11 Computer Application Short Notes

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2 Components of the Computer System 10

3 Principles of Programming & Problem Solving 18

4 Getting Started with C++ 21

5 Data Types and Operators 23

6 Introduction to Programming 26

7 Control Statements 28

8 Computer Networks 31

Prepared by:
9 Internet 40


10 IT Applications 45


1. Input Unit
Accepts instructions and data for processing.
Eg:- Keyboard, mouse
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The CPU is the brain of the computer. All major computations and comparisons are
made inside the CPU.
The functions of CPU are performed by three components:-
(i) Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU): It performs all arithmetic and logical operations.
(ii) Control Unit(CU): It manages and co-ordinates all other units of the
(iii) Registers: These are the temporary storage areas inside the CPU.
3. Storage Unit
Store data and instructions, intermediate results and final results.
4. Output Unit
Supplies the results to the outside world.
Eg:- Monitor, Printer
It is an electronic device for storing and processing data according to instructions given
to it.
Characteristics of Computers
Advantages: Speed, Accuracy, Diligence, Versatility, Huge memory
Limitations: Lack of IQ, Lack of decision making power
Number system
• The number of symbols used in a number system is called base or radix.
Base Symbols used Example

Binary 2 0, 1 (1101)2
Octal 8 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (236)8
Decimal 10 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (5876)10
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
Hexadecimal 16 (A, B, C, D, E, F represents 10, 11, 12, 13, (12AF)16
14, 15 respectively)
• MSD: The leftmost digit of a number is called Most Significant Digit (MSD).
• LSD: The right most digit of a number is called Least Significant Digit (LSD).

Number Conversions

Decimal to binary conversion

Repeated division by 2 and grouping the remainders. Remainders will be either 0 or 1
Example: Convert (30)10 to binary.
2 30 Remainders

2 15 0

2 7 1

2 3 1

2 1 1

0 1
(30)10 = (11110)2 Octal to decimal conversion
Multiply octal digit by place value (power of 8) and find their sum.
Example: Convert (167)8 to decimal.
Decimal fraction to binary (167)8 = 1×82 + 6×81 + 7×80
Weight 82 81 80
1. Multiply the decimal fraction by 2. = 64 + 48 + 7 = 119
2. Integer part of the answer will be first digit of binary fraction. (167)8 = (119)10 Octal digit 1 6 7
3. Repeat step 1 and step 2 to obtain the next significant bit of binary fraction.
Example: Convert (0.625)10 to binary. Hexadecimal to decimal conversion
Multiply hexadecimal digit by place value (power of 16) and find their sum.
0.625 x 2 = 1.25
Example: Convert (2B5)16 to decimal.
1 0.25 x 2 = 0.50 (2B5)16 = 2×162 + 11×161 + 5×160
Weight 16 2 16 1 16 0
= 512 + 176 + 5
0 0.50 x 2 = 1.00
= 693 Hexadecimal digit 2 B 5
1 .00 (0.625)10 = (0.101)2 (2B5)16 = (693)10
Octal to binary conversion
Decimal to Octal conversion Converting each octal
Repeated division by 8 and grouping the remainders. Remainders will be either Octal digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 digit to its 3 bit binary
0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 Binary equivalent 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 equivalent.
Example: Convert (120)10 to octal.
8 120 Remainders
Example: Convert (437)8 to binary.
8 15 0
(120)10 = (170)8 3-bit binary equivalent of each octal digits are
8 1 7 4 3 7

8 0 1 (437)8 = (100011111)2
100 011 111

Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion

Repeated division by 16 and grouping the remainders. Remainders will be either Hexadecimal to binary conversion
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E or F Converting each hexadecimal digit to its 4 bit binary equivalent.
Example: Convert (165)10 to hexadecimal. Example: Convert (AB)16 to binary.
16 165 Remainders Octal digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
16 10 5 Binary equivalent 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
(165)10 = (A5)16
16 0 10 (A) Binary to decimal conversion 4-bit binary equivalent of each hexadecimal digits are
Multiply binary digit by place value (power of 2) and find their sum.
Example: Convert (110010)2 to decimal. (AB)16 = (10101011)2
(110010)2 = 1×25 + 1×24 + 0×23 + 0×22 + 1×21 + 0×20 Weight 2 5 24 23 22 21 20 1010 1011
= 32 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 50 Binary to octal conversion
Bit 1 1 0 0 1 0
(110010)2 = (50)10 Grouping binary digits to group of 3 bits from right to left and then each group is
converted to its octal equivalent.
Binary fraction to decimal Example: Convert (10111000011)2 to octal.
Multiply binary digit by place value (negative power of 2) and find their sum. Group the given binary number from right as shown below:
Example: Convert (0.101)2 to decimal. Weight 2 -1 2 -2 2 -3 010 111 000 011
if the left most group
(0.101)2 = 1×2-1 + 0×2-2 + 1×2-3
Bit 1 0 1 does not have 3 bits,
= 0.5 + 0 + 0.125 = 0.625 then add leading zeros 2 7 0 3
(0.101)2 = (0.625)10 ( to form 3 bit binary. )8
Binary to Hexadecimal conversion


Grouping binary digits to group of 4 bits from right to left and then each group is Example: Represent -23 in sign and magnitude form.
converted to its hexadecimal equivalent. Binary of 23 in 8-bit form = (00010111)2
Sign Magnitude
Example: Convert (100111100111100)2 to hexadecimal. Number is negative, so first bit is 1.
Group the given binary number from right as shown below: So -23 can be represented as (10010111)2
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0100 1111 0011 1100
if the left most group
ii) 1’s complement representation
does not have 4 bits,
then add leading zeros 4 15(F) 3 12(C) • 1’s complement of a binary is obtained by replacing every 0 with 1 and every 1
to form 4 bit binary. with 0.
• If the number is negative, it is represented as 1’s complement of 8-bit form
(100111100111100)2 = (4F3C)16 binary.
• If the number is positive, the 8-bit form binary itself is the 1’s complement.
Octal to hexadecimal conversion Example: Represent +23 in 1’s complement form.
Convert octal to binary and then binary to hexadecimal. Binary of 23 in 8-bit form = (00010111)2
Example: Convert (537)8 to hexadecimal equivalent. +23 in 1’s complement form = (00010111)2 (For +ve numbers, no need to find 1’s
First convert (537)8 into binary. complement)
5 3 7 Example: Represent -23 in 1’s complement form.
= (101011111)2 Binary of 23 in 8-bit form = (00010111)2
101 011 111
-23 in 1’s complement form = (11101000)2 (by replacing 0 with 1 and 1 with 0)
Then convert (101011111)2 into hexadecimal.
iii) 2’s complement representation
0001 0101 1111
= (15F)16 • 2’s complement of a binary number is calculated by adding 1 to its 1’s
1 5 15(F)
(537)8 = (15F)16 • If the number is negative, it is represented as 2’s complement of 8-bit form
Hexadecimal to octal conversion • If the number is positive, 8-bit form binary itself is the 2’s complement.
Convert hexadecimal to binary and then binary to octal. Example: Represent +23 in 2’s complement form.
Example: Convert (A3B)16 into octal equivalent. Binary of 23 in 8-bit form = (00010111)2
First convert (A3B)16 into binary. +23 in 2’s complement form = (00010111)2 (For +ve numbers, no need to find 2’s
A 3 B
= (101000111011)2 Example: Represent -23 in 2’s complement form.
1010 0011 1011
Binary of 23 in 8-bit form = (00010111)2
Then convert (101000111011)2 into octal. -23 in 1’s complement form = (11101000)2 (by replacing 0 with 1 and 1 with 0)
101 000 111 011
-23 in 2’s complement form = 11101000 +
= (5073)8 1
= (11101001)2
5 0 7 3
(A3B)16 = (5073)8 Representation of floating point numbers
Representation of integers • Any number in floating point notation contains two parts, mantissa and exponent.
There are three methods for representing an integer number in computer memory. (i) • Eg: 25.45 can be written as 0.2545×102, where 0.2545 is the mantissa and the power 2 is
Sign and magnitude representation, (ii) 1’s complement representation, (iii) 2’s the exponent.
complement representation
Representation of characters
i) Sign and magnitude representation Different methods to represent characters in computer memory are: ASCII, Unicode,
• First find binary equivalent of integer and write it in 8- bit form. ISCII, EBCDIC
• Make the first bit 1 for negative numbers and 0 for positive numbers. ASCII
Example: Represent +23 in sign and magnitude form. • It stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Binary of 23 in 8-bit form = (00010111)2 • ASCII uses 7 bits for each character, can represent only 128 characters.
Sign Magnitude
Number is positive, so first bit is 0. • Another version is ASCII-8, which uses 8 bits, can represent 256 characters.
So +23 can be represented as (00010111)2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1


• It stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. CHAPTER 2
• It is an 8 bit code used in IBM Machines. It can represent 256 characters.
Components of the Computer System
• It stands for Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange or Indian
Script Code for Information Interchange. A computer has two major components - Hardware and Software
• It is an 8 bit code for representing various writing systems of India. Hardware
Unicode • The tangible and visible parts of a computer is called hardware.
• Unicode used 16 bits which can represent up to 65,536 characters. Eg:- Processor, Motherboard, Keyboard, etc.
• It can represent data in almost all written languages of the world. The hardware components of a computer are
• Processor
• Motherboard
• Peripherals and ports
Sample Questions • Memory
1. Meaningful and processed form of data is known as .............. • Input devices
2. The number of symbols used in a number system is called ............... • Output devices
3. ASCII stands for ................. Processor
4. The base of hexadecimal number system is .............. • Processor / CPU / Microprocessor is responsible for all computing and decision making
(2, 8, 10, 16) operations and coordinates the working of a computer.
5. CPU stands for ................. Eg:- Intel core i3, core i5, core i7, AMD Quadcore
6. Distinguish between data and information. Processor has three parts:
7. Define Data processing. List the stages of data processing. • ALU – Arithmetic and Logic Unit
8. Explain why computers are considered as the best electronic data processing machines? • CU – Control Unit
9. List down the limitations of computers. • Registers
10. Name the components of CPU. ALU performs all Arithmetic and logical calculations
11. Convert (1010)2 to decimal. CU controls the operations of all other units of Computer
12. Convert (35)10 to binary. Registers are temporary storage areas inside CPU. Registers speeds up the execution
13. Fill in the blanks. of programs.
(a) (DA)16 = (...........)2 Important registers inside a CPU are:
(b) (25)10 = (...........)8 (i) Accumulator: It is used to store intermediate arithmetic and logic results.
14. What are the methods of representing integers in computer memory? (ii) Memory Address Register (MAR): It stores the address of a memory location from
15. What are the methods of representing characters in computer memory? which data will be read or to which data will be written by the processor.
16. Write a short note on Unicode. (iii) Memory Buffer Register (MBR): It holds the data, either to be written to or read
17. Write short notes on ASCII. from the memory by the processor.
18. Represent -25 in the following forms: (iv) Instruction Register (IR): It stores the instructions to be executed by the
(Hint: Use 8 bit form of representation). processor.
(a) Sign and Magnitude (b) 1’s complement (b) 2’s complement (v) Program Counter (PC): It holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
19. With the help of a block diagram, explain the functional units of a computer.
• A motherboard is a Printed Circuit Board to which all the major components of a
computer (processor, memory, etc.) are connected.

Peripherals and ports

• Peripherals are devices connected to a computer system.
Eg:- input devices, output devices
• Ports are slots on the motherboard to connect external devices.
Different ports are Serial, Parallel, USB, LAN, PS/2, Audio, VGA, HDMI, etc.
a. Serial port
• A serial port transmit data one bit at a time.


• It was used to connect modem, mouse and keyboard. Different types of ROMs are:
b. Parallel port • PROM - Programmable ROM
• Parallel ports can transmit several bits of data at a time. • EPROM - Erasable Programmable ROM
• It is used to connect a printer or scanner to the computer. • EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM
c. USB (Universal Serial Bus) port Cache memory
• USB provides high speed data communication between devices. • Cache memory is a small and fast memory between the processor and RAM.
• It is used to connect devices like keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, etc. • Frequently accessed data and instructions are stored in cache memory for quick
Advantages: access.
• USB ports are capable of supplying electric power to external devices. • Cache is faster than RAM.
• USB devices can be connected and disconnected even when the power is on. • Cache is more expensive than RAM.
d. LAN (Local Area Network) port / Ethernet port b. Secondary memory (Auxiliary memory)
• It is used to connect a computer to a network. • Secondary memory is used to store large amount of data or programs permanently.
• RJ45 connector is used. • It is non-volatile, i.e. its contents are retained even when the device is powered off.
e. PS/2 port • It is much larger in size than RAM.
• Invented by IBM • It is slower than RAM.
• Used for connecting keyboard and mouse. Very slow. • It acts as a backup.
f. Audio ports The major categories of secondary storage devices are:
• Used to connect audio devices like speakers, microphone, etc. (i) Magnetic storage devices. Eg:- magnetic tapes, floppy disks, hard disks.
• Audio ports are divided into: Line in, Line out, Mic in (ii) Optical storage devices. Eg:- CD, DVD, Blu-Ray DVD
g. Video Graphics Array (VGA) port (iii) Semiconductor storage devices. Eg:- USB flash drive, Flash memory cards
• It is used to connect a monitor or a projector to a computer.
h. High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) Comparison of different types of memory
• Used to transfer both high-definition video and multi channel audio over a single Relative
cable. Storage Speed Capacity Volatile
Registers Fastest Lowest Highest Yes
• Memory is used to store data and instructions temporarily or permanently.
• Classified into two: Primary memory and Secondary memory. Cache More Fast Low Very High Yes
Memory measuring units RAM Very Fast Moderate High Yes
Binary Digit = 1 Bit 1 MB (Mega Byte) = 1024 KB Hard Disk Moderate Very High Very Low No
1 Nibble = 4 Bits 1 GB (Giga Byte) = 1024 MB
Input devices
1 Byte = 8 Bits 1 TB (Tera Byte) = 1024 GB
An input device is used to feed data and instructions into the computer.
1 KB (Kilo Byte) = 1024 Bytes 1 PB (Peta Byte) = 1024 TB Different types of input devices are:
Primary memory 1. Keyboard: It is an input device used to input alphabets, numbers and other
Primary memory is used to store data and applications temporarily while the computer characters.
is running. 2. Mouse: It is a hand-held device that controls the movement of the cursor on a display
Three types of primary memory are RAM, ROM and Cache. screen.
Comparison between RAM and ROM 3. Light pen: It is a light-sensitive pointing device used to draw pictures on a computer
RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM (Read Only Memory) screen.
4. Touch screen: It allows the user to operate the computer by simply touching on the
It is faster than ROM. It is a slower memory.
display screen.
It stores the operating system, 5. Graphic tablet: It allows artists to create graphical images.
It stores the program required to boot
application programs and data 6. Touchpad: It is a pointing device used to move the mouse pointer on a display
the computer.
temporarily. screen.
It allows reading and writing. Allows reading only. 7. Joystick: It is a pointing device commonly used for playing video games.
8. Microphone: It is used to input sound.
It is volatile, i.e. it will lose its data It is non-volatile, i.e. it keeps its data
9. Scanner: It is an input device that scans documents such as photos and pages of
if the power is turned off. even if the power is turned off.


10. Optical Mark Reader (OMR): It reads pencil marks made on pre-defined positions • Printing material: Ink powder
on the OMR form. It is used to process competitive exam results quickly and accurately. • Quiet, prints faster, high print quality, Toner is expensive, Device is
11. Barcode Reader/Quick Response (QR) code reader expensive.
• Barcode readers are electronic devices for reading printed barcodes. Thermal printer
• A QR code is similar to barcodes. Barcodes are single dimensional whereas QR codes • Printing material: Heat sensitive paper.
are two dimensional. It can store website URLs, plain text, phone numbers, etc. • Quiet, faster, smaller, lighter, consume less power, portable.
12. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Reader: It is used in banks for 4. Plotter
faster clearing of cheques. • It is an output device used to produce hard copies of large graphs and designs on
13. Biometric sensor: It is used to identify unique human physical features like the paper.
fingerprints, retina, etc. • It is used in the design of cars, ships, aircrafts, buildings, highways etc.
14. Smart card reader: A smart card is a plastic card that stores and transacts data 5. Three dimensional (3D) printer
(Eg:- ATM Card). Smart card readers are used to access data in a smart card. • It is a new generation output device used to print 3D objects.
15. Digital camera: It can take pictures and videos and that can be transferred to a computer. • It can print ceramic cups, plastic toys, metal machine parts, etc.
6. Speakers
Output devices • Speakers are the output device that produces sound.
Output device is used to present information from a computer system. e-Waste
Hard copy and Soft copy output e-Waste refers to electronic products nearing the end of their "useful life".
• Hard copy outputs are permanent outputs which can be used at a later date or Eg:- discarded computers, mobile phones, television sets, refrigerators, etc.
when required. e-Waste disposal methods
Eg. for Hard copy output device: Printer, Plotter a. Reuse: It refers to second-hand use.
• Soft copy outputs are electronic and are available on the screen in a digital form. b. Incineration: It is a combustion process in which the waste is burned at a high
Eg. for Soft copy output device: Monitor temperature.
c. Recycling: It is the process of making new products from old devices.
Different types of output devices are: d. Land filling: In this method soil is excavated and e-waste is buried in it.
1. Monitor Why should we be concerned about e-Waste?
An output device used to display information from a computer. • Electronic waste contains some toxic substances such as mercury, lead, etc.
Different types of Monitors are: • The toxic materials can cause cancer and many other health problems, if not properly
a. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor: Similar to old television sets. Use more managed.
power, produce lot of heat. Students’ role in e-Waste disposal
b. Flat panel monitor: It is thinner, lighter in weight, consume less power, emit less • Stop buying unnecessary electronic equipments.
heat. • Try to repair faulty devices instead of buying a new one.
Eg:- LCD Monitors, LED Monitors, Plasma Monitors, OLED Monitors. • Try to recycle electronic equipments.
2. LCD projector • Buy rechargeable instead of disposable batteries.
It is used for displaying video, images or computer data on a large screen. • Buy products with good warranty.
3. Printer Green computing or Green IT
Printers are used to produce hardcopy output. • The environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and their resources
Classified into two:- impact and non-impact printers. is known as green computing.
Impact printers make direct contact with the paper while printing.
Eg:- Dot-matrix printers. To promote green computing the following four approaches are employed:
Dot Matrix Printer (DMP) (i) Green design, (ii) Green manufacturing, (iii) Green use, (iv) Green disposal
• Printing material: Ink ribbon Software
• Cheaper to print, Carbon copy possible, slow, noisy, printer is expensive. • Software is a set of programs that help us to use the computer system.
Non-impact printers do not touch the paper while printing. • Two types of software: System software and Application software
Eg:- Inkjet, Laser and Thermal printers System software
Inkjet printer It is a set of one or more programs designed to control the operations of a computer.
• Printing material: Liquid ink Components of system software are:
• Quiet, high print quality, printers are inexpensive, ink is expensive. Operating system, Language processors and Utility software.
Laser printer


a. Operating system • Spreadsheet software Eg: Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc
• It is a set of programs that acts as an interface between the user and computer • Presentation software Eg: Microsoft PowerPoint, Open Office Impress.
hardware. Example:- DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux • Database software Eg: Microsoft Access, Oracle
• Multimedia software Eg: Adobe Flash, Media Player
Major functions of an Operating System are: b. Specific purpose software
Process management, Memory management, File management and Device • Tailor-made software to satisfy the needs of an organisation. Also known as customised
management software.
Eg: Payroll System, Inventory Management System, HR Management System.
Computer languages Free and open source software
• It gives the user the freedom to use, copy, distribute, examine, change and improve the
Low Level Language: machine-oriented languages. Two types: software. Eg:- GNU/Linux, GIMP, Mozilla Firefox, OpenOffice.org
a. Machine language: The language, which uses only binary digits 0 and 1.
Four Freedoms of Free Software
b. Assembly language: is an intermediate-level symbolic programming language.
Freedom 0 - The freedom to run program for any purpose.
It uses mnemonic symbols like ADD, SUB, etc. Freedom 1 - The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your
High Level Language is like English language and is simpler to understand. Not Freedom 2 - The freedom to distribute copies of the software.
understandable to the computer. Example: C++ Freedom 3 - The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to
the public.
Freeware and Shareware
b. Language processor Freeware Shareware
• It translates programs written in high level language or assembly language into its
Commercial software give users a
equivalent machine language. Copyrighted software available free
chance to try the software before
of cost for an unlimited period.
buying it.
Types of language processors
Assembler: It converts assembly language into machine language. All the features are free. All features are not available.
Interpreter: It converts a high level language program into machine language line by Freeware programs can be Shareware may or may not be
line. distributed free of cost. distributed freely.
Compiler: It converts the whole high level language program into machine language at
a time. Proprietary software
c. Utility software • It is a software that is an exclusive property of its developer and cannot be copied or
• Utility software is a set of programs which help users in system maintenance tasks. distributed without permission.
Some of the utility programs are: Eg:- Microsoft Windows OS, MS Office
(i) Compression tools: Large files can be compressed so that they take less storage area.
Eg: WinZip, WinRAR Humanware
(ii) Disk defragmenter: Consolidates fragmented files on a computer hard disk. • Humanware or liveware refers to humans who use the computer.
(iii) Backup software: Backup means duplicating the disk information so that in an event Eg:- Computer programmers, Computer Operators, System Administrators, etc.
of disk failure this backup may be used.
(iv) Antivirus software: Antivirus software is a utility program that scans the computer system
for viruses and removes them. Eg: Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky Sample Questions
1. 1 Byte = ............ bits
Application software 2. Name the software that translates assembly language program into machine language
• Software developed for specific purpose is called application software. program.
• It includes general purpose software and specific purpose software. 3. Write the full form of HDMI.
4. OMR stands for .................
a. General purpose software 5. What is the importance of registers in computer system? Name any two registers.
• Software that can be used for a variety of tasks. It is classified as: 6. Name any four ports on the motherboard.
• Word processing software Eg: MS Word, Open Office Writer 7. Give two examples for free and open source software.


8. Compare RAM and ROM. CHAPTER 3
9. What is an input device? List and explain any two input devices.
10. What is an output device? List few commonly used output devices.
Principles of Programming and Problem Solving
11. Categorize devices given below into input devices and output devices.
(Joystick, Scanner, Plotter, Microphone, Printer, Mouse, VDU, Speaker) Approaches in problem solving
12. Compare dot matrix printers and laser printers. • Top down design
13. Give two examples for non-impact printers. • Bottom up design
14. Which printer is widely used as portable printer? Why? Phases in programming
15. Define (a) Plotter (b) 3D Printer • Problem identification
16. What is e-Waste? List and explain different e-waste disposal methods. • Preparing Algorithms and Flowcharts
17. Define the term, green computing. How can you implement green computing? • Coding the program
18. Define (a) Assembler (b) Interpreter (c) Compiler • Translation
19. Define operating system. Give two examples for OS. • Debugging
20. List four major functions of operating system. • Execution and testing
21. What do you mean by free and open source software? Give two examples. • Documentation
22. What are the four freedoms which make up free and open source software? Problem Identification
23. Compare Freeware and Shareware. • In this phase we will be able to identify the data involved in processing, its type and
quantity, formula to be used, activities involved, and the output to be obtained.
• It is a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem.
Characteristics of an Algorithm
• Should begin with instructions to accept inputs.
• Use variables to refer the data
• Each and every instruction should be precise and unambiguous.
• The total time to carry out all the steps in the algorithm must be finite.
• After performing the instructions given in the algorithm, the desired results must
be obtained.
The algorithm which will be executed faster with minimum amount of memory
space is considered as the best algorithm for the problem.
• The pictorial representation of an algorithm is known as flowchart.
Flowchart symbols
1. Ellipse: used to indicate START and STOP.

2. Parallelogram: used as the input/output symbol.

3. Rectangle: used to represent the processing step.

4. Rhombus: used as decision symbol.

5. Flow lines: used to indicate the flow of operation.

Advantages of flowchart
• Better communication
• Effective analysis
• Effective synthesis
• Effective synthesis


Coding the program

• The process of writing program instructions to solve a problem using a High Level
Language is called coding.
• The program written in High Level Language is called source code.

• Translation is the process of converting a program written in high level language into
its equivalent version in machine language.
• The program in machine language (Binary language) is called object code.
Source code -------> Translation ---------> Object

• Programming errors are known as 'bugs'. The process of detecting and correcting errors
is called debugging.
There are three types of errors:
Syntax errors: Errors which occur when the rules or syntax of the programming
language are not followed.
Logical errors: Logical error, is due to improper planning of the program's logic.
Run-time errors: Errors which occur during program execution. Eg:- division by

Execution and testing

• It involves running the program to process the test data that will produce 'known
• Writing comments in the source code is known as internal documentation.
• It will help in debugging process and program modification at later stage.
• Preparing user manual and system manual are known as external documentation.

Sample Questions
1. Pictorial representation of algorithm is known as ....................
2. .................. is a step by step procedure to solve a problem.
3. Which flow chart symbol has one entry flow and two exit flows?
4. In a flowchart, ................ is used as the input/output symbol.
5. Source code is converted into object code during .................. phase in programming.
(Execution, Coding, Documentation, Translation)
6. A program written in High Level Language is called ........
7. List any two limitations of flowcharts.
8. Write any two advantages of flowcharts
9. Program errors are known as ..................
10. What is debugging?
11. List different phases in programming.
12. Define: (a) Syntax errors (b) Logical errors (c) Run-time errors
13. Write an algorithm to find the sum and average of 3 numbers.
14. What is the importance of proper documentation in programming ?
15. How will you choose the best algorithm for a problem ?

7. What is the difference between float and “float” ?
8. Categorise the following into different types of tokens
CHAPTER 4 a. result b. % c.# d. Float
Getting Starting with C++ 9. Differentiate between the literals ‘p’ and “p” in C++.
10. What are the rules to define an identifier ?
Character set 11. Define token in C++. Name the tokens available in C++ with one example each.
• Fundamental units of C++ Language. It consists of letters, digits, special characters, 12. What are escape sequence characters in C++? Give an example.
white spaces 13. Differentiate between character literal and string literal.
14. Distinguish between keywords and identifiers.
Tokens 15. The following are invalid identifiers in C++. Write reason for each
• Tokens are Fundamental building blocks of C++ program. (Lexical units) a) Id# b) void c) 2ab d) avg hgt
16. Name any two types of identifiers.
Classification of Tokens

• Keyword (Reserved word): They convey a specific meaning to the compiler.

Eg: float, if, break, switch
• Identifiers: Names given to different program elements.
(a) Variable: Name given to memory location.
(b) Label: Name given to a statement.
(b) Function name: Name given to a group of statements.
Rules to form an identifier:
• Identifier is a sequence of letters , digits and underscore.
• The first character must be letter or underscore
• Keyword cannot be used as an identifier.
• Special characters or white spaces cannot be used
Eg: score, score1, score_1, INT
• Literals(Constants): Constant values used in program.
(a) Integer literals: Whole numbers. Eg: 23, -145
(b) Floating literals: Constants having fractional parts. Eg: 12.5, 1.87E05
(c) Character literals: A character in single quotes. Eg: ‘a’, ‘8’
Escape sequences are character constants used to represent non graphic
symbols. Eg: ‘\n,’ ‘\t’
(d) String literals: One or more characters within double quotes. Eg: “a”, “score1”
• Operators: Symbols that indicate an operation. Eg: +, <, *, &&
• Punctuators: Special symbols used in C++ program. Eg: # ; ( ] }

Sample Questions
1. The non graphic symbols in C++ can be represented by using …………
2. The tokens that convey a specific meaning to the language compiler are called ............
3. Which among the following is not a character literal ?
( 'a' , '\a', a , '8' )
4. Pick odd one out
(sum , break, add, num_1 )
5. Classify the following identifiers as valid or invalid. If invalid, give a reason.
a) Height_1 b) _Height1 c) 1Height d) Height 1
6. Identify the tokens in the following C++ statement
int x=100;


CHAPTER 5 x y x<y x>y x<=y x>=y x==y x!=y

Data Types and Operators 7 3 0 1 0 1 0 1

(c) Logical operators:

Data types: Used to identify nature and type of data stored in a variable.
Used to combine logical values, resulting in true or false. The logical operators are
Fundamental data types:
&&(AND), || (OR) and ! (NOT)
Data Memory
Type of value Eg: E1 E2 E1&&E2 E1||
type (bytes)
void null or empty data 0 0 0 0 0

char character values 1 ‘A’, ‘\n’ Integral 0 1 0 1

int integer values 4 84, -4 1 0 0 1
float real values 4 datatypes
Floating 1 1 1 1
5.6, -89.5 point
Real values(more Eg: (2>5) && (4<6) results in 0
double 8 datatypes
precision than float) (2>5) || (4<6) results in 1
!(2>5) results in 1
Float data has a precision of 7 digits and double data has a precision of 15 digits
Input / Output operators:
Variables: Names given to memory locations. • The get from (extraction) operator (>>) is used for input. Eg: cin>>a;
Eg: int Num=18; • The put to (insertion) operator (<<) is used for output. Eg: cout<<a;
1001 i. Variable name : The name of the variable. (Num)
18 Assignment operator (=)
ii. Memory address(L-value):The memory address.(1001) • Used to store a value in a variable. Eg: a=5;
iii. Content(R-value) :The value stored in the variable.(18)
Difference between = and == operators.
Operators: Symbols that indicate an operation. Eg: +, <, *, &&
In the expression a+b, + is the operator and a and b are the = ==
operands. Assignment operator Relational operator
Assigns value to a Compares values
Classification of operators

Expressions: Combination of operators and operands.

(1) Based on number of operands:
(a) Arithmetic expressions: contains arithmetic operators. Eg: m + n * y
Category No. of Example (i) Integer expressions: contains integer operands.
Unary 1 Unary +, unary -, ++,-- (ii) Floating point(Real) expressions: contains real operands.
(iii) Constant expressions: contains constant values. (eg: 5+7/3)
Binary 2 +, &&,<
(b) Relational expressions: contains relational operators. Eg: x >y
Ternary 3 ?: (c)Logical expressions :contains logical operators. Eg: a<b && c>d

2. Based on nature of operation Statements: Smallest executable unit of a program. C++ statement ends with semicolon (;)
(a) Arithmetic operators : Used for arithmetic operations such as addition(+), 1. Declaration statement: Specifies the type of data that will be stored in a variable.
subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/) and modulus (%). Syntax: datatype var_name;
x y x+y x-y x*y x /y x%y eg: float avg;
2. Assignment statements: It stores a value to a variable. Eg: a=15;
7 3 10 4 21 2 1(remainder)
3. Input statements: Specifies an input operation. Eg: cin>>score;
(b) Relational operators: 4. Output statement: Specifies output operation. Eg: cout<<score;
Used for comparing numeric data, resulting in either true (1) or false (0). The relational
The multiple use of input/output operators in a single statement is called cascading of
operators are <(less than), >(greater than), <=(less than or equal to), >=(greater than or
I/O operators.
equal to, ==(equal to), !=(not equal to).


Eg: cin>>x>>y>>z; CHAPTER 6
Introduction to Programming
Basic structure of a C++ Program
#include <headerfile> -----> line 1
using namespace identifier; ----> line 2
Sample Questions
int main() ----> line 3
1. The ____ data_type is used for null or empty set of values.
2. Which among the following is the insertion operator?
( << , >> , < , > )
return 0;
3. The fundamental data_type that uses 8 bytes of memory is ____.
4. Predict the output of the following expressions if m=7 and n=2
Line 1: Preprocessor directive :
(i) m/y (ii) m%y (iii) (m==n) (iv) (m>10)&&(n<5)
Instructs the compiler to perform an action before actual compilation. Starts with the
5. Distinguish between == and = operators.
symbol #.
6. What is the importance of data_type ? Name two integral data_types in C++.
eg: #include<iostream> --instruction to link the header file iostream.
7. Find the R value and memory size of the variable total from the following c++ statement
Line 2: namespace statement:
float total = 34.6;
Tells the compiler to use namespace std in this program. std is the standard namespace
8. How is a binary operator different from a unary operator? Give one example each.
in which a lot of objects, including cin and cout are defined.
9. Write a C++ statement to declare a variable to store the mark of a student.
Line 3: Function header:
10. What are statements in C++? Explain any three types of statements with an example each.
main() is the essential function for every C++ program. A C++ program starts and ends
11. The following are some fundamental data types in C++. Arrange them in any order of size
within the main() function.
(memory usage).
A sample program
int , void , double , char
12. Which are the numerical data types in C++?
using namespace std;
13. Explain Logical operators in C++
int main()
cout<<"Hello, Welcome to C++";
return 0;
Guidelines for coding
• Use suitable naming convention for identifiers
• Use clear and simple expressions
• Use comments wherever needed
• Relevance of indentation
Comments in C++ are used to describe the program.
There are two ways to write comments in C++:
• Single line comment: The characters // (two slashes) is used to write single line
• Multiline comments: Anything written within /* and */ is treated as comment
Variable Initialisation:
(a) Supplying the initial value to a variable at the time of declaration.
eg: int n =5 ; or int n(5);
(b) Supplying the initial value to a variable during execution (dynamic initialisation).
eg: float sum=a+b;
Arithmetic assignment operators (C++ short hands)
The operators which combine arithmetic and assignment operators. They are +=, -=, *=,
/=, %=


eg: a=a+5 can be given as a+=5 a=a/10 can be given as a/=10

Increment (++) and Decrement (--) operators
++ is used to increment the value in a variable by 1.
-- is used to decrement the value in a variable by 1.
a++ (post increment form) and ++a (pre increment form) are same as a=a+1 or a+=1
a-- (post decrement form) and --a (pre decrement form) are same as a=a-1 or a-=1
(A post-form denotes use, then change method and a pre-form denotes
change, then use method)
int m=5; int m=5;
n=m++; n=--m;
(Now n -> 5 and m -> 6) (Now n -> 4 and m -> 4)

Type modifiers
• Used to change the range and size of data_type
• Type modifiers in C++ are long, short, signed and unsigned
Type conversion
• Conversion of the data_type of an operand to another.
Two types of conversion:
1. Implicit (Type promotion): This is done by the compiler and the conversion is from
lower data_type to higher.
Eg: 5/2.0 => 2.5 (Here, int datatype of 5 is converted to float by compiler. Thus the result
of the float expression is also float)
2. Explicit (Type casting): This is done by the programmer explicitly and conversion
can be to any data_type.
Eg: 5/(int)2.0 => 2 (Here, programmer uses type casting (int) to convert the float
data_type of 2.0 to int. Thus the result of this integer expression is also an integer.)

Sample Questions
1. .............. is the essential function for every C++ program.
2. Pick out the symbol which indicates a preprocessor directive.
( “ , $ , #, { )
3. Give the output for the following C++ code segment
int a=10, b=20;
4. Give the equivalent statement using arithmetic assignment operator for the following.
(a) a=a*35; (b) sum=sum+num;
5. What is variable initialisation? Give examples
6. Write four statements to increment the value of x by 1.
7. Write the output of given C++ statements giving explanations
1. cout << 5/2;
2. cout << 5.0/2;
8. Write C++ statements/expression for the following.
a) Display the message “We shall overcome”
b) Initialise an integer variable num with 25.
9. Explain type conversion in C++, listing out the different types with examples.
10. Write a C++ program to display the message, “Stay home, stay safe”.

break; Initialisation; i=1 ;
case constant_3 : statement 3; break; while (test expression) while (i<=10)
break; default : { {
while loop
............................................. cout<<”Invalid”; Body of the loop; cout<<i;
default : statement n; } Update expression ; ++i;
} } }
Initialisation; i=1 ;
Comparison between switch and if else if ladder do do
switch if else if ladder { {
do....while loop
Permits multiple branching. Permits multiple branching. Body of the loop; cout<<i;
Update expression ; ++i;
Any relational or logical condition can be
Can be used only for checking equality }while(test expression); }while(i<=10);
Can compare against a set of values including Entry controlled loop Exit controlled loop
Case constant is integer or character
floating numbers 1. condition before loop body 1. condition after loop body
Uses default when no match is found, and 2. loop will run only if condition is true 2. loop will run at least once even if condition
When no condition is true, else block executes.
break is used to exit. eg: for, while is true/false eg: do while

All switch statements can be converted to else if ladder. But not all if-else if can Sample Questions
be converted to switch. 1. The ................. block is executed in a switch, if no matching conditions are found.
(case, break, default, else)
2. Iteration (Looping) statements 2. Pick the odd one out
Statements that allow repeated execution of a set of one or more statements. ( while , do ... while , for )
There are 3 loops in C++ : while, for, do-while 3. Control Statements can be classified in to two. Explain each with example.
A loop has the following components: 4. Write any two selection statements in C++ ?
Loop components:(1) initialisation: statement that gives starting value to loop 5. Explain loop elements with a suitable example
variable( i=1) 6. How is entry controlled loops different from exit controlled loops ?
(2) condition – the test expression. (i<=10) 7. Compare switch and if else if ladder
(3) updation – statement that changes the value in loop variable (i++) 8. “There are situations where if ..else if ladder cannot be rewritten using switch statement.
(4) body of loop- set of statements to execute repeatedly (cout<<i;) What
are the situations?
for loop while loop do while loop 9. Do as instructed :
for (i=1;i<=10;i++) i=1; i=1; (a) Rewrite using switch
cout << i; while(i<=10) do if(ch==1) cout<<”Red”;
{ { else if (ch==2) cout<<”Blue”;
cout<<i; cout<<i; else if (ch==3) cout<<”Green”;
i++; i++; else cout<<”Wrong code”;
} }while(i<=10); (b) Rewrite using do while and identify the loop components.
Here, i is the loop variable (its value controls the loop). for (a=5; a<=20; a++)
[All the three loops given above produce the same output – displays numbers from 1 to {
10] cout<<a*a ;
Statement Syntax Example }
for (initialisation ; test expression ; update
for (i=1;i<=10;++i)
for loop {
Body of the loop;


CHAPTER 8 • Most widely used

• Two types: (1) Unshielded Twisted pair (UTP), (2) Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
Computer Networks Characteristics of UTP cable
• Its a group of computers and other devices connected to each other electronically • Low cost
through a communication medium • Thin and flexible
• Easy installation
Need for Network • Carry data upto a length of 100m
Resource sharing
• Any hardware /software resource in one system can be shared with other systems in Characteristics of STP cable
the network. • Better immunity against noise
Price performance ratio • Expensive
• The cost of purchasing licensed software for each computer, can be reduced by • Difficult to install
purchasing network versions of such software in a network. • RJ-45 connector is used to connect UTP/STP twisted pair cable to a computer.
Communication (b) Coaxial cable
• The computer network helps users to communicate with any other computer in the • Carries data to long distance 185-500m
network through its services like e-mail, chatting, video conferencing, etc. • High band width
Reliability • Less noise
• In a network, it is possible to backup data on multiple computers. This helps users to • Thicker than twisted pair
retrieve data in the case of failures in accessing data. • Less flexible
Scalability • Difficult to install
• Computing capacity can be increased or decreased easily by adding or removing (c) Optical fibre cable
computers to the network. • Data travels as fast as light
Some key terms • High bandwidth
Bandwidth: It measures the amount of data that can be sent over a specific connection • Carries data for a long distance
in a given amount of time. • It uses light for data transmission
Noise: It is unwanted electric or electromagnetic energy that lowers the quantity of • Most expensive and efficient
data signals. • Installation and maintenance are difficult
Node: Any device which is directly connected to a network is called a Node.
Unguided Medium
Data Communication System • Electro magnetic waves are used for wireless communication
• Data Communication is the exchange of digital data between any two devices through a (a) Radio Waves
medium of transmission. • Frequency range is 3KHz to 3 GHz
• 5 basic elements: • Used for short and long distance communication
Message: It is the information to be communicated. • Waves are transmitted in all directions
Sender: The computer or devices that is used to sending messages. • Inexpensive than wired media
Receiver: The computer or device that receives the messages. • Can penetrate through most objects
Medium: It is the physical path through which a message travels from the sender to the • Transmission can be affected by motors and other electric equipments
receiver. • Less secure
Protocol: The rules under which message transmission takes place between the sender • Permission required for radio wave transmission
and the receiver. (b) Microwaves
• Frequency range is 300MHz to 300GHz
Communication Medium • Travels in straight line
• The medium for data transmission over a computer network is called communication • Can not penetrate any solid object
channel or communication medium. • Inexpensive than wired media
• Two types: (1) Guided (2) Unguided (c) Infrared Waves
Guided Medium • Frequency range is 300GHz to 400THz
• Coaxial cable, twisted pair cable (Ethernet cable) and optical fibre cable • Used for short range communication
(a) Twisted pair cable (Ethernet cable) • Line of sight transmission


• Only two devices can communicate at a time • A switch is a device that connects several computers to form a network.
• Can not cross solid objects • It an intelligent device, because it can transmit the received data to the destination
• The longer the distance the weaker the performance only.
• It will store the addresses of all the devices connected to it .
Wireless Communication technologies using radio waves Repeater
(a) Bluetooth • Used to regenerates the signals through a communication medium
• Frequency range is 2.402GHz to 2.480GHz Bridge
• Used for short distance communication • A bridge is a device used to segmentize a network.
• Used in cell phones, laptops, mouse, keyboard etc. • A network can be split into different segments and can be interconnected using a
• It cannot connect upto 8 devices simultaneously bridge.
• Slow data transfer rate • This reduces the amount of traffic on a network.
(b) Wi-Fi Router
• Frequency range is 2.4GHz to 5GHz • A router is a device that can interconnect two networks of the same type using the
• Data transmission speed upto 54Mbps same protocol.
• It can be used to connect more number of devices simultaneously • It can find the optimal path for data packets to travel and reduce the amount of
• Used for communication upto 375ft traffic on a network.
(c) Wi-MAX Gateway
• Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access • A gateway is a device that can interconnect two different networks having different
• Frequency range is 2GHz to 11GHz protocols.
• Used to provide high speed wireless internet access over very long distances • It can translate one protocol to another.
• Hundreds of users can connect to a single station • It can find the optimal path for packets to reach the destination.
• High speed connection upto 70Mbps
• Weather conditions may interrupt the signal Data Terminal equipments
• High power consumption • Data terminal equipment is a device that controls data flowing to or from a computer.
(d) Satellite link Modem
• Uses Geostationary satellites • A modem is a device used for communication between computers through
• These satellites contains an electronic device called transponder telephone lines.
• Transponders are used to amplify and re-broadcast signals to earth • The name is formed from modulator and demodulator.
• Transmission of signals from earth to a satellite is called uplink • It converts digital signals received from a computer to analog signals for telephone
• Transmission of signals from satellite to earth is called Downlink lines and vice versa.
• Uplink frequency is 106GHz to 30.0GHz Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
• Downlink frequency is 1.5GHz to 20.0GHz • Multiplexing divides the physical medium into logical segments called frequency
• It can cover a large area of the earth channels
• Expensive • Multiplexer combines the inputs from different sources and sends them through
• Requires legal permission and authorisation different channels of a medium
• A demultiplexer separates the signal and send them to destination
Data Communication Devices Network Topologies
• Its an interface between computer and the communication channels • The way in which the nodes are physically interconnected to form a network.
Network Interface Card(NIC) • Major topologies are bus, star, ring and mesh
• It breaks up data into manageable units Bus Topology
• Translate the protocol
• Some NIC cards have wireless connection
• Data transfer rate is 1Gbps
• Used to connect devices of same network
• It transmit the packet to all other computers connected to it
• It increases the network traffic and reduces the effective band width


• In bus topology, all the nodes are connected to a main cable called bus.
• A small device called a terminator is attached to each end of the bus.
• If a node has to send data to another node, it sends data to the bus. The signal travels • In ring topology, all nodes are connected using a cable that loops the ring or circle.
through the bus and each node checks the bus and only the intended node will accept • A ring topology is in the form of a circle.
the data. When the signal reaches the end of the bus, the terminator absorbs the signal • Data travels only in one direction in a ring.
from the bus. • Each node regenerates the signal and passes to the next node until it reaches the
intended node reaches.
➢ Characteristics of bus topology Characteristics of ring topology
1) Easy to install. 1) No signal amplification is required as each node amplifies the signal.
2) Requires less cable length and hence it is cost-effective. 2) Requires less cable length and hence is cost-effective.
3) Failure of a node does not affect the network. 3) If one node fails, the entire network will fail.
4) Failure of cable (bus) or terminator leads to a breakdown of the entire network. 4) Addition of nodes to the network is difficult.
5) Fault diagnosis is difficult. Mesh Topology
6) Only one node can transmit data at a time.
Star Topology

• In mesh topology, every node is connected to other nodes.

• There will be more than one path between two nodes.
• In star topology, each node is directly connected to a hub/switch.
• If one path fails, the data will take another path and reach the destination.
• If any node has to send some information to any other node, it sends the signal to
Characteristics of mesh topology
the hub/switch.
1) Network will not fail even if one path between the nodes fails.
• The signal is then broadcasted (in the case of a hub) to all the nodes but is accepted
2) Expensive because of the extra cables needed.
only by the intended node.
3) Very complex and difficult to manage.
• In the case of a switch, the signal is sent only to the intended node..
Characteristics of star topology
Types of network
1) More efficient compared to bus topology.
• On the basis of the area covered, computer networks are classified as:
2) Easy to install.
PAN - Personal Area Network
3) Easy to diagnose faults.
LAN - Local Area Network
4) Easy to expand depending on the specifications of the central hub/switch.
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
5) Failure of hub/switch leads to failure of the entire network.
WAN -Wide Area Network
6) Requires more cable length compared to bus topology.
Personal Area Network (PAN)
Ring Topology
• PAN is a network of communicating devices (computer, mobile, tablet, printer, etc.)
in the proximity of an individual.
• It can cover an area of a radius of few meters.
LAN (Local Area Network)


• LAN is a network of computing and • HTTP, FTP and DNS are the three sub protocols of TCP/IP protocol
• communicating devices in a room building or campus. HTTP
• It can cover an area of few meters to few kilometers. • Hypertext Text Transfer protocol
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) • It is a standard protocol for transferring request from client side and to receive
• MAN is a network of computing and communication devices within a city. responses from server side
• It can cover an area of a few kilometers to a few hundred kilometers radius. • The pair of HTTP request and response is called HTTP session
• MAN is usually formed by interconnecting a number of LANs and individual • HTTP is transmission medium independent
• Its a stateless protocol
WAN (Wide Area Network)
• WAN is a network of computing and communicating devices crossing the limits of a
city, country, or continent.
• File Transfer Protocol

• It can cover an area of hundreds of Kilometers in radius. • It is the easiest way to transfer files between computers over the internet
Summary of PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN • A FTP client program can be used to upload and download files(FileZilla, CuteFTP etc.)
• Domain Name System
Small area A few meters to A city and its • Returns the IP address of the domain name that we type in the browser’s address bar
Area country,
(Up to 10 m few Km (Up to 10 vicinity (Up to • DNS maintain a database to store domain names and IP address information of all
covered continent, or
radius) Km radius) 100 Km radius) websites
on the internet
Transmissio Moderate
High speed High speed Low speed
n speed speed Identification of computers over a network
Networking Moderately
Negligible Inexpensive Expensive
cost expensive Media Access Control (MAC) addresses
• A universally unique address (12 digit hexadecimal number) assigned to each NIC
Logical classification of networks (Network Interface Card) by its manufacturer.
• Based on the role of the computer in the network • MAC addresses are usually written in one of the following two formats:
• Two categories: peer to peer and client server • MM : MM : MM : SS : SS : SS or MM – MM – MM – SS – SS – SS
• The first half (MM:MM:MM) of a MAC address contains the ID number of the adapter
Peer to peer
• No dedicated servers
• The second half (SS:SS:SS) of a MAC address represents the serial number assigned to
• Any computer can act as a client or as a server at any instance
the adapter (NIC) by its manufacturer.
• Ideal for small networks
• eg. 00:A0:C9 : 14:C8:35
• The client server architecture consists of high end computer called server.
Internet Protocol (IP) Address
• Classification of servers are:
• An IP address is a unique 4 part numeric address assigned to each node on a network,
File server: A computer that holds and manage files on a network
for their unique identification.
Web server: A computer dedicated to responding to requests for webpages
Print server: Redirect the print job from the clients to specific printers
• An IP address is a group of four bytes (or 32 bits) each of which can be a number from 0
Database server: Allow clients to modify, view or delete data in a common database
Network protocols
• Its a set of rules to be followed in a network when devices in the network exchange data
each other
• Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
• Used to interconnect network devices on the local networks and then internet
• The data is first broken in to smaller packets by TCP then send
• Internet Protocol(IP) is responsible for the delivery of each of these packets to the right Uniform Resource Locator(URL)
destination • Its a formatted string used to identify a network resource on the internet


• URL consists of letters, numbers and punctuations CHAPTER 9

• Three parts :
(1) Network Protocol
(2) Domain name
History of internet
(3) Filename
• Internet is developed by United States Department of Defence by the name ARPANET
(Advanced Research Project Agency Network)
http:// www.dhsekerala.gov.in /index.html • ARPANET uses TCP/IP protocol for communication
• ARPANET considered as first wide area connection
• Vincent Gray Cerf is considered as the father of internet
protocol Domain name File name
• Tim Berners Lee proposed the idea of World Wide Web(WWW)
• He and his team are credited with inventing HTTP and HTML
• Indicate the protocol is used to access the information specified in the domain
• Internet is an interconnected system of computer networks that serves the users all
Domain Name
over the world
• It is the name assigned to a server through domain name system
• Intranet is a private computer network similar to internet
File Name
• When an intranet is made accessible to some computers that are not part of a
• It is the file to be opened
company’s private network it is called an extranet
Generic Domain Names Country Specific Domain Names Connecting the computer to the internet
.com Commercial Business .in India • The following hardware and software requirements are required to connect a computer
to the internet
.edu Educational Institutions .au Australia
1. A computer with network interface card
.gov Government agencies .ca Canada 2. Modem
.mil Military .ch China 3. Telephone connection
.net Network organisations .jp Japan 4. An internet account given by an Internet service provider(ISP)
5. Software like Browser
.org Nonprofit organisations .us USA
Types of connectivity
Dial-up Connectivity
• Uses conventional telephone line and a dial up modem to dial and connect to the
server at the Internet Service Provider
• These type of connection uses a 56kbps modem
• Maximum speed is 56kbps
• Less costly
• Requires exclusive use of telephone connection

Wired broadband Connectivity

• ‘always on’ connections
• do not need to dial and connected
• Uses a broadband modem and allow us to use the telephone even while using the
Dial-up connection Wired broadband connection
Slow connection, speed upto 56kbps High speed connection , speed higher
Requires dialling to connect to ISP Always on connection
Exclusive use of telephone connection Simultaneous use of voice and internet
Uses dial-up modem Uses broadband modem


• Popular broadband technologies are Integrated Service Digital Network(ISDN), Cable • It can done using the features of the Operating system or using proxy server
Internet, Digital Subscriber Line(DSL), Leased Lines and Fiber to the Home(FTTH) software
1. Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN) 2. Using Wi-Fi network
• Capable of transporting voice and database • The internet connectivity can shared using Wi-Fi router or wireless network access
• Uses two lines, one for voice and other for data point, popularly called hotspot
• Data transfer rates upto 2Mbps • It has a range of about 100 meters
2. Cable Internet • Less secure than wired connection
• Uses coaxial cables laid for television signal transmission to our home 3. Using Li-Fi network
• Uses a cable modem • Fast optical version of wifi
• It can provide speed between 1Mbps to 10Mbps • Data rate is 100Mbps
3. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) • It can be used in aircrafts and hospitlas
• Uses standard telephone lines Services on Internet
• Use the copper telephone lines for both internet communication and for making the • The internet offers a variety of services like WWW, e-mail, search engines, social media.
voice calls simultaneously 1) World Wide Web (WWW)
• ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is the common subcatagory • WWW is a huge client-server system consisting of millions of clients and servers
• Speed ranges from 256Kbps to 24Mbps connected together.
• Most popular broadband service available in india a) Browser :
4. Leased line • A web browser is a software that we use to retrieve or present information and to
• It is the dedicated lines used to provide internet facility navigate through web pages in the World Wide Web.
• Speed ranges from 2Mbps to 100Mbps • Some common browsers are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
5. Fibre To The Home (FTTH) Opera, and Safari.
• Uses optical fibers for data transmission b) Web browsing:
• High speed connectivity • Traversing through the web pages of World Wide Web is called web browsing.
Wireless broadband connectivity 2) Search engines
• Popular wireless broadband accesses are Mobile Broadband, Wi-Max, Satellite • Internet search engine websites are special programs that are designed to help
Broadband and Wi-Fi people to find the information available in World Wide Web.
1. Mobile Broadband • Search engine programs search documents available on the World Wide Web for
• Its a wireless internet access using mobile phone specified keywords.
• The modem is built into the devices like mobile phones, tablet etc. • It returns a list of the documents/web pages matching the keywords.
• Offer the freedom to allow the user to access the internet from anywhere on the • Some of the most popular web search engine sites are Google, Bing, Yahoo Search,
move Ask, etc.
• It uses the cellular network of the mobile phones for data transmission 3) E-Mail
2. Wi-Max • Electronic mail or e-mail is a method of exchanging digital messages between
• Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access computers over Internet.
• Its an alternative for wired broadband Sections of an e-mail
• It can provide wireless internet access upto a distance of 50KM To (Recipient Address), Cc (Carbon copy), Bcc (Blind carbon copy), Subject, Content
• It can provides speed upto 70Mbps Advantages of using e-mail
3. Satellite broadband Speed, Easy to use, Provision of attachments, Environment friendly, Reply to an e-mail,
• Internet connectivity is provided through satellite Cost-effective, Available anywhere anytime
• A very small aperture Terminal (VSAT) dish antenna and a transceiver (Transmitter Disadvantages of using e-mail
and Receiver) are required at the users location E-mails may carry viruses, Junk mails
• Speed upto 1Gbps 4) Social media
• Most expensive forms of broadband internet • Social media refers to the use of mobile and web-based technologies through which
• Used by banks, stock exchanges, governments etc. individuals and communities can create, share, discuss and modify content.
Internet Access sharing methods Classification of social media.
1. Using LAN a) Internet forums
• The internet connection in a computer can be shared among other computers in the • It is an online discussion website where people can engage in conversations in the
LAN form of posted messages.


• e.g. Ubuntu Forum. • It is an attempt to get other information such as username, password, bank a/c
b) Social blogs details etc by posing as the original website, mostly that of banks and other financial
• It is a discussion or informational website consisting of entries or posts institutions.
displayed.e.g. Blogger and WordPress • Phishing websites have URLs and home pages similar to their original ones.
c) Microblogs • The act of creating such a misleading website is called spoofing.
• Microblogs allow users to exchange short sentences, individual images or video 7) Denial of Service attack
links. e.g. Twitter.com • Due to this attack the computer forced to restart and this result refusal of service to
d) Wikis the genuine users.
• Wikis allow people to add content or edit existing information in a web page, to form 8) Man in the Middle attacks
a community document.e.g.wikipedia.org • It is an attack in which the an attacker secretly intercepts electronic messages send
e) Social networks by the sender to the receiver and then modifies the messages and retransmit it to
• Social networking sites allow people to build personal web pages and then connect the receiver.
with friends to communicate and share content. e.g. facebook.com and LinkedIn. Preventing network attacks
f) Content communities 1) Firewall
• Content communities are websites that organise and share contents like photos, • A firewall is a system of computer hardware and software that provides security to
videos, etc. e.g. YouTube the computer network in an organisation.
Advantages of social media • A firewall controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analysing the data
• Bring people together, Plan and organise events, Business promotion, Social skills 2) Antivirus scanner
Limitations in use of social media • It is a tool used to scan computer files for viruses, worms and Trojan horses and cure
• Intrusion to privacy, Addiction, Spread rumours the infected system.
Cyber Security • When an antivirus program scans a file and notices that the file matches a known
• It is used to provide protection of valuable information such as credit card information piece of malware, the antivirus program stops the file from running, and puts it into
from unauthorized access. ‘quarantine’.
1) Computer Virus • Quarantine is a special area for storing files probably infected with viruses.
• A virus is a bad program to damage routine working of a computer system. 3) Cookies
• A computer virus is a program that attaches itself to another program or file • Cookies are small text files that are created when we visit a website that keep track
enabling it to spread from one computer to another without our knowledge and of our details.
interfereswith the normal operation of a computer. • Cookies remembers our user name, preferences, e-mail address, etc.
2) Worm Guidelines for using computers over Internet
• It is a stand alone malware program that replicates itself in order to spread to other • Do not open any e-mail attachment that you are not sure about the sender.
computers. • Download files only from reputed sources.
• Worms spread from computer to computer on its own. • Do not use/copy software that you cannot confirm the origin.
3) Trojan Horse • Avoid clicking on pop-up advertisements.
• It appears as a useful software but it is harmful software’s and it will delete useful • Make sure the firewall is set and turned on.
softwares or files. • Use strong passwords. Change passwords at regular intervals.
4) Spams • Update the virus definitions of your antivirus program periodically online.
• Sending an email without recipients consent to promote a product or service is • Keep a regular backup of your important files.
called spaming. Such an email is called spam • Be careful about giving personal data online.
5) Hacking
• It is a process of trespassing computer networks.
• In computer networking, hacking is a technical effort to manipulate the normal
behavior of network connections and connected systems.
• Hacking performed by computer security experts are called ethical hacking and
such hackers are called white hats
• Computer criminals break into secure networks to destroy data or make the network
unusable. Such hackers are called black hats
• Grey hat hackers fall between white and black hackers
6) Phishing


• It overcomes geographical limitation
CHAPTER 10 • Reduces the operational cost
• It minimises travel time and cost
IT Applications • It remains open all the time
• We can locate the product quicker from the wider range of choice
e-Governance Challenges to e-Business
• Government uses Internet and communication technology for delivering their services • Lack of knowledge about e-Business and its possibilities.
for the people. • Rural population do not possess plastic money- credit card, debit card and net banking
Types of interactions in e-Governance system.
1) Government to Government (G2G) • If not used with caution, customers may lose valuable information like their credit card
• It is the sharing of data or information between government department or number, passwords, etc.
organizations. • Customers don't have this ‘touch and feel’ advantage.
2) Government to Citizens (G2C) • Efficient shipment facility is needed.
• It creates an interface between the government and citizens. Here the citizens enjoy e-Learning
a large range of public services. • The use of electronic media and IT in education is termed e-Learning.
3) Government to Business (G2B) e-Learning Tools
• The business people can interact with the government by using ICT tools. 1. Electronics Book Reader (e-Books)
4) Government to Employee (G2E) • Portable computer devices that are loaded with digital book content via
• Government uses information and communication tools for the interaction with their communication interfaces is called electronic books reader
employees. 2. e- Text
e-Governance Infrastructure • Textual information available in electronic format is called e-Text
1. State Data Center (SDC) 3. Online Chat
• Responsible for delivering online services for the citizens, keeping the central database • It is a real-time exchange of text messages between two or more persons over the
of the state, securing data storage. internet
2. Kerala State Wide Area Network (KSWAN) 4. e-Content
• It acts as a backbone of the e-Governance infrastructure • The e-Learning materials such as videos, presentations, animations, graphics etc. are
• It connects Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, and Kozhikode as its hubs and extends to all called e-Content.
the 14 districts linking each of the 152 Block Panchayaths. 5. Educational TV channels
3. Common Service Centers (CSC) • These television channels are dedicated for e-Learning purpose.
➢ It is the front end delivery point of the e-Governance services for the rural areas. • These channels broadcast recorded classes on various subjects, interviews with
➢ It helps in utility payments such as electricity, telephone and water bills, submission of experts, lab experiments etc.
on line applications etc. Advantages of e-Learning
➢ Eg: Akshaya Centres • It can offer courses on a variety of subjects to large number of students from a distant
e-Business location.
• It is the sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships and • Cost for learning is much less
conducting business transactions with the help of information technology. • Students can do online courses from various nationally or internationally reputed
1. e-Commerce and e-Business institutions.
• e-Commerce covers business transaction that involves exchange of money • Time and place is not a constraint for e-Learning.
• e-Business includes all aspects of running a business such as marketing, obtaining raw Challenges to e-Learning
materials or goods, customer education, looking for suppliers, etc. • Face to face contact between students and teachers is not possible.
2. Electronic Payment System (EPS) • Limited interaction between teachers and students
• A system of financial exchange between buyers and sellers in an online environment is • Computers or any similar kind of devices and high speed Internet is required for e-
called EPS. Learning
• The financial exchange is done by credit/debit card, electronic cheque or digital cash. • Students will not get any individual attention
3. e-Banking • Hands-on practicals in real laboratory scenario is also a constraint in e-Learning.
• it is the automated delivery of banking services directly to customers through electronic ICT application in health care
channels. • Medical equipments: Most of the medical equipments such as ECG, ECHO test, TMT,
Advantage of e-Business CT scanner etc...work with the help of computers.


• Electronic Medical Record (EMR): It is a digital version of a paper chart that contains
all of a patient's medical history from one practice.
• Web based support: Internet is used by the doctors to acquire information to
diagnose and give treatments to the patients who are suffering from diseases.
• Telemedicine: With the help of Tele-Medicine equipment doctors and nurses can
examine patients in remote location by monitoring patients condition. Telemedicne is
implemented with a telephone and computer.
• Research and development: The role of computers in different field of research and
development unavoidable.
ICT enabled services:
• Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): The process of hiring a third party service
provider to do the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions. It may
also involve transferring of employees and asset from one firm to another. It increases
the efficiency in services and saves cost.
Eg. Costumer care service.
• Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO): Knowledge and information related work is
carried out by different company or subsidiary within the organization. It includes data
search, data integration, market research etc.
• Call center: A call center (also called service center, sales center, contact center etc..)
is a telephone service facility set up to handle a large number of incoming and outgoing
calls for supporting various responsibilities of an organization.
• Teleconferencing: Teleconferencing is a meeting or conference held between two or
more parties in remote locations by use of IT infra structure and services.
• Video Conferencing: Video conferencing is a type of teleconferencing in which the
video of the parties involved in the conference is also included. A video camera and
microphone and communication system is needed.

Sample Questions
1. Write any two challenges for implementing e-Governance.
2. e-Learning allows us to overcome many limitations of conventional teaching-learning
a) Name any three e-Learning tools for enhancing e-Learning process.
b) Write any three advantages of e-Learning.
3. Compare the advantage and disadvantages of implementing e-Business.
4. Almost all services and business are available online now.
a) Name the system that facilitates money transaction between buyers and sellers in
such cases.
b) Explain the infrastructure of e-Governance.
5. Briefly describe any two benefits of e-Governance.
6. Distinguish between teleconferencing and video conferencing?
7. What is the role of ICT in Health care?
8. What is mean by Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)?


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