Gayathri - SWAM - 2021
Gayathri - SWAM - 2021
Gayathri - SWAM - 2021
The continuum fluctuations of river water quality and the metal contamination within the sediments of Netravati river basin
were analysed using multivariate techniques and environmental indices. Water and sediment samples were collected from ten
locations along the flow path of river in the basin and the hydrogeochemical features were investigated. The results were com-
pared with maximum permissible limit values recommended by World Health Organization. A comprehensive Water Quality
Index methodology was applied to come up with transparent understanding of overall excellence in water quality status.
The dominant water cations and anions were within the order of N a+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and H CO3− > Cl− > SO42− > NO3−.
The average abundance of sediment heavy metals was in the order of Pb > Mn > Ni > Zn > Cr > Cu > Co. An approach of
exploiting environmental indices: enrichment factor, geoaccumulation index, contamination factor, degree of contamination,
modified degree of contamination and Pollution Load Index were accustomed to assess the pollutant level. Geochemical
investigation and spatial distribution of heavy metals were represented by geographic information system based maps. The
results indicate that lead contamination of surficial sediments might pose a significant threat to aquatic biota and the persistent
exposure of pollutants even in low concentration causes changes in metabolic activities and alterations in the community
structure of river biota.
Keywords Netravati river basin · WQI · Heavy metal pollution · GIS · Piper diagram
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pollution and runoff from agricultural land (Singh et al. water (2) to assess the water quality of Netravati river basin
2004; Rahman and Hossain 2019). Thus, it is important to using simple WQI method (3) to determine levels of heavy
identify and understand the sources, their interactions, and metals in sediment and to assess the evolution of contamina-
effects of water pollutants in the river basins. tion in Netravati river basin sediments through the selection
Numerous studies describe observed changes in chemical, of different indices.
ecological or hydrological variables and have also pointed
out the impacts of climate change or population growth on
water resources (Alcamo et al. 2007; Piao et al. 2010). The Materials and methods
literature includes several different approaches introduced
to assess water chemistry and status of water quality in Monitoring studies
the river (Shastry et al. 1997; Cude 2001; Subramani et al.
2005; Moller et al. 2006; Anna et al. 2017). Initially, the Study area and sampling locations
use of Water Quality Index (WQI) was proposed by Horton
(1965) and Brown et al. (1970). Water quality assessments Netravati is one of the principle rivers of Karnataka state
of rivers using WQI method has been widely used and it of India, that originates at Gangamoola, Samse, Yellaneer
has played an important role in water resource management Ghats of Kudremukh range, Western Ghats and is regarded
(Lumb et al. 2011; Mohebbi et al. 2013; Sutadian et al. 2016; as the primary source of drinking water for the cities of Man-
Akinbile and Omoniyi 2018). The WQI method, commonly galuru and Bantwal. The sampling sites (water/sediment)
used worldwide, is a simple and powerful tool for deter- with GIS coordinates is presented in Fig. 1. Netravati river is
mining the water quality in aquatic bodies, and it plays an a medium type river in the peninsular India and debouching
increasingly significant role in water resources management into the Arabian Sea, near Mangaluru city. The main tribu-
(Naubi et al. 2016; Kumar et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2017; Bora tary of Netravati is Kumaradhara river, which flows through
and Goswami 2017; Sener et al. 2017). The suitability of the famous pilgrimage centre, Sri Kshethra Dharmasthala
surface and groundwater samples for domestic purpose Sri Manjunatha Swamy Temple, Dharmasthala, Dakshina
and human consumption can be determined by calculating Karnataka. The length of the river is 106 km and it covers an
water quality indices. Piper trilinear diagram (Piper 1944) area 3500 km2. The Netravati basin receives about 95% of its
evaluate the evolution of the river water and relationship total annual rainfall within a period of 6 months from May
between rock types and water composition. It is a multivari- to October while remaining extremely dry from December
ate data analyses model, that can be employed for the sur- to March. The area has a tropical monsoon climate and is
face water characterization and classification. Piper diagram under the direct influence of the Arabian sea branch of the
reveals hydrochemical regime with relevancy the presence southwest monsoon. The Mrithyunjaya (Charmadi hole),
of ions viz. N a+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3−, CO32−, Cl− and Kapila (Shishila), Somavathi (Laila) and Aniyoor rivers are
SO4 (Manoj et al. 2013; Aminiyan et al. 2016; Sunkari the other tributaries of Netravati river.
and Abu 2019).
Rivers have a significant role in the acceptance and trans- Sample collection
portaion of heavy metals, and river sediment serve as not
only a major sink and carrier of heavy metals but also poten- To cover the entire stretch of the Netravati river, it was
tial sources of secondary pollution, which can also reflect divided approximately into ten sampling stations and the
their contamination level (Hsu et al. 2016). The effects of samples were collected during pre-monsoon season of
urbanization, industrialization and anthropogenic activities 2019. In Fig. 1, the map drawn using GIS software shows
generate heavy metals in sediments that cause aquatic pol- the Netravati river basin and the sampling (water/sediment)
lution (Grigoratos et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2013; Martin stations. A calibrated Global Positioning System (GPS) was
et al. 2015). Heavy metals from geogenic and anthropogenic used to note the geographic coordinates of the sampling
sources enter the aquatic environments and pose a severe points. The water samples for analysing physiochemical
threat owing to their toxicity and biogeochemical build up parameters and the sediment samples for contamination geo-
into the aquatic environments (Cheng et al. 2015; Grigoratos chemistry were collected from the respective sampling sta-
et al. 2014; Martin et al. 2015). Rapid economic develop- tions in the river. Collected water was stored in acid washed
ment significantly affects the river water quality due to heavy and properly rinsed high density polyethylene bottles and
metal pollution. refrigerated to avoid container pollution and sample preser-
In the present study, the heavy metals were analysed and vation. The samples were filtered through 0.45-µm cellulose
the sediment quality was assessed using wide range of envi- nitrate hydrophilic syringe filters. For the analysis of heavy
ronmental quality indices. The main objectives of this study metals, water samples were preserved by adding few drops
are (1) to assess the physico-chemical properties of the river of 0.1 N H NO3 at the sampling site and kept at 4 °C in the
Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:20 Page 3 of 15 20
dark until analysis to be carried out. The sediment samples Germany). Before digestion, the samples were dried in an
were collected using grab and transferred to pre-cleaned oven at 60 °C. To remove coarse materials, the samples were
polyethylene sampling bags and sealed. sieved to < 100 µm. Approximately 250 mg of dried sedi-
ment was placed in a 60-mL Teflon beaker and digested with
Analytical procedures 5:1 nitric acid ( HNO3) and perchloric acid ( HClO4). Subse-
quent addition of the acid mixture was performed and heated
The portable water quality analyser (Eutech, Aqua read 2000 until the sample was digested. The final solution was diluted
D, Germany) allows in situ monitoring of various parameters with deionized water and filtered using Grade A filter paper
of water samples, which include water temperatures (Temp), and was made up to 25 ml. Eight heavy metals (Zn, Cu,
pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity (EC) and Ni, Co, Pb, Cr, Mn and Al) were measured in the digestion
total dissolved solid (TDS). Other parameters like alkalinity extract using Microwave plasma atomic emission spectro-
(HCO3−), chlorinity ( Cl−) and total hardness (HAR) were photometer (MP-AES). The concentrations of these metals
analysed by following standard methods prescribed by were expressed as parts per million (ppm). The minimum
APHA (2012). In the current work, the estimation of nutri- detection limits (MDLs) for Zn, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Al, Co and
ents such as total phosphate (PO43−), total nitrate (NO3−), Ni were 0.01 ppm, respectively.
nitrite (NO2−) and silicate (SiO4) were carried out using Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) proce-
Continuous Flow Analyzer (CFA, Skalar SAN++1052, dures of analytical and instrument methods were evaluated
Netherlands). Microwave plasma atomic emission spectro- for all laboratory analyses by triplicate analysis, standard
photometer (MP-AES, Agilent 4210, Australia) is used for calibration curves, as well as quality control reference stand-
the simultaneous determination of major ions ( Ca2+, Mg2+, ards to ensure the accuracy of the analysis. All statistical
Na+, K+ and Fe2+) in the water samples. The minimum analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel (2007) and
detection limits (MDLs) for C a2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and Fe2+ the bivariate Pearson correlation determined using Statistical
were 0.05, 0.12, 0.12, 0.65, 1.6 and 2.8 ppb, respectively. Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS Statistics, version
Prior to analysis, each segment of the sediment was 22).
divided into two portions. First sub-sample were used for the
physicochemical analysis. Second set of samples (0.2 mm Water Quality Index calculation
sieve) ground and sieved for the trace metal analysis. The
samples (< 200 µm) of the ground and dried sediment was WQI method perceived a simple, basic and a valuable tool
taken for the analysis of pH, conductivity and total organic for assessing river quality, since they transform multiple
carbon. Total carbon was measured using an Elementar environmental parameters and effectively convert them into
Vario EL cube analyser (Elementar, Langenselbold, Hesse, a single value reflecting the status of water quality (Zhaoshi
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et al. 2018; Mohana et al. 2020; Rahman and Rahaman Ecological risk indices
2018; Sudhakaran et al. 2020; Mahadevan et al. 2020).
Although Numerous water quality indices have been for- Enrichment factor (EF)
mulated all over the world such as US National Sanitation
Foundation Water Quality Index (NSFWQI) (Brown et al.
1970), Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment The extent of sediment contamination was assessed using
Water Quality Index (CCMEWQI) (Khan et al. 2003), Brit- enrichment factor. The EF of metals calculates the contribu-
ish Columbia Water Quality Index (BCWQI), and Oregon tion from anthropogenic sources for metal concentrations
Water Quality Index (OWQI) (Debels et al. 2005; Kannel and reflects the status and degree of sediment pollution
et al. 2007; Abbasi 2002). WQI consists mainly four steps, (Dickinson et al. 1996; Feng et al. 2004; Ganugapenta et al.
(a) selection of indicators, (b) transformation of measured 2018). In this method, it normalizes the measured heavy
values to a common scale; (c) assignment of weights; and metal concentration with respect to a reference metal either
(d) aggregation of the weighted sub-index to compute the Al or Fe. In this study, Al was used as the crustal reference
final index value (Sutadian et al. 2016). Typically, the WQI elements in EF calculations, because Al can be easily cal-
most widely used at global level is National Sanitation Foun- culated and it is one of the largest components of sediment.
dation Water Quality Index (Brown et al. 1970). After the The EF calculated using the following equation (Abubaker
analysis of physiochemical parameters, WQI was computed 2008):
by comparing it with the drinking water standards lay down
by WHO/BIS/ICMR according to the following steps: (Cx∕CAl) sample
EF = , (5)
Wi (Cx∕CAl) background
Step 1 ∶ Relative weight, Wi = ∑n , (1)
i=1 Wi where (Cx/CAl) sample is the ratio of the concentration of
test element to that of Al (Turekian and Wedepohl 1961;
where Wi is the weight of each parameter and n is the num- Taylor 1964). On the basis of EF, five contamination cat-
ber of parameters egories are recognised as follows (Sutherland, 2000),
Ci EF < 2 (deficiency to minimal enrichment), EF = 2–5 (mod-
Step 2 ∶ Quality rating, qi = × 100, (2) erate enrichment), EF = 5–20 (significant enrichment),
EF = 20–40 (very high enrichment) and EF > 40 (extremely
where Ci is Concentration of each parameter in the water high enrichment).
sample in mg/L, Si is Standard limit for the respective
parameter in mg/L.
Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo)
Step 3 ∶ Subindex of the ith parameter, SIi = Wi × qi , (3)
∑ The index of geoaccumulation, a quantitative measure for
Step 4 ∶ Water quality index, WQI = SIi . (4) the degree of contamination of the sediments with heavy
metals in aquatic sediments developed by Muller (1979).
The obtained water quality WQI values are classified Igeo permits the assessment of extent of sediment contami-
broadly into five different categories (Bharti and Katyal nation with respect to global standard. This is calculated
2011), < 50 (excellent), 50–100 (good), 100–200 (poor), using the following Eq. (6):
200–300 (very poor), > 300 (unsuitable for drinking.
Igeo = log2 , (6)
Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs)
where Cn is the measure of the metal concentration in the
SQGs were used for evaluating degree of chemical status in sediment, Bn is the background concentration of the element
the sediments and for computing ecological risk and metal (average shale concentration has been given by Turekian
enrichment posed by the sediments (Macdonald et al. 2000). and Wedepohl (1961), and 1.5 is the factor compensating
SQGs consist of threshold effect concentration (TEC) and background data (correction factor) due to the lithogenic
a probable effect concentration (PEC). TEC indicates the effect (Taylor 1964). On the basis of Muller’s classification,
concentration below which adverse effect rarely occur, PEC this includes 7 classes: Igeo ≤ 0 (practically unpolluted),
depicts the concentration above which adverse effects fre- 0 < Igeo < 1(unpolluted to moderately polluted), 1 < Igeo < 2
quently occur. (moderately polluted), 2 < Igeo < 3 (moderately to strongly
Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:20 Page 5 of 15 20
polluted), 3 < Igeo < 4 (strongly polluted), 4 < Igeo < 5 the method proposed by Tomlinson et al. (1980). The PLI for
(strongly to extremely polluted), 5 < Igeo (extremely pol- a single site is the nth root of n number multiplying the fac-
luted) (Ganugapenta et al. 2018). tors (CF values) together. PLI for each site was determined
by the following Eq. (9):
Contamination factor (CF) and degree of contamination
(Cdeg) PLI = CF1 × CF2 × CF3 … CFn , (9)
where CF is the contamination factor and n is the number
Contamination factor was calculated by taking the ratio of parameters.
between the concentration of each metal in the sediment According to Mohiuddin et al. (2010), PLI mainly divided
and the average shale concentration of the same (Turekian into 3 categories: PLI = 0 (excellence), PLI = 1 (baseline
and Wedepohl 1961). CF for each metal was determined by level of pollutants), PLI > 1 (progressive deterioration of
the following equation: the site).
CF = , (7)
Results and discussion
where Cn is the metal concentration at contaminated site and
Bn is the average shale concentration. Monitoring studies
The contamination factor values were classified into 4
major classes: CF < 1 (low contamination), 1 < CF < 3 (mod- Physiochemical parameters of the river water
erate contamination), 3 < CF < 6 (considerable contamina-
tion) and CF > 6 (high contamination) (Hakanson 1980). The water samples, which is denoted by NRB, collected
Cdeg is the sum of all Cf values of a particular sampling from the study area during pre-monsoon season (2019) were
site. Ahdy and Khaled (2009) classified Cdeg in terms of analysed for various physiochemical parameters and their
four grade ratings of sediments. Cdeg < 8 (low degree of minimum, maximum, average and WHO standards are pre-
contamination), 8 < Cdeg < 16 (moderate degree of Contam- sented in Table 1. The measured water temperature varied
ination)16 < Cdeg < 32 (considerable degree of Contamina- from 28.70 to 32.70 with an average value of 31.01. pH in
tion) Cdeg > 32 (very high degree of Contamination). the river water ranges from 6.65 to 7.24 which indicates
alkaline nature and was found to be within the acceptable
Modified degree of contamination (mCdeg) limit prescribed by WHO. Conductivity is considered as an
important parameter to categorize drinking water quality
(Islam et al. 2014), the water ranges from 61–167 µs/cm
Modified degree of contamination was calculated from dif- (mean 80.20 µs/cm) and the values lies within the permis-
ferent locations using the following equation (Abrahim and sible limit. The maximum EC value was obtained at sta-
Parker 2008): tion NRB2. The increase in electrical conductivity may be
attributed to decrease in the water level due to high rate
of evaporation especially in the low land areas. TDS is the
mCdeg = i=1
, (8) measure of total amount of dissolved minerals in water. In
the present study area values of TDS varied between 39 and
where n is the number of analysed pollutant and CF repre- 93 mg/L (mean 51.80 mg/L) and the values stands within the
sents contamination factor. prescribed limit. The turbidity of the surface water fluctuates
According to category of mCd, mCdeg < 1.5 (uncon- from 3.13 to 7.67 NTU. All the water samples were within
taminated), 1.5 ≤ mCdeg < 2 (low degree of contamina- the permissible value of 5 NTU except 3 stations (NRB5,
tion, 2 ≤ mCdeg < 4 (moderate degree of contamination), NRB8, NRB10) which exceeded the permissible value due
4 ≤ mCdeg < 8 (high degree of contamination, mCdeg > 8 to the suspended particulate matter, effluents or surface
(very high degree of contamination) (Hakanson 1980). run-off. DO determines the biological changes by aerobic
or anaerobic organisms (Sener et al. 2017). The higher dis-
Pollution Load Index solved oxygen values represent good water quality and best
for a healthy ecosystem and it is dependent on temperature
of the system. DO ranged from 6.68–7.70 mg/L with an
Environmental quality of sediments was assessed by Pollu- average value of 7.42, indicates the photosynthetic activity
tion Load Index (PLI). PLI for each site was determined by and aerobic activity of organisms.
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Table 1 Summary of physical Sl. no. Parameters Units WHO Std. Min Max Avg SD
and chemical parameters of the
river water 1 Temp (°C) 28.70 32.70 31.01 1.31
2 pH 6.5–8.5 6.65 7.24 6.65 0.35
3 EC (µS/cm) 1500 61.00 146.00 80.40 0.30
4 DO (mg/l) 5 6.68 7.70 7.42 24.54
5 TDS (mg/l) 1000 39.00 93.00 51.80 15.61
6 TUB (NTU) 5 3.13 7.67 4.74 1.30
7 HCO3− (mg/l) 500 22.06 73.56 53.56 14.51
8 HAR (mg/l) 200 3.53 32.44 10.56 10.70
9 Cl− (mg/l) 250 14.81 20.74 17.48 2.29
10 PO43− (mg/l) 5 0.004 0.071 0.03 0.01
11 NO3− (mg/l) 45 0.003 0.024 0.010 0.00
12 NO2− (mg/l) 3 0.0004 0.006 0.003 0.00
13 SiO4 (mg/l) 250 5.54 9.180 6.79 1.07
13 SO42− (mg/l) 250 6.12 89.34 32.56 26.53
14 Ca2+ (mg/l) 75 2.04 8.76 4.28 2.18
15 Mg2+ (mg/l) 50 1.42 23.68 6.28 8.07
16 Na+ (mg/l) 200 3.33 183.56 39.82 65.89
17 K+ (mg/l) 12 0.82 10.74 3.09 3.53
18 Fe2+ (mg/l) 0.3 0.14 1.09 0.35 0.26
Alkalinity is known as the ability of water to neutral- source of magnesium is ferromagnesian minerals within
ize acids. From the results, carbonate alkalinity was not igneous and metamorphic rocks and magnesium carbonate
observed in any of the water samples. The concentration of in sedimentary rocks (Singh et al. 2017). The concentrations
bicarbonate in the study area varied from 22.06–73.56 mg/L of Ca2+ and M
g2+ from the study area was within the recom-
(mean 53.56 mg/L). The chloride contents of water varied mended limits of WHO. Sodium concentration ranged from
from 14.81–20.74 mg/L (mean 17.48 mg/L). Normally chlo- 3.33 to 183.56 mg/L (mean 39.82 mg/L). The maximum
rine is not found in the surface water, and its presence in concentration of Na+ is 200 mg/L set by WHO. NRB10
water is correlated with the substances added to the water shows highest Na+ concentration, associated with its geo-
for disinfection purposes or which are used to whiten the logical characteristics and dissolution of lithogenic sodium,
laundry during washing. The maximum allowable limit of ion exchange of sodium through cation exchange process.
chloride concentration is 250 mg/L set by WHO and the Potassium concentration varied from 0.82 to 10.74 mg/L
obtained values stand with in the permissible limit. Total with an average value of 3.09 mg/l. The maximum allowable
hardness value in the present study were in the range of limit of K+ concentration is 12.0 mg/L and all the samples
3.53–32.44 mg/L (mean 10.56 mg/L) and the values stands fall within the permissible limit. Potassium is an essential
within the limit, were included in the class of soft water. element for humans, plants and animals and derived in food
The average value of sulphate is 32.56 mg/L and ranged chain mainly from vegetation and soil. Iron is a naturally
from 6.12 to 89.34 mg/L were all the samples falls within occurring metal in soils, rocks and minerals. The maximum
the permissible limit. The major sulphate sources are atmos- level of iron is 0.3 ppm prescribed by WHO. In the present
pheric deposition, sulphate-bearing fertilizers and bacterial work, most of the water samples falls out of the prescribed
oxidation of sulphur compounds (Wayland et al. 2003; Sidle limit (0.14–1.09 mg/L), the higher concentration might be
et al. 2000). influenced by geological structures, acid mine drainages,
Ca2+ and M g2+ are considered to be dominant cations in industrial wastes and landfill leachates. An increase in the
a2+ and Mg2+ concentrations of water samples
river water. C concentration of iron in water depends on the ability of iron
varied from 2.04–8.76 mg/L and 1.42–23.68 mg/L, respec- ions to precipitate in alkaline and oxidising conditions.
tively. The highest calcium and magnesium values obtained Phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicate stands within the
at NRB10. Calcium can be derived from dissolution of car- permissible limit. In the present study, the concentrations of
bonate minerals or carbonate cement within formations. PO43−, NO3−, NO2−varied from 0.004–0.071 mg/L (mean
Ca2+ present in drinking water in the form of calcium car- 0.03 mg/L), 0.003–0.024 mg/L (mean 0.010 mg/L) and
bonate or calcium chloride (Alam et al. 2017). Magnesium 0.0004–0.006 mg/L (mean 0.003 mg/L). The normal value
is the most abundant element in the Earth crust. The primary of phosphate in surface water is 5 mg/L and the excess level
Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:20 Page 7 of 15 20
can cause eutrophication. Presence of nitrate is an indicator the concentration of each parameter in the water sample
of anthropogenic pollution. Nitrate derived from industrial by standard limits recommended by WHO and then the
and agricultural areas, due to leaching from plant nutrients, obtained value is multiplied by 100 (Eq. 2). The sub-index
nitrate fertilizers and domestic and industrial waste. Silicate value (SIi) for the ith parameter is obtained by multiplying
occurs naturally due to intense weathering. Besides it can relative weight (Wi) with the quality rating (qi) (Eq. 3). WQI
occur anthropogenically from industrial effluents, sewage is the sum of the SIi obtained (Eq. 4) and then accordingly
waste, etc. Enrichment of silicate reduced the nutrient con- categorised it into different types of water quality.
centration. The nutrient values in the study do not pose a The computed WQI values ranged between 18.74 and
threat to the aquatic system. 56.26. In the present study area, majority of water samples
belongs to excellent category except 3 stations indicates
Evaluation of water quality using Water Quality Index that the water samples satisfy the drinking water standards
method and hence potable for consumption and domestic purposes.
Among the 10 stations, NRB1 (51.85), NRB2 (56.12) and
To evaluate the water quality of river, a comprehensive WQI NRB8 (56.26) shows the maximum WQI value of indicat-
method was adopted. Based on the 12 measured water qual- ing the good water quality status. These variations might be
ity parameters, WQI is calculated for the 10 sampling sta- due to increase input of municipal or agricultural activities
tions. In the perspective of potability of water for drinking discharge at the bank of river. Any change in the land use
purposes, the quantified hydrochemical parameters such as or the land cover affects the surface features like the plant
pH, EC, TDS, HCO3, Cl, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, NO3, NO2 cover, concrete surface, elevations and slopes, which in turn
of water samples were compiled together to obtain WQI impacts the water quality and water flow. The results are
value for each sampling stations. World Health Organization summarised in Table 3.
(WHO) limits were used for quality assessment.
The first step is to assign different weights (Wi) to the Pearson correlation analysis
selected parameters in a scale of 1 to 5. The highest weight
of 5 was assigned for parameters such as nutrients ( NO3, Multivariate statistical technique, Pearson’s bivariate cor-
NO2), those have the major effects on water quality. Nitrogen relations that determines the linear association between two,
mainly present in the form of nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) numerically measured, continuous variables and the direc-
in water. Considering the importance in water quality, pH, tion of the relationship. The Pearson’s correlation matrix
EC, TDS, Fe were assigned a weight of 4. H CO3 and Cl were for the analysed parameters of the river water samples is
given the weight of 3. On the basis of least effect on water presented in Table 4. The ****obtained results show strong
quality, the minimum value of 2 was assigned for Ca, Mg, positive correlation between EC and TDS (r2 = 0.995), TDS
Na and K. The relative weights (Wi) were obtained by divid- in water is mainly caused by natural sources, sewage wastes
ing the corresponding weight to the sum of the weights of and surface rainwater, Ca with Mg (r2 = 0.940), the presence
all the parameters (Eq. 1). The results are given in Table 2. of Mg in these waters might be due to silicate weathering,
In the next step, quality rating (qi) was assigned by dividing Ca also shows significantly positive correlation with Na
(r2 = 0.932), K (r2 = 0.941), SO4 (r2 = 0.946); Mg positively
correlated with Na (r2 = 0.996) and K (r2 = 0.991), indi-
Table 2 Relative weight of chemical properties cates leaching of secondary salts, and also good correla-
Parameters WHO standards Weight Relative weight tion with S O4 (r2 = 0.993); Na strongly correlated with S
pH 6.5–8.5 4 0.097
EC 1500 4 0.097 Table 3 WQI values and water Stations WQI Water Type
TDS 1000 4 0.097 types of the samples
HCO3− 500 3 0.073 NRB1 51.86 Good
Cl− 250 3 0.073 NRB2 56.12 Good
Ca2+ 75 2 0.048 NRB3 23.10 Excellent
Mg2+ 50 2 0.048 NRB4 24.84 Excellent
Na+ 200 2 0.048 NRB5 31.47 Excellent
K+ 12 2 0.048 NRB6 26.86 Excellent
Fe2+ 0.3 5 0.121 NRB7 18.74 Excellent
NO3− 45 5 0.121 NRB8 56.26 Good
NO2− 3 5 0.121 NRB9 29.09 Excellent
∑ 41 1 NRB10 28.11 Excellent
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pH 1
EC − 0.144 1
TDS − 0.134 0.995** 1
Ca2+ − 0.374 0.083 0.023 1
Mg2+ − 0.195 − 0.098 − 0.173 0.940** 1
Na+ − 0.174 − 0.067 − 0.141 0.932** 0.996** 1
K+ − 0.183 0.008 − 0.067 0.941** 0.991** 0.997** 1
Cl− 0.702* 0.347 0.342 0.017 0.065 0.106 0.138 1
HCO3− − 802** 0.348 0.331 0.280 0.093 0.069 0.104 − 0.407 1
SO42− − 0.294 − 0.080 − 0.136 0.946** 0.943** 0.946** 0.945** 0.061 0.236 1
NO3− − 0.220 0.162 0.217 − 0.228 − 0.416 − 0.401 − 0.379 0.015 0.488 − 0.106 1
NO2− − 0.228 0.230 0.273 − 0.118 − 0.277 − 0.265 − 0.241 − 0.138 0.387 − 0.017 0.762* 1
(r2 = 0.993), which can be explained by dissolution of evapo- Assessment of heavy metals in sediment
rate minerals and the cation exchange in the clay miner-
als; K has significant correlation with SO4 (r2 = 0.945). The Sediment features
correlation of S O4 with Ca and Mg suggests that sulphate
is mainly associated with magnesium sulphate or gypsum/ The sediment samples collected from the study area are sub-
anhydrite (Noh et al. 2009). Na–K and Ca-Mg have good jected to texture, elemental and heavy metal analyses and
homology and they have similarity of origins and existence are represented as NRS. Results of grain size content shows
modes (Jiang et al. 2015). Nitrite and nitrate show a sig- that sand, silt, clay contents in surface sediment were 78.9%,
nificant positive correlation (r2 = 0.762) among themselves 16.7%, 4.4%, respectively, and thus sediments of Netravati
indicates that both of them are derived from common source, river can be characterized as sandy silts of dry weight on
mostly from agricultural activities. average with maximum sand and silt fractions at NRS7 and
NRS2, respectively. The TOC contents among different
sites varied from 0.3 to 0.8% with an average value of 1.4%.
Piper diagram The elemental composition analysis of sediments revealed
the nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen content in organic sedi-
To infer the hydro-geochemical facies of river water sam- ment of the river varied from 0.05 to 0.35%, 0.29–4.07%,
ples, piper diagram (Piper 1994) was developed. In this tech- 0.30–1.59%. Fresh algal organic matter typically has C/N
nique, hydrochemical properties of water is described on ratios between 4 and 10 (Meyers 1994). The sediment sam-
the basis of dominant cations and anions. Ternary diagrams ples of study area have C/N ratios varied between 4.8 and
visualize the compositions and water types of rivers and 12.4%.
thus shows the relative importance of different weathering
regimes (Huh et al. 1998). The result of the study showed Sediment metal distribution
that the study area consists mainly of three different water
types: (1) NaCl (2) Ca–Mg–HCO3 (3) Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 The average concentration of eight heavy metal elements
(Fig. 2). This relative increase of SO4 and Cl compared to in the surface sediments of Netravati river basin increased
HCO3 as well as the increase of Na compared to Ca and Mg, in the order Al > Pb > Mn > Ni > Zn > Cr > Cu > Co. The
indicates the presence of evaporites in the study area (Wahed highest concentration of metals was observed in NRS2,
et al. 2015). Hydrofacies of NaCl and CaCl2 may be due to whereas lowest metal concentration was observed at
cation exchange process and water rock interactions such as NRS5. In the present study, Al has the highest mean value
the dissolution of halite type of rocks and calcium carbonate (47,827.2 mg/kg) in the study area for all sampling sites,
types of rock (Khalid 2019). The Ca–Mg–HCO3 represents the concentration of Al varied from BDL-476 mg/kg (use
freshwater that recently has been infiltrated and Ca–Mg–Cl of Al as reference element for Enrichment Factor calcula-
type specifies the mixing of contamination sources in the tion), whereas Co has lowest mean value (12.8 mg/kg) of
water samples. all sampled sites and the values varied from BDL-20 mg/
Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:20 Page 9 of 15 20
kg. The values of Zn and Mn ranged from BDL-476 mg/kg (mean 70.8 mg/kg) and Pb varied from BDL-948 mg/kg
(mean 114.6 mg/kg) and 60–436 mg/kg (mean 213.6 mg/ (mean 322.6 mg/kg). The highest concentration of Pb was
kg) The mean concentration of Pb was 2 times more than obtained at NRS2 (948 mg/kg). In conclusion, comparing
that of Co. In the present study Ni, Cr, Cu and Pb was with average shale values the mean metal concentrations
determined as they are often in the category of toxic of Al, Mn and Co were relatively low and Zn, Pb, Cr, Cu
heavy metals. The concentrations of Ni varied from 16 and Ni concentrations were relatively high. The obtained
to 1000 mg/kg (mean 140 mg/kg), Cr varied from 20 to results are summarised in Table 5. The spatial distribution
272 mg/kg (90.8 mg/kg), Cu varied from 16 to 368 mg/kg of each heavy metal was determined using ArcGIS Spatial
Analyst tool (Fig. 3).
20 Page 10 of 15 Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:20
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution a Al, b Pb, c Mn, d Ni, e Cr, f Zn, g Co, h Cu
Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:20 Page 11 of 15 20
Table 6 Comparative heavy AVG TEC TEL LEL ERL PEC PEL SEL ERM
metal concentrations in NRB
sediments and SQGs Cr 90.8 43.4 37.3 26 81 111 90 110 370
Cu 70.8 31.6 35.7 16 34 149 197 110 270
Pb 96.8 35.8 35 31 46.7 128 91.3 250 218
Ni 140 22.7 18 16 20.9 128 91.3 250 51.6
Zn 68.8 121 123 120 150 459 315 820 410
AVG average, TEC threshold effect concentration, TEL threshold effect level, LEL lowest effect level, ERL
effect range low, PEC probable effect concentration, PEL probable effect level, SEL severe effect level,
ERM effect range median
Table 7 CF, Cdeg, mCd and Stations CF Category Cd Category mCd Category PLI Category
PLI for surface sediments of
NRB NRS1 0.96 LC 6.71 LDC 0.84 UC 0.98 UC
NRS2 10.97 HC 76.81 HDC 9.60 VHDC 2.68 PO
NRS3 0.52 LC 3.12 LDC 0.39 UC 0.45 UC
NRS4 0.44 LC 2.63 LDC 0.33 UC 0.44 UC
NRS5 0.33 LC 1.95 LDC 0.24 UC 0.25 UC
NRS6 0.59 LC 4.15 LDC 0.52 UC 0.46 UC
NRS7 0.36 LC 2.18 LDC 0.27 UC 0.37 UC
NRS8 0.86 LC 6.85 LDC 0.86 UC 0.01 UC
NRS9 0.65 LC 4.55 LDC 0.57 UC 0.58 UC
NRS10 1.52 MC 12.20 MDC 1.52 LDC 0.99 UC
LC low contamination, MC moderate contamination, HC high contamination, LDC low degree of contami-
nation, MDC moderate degree of contamination, HDC high degree of contamination, UC uncontaminated,
LDC low degree of contamination, VHDC very high degree of contamination, PO polluted
20 Page 12 of 15 Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:20
classified mainly into four different categories (Bonnail Netravati river is the main source of water to the people
et al. 2016; Ustaoglu and Tepe 2019). CF for Zn (mean of Bantwal and Mangalore. Mangalore, Bantwal, Puttur,
0.66), Co (mean 0.67), Mn (mean 0.24), and Al (mean Sullia, Pane Mangalore, Belthangady, ujire, Dharmasthala
0.55) is < 1 in all studied locations, resides in low con- are some of the important places located in the banks of
tamination category. CF of Cu (mean 1.49), Ni (mean river. Baikampady Industrial Cluster, Mangalore is located
2.60) and Cr (mean 1.03) resides in the moderate con- in the Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka State. The
tamination category. According to observations very high Baikampady Industrial Cluster consists of a major refinery,
contamination was resulted with the presence of Pb, CF storage of crude and finished petroleum products, LPG stor-
of Pb is maximum with an average value of 16.13 and age and bottling, fertilizer plant, pharmaceutical industry,
varies between BDL-47.40, indicates high contamina- lead refining unit, paint and dispersion unit, iron ore pelleti-
tion. Highest Contamination factors of NRS1, NRS5 and zation plant and pig iron plant apart from few engineering,
NRS6 mainly by Ni. Increased contamination factor for fabrication, plywood plants and ready-mix plants. Lead is a
Cr is mainly obtained at NRS3, NRS4 and NRS7. NRS8 nonessential metal and the Lead waste comes from the com-
and NRS9 mainly contaminated by Cu. Overall, the CF bustion of lead fuel, non-ferrous pyrometallurgical metal
for all metals were the descending order of: Pb > Ni > C production, steel, iron, coal combustion, cement production,
u > Cr > Co > Zn > Al > Mn. The degree of contamina- and accumulation sewage sludge. Improper drainage system
tion and modified degree of contamination ranges from (storm water drains) for surface runoff within the industrial
1.95 to 76.81 and 0.24 to 9.60. Most of the stations shows cluster area and the adjacent area leads to the increase in
very low degree of contamination except NRS2 with high certain heavy metals. Discharge of waste from agricultural
degree of contamination (76.81) and modified degree of and anthropogenic activities continuously not only pollute
contamination (9.60). The load of contaminants received the water but also the sediment and biota live on it.
in this area is very high, because low concentrations of silt The Igeo values are in the following ranges: Zn (− 4.16 to
and clay are able to retain high contents of trace metals. 1.73), Cu (− 2.08 to 2.44), Ni (− 2.23 to 3.73), Co (− 1.83 to
The results of enrichment factor (EF) and Geo-accumu- 0.00), Pb (− 1.91 to 4.98), Cr (− 2.76 to 1.01), Mn (− 4.41
lation index (Igeo) are presented in Table 8. The enrichment to 1.54) and Al (− 3.44 to 0.58). The negative values indi-
factor represents EF values of all heavy metals measured in cating that the river is not polluted with this metal (Dung
the river sediments. Most of the sampling sites exhibited et al. 2013) According to Igeo values the study area was
minimum to significant enrichment. Moderate enrichment unpolluted with Zn, Co, Cr, Mn and Al. The highest Igeo
was observed for Cu (0.18–11.69), Ni (0.36–28.60) and Cr values were exhibited by Cu, Ni and Pb revealed moderately
(0.32–3.95). Zn (0–6.54), Co (0–1.51) and Mn (0.15–0.9) to strongly polluted which agrees with EF and CF values.
shows minimal enrichment. Significant enrichment was
obtained for Pb (0–67.78). The extreme EF for Cu, Ni, and
Pb were observed at NRS2 (Mangalore region) and highest Conclusion
enrichment of Cr and Mn were observed at NRS7 (Uppinan-
gady). The sequence of EF for heavy metals in sediments In the study, water quality of Netravati river basin and its
of Netravati river basin follows the order: Pb > Ni > Cr > suitability as drinking water was evaluated. The analyti-
Cu > Zn > Mn > Co. This indicates Pb was most abundant cal results of physicochemical parameters were compared
while compared with other metals. Whereas Co had lowest with the standard guideline values recommended by WHO
appearance. (2011). The observed chemical variations may be because
of rock-water interactions, ion-exchange reactions and
Table 8 Calculated Igeo and EF Heavy metals Geoaccumulation Index Enrichment Factor
values in sediments from NRB
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg
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