Sci8 Q2 Unit Diagram-LP
Sci8 Q2 Unit Diagram-LP
Sci8 Q2 Unit Diagram-LP
illustrations, Learning
explain how Module
movements (SLM)
along faults activity
generate worksheet
M2. explain
how https://yout
waves provide Video m0-
information Analysis FICio?si=k
about the RP9r_LjuM
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Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
The learner, on their own and in the long TRANSFER 1. participate in decision making on where to build structures
based on knowledge of the location of active faults in the
run, will be able to use scientific 2. make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for
use at home and in school
knowledge, guided by kindness and 3. demonstrate precautionary measures before, during, and
godliness, to make informed and Performance Task after a typhoon, including following advisories, storm signals,
and calls for evacuation given by government agencies in
compassionate decisions, taking TStandard charge.
responsible actions that promote safety 4. participate in activities that lessen the risks brought by
and preparedness in natural disaster-prone
1. Earthquake-Resilient
Community Planning.
2. Typhoon Preparedness
Content Standard
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
TOPIC: Earthquakes and Faults Topic Introduction
1.1 Active and inactive faults
Understanding the foundational principles of earthquakes and faults is essential for grasping how internal Earth forces shape our
1.2 How movements along faults generate planet’s surface and lead to various natural events. These content standards provide a framework for students to explore key
earthquakes concepts in seismic activity, types of faults, and their effects on communities. By studying these topics, students gain a deeper
1.3 How earthquakes generate tsunamis awareness of Earth's dynamic nature and the importance of earthquake preparedness and safety.
1.4 Earthquake focus and epicenter
1.5 Earthquake intensity and magnitude Map of Conceptual Change: Initial – Final Chart
1.6 Earthquake preparedness Answer the following questions based on your understanding, Answer only the Initial part.
1.7 How earthquake waves provide information
about the interior of the Earth Initial Revised Final
1. How does
understanding the
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the location of faults
help us make safer
relationship between faults and earthquakes.
decisions about
where to build
The learners shall be able to: 1. participate in decision
making on where to build structures based on knowledge
of the location of active faults in the community 2. make
an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use
at home and in school.
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
(as stated in Curriculum Map)
A1. (Added competency) Activity 1: Layers of Earth
Identify the structure of the Earth’s layers (crust, Introduction: Our planet Earth is constructed of several layers.
mantle, outer core, inner core) Instruction: Match the layer to their definitions.
Learning Target
I can identify the different layers of the Earth,
including the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core.
Success Criteria
I am able to:
I can name each of the Earth’s layers in the correct
order from the outermost to the innermost layer.
Question to Answer: How are the layers of the Earth different from each other?
Success Criteria
I am able to
name the main types of faults: normal, reverse, and
identify visual representations or diagrams of normal,
reverse, and strike-slip faults.
Success Criteria
I am able to
identify the epicenter and focus in a diagram of an
identify the differences between intensity and
magnitude of an earthquake..
accurately describe the characteristics of active and
Cross section of faults
inactive faults. Illustrated by: Angelo Zaldy C. Francia
Questions to Answer:
1. Based on the activity, what is the difference between the epicenter and the focus?
Intensity Magnitude
Questions to Answer:
Why do we need to know both the intensity and magnitude of an earthquake?
Question to Answer: Why is it important to know the difference between active and inactive faults?
Learning Target: Instruction: Match the following types of seismic waves with their corresponding types of motion.
can identify the different types of seismic waves and describe
their motion. 1. primary waves A. side-by-side horizontal
2. secondary waves B. circular motion
Success Criteria: 3. surface waves C. up and down
I am able to: D. push and pull
1. correctly match each type of seismic wave with its
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Question to Answer: How do the movements of seismic waves affect the Earth's surface during an earthquake
(as stated in Curriculum Map) DEEPEN (MAKE MEANING)
M1. Using models or illustrations, explain how Activity 5: Exploring movements along faults (C-E-R Activity)
movements along faults generate earthquakes Introduction: In this hands-on activity will help you understand the different fault types and how their movements
generate earthquakes
fault model template will be provided by the teacher paste onto cardboard to make it stiff and easy to handle.
Learning Competency: Cut out the model along the dashed lines and fold the model along the indicated lines to ensure all parts fit
I can explain how movements along faults properly.
generate earthquakes using models or illustrations. The model consists of two pieces, assemble the two pieces as shown in the diagram. The dashed lines represent
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
a fault. Label one piece "Block A" and the other piece "Block B."
Success Criteria:
I am able to:
1. identify and classify different types of faults
based on observed movements in the model.
2. describe the effects of fault movements on rock
layers and surface features.
3. justify my fault identification by providing
evidence and reasoning based on model
M2. Explain how earthquake waves provide Activity 6. Exploring Earth’s Interior Through Earthquake Waves
information about the interior of the earth. Introduction: In this activity, you will learn how earthquake waves help scientists understand the structure of the
Earth. By observing how seismic waves travel through different layers, you’ll discover how they provide important
clues about what’s inside our planet.
Learning Competency: 1. Watch the video that explains how seismic waves move through the Earth’s layers.
I can explain how seismic waves provide
information about the Earth’s interior, focusing
on how they move through solid and liquid
Success Criteria:
I am able to:
identify how seismic waves behave differently
in the Earth’s mantle and core.
explain the relationship between seismic
wave behavior and the Earth’s structure using
the C-E-R format.
provide clear evidence from the video to 2. Take notes on how the waves behave differently in the solid and liquid parts of the Earth.
support their claims and reasoning. 3. Answer the questions based on the video to describe how seismic waves give us information about Earth’s
Students use the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (C-E-R) format to answer questions about what they learned from the
Claim: What do the seismic waves tell us about the Earth’s interior?
Evidence: Use details from the video, like how waves travel through the mantle and core.
Reasoning: Explain why the waves act this way based on the Earth’s structure.
Use the Compass Points to guide discussion or written reflections on the activity.
N (Needs): What additional information or tools E (Excitements): What part of the demonstration
would help deepen your understanding of did you find most interesting or surprising?
S (Suggestions): How could this experiment be W (Worries): What challenges or risks do you
improved to better represent an underwater think tsunamis pose to coastal areas?
earthquake or tsunami?
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
(as stated in Curriculum Map) TRANSFER
The learners shall be able to: 1. participate in decision The learner, on their own and in the long run, will be able to use scientific knowledge, guided by kindness and godliness, to make informed and
making on where to build structures based on knowledge compassionate decisions, taking responsible actions that promote safety and preparedness in natural disaster-prone areas. They will also learn to
thoughtfully and respectfully evaluate information and beliefs about celestial phenomena, fostering an understanding that aligns with both
of the location of active faults in the community 2. make
scientific inquiry and moral integrity.
an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use
at home and in school.
Performance Task: GRASPS for Earthquake-Resilient Community Planning
Goal: Design a comprehensive earthquake emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit using recycled materials
Learning Targets
to help Barangay Lagubang residents stay safe before, during, and after an earthquake.
I can design an effective earthquake emergency Role: You are a community planner responsible for ensuring the safety and preparedness of Barangay Lagubang's
plan that includes safe zones, evacuation routes, residents in the event of an earthquake.
safety procedures, and communication strategies. Audience: The residents of Barangay Lagubang, who need clear instructions on earthquake safety and
I can prepare a practical and sustainable preparedness.
emergency kit using recycled materials to help Situation: An earthquake-prone area where residents must understand fault lines and earthquake safety to reduce
ensure earthquake readiness. risk and improve readiness.
I can present my plan and kit clearly to others, Product/Performance:
explaining their importance in promoting Develop an earthquake, emergency plan outlining safe zones, evacuation routes,
community safety. safety procedures, and communication strategies.
Create an emergency kit using recycled materials, demonstrating
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Write a brief reflection addressing the following questions:
1. How has learning about earthquakes and faults sparked your curiosity about Earth’s inner workings? Describe
aspects of earthquakes that intrigued you.
2. What responsibilities do you feel for ensuring safety in earthquake-prone areas? How might kindness play a
role in supporting preparedness within your community?
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
3. How has understanding these natural forces influenced your respect for the environment and your appreciation
for creation? How does this understanding align with godliness, inspiring mindful and compassionate actions
toward others?
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
TOPIC: Understanding Typhoon Topic Introduction
2.1 How typhoons develop In this topic, you will explore the science behind typhoons, learn about precautionary measures to take before, during, and after a
storm, and participate in activities to help lessen the risks associated with typhoons.
2.2 Why the Philippines is prone to typhoons
2.3 How landforms and bodies of water affect typhoons
within the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)
Map of Conceptual Change: Initial – Final Chart
Answer the following questions based on your understanding, Answer only the Initial part.
Initial Revised Final
The learners demonstrate the formation of typhoons and 1. What are the key
their movement within the PAR
factors that affect
typhoon formation
and movement,
The learners shall be able to: 1. demonstrate and how can this
precautionary measures before, during, and after a knowledge help us
typhoon, including following advisories, storm signals, prepare for these
and calls for evacuation given by government agencies events?
in charge. 2. participate in activities that lessen the risks
brought by typhoons.
(as stated in Curriculum Map)
A5. (Added Competency) Activity 8: Vocabulary Exercise: Weather Terms
Define key weather term Introduction: In this activity, you will learn important weather-related terms that will help you understand how weather systems
like typhoons develop.
Instruction: Match each term to its correct definition. After matching, use the terms in sentences to show your understanding.
Learning Targets:
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
1. Air Mass A. A large body of air with the same temperature and moisture content
Success Criteria: that can influence weather.
I am able to:
1. match each weather term to its correct definition 2. Weather Front B. The boundary or meeting place between two different air masses.
without mistakes. 3. Low Pressure C. An area where the air is sinking, leading to fair weather.
2. create sentences that accurately explain how each 4. High Pressure D. An area where the air is rising, leading to cloudy weather and
term contributes to the development of weather possibly storms.
systems, such as typhoons. 5. Weather Disturbance E. A change in the atmosphere that can cause weather changes such as
storms, cyclones, or typhoons.
1. Air Mass - Sentence: An air mass over the ocean is warm and moist, which can lead to the development of storms when
it meets cold, dry air.
Question to Answer. How do these weather key terms help us understand the development of a typhoon?
A6. (Added Competency) Activity 9: "Check If the Given Factor Contributes to the Formation of Typhoons"
Identify factors that contribute to the formation of Introduction: In this activity, you will explore the various factors that contribute to the formation of typhoons.
typhoon. Instruction: Below are various factors related to typhoon formation.
Learning Targets:
Students will identify the factors that
contribute to the formation of typhoons.
Success Criteria:
The student can correctly identify which
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Question to Answer: Which factors do you think contribute the most to the frequent occurrence of typhoons in the
Philippines? Explain why.
(as stated in Curriculum Map) DEEPEN (MAKE MEANING)
M4. Explain how typhoons develop Activity 10: "Understanding Typhoon Development: A Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Analysis"
Introduction: In this activity, you will explore how typhoons form by watching a video.
Watch the video on how typhoons develop. Pay close attention to the key weather terms, such as air masses,
Learning Targets: weather fronts, low and high-pressure areas, and weather disturbances, and how they contribute to the
I can understand the role of key weather formation of typhoons.
concepts, such as air masses, weather fronts, low
and high-pressure areas, and weather
disturbances in the formation of typhoons.
I can explain how these weather factors interact
to contribute to typhoon development by using
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Success Criteria:
I am able to:
create a clear and concise claim that answers the
question, “How do typhoons form?”
select at least two pieces of relevant evidence
from the video to support my claim about
typhoon formation.
organize my response effectively using the
Claim-Evidence-Reasoning structure to
communicate my understanding of typhoon Make a Claim: After watching the video, state your claim about how typhoons develop. This is your answer
development. to the question: "How do typhoons form?"
Provide Evidence: Find at least two pieces of evidence from the video that support your claim. This could
include descriptions of weather conditions, examples, or key scientific facts mentioned in the video.
Explain Your Reasoning: Explain how the evidence you provided supports your claim. Make sure to connect
the key weather terms and concepts to the development of a typhoon.
Write your response: Use the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning framework to organize your response in a clear and
structured way.
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
M5. Infer why the Philippines is prone to typhoons Activity 11: “Why the Philippines is Prone to Typhoons”
Introduction: The Philippines experiences more typhoons than many other places in the world. In this activity, you
will investigate the geographic and environmental factors that make the Philippines particularly vulnerable to
Learning Targets typhoons.
I can identify and mark key geographical
features on a map, including the Philippines, Materials:
equator, and warm ocean currents. Use a map of the Asia-Pacific region oceans.
I can explain how the Philippines’ location Gather colored markers or pencils to mark specific features.
and surrounding environmental factors
contribute to its vulnerability to typhoons.
I can analyze the relationship between
warm ocean currents and typhoon
Success Criteria:
I have accurately marked the Philippines,
the equator, and warm ocean currents on
the map.
I can clearly explain why the Philippines’
geographical location makes it prone to
typhoons. Instruction:
I can describe how warm ocean currents Mark Key Locations on the Map:
Philippines: Circle or highlight the Philippines to show its location.
contribute to typhoon development near the
Equator: Draw a dashed line to trace the equator and label it.
Warm Ocean Currents: Identify and trace any warm currents near the Philippines with a colored line and
label them.
M6. Explain how landmasses and bodies of water Activity 12: Humongous Barriers – How Geography Protects from Typhoons
affect typhoons Introduction: The Philippines is surrounded by landmasses and bodies of water that play a crucial role in shaping the
behavior of typhoons. In this activity, you will explore how mountain ranges and forests in northern Luzon act as
natural barriers, reducing the impact of typhoons on areas beyond them.
Learning Targets:
I can identify and illustrate key geographic
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
M7. trace the path of typhoons that enter the Activity 13: Tracing Typhoon Shanna
Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) using a Introduction: Using the data in the table, plot the day to day location of tropical cyclone Shanna on the map showing
map and tracking data the Philippine Area of Responsibility. Mark each plotted location with a dot. Connect the dots to be able to see the
track of the tropical cyclone from June 30 to July 6. Study the plotted track to answer the proceeding questions.
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Questions to Answer:
(as stated in Curriculum Map) TRANSFER
The learners shall be able to: 1. demonstrate The learner, on their own and in the long run, will be able to use scientific knowledge, guided by kindness and godliness, to make informed and
compassionate decisions, taking responsible actions that promote safety and preparedness in natural disaster-prone areas.
precautionary measures before, during, and after a
typhoon, including following advisories, storm signals,
and calls for evacuation given by government agencies GRASPS for Typhoon Preparedness Plan
in charge. 2. participate in activities that lessen the risks
brought by typhoons Goal: Your goal is to create a plan that helps your community stay safe before, during, and after a typhoon. You will
present your plan to your classmates and act out a drill to show how to be prepared for a typhoon.
Role: You are a safety planner for your community, working with your group to come up with important steps people
should take to stay safe during a typhoon.
Audience: Your audience is your classmates and the community. You will present your plan to them to make sure
everyone knows how to stay safe during a typhoon.
Situation: Typhoons can cause a lot of damage if people are not prepared. You and your group need to create a plan
that will help your community get ready, stay safe, and recover after a typhoon. You will share this plan with your
class, and practice your plan by acting out a safety drill.
Typhoon Preparedness Plan: A simple plan that explains what to do before, during, and after a typhoon. It
should include a checklist, safety steps, and evacuation routes.
Presentation: A short presentation (using a poster or slideshow) to explain your plan to the class, showing
how to stay safe.
Mock Typhoon Drill: Participate in a drill where you act out the safety steps from your plan, like following
warnings and evacuating to safety.
Standards for Success:
Your plan should include clear and easy-to-follow steps for people to stay safe.
Your presentation should explain the key safety steps before, during, and after a typhoon.
During the drill, you should follow the safety steps you learned and show how to stay safe during a typhoon.
Your reflection should explain how you can help your community be better prepared for a typhoon in the
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Write a brief reflection addressing the following questions:
1. How has learning about earthquakes and faults sparked your curiosity about Earth’s inner workings? Describe
aspects of earthquakes that intrigued you.
2. How does your faith guide your decisions in preparing for a natural disaster?
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
Barangay Lagubang, Sen. Ninoy Aquino
Sultan Kudarat, 9800
To create a comprehensive risk management plan that addresses preparedness for earthquakes and typhoons, and evaluates the scientific validity of common beliefs about comets and meteors.
You are a community risk manager tasked with preparing your home and school for natural disasters.
Your classmates and teacher.
The school and community need clear plans for natural disaster preparedness, including earthquakes, typhoons, and understanding celestial phenomena.
You will develop a detailed safety plan, including evacuation routes, safety zones, and emergency kits, and share your findings on the scientific basis of beliefs regarding comets and meteors.
Your plan must demonstrate practical preparedness and understanding, using scientific principles to ensure community safety and provide a clear explanation of comet and meteor beliefs.