Glide - Expansion Collection 1 (Spreads)
Glide - Expansion Collection 1 (Spreads)
Glide - Expansion Collection 1 (Spreads)
Official Expansions #1
Writing, Game Design, and Layout: Cody Barr
Art: Emiel Boven, Perplexing Ruins, Evlyn Moreau, and Amanda Lee Franck
Smugglers Expansion 7
Fonts Used: Expanded Herbertarian, and the Roboto family
Space Expansion 17
Downtime Expansion 37
Mechanic Profession 55
This one’s for everyone out there on their own journey.
The Great Houses use these hired smugglers, bounty hunters, and
mercenaries to do their dirty work since their inception, and always for a
price. Even now, many hubs for illicit activity can be found in corners of each
settlement on Eridoor.
In this expansion you will find rules for taking on Quests for smuggling
contacts, and additional Encounters that contain important finds for
Smuggling Quests. The Encounters provided are the only way to find
Smuggling Quest Items.
When Exploring in any Desert location, the Player can choose to use the
Smugglers Exploration Table instead of the Desert Exploration Table. Follow
the same rules for Explore as found in the core rules.
Players can take always choose what table to use when taking an Explore
action. Smuggler Exploration rewards cannot contribute toward normal
Guild Quest items.
Smuggler Explorations that are completed count towards any tracking for
“successfully explored”.
8 9
A spice trader is looking for someone to recover lost shipments across the ACE
A Player visiting a Settlement can additionally perform the Smuggling deserts of Eridoor.
action, once per visit. This actions provides a quest from Smugglers on Recover 3 Spice Contraband.
Eridoor, which are often looking for Relics, Scrap, and a new type of Quest Reward: +150 Credits
Item, Contraband.
The local supply of medicinal materials is dwindling. Smugglers are offering 2
A player can take one Smuggling Quest at a time in addition to one Guild a contract to transport supplies from another settlement to here.
Quest. Smuggling Quests can be abandoned at any time for the penalty of 20 Recover 1 Medical Supplies from the nearest Settlement.
Credits per Smuggling Quest item that was required to complete the Quest. If no other Settlements on map, place 1 Settlement 5 or more cells away.
Reward: +40 Credits, Recover all Stamina
Track Contraband on a separate piece of paper, or in the blank area above
your Quest Items on the character sheet. Lost crystals of great interest to an off-world House of strange other-worldly 3
skills have been tracked down but still require collection.
Recover 5 Living Crystal Contraband.
Draw 1 card from your deck and compare the card value to the Smuggling Reward: +200 Credits
Quests Table provided. You do not have to take the drawn Quest if it is not of
interest to you. Plant samples of rare species fetch a high price for off-world botanists as it 4
is exceedingly difficult to find any in the wild, unless you know where to look.
Smuggling Quests use the same Keywords as Guild Quests, so reference Recover 2 Plants Contraband.
those as needed from the core rules. Reward: +60 Credits
Some stolen cargo has made its way to your attention and needs to be 6
transported to the next settlement over for way off planet.
Transport Stolen Cargo to the nearest Settlement.
If no other Settlements on map, place 1 Settlement 5 or more cells away.
Reward: +30 Credits.
10 11
The Bounty Guild is looking for weapons to transport off-planet. 7 Mechanical Guilds have put in a request for illegal advanced artificial QUEEN
Recover 3 Weapons Cache Contraband. intelligence chips, found in old machine scraps across Eridoor.
Reward: 1 Equipment Upgrade 150 Credits or less Recover 4 AI Chips Contraband.
Reward: +50 Credits, 1 Glider Upgrade 200 Credits or less
Your Smuggler contact has an urgent request to get a person of interest off 8
the planet. It doesn’t pay much but you would be doing some good for the A Guild Dignitary is looking to make a quick escape from Eridoor before one KING
people or Eridoor. of the Houses arrives to capture them.
Transport Refugee to the nearest Settlement. Transport Guild Dignitary to Hidden Landing Pad.
If no other Settlements on map, place 1 Settlement 5 or more cells away. Place 1 Hidden Landing Pad (level 3) 5 or more cells away. This location is
Reward: +5 Credits, +1 Fame Explorable.
Reward: +90 Credits, +1 Relic
One of the larger Houses has begun cracking down on the smuggling 9
operation in this settlement. Plans are to set-up a new location nearby but You didn’t know they had these on Eridoor… Someone has found a sand WILD
things need to move quickly. worm and needs it smuggled off Eridoor.
Transport Smuggling Cargo to Smuggler’s Den. Transport Baby Sand Worm to nearest Settlement.
Place 1 Smugglers Den (level 2) 5 or more cells away. This location is a If no other Settlements on Map, place 1 Settlement 5 or more cells away.
Settlement. Reward: +300 Credits
Reward: +50 Credits, Refill all Fuel
Scrappers are paying for small pieces of rare parts found across Eridoor if JACK
you are willing to take the time to find them.
Recover 7 Rare Parts Contraband.
Reward: +145 Credits, 1 Equipment Upgrade 60 Credits or less
12 13
7 Abandoned Glider Collection
Draw a card when Exploring an Explorable Location and compare to Choose up to 1:
Smuggling Encounters Table. Complete any skill tests as written, using the K or R: +3 Scrap, +1 Contraband
Explore rules as found in the core rules. H: 1 Glider Upgrade up to 200 Credits
All Credit, Scrap, and Contraband rewards are multiplied by the Location’s 8 Smuggler Caravan
level. Rewards are otherwise given as written for Smuggling Encounter Choose any number:
rewards. Follow the same rules for Encounters as found in the core rules. Pay 5 Credits: +1 Scrap (repeatable)
Pay 20 Credits: +1 Contraband (repeatable)
Ace Cache Marked by Graffiti H or R: +20 Credits, +1 Contraband
Any: +2 Scrap, +1 Contraband
10 Hidden Cargo Passage
2 Dilapidated Shelter Any: +3 Contraband, +3 Scrap
Any: +1 Contraband, +10 Credits Free: +10 Credits
14 15
Space Expansion
Despite the wars being long over on Eridoor, many spaceships and wreckage
still hang in orbit above the planet. These ships house thousands of travel-
lers do all manner of business. For those who are adventurous, the rewards
for exploration and recovery of the lost relics and resources prove highly
You didn’t expect to be back up there after arriving planet-side but there is a
lot more traffic coming and going these days making it easier to find a ship.
If you are willing to pay the price, you can start trading and doing work in
the skies above. Space stations are always looking for a Seeker who can get
what they need in a timely manner.
In this expansion you will find rules for taking on Quests for space faring
contacts, Space Encounters that occur during travel, Space Hazards that
can affect your ship, and Space Explorations that provide important finds
for Space Quests.
If you use the Smuggler Expansion, new rules are included to let you do
some direct smuggling to contacts when heading to space.
Space Quests take place above the planet. A new smaller, hex map is
provided to explore. You will draw a card to reveal what is in the region,
recording any wrecks, ships, or other encounters in the space above Eridoor.
You will however need to purchase a small ship, for a large price, to start
travelling. When travelling, you will roll for a chance Encounter or Hazard.
These travel events offer a balance of dangerous and beneficial events in the
space above Eridoor.
Space Quest items don’t count towards regular Quest items on Eridoor, and
will remain on your ship when returning to the planet.
18 19
Rescued - Move to the nearest space station. ACE TO 3
Player’s use 1 Fuel to move the 1: Draw an Anomaly Your distress signal is relayed and you catch a ride back.
Ships Speed in hexes on the space 2-4: Nothing happens, clear sailing
map. If the player does not have 5-6: Draw a Hazard Spare Fuel - Recover 2 Fuel. 4 TO 7
any Fuel, they are considered Your fuel reserve has a little left to get you home.
Drifting and must resolve a Drifting
event from the provided table. You Anomalies in space can range from Quiet Drifting - Nothing. 8 TO 10
move half the Ships Speed, rounded drifting derelict ships, strange You drift silently through the void of space.
up, when drifting. Draw a new card signals, or space pirates looking to
for a new Drifting event each turn steal from you. These encounters Collision - Roll 3d6. Lose 1 Scrap for each result above 4. JACK,
you continue to Drift. are rarer in space, with the It was unavoidable and your cargo is dislodged but you survive. QUEEN,
vastness spreading out many of KING
Player’s do not use Camping rules those travelling to and from the
in space. Instead; recover all planet and solar system. Robbed - Roll 3d6. Lose 1 Scrap and 1 Relic for each result above 4. WILD
Stamina, for no cost, only when An elaborate heist to steal your hard-earned scrap and relics.
visiting a Space Station. To visit a Draw 1 card from your deck and
Space Station (counts as a compare the card value to the
settlement), use the same rules for Space Anomaly table provided.
Settlements as found in the core Resolve the Anomaly as it is
rules. written, using the Encounter rules
as found in the core rules for ref-
Fuel can be purchased for your ship erence as needed.
at any Space Station, for the price of
20 Credits per 1 Fuel. You may
purchase Fuel up to your ship’s Draw 1 card from your deck and
limit. compare the card value to the
Space Hazards table provided.
Every movement can be dangerous Resolve the hazard as it is written.
in space. You must roll 1d6 before
each Move action, to see what Hazards are bad things happening
happens. Compare the results directly to your ship during space
here: travel.
20 21
Strange Signals - Test K2. If failed, you become Drifting for 2 turns. ACE Radiation Storm - Move immediately to an adjacent space. ACE
The signal is jamming your navigation devices. You really don’t want to risk going through this.
Flotsam and Jetsam - Test K2 or R3. If successful, gain 1d6 Scrap. 2 TO 5 Asteroid Field - Test R3. If failed, lose 1 Stamina and 1 Fuel. 2 TO 5
Someone forgot, or lost, this cargo. Time to grab it. Hang on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Trader’s Ship - Gain a 100 Credit discount on any purchasable Upgrade. 6 TO 10 Debris - Test K3. If successful, gain 2d6 Scrap. 6 TO 10
Got a lot of fine things on sale, Stranger! If you know where to look you will always find something worth scraping.
Space Pirates - Test H3 or R3. JACK Solar Flare - Test H3. If failed, lose 2 Stamina and 1 Fuel. JACK
On success: Lose 100 Credits and 2 Scrap Either the sun fries, scorches your ship, or you or you go blind.
On fail: Lose 150 Credits, 4 Scrap, and 1 Relic.
Bribe or gift, either way they are getting something from you. Ionic Clouds - Cannot use Fuel this turn and next. QUEEN
Systems failing at an alarming rate and the alarm has also failed.
Bounty Hunter - Roll 1d6 for each Space Station you’ve discovered: QUEEN
For each result above 4: Gain 50 Credits Stalled Engine - Reduce Speed by 1 this turn. KING
For each result of 3: Gain 25 Credits All you need is time and patience to get the engine back online.
Their ship signal reads “Wizard”, brilliant and chrome.
Cosmic Being - Nothing! You can’t believe your eyes. WILD
Guild Fleet - Choose one: KING Is that a giant tentacle emerging from behind those asteroids?
Pay 1 Fuel & Test R3 - On success, move 1 space. On fail, lose all Relics.
Pay 50 Credits & Test K3 - On success, move 1 space. On fail, lose all Fuel.
A massive fleet traveling very close to the planet, and they pull you in.
22 23
Once you make it past the
checkpoint, you may immediately
turn-in the complete Smuggler CARD VALUE RELIC VALUE
Space Stations are fixed locations Quest for double the value of the ACE TO 3 25
on your map. From these locations, When travelling from planet-side original Credits rewards, plus a
you can perform the Contacts to space, the player may bring with bonus 50 Credits per Quest item. 4 TO 8 50
action to find or finish a quest. All them any Contraband found.
Stamina is recovered when visiting Assume that your contact has For example: Smuggling Quest 9 OR 10 75
a Space Station, with Water being requested transport of the found card result ACE provides 150
purchasable for 10 Credits per 1 quest items to the space station. Credits as a reward. If you suc- JACK, QUEEN, KING 100
Water, same as on the planet. However; you must roll 2d6 to see if cessfully bring the Contraband to
you successfully get by the Space, you would be rewarded 300 WILD 200
A player can choose to purchase a checkpoints on your way there. Credits instead of the base 150.
Ship Upgrade from the Space Since you required 3 Contraband
Station, for the price listed next to The authorities won’t think twice for this quest, a bonus of 150 Credits
the upgrade. You can have 1 of each about taking everything from you, would be rewarded as calculated by
upgrade max. but can sometimes be bribed to 50 per Contraband you had. The
pass a blind eye. total Credits rewarded would be
Players can purchase fuel for 20 450! A big boost for a little risk.
credits per 1 Fuel, up to their
Finally; you may search for a Crew 2 TO 5 Lose all Contraband
member once per visit. These use CARD VALUE SCRAP VALUE
the same rules as Companions, 6 TO 10 Keep All Contraband Selling Scrap and Relics follows the ACE TO 4 10
from the core rules, and will same basic rules as the core rule
provide benefits for you as long as 11 OR 12 Pay 10 Credits per book. Draw a card and compare to 5 TO 8 20
you are in space. Once you return to Contraband or lose all the following charts for the Space
the surface, your crew will await Station sell value, in Credits, per 9 OR 10 30
your return for further space scrap or relic sold. You can sell up
adventures. There is no limit to to your current maximum number JACK, QUEEN, KING 50
crew but you cannot have of Scraps or Relic that you’ve
duplicates of crew members. Also collected. WILD 100
note: Companions from planet-side
will not venture with you to space.
24 25
Draw a card and compare the results to the provided Crew tables. If you are JACK Glass - The Agent Draw 2 Quests when 400
unable to afford the hiring cost of the crew, you must wait until your return A mysterious being, Glass has taking the Contacts
to the Space Station before searching again. the ability to transform their action and choose 1.
CARD appearance to resemble others.
RESULT CREW ABILITIES COST They have information on You never lose
ACE TO 3 Loner - The Ace Pilot +50 Credits for each 300 almost everything and know Contraband when
This man ran the Eridoor Relic sold where to find Credits. travelling to space.
channel in under 4 parsecs,
which is apparently very fast. +1 Resourceful QUEEN Jet - The Bounty Hunter +1 Hardy 150
Ex-law enforcement for a Minor
+1 Speed House on Eridoor, Jet has now +1 Resourceful
taken to hunting down real
4 TO 6 4L7F4 - The Technician +1 Knowledgeable 350 criminals on his own terms. +1 Stamina
A robot equipped to repair all
manner of technologies and Re-roll Drifting checks KING Gambino - The Gambler Draw 2 cards for Scrap 300
space ship parts. up to once per turn. Smuggler, schemer, and all- and Relic sales, taking
round risk taker. Gambino never the higher sale value.
+2 max Fuel wants to hear the odds and
never loses. +5 Scrap Storage
7 TO 10 Mel - The Veteran +1 Hardy 100
Fought in a short-lived war +2 Relics Storage
against a House regime, but on +10 Credits for each
the losing side. Fiercely loyal Scrap sold WILD Eleventh - The Time Being +1 to Hardy, Free
and cares for crew like family. According to your contacts, Knowledgeable, and
Mel likes to cause trouble from You may draw an Eleventh is a reincarnation of a Resourceful
time to time. additional Exploration time-and-space travelling
card and pick either. doctor. Highly strange but + 1 Fame whenever a
Eleventh is indispensable to Relic is found
have around your crew.
26 27
D6 RESULT D6 #1 D6 #2 D6 #3 D6 #4
1 Blue Nomad Star Promise
Unfortunately the ship you may Your ship comes with the following
have used to get planet side is long stats, which will look familiar to 2 Risky Kraken Drifter Navigator
since gone, or now sits in a how a Glider is tracked:
scrapyard. You will need another 3 Unbound Phantom Iron Wizard
way to take to the sky. Speed: 2
Scrap Storage: 12 4 Golden Song Mythic Herald
A player must purchase a space- Relic Storage: 3
ship from any Settlement on Fuel Storage: 6 5 Blazing Jumper Sunburst Edge
Eridoor for 500 Credits. Once a ship
is purchased, you are free to leave Record this info on your Space 6 Errant Seven Void Venture
Eridoor to visit the outer region Expansion sheet provided. Space-
around it at any time from any ships can be upgraded, similar to
Settlement. Glider upgrades in how they func- Cloaking Device – Gain +2 Knowledgeable during Space Exploration 600
tion, from any Space Station
Travelling to and from space does location. Use Credits to pay for Threat Scanner – Gain +1 Resourceful during Space Exploration 200
not require any resources from the these upgrades.
player. When a player returns to Sub-light Thrusters – Speed increased by +1 300
Eridoor, choose any revealed Don’t forget to give your ship a
Settlement to land in. name by rolling 2d6 and compare Shield Boosters – You may ignore Hazards 450
the results to the table on the next
page. Choose column 1 or 3 for the Crew Quarter – You may recover 1 Stamina at the end of each Turn. 300
first name, and 2 or 4 for the second
name. Combine your results for the Probe Array – You may draw 2 Anomaly cards and choose 1 600
full name of your ship.
Scrap Compactor – +6 Scrap storage 300
For example: Risky Promise, Errant
Navigator, or Golden Song. Stasis Chambers – +3 Relic storage 500
28 29
An encrypted message needs to be delivered with utmost urgency. ACE
A player visiting a inhabited Space Station (counts as a Settlement) can per- Transport Encrypted Message to the furthest Space Station.
form the Contacts action, up to once per visit. This action provides a quest If no other Space Stations on map, place one 4 or more cells away.
from the spaceship’s inhabitants. Often the inhabitants are looking for Reward: +300 Credits
recovered materials from derelicts ships (Scrap), prototype technologies
(Relics), and a new type of Quest Item, Starmaps. Deliveries are running late and supplies need to move. 2
Transport Cargo Shipment to the nearest Space Station.
A player can take up to one Space Quest at a time. Space Quests can only be If no other Space Stations on map, place one 3 or more cells away.
abandoned when the Player is on an Space Station, and for the cost of 20 Reward: +100 Credits, +2 Fuel
Credits per Space Quest item (scrap, relics and/or quest items) that were re-
quire to complete the Quest. Pirates have been terrorizing travelers at an increasing rate. Scout the local 3
travel routes for signs of their activity.
Track Starmaps just as you would for Quest Items from the core rules. Perform 3 Space Exploration actions and then return.
Reward: +250 Credits
Draw 1 card from your deck and compare the card value to the Space Quests “These are not just rocks; they’re minerals of extreme importance!”, 4
Table provided. You do not have to take the drawn Quest if it is not of interest exclaims the scientist. Starmaps will point the way.
to you. Recover 2 Starmaps of Mineral Deposits.
Reward: +1 Ship upgrade of your choice
Space Quests use the same Keywords as Guild Quests, so reference those as
needed from the core rules. The wreckage of a lost transport has just been spotted in this space 5
quadrant. Recover the Starmaps from it.
Recover 3 Starmaps of Lost Travels
Place one Lost Wreckage on the map 4 or more cells away with the
following test:
Any: +1 Starmap, +3 Scrap (repeatable)
Reward: +250 Credits, Recover all Fuel
A information broker is paying for Starmaps with data on the Great House 6
transportation routes, and is will pay for the risk to recover these.
Recover 3 Starmaps of House Routes
Reward: +400 Credits, +1 Relic
30 31
A local ship mechanic would like you to test a new ship engine out, to make 7 Defectors are increasingly common among the Houses’. This one wants you QUEEN
sure it won’t explode on their paying customers. to personally escort them to safety.
Travel 10 Hexes using Fuel and then return Transport the House Defector to the Warp Ship (counts as Space Station)
Reward: 150 Credit discount on one Ship Upgrade, +1 Fame Place 1 Warp Ship 4 or more cells away.
Reward: +600 Credits, +1 Relic
One of your Smuggler contacts has an urgent request, to recover Starmaps 8
that would lead persons of interest out of the solar system. Your scanner picks up an encoded advertisement for a black market sale KING
Recover 2 Starmaps of Safe Passage happening aboard a traders barge. Might be worth checking out.
Reward: +50 Credits, +1 Relic BONUS: +1 Fame if you have smuggled prior Travel to the Black Market Barge (counts as Space Station).
Place 1 Black Market Barge 5 or more cells away.
Escape pods, now in cryo-preservation, need to be recovered before their 9 Reward: Half-off up to 3 Ship Upgrades and 2 Equipment Upgrades
power runs dry. They must be very important for the payment offered.
Recover 3 Cryo Pods An old Resistance leader has requested you specifically to recover important WILD
Place 3 Cryo Pods (level 2) 5 or more cells away. These have the following: Starmaps leading to a Great House super weapon.
K or R: Recover the Cryo Pod (remove from the map) Recover the Starmap of a Super Weapon
Reward: +500 Credits Place 1 Hidden Great House Outpost (level 3) 3 or more cells away. This has
the following:
The famous bounty hunter, Seagull, has hired you to meet with one of their 10 Any: +1 Starmap of a Super Weapon, +1,000 Credits (remove from the map)
elusive and dangerous targets and plant a tracking device on their ship. If failed:
Transport Tracker Puck to the Bounty location. Remove the Hidden Great House Outpost and return to Eridoor. You lose
Place 1 Bounty Target 3 or more cells away. This has the following: your ship and must purchase another! Lose this quest.
Any: Tracker Puck has been planted (remove from the map) Reward: +3 Fame
If failed:
The bounty escapes and you lose this Quest. (remove from the map)
Reward: +200 Credits, +1 Equipment Upgrade of your choice
Traders are always looking for Starmaps to guide them through safe, and JACK
lucrative passages in the solar system and beyond.
Recover 5 Starmaps or Rare Routes.
Reward: +500 Credits, +2 Relics
32 33
6 Credit Cache Collection
Draw a card when Exploring any empty space and compare to Space En- Free: +3d6 x 10 Credits (i.e. 5 x Encounter Level 2 x 10 = 100)
counters Table. Complete any skill tests as written, using the Explore rules
as found in the core rules. Use the Location Levels rules as written on page 7 Derelict Transport
28 of the core rules to determine the Encounter Levels, 1 through 3. Choose up to 1:
H or R: +2 Scrap, +1 Relic, +2 Starmap
All Credit, Scrap, and Starmaps rewards are multiplied by the Location’s K: +4 Fuel, +1 Relic, +1 Starmap
level. Rewards are otherwise given as written for Space Encounter rewards.
Follow the same rules for Encounters as found in the core rules. 8 Smuggler’s Hideout
Pay 10 Credits: +1 Scrap (repeatable)
CARD Pay 50 Credits: +1 Starmap (repeatable)
34 35
Downtime Expansion
Between adventurers in the deserts of Eridoor you may wish to take a break.
Settlements, and locations that count as settlements, provide an opportunity
to perform activities of daily living or relaxation. In this expansion you will
find a range of activities from including: building a small business, learning
a new skill, or developing a relationship with your companions.
In this expansion you will find rules for taking Breaks. Each Break allows
the player to perform one, or multiple, Break actions. All Breaks take time
and help to develop your character in a way that feels more personal to you.
NOTE: Characters can now take any settlement action any number of times.
The only exclusion to this is one Settlement Event per settlement visit.
NOTE: Players can hire a companion using the Find Companion action
without drawing a card. Companions that were hired previously cost 0
Credits to re-hire from any settlement.
When visiting a settlement the player will choose any number of Break
actions from the provided options, resolving one at a time. Each action has
includes the rules for choosing it, including tables for results and
advancement trackers for longer-term investments and training.
Players that are cooperatively sharing their game can choose to do the same
Break action, receiving all bonuses to all characters as if they did it solo.
Cooperative players may choose to aid another at no additional cost. Always
assume that you take enough time at the settlement to partake in all chosen
actions for your group.
Once the player has finished all of their chosen Break actions they may
continue their Settlement actions as described in the core rules.
38 39
1-6 Your time together feels fruitless and you both quickly forget the event.
This action allows a player to form a greater bond with their companion, or No advancement in the relationship track with this companion.
cooperative partner. The player should choose whom that they want to grow
a bond with and have them in their group. 7-10 Both you and your companion enjoy you time together, sharing stories and
having a good time.
Once a relationship begins to form, the player should track their ongoing Advance the relationship track by 1 with this companion.
status with the companion by marking what level their relation is. A
relationship can range from 1 (Strangers) to 5 (Intimates). 11-12 Your time together is fruitful, deep, and fun. You will recall this event for
many years to come.
1. Strangers: The companion functions as written. You know little about Advance the relationship track by 2 with this companion.
each-other other than the adventure’s objectives.
2. Acquaintances: You’ve done a few adventures and are used to working
with each-other.
3. Companions: You share a bond and shared experiences from your time When exploring with a companion the player will use their current relation-
together. ship status to determine if they will receive aid during regular actions. The
4. Close Friends: You enjoy each-others company and share a common player must roll 2d6 and for each level the player has with their current
cause. Perhaps you’ve shared a major experience together that has brought companion they will add +1 to the total rolled value. For example: a
you closer. companion with a level 2 relationship would add +2 to the roll. The results
5. Intimates: You are true and very old friends. Perhaps you look up to each- are:
other or share a relationship that goes beyond just friends.
2-6: The companion does not aid you.
7-10: The companion provides 1d6 to your current test.
A player must decide on something for their character and companion to 11+: The companion is enthusiastic and provides 2d6 to you current test.
experience together that deepens the relationship. This could be sharing
stories about their previous adventures or going on a trip to get a meal in the Repeat this for each test that you believe your companion would be available
settlement. The choice should provide an action and intention. You can also for and willing to help with. Use your best judgement!
use Settlement Events to spark a story!
The player should then rolls 2d6 and compare it to the Relationship Table
provided. Some results will advance the relationship while others will keep
the relationship status-quo with no advancement.
40 41
ACE - 3 Fight! - You or your companion end up in a fight. One or both of you are
Entertainment on Eridoor comes in many different forms. For your injured, requiring a visit to the medical clinic for the settlement. The medicine
entertainment outings it is best to decide on what you would like to do prescribed for the injuries causes severe thirst. -2 Max Water until your next
during your break and with whom you will spend the time with. settlement visit.
Some ideas include: 4-6 Thief! - You are targeted by a thief during your time out. When you go to pay
• Visiting the local spice cafe to enjoy an exotic beverage and relaxing for your outing credits there is a significant amount less than before. Roll 2d6.
music Multiple the result by 10 and subtract from your total credits.
• Spending time visiting the food vendors trying a bit of everything
• Watching a traditional play performed by a local artist troupe 7-9 Sick! - It might have been food, a cough from another patron, or something
• Enjoying a brewhouse, sampling the finest beverages you drank. Whatever the case, you are now sick and suffer -2 Max Stamina un-
• Renting the most expensive room from the most luxuriant lodging til your next settlement visit.
• Feeding the dune birds near by a cargo bay
10 Offensive! - Maybe you said something wrong? Your companion (or a random
Once decided, roll 2d6 and compare the results to the provided: companion you have a relationship with if alone) loses relationship
2-6: Something goes wrong during your chosen activity. Draw a card and status with you. -1 Relationship with the companion.
compare it to the Mishaps table.
7-10: You have a fun time and feel ready to take on your next adventure. JACK, Lost Equipment! - Something important went missing during your time away
11-12: The activity was something you will remember for a long time. Draw a QUEEN, and you may never get it back. Assign a value from Ace through Wild to your
card and compare it to the Boons table. KING equipment then draw a card. Discard the item matching the card’s value.
To determine the cost of your entertainment, roll 1d6 and multiple by 10. WILD Missing Glider! - Maybe you parked it somewhere else or did you leave it
unlocked? Either way, you will need to scrounge up a new one or find your old
one. Roll 1d6 and n a result of:
1-3: You search high-and-low with no luck; time for a new Glider. Remove one
Glider upgrade at random and all Fuel for your Glider.
5-6: You find your Glider stashed away at a local mechanic who has
graciously kept it safe when they spotted it abandoned on the street.
42 43
ACE - 3 Rested and Recharged! - You had an amazing time enjoying the settlement
and feel ready to take on your next adventure. Gain +2 max Stamina until your
next Settlement visit.
10 Old Glider! - You or your companion meet an old Glider navigator who is set
on retiring and settling down in the settlement. The navigator offers to give
you their Glider as your adventures impress them. Choose up to 1 Glider up-
grade up to 200 Credits in value. Add this to your Glider.
JACK, Better with Friends! - You and your companion enjoy the time spent together
QUEEN, and grow closer. Gain 1 in the Relationship track with a companion of your
KING choice. If you do not have a companion, re-draw a card for a new Boon.
WILD Local Legend! - You or your companion do something amazing that catches
the attention of every local in the settlement. With you being the talk of the
town, you now receive the following when visiting this settlement:
• +10 value for all Scrap, +25 value for all Relics
• Half-price (rounded up) on all equipment and Glider upgrades
• Free Rest actions at this settlement
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Practice makes perfect before heading out into the desert.
A player can engage in training by working on their The player focuses on more The player rolls 2d6 and adds the
basics or mastering a new skill. Working on the basics advanced skills and abilities, results together for a total. On a
allows for a small boost to one for a short period. perhaps working with a total of:
Mastering a new skill allows the player to learn a new companion or skilled trainer
ability for their toolbox in the settlement to learn 2-6: Despite their efforts the
something new. As a player character does not advance
works on their mastery they their mastery this time.
The player takes some time to work on their basics and stay in physical or will gain advancement towards Nothing happens during your
mental health for the adventures ahead. Roll 2d6 and add the results a new skill. training.
together for a total. On a total of:
The player must pick one of the 7-10: The character works hard and
2-6: You shake off the rust. Gain +1 to all rolls for a single stat until next skills from the Skills table to gains some insight in their chosen
Settlement visit. begin training on when starting mastery. Gain one point in the
Mastery Training. Each skill has a Mastery tracker.
set number of Mastery Points
7-10: You practice good form. Gain +1 to all rolls for 2 stats until next required to unlock. Once the 11-12: The character performs with
Settlement visit. character has performed enough skill and really gets the hang of
mastery training, and accumulated their chosen mastery. Gain two
11-12: You are in peak performance. Gain +1 to all rolls for all stats until the required points, they can now points in the Mastery tracker.
next Settlement visit. use the skill permanently!
A character can choose to work on
A character can have up to 5 skills another skill from the Skills Table at
total. You may replace a skill at any any point, maintaining their earned
time with a new one. The old skill Mastery Points for other skills they
will be removed and all points reset are working on.
towards training.
46 47
2 Nimble - You may spend 1 Stamina to gain 1 Reflex d6 for a Skill Test.
3 Quick Thinker - When rolling for Knowledge tests, any resulting doubles
count as a success, plus 1, no matter the die values, and in addition to
normal successes.
3 Strong Arms - For Hardy tests you gain 1 automatic success before rolling.
4 Expert Hacker - When discovering Credits, you may spend 1 Stamina to roll
1d6. On a result of 5+, double the number of Credits found.
2 Glider Mechanic - When purchasing an upgrade for your Glider, reduce the
total cost by 50 Credits as you do the install yourself.
3 Multilingual - You may re-roll the value of Scrap and Relics up to once per
sell action per settlement visit.
3 Adaptive - You may use half the value (rounded up) of a second stat for
tests that have multiple stat choices i.e. K or R, Any, etc.
3 Calm Mind - Before rolling for a stat test, declare odds or evens. If more or
your selected value is rolled, gain 1 additional success.
3 Fearless - If you would fail a roll, instead you may spend 2 Stamina, up to
your skill level used in the skill for test, to add successes.
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Businesses are ongoing ventures to take their idea and create some-
for characters to sink time into in thing tangible in game. A business is ranked from 1 5. Influential: The business sets
the hopes that they will take-off. (Unknown) to 7 (Legendary). Each trends, influences choices, and has
Eridoor is home to many different Once decided on a business, the will provide a brief description of a grand following of customers.
industries, services, and player should create a Business what the stage means and how The character must invest 1600
hospitalities for the people. Tracker. This is ranked from 1 to 7, much it costs, in Credits, to attempt Credits to attempt advancement.
Some examples include: indicating the notoriety, size, and advancement up. 6. (In)Famous: Known across all
• A teahouse or cafe serving reach of the business. Players of Eridoor, the business is now
drinks and blends from Eridoor should assume that all goods and 1. Unknown: Your business is so known outside it’s regular locales.
and off-world services can be found for their tiny that others don’t even People may spread rumours about
• A guild that provides aid to new business at no additional charge recognize the name of it. You may the place, give it nicknames, or
Seekers other than direct mentions from be barely hanging on, getting no fabricate stories on the origins. The
• A travelling mechanic offering Business Events. Profit sharing contracts or customers, or lacking character must invest 3200 Credits
services on Gliders and other between the player, companion, or the tools to move up. The character to attempt advancement.
machinery cooperative players is assumed must invest 100 Credits to attempt 7. Legendary: The highest level of
• A trader buying and selling rare equal split unless otherwise advancement. a business. It is extraordinary in its
Relics from across the planet negotiated. 2. Minor: The business is low own way, known by off-worlders as
• A catering company quantity, quickly passed over, or one-of-a-kind.
serving rare spices and understaffed. The character must
ingredients found in the invest 200 Credits to attempt When using the Business action,
deserts of Eridoor advancement. the player should roll d6 equal to
3. Medium: A business that has their current Business Tracker
Players may develop an it’s niche and people respect it. The level. The total of these dice is
interest in helping local character must invest 400 Credits added to their Credits count as
enterprises or starting their to attempt advancement. income from the business.
very own based on personal 4. Major: The business is a big
interests, interactions from part of a scene and is generally
Events, progress with a known by many. The character
Guild, or even just the must invest 800 Credits to attempt
background of their advancement.
character. Building a
Business allows the player
50 51
cessful attempt at growing the CARD
A business costs 50 Credits to start. business, up to once per Break. A RESULT BUSINESS OOPS TABLE
All businesses start at rank 1, business can only grow once per ACE - 3 Copycats! - Suddenly everyone is doing that same thing you are. You must do
Unknown, once they have been Break at maximum, per business. On something new and different within the next 2 Breaks or decrease your
created. A player can have any a total dice result of: business rank by 1.
number of businesses.
2-6: No growth: The business does 4-6 Shortage! - Something necessary to your business is now in short supply on
A business that has invested the re- not advance and experiences an Eridoor. You must solve the shortage problem within the next 2 Breaks or
quired amount of Credits into their Oops. decrease you business rank by 1.
current rank can then attempt to
grow. The player should record what 7-10: Some growth: The business 7-9 Rumours! - A rival business is spreading hurtful rumours about your business.
it is advances one step and has one Oops. You must do something to boost the reputation within the next 3 Breaks or
that the business is doing to grow. decrease your business rank by 1.
Then the player rolls 2d6, calculating 11-12: Growth: The business advances
the one step. 10 Unwanted Attention! - The local authorities or criminal organizations have
total from the results. The player can been attracted to your business. You must pay 20 Credits multiplied by your
add +1 to the roll for each unsuc- current business rank within 1 Break or decrease you business rank by 1.
A business Oops is when something JACK, Blackmailed! - A person has threatened you business by trying to get you to
goes wrong during the business QUEEN, do something for them. You must deliver 2 Relics or 6 Scrap for the black-
hours and operations. This is often a KING mailer within 2 Breaks or decrease your business rank by 1.
setback needing resolution for the
continued growth. Draw a card and WILD Offer You Can’t Refuse! - A Major house representative offers your business
compare it to the provided Business something that you cannot refuse. The catch; you must pay back the Major
Oops Table for the result. house within 3 Breaks or your business is closed permanently. Roll Xd6 where
X is your current business rank. Add the results for the total and multiple by 10.
This is the number of Credits needed to repay.
52 53
Mechanic Profession
In the Professions - Mechanic expansion you will find rules for specialising
in a specific Profession. A Profession allows the player to enhance their
roleplaying and interaction with the game by opening up additional When a player meets the requirements for the Profession Actions of their
opportunities across the world and providing benefits for their own chosen Profession, they may perform 1 or more of the actions listed for their
character. current rank or below. Each chosen action is resolved one at a time. Results
and rules for each Profession Action are provided.
When all players have finished their chosen Profession Actions, they are
free to continue their adventures as described in the core rules and
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Mechanics are a well sought profession on Eridoor with the number of Use the following table to choose an action based on your current Rank.
mechanical equipment, tools, and transports needing constant repairs from
the harsh sands. The many years of civilization on Eridoor has produced
some truly remarkable materials that help to reduce sand related damage RANK MECHANIC ACTION
but not entirely eliminate it. 1 Settlement Repairs - Spend 1 Scrap to perform a repair in a settlement.
Gain 5 Credits and 1 Experience.
Mechanics are often tinkering with all manners of equipment and
transports, modifying them to suit the user’s needs. This is the Mechanic 1 Reinforced Chassis - Spend 2 Scrap to ignore all Weather effects that limit movement
Profession’s primary area of interest. until your next Settlement visit. Gain 2 Experience.
2 Jury-Rigged Upgrade - Spend 3 Scrap to choose any one Glider upgrade from your
available list across all rules. Treat this upgrade as active for your Glide until your next
Scrap is the primary resource needed for a Mechanics to do their work. The Settlement visit. Gain 3 Experience.
Mechanic turns the scrap into permanent upgrades, temporary boosts, or
Credits based on the choice made by the player. Scrap can always be 3 Shop Day - Spend up to 5 Scrap to perform repairs in a settlement.
purchased in a Settlement, so remember to keep that in mind when Gain 3 Credits and 1 Experience for each Scrap spent.
balancing your Scrap collection for quests and trade versus performing
mechanical 3 Experimental Work - Spend 2 Scrap to work on your mechanical knowledge.
work, Gain 5 Experience.
The Mechanic is limited to action choices based on their current rank. 4 Spaceport Repairs - Spend a day at the spaceport doing repairs for Minor Houses.
Once a rank is reached all actions for the current rank and below are valid Gain 20 Credits and 2 Experience.
selections. A player must have all required materials for the action to
perform it. 5 Masterwork Project - Spend up to 3 Scrap and/or 1 Artefact to advance the Masterwork
tracker by 1 for each Scrap and 3 for each Artefact. Gain 5 Experience.
RANK EXPERIENCE REQUIRED 5 Enhanced Glider - Spend 1 Artefact to increase the stat bonus of one Glider or
1 - BEGINNER 0 Spaceship upgrade by 1. This can only be applied once per Glider upgrade to a maximum
2 - INTERMEDIATE 5 of 3 total upgrade. Gain 5 Experience.
5 - EXPERT 40+
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