Presention Details
Presention Details
Presention Details
Gunjan Agrawal
Sumit S H Ray
1.0 Abstract
Large power transformers are expensive and critical elements of a utility transmission system.
Some transformers are so important that consequences of their failure are tremendous e.g. 765kV
Transformers and Converter Transformers of HVDC System which are transmitting bulk power
from remote generating stations to load centers. POWERGRID is operating and maintaining 648
power transformers, 94 converter transformers and 976 shunt reactors installed in 190
substations across the country as on Jan 2015. Present task in front of POWERGRID is to
maintain serviceability of such a large fleet of transformers/ reactors which are critical
considering the ageing fleet and significant effect on the grid due to any outage.
During Operation and Maintenance of Transformers & Reactors in POWERGRID, various
problems/ failures are observed. These failures were analyzed in detail and various measures are
taken to improve the serviceability of Transformers & Reactors. In this paper, experience of
POWERGRID in operation of Transformers & Reactors and corresponding modification carried
out in various areas are presented.
2.0 Introduction
Transformer is a completely sealed unit and limited O&M activities can be performed in such
units once it is installed. All actions are to be taken by manufacturer during design,
manufacturing, assembly, drying and testing stage so that the transformer provides satisfactory
service. In case, weak areas are left, the transformer will have reduced life and will give
continuous problems. Generally, it is said that the life of the transformer is the life of paper
insulation and change of its condition with time under impact of thermal, electrical (die-electric),
chemical, electromagnetic and electro dynamic stresses as well as impact of ageing processes.
However, there are several other aspects which needs to be considered specially in the early
years of commissioning and can affect the life of the Transformers.
Major critical areas identified during Operation of Power Transformers and Shunt Reactors in
early years of commissioning in POWERGRID network are:
High failure rate of Bushings leading to fire incidences. New bushings are showing
deteriorating trend ( tan delta) since commissioning
High moisture content in cellulosic insulation left in the Transformer insulation due to
inadequate Dry out either at Manufacturers work or at site during commissioning
resulting in fast deterioration of oil parameters and accelerated ageing of cellulose
Manufacturing issues reflected in fault gases/ leading to failure
Transportation issues reflected in Core isolation and gassing
Switching of 765/400kV Transformers & Reactors at wrong instances leading to
humming sound in Transformers
POWERGRID has taken various measures to improve the performance of Transformers and
Reactors based on above operational feedback. In this regard, various modifications were carried
out in the Technical Specification, Maintenance guidelines were reviewed and changed,
discussions were held with the manufacturers and various improvements were carried out in
design, manufacturing, workmanship, testing, transportation, erection and commissioning of the
% Failure
In POWERGRID, about 1700 Power Transformers/ Reactors of different voltage rating ranging
from 132kV to 765kV are in service. Over the last 25 years, several failures of Transformers/
Reactors on account of Bushings have been observed. Some of the failures were devastating in
nature resulted in major damage of Transformer/ Reactor. The component wise failure pattern of
Power Transformers in POWERGRID is shown in Graph-I given below:
As per the above graph, Bushings are responsible for about 41 % of the total failures of
Transformer and Reactor in POWERGRID. Failure of EHV bushing is often followed with
catastrophic consequences as explosion, tank rupture, fire, etc. During detailed analysis of the
failures, the reasons of failure identified were like inadequate care taken during manufacturing,
insufficient design margins, problem in leads, test tap design problem, improper erection etc.
Following are the major reasons for the failures of Bushings:
Failure of Bushings due to overheating Identified through high air end temperature.
Bushing rating was optimum and connector was having deficiencies.
Inadequate care taken during manufacturing: Manufacturing process reviewed and
Bushing diagnosis by Capacitance and Tan delta measurement at variable
temperature: Found to be an effective way to determine the defective Bushings which at
normal temperature sometimes do not indicate any problem.
Bushing health assessment through DGA analysis Very effective way to find the
problematic Bushings. POWERGRID has removed about 120 nos. of Bushings based on
high DGA.
Brazing problem in draw lead type bushings: Found in a particular make.
transformer bank (appearing on the load side of the circuit breaker interrupters) shall be in
phase with the source side voltages (which shall extend after closing of the circuit breaker),
the pre arcing times for second and third circuit breaker interrupters were deemed to be
Hence, it was decided to alter the pre acing times for the second and third circuit breaker
poles which the controlled switching device takes into account for switching (closing of
circuit breaker) at the desired instant. The pre arcing times set for second and third CB poles
were reduced from 2.5 m sec to 0.4 m sec. Controlled closing of the circuit breaker was
performed with new configuration of the controlled switching device and minimum inrush
currents were recorded during energization of the transformer banks. Humming noise levels
which were high during earlier transformer banks energization also subsided to normal
DR for energization of 765 / 400 / 33 kV 1500 MVA transformer bank with prior settings of
controlled switching device; phase currents above 1000 A rms values are seen
DR for energization of 765 / 400 / 33 kV 1500 MVA transformer bank with revised
settings of controlled switching device; phase currents 10-12 A rms values given below:
Thus, with the close analysis of Disturbance recorder, the problem was identified and
corrective action was taken. Earlier, provision of Controlled Switching devices was only
on the 765kV side of Circuit Breakers. It was however observed that in case of newly
commissioned 765/400 kV Substations, Transformers have to be energized some of the
instances from 400kV side also. Hence, now the Controlled Switching devices are
provided on 400kV side Circuit Breakers also.
5.0 Conclusion
The improvements in design and manufacturing of power transformer and reactor is a
continuous process. It has been seen that the O&M feedback is very essential for
improvement of the performance of Transformers & Reactors in respect of Design,
Quality, workmanship, testing, transportation, erection and commissioning at site. The
failure rate has come down to a great extent by adopting the latest state of the art
condition monitoring techniques. Now, the manufacturers in the country are also have
full access to the latest technology available at the global level. Some of the
manufacturers have impressive R& D set up to support the technology. 765 kV
Transformers and Reactors are now being supplied mainly by Indian manufacturers.
Utmost care is required during manufacturing of these units to have trouble free
The authors are grateful to POWERGRID management for granting their permission to
write and present this paper. The views expressed in this paper are of the authors only
and not of the management of POWERGRID.
Mr. R.K.Tyagi passed B.E. (Electricals) from PEC, Chandigarh in 1987 and
did M. Tech from IIT Delhi. He is a Fulbright Scholar from Carnegie Mellon
University, USA. Mr. Tyagi started his carrier from NTPC as Engineer in
1989. He joined POWERGRID in 1991 and has been associated with
Operation Services, Engineering and Technology Development departments
since last 22 years. He has wide exposure on Switchgears, Power
Transformers, Instrument Transformers and Surge Arresters. He is
representing India in MT-36 on Circuit Breakers for preparation of
International Standard IEC-62271-100. He was involved in development of
1200kV AC Technology in India in association of world renowned Experts.
He has traveled all over the world and has presented about 27 Technical
papers in various National/ International forums/ Conferences.
Mr. Gunjan Agrawal graduated in Electrical Engineering from KNIT, Sultanpur
in the year 1998.
Mr. Agrawal started his career in POWERGRID as Executive Tarinee
(Electrical) in the year 2000 and after completion of one year training, he was
posted in prestigious Talcher-Kolar HVDC project where he was involved in
the erection, testing and commissioning of 500 kV HVDC Bipole system. He
joined operation services department in POWERGRID in 2006 and since then
looking after Transformers & Reactors. He is member of the expert group on
transformers and reactors, involved in formulating of O&M policies,
standardization of maintenance procedures and resolving critical problems with
manufactures and helping site in O&M problems. Mr. Agrawal has contributed
numerous papers on Transformers in National and International conferences.