Notes Geo CHP 12 Life in The Desert Region
Notes Geo CHP 12 Life in The Desert Region
Notes Geo CHP 12 Life in The Desert Region
Word Galaxy
gorge – a narrow valley with steep, rocky walls located between hills or
gruelling – extremely tiring and demanding
a) ‘The plants and animals in hot deserts have adapted themselves to the harsh
climatic conditions’. Give few examples to support the statement..
Ans The plants in this region have adapted themselves to harsh climatic
conditions by modifying themselves.
For instance, ● Most desert plants are inactive for a major part of the year. During
dry periods, they do not perform many water-draining functions such as
● Many plants in the desert conserve water by not having any leaves at all. For
example, many cacti have spines instead of leaves.
● Plants such as aloes are equipped with fleshy leaves that contain much of their
water supply.