response is or not prodigious; if it demonstrates or not that the ecstasy and the
message of Anillos Martin were authentic; and if the response of the Holy Virgin can be had reasonably as a
certain sign of the genuineness of the messages of The Palm Grove of Troy.
For the interested party it does not contain the slightest doubt. On nobody it imposes its certainty. Only it
exposes its absolute conviction, and confesses and proclaims its honour of the truth and of the Holy Virgin, and
the evident reasons that till now nobody has achieved to destroy..
And to finish the exhibition of this fact, we must add that the author of the letter - requests and the author of
this prologue the same and only person, declares here, under public and solemn oath, that the exposed is
entirely faithful to the truth.
He makes stimulated by a very deep feeling of loyalty and of gratitude and also for an express order that sees in
the words that the Holy Virgin declared in the Lentisco on April 25, 1971, since the reader will verify,
consulting the message of this date in the summary that we are presenting.
The above mentioned words are the following ones: THAT THIS ASSURANCE OF HEARD, CREDITS THE
This writes, naturally, does not want to be condemned. Because he publishes here his testimony without
waiting for the definitive judgment of the Church, to which, nevertheless, he, surrenders to already.
Know well: this fact that does not have by any means any human explanation and the others that we have
attended to or personally all eighteen Argentine pilgrims led by the Father Silvio Venturini, in spite of being so
surprising, they are a very small thing, compared with the cataract of prodigies that are multiplying in The
Palm Grove of Troya for seven years until today, in which we have just received news of the prodigies worked
during the Holy Week of this year 1975.
This impressive set of wonderful facts has been magnificently documented in a brief signed by 342 eyewitnesses,
who give perfect reason of its, sayings and credit decisively, accurately(finely) dates, places, persons and things,
innumerable events without natural explanation, which pay the genuineness of the appearances and messages
of The Palm Grove.
The document dates April 15, 1972 and there was presented to the Cardinal - Archbishop of Seville, as resort of
nullity against the desautorización that the prelate declared On March 18, 1972.
Given, then,, its cardinal procedural importance and its enormous evidential force of the truth of the facts and,
therefore, of the genuineness of the messages, it is transcribed later this prologue as integral documentary
evidence of the same one. (I document Not. 1).
The document demonstrates that the prodigies of The Palm Grove not only took place with intervention of the
renowned seers hitherto, but also of others, as Maria Luisa Vila, Maria Marín, Jose Navarro, Antonio Romero,
Arsenia Llanos and Manuel Fernandez.
The principal one of them is, undoubtedly, Clemente Domínguez, and for this reason has been decided the
publication of his messages, which forces us to formulate some brief reference on this instrument of the Our
Lord and of the Virgin.
Clemente Domínguez is a Sevillian.A young man born in the year 1946 and he, will be 29 years of age, April 23,
1975. He, came to The Palm Grove, as indifferent as so many people, attracted by the prodigies that began on
March 30, 1968, without possessing any outstanding spirituality; before, on the contrary, he himself says and
repeats, with sincere conviction, He was and is a sinful poor person.
The simple and gradual way in which he, knew the marvels of The Palm Grove, first with respectful curiosity,
and then with the evidence of the supernatural that enclosed it completely and decided to dedicate his life to
this high mission, will be able to be estimated in the statement that we give to the reader under the title: "
historical Information on facts that preceded the first visions and apostolic mission of the seer of the Palm
Grove of Troya, Clemente Domínguez Gómez " and we insert later the prologue as integral part of the same one.
(Document N º 2.)
This publication is effected in conformity with an express desire of the same seer, and for amiability and comity
of the author, the young man Manuel Alonso Corral, attorney, resident in Seville and friend of Domínguez, with
whom he has shared the exciting stages of this transformation of simple pilgrims, in Apostles of The Palm
Grove, since also He Alonso has dedicated his life to this wonderful work. It is a question, then, of a valuable
document written by a qualified witness and presented and confirmed by the same seer.
We have known and treated personally with Clemente Domínguez in Buenos Aires in 1972 and 1973, and in
Seville and The Palm Grove, in 1974.. But in his cause also we have admired his decision and intrepidity when
he stops to fulfil the instructions of heaven to confront and to support patiently the continuous and grave
difficulties inherent in his most difficult and most inconvenient mission, as seer and as apostle of The Palm
Grove, as messenger of God before the highest Hierarchies of the Catholic Church and as defender of the
Tradition and of the Teaching.
Brilliant example of the above mentioned is the defence of the Pope Paul VI which he practised publicly in
Buenos Aires, and more, precisely, in the Holy House of Exercises of Independence Street, before a qualified
and numerous group of Catholics, on October 21, 1972.
In opposition to the assaults that two out-standing foreign priests directed against the Pope Paul VI, Clemente
Domínguez put on foot and, before the general expectation, and the admiration of some, raised his voice to
defend , qualifying as "extremism" the position of the attackers. Finished his defence he moved back(retired)
from the meeting, exclaiming strongly: " THE POPE LIVES! ".
Also it must be emphasize the conferences that in Buenos Aires declared on the 5th and 6th of November, 1973
in defence of the Holy Writ, of the Tradition of the Church, the Teaching and of the Pope Paul VI. On these
conferences we will return hereafter(later on).
Clemente Domínguez and other seers of The Palm Grove have suffered numerous stigmatization and copious
bleedings, principally in The Holy Week; mystical suffering of the Passion of the Lord, even the crucifixion, in
spectacles really over powering; receipt of the Baby Jesus in the arms, mystical visible communions, particular
revelations and other many prodigious facts proved by the most numerous witnesses who come to The Palm
Grove from all parts of Spain and of the world and documented by digital recordings, photographs,
cinematographic captures, affidavits and publications of any nature. A not contemptible part of this most
abundant documentary evidence there is in place and brought by our Argentine group in February, 1974 and is
at the disposal of the reader.
Besides the prodigious facts, we estimate, as a test of the genuineness of the messages of The Palm Grove, the
full orthodoxy of the doctrine that there is received and is spread, and of the grand, rigorous, solemn worship in
conformity with the traditional rite that there is practised with a surprising intensity and with an extraordinary
Also they, the seers, estimate more the Mass than the vision and the ecstasy.
An episode seemingly without transcendence that demonstrated it to us with clarity. It was on Saturday, the
5th of January, 1974. We were present at Mass on the open terrain of the Mount of Christ the King, in full
winter and at high hours of the night, when suddenly there fell down in ecstasy the seer Antonio Anillos Martin.
Naturally, some of us noticed and came to surround him to deliver him religious objects that the Virgin is in the
habit of kissing, and letters that, sometimes, she answers. Some pilgrims, in the zeal to attend to the ecstasy,
involuntarily gave their backs to the altar and in this moment,, we heard the voice of the leaders, noticing, that
it should be avoided to give the backs to the altar because " THE MASS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE
Wonderful sense of balance and of hierarchy between the occasional charisma and the vital centre of the
Christian permanent worship, the Mass, sacrifice of infinite value, is the maximum gift of charity, and without
charity, the charisma is a metal that sounds and cymbal that clangs. (Paul, I Cor, 13, 1).
The persistence of extraordinary facts and of this most faithful obeisance to the Holy Writ, to the traditional
doctrine, to the authority of the Church, to the Sovereign Pontiff and to the traditional worship for so long
time, in spite of the pursuit, of calumnies, despises, injustices and sufferings that they support the seers and the
apostles of The Palm Grove and, especially, the splendid fruit of virtue, of piety, of orthodoxy, of conversions
and of extraordinary treatments(healings) that shines and grows increasingly in The Palm Grove, they are to
our way of understanding, unequivocal signs of the direct intervention of heaven and, therefore, of the
genuineness of the messages that we offer.
How is so extraordinary a divine intervention explained if there were no very grave reasons that justify it. In
effect, they are, and the gravest. And they arise from the text of the messages that in the apparitions gave each
other and whose content is terrible and beautiful, like terrible and beautiful are the justice and God’s love that
inspires them.
The messages declare solemnly that the corruption has covered the aspect of the land; that the world is more
"rotten" every day, and that the anger of heaven will promptly sweep down on the whole humanity with
terrible violence.
Also they declare that Satan has infiltrated into the Church; that the modernist and progressive mistakes that
are in her spread, corruption of the traditional doctrine, the morality and the worship resist the Teaching, for
arbitrary and aberrant interpretation of the Council Vatican II; that exists bishops who have "prostituted" and
it is a charity to discover the pharisee; that also there are shepherds Masons of the degree 33; that Satan has
climbed the highest positions of the Church and one will manage to sit in Peter’s chair, and that the Pope Paul
VI is today the martyr of the Vatican, because He is a prisoner of a Masonic - Marxist fence that does not leave
him to govern.
They demonstrate besides the fact that, before such abominations, the cup of God’s anger not only is full, but
already overflows and is spilt on humanity by means of the progressive aggravation of catastrophes, floods,
earthquakes, famines, diseases, terrestrial, maritime and air accidents, social conflicts and political wars,
hatreds and crimes, which will go on in increase as the men despise God’s law and the notices and messages that
the Holy Virgin has given in La Salette, Lourdes, Fátima and Garabandal, and she continues giving in The
Palm Grove of Troy, Mexico, San Damiano (Piacenza, Italy), and many other places where nowadays heaven
repeats identical messages supported by equal prodigies.
They reveal, likewise, that God’s principal scourge is nowadays Freemasonry, which, by means of the Marxism,
is incubating, inside the Church, the schism that will shake her violently, like a great tempest, when Pope Paul
VI reaches the palm of the martyrdom and in the Vatican there is named the successor, who will be an antipope
devoted to the preparation of the reign of the Antichrist.
They announce also that, when the schism explodes, at that time, will be produced the great miracle promised
in Garabandal,; that if the world rejects this new sign of the power of God’s love, it will fall beneath the slavery
of Marxism and God’s anger will be undone to its last consequences; that the Commander of the Tagus will
defeat and prosecute the Marxist forces up to Moscow; that Paris will be burned by fire and Marseilles
swallowed by the sea; that big metropolises sunk in the sin, will be destroyed, the sea will flood the land and the
mountains will be ruined; fire from heaven will purify the land and the enemies of God will die all in a hecatomb
that one has never seen one will never see.
And they prophesy that then, finally, will come, with the justice, the peace. The apostles of last times, pre-
announced by Grignion de Montfort, will extend the Gospel everywhere; Russia will be converted; it will bloom
the spring of the Church, the immaculate Heart of Mary will defeat the infernal serpent; and the world
illuminated by the victory of Christ’s precursor , Mother of the Grace, will receive with joy the Lord in his
second coming to the earth, to reign, in love amongst the children of the men. It is the Parousía!
But especially they indicate the means that every conscious man must use to face the apocalyptic catastrophe
that already has started to darken the world and that will give place, not to the Final Judgment, but to the
luminous and glorious coming of the Lord.
These means are summarized in two words: Prayer and Penance.
Prayer that sprouts from recognition of the reality: God’s reality and reality of man. Reality of God, Creator,
Redeemer, Provident and Re-munerator. And the reality of man raised against the infinite power of God, the
madness of the sin.
Prayer that asks for Mary’s mediation, the light for the intelligence and the repentance of heart. Prayer that
leads to penance, which is a sincere repentance and that is to repair and make satisfaction for your own and
foreign sins, by means of the acceptance of daily suffering and your own cross, supported and offered for love
with the Divine Crucified and in union with him.
With this theological spirit of sincere realism and of human, philosophical profundity, they have to understand
each other and be fulfilled the pious practices that the messages recommend and that in The Palm Grove of
Troy are fulfilled with exemplary fervour and sacrifice.
The practices that the messages indicate, are: to leave sin, to dress and to live with Christian modesty, to attack
the indecency in the feminine mode, to fulfil the duties of your own condition(state)in agreement with the
procedure of Christian morality, to say often the Rosary traditiona1 and the Our Fathers Penitential , to defend
the Mass Tridentine Latin, promulgated by San Pius V, and to receive with fervour, on knees, on the tongue,
and not in the hand, giving the due thanksgiving; to make a visit of love to the Sacred Eucharist and to make
solemn worship in the holy hours, major exhibitions, and night adorations. Eucharistic processions and devout
visits to the Sacrarium left in our Churches; to adore the Holy Face of the Lord and his Sacred Heart and to
honour Mary’s Immaculate Heart, to obey and defend the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, and to request God that
he free him from the hands of the enemies who surround him in the Vatican; To support and to spread his
authentic teachings, obeying the bishops who are in communion with him, and with Holy Tradition and the
Teaching of the Church; and not to obey the false prophets and bad shepherds who choose the imminent heresy
of our time ,called progressivism.
Quite the richest doctrinal, historical, prophetic, mystical and charismatic content of the apparitions and
messages of The Palm Grove of Troy and all the forceful spiritual life that there is taught and there is practised
intensely, every night, from the 20.00 until the first hours of the following day, for almost seven years,
corroborate the certainty of the divine origin of the messages, certainty that follow from the signs of
genuineness examined in the previous chapter of the present prologue.
Because it is evident that so splendid fruits of prayer and of penance, of ascetics and holiness, can be products of
messages invented by the malice of Satan, not either by the imagination of a dreamer, or of the skill of a fraud.
Well: if the content of the messages of The Palm Grove corroborates the genuineness of its divine origin, not less
it reaffirms the wonderful coincidence of these with which they continue being dictated in other places of
apparitions that we have visited in Spain, France and Italy, during the first months of the year 1974.
It is impossible to include in the narrow frame of this prologue the careful examination of the great quantity of
appearances, messages and extraordinary facts that in this trip we have known or remembered in so diverse
places, as Madrid (seers: Amparito Guasp Perez and Maria Nieves Suiz); Garabandal placed at 90 kilometres to
the west of Santander (seers: Dolores, Concepcion, Jacinta and Maricruz); Monte Umbe, at 15 kilometres to the
north of Bilbao (seer: Arrieta Felisa Sistiaga); Lourdes, in the French Pyrenees (seer: Bernardette Soubirous);
La Salette, in the French Alps, near Grenoble (seers: Maximino and Melania); Milan, route Lunigiana (seer:
Carmela Carabelli); San Damiano, near Piacenza, San Giorgio’s commune (seer: Rosa Quatrini); San Vittorino,
at approximately 30 kilometres from Rome, I travelled to Tivoli (stigmatized Frater Gino); Rome (seer: Bruno
Cornacchiola); I went to San Stefano, on the mount Silversmith (seer Enzo Alocci); Balestrino, near Loano, on
the coast (seer: Catalina Richero); and San Vicente Dels Horts, to the Southwest of Barcelona, mount of the
Virgin of the Remedies (seer: Jose Casasampere).
We do not prune to detail here all these messages, but what we prune and we must do is to affirm, with all
conviction, that the messages given in the mentioned places, personally visited by us, coincide, admirably, with
those received by Clemente Domínguez and other seers of The Palm Grove of Troy.
And if to this surprising coincidence, of continental extent, we add the examination of the messages of Mexico
(seer: Reverend Mother Marta Concepción Zúñiga Lopez), and those of New York, Bayside (seer: Verónica
Lueken), we verify, amazedly, that these also coincide with those of The Palm Grove and with the others of
Now well: how this magnificent intercontinental coincidences would be explained if the appearances were not
authentic and the messages were not real?
Strictly between ourselves there are little known the extraordinary messages that we have just outlined. But on
the other hand they have impressed and circulated enough objections that the Spanish priest formulates,
Father Luis Jesus Luna, and others originated in our environment. In the impossibility to treat all, five will be
selected of the most important, that, for loyalty stops with our readers, we must examine thoroughly.
The first objection
The message questioned here of December 12 1969, dictated by Saint Dominic of Guzman, when he says this
" 1) That it is spread and that it is proclaimed the prayer of the Our Fathers holy rosary that the Virgin has
dictated in this sacred place (this rosary consists of fifty Our Fathers, Ave María, Glories and Avemaría
Purísima); 2) That it is spread to the whole world the adoration of the Holy Face of Our Lord; do the Way of
the Cross contemplating the Christ’s Divine Face commemorating the Passion, Death and Resurrection; joined
to the pains of the Blessed always and Immaculate Virgin Mary, asking forgiveness for all sins, that offend ,
insults, sacrileges proffered to the Divine Face. That all receive communion every first Thursday of every
month, during every year, up to the near coming of the Lord, doing twenty minutes of reparation, giving
thanks to God, asking for the conversion of Russia. All those who adore the Holy Face and do this Communion
of reparation, will receive the grace of dying in the holiness.
The salvation of the world is in doing what has been dictated in this message.
They affirm that this message suffers from excessive smallness of vision and exaltation of incidental things.
The smallness of vision - we Ánswer - and the exaltation of incidental things will be able to arise, probably,
from the pruning and mutilation of the text committed to adultery by the own objectors, who have published
and make circulate as really and authentic this text before emptying of its real and upright content. We might
mention of the title of the book and number of page that documents the outrage committed by the adversaries
of Clemente Domínguez’s messages. We do not do it to avoid unnecessary defamations.
But such a smallness of vision does not arise, by no means, from the real, authentic and complete message
dictated by heaven that, with divine clarity, depth and beauty, are planned by a wide program of spiritual life,
of apostolate and of heroic reparation.
The critique of the objectors of Clemente Domínguez attack the Our Father Rosary, the scapular, the sacred
images on it contained and the pious practices that are in the habit of being considered already out of mode,
viciousness without importance and without efficiency, of one already antiquated, permitted and superstitious
popular devotion.
But this swollen sufficiency ridicules specially the scapular that in The Palm Grove is worn externally, on order
of the Lord, dictated by means of Clemente Domínguez. Whom obey this order is designated by them
contemptuously like " those of the scapular ", " the acolytes of the scapular ", and also: " the gang ", and " the
group of Clemente ".
We are not going to make the defence of the scapular because it is made already by Our Lord, on February 12,
1971. This day, in effect, He appeared bleeding from all his wounds and he said what continues:
" Mine(my) children: today I bleed for all my sores, because I see, in these groups that come to pray here,
persons who despise my words, who consider my mandates to be ridiculous. Examine if: it is ridiculous that you
have in your handbags and in yours houses the portrait of yours parents? You have them on the walls and the
opinion of others is not important to you of anybody.
" I ask you: perhaps I am not your Father I? Why you do not give testimony of Me? Perhaps it is ridiculous
that you wear the scapular externally giving testimony of yours faith? Perhaps Satan can insist so often on that
you should not wear this Holy Scapular when precisely this Scapular is to expel to Satan?... Mine(my) Children:
they are innumerable those who are in the heaven because of the Holy Crusades. All of them were carrying flags
with my sign and that of the Holy Virgin, and were facing the enemies without repairing to that they were
going to lose their corporal lives.
" The moment has come to have valour and being scoffed at, if it is necessary, in my defence. Look at My Face,
My Sacred Heart and that of My Holy Mother. In these three reparations is the salvation of the world .
" All those who come here have proofs, more than sufficient, of the genuineness of these messages in which it is
said that is necessary to come as a day pupil.

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