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Company Directive

EE SPEC: 1/7

Relating to Continuous Maximum Rated (CMR) System Transformers for

use on systems up to 132kV

Policy Summary

This specification covers Western Power Distribution’s requirements for 33kV, 66kV and 132kV
continuous maximum rated system transformers, and associated earthing / auxiliary transformers. It
is based on ENA Technical Specification 35-3 Issue 2 - 2014 and must be read in conjunction with that

NOTE: The current version of this document is stored in the WPD Corporate Information Database. Any other
copy in electronic or printed format may be out of date. Copyright 2019 Western Power Distribution

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This document defines the 132kV CMR Transformers used within WPD and provides a standard with
which the Purchasing Section can go out to tender with.

Main Changes
The document has been updated to include minor changes and removal of the Earthing and Auxiliary
transformers into their own specification. Inclusion of a continuity test and visual inspection of the
chamber that houses the Thompson strap, this is for all new dual LV grid transformers to prove that
the strap has been fitted after routine testing in the factory.

Impact of Changes
The impact of changes affects the Procurement Team, Primary System Design, Engineering Design
and Major Projects.

Implementation Actions
Implementation is immediate.

Implementation Timetable
This policy can be implemented with immediate effect.

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Document Revision & Review Table

Date Comments Author
April 2019 Minor changes to tidy document up Andrew Reynolds
Creation of engineering specification for
Earthing Auxiliary transformers
Inclusion of continuity test and visual inspection
of Thompson strap for dual LV transformers

February 2017 Page 93 - Standard CT arrangement drawings Andrew Reynolds

have been added

January 2017  Inclusion of inhibited insulating oil Andrew Reynolds

 Spelling changes and grammar
 Inclusion of latest ENATS
 Inclusion of ECO directive

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5.0 RATING 6
11.0 TESTS 8
15.1 Tanks and covers 10
15.2 Surface finish 14
15.3 Terminals 15
15.4 On-Load Tap-changer 22
15.5 Clearances to exposed conductors 25
15.6 Fittings 26
15.7 Thompson Strap 30
15.8 Marshalling and / or Control Box 31
15.9 Interconnecting Cables 35
15.10 Magnetic Circuit 35

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This specification covers Western Power Distribution’s requirements for 33kV, 66kV and
132kV continuous maximum rated system transformers, and associated earthing / auxiliary
transformers for use on 50Hz systems having 33kV or 11kV neutral earthed directly or
through resistance, reactance or arc suppression coil at one or more points.

All equipment supplied under this specification will meet the relevant technical requirements
of ENA_TS_35-3_Issue 2 (2014).pdf - Continuous Maximum Rated (CMR) System Transformers
for use on systems up to 132kV.

Additional clauses contained within this specification are in addition to the requirements of
the standards outlined in ENA Technical Specification 35-3. Where there is any conflict
between ENA Technical Specification 35-3 and this document, then this specification shall
take precedence.

Manufacturers should consider carefully the implications of arc suppression coil earthing of
both 33kV and 11.5kV systems on the insulation requirements of the equipment supplied.

The transformer and its ancillaries shall be designed such that it can continue in operation in
times of flood when water levels could reach 1m above the plinth level. All parts below this
level shall be sealed to allow submersion. Items not suitable for submersion shall be located
above this level, with the exception of cooling fans which although will preferably be fitted
above this level, consideration will be given to an arrangement where the fans are below this
1m level. In this case it is accepted that the fan motors will be ruined by the flood. Any items
below the 1m level that are not suitable for submersion shall be listed in Appendix 4.
Together with the reason for the non-compliance and the extent of damage and rectification
needed following subsidence of the flood.

Clause numbers in this specification correspond to clause numbers in ENA Technical

Specification 35-3.

Transformers offered by manufacturers are required to satisfy the eco-design regulations

2009/125/EC and to conform to the requirements associated with Commission Regulation
548/201 with regard to small, medium and large power transformers.

The energy performance of a transformer at its equivalent CMR rating shall comply with the
maximum allowed values of load losses and no load losses or peak efficiency index (PEI) for
Tier 1 stated in the appropriate tables of Annex 1 of the eco-design regulations.


Clause 2 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies.


Clause 3 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies.

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Clause 5 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

 Nominal transformer lower voltages shall be either of the following 11kV, 11.5kV,
33kV or 66kV as set out in the Schedule.
 33kV dual ratio transformers for which the voltage ratio at no-load, on the principal
tap, shall be 33000/11500/6900 V.
 All earthing connections shall be capable of withstanding prospective fault currents for
a minimum of three seconds.

5.3 The following preferred values of rated power shall be added to Table 1 -

Nominal transformer higher voltage 132kV

Nominal transformer lower voltage 66kV
Transformer continuous maximum
rating (CMR) (MVA) 30, 45, 60 or 90


Clause 6 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

Unless a multi-start tapping winding is employed, all tapping’s should be made on the outside
winding face. Tapping’s brought out between turns or discs are not acceptable.

6.4 If no figures are quoted in Item 2 of Appendix 1 - Schedule of Requirements, the

tapping range shall be +10% to -20% in 1.67% steps

6.5 If no figures are quoted in Item 3 of Appendix 1 – Schedule of Requirements or

impedance graph supplied, the impedance shall be:-

For 132/33kV:- 25% at nominal tap, 22.5% at minimum tap (Tap 19, 105.6/33kV) and
26% at maximum tap (Tap 1,145.2/33kV) all on a 100MVA base.

For 132/66kV:- No ‘standard’ impedance is used. Please contact WPD for the required

For 132/11kV:- 85% at nominal tap, 80% at minimum tap (Tap 19, 105.6/11kV) and
89% at maximum tap (Tap 1, 145.2/11kV) all on a 100MVA base.

The impedance at all tap positions shall be within the tolerances quoted in Table 1 of
BS EN 60076-1.

6.6 The transformer and all connections shall be capable of operating at any tapping
position on a load cycle preceded by 65% of CMR for 24 hours then 130% of CMR for
8 hours followed by 16 hours at 78% of CMR with an ambient temperature of 20°C
without exceeding a hot spot temperature of 140°C. It is recognised that under these
operating conditions, loss of insulation life will occur.
(Only applies to transformers purchased from February 2017)
The maximum winding hotspot temperature shall be 140°C.

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Clause 7 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

Vector change links shall be provided. These shall be easily accessible via an access port in the
tank lid.


Clause 8 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

All rating plates and valve function diagram plates shall be durable such that they remain
legible for a period of 50 years when exposed in an outdoor coastal polluted environment
without maintenance other than cleaning with water.

A valve function diagram plate shall be provided - Figure 4 illustrates the required content.

The plates detailed above, shall be fitted to transformers and reactors at an approximate
height of 1.7m above plinth level.

8.1 Information to be given in all cases

(k) Connection symbol(s) shown in a manner that states which one has been

(o) The mass of insulating oil shall be shown for each portion of the transformer -
main tank, tap-changer, pipework and coolers.

8.2 Additional information to be given when applicable

Vacuum capability will be applicable to all system transformers. These plates shall
carry information on the vacuum capability of the unit and containing any necessary
information relating to precautions on valve positions, barrier boards, coolers etc.


Clause 9 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

9.2 Oil preservation system

The oil preservation system shall be free breathing with a maintenance free
dehydrating breather. It shall be positioned so that it is accessible for
repair/maintenance with the transformer live (3m clearance from live bushings).
Details of the system used shall be provided at time of tender for approval.

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Clause 10 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies.

11.0 TESTS

Clause 11 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

11.1 Table 2 - the rated lightning impulse voltage (LI) kV (peak) for 132kV nominal system
voltage shall be 650. In-tank surge arrestors are not permitted.

11.2 Determination of Sound Levels

Maximum sound power levels in Table 4 are replaced with the following -

Primary voltage ONAN Sound Power Level ONAF/OFAF Sound Power

dB(A) Level dB(A)
33kV 65 80
66kV 74 80
132kV 75 80

11.3 Frequency Response Analysis

Frequency Response Analysis is required before leaving the manufacturer’s works and
again on site. The cost of these tests shall be identified separately at the time of

11.18 Site Tests

All the site tests listed in 11.18 are required, along with those additional site tests
listed below. All site tests shall be witnessed by WPD Project Engineer. The first test
to be completed on site before the transformer is offloaded from the transport vehicle
is the core to earth tests; these will be repeated once the transformer has been landed
on its plinth.

Where a dual LV winding transformer (double bubble) a continuity test will be

completed and a visual inspection of the Thompson Strap chamber will be completed.

(iv) Ratio test at all tap positions (including HV winding magnetisation current
measurement in all phases at all taps and proof that no open circuit occurs
during each tap-change operation.

(xi) For all C.T.’s:-

(a) DC resistance measurement (all ratios)
(b) Polarity check (flick test)
(c) Magnetisation curves (all ratios)

(xiv) Appropriate tests to prove correct operation of any ancillary equipment.

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Clause 11 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies.


Clause 14 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

14.2 The manufacturer will provide oil in accordance with IEC 60296 high grade inhibited

The oil offered shall have the following stand out properties.

Property Test Method Value

Dielectric Dissipation Factor at 90 C IEC 60247 Less than 0.0025
and 20 oC
Flash Point (oC) ISO 2719 ASTM D93 >170
Total Sulphur Content (ppm) IP 373 ISO14596 Non-detectable (less than
1 ppm)
Breakdown Voltage (kV) IEC 60156 >50kV (Untreated)
Breakdown Voltage (kV) IEC 60156 >70kV (Treated)
Corrosive Sulphur DIN 51353 or ASTM Non corrosive
PCB (ppm) IEC 61619 Non-detectable (less than
1 ppm)
Water Content (ppm) IEC 60814 <15

The oil used needs to be identified at time of tender and on the name plate for future
reference. An identifying label needs to be attached at every point on the transformer where
a pipe can be attached to fill the transformer with oil, this label needs to identify the oil
manufacturers name and oil brand, for example only fill this transformer with SHELL DIALA

14.3 Cooling shall be ONAF or OFAF. Unless otherwise specified in writing, a separate cooler
bank design is required, which shall be arranged to permit the later construction of a
noise suppression building around the transformer without dismantlement of the
transformer. Specific requirements are set out in section 15 following.

14.5 Auxiliary DC nominal voltages are either 24, 50V or 110V as stated in the Schedule 1.
Whilst minimum voltages shall be taken as 80% of nominal, it should be noted that
under boost charge conditions the 110V DC voltage may rise to 138 V. Connected
equipment must function correctly and without damage throughout these voltage

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Clause 15 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the addition of -

15.1 Tanks and covers

Fabricated under-bases shall be ventilated to prevent corrosion. Fabricated underbases shall

incorporate skids and be designed to prevent retention of water. Detachable underbases
shall not be used.

Oil tight welded seams shall not be covered longitudinally by tank stiffeners. Box section
stiffeners shall incorporate drainage holes at their lowest point(s).

Transformers with separate coolers shall be arranged to permit connection of the coolers to
either end of the tank without modifications to the transformer.

Tanks of transformers/reactors shall permit the complete tanked unit to be moved under the
following conditions without damage.

(i) When completely filled with oil: - lifted by jacks, and to be moved, in any direction,
using rollers, plates or rails,

(ii) When filled with agreed transport medium:

(a) To be lifted by crane,

(b) To be moved by road, water and, when specified, by rail transport.

It shall be possible to move the equipment in its tank and filled with oil, in any direction, using
rollers, plates or rails, without damage. A design which necessitates slide rails being placed in
discrete positions is not acceptable.

The transformer free standing height when arranged for transportation shall not exceed
4000mm, unless a larger height has been specifically agreed in writing prior to contract
placement, up to a maximum of 4880 mm.

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15.1.1 Fall arrest

(i) A socket for insertion of a work positioning/restraining post (Ridge Gear SSP Sub-
Station fall arrest post) shall be provided as near the centre of the transformer lid as
practicable. This shall be as detailed in the Figure below.
(ii) In addition to the socket above lifting eyes shall be provided, suitably spaced in the
centre and along the length of the transformer lid, to be used as clip on points for
work positioning restraining.
(iii) Fall arrest posts shall be supplied by the manufacturer.

Ø 88.9 x 5 tube

Ø17 hole thro

both tube walls

M6 tapped
hole 30 x 6 flat

4 off


Semi circular hole at

bottom of tube to allow
water drainage (Ø15)

Material: CHS Grade 255

or equal plate Gade 255
Semi circular hole at
bottom of tube to allow
Welding procedures
water drainage (Ø15)
EN288-1 & EN288-2
Continuous Fillet Weld

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15.1.2 Shielding of moving parts and 230V connections

Moving parts which pose a risk of injury, such as motors, shafts, fans, tap-changer
mechanisms etc, shall be effectively shielded. Removal of shields shall require the deliberate
use of tools. Small wiring terminals carrying 230V to earth or higher shall be effectively

15.1.3 Inspection openings and label plates

Suitable fixings shall be provided on the tank and its cover for accommodating the rating and
information plates specified.

Covers shall be labeled to indicate their function.

Terminals shall be marked with labels approximately 100mm diameter carrying terminal
marking eg A1 a2 etc.

15.1.4 CT terminal boxes

HV CT terminal box shall be weather-proof and waterproof to prevent water ingress in an

outdoor environment. Access to the CT terminals shall be by a removable front cover, with
the cable and gland remaining in position when the cover is removed.

15.1.5 Sound attenuation

Every care shall be taken to ensure that the design and manufacture of all transformers and
auxiliary plant is to be such as to reduce noise and vibration. This is a matter of primary
importance and special attention shall be given by the Contractor to ensure compliance with
this requirement.

Anti-vibration mountings for separately mounted coolers, pumps, etc, are not required.
These shall be bolted to the plinth by the Contractor.

Transformers shall be arranged to permit installation of a sound attenuation enclosure.

In addition to the clearance requirements stated in 13.1 (i), the following apply -

Between nut and bolt fixings of pipe-work, and turrets of transformers/reactors, to:-

(a) Enclosure walls 150mm

(b) Enclosure roof 150mm

Special provision in the enclosure roof for easy access to in-tank tap-changers, (and for their
maintenance equipment, such as lifting beams), tank inspection covers, and terminal boxes
shall be agreed at time of tender. If access to the tank cover is required, this shall be shown
on the Contractor's drawings and will be obtained by removing roof cover units as necessary;
the roof support construction will be arranged to facilitate such access.

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Sound attenuation enclosures will generally be arranged as shown in noise attenuation
enclosure drawing, and the following shall be noted:-

(i) Enclosures will normally be a combination of brick, concrete and steel or laminated
sheet, so designed that sections of the structure can be removed without involving
complete dismantling. The bonding material of both roof and walls will permit easy
removal of appropriate sections, when required.

(ii) The overall thickness of civil works for the sides ends and roof, including any support
structures, will not exceed:-

Sides/ends Roof

460mm 300mm

(iii) Annular spaces around pipe-work, bushing turrets, coordinating gap structures, etc,
passing through the walls or roof, will be filled with bitumastic weatherproof felt or
equivalent resilient material.

(iv) Ventilation of enclosures will be provided to reduce possible build-up of vapors. The
total area of such apertures (inlet and outlet) will not exceed 0.1% of the total area of
the walls.

(v) Two doors will be provided in the enclosure, arranged sensibly diagonally opposite,
both being fitted with "panic" bolts. One door shall be positioned adjacent to any tap
change operating mechanism.

(vi) Normal fire prevention civil works will be incorporated in the enclosure construction,
including any necessary effluent pipes to oil soak-away pits due regard being paid to
the requirement to maintain the effectiveness of oil containment measures.

(vii) The enclosure roof construction will be designed to support its own weight and
allowances made for:-

(a) Wind loading

(b) A point load of 890 Newtons at any position

(c) A uniformly distributed load of 720 N/m²

(viii) Access requirements to tank inspection covers and terminal boxes shall be separately

15.1.6 Earthing

All tank attached cubicles, cooling fan motors, oil circulating pumps, driving mechanisms, etc,
shall be bonded to their supporting structures. All tanks, separately mounted cooler
structures and marshalling kiosks will be connected to the main earth bar by means of
subsidiary connections, carried out under another Contract.

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Earthing tags shall have a blanking plate fitted over them before painting, which can easily be
removed, on site, leaving a clean face for connection of the earth.

Cover mounted structures such as the tanks of externally mounted protection current
transformers and shields to give protection from arc damage, shall be bonded to one of the
tank earthing points by a separate connection having a cross-sectional area of not less than
300 mm² copper.

These earth connections shall be securely bolted to the transformer tank at a minimum of
300mm spacing with shear head stainless steel bolts.

Earthing tags shall be provided on the main tank, as close as possible to, and below, each
surge diverter mounting point. The facility shall be provided to support 50mm x 6mm copper
earth tape horizontally between the 3 earth tags mentioned above and vertically from each
tag to ground level. For security reasons (copper theft) it shall be possible to securely bolt the
earth tape to the transformer using stainless 12mm shear head bolts at a maximum spacing
of 300mm.

The transformer lid shall be bonded to the main tank with 200mm² copper at a point as close
as possible to the central earth tag mentioned above.

Surge arrestor earthing shall be provided by the manufacturer and shall comply with WPD ST
TP21S, this earthing shall consist of copper earth tape and shall be brought to ground level in
straight lines from each individual surge arrestor and secured to the tank sides via insulating
stand offs. No other earths shall be connected to these earths. This arrangement shall be
provided for the high voltage and low voltage sides of the transformer where surge arrestors
are fitted.

15.2 Surface finish

Unless otherwise agreed the following equipment shall be hot dipped galvanised:

(a) Radiators

(b) Fan supports spiders and guards

(c) Arcing horns

(d) Marshalling kiosk base support frames

(e) External guards eg neutral CTs, expansion joints

Unless otherwise agreed the exterior of following equipment shall be zinc sprayed:

(a) Marshalling kiosks and cubicles

(b) Refrigerated breather control boxes

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15.3 Terminals

Fixings shall be provided on the tank adjacent to the neutral terminal(s), to accommodate
support for externally mounted protective current transformers connected either in the
neutral or in the neutral phase ends.

Bushing terminations shall be provided with surge arrester brackets, located such that the
arrester would be outside a sound attenuation enclosure. The earthing arrangement shall be
brought to ground level from the mounting brackets and fixed to the transformer along the
route, leaving earthing points at the base of the transformer. These earth connections shall
be securely bolted to the transformer tank at a minimum of 300mm spacing with shear head
stainless steel bolts approval of arrangement will need to be sought from WPD prior to build.

The following surge diverters are in current use -

33kV (42kV used on arc suppression earthed systems in Cornwall) utilise a Coopers arrester as
shown below:

12mm studs


36kV =

42kV =


At 132kV, ABB is PEXLIM Q132-YV145E arresters with or without insulating base are currently

15.3.1 and 15.3.2 Cable terminations

This section details the requirements for: -

- Unfilled Cable Enclosures / Cable Boxes

- Inner Cone Separable Connector Chambers

Environmental protection shall: -

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Comply with the requirements of EN 60529 IP33 classifications. Holes in equipment, e.g.
cable boxes, gland plates, glands etc., and shall be sealed during transport and storage, to
avoid ingress of water and dirt.

When carrying continuous rated current or any other specified loading, the temperature of
the filling medium (oil or air) shall not exceed 70ºC, with the cable conductors at a
temperature of 90ºC and the external ambient at 40ºC; the effects of solar gain shall be
taken into consideration.

Boxes/chambers shall: -

(i) Accommodate the fittings for cable termination, including stress-cones or other stress
control devices.

(ii) In the event of an internal breakdown, they shall: -

(a) Not disintegrate

(b) Control emission of arc products safely (particularly with regards to personnel)
and without penetration into the main tank.

Fixing studs/bolts for cover plates and flanges shall: -

(i) Be not less than M10,

(ii) Be spaced not more than 75mm between centres,

(iii) Not penetrate the casing. Where blind tapped holes are employed, studs shall be
used; set screws and bolts are not permitted.

Flanges shall have: -

(i) A thickness of at least 4 mm,

(ii) Not less than 12 mm between the inner edge of the flange and the hole for the
securing studs.

Cover plates shall: -

(i) Be separate and removable,

(ii) Have a thickness of not less than 5 mm,

(iii) Not exceed 25 kg in weight.

Gaskets shall be supplied, made in one piece from oil resisting synthetic rubber bonded cork,
having: -

(i) An uncompressed thickness of not less than 5 mm,

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(ii) An effective width on the inside of the fixing studs/bolts of not less than 12 mm,

Terminals shall be marked in a clear and permanent manner.

Provision shall be made for earthing the body of each cable box. Such earthing connections
shall have a cross sectional area of not less than 125mm².

When an earthing transformer is to be connected to a primary transformer, and where the

LV side of the said primary transformer is cable connected, then a separate cable box shall be
included to facilitate the connection of the earthing transformer, the cable shall be 185mm²,
solid Al. conductor, EPR insulation triplex cable. The earthing transformer cable box shall be
of an unfilled type and comply with the relevant applicable clauses in the relevant
specification. The neutral of the earthing transformer shall be an external oil to air bushing
to facilitate the connection of the earth tape to the EAT and not brought out via Euromold
bushing in the EAT cable box unless otherwise specified.

The bushings for the earthing transformer cable box shall be 1250A separable bolted
connectors to interface C bushings in accordance with EN 50181 for 36kV. Example
Euromold type M400AR- 4

A supporting bracket shall be provided on the side of the transformer to support the 11kV
triplex cable and pre-drilled to mount an Ellis Patent twin bolt fixing Atlas cable cleat. The
Ellis Patent Atlas cable cleat shall be commensurate for the 185mm2 solid aluminium
conductor EPR cable required for the earthing transformer connection. Unless otherwise
agreed, this bracket shall be mounted no more than 1 metre below the gland plate. The
bracket shall be positioned in such a way that when the Atlas cable cleat is fitted, the cable
shall pass through the centre of the cleat and enter straight into the base of the separable
connector housing. The Ellis Patent, Atlas cable cleats will not be supplied with the
transformer; they will be supplied under a separate contract.



The below table specify the details for unfilled enclosures cable boxes; the particular
requirements, in accordance with the Schedule 1 will be specified by the main Contractor.

All transformers shall be provided with an LV disconnecting chamber where cable connection
is specified in Appendix 1 at the time of tender.

A supporting bracket/s shall be provided on the side of the transformer to support the HV or
LV cables and pre-drilled to mount Ellis Patent twin bolt fixing Atlas cable cleats. This
bracket/s shall be capable of cleating one, two or three cable/s per phase. The Ellis Patent
Atlas cable cleats shall be commensurate for the correct size of cable required for the
transformer in question. Unless otherwise agreed, this bracket/s shall be mounted no more
than 1 metre below the gland plate. The bracket/s shall be positioned in such a way that
when the Atlas cable cleats are fitted, the cable/s shall pass through the centre of the cleat/s
and enter straight into the base of the separable connector housing/s. The Ellis Patent, Atlas
cable cleats will not be supplied with the transformer.

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Details for 12kV Unfilled Enclosures

Transformer Rating MVA Up to 16 Above 16 Above 30 Above 46

up to 30 up to 46 up to 61
Number of Cable Boxes Phases 3 6* 3 3
Neutral 1 1 1 1

Maximum Cable Size, stranded copper

or aluminium:-
either Phases or Neutral mm² 630 630 630 630
Bushing Rating 1250 1250 1250 1250
Poles per Box Phases 1 1 3 4
Neutral 1 1 1 1
Cables per Box Phases 1 1 3 4
Neutral 1 1 1 1
Glands per Box Phases 1 1 3 4
Neutral 1 1 1 1
Drawing Number (Phase and Neutral) Fig 1 Fig 1 Fig 1 Fig 1

The arrangement drawing shown in figure 1 is a typical general arrangement, the
dimensions for the cable box shall be commensurate to fit the Cenelec interface C outer
cone bushing shown in drawing and the pictures shown below.

Equipment shall be capable of withstanding the prospective fault currents specified by the
main Contractor selected from one of the ratings below.

Table of phase to earth short-circuit current withstand capabilities for cable boxes.

Voltage kV kA (rms) for 3 seconds

36 25, 31.5
11 21

Any additional insulation for conductor fittings required for cable boxes up to 36kV, will be
provided by the purchaser.

Where phase isolation is specified, single-phase boxes shall be used.

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Unless otherwise specified, cable entries shall be vertical from below.

Where condenser bushings are specified in the Schedule they shall be in accordance with
BS 2562, Fig. 15.

Each cable shall be provided with an individual removable split gland plate. Gland plates for
single-core cables shall be manufactured from non-magnetic material.

Unfilled Enclosures

Enclosures shall comply with the requirements of BS 6435 except where modified by this

Enclosures incorporating separable bolted connectors shall be equipped with interface C

bushings in accordance with EN 50181 for 36kV. Bushing eg Euromold type M400AR-4.

Compression type cable glands will be supplied by the Purchaser.

Enclosures shall incorporate:-

(i) Two 100 x 100mm holes double louvered, with gauze sandwiched between the two
louvers, 25mm up from the gland base plate, one on each side of the cable box for

(ii) Two 12mm holes in the base for drainage.

The protection shall also prevent the insertion of any object liable to cause a dangerous

Enclosures shall be provided with an accessible earth terminal, near the base. This terminal
shall comprise a screwed rod of phosphor bronze or high tensile brass having a minimum size
of M12 x 65 mm long, passing through the shell and secured on each side by a plain washer
and one full nut. It shall also be provided with two plain washers and two locknuts, both
inside and outside the enclosure.

Unfilled Enclosures 12 kV

Enclosures shall be dimensioned to be suitable for -

(i) These Outer Cone bolted separable connectors bushings, shall be designed to EN 50181
for 36kV and shall be of the interface C type and shall be capable of having a 1250A
rating, e.g. Euromold type M400AR - 4, or as otherwise agreed at time of Tender.

(ii) Depending on the rating of the transformer the cable box and bushings shall be
suitable for one cable per phase, two cables per phase or three cables per phase. If
three cables per phase are required then there shall be an individual outer cone
bushing for each cable, see below. The outer cone bushings shall be spaced to ensure
that bushing extenders are not required. The requirement for bushing extenders shall
not be required from the design of the transformer.

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Unfilled Enclosures for 36 kV

Shall be provided. Where phase isolation is required, a separate cable box/enclosure for
each phase, which may terminate more than one cable, shall be provided.

Enclosures shall be dimensioned to be suitable for -

(i) These Outer Cone bolted separable connectors, shall be designed to EN 50181 for 36kV
and shall be of the interface C type and shall be capable of having a 1250A rating,
Euromold type M400AR - 4, or as otherwise agreed at time of Tender.

(ii) Depending on the rating of the transformer the cable box and bushings shall be suitable
for one cable per phase, two cables per phase or three cables per phase. If three cables
per phase are required then there shall be an individual outer cone bushing for each
cable, see pictures below. Design of the transformer shall mean that there isn’t a
requirement for bushing extenders.

Typical 11 or 33kV Outer cone separable connectors 3 cable per phase cable box.

Three cables per phase showing the configuration of the equipment interface bushings
(M)400AR-4, utilizing the single cable arrangement shown previously. Each (M)400AR-4
shall be fitted in such a way so as to not interfere with the adjacent separable
connector or require the use of stand-off bushings. The layout of the bushings in the
cable box shall be similar to that shown by the red crosses in the sketch above.

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Cable connected transformers/reactors having voltage ratings of 66 kV and above, shall have
their cables terminated using inner cone Pfisterer Size 5S separable connectors the separable
connectors shall have individual phase chambers.

Where inner cone separable connectors are fitted to transformers/reactors rated 20MVA
and above, a disconnecting chamber shall be provided. Both inner cone separable connector
chambers and disconnecting chambers shall be of phase isolated design.

The inner cone separable connector chambers shall be filled with insulating oil complying
with the requirements of this specification. The oil level shall be maintained from the main
conservator by means of a connecting pipe of 25 mm diameter to the highest point in the
chamber. This connection shall be controlled by a suitable valve, and shall ensure that any
gas leaving the chamber will pass through the gas and oil actuated relay specified. A barrier
shall be provided on both sides of the disconnecting chamber to prevent oil used for filling
the chamber from entering the cable box or from communicating with the oil in the
transformer/reactor, other than through the equalising pipework to the conservator. It shall
be necessary to remove only part of the oil in the chamber itself when making the necessary
testing connections.

An approved drain/filter valve shall be provided at the lowest point and a filter valve shall be
fitted at the top of the chamber.

Each chamber shall have two Pfisterer size 5S inner cone separable connectors, one
connector shall be installed in the upward direction and the other in the downward
direction. The incoming cable entries shall be vertical from below; the upper inner cone
connector shall be voltage-proof sealed with a dummy connector.

The inner cone separable connector chambers and associated disconnecting chambers shall
permit either the transformer/reactor or the cable to be subjected to the high voltage test
specified in their own Contract documents. The upper inner cone connector provides for
mounting a temporary bushing for this purpose. Subject to the approval of the Purchaser, it
will be permissible to use such a bushing for factory tests on the transformer/reactor in lieu
of the cable.

When required by the Purchaser, inner cone separable connectors and their associated
chambers shall be tested in accordance with the relevant clauses of IEC 60840 and DIN VDE
0276 05.

The inner cone separable connectors, bushings and their mounting arrangements shall
withstand the thermal and dynamic effects of short-circuit currents of the associated
transformer/reactor, as specified in IEC 60076.

Cabling and jointing within the inner cone separable connector chambers will be carried out
under a separate contract.

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15.3.3 Outdoor bushings

Bushings shall be to pollution class IV of IEC 60815 with a minimum creepage of 31.5mm / kV.

As noted above, brackets for mounting surge arresters are required.

HV terminals shall be arranged so that the connections can be taken away horizontally.

Facilities to release air trapped during transformer/reactor assembly, with the minimum dismantling
of component parts, shall be provided.

15.3.4 Unit auxiliary transformer

The Schedule in Appendix 1 will state if a separate, ground mounted auxiliary / earthing transformer
is required. If so, requirements for these are specified in WPD EE 142.

15.4 On-Load Tap-changer

Tap-changers shall also comply with IEC 60214-1

Tap changing equipment shall be suitable for full bi-directional power flow.

Internal type (oil environment) tap-changers shall be of vacuum diverter switch design and arranged
such that the diverter contacts are not immersed in the transformer main tank oil.

Internal type tap changers may be "externally mounted" by the use of a separate enclosure and an
oil-tight barrier board designed to separate the oil surrounding the tap selector contacts from the
transformer tank oil.

The tap-changer make and type shall be approved by WPD prior to order of the transformer.

Mechanism enclosures shall be protected to EN 60529, Class IP54. On load tap change equipment
driving mechanisms containing 400V connections shall be provided with an approved danger notice.

It shall not be possible for the oil in diverter-switch or selector-switch compartments to mix with oil
in the transformer tank or any other compartments. Oil in the tap selector compartment shall be
maintained under oil head by means of a pipe connection from the highest point of the compartment
to the conservator pipework. A valve, complying with the requirements of 13.6.8 shall be fitted at
the exit from the tap selector compartment and a gas and oil actuated relay, complying with the
requirements of 13.6.3. Shall be provided as close as practicable to this valve. Where duplicate
outlets from the tap selector compartment are provided, the valve and the gas and oil actuated relay
shall be fitted as close as practicable to the common point, on the conservator side. Where the tap
changing equipment comprises phase isolated tap selectors, these requirements shall apply for each

Oil sampling pipes shall be included in the tapchanger design to reduce the need to remove the lid to
sample the oil from the tapchanger pocket.

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The oil surge relay fitted shall have a nominal flow rate of greater than 1.2m/s to prevent unwanted

The nominal resistance of diverter resistors shall be inscribed on the tap changer rating plate.

15.4.2 Segregation of Compartments

All types of tap-changer, including those with vacuum diverter switches, shall be provided with a
separate tap-change conservator fitted with an oil level gauge.

A maintenance free de-hydrating breather shall be provided. To facilitate replacement or servicing,

the breather shall be mounted at approximately 1400mm above ground level. De-hydrating
breathers having a total weight greater than 10kg shall be supported separately from the breather
pipe. When necessary the breather pipe shall be braced for stability. The unit shall be self-
monitoring and a voltage free changeover contact for alarm condition provided (2A at 230V AC/DC)

A weatherproof and air-tight oil filling pipe, brought down to ground level and fitted with a non-
return DN25 (minimum) valve at its termination shall be provided.

Drainage facilities, brought down to ground level, fitted with DN25 (minimum) valves adjacent to the
conservator and at its termination shall be provided.

15.4.3 Method of operation

Electrical Control - on-load tap-change equipment

General Requirements

All on-load tap change equipment shall be provided with facilities for local and remote electrical
control. These facilities shall permit extension for independent automatic or group parallel
automatic operation from the control source. The form of electrical control required is a circulating
current scheme typically as shown in Fig 6 Drawing EM1 which is based on use of the MR Vacutap
tap---changer. The latest WPD drawings will be issued at the time of tender.

The electrical control circuits for each primary unit shall operate at 110 volts ac, single phase, derived
from a control circuit transformer (CCT), which shall comply with the requirement of EN60742,
having a ratio of 240/55-0-55 volts, with the centre point of the secondary winding earthed through
a bolted link. The incoming connections to the transformer shall be supplied with a fuse (or MCB)
and a neutral link. The outgoing connections shall be supplied with a fuse (or MCB) in each pole. This
transformer, with its fuses and links, shall be mounted in the marshalling kiosk or cubicle, as
applicable. MCBs shall be lockable to provide isolation. Fuses shall be Red Spot.

All motor contactors and their associated control apparatus and indicating devices shall function
correctly over the range of voltages, frequencies loads and durations specified.

It shall not be possible for more than one electrical control point to be in operation at any time
except when voltage reduction facilities for load reduction at a REMOTE CONTROL panel are required
for Independent automatic and Group Parallel automatic control.

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The electrical control shall be provided with a directional sequence switch (DSS) integral with the
driving mechanism (DM) to ensure that when a tap change operation has commenced it shall be
completed independently of the operation of control switches or relays. If failure of the operating
supply should occur during a tap change operation, the driving mechanism shall complete its
operation when the supply is restored.

Directional raise and lower end stop limit switches (DRLS and DLLS), to prevent operation of the
driving mechanism beyond the end positions, shall isolate the motor supply and the motor control
circuit. The arrangement of these limit switches shall permit electrical operation in the opposite
direction; these switches shall automatically reclose when the mechanism moves from such an end

Facilities shall be provided to isolate the incoming ac tap-changer supply at each marshalling kiosk or
cubicle by means of a three-position LOCAL/OFF/REMOTE local selector switch (LSS). This switch
shall be capable of being padlocked in the OFF position. The two remaining positions of the local
selector switch, complete with the necessary contacts, shall be available to permit extension, without
alteration, for other forms of control.

When REMOTE CONTROL facilities are specified in the Schedule, either of the following alternatives
shall be provided for each transformer or reactor, and specified at time of tender.

(i) a separate panel having a layout typically in accordance with WPD drawings


(ii) As loose items for mounting in general control panels by another Contractor.


(iii) The remote panel will be provided complete under a separate contract.

For any CT information please see appendix 6.The dimensions for the current transformer shall fit
within the accommodation detailed in the Schedule. This current transformer shall be capable of
carrying 150% transformer rated current continuously.

Local/Remote Control

Circuits and arrangements for local and remote control of on-load tap change equipment shall
comply, as applicable, with the schematic diagrams, supplied with each tender.

Facilities shall be provided at the local position and remote position to enable the tap-changer
position number to be raised or lowered. The controllers shall be clearly inscribed to indicate their
purpose; typical examples are: 'RAISE TAP POSITION NUMBER' and 'LOWER TAP POSITION NUMBER'.

A raise of tap position shall be a raise in number i.e. Tap position 1 to tap position 2 this will mean a
decrease in HV voltage.

A lower in the tap position shall be a lower in number i.e. Tap position 19 to tap position 18 this will
mean an increase in HV voltage.

Both of these will allow WPD to maintain LV voltage as per our AVC schemes.

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The controller at the marshalling kiosk or cubicle shall be operative only when its associated
LOCAL/OFF/REMOTE local selector switch at the marshalling kiosk or cubicle is set to LOCAL. Under
this condition, all other control points shall be inoperative.

The tapchange control cubicle shall be positioned as to facilitate ease of operation, where flood
requirements mean mounting the control box high up on the transformer then provision of steps is
required, the design of these steps needs to be approved by WPD policy and design.

The remote control panel shall be provided with a three position panel selector switch (PSS):

Position 1: HAND

Position 2: AUTO

Position 3: PARALLEL

The controller at the remote control panel shall be operative only when its associated
LOCAL/OFF/REMOTE local selector switch at the marshalling kiosk or cubicle is set to REMOTE and
the selector switch at the remote control panel is set to HAND. Under these conditions, all other
control points shall be inoperative.

Electrical operation initiated by any controller shall cause one tap movement only unless the
controller is released between successive changes.

All local and remote operating switches for the tapchanger control cubicle supplied by the tapchange
manufacturer need to be contained in the control cubicle and not be accessible from the cover.

The manual cranking handle needs to be contained in the control cubicle supplied by the tapchange
manufacturer and not stored on the external side of the cubicle.

15.5 Clearances to exposed conductors

The minimum clearance between live metal to any oil pipework, coolers,
s and pressure relief devices shall be -

Highest voltage for equipment (kV)

33 66 132
500mm 864mm 1300mm

If these clearances cannot be obtained they can be reduced to those given in Table 10 – External Air
Clearances of ENATS 35-3 providing the oil pipework etc. is adequately shielded to give protection
from arc damage. Such shielding shall comprise a 6mm thick mild steel plate located to avoid fault
currents passing through fittings. The shield shall be bonded by a separate connection to an earthing
terminal and no reliance placed on fortuitous earthing via gasketed joints.

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15.6 Fittings

15.6.1 Conservator

The conservator shall have a capacity between highest and lowest indicated oil levels of not less than
7.5% of the total oil volume (including tap changer tap-selector and cooling equipment) at 15°C.

The conservator(s) shall be positioned not to obstruct the incoming and outgoing electrical
connections the preferred location is on the cooler bank to prevent clearance issues and further
difficulties when a noise enclosure is to be erected. The conservator should be positioned with
pipework to allow topping up from the ground ideally while the transformer is still live. The
conservator shall be fitted to prevent over hang the bund wall and to prevent interference of the
erecting of a noise housing.

The removable end cover shall be complete with integral lifting lugs.

The valve referred to in Clause 15.6.1 (e) of ENATS 35-3 shall be of the non-return type and the oil
filling pipe shall enter the conservator above the oil level.

15.6.2 Cooling plant

Cooling banks alone shall be capable of dissipating the total losses at CMR and when operating at any
loading within the normal loading cycle.

Provision shall be made to mount the separate cooler bank at either end of the tank without
modifications to the transformer and the additional valves and blanking plates specified in 15.6.2
shall be provided.

Transformers rated at 30 MVA and above having natural and forced cooling shall, unless tank
attached coolers are specified, have radiator banks on free standing frames with the cooling
equipment and separate from the main tank.

Cooling plant shall be designed so that all painted surfaces can be thoroughly cleaned in situ and
subsequently repainted by suitable brushes or sprays.

The design of cooling plant shall ensure that pockets of gas do not accumulate internally, or water
collect externally.

Pipework shall be provided for connecting each transformer/reactor tank to its cooling plant. Cast
iron shall not be used. Oil piping shall be provided with flanged joints.

It should be noted that as provision for fitment of a sound attenuation enclosure has been specified,
duplicated expansion joints are required as specified in clause 13.1 (iii) of ENATS 35-3. Such devices
shall be capable of withstanding the stresses likely to be encountered during installation, service and
maintenance. Where such devices are of thin-wall construction (less than 1.7 mm) and within
2 metres of plinth level, they shall be provided with mechanical protection.

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Fans shall be supported from the cooler bank structure and incorporate an approved form of anti-
vibration mounting. It shall be possible to remove any fan, complete with its motor, without
disturbing or dismantling any part of the cooling bank structure.

Fan cowlings and steel fan supporting "spiders" shall be galvanised. Galvanised wire-mesh guards
shall be provided to prevent accidental contact with the blades of the fans. Protective guards shall
also be provided over all moving shafts and couplings. These guards shall be designed and
manufactured to ensure compliance with EN 60526 class IP3 or as otherwise agreed.

Oil circulating pumps shall be accessible and supported without the need for separate foundation
fixings. Housings of pumps and their motors shall incorporate plugs for air release and oil drainage.

The electrical control of oil circulating pumps and cooling fans shall be in accordance with the
relevant WPD drawings supplied at the time of tender.

All transformers and reactors having mixed cooling shall be provided with facilities for selection of
AUTOMATIC or MANUAL control of the cooling plant. These control facilities shall be located at the
marshaling kiosk (MK) or at a cubicle associated with the cooling plant.

Each fan and oil circulating pump motor circuit shall include a three phase overload and single
phasing protection relay (FMPR or PMPR), fitted with hand reset and trip indication facilities and
having a dust protecting case, mounted in the marshaling kiosk or cubicle. This relay shall be capable
of carrying the motor starting current without tripping when its trip setting is 115% of rated full load
current of the motor.

The Motor contactors shall comply with the requirements of EN 60947.

Circuits and control arrangements for automatic electrical and manual (testing) electrical control of
cooling equipment of mixed cooled transformers and reactors shall comply with WPD latest revision
of drawings

Automatic starting and stopping of the cooler motors shall be controlled by winding temperature

Where the transformer cooling design requires a pump two will be supplied to mitigate against a
single pump failure, it shall only be possible to start the pump motors in sequence. To achieve this, a
sequence starting scheme shall be inter-connected between the motor contactors (PMC) of each

A multi-position cooler control switch (CCS) shall be mounted in the marshaling kiosk or cubicle, shall
provide for automatic control and operational checking of:

(i) Each fan or group of fans,

(ii) Each pump

(iii) Fans and pumps

The temperature indicators shall control the operation of the cooling plant motors automatically
when the associated cooler control switch is set for AUTOMATIC.

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Each motor circuit or, as applicable, group of fan motor circuits, shall be provided with back-up
protection of the motor protection relays by suitably rated fuses or miniature circuit breakers (MCB)
mounted in the marshaling kiosk or cubicle.

Facilities shall be provided in the marshaling kiosk or cubicle to enable the cooling plant motors to be
isolated by means of an ON/OFF switch. This switch shall have auxiliary contacts arranged to close
after, and open before, the main contacts, and suitably inter-connected with the contactor coil
circuits to enable the normal switching duty to be performed by the fan and pump motor contactors.

15.6.3 Gas and Oil Actuated Relay

Each conservator oil feed pipe shall be fitted with an approved design of gas-and-oil actuated relay
having alarm contacts which close on collection of gas and low oil level, and tripping contacts which
close following oil surge and low oil level (double element type). The alarm and trip functions shall
not be operated by hollow floats. All sampling and drain points need to be brought down to ground
level to allow access from the ground.

Relays shall be provided with two visible scales, one each side, calibrated in increments of 100 cc up
to 400 cc, or as otherwise agreed, to provide indication of gas collection. These devices need to be
able to be tested from ground through injection as well as test via plunger.

15.6.4 Pressure Relief Device

Pressure relief devices shall be located so that their function is not inhibited by operation of isolating
valve(s). These devices shall be fitted as to prevent the reset button being inadvertently operated
and covered with a suitable cover to prevent this operation other than under fault conditions.

Pressure relief devices shall be provided with means to:-

(i) Prevent the ingress of rain or snow into any part.

(ii) Prevent continued oil flow from the transformer following operation to relieve
internal pressure.

Spring operated, self-sealing devices shall:-

(iv) be capable of withstanding a full vacuum,

(v) have a hand hole giving access to the tripping and reset lever. The outer end of the
pipework is to be protected from ingress of vermin etc. by a grid; paint spray or ice
formation shall not seal the outlet. Any bends shall have a radius of the central axis of
the bend not less than the equivalent pipe diameter.

15.6.5 Winding Temperature Indicators

Each transformer shall be provided with an approved device indicating the maximum winding
temperature) a winding temperature indicator and associated current transformer. The winding
temperature indicator shall be of an electronic design for example the Ashridge 852 116.
Programming of any hard programmed items for any other use is not permitted due to the risk of trip
associated with these functions.

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Means shall be provided, external to the winding temperature indicator case, for checking the
operation and setting of the contacts Means shall be provided with facilities to prevent unauthorized
interference. The temperature indicator shall have a range of 30°C to 150°C. The design of the
indicators, the components contained therein, any capillaries and their connections, other associated
equipment and the mounting arrangements shall be such that the equipment will not sustain
damage or mal-operation due to vibration in service. Anti-vibration mountings shall preferably be
integral with the indicator case.

The indicator shall have three sets of independently adjustable contacts having the following purpose
and characteristics:

(i) Cooler Control

Adjustable setting 50°C to 100°C (5°C maximum steps)
Adjustable differential 15°C to 30°C

(ii) Alarm
Adjustable setting 80°C to 150°C (5°C maximum steps)
Fixed differential of not more than 10°C

(iii) Trip
Adjustable setting 80°C to 150°C (5°C maximum steps)
Fixed differential of not more than 10°C

Dial type indicators shall have contacts that are adjustable to a scale and that are accessible on
removal of the cover.

The winding temperature indicator shall be arranged to replicate the “hottest” winding.

15.6.6 Current transformers

The current transformers providing winding temperature indication, as detailed in Item 26 of

Appendix 1, shall be located under the main tank cover, accessible via a cover plate. Separate Test
bushings shall be provided to facilitate primary injection testing, these test bushings shall be housed
in a separate box to all other CT wiring.

A current transformer for voltage compounding, as detailed in Clause 15.4.3 of this specification,
shall be provided.

The standard current transformers for protection and measurement shall be provided as per
drawings listed in appendix 6 this shows the location of the CT compared to the windings and its use.
Site specific CT details if required will be identified at time of tender.

15.6.7 Other fittings

All oil containing parts liable to entrap air shall be fitted at their highest points with an air release
plug to permit release of any air trapped following oil filling.

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A valve shall be provided on the tank at each point provided for connection to separate radiators or
coolers (ie both ends of the tank). Where cooler pipes enter the tank cover vertically, such valves
may be at the cooler headers. For any design where the inlet or outlet arrangement at the tank
consists of a single pipe, an additional valve shall be provided in each branch pipe to the coolers.

Tank attached radiators shall be provided with isolating valves.

A valve shall be provided in the main oil connections at the bottom of each cooler when oil
circulating pumps are fitted, to allow removal of the pump without draining oil from the transformer
or cooler.

A 50mm valve shall be provided in the oil feed pipe to each tap selector compartment positioned to
permit maintenance of the tap selectors

A 15mm isolating valve shall be provided in any equalising pipe arranged between tap changer
selector compartments and main tank to facilitate oil draining for maintenance of tap selectors.

For transformers and reactors having oil quantities exceeding 18,000 litres, a valve of minimum size
80 mm shall be provided together with such arrangements as may be necessary within the tank to
ensure that the tank can be drained of oil as far as is practicable.

A 50mm valve shall be provided at the top of each oil-filled cable sealing or disconnecting chamber
for 66kV and above.

Plugs shall be provided to permit as far as is practicable, drainage of detachable radiators, whether
connected directly to the tank or to cooler headers.

Plugs shall be provided to permit effective drainage of oil from circulating pumps, and gas and oil
actuated relays.

If specified in Schedule 1 all filter valves and combined drain and filter valves shall be fitted with
flexible hose adapters, provided with suitable gaskets and caps of the size specified in accordance
with Fig7 attached.

Tank attached radiators, shall be detachable and provided with flanges for the inlet and outlet
connections. Valves of an approved type shall be provided at each point of connection to the tank of
power transformers and reactors. Plugs shall be provided at the top and bottom of each radiator for
air release and oil draining purposes. Where a transformer is provided with cable connections, the
arrangement of such radiators shall give unrestricted access for the cables when rising vertically from

15.7 Thompson Strap

Transformers with double delta 11kV secondary windings shall be fitted with a Thompson Strap
connection used to link the “c” phase windings. The strap shall be accessible by the removal of a
suitably labeled bolted cover in the lid of the transformer and storage facilities for the strap when
not in use shall be provided in the same compartment. The transformer nameplate should indicate if
the strap is connected or not connected at time of dispatch. The Thompson strap shall be rated to
carry full LV current continuously.

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A continuity test shall be completed and a visual inspection of the chamber to prove that the strap is

15.8 Marshalling and / or Control Box

Common Requirements for electrical control and marshalling.

Contacts and other parts which may require renewal, adjustment or inspection shall be readily

All hand operated electrical control switches shall be clearly labeled and inscribed, as applicable, to
indicate the function of the apparatus with which they are associated.

The OFF position for switches shall be lockable, with rotation to ON.

Contacts and current carrying parts associated with motor circuits shall be capable of making,
breaking and carrying, as applicable, the starting and stalled current of the motor(s).

Vibration in service however caused, shall not result in mal-operation of switches contained in
protective devices eg gas and oil actuated relays, or of oil flow indicators, temperature indicating
devices, relays, instruments etc.

Control, protection and wiring arrangements shall be in accordance with ENA Technical Specification
50-18 unless otherwise agreed with the Purchaser.

All protection, monitoring and control facilities shall be wired out within the relevant panel to
provided alarms and indications as specified in the Schedule and shown on detailed diagrams listed in
the Schedule. All cabling from the transformer to remote equipment (ie outside the transformer
bund) shall be terminated in the free standing marshalling kiosk (MK) or Marshalling Cubicle (MC).

15.8.1 General Requirements

The following definitions apply:-

(a) Marshalling kiosk (MK) - a free-standing enclosure,

(b) Marshalling cubicle (MC) - an enclosure fixed either to the separate cooler, where provided,
or to the transformer/reactor.

Requirements for either a MK or a MC are specified in Appendix 1.

Unless otherwise agreed prior to contract Marshalling Kiosks shall be arranged to provide 1 metre
resilience to flooding, but not have overall height of more than 2.0 metres. Equipment shall be
housed in separate compartments as follows:-

(i) Temperature indicators and their ancillaries

(ii) Cooler control

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(iii) On-load tap changer control

(iv) Interposing CTs

(v) Terminals and cable glands

The construction and mounting arrangement of MK/MCs shall:-

(i) be weatherproof, and have a rating of IP55 to EN60529,

(ii) prevent the retention of water externally,

(iii) be proofed against vermin,

(iv) be ventilated and heated to prevent condensation.

Proposed materials for the construction of walls, sides, covers and doors; shall be subject to
approval. Galvanised mountings shall be provided.

Cables shall enter from the bottom, and removable gland plates shall be provided at not less than
460 mm from plinth level.

Glands, gland plates and cable compartments shall be adequately sealed to prevent moisture
entering other compartments.

Divisions between internal compartments shall be of steel, securely fixed in position, and arranged to
permit natural air circulation.

Two lifting lugs shall be provided at diagonally opposite corners.

All compartments shall have both front and rear hinged doors with the following exceptions unless
otherwise agreed:-

(i) the cable compartment of MKs shall have no front door,

(ii) the interposing current transformer compartment shall have no rear door.

Doors shall comply with the following requirements:-

(i) have oil and weather resisting gaskets arranged to create a labyrinth seal against the
compartment flange,

(ii) open through approximately 180°

(iii) have integral 'stay-bars' for positive location at approximately 90°,

(iv) be fastened by integral handles; nuts, bolts or carriage keys shall not be used,

(vi) Have external fittings that are of suitably durable, non-corroding materials.

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Provision shall be made for padlocking. The padlock will have a shackle of 7 mm diameter, a shackle
height of 20 mm and radius of 8 mm. Other forms of locking are not acceptable. Handles and
padlocking facilities shall be not be more than 1525 mm above plinth level.

Individual components shall be easily removable without disturbing other apparatus or wiring.

15.8.2 Terminals, and Ferruling

Terminal blocks shall be angled towards the appropriate doorway to assist access and visibility,
arranged as follows:-

Cables and cores shall be numbered in accordance with a schematic diagram or multicore schedule
provided by the purchaser.

Terminal boards shall be Klippon type RSF1 except for telecontrols which shall be type SAKR. If space
is a premium consideration shall be given to the use of RSF3 terminals, but all AC supplies shall be
RSF1. Alternative makes of similar type terminals may be approved at the time of tender providing
full details (incl. samples) are provided at the time of tender.

15.8.3 Earthing

A 25 x 3 mm copper bar, mounted on stand-off insulators, shall form the ring circuit earth (RCE)
inside the MK/MC, entering all compartments. A steel boss or bar shall pass through, and be welded
to, the side wall of the cable compartment to permit connection to the RCE internally and to the
substation earth externally.

Each metal case of apparatus mounted in MK/MCs shall be connected to the RCE by an insulated
wire, coloured green / yellow.

The mid-point of secondary windings of control circuit transformers shall be earthed through a
removable bolted link to the RCE.

Ventilation and Heating

An approved type of 230 volt, metalclad, anti-condensation, heater(s) shall be provided. The heater
shall be protected by a fuse and neutral link, and controlled by a weatherproof, single pole, ironclad,
rotary switch, mounted on the outside. The surface temperature of heaters shall not exceed 65°C.

Ventilation louvres shall be provided near the top and bottom on the sides of MK/MC.

15.8.4 Fittings - General

Unless otherwise specified in the Schedule the MK/MC shall be fitted with an externally mounted
switched socket outlet, comprising:-

1 - 13 amp 3 pin British Standard switched socket with 30mA residual current device for
240 V ac supply. This switched socket is to be connected to the kiosk heater supply circuit
through a fuse in the "live" lead and a link in the neutral lead.

Labels shall be provided for all apparatus mounted inside and outside MK/MCs and, to identify the
compartments, on outside of doors.

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Where 230 volt, phase to neutral, connections are taken into MK/MCs, "400 VOLT DANGER" notices
must be affixed to the outsides of the doors of the appropriate compartments.

Connections and wire numbers for the switched socket, heaters, shall be in accordance with Drawing
Nos SPC 206 and SPC 207 for WPD Midlands and SWest and Drgs PSD0802-2 and PSD0803 for WPD

Elements of three phase relays, contactors, isolating switches, supply fuses and thermal devices, shall
be marked with the appropriate phase colour.

15.8.5 Labels

All marshalling kiosks or cubicles shall be provided with appropriate labels of durable, rigid material
for all internal components.

Labels bearing an appropriate legend shall be fixed to all terminal blocks. The legend shall be clear
and concise to indicate the function of groups of terminals and shall have upper and lower case
letters, the upper case height being 3 mm.

Labels provided for all apparatus such as relays, switches, fuses etc, contained in any marshalling
kiosk or cubicle and REMOTE CONTROL panel shall be so placed that there can be no ambiguity as to
the apparatus or equipment to which they refer.

All labels fitted inside marshalling kiosks or cubicles and inside and outside STANDBY CONTROL
panels shall be secured with non-corrodible screws or rivets.

Labels fitted to apparatus at the back of panels shall be fixed so that they are not coverable by wiring.
They shall not be attached to removable covers.

15.8.6 TERMINAL HOUSINGS (other than MK/MCs)

Housings shall be of durable materials, of rigid construction and free from distortion.

Each housing shall be provided with a cover which can be easily removed and replaced, to provide
access to terminations. Covers exceeding 15 kg in weight shall be fitted with hinges.

Housings shall be mounted with their covers in the vertical or near vertical plane. They shall be
provided with suitable cowled ventilation.

Housings shall be weatherproof and not allow water to collect on any surface. The top of fabricated
housings shall be sloped to shed water away from the cover.

Terminals and their connections shall be easily accessible from the front of the housing.

The fixing of terminals and terminal boards within housings, shall be independent from fixings for the

Housings which are not welded to structures shall be fitted with an external earth terminal stud
which shall not penetrate the housing.

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 34 of 41 -


General Requirements

Insulated wires shall comply with BS 6231/HD 21. Due consideration shall be given to requirements
for fuse grading, current rating, voltage-drop, mechanical strength and terminations.

Fuses shall be Red Spot and comply with the requirements of EN 60269 and application shall be in
accordance with ENA Technical Specification 50-18.

MCBs shall comply with the requirements of EN 60947. Application of MCBs shall follow the general
principles of ENA Technical Specification 50-18 as applied to fuses. MCBs shall be lockable to provide

Terminals, terminations and wiring identification shall comply with the requirements of ENATS 50-18

15.9 Interconnecting Cables

The supplier shall provide, for approval by the Purchaser, a schedule detailing the multi-core cables,
to be supplied under the Contract, for interconnection of ancillary equipment.

External cabling between the transformer fittings and the marshalling kiosk/cubicle, shall consist of
PVC-insulated and sheathed steel wire armored cable with PVC overall.

External cables shall be adequately fixed to galvanized cable trays using cleats or saddles or other
approved methods of. Routing through oil containment walls is prohibited.

Cables passing through sound attenuation enclosure noise enclosure walls shall be grouped together.
A removable panel of weak mix cement, will be provided.

WPDs preference unless specified in Appendix 1 is for a Marshalling cubicle transformer mounted.

15.10 Magnetic Circuit

The maximum flux density in the limbs any part of the magnetic circuit for any tap position, with
rated voltage between terminals, shall not exceed 1.65 Tesla under normal excitation condition.


Clause 16 of ENA Technical Specification 35-3 applies with the following additions –

16.1 Drawings

Tenderers shall provide with their tender, the following drawings -

(i) A preliminary outline showing side and end elevations and plan of the equipment
offered, including indications of tap changer, terminations, cooling equipment, parts
to be removed for transport and principle dimensions.

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 35 of 41 -

(ii) A typical arrangement of the tapchanger showing external clearance and any lifting
apparatus necessary to undertake maintenance.

The drawings listed in 16.1 together with those additional drawings listed below, shall be
provided for comment by the date specified in the Schedule, which shall be prior to
commencement of manufacture. Drawings shall be provided for comment 10 weeks after
the issue of notification of award and purchase order.

(i) A general arrangement comprising: HV and LV side elevations, end elevations and
plan, indicating, as appropriate, the following items

 centre lines of pipe-work and turrets, etc., (with respect to the longitudinal and
transverse centre lines of the tank in the plan view, and from plinth level in the
elevation views) which pass through the sound attenuation enclosure walls and
 parts to be removed for transport
 boundary lines depicting the sound attenuation enclosure
 the principal dimensions, including clearances required for tapchanger
 the transport dimensions

(ii) General arrangement of Marshalling Kiosk/Cubicle

(iii) Name, Rating and Diagram Plate and diagram of connections of transformer/reactor
and associated equipment indicating the relative positions of connections and

(iv) Schematic diagrams, as applicable, of:-

(a) tap change control,

(b) tap changer driving mechanism,

(c) cooler control,

(d) Marshalling kiosk/cubicle,

(e) Remote Control Panel.

(v) Details and connection diagrams of Winding Temperature Indicator (WTI) alarm, trip
and cooler control arrangements, Protection CT Scheme Connections

(vi) Details of oil coolers, as applicable,

(vi) Valve function plate,

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 36 of 41 -

16.2 Assembly, Operating and Maintenance Instructions

One month PRIOR to delivery, the Contractor shall submit, for approval by the Purchaser, Assembly,
Operating and Maintenance Instructions, and Diagrams. After approval, but not later than one
month before the commencement of the maintenance period, the Contractor shall supply, in a
durable form, the number of copies specified under the Schedule These shall include operation and
maintenance instructions for tapchanger, r breather, gas and oil relays, temperature instruments and
oil filled bushings.

These instructions and drawings shall include information necessary to form the health and safety file
for the equipment, in accordance with the requirements of the Construction (Design and
Management) Regulations 1994. The file shall include relevant material safety data under Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health legislation.

16.3 Test Certificate

Three paper copies of test certificates shall be provided, together with a .pdf format Acrobat
electronic copy.



The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging transport to site and for ensuring the equipment is
delivered to site fit for storage, service or normal future transport.

The costs of transport shall be included in the Tender.

'Datum centre lines' and 'the centre of gravity' shall be clearly and permanently marked on each side
and each end of the tank.

Where no transport limitation exists, the transformer/reactor shall be transported complete with tap
changer. Tap changing equipment shall not be removed from the transformer/reactor for transport
unless specifically approved in writing by the Purchaser.

Filling medium conditions for transport, and whilst awaiting site assembly, shall comply with one of
the following:-

 be completely oil filled,

 be allowed to breathe to atmosphere via a breather (equivalent to the in-service

breather) provided that the windings and insulations are fully immersed in oil within
seven days from factory draining.

 be pressurised by dry air or dry nitrogen provided the pressure is checked monthly to
ensure that it does not fall below 35mbar gauge, and the windings and insulations are
wholly immersed in oil within three months of factory draining. Where this method is
adopted, pressure gauges having a full scale reading not exceeding 500mbar must be
fitted. During such time the diverter switch tank of on-load tap changers shall be filled
with oil, as for service.

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 37 of 41 -


The transformer shall be erected in accordance with the relevant drawings and include the
positioning of anti-vibration pads.

Ferrous bolt threads on all equipment external to the transformer/reactor tank shall be greased
before erection.

All pipe-work shall be checked for cleanliness before erection.

The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting any fixing holes that are required in the prepared
foundations on site eg for separate cooler banks and for undertaking fixing down and providing all
necessary fixing materials.

Transformers transported filled with nitrogen must be purged with dry air before permitting
personnel to fit associated internal accessories.

Transformers which have been transported filled with dry air or dry nitrogen shall have their
windings and insulation exposed to atmosphere only under dry site conditions and then for a
cumulative period of not greater than eight hours.

During and after erection, precautions shall ensure that moisture and air are not trapped within the
tank, pipe-work and coolers.

Transformers/reactors shall be supplied complete with the first filling of insulating oil, unless
otherwise specified. For testing and commissioning, the oil shall be based and comply with the
requirements of IEC 60296 High Grade Inhibited Oil,

Samples shall be taken from the transformer/reactor after the completion of site processing, and be
shown to comply with the following requirements.

Requirements for Insulating Oil shall be in accordance with section 14.2 of this specification.

The oil in radiators, conservators, coolers and pipe-work shall be processed to remove any impurities,
after filling, until it complies with the above requirements before being allowed to mix with the oil in
the main tank.

After all compartments of transformers/reactors are filled with oil to their correct level and pressures
equalised, the oil shall be circulated through the processing plant and circulation maintained for a
minimum duration of eight hours, when the oil quality shall be checked for compliance with the
above requirements. If necessary, the processing shall continue until these requirements are met.
Transformers/reactors having forced oil cooling shall have their oil pumps running to circulate the oil
through the tank and coolers during oil processing.

Note: The Purchaser will be responsible for ensuring that the necessary site supplies are available
at the time of oil filling and processing.

The specified breathers must be fitted and made operational within forty-eight hours of the final oil
filling and processing. Where this cannot be achieved due to site supplies not being available, a
temporary silica-gel breather having a capacity equal to, or greater than, the specified breather, shall
be fitted.

After erection, all blanking plates and special fittings shall be stored on site.

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 38 of 41 -

Damage to paint-work shall be made good.

The Contractor shall supply, erect and connect-up the apparatus provided under the Contract,
including cabling to the approved terminal positions. He shall co-operate with the other contractors
concerned in the completion and testing of this work, including the final checking and connecting-up
of the small wiring, fitting of approved numbered ferrules and making the transformer/reactor ready
for service.

Gap settings for protection devices for open terminal arrangements shall be set, at commissioning, as
follows, unless otherwise stated by the Purchaser:-

HV windings of 132kV ........................... 710mm

HV windings of 33kV and below ............ 315mm

The Contractor shall provide a Statement to the Purchaser, before commissioning, certifying that a
site examination of all tap changer parts, after assembly to the associated transformer, has been
made and that the tap changer is in correct working order.

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 39 of 41 -


Western Power Distribution Appendix 1 Schedules


Western Power Distribution standard commission checks



SPC11-1 (30MVA)

SPC11-2 (45MVA)

SPC11-3 (60MVA)

SPC11-4 (90MVA)

SPC11-5 (30-30MVA)



G116393-0.0 Typical 132kV Transformer Enclosure Rev0.0 (A1).pdf

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 40 of 41 -



This document supersedes EE: SPEC 1/6 dated January 2017 which has now been



ENA Technical Specification 35-3 Issue 2 2014

A hyperlink to that document is provided below for use by WPD staff.

ENA_TS_35-3_Issue 2 (2014).pdf

It should be noted that this document is copyright and shall not be passed outside
WPD. Copies can be purchased from Energy Networks Association.
Manufacturers tendering WPD would be expected to already hold a copy.

EE 142 Earthing and Auxiliary Transformers



The following changes have been made in this version:-

Removal of unwanted sections and creation of separate Appendix 1 documents,
WPD commissioning doc and earthing auxiliary transformer specification



Transformer, CER, CMR, Tapchanger.

EE: SPEC 1/7 April 2019 - 41 of 41 -

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