Times NIE Jaipur 11 Nov 24

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 In ‘Steam-Language/Career’, How do you tackle  Spin a short story STUDENT EDITION

TODAY’S STEM catalyst Abhinav
Singhal throws an origami
failures and setbacks?
Share your views in
around the word
‘Pedestrian’ in MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2024

‘Wizard’s Corner’
Newspaper in

challenge at you! ‘Skill Sift’ Education




R Trump earn as
icky Kej and
Anoushka Shankar
are among the
Indians nominated for the

US President? A
67th Grammy Awards.
Kej, a three-time Grammy
ccording to latest reports,
winner, earned his fourth the sci-fi classic ‘Star Wars’
nomination for ‘Break of is all set to take a fresh
Dawn’ in the Best New take by developing a new trilogy
Age, Ambient, or Chant
spearheaded by writer- producer

Album category, as
announced by the Simon Kinberg, who is best
Recording Academy on he US President is one of the most-influential known for ‘X-Men’ movies.
Friday. The category,
which includes albums featuring more than 75 per cent
persons in the world. Along with According to ‘The Verge’,
new vocal or instrumental new age recordings, also fea- unprecedented burdens, a fantastic financial Kathleen Kennedy, alongside
tures ‘Chapter II: How Dark It Is Simon Kinberg will be
FIND OUT Before Dawn’ by sitarist and com- package is also offered with the office. So, how bankrolling the trilogy.
poser Anoushka Shankar. Shankar
The first Indian also earned an additional nomina- much will Donald Trump get as salary after he Reportedly, the trilogy will
to win a Grammy tion for her featured role on Jacob revolve around Skywalker’s story.
Collier’s song ‘A Rock Somewhere’,
becomes the President in January 2025? We find out...
was -------
Ravi Shankar which also includes vocalist ‘Star Wars’, created by
Varijashree Venugopal, who bagged
Answer: A George Lucas, is one of the
her first nomination. SALARY ALLOWANCES AND
According to the WOMAN AS most-successful film fran-
PERKS chises of all time. The origi-
United States Code, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF nal trilogy was released from
the President of  There are many

SHIV NADAR the United States

earns an annual
salary of
In a historic first, US President-elect
Donald Trump has announced that his
allowances and
benefits the
President of the
1977-1983. A new prequel
trilogy was launched in the
$400,000, ie, United States gets late ‘90s. It focused on the
`3.37 crore.
campaign manager, Susie Wiles, will be apart from the base early years of Darth Vader,
This amount his White House chief of staff. Wiles, salary. central antagonist, and how
has been un- 67, will become the first woman to  They include a he transformed into the vil-
changed since hold the position in US non-taxable Expense
lain from the righteous Jedi
2001 and is paid history Allowance $50,000
every month. (`42,18,750 approx) per knight Anakin Skywalker.
Although the yearly year for personal and offi-
remuneration appears cial business.
humongous compared to an A Travel Account of $100,000 OZ TO PROPOSE UNDER-16
average American, it is adjusted for (`84,37,535 approx) per year is meant
inflation and historical presidential for travel expenses money for the SOCIAL MEDIA BAN LAW
remuneration and remains rather President and the staff
modest. It is a package of financial  The President also gets an
costs that represents the huge burden Entertainment Budget, which
of responsibility in the role to ensure is $19,000 (`16,03,162 approx) per
that the President can concentrate on year meant for hosting foreign
leading the nation without worrying dignitaries, state dinners and

ech magnate Shiv about all the expenses. other official events.
Nadar retained the Shiv Nadar’s donations

‘India’s Most Gener- amounted to almost `6 crore ustralian Prime Minister
According to th
ous’ title for 2024, donating Anthony Albanese said on
a day. He has committed
e President
`2,153 crore to philan- Friday his government
thropic causes. Nadar’s nearly $1 billion to
home affairs, th The President and their family stay in the White REDECORATION would introduce this
donations account for philanthropy, largely in a salary of House with all the costs of housing, dining, and month the legisla-
of India draws Upon assuming
. It was revised
nearly a quarter of the maintenance fully covered. It thus becomes home tion to ban social Under the pro-
education sector, a key focus
money donated by 203
`5 lakh a month 018.
as well as an office, offering a safe and comfort- office, the President media for chil- posed ban,
businesspeople on the for six of the top 10 donors
to `5 lakh in 2 able ambience. Moreover, the President receives dren under 16
from `1.50 lakh enjoys is allotted $100,000 years. Australia social media
e President also
Hurun’s list. TNN round-the-clock security protection to ensure
rt from it , th safety both for him and for his family. This elab- is testing a new platforms will
Apa avel
including free tr orate security detail includes the Secret Service, for redecorating the age-verification be required to
Other notable givers BLANK various perks, ical an outfit responsible for protecting the President system aimed at
include Mukesh Ambani yw he re in th e country, med during tours or outings. Such arrangements allow White House preventing chil-
take reasona-
an dren from access- ble steps to
g others the President to focus on their mandate without
services, amon
(`407 crore) and Rohini ---------------- much care for their personal safety or household lo- ing social media prevent chil-
Nilekani (`154 crore). WAS FOUNDED gistics. (Source: TNN,ET) platfor ms. This dren under 16
Krishna Chivukula, with a BY SHIV
initiative is part
`228 crore donation to IIT- of a broader set from access-
Madras, is the most generous
NADAR IN 1976 POST-PRESIDENCY BENEFITS and travel funds; and lifetime Secret FILL IN THE BLANK o f m e a s u r e s , ing their sites
Service protection. Many former presi- which are among
new entrant. Chivukula has Once an ex-president leaves the office, -------------------------------------- Prime the strictest controls on social me-
promoted Indo-MIM in FIRM he or she gets an annual pension set dents continue to profit significantly Minister is the highest-paid government dia usage implemented by any coun-
today at over $200,000 (`1,68,75,301 from their time out of the presidency leader, earning over $1.6 million per year. try so far.
Bengaluru to LARGEST IT
produce small metal with THIRD- approx) adjusted annually for inflation; by writing memoirs, giving speeches, (as of June 2024) Is it a good move? Should
complex geometries in INDIA’S he or she is provided with office space and signing media deals. Answer: Singapore
other countries follow suit?
high volumes. ANS: HCL, Share your views at
(Source: Visual capitalist) toistudent@timesofindia.com


National Education Day
National Education Day is celebrated every year on November 11 across India to mark the birth
NATIONAL anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, who was the first education minister of Independent India
Maulana Azad, Education imparted THE 3 RS IN THE INDIAN
the first education EDUCATION SYSTEM
minister from by heart can bring
1947 to 1958, revolution in the society (THE RS, PRONOUNCED AS ‘ARS’, REFER TO READING,
significant role in
shaping India’s KALAM AZAD
education system READING
He was instrumental in creating ACADEMIC AND INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT
important organisations like the
University Grants Commission (UGC), WRITING
All India Council for Technical Education A COMPLEX SKILL THAT HELPS CHILDREN
serves as a reminder of the importance ESTABLISH A DYNAMIC PENCIL GRASP
of education in nation building
On this National Education Day, start a ARITHMETIC
debate with your friends on ‘The
importance of teaching critical thinking
skills in schools’? Share your views at
02 “Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about
what happened yesterday.” – STEVE JOBS

Pics: Istock

2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 1

Gone are the days of rote learning! STEAM (STEM with Art) education is a learning technique that provides children with deep
concept understanding. Times NIE brings to you all the skill sets — be it in goal setting, career decisions, critical thinking or
boosting your personality with good communication — that have been designed by our experts
become solid objects: art — it’s also important for scientists
g Cube: By folding six squares together, and engineers. Science is everywhere
you can make a cube. Nasa and Space Exploration. Did you around us and the more you
g Cone: By folding a circle with a “slice” know Nasa, the American space agency, look around, the more you
cut out, you can make a cone. uses origami to design spacecraft:
g Solar Panels: Spacecrafts need
discover. Abhinav
large solar panels for energy, but Singhal, a STEM
The Möbius strip is a they are too big to fit in rockets. catalyst and
fascinating shape that you By folding them with origami innovator, creates
techniques, Nasa sends com-
can make with paper:
Mobius pact panels into space that
this lesson plan on
1. Take a strip of paper. Strip Origami, which is
2. Twist one end half unfold when they’re needed.
a turn.
g Telescope Mirrors: not just fun but also a
3. Join the ends together Origami is used to great way to learn
with tape. fold large tele- important ideas in
scope mirrors
Now you have a shape with only one
so they fit
mathematics, science,
side and one edge! If you draw a line engineering and art
down the middle, you’ll end up back at inside a rocket
the start without lifting your and can open
pencil. This twisty shape even up in space.

appears in “Avengers: Try an
rigami, the Japanese art of fold- in teaching people origami and bringing g 45 Degrees: Fold one corner of the
ing paper, has fascinated people it to the masses in the Western world in paper to the opposite edge.
Endgame” with Iron Man! Origami Activity!
Check out this video: Want to try origami for
for centuries. While many of us the 20th century. November 11 is Origami g 30 and 60 Degrees: Fold the paper to
https://www.wikihow. yourself? Make a simple tin foil
know it as a fun craft for making Day in Japan, also called ‘Origami no Hi’, create a triangle with equal sides, giving boat and float it in water. Add coins
paper cranes or boats, origami is much and created to coincide with the World you 60°. Fold it again to make 30°. one at a time and see how many it
more than that. This beautiful art isn’t Peace Day. October 24 to November 11 Playing with folds lets you see how can hold before it sinks. This activi-
just about folding paper — it’s also about was decided as the duration of World angles and shapes work together. ty shows how balance and stability
math, science, and even hope! World Origami Days to celebrate both THE STEM work — just like in real boat
Origami Days is a 19-day celebration of Oppenheimer’s contribution to the field FROM 2D TO 3D SHAPES CONNECTION designs!
the art of Japanese paper folding and while acknowledging the long Japanese Origami also shows how flat shapes Origami is more than an
the international community around it, history and influence on the craft.

which is held from October 24 to


November 11. October 24 is the birthday A PEEK INTO ORIGAMI’S PAST
of Lillian Oppenheimer, a towering figure Origami, or “the art of folding”, devel-
Sadako oped in different places across the g Empty ballpoint pen or stylus lus, empty ballpoint pen, or retracted
Sasaki world, like Europe, China, and Japan. In (optional for easier folding) pencil — just be careful not to tear
sculpture at Japan, paper folding has been a part of the paper. The lighter lines on the template are
Children’s optional for folding, but if you want a
many celebrations for centuries. For
Peace INSTRUCTIONS: STEP 3: SCORE AND CREASE sharper, more accurate Starshade,
Monument, instance, a butterfly made from folded
in Hiroshima paper symbolises happiness and unity in STEP 1: CUT IT OUT THE MINOR FOLD LINES crease these lines as well.
Carefully cut along the outer black
Shinto (indigenous religious beliefs and STEP 4: FOLD IT!
practices) of Japanese weddings. lines on the Starshade template to
Once all lines are creased, start folding
remove the model. Be precise with
the main folds. Work from the centre
your cuts, as this will make folding
outward, folding along each major
line until your Starshade begins to
AS A SYMBOL OF HOPE When you fold paper, you’re actually
take shape. Hold the central hex-

Origami isn’t just an art; it has also
working with geometry, or the math of asa has designed an amazing CREASE THE MAJOR agon flat while gently rotating
become a symbol of hope. A famous story piece of space technology called FOLD LINES and gathering the folds in a
shapes and spaces. Every fold creates a
involves Sadako Sasaki, a young girl the ‘Starshade’, which helps Look for the darker fold lines spiral, just like Nasa’s real
new angle or line. Here’s how origami
from Hiroshima who developed leukemia scientists capture images of planets on your template. These lines Starshade!
connects to math:
after the atomic bomb was dropped on outside our solar system. Now, you can mark where you’ll make the When folded tightly, your
her city during World War II. Sadako create a model of this incredible device main folds, creating the Starshade model should com-
learned of a Japanese belief that if a sick CREATING ANGLES at home with some paper and a few shape of the Starshade. pact into a small cylinder, but
person folded 1,000 paper cranes, they Did you know you can use paper folds to g Blue lines are mountain when unfolded, it reveals a
simple tools!
would get well. She tried her best, folding make a simple protractor? By folding a folds that point up. large, stunning star shape.
644 cranes before she passed away, and square piece of paper, you can create g Orange lines are valley folds Observe: This model shows
her story inspired people worldwide. angles like 90°, 45°, and 60°. WHAT YOU’LL NEED: how NASA engineers fold actual
g Starshade Template (available online
that point down.
Today, children from around the globe For example: To make folding smoother, you space devices to save space during
g 90 Degrees: Fold the paper in half and at go.nasa.gov/2m1QT6B) or see pic launch and then expand them in the
send paper cranes to the Children’s Peace can lightly score each line with a sty-
g Scissors
Monument in Hiroshima in her memory. create a right angle. orbit.


How the famous ONE WORD Give one

word for the

define KINDNESS Substitution following


1 Printing using a stone or a

metal plate with a com- 4 Study of hereditary,
genes and variation in

W 4
orld Kindness Day high- For attractive lips, speak words of pletely smooth surface. living organisms
lights the importance of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the
empathy, understanding, good in people.” — Audrey Hepburn

5 2 The science of time

order 5 Mapping of earth and its

and cooperation to create a “Constant kindness can accomplish
indness is universal. In the
more harmonious and caring world. much. As the sun makes ice melt, Art related to ornate, 4. Genetics; 5. Geography
The day serves as a reminder to prior- kindness causes misunderstanding, spirit of uniting humanity over good handwriting
2. Chronology; 3. Calligraphy;
itize compassion in our lives. Here’s mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”
ANSWERS: 1. Lithography;
kindness, here are ways to say
what kindness is in the words of some — Albert Schweitzer
“be kind” in several languages.
famous personalities:
We can judge the heart of

1 “Try to be a rainbow in some-
one else’s cloud.”
— Maya Angelou
a man by his treatment of
animals.” – Immanuel
FRENCH: etre gentil
IRISH: Bí cineálta
2 Kind words don’t cost
Kindness in words I am succeeding in life.

much. Yet they ac- THINKING CAP creates confi- GERMAN: sei freundlich
g I know I can achieve anything
complish much.” dence. Kindness in SPANISH: se amable
— Blaise Pascal Do you know the thinking creates pro- I want in life.
HUNGARIAN: legyen kedves
3 Kind words can be
short and easy to
speak, but their echoes
difference between
kindness, empathy and
foundness. Kindness
in giving creates
love.” — Lao
PORTUGUESE: seja gentil
ITALIAN: Sii gentile
g Prosperity is flowing to and through me.
g I alone hold the truth of who I am.

are truly endless.” compassion? Tzu Listening to ourselves say the words that our mind g I know a positive attitude can bring

— Mother Teresa and heart need to hear is like a warm, comforting me success.

8 “Kindness is the light that

dissolves all walls between embrace, the feeling that things will be okay
g I am allowed to feel good.

souls, families, and nations.” –

Paramahansa Yogananda ffirmations are sci- ourselves, we start with I am.

9 2
“No kind action ever stops ence-based, compre- Keep them focused:
with itself. One kind action hensive exercises What do you want to
leads to another. Good example that help you culti- work on? What are your
is followed. A single act of kind- vate a sense of inner peace. goals? Are they related to your
ness throws out roots in all direc- There are few specifics or best mental health, career, rela-
tions, and the roots spring up and practices when it comes to tionships, or lifestyle? Make
make new trees. The greatest work affirmations: a list of the things you want

that kindness does to others is Start with “I affirmations to help you with.

that it makes them kind them- am”: Often, you Make them concise:
selves.” – Amelia Earhart will see affirma- WITH US The key to affirmations

10 “Carry out a random act

of kindness, with no ex-
pectation of reward, safe in
tions beginning
with “I am” be-
cause that helps us
Do you practice
is repetition. So, you need
to write affirmations that you
can easily remember and say
the knowledge that one day change our self-con-
Tell us your favourite at any moment in time. Make
someone might do the same for ception. Whenever ones. them direct and focused on
you.” – Princess Diana we share a quality about your goals.
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the classroom.
Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
ambridge Court in the Under-17 Jaipur Dis- 1000m. Aadhya Pareek im-

World School once trict Chess Championship, pressed everyone in the
again showcased its securing first place out of U-14 category, securing a
athletic prowess at the 138 players. As captain, bronze medal.
prestigious SGFI 2024, se- Gouransh led the CCWS I n a rch e r y, D e s h n a
curing a remarkable haul chess team to a bronze at Jain qualified for the State
of gold medals and achiev- the district level and a gold Championship after win-

ya n I n t e r n a t i o n a l ing national and state-level at the State Chess Champi- ning a bronze medal in the
School, Vasant Kunj, representation. onship. His teammates, SGFI Archery U-17 District
has been honoured as Mar tial ar ts exper t Keshav Garg, Yash Jangid, Championship. She also
the winner of the esteemed Sakshi Choudhary quali- Sparsh Sharma, and Med- secured gold in the 30m
World’s Best School Prize for fied for Nationals after her hansh Sharma, contribut- event, a bronze in the 40m
Environmental Action 2024. stellar performance in the ed to this impressive win. event, and an overall gold
This accolade, awarded by T4 U-19 category, winning two Additionally, Rhythm Lu- with the CBSE Cluster Ar-
Education in partnership gold medals at both the dis- hani (Under-14 boys) and chery U-17 girls team,
with Accenture, American trict and state levels in the Rashi Jain (Under-17 girls) where the school claimed
Express, and the Lemann K a r at e C h a m p i o n s h i p. were selected for the State first place.
Foundation, recognizes the Komal Sharma earned a Chess Championships Lata Rawat, director
school’s outstanding commit- silver, while Geetansh based on their outstanding and mentor of Cambridge
ment to environmental sus- Sharma secured a bronze individual performances. Court Group of Schools,
tainability and its innovative in the U-17/19 boys/girls In skating, Ujjwal Ya- commended the Cambridg-
initiatives that address press- category. In judo, Janmesh dav qualified for the State ians for their incredible
ing global challenges. Win- Kumar won silver at the Level Championship by a ch i eve m e n t s, l a u d i n g
ning schools share a total of district level. clinching gold in the 1000m their perseverance and
$50,000, and Ryan Interna- In chess, Gouransh event and silver in the dedication. She highlight-
tional School has cemented Sharma earned the oppor- 500m at the U-17 Skating ed how these accomplish-
its place as a global leader in tunity to represent Ra- C h a m p i o n s h i p. K a r t i k ments are a testament to
environmental education and jasthan at the national Jhingonia also earned a the school’s focus on foster-
sustainability. level by securing second spot in the State CBSE ing holistic excellence in
The school under the vi- place in the SGFI State Un- Skating Championship af- both academics and sports,
sionary leadership of Dr A der-17 Championship. Ear- ter winning gold in the inspiring others with their
F P i n t o, ch a i r m a n a n d lier, he emerged victorious 500m and silver in the success.
Grace Pinto, managing di-
rector, has implemented
transfor mative projects
such as hydroponics, biogas International School, Vasant tal initiatives is the DABAT Challenge at COP 28 in rigorous global selection
plants, and extensive water Kunj, has been crowned as pro g ram, which merges Dubai, aimed at mitigating process, underscoring Ryan
conservation efforts. These the World Champion for En- modern technology with tra- water scarcity. Following International School’s ex-
initiatives not only promote vironmental Action in 2024! ditional farming practices this success, Ryan Interna- emplary leadership in envi-
eco-consciousness among We thank our Lord Jesus to enhance water conserva- tional School plans to ex- ronmental education. As the
students but also play a vital Christ for this great hon- tion. The school’s hydropon- pand its green technologies school celebrates this sig-
role in combating critical oured and are very grateful ics and biogas facilities have and establish a startup incu- nificant achievement, it re-
issues like pollution and wa- that T4 education has recog- significantly increased its bator for student-led envi- mains steadfast in its mis-
ter scarcity. nised our efforts.” positive impact on the envi- ronmental initiatives. sion to foster sustainability
Expressing her gratitude A standout feature of ronment. Notably, its project The winners of the and inspire future genera-
MD Grace Pinto said, “We are Ryan International School, “Aquifer Guardians,” which World’s Best School Prizes tions to make a positive im-
immensely thrilled that Ryan Vasant Kunj’s environmen- won the Climate Change were announced following a pact on the planet.


urobindo International School’s
pre-primary section transformed
into a haunted haven on October
23rd as tiny tots celebrated Halloween
with boundless enthusiasm. The fes-
tivities brimmed with fun, frolic, and

Students dazzled in an impressive
array of costumes, competing for the
coveted “Best Costume” and “Best
Food” awards. Vampire attire particu-

A Cultural Extravaganza
larly stood out among the creative en-
School leaders Bharat Prashar,
principal Karuna Nagpal, and vice
principal Ritu Sharma addressed the
gathering, praising the children’s
creativity and teamwork. “Today’s cel-
ebration showcased the school’s com-
mitment to fostering imagination and
community bonding,” director Bharat
Prashar remarked.
The highlight was an enchanting
ramp walk where young students confi-
dently sashayed down the catwalk in
their elaborate costumes. Teachers en-
thusiastically cheered and captured
these memorable moments.
“The children had an absolute blast.
It was heartwarming to see them enjoy
themselves with their friends and teach-
ers,” observed one of the organisers.

bhivyakti’ Season included Sunayana Nagpal spectacular finale
13, featuring (principal, Alpha Interna- dance.
Grade 4 students, tional Academy), Kapila Students participated
was celebrated at DAV Arya, Jayanti Mukherjee, with enthusiasm and vig-

CPS Jaipur on October 23, and Sunil Narnaulia (from or, creating an electrify-
in the school auditorium. television). Grade 4 stu- ing atmosphere. Principal
The event showcased the dents delivered captivating Shar ma commended the
institution’s rich cultural performances including a collective efforts of stu-
heritage while promoting welcome dance, an English dents, parents, and teach-
“Let us celebrate the vic- stands. These creations, cultural awareness and skit highlighting the 17 ers. He emphasized the
tory of light over darkness, adorned with ribbons, spar- diversity among students. Sustainable Development school’s commitment to
good over evil, and knowl- kles, beads, shells, and mir- The function com- Goals (SDGs), musical holistic development, not-
edge over ignorance.” rors, reflected exceptional menced with the tradi- presentations, yoga demon- ing that Abhivyakti helps
On October 23 Podar creativity. Students also of- tional lamp lighting by strations, a Hindi skit em- students overcome stage
World School in Jaipur cele- fered eco-friendly cloth principal A.K. Shar ma, phasizing moral values, fright, build confidence,
brated its Diwali Carnival pouches, ensuring all items f o l l o w e d by a s o u l f u l and special dance tributes and develop essential life
embracing the national were both affordable and sus- prayer and the DAV Gaan. to parents. The perfor- skills to face future chal-
theme “Illuminate Together: tainable. Distinguished guests mances culminated in a lenges.
A Sustainable and Joyous The carnival atmosphere
Diwali.” The theme captured came alive with festive stalls
the essence of unity, celebra- offering engaging games and
tion, and eco-friendly prac- delectable treats. The event,
tices, aligning with contem- coordinated by Usha Nair
porary values of community and a dedicated team includ-
and sustainability. ing Madhulika Rao, Jyoti
The school auditorium Joshi, and Monika Sharma,
transformed into a vibrant featured popular food stalls
marketplace featuring a re- serving sandwiches, pastries,
markable exhibition of stu- nutritional drinks, and bhel-
dent handicrafts as part of puri. Laughter and music
the School Enterprise Chal- filled the air as students par-
lenge. Young artisans show- ticipated in games and en- the school’s focus on nurtur- ing them to celebrate every demonstrated student talent
cased an array of handcraft- joyed refreshments. ing entrepreneurial skills. festival with similar spirit while reinforcing values of
ed items, including colorful The “Handcrafted Har- Principal Monika Swami while emphasizing India’s sustainability and commu-
candles, earthen diyas, Pooja mony” jewelry stall emerged praised the students’ efforts sustainable Diwali theme. nity engagement.
thalis, and decorative pen as a highlight, exemplifying and enthusiasm, encourag- The exhibition successfully

Sandford High Combats Dengue with Fumigation, Awareness

andford High School re- ures against mosquito breed- cuted with stringent safety symptoms and the impor-
cently conducted a com- ing. protocols. Following the proce- tance of early medical con-
prehensive fumigation School director, Karuna dure, all classrooms were thor- sultation when signs appear.
of its premises as a proactive Yadav issued a detailed com- oughly ventilated to ensure a Parents have been asked
measure to ensure student munication to parents, em- safe environment for return- to support these efforts by en-
and staff health and safety. phasizing the need for com- ing students and staff. suring their homes remain
This initiative addresses the munity-wide action against The school’s preventive free of stagnant water, which
increasing threat of dengue dengue. She provided practi- measures extend beyond fu- serves as a breeding ground
fever and forms part of the cal advice on family protec- migation. Students received for the Aedes mosquito that
school’s ongoing efforts to tion, noting, “We are commit- education on personal hy- transmits dengue.
maintain a secure and hy- ted to safe guarding our giene, proper use of mosqui- This comprehensive ap-
gienic environment. school environment and edu- to repellents, appropriate proach to dengue prevention
The fumigation drive was cating our community on protective clothing, and the demonstrates the school’s
accompanied by a robust safety during this critical importance of covering wa- commitment to community
awareness campaign on den- time. With rising dengue ter containers to eliminate well-being and reinforces that
gue prevention, highlighting cases, collective action is es- breeding sites. Morning as- collective action is crucial in
the importance of cleanli- sential to prevent its spread.” semblies included orienta- preventing the spread of this
ness and preventive meas- The fumigation was exe- tion sessions about dengue life-threatening disease.
04 To sift is to isolate that which is most important after examining it thoroughly.
With newsy challenges, writing practice and working on your critical thinking
skills, this daily page is here to help you sift and skill

Pics: Istock


‘Skill Sift’ is a page designed to
promote the “21st century
Responsibility, Initiative and Self-Direction,
Productivity & Accountability, Social and What do you think is happening in the picture?
skills” or the 3Ls: Cross-Cultural Interaction 1. Write a caption. (Less than 20 words)
 Learning Skills: Critical
Thinking, Creativity & You can use this page daily to:
Innovation, Collaboration, 1. Enhance critical and creative thinking skills
Communication 2. Increase news awareness
Literacy Skills: Information 3. Start a discussion on important 2. Do you know how polluted is the Ya-
muna River? Can you write down the
Literacy, Media Literacy, current topics
various reasons for its contamination?
Technology Literacy 4. Expand worldviews
 Life Skills: Flexibility and 5. Improve writing skills
Wield a pencil, sharpen your Adaptability, Leadership and 6. Enhance visual thinking Delhi on November 4, 2024. (Photo by Sajjad HUSSAIN / AFP)
mind and get cracking. Try waters along the banks of the Yamuna River in New
this Times NIE worksheet that is Do give us your feedback and how you found this page useful. among discarded items by devotees in the polluted
set to keep your brain ticking Please write to us at toistudent@timesofindia.com WHAT’S HAPPENING? A dog looks for edibles

3. How do you think one can save water bodies from environmental and man-made
QUIZ TIME degradation?
Question 1: Which Question 3: Which
political figure in the country’s royal couple
US was criticized re- were attacked by flecks
cently for dismissing of mud by an enraged
climate change? mob recently?
c Kamala Harris c Spain
c Barack Obama c Portugal
c Joe Biden c UK WHAT IT MEANS
g A person who is currently in an official position
c Donald Trump c Sweden
noun, adj Eg: “The present incumbent of the Rashtrapati Bhavan.”
Question 2: Leop-
ard attacks are on The word was in news USED IN CONTEXT
the rise in states
of Uttarakhand,
as Donald Trump won In the greatest comeback in American political history,
How do you tackle failure or Rajasthan and the US elections. Can
Donald Trump is returning to the White House for a
second term with a victory for the ages. The Republican
bounce back from a setback? Karnataka be-
cause of… you use it in a candidate defeated Democratic nominee and incumbent
vice-president Kamala Harris 292-224 in the electoral

T sentence?
roubled batting talent Prithvi Shaw, once c Increased leop- college in an epic rebound, defying two assassination
touted as the next big thing but now down ard population attempts and overcoming almost four years of political
and out in his career and dropped even from c Declining pop- and legal adversity.
Mumbai’s Ranji Trophy squad, has found support ulation of deer Question 4: Himachal has urged the WRITE SENTENCE HERE
from an unlikely corner – Greg Chappell, former c Rising human Center to run Kalka-Shimla heritage train
India coach and ex-Australia captain. Chappell has encroachment on which fuel?
written a heartfelt letter to the 24-year-old cricketer c Lack of na- c Diesel c LPG
reminding him how career lows can turn into turn- tional parks c Green hydrogen c CNG
ing points. He wrote: “Hi Prithvi, I understand Answers: 1. Donald Trump; 2. Rising human encroachment; 3. Spain; 4. Green hydrogen
you’re facing a challenging time right now, being
out of the Mumbai team. It’s natural to feel frus-
trated and perhaps a bit uncertain, but I want you
to know that these moments are often the turning

points for athletes, helping to shape both their ca-
reers and their character. Remember, setbacks are oughly and its distinctive avoiding elaborate vocabu-
a part of every great athlete’s story. Even legends features is crucial for craft- lary or technical terms.
like Don Bradman experienced being dropped and ing an effective jingle. Strike a proper balance be- Create a chat between Rhea and Ryan
having to fight his way back. What made them great g Study your competi- tween conciseness and in-

was not avoiding challenges, but how they respond- reating a piece of ing a short message with a tors: Before beginning com- formative content about the
ed to them. In my own career, being dropped was music that can sell a catchy tune that people are position, analyse your com- product or service.
one of the most humbling yet valuable experienc- product can be crea- likely to remember. Here are petition. Examine their ex- g Scan your audience: Un-
es.” The cricketing great recalled that he realised tively demanding, a few tips to get it right: isting jingles and how they derstanding your target de-
after being dropped that he needed to “focus on one but it can also be quite re- g Know the product you showcase their unique ad- mographic is vital for devel-
ball at a time, stay in the present, focus on the pro- warding. Early radio pro- are writing for: Under- vantages. How do they dif- oping an ideal jingle. Knowl-
cess rather than results,” and asked Shaw to take grams popularized jingles standing your product thor- ferentiate themselves from edge of your audience’s
a similar journey of “self-reflection.” and sung advertise- others? preferences helps create
ments with catchy g Keep it short and resonant messaging. This
Students, tell us your opinion: Prompts: (Pick any one) tunes. Today, you hear sweet: Successful jin- ensures your jingle estab-
jingles used on all gles maintain simplic- lishes appropriate emotion-
1. How do you think one should tackle failure? forms of audio and ity and memorability. al connections and remains
2. Why do you think Chappell emphasised on focusing on video platforms. The They incorporate re- memorable.
“one ball at a time” rather than the overall outcome? purpose of a jingle is to petitive elements and
Do you think this mindset can help in other areas of life? relay important infor- r hy m i n g p at t e r n s Hope this helps you in
3. How can setbacks help shape both your character mation about the prod-
uct in an unforgettable
whilst using straight-
forward language. Pri-
stringing together a WHAT’S THIS PIC? The Prince of Wales
and your future success? catchy jingle for your mom’s with Heidi Klum, during his visit to meet local fisher-
way. This is often ac- oritise recall ability
4. Chappell encourages Shaw to go through “self- famous brownies! men in Kalk Bay Harbour, Cape Town, to highlight the
complished by combin- o v e r c o m p l e x i t y,
contributions of 2023 Earthshot Finalist Abalobi, on
reflection”. Why is it important? the last day of his visit to South Africa. REUTERS
Prompt: Create a conversation on how world leaders
REASON ASSERTION and celebrities need to use their influence to work

n the following questions, the as- which causes ex- towards global climate emergency
sertions and reasons have been treme weather pat-
put forward. Read both state- terns such as heavy
ments carefully and choose the rainfall, storms,
correct alternative from the following: and rising sea lev-
a) Both the Assertion and Reason els, as well as hu-
are correct and the Reason is the man activities like
correct explanation of Assertion; b) urbanization, defor-
The Assertion and Reason are cor- estation, and poor
rect but the Reason is not the cor- water management
rect explanation of the Assertion; that exacerbate the
c) The Assertion is false, the Reason impact of floods.
is true; d) Both the Asser-
tion and Reason are
false; e) The Assertion
nation of A
is true, but Reason is
correct expla-
and R is the
IN THE NEWS FOR: In a matter Answer: R and A are correct
of minutes, flash floods caused
QUESTION: by heavy downpours in eastern
Spain swept away everything in LEARNING OUTCOME: This section will
Assertion: Floods are help you with critical thinking as it
their path. With no time to react,
becoming more fre-
people were trapped in vehicles, encourages you to analyse and evaluate
quent and severe in
homes and businesses. Many died and
many parts of the world. information. It also increases scientific
Share your thoughts at toistudent@timesofindia.com thousands saw livelihoods
Reason: This is primari- literacy and cognitive flexibility.
(Please send in a word doc format) ly due to climate change,
Share on toistudent@timesofindia.com



Birds fly through smog;
bees lose their days.

Trees stand weakened,
ndia is a huge and di- More focus on English
verse country and In- than native languages: In-
skies turn gray,
dian culture is a col- dia has more than 700 lan- A world once green and
lection of social guages. But you can’t get a bright, fading away.
nor ms, ethical values, good job in the country with- But air is life,
S YOGASHWARA, traditional belief systems, out good knowledge of Eng- each breath a gift,
political systems, arte- lish. How many of us know
class VII, Sharada facts, and technologies how to write and speak in A promise kept
The city murmurs deep

Vidyalaya Public that originated in the In- our native language? with balance swift.
beneath a smoky shroud,
School TG Halli, dian subcontinent ages Art and crafts: We are Let engines pause,
ago. Nowadays, I have no- losing our traditional art Where fresh breeze once
Bengaluru let trees reclaim,
ticed that many Gen Z peo- forms to Western fashion sailed proud.
ple don’t know about our and even music and dance. Engines roar, factories burn, Restore our skies,
KEERTHANA M, ADIT NAYAL, beautiful culture and her- Indian movies also showcase In every breath, our air untamed.
class IX, Sri class V, Faridabad itage and are more influ- more western dance forms
the toxins churn. Bike, walk, plant,
Model School, enced by Western culture, than classical Indian ones. choose to renew—
Sarvajna Public Gray clouds blot out the
and this could be due to the follow- Erosion of joint family val- Small steps now can clear
School, Bengaluru Faridabad ing factors. ues: The joint family system is al- stars at night,
Cultural globalisation: This most getting over because of people The air, once clear, the view.
refers to the transmission of ideas, staying in flats as nuclear families. now chokes our sight. Together we choose,
meanings, and values around the This isn’t a bad thing, but we must
Children cough as they restore or waste,
world in such a way as to create a been affected by western influences, respect the beauty of the Indian To breathe fresh air,
global culture that overlooks local from food and fashion to socialising joint family and how it can be an try to play,
traditions. and so on. How many men now wear effective support system. While elders gasp in we must make haste.
Costumes and cuisines: Since dhoti-kurta even on special occa- the fading day. VIHANA KUNDU, class IX,
India became independent in 1947, sions? Very few I think, especially VAISHNAVI, class VI, CRPF Public School, Nature bears scars of our
every aspect of Indian culture has among the young generation. Rohini, Delhi Rukmini Devi Public School,
hurried ways, Pitampura, Delhi
Want to be our next contributor? Share your thoughts at toistudent@timesofindia.com. You can also log in to toistudent.com
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So the best way to pull
yourself up is by indulging in mind teasers and laughter riots. Need a
chill pill? Get into the WIZARD’S CORNER! 05
RULE 1 - Each row must contain the DID YOU
numbers from 1 to 9, without KNOW?
RULE 2 - Each column must contain
the numbers from 1 to 9, without
DO YOU KNOW THE MEANING OF THIS PHRASE? RULE 3 - The digits can only occur
Cats have 230 bones, while humans only have
once per block 206 bones. Cats also have collarbones that
“Everything at WHICH STATEMENT IS CORRECT? b. Rachel’s friend said to her don’t connect to their other bones, as these
Rachel’s 16th a. Rachel’s friend said to her classmate that Rachel’s 16th bones are buried in their shoulder muscles.
birthday party classmate that Rachel’s 16th birthday party had six to seven There are cats who have more than 18 toes.
was ‘at sixes birthday party was disorganised food items and cakes. These extra-digit felines are called ‘polydactyl.’
Cats are believed to be the only mammals
and sevens’,” and in a state of total disarray. who cannot taste sweetness.
said Rachel’s Male cats are more likely to be left-pawed,
friend to her while female cats are mostly right-pawed.
classmate. and the function was not at all organised and smooth.

classmate that Rachel’s 16th birthday party was a state of total confusion and disarray
total confusion or disarray. Rachel’s friend used this expression to explain to her
Answer: The first answer is correct. The phrase ‘at sixes and sevens’ mean a state of
Place the four numbers in the first, third,
fifth, and seventh boxes and whichever
Find the answers somewhere in the page operators you want to use in the second,
fourth, and sixth boxes in the correct order
to get the answer. Use the numbers only once.

KNOW YOUR 5) Absolve v.
WORD USAGE to go bankrupt X + —
free from blame STUDENTS,
Dear Diary,
soak up EASY 6
1) Elision (ih LIZH un) n. H YOU
home of the gods make liquid WAYS IN WHIC 2 4 9 9
injury or wound TRY TO STAY P

omission of a syllable TIVE IN DIFFER MEDIUM
= 4
(away) and solvere (to loosen).

careful explanation
from obligation. Latin ab- 1 4 6 6

for the crime. Also, to release

2) Misnomer (mis NO mur) n.

as, He was absolved from guilt
5) To free from blame; acquit;
HARD = 66
wrong name libitum (at one’s pleasure). 4 4 5 6
sales pitch

speech was ad-libbed. Latin ad
Easy 9 - 9 + 4 + 2 = 6
randomlist improvise; as, Most of his
gross insult of music without preparation; Medium 6 + 4 - 6 x 1 = 4
4) To speak or to play a piece Hard 4 x 4 - 5 x 6 = 66
3) Allot v. library. Old French aloter.

to take back

allot money for a public
allot work. Also, assign; as, to
straighten up distribute; parcel out; as, to
divide into shares 3) To divide into shares;
dispute mesnommer (to misname).
misnomer. Old French
4) Ad-lib v. Pleasure Excursion’ was a
to condense as, ‘The Grand Holy Land
repeat over and over HIEVE
2) Wrong or unsuitable name;
speak without preparation GOALS TO

set free
my ear. Latin elidere (to strike
Southern elisions pleasing to
found the half-forgotten 
Make sentences with
the words above...
as “o’er” for “over”; as, I
1) Omission of a syllable, such 


Riding with the

1) leruinndfog 3) eraucetino
a) refounding a) cautioned
b) forlending b) bombardier
c) defouling c) auctioneer
1) I hold keys to your past and lock away your d) floundering d) volunteers
fears. In my room, truths unfold, often bringing
tears. What’s my role, trusted throughout the 2) ryatutots 4) danetrepis
years? a) outsmarts a) pedestrian
b) statutory b) detainers
c) mandatory c) pertained
2) In a sea of stocks, I find the gems.
Predicting rises and falls, on trends, I depend.
d) explanatory d) presidents IDENTIFY THIS PERSON
Who am I, steering fortunes to mend? HINTS:
3) c. auctioneer; 4) a. pedestrian
Answers: 1) d. floundering; 2) b. statutory;  Wife of popular US politician
 Her spouse has won US Presidential
WRITE 1O0 WORDS ABOUT A Election 2024


Answer: 1) Psychologist; 2) Stockbroker

06 Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.
GEORGE HALAS, American footballer


5th edition of Indian
Sports Honour hails
top Indian athletes

iverpool opened up a we are moving forward.”

five-point lead at the Open up five-point The Anfield crowd was fired he Indian Spor ts
top of the Premier up by news of City’s 2-1 defeat at Honours is back with
League as Darwin Premier League Brighton and inspired a fast start its fifth edition
Nunez and Mohamed from the home side, but it was from which aims to put the
Salah struck in a 2-0 lead, in stunning two Villa corners that Liverpool’s spotlight on India’s finest
win over Aston Villa. The Reds best chances of the first half ma- athletes and their remarka-
took full advantage of Manchester start under Slot terialised. Liverpool’s 15th win in ble performances throughout
City’s latest defeat at Brighton 17 games since Slot took charge the year.
earlier on to surge further clear moves them into a commanding The honours celebrated
of the champions. by five points then it means some- position in the title race. Arsenal the achievements across a
Liverpool failed to hit the thing,” said the Argentine inter- are 10 points adrift of the leaders broad range of sports, in-
heights of their second-half hu- national. “If you asked me before ahead of a trip to in-form Chelsea cluding Olympic spor ts,
miliation of German champions the season started I would not say on Sunday. And an out-of-sorts City Paralympic sports, the Asian
Bayer Leverkusen in a 4-0 Cham- we were candidates but now it are next to visit Anfield on Dec. 1 Games, and the Common-
pions League win in midweek. But looks like we are.” after Liverpool visit bottom-of-the- wealth Games, along with
Arne Slot’s men were again defen- table Southampton when Premier Cricket, Squash, and Chess.
sively solid to protect a sixth clean League action returns following The star-studded event be-
sheet in 11 league games and take VILLA SLIP an international break. AFP g an with the red car pet
a firm grip on the title race. “We Villa’s fourth consecutive defeat in where the sports and enter-
have a margin but it is small. all competitions sees Unai Emery’s If we are top of the league by tainment frater nity came
Many challenges to come for us,” men slip to eighth, but only one together for the honours. Avani Lekhara
five points then it means
said Slot. Liverpool’s stunning point off third-placed Nottingham something. If you asked me
start to life under Slot has made Forest. “When they scored the sec- before the season started I would
light of Jurgen Klopp’s departure ond goal the match more or less
not say we were candidates but now
Mohamed and midfielder Alexis Mac Allis- was finished, but until that second
it looks like we are. Darwin
Salah ter conceded even he was not sure goal we had chances to score,” said
if the Reds could challenge for the Emery. “It was not enough to get
title. “If we are top of the league points here but I am positive that Liverpool midfielder


ee Kang-in and Bradley Bar- The France winger, who was sub- uventus edged a tense derby
cola both scored twice in the stituted at half-time, has now scored against city rivals Torino 2-0 Badminton player Lakshya Sen with his parents
first half as Paris Saint-Ger- 10 goals in 11 games in Ligue 1 this to move within one point of
main shrugged off their lat- season, two more goals than Mason Present at the event were
est Champions League woes to win Greenwood of Marseille.
the summit of Serie A. Strikes in some of India’s famous sport-
4-2 at Angers, the perfect response to PSG took the foot off the pedal both halves from Timothy Weah speople, including Abhinav
a comeback victory for nearest chal- late on, allowing 15th-placed Angers and Kenan Yildiz were enough to Bindra, Sania Mirza, Mura-
lengers Monaco earlier. to score twice in stoppage time at the give Juventus victory over their likant Petkar, Vijender Sin-
South Korea star Lee came in as end of the game through a fine volley gh, Yogeshwar Dutt, Yashasvi
one of five changes to the PSG line-up by Esteban Lepaul and an Emmanuel fellow side from Turin and send Jaiswal, Shreyanka Patil,
made by coach Luis Enrique follow- Biumla goal. the Old Lady up to third in the Sarabjot Singh, Lakshya Sen,
ing the last-gasp midweek defeat at However, that did not table with 24 points. Robin Uthappa, Avani Le-
home to Atletico Madrid, and he change the outcome and khara, Rani Rampal, and
while PSG are struggling
The victory, provisionally, Harmanpreet Singh.
wasted little time making an impact.
Lee opened the scoring on 17 min- with four points from four leaves Juventus level on points Also present at the event
utes with a shot that crossed the line games in the Champions with champions Inter Milan in were some of the recogniza-
before Angers defender Jordan Lefort League, in Ligue 1 they are second and one behind league ble names in the entertain-
managed to clear, and he struck again unbeaten and six points ment industry, including
just three minutes later from Marco clear of second-placed Mo- leaders Napoli. “It was another Kartik Aaryan, Karan Johar,
Asensio’s low centre. naco. good performance where we Ananya Panday, Angad Bedi
Barcola, Ligue 1’s leading scorer, Bradley “It was a complete perfor- brought the three points home,” and Neha Dhupia.
then took centre stage by firing in his Barcola mance,” said Luis Enrique, Juventus coach Thiago Motta Timothy Navdeep The athletes were at the
team’s third goal just after the half- whose side are averaging three Weah Singh forefront of the event, which
hour mark and adding another with Lee goals a game in Ligue 1 this season, said. “I am happy both with the not only recognizes them but
a header from Lee’s cross to make it Kang-in while toiling desperately to find the result and the performance.. AFP also promotes sports in the
4-0 in first-half stoppage time. net in the Champions League. AFP country. ANI

GAUFF STUNS ZHENG TO Women’s hockey aims for fresh start

he Indian women’s hockey team is set
to begin its journey in a new Olympic
cycle as they defend their Asian

Photo: GETTY IMAGES oco Gauff pulled off an incredible come- Champions Trophy title on home ground.
back to squeak past Zheng Qinwen of The tournament starts Monday with a
China 3-6, 6-4, 7-6(2) to clinch the WTA match against Malaysia. India has won the
Finals trophy, her first year-ending cham- tournament twice before, in 2016 and 2023.
pionship title of her career. Gauff will be reward- This year, the team is aiming for a turn-
ed USD 4,805,000 for her week in Riyadh - the around after a challenging period where
largest payout at a WTA Tour event. The Ameri- they missed qualifying for the Paris Olym-
can has also clinched the season-ending World pics and struggled in the FIH Pro League.
No.3 ranking for the second straight year. The team, led by captain Salima Tete, fea-
Gauff needed to overcome multiple deficits tures a mix of experienced and young play-
to prevail over Zheng in her third consecutive ers. “Yes, of course we were disappointed
WTA Finals appearance. The American had to but we can’t think about the past and need
come back from a break down in the second set, to move forward. We should move on be-
and she was twice down a break in the third set, cause if we don’t move on, we can never win
where Zheng served for the match at 5-4. But a match,” captain Tete said.
Gauff used her grit to battle back on each occa- India will face tough competition from
sion to win her ninth career WTA Tour singles five other nations: China, Japan, Korea, Ma-
title, WTA reports. laysia, and Thailand. The match schedule
has been altered due to concerns about in-
Salima Tete sects and floodlights. AGENCIES
The American has also clinched the season-ending
World No.3 ranking for the second straight year.
Since the WTA Finals began in 1972, Gauff is
the 4th American to win the season-ending tour- Coco
SALT peppers WEST INDIES as ENGLAND romp to T20 win
nament before turning 21, joining Chris Evert Gauff

(1972, 1973, and 1975), Tracy Austin (1980), and hil Salt smashed a scintillating
Serena Williams (2001), noted WTA stats. IANS century and Barbados-born Jacob
Bethell blasted an unbeaten 58 as
England romped to an eight-wicket vic-
Max Verstappen Kiran George’s Korea Masters run ends in SF tory over West Indies in their opening
Twenty20 clash at Kensington Oval.

Q1: I
Max Verstappen inched closer to his ndian shuttler Kiran George’s impressive Chasing a target of 183 to win, Eng-
run at the Korea Masters came to an end land opener Salt guided the tourists
fourth straight F1 title by winning the with a semifinal loss to Thailand’s Kunlavut home with 19 balls to spare after a daz-
Vitidsarn in the men’s singles competition in zling unbeaten 103 in Bridgetown.
Brazilian Grand Prix, who did he beat in Iksan City (Korea) on Saturday. The 24-year-old, Salt’s third T20 international century
ranked 41st in the world, went down 12-21 20-22 came off just 54 balls, including nine
second position? to the top-seeded and world number five Vitid- fours and six sixes as England can-
sarn in the BWF World Tour Super 300 event. tered to victory, finishing on 183-2 in
a: Lewis Hamilton b: George Russell George, who trains at the Prakash Padu- the 17th over. AFP
England’s Phil Salt, right, celebrates with Jacob Bethell
c: Lando Norris d: Kevin Magnussen kone Badminton Academy (PPBA), had ear-
lier registered a fine win over fifth seed Ta-

Q2: Who bagged the 2024 Men’s Ballon

d’Or winner following his
outstanding performance during the 2023-
kuma Obayashi of Japan in the quarterfinals.
The semifinal loss brought an end to India’s
campaign in the tournament. George kept it
tight in the opening game, staying level at 5-5
before Kunlavut pulled ahead to 11-6 at the
24 season in football? break. However, it was Kunlavut who held his
nerves to win the final two points and close out ROHIT SHARMA:
Kiran George the match. PTI
a: Rodri b: Lionel Messi ABHIJNA IYENGAR,
class VI, ACTS Secondary
c: Kylian Mbappe d: Robert Lewandowski
IT’S MY BELT School, Bengaluru

 Jaron Ennis
Which state of India houses the Rajiv looks on after
Gandhi International cricket stadium? defending his
title following
a: Andhra Pradesh b: Kerala
the IBF World
c: Tamil Nadu d: Telangana Welterweight

title bout
Which sport is also known as “ping-pong”?
against Karen
a: Tennis b: Table Tennis c: Ludo d: Karate Chukhadzhian, RONALDO:

in Philadelphia. LIKITH SHETTY,
Who won 10th Italian Open title 2021? class VII, ACTS
Secondary School,
a: Novak Djokovic b: Rafael Nadal Bengaluru
c: Dominic Thiem d: Stefanos Tsitsipas
MESSI: K SURYA, class X, Shantiniketan
International School,Sainikpuri, Hyderabad
4) b: Table Tennis, 5) b: Rafael Nadal
ANSWERS: 1) c: Lando Norris, 2) a: Rodri, 3) d: Telangana,
Photo: AP

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