Narayan Gupta-Et-Al - HAE - 14 - 2024 - 2
Narayan Gupta-Et-Al - HAE - 14 - 2024 - 2
Narayan Gupta-Et-Al - HAE - 14 - 2024 - 2
40 - 48
Laxmi Narayan Gupta*, **, Sameer Arora*, Mukesh Kumar Ahirwar***, Amar Prakash
Pandey***, Anand Bhushan Khare***, Ghan Shyam Gupta**
Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, New Delhi, India
Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Faculty of Science and Environment,
Department of Energy and Environment, Pollution Research Laboratory, Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh, India
Government Post Graduate College, Department of Chemistry, Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India
Surface water and groundwater are primary resources for communities living in arid and semi-arid
regions. The expansion of industrial and agricultural practices has raised pressure on natural
resources. Water quality assessment provides valuable information about potential of resources for
intended uses. The correlation study was carried out on the physicochemical parameters of surface
water and groundwater in the Tikamgarh city. The physicochemical parameters, such as pH, total
dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), total alkalinity
(TA), sulphate (SO42-), fluoride (F-), iron (Fe), nitrate (NO3-), chloride (Cl-) and turbidity were
analysed to determine correlation between parameters. The grab sampling technique was adopted to
collect water samples from selected dug wells and reservoirs. The results of physicochemical
parameters were fitted in the correlation coefficient equation to predict probable values of different
parameters for selected locations. Results of the correlation study showed that calcium and TH are
strongly correlated, followed by TH with chloride. However, Ca2+, TH, Cl-, TA, TDS, SO42-, and
iron show a high correlation. The findings show that water quality can be managed by controlling
TH and TDS concentrations through conventional and non-conventional treatment methods.
Keywords: correlation, surface water and groundwater, Tikamgarh city, water quality
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
up most of the continental water area. The parameters were fitted in the regression
quality of surface and subterranean waters has equation to predict probable values of different
declined due to population growth and the physicochemical parameters of the selected
discharge of untreated wastewater in open and water resources. The values of physiochemical
unlined drains [5, 6]. The frequent occurrence parameters were compared with their
of extreme weather events that cause either prescribed standards. Seth et al. [12]
floods or droughts also contributes to the performed a correlation study of the water
reduction of the quantity and quality of quality parameters of the Himalayan rivers.
groundwater resources [7]. The daily This study investigated the water quality of
consumption of groundwater for domestic, critical rivers, i.e. Gola, Kosi, Ramganga,
agricultural, and industrial purposes has Saryu and Lohawati rivers located in the
increased significantly with exponential different districts of the Kumaun region of
growth of the population. Waste from the Uttarakhand Himalaya. River water samples
household enters groundwater and surface collected in the pre-monsoon and post-
water by seepage from drains, small and big monsoon seasons of 2011 and 2012 were
ditches and pits, also contributing to the analysed for various water quality
degradation of water quality [8]. In addition, characteristics to determine their correlation.
natural rocks and minerals also threaten the Statistical analyses show positive correlation
quality and purity of both water sources. The between most chemical parameters. Water
point and non-point sources cause the mixing quality assessment in terms of water quality
and interaction of several chemical index (WQI) of Kolong River, Assam, India,
constituents and nutrients, which requires the was carried out by Bora and Goswami [13].
identification of critical parameters affecting The study was conducted to analyse the
the water quality [9]. Several researchers have seasonal water quality status of the Kolong
performed studies for the identification of the River in terms of the water quality index
interaction of various chemical constituents in (WQI). The WQI values show very poor to
surface water and groundwater [10 - 15]. unsuitable quality of water samples in almost
Jothivenkatachalam et al. [10] conducted a all seven sampling sites along the Kolong
correlation analysis of drinking water quality River. It was found that the water quality
in and around Perur Block of Coimbatore deteriorated the most during the monsoon
district, Tamil Nadu, India. In order to find season, with an average WQI value of 122.47
correlation between the parameters, this study compared to pre-monsoon and post-monsoon
investigated physiochemical and biological seasons, with average WQI values of 85.73
parameters, such as pH, electrical and 80.75, respectively. Kothari et al. [15]
conductivity, TDS, TH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42-, performed the correlation of various water
total acidity, TA and dissolved oxygen (DO), quality parameters and water quality index of
etc. The results were compared to the districts of Uttarakhand. The drinking water
standards of WHO, USPH and ICMR. A quality parameters including pH, TH,
systematic correlation and regression study alkalinity, turbidity, Fe, Cl-, F-, TDS, SO42-,
showed a significant linear relationship NO3-, Ca2+, Mg2+, arsenic (As), conductivity,
between water quality parameters. Gupta and total coliform, faecal coliform and total
Gupta [11] carried out the correlation and residual chlorine were statistically analysed to
regression studies of drinking water resources, calculate the correlation coefficient of
especially dug wells located in and around different parameters with WQI and the study
Kamadgiri Parikrima at Chitrakoot using showed significant linear relationship and the
temperature, turbidity, pH, TDS, electric high correlation coefficient among water
conductivity (EC), calcium hardness, quality parameters. Among these parameters,
magnesium hardness, TH, Ca2+, Mg2+, sodium TDS has the highest correlation with
(Na+), potassium (K+), alkalinity, Cl-, DO, conductivity, sulphate, and chloride ion
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and concentration, whereas turbidity significantly
chemical oxygen demand (COD). The correlates with the presence of nitrate in
obtained values of the physicochemical drinking water. All these studies have shown
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
The central part of the study area consists of were determined by the volumetric titration
Bundelkhand granite rocks and soils method. Total hardness was determined by
characterised as black humus granitic and EDTA titration method using ammonium
yellowish grey colour with kankar soils. The buffer (NH4Cl and NH4OH) and Eriochrome
average annual rainfall in Tikamgarh district is Black-T indicator in water samples. The value
1057.1 mm. The groundwater in the area of total hardness was calculated as CaCO3
generally takes place under water table mg/l. Alkalinity was analysed by titration
conditions. It is also known as part of method using 0.02N H2SO4, phenolphthalein
Bundelkhand of Madhya Pradesh, famous for and methyl orange indicators. Cl- was
frequent droughts. This is the reason why the estimated by the AgNO3 titration method using
Chendala and Bundela dynasties developed K2CrO4 as an indicator. The sulphate, fluoride,
several reservoirs in their period to meet the iron, and nitrate were measured using a visible
basic needs for water resources. spectrophotometer (Model - 168, Make -
Systronics) in the range from 340 to 1100 nm
and accuracy of ± 1 nm. The detailed locations
Methodology of selected sampling points are shown in Table
1. The geographical position of the locations
Five surface and groundwater basins around was determined with the help of the Global
Tikamgarh city are used for city water supply, Positioning System (GPS). The analysis was
i.e., Mahendra Sagar Pond, Kundeshwar Dam, carried out at Public Health Engineering
Barighat Dam, Barighat filtered water and (PHE) Department and Government Post
Maharajpura Well were selected for Graduate College, Tikamgarh, Madhya
monitoring and physicochemical analysis to Pradesh. The Government Post Graduate
determine the correlation between independent College is considered as the central point, and
(X) and dependent variables (Y). Mahendra the distance of each sampling point from the
Sagar Pond, Kundeshwar Dam and Barighat central point is shown in Table 1. The data has
Dam represent the surface water sources and been evaluated by means of the Karl Pearson
other two locations are source of groundwater, correlation coefficient (R) using the following
as shown in Table 1. The monitoring was equation to determine the strength of
carried out once a year in 2022. Two-litre relationship between two variables:
water samples were collected at different
locations to analyse water quality parameters. n xy − x y
R= (1)
The physiochemical parameters that were
n x 2 − ( x ) n y 2 − ( y )
2 2
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
Table 1. Details of sampling locations from Government Post Graduate College, Tikamgarh,
Madhya Pradesh
Sample from the
No. Location Abbrev. Latitude Longitude Source
code central
point (km)
Mahendre Surface
1 N-22-8/1 MSP 24.7354 78.8291 1
Sagar Pond water
2 N-22-8/2 Barighat Dam BD 24.7144 78.7772 6.5
Kundeshwar Surface
3 N-22-8/3 KD 24.696 78.7971 2.1
Dham water
Barighat Ground
4 N-22-8/4 BFW 24.7249 78.7853 6.3
filtered water water
Maharajpur Ground
5 N-22-8/5 MW 24.7383 78.8113 3.5
Well water
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
As shown in Figure 1, keeping in mind that all in BD. The highest mean value of TDS was
the sampling locations are within a radius of found in MSP. Similarly, TH, Ca2+ and SO42-
6.5 km from central point i.e., Government were also within the permissible limits. TH
Post Graduate College, Tikamgarh, Madhya was above 600 mg/L in few samples, while the
Pradesh, low variation in concentration of mean concentration remained below 600
parameter were observed between different mg/L. The maximum concentration of Ca2+
locations. The pH in all locations is similar also rises above 200 mg/L, while the mean
and varies within the permissible range of 6.5 concentrations were below 198.1 mg/L. The
to 8.5 (Table 2). According to BIS standard IS SO42- was within acceptable limits, as shown
10500:2012 [17], the acceptable limit of Mg2+ in Table 2. All the samples were within the
is 30 mg/L. In MW, the highest mean permissible limits, except for a few
concentration of Mg2+ was found (16.18 parameters.
mg/L). Maximum concentration was found in
BFW (17.94 mg/L). In all samples, Mg2+ was
within acceptable limits. According to Correlation analysis
standard, the acceptable limit of NO3- is 45
mg/L and all the samples were within that All parameters were correlated with each other
limit. The highest mean concentration of NO3- to determine the significance of the correlation
was found at KD and maximum concentration based on the level and direction of the
was also found at KD (27.55 mg/L). The correlation. The correlations, whether positive
acceptable limit of Fe and F- is 0.3 mg/L and or negative, are considered significant if they
1.0 mg/L, respectively, and both the are greater than ± 0.8, moderate if they are in
parameters were within the acceptable limits. the range ± 0.80 > C > ± 0.40 and non-
The highest mean concentration of Fe was significant if they are less than ± 0.40.
found in KD (0.25 mg/L). Maximum
concentration of Fe was also found in KD It was found that the chemical water quality
(0.32 mg/L), which is slightly above the limit. parameters are highly correlated with each
Maximum concentration of F- was 0.41 mg/L other (Table 3). Only Mg2+ shows a low
and average concentration was 0.34 mg/L. The correlation with almost all parameters. The
turbidity was measured in NTU and was less maximum correlation of Mg2+ was with Cl-
than 10 NTU in almost all sampling locations. (0.437), which is not significant enough to
The maximum turbidity was observed in MSP derive a relationship between the parameters.
(10.05 NTU) and minimum turbidity was also pH showed a moderate correlation with most
found in MSP (1.41 NTU). In other locations, parameters. The maximum correlation was
the maximum turbidity varied between 2 - 9 with iron, followed by sulphate. At the same
NTU. time, other parameters show a striking
correlation with different parameters. TH had
The average concentration of chemical a correlation above 90 % with all parameters,
constituents was also within standard except with Mg2+ and pH. Similarly, Ca2+, TA,
acceptable limits. In KD, the mean value of and Cl- show exceptional correlation. A strong
TA was 482.9 mg/L, while the maximum correlation of TH was found with Ca2+, TA,
concentration of TA was 592.5 mg/L. The Cl-, Fe and SO42-. At the same time, a strong
acceptable limit of Cl- is 250 - 1000 mg/L and correlation of TA with Cl-, TH and Ca2+ was
all the sample were within the acceptable limit. found. Fe and SO42- also show a high
The maximum concentration of Cl- was found correlation with most parameters, as shown in
in BD (351.8 mg/L), while the highest mean Table 3.
concentration was found in BFW (244.8
mg/L). The permissible limit for TDS is 2000
mg/L. All the samples were within the limit
with maximum concentration of 1462.6 mg/L
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
pH 1
TH 0.658 1
SO42- 0.673 0.964 0.974 0.160 0.945 0.927 0.838 0.966 0.959 1
F- 0.481 0.92 0.935 0.072 0.945 0.911 0.938 0.813 0.947 0.893 1
Turbidity 0.596 0.854 0.887 -0.191 0.852 0.799 0.804 0.814 0.952 0.902 0.945 1
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
L. Narayan Gupta et al.: Assessment of surface and …, Holistic Approach Environ. 14(2024) 2, pp. 40 - 48
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