Os Building Technician
Os Building Technician
Os Building Technician
P.O BOX 15745-00100
First published 2018
Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: cdacc.tvet@gmail.com
FOREWORD .................................................................................................................... IV
PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... V
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................... VI
OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... IX
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030
and meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education sector had
to be aligned to the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and this resulted to the formulation of the
Policy Framework for Reforming Education and Training (Sessional Paper No. 4 of
2016). A key feature of this policy is the radical change in the design and delivery of the
TVET training. This policy document requires that training in TVET shall be
competency based, curriculum development shall be industry led, certification shall be
based on demonstration of competence and mode of delivery shall allow for multiple
entry and exit in TVET programmes.
These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to
ensure the curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background that
these Occupational Standards were developed for the purpose of developing a
competency-based curriculum for Building technician. These Occupational Standards
will also be the bases for assessment of an individual for competence certification.
It is my conviction that these Occupational Standards will play a great role towards
development of competent human resource for the Building and Construction sector’s
growth and sustainable development.
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 and Sessional
Paper No. 4 of 2016 on Reforming Education and Training in Kenya, emphasized the
need to reform curriculum development, assessment and certification in TVET. This
called for shift to CBET in order to address the mismatch between skills acquired through
training and skills needed by industry as well as increase the global competitiveness of
Kenyan labour force.
The occupational standards are designed and organized with clear performance criteria
for each element of a unit of competency. These standards also outline the required
knowledge and skills as well as evidence guide.
I acknowledge all other institutions which in one way or another contributed to the
development of these standards.
Commonly known as FIDIC, acronym for its French name Federation Internationale Des Ingénieurs-
CON / OS /BUT/BC/01/ 6
Industry or sector
Occupational Standards
Occupational area
Type of competency
Competency number
Competency level
1. Demonstrate communication skills
2. Demonstrate Numeracy Skill
3. Demonstrate Digital Literacy
4. Demonstrate Entrepreneurial Skills
5. Demonstrate Employability Skills
6. Demonstrate Environmental literacy
1. Technical Drawing
2. Applied Mathematics
3. Apply building materials science
4. Apply workshop technology practices
5. Perform Building Temporary works
1. Produce building drawings
2. Perform site preliminary works
3. Manufacture masonry units
4. Manage materials, tools and equipment
5. Perform substructure works
6. Perform superstructure works
7. Perform building finishes
8. Perform building external works
9. Install building services
10. Install building doors and windows
11. Manage construction project
This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of clients
and colleagues; developing, establishing, maintaining communication pathways and
strategies. It also covers competencies for conducting interview, facilitating group
discussion and representing the organization in various forums.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Meet communication 1.1. Specific communication needs of clients and
needs of clients and colleagues are identified and met
colleagues 1.2. Different approaches are used to meet
needs of clients and colleagues
1.3. Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way
and in a manner, which does not compromise the
standing of the organization.
2. Develop 2.1. Strategies for effective internal and external
communication dissemination of information are developed to meet
strategies the organization’s requirements
2.2. Special communication needs are considered in
developing strategies to avoid discrimination in the
2.3. Communication strategies are analysed, evaluated
and revised where necessary to make sure they are
3. Establish and 3.1. Pathways of communication are established to meet
maintain requirements of organization and workforce
communication 3.2. Pathways are maintained and reviewed to ensure
pathways personnel are informed of relevant information
4. Promote use of 4.1. Information is provided to all areas of the
communication organization to facilitate implementation of the
strategies strategy
4.2. Effective communication techniques are articulated
and modelled to the workforce
4.3. Personnel are given guidance about adapting
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply.
It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect performance.
includes but not limited to:
1. Communication 1.1 Language switch
strategies 1.2 Comprehension check
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Effective communication
Active listening
Giving/receiving feedback
Interpretation of information
Role boundaries setting
Establishing empathy
Openness and flexibility in communication
Communication skills required to fulfil job roles as specified by the organization
Writing communications strategy
Applying key elements of communications strategy
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Developed communication strategies to meet the
organization requirements and applied in the workplace
1.2 Established and maintained communication pathways for
effective communication in the workplace
1.3 Used communication strategies involving exchanges of
complex oral information
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Direct Observation/Demonstration with Oral
3.2 Written Examination
4. Context of Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or through accredited institution
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit covers the competencies required to effectively use digital devices such as
smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. It entails identifying and using digital
devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of
communication, work performance and management at the work place.
These are assessable statements which specify
These describe the key outcomes
the required level of performance for each of the
which make up workplace function
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
1. Identify appropriate computer 1.1 Concepts of ICT are determined in
software and hardware accordance with computer equipment
1.2 Classifications of computers are determined
in accordance with manufacturers
1.3 Appropriate computer software is identified
according to manufacturer’s specification
1.4 Appropriate computer hardware is
identified according to manufacturer’s
1.5 Functions and commands of operating
system are determined in accordance with
manufacturer’s specification
2. Apply security measures to 2.1 Data security and privacy are classified in
data, hardware, and software in accordance with the prevailing technology
automated environment. 2.2 Security threats are identified, and control
measures are applied in accordance with
laws governing protection of ICT
2.3 Computer threats and crimes are detected.
2.4 Protection against computer crimes is
undertaken in accordance with laws
governing protection of ICT
3. Apply computer software in 3.1 Word processing concepts are applied in
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Analytical skills
Computing (applying fundamental operations such as addition, subtraction, division
and multiplication)
Using calculator
Basic ICT skills
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Software concept
Functions of computer software and hardware
Data security and privacy
Computer security threats and control measures
Technology underlying cyber-attacks and networks
Cyber terrorism
Computer crimes
Detection and protection of computer crimes
Laws governing protection of ICT
Word processing;
Functions and concepts of word processing.
Documents and tables creation and manipulations
Mail merging
Word processing utilities
Spread sheets;
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified and controlled security threats
1.2 Detected and protected computer crimes
1.3 Applied word processing in office tasks
1.4 Designed, prepared work sheet and applied data to the
cells in accordance to workplace procedures
1.5 Opened electronic mail for office communication as per
workplace procedure
1.6 Installed internet and World Wide Web for office tasks
in accordance with office procedures
1.7 Integrated emerging issues in computer ICT applications
1.8 Applied laws governing protection of ICT
2. Resource Implications 2.1 Tablets
2.2 Laptops and
2.3 Desktop PCs
2.4 Desktop computer
2.5 Lap top
2.6 Calculator
This unit covers the outcomes required to build and develop the enterprise to be more
competitive within a changing business environment, specifically responding to
consumer demands while maintaining product quality and accessibility, building a
customer base and employee motivation.
1. Develop business 1.1 Business innovation strategies are determined in
Innovative strategies accordance with the organization strategies
1.2 Business innovative strategies are implemented for the
Purpose of business growth
1.3 Track record and normative capability profile of
enterprise and similar businesses are reviewed and
considered in setting strategic directions.
1.4 Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are
considered when developing new ideas, approaches, goals
and directions
1.5 Decisions about enterprise strategies/directions are made
after careful consideration of all relevant information
1.6 Business/corporate plan is developed that sets out
tactics, resource implications, timeframes, production and
sales target
2. Develop new 2.1 Alternative product/service offerings are canvassed and
products/ markets studied for feasibility
2.2 Potential and new sources/sellers of supplies and raw
materials are identified and canvassed.
2.3 Target markets and buyers are identified and surveyed as
to their preferences and brand loyalties.
3. Expand customers 3.1 Enterprise is built up and sustained through
and product lines responsiveness to market demands and the regulatory
3.2 Competitive advantage of existing products and services
is maintained/enhanced through responsive advocacies
and strategies.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Assessing a range of alternative products and strategies
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and
current market trends
Identifying changing consumer preferences and demographics
Thinking “outside the box”
Ensuring quality consistency
Reducing lead time to product/service delivery
Managing operations/ production
Using formal problem-solving procedures, e. g., root-cause analysis, six sigmas
Communication skills
Applying motivational principles, e. g., positive stroking, behavior modification
Assessing range of alternatives rather than choosing the easiest option
Achieving ownership and credibility for the enterprise vision
Critically analyzing information, summarizing and making sense of previous and
current market trends
Developing solutions and practical strategies which are “outside the box”
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Features and benefits of common operational practices, e. g., continuous
improvement (kaizen), waste elimination,
Conflict resolution
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1. Demonstrated ability to maintain a profitable and stable
enterprise as shown by stakeholder feedback, employee
testimonies and company financial statements
1.2. Demonstrated ability to conceptualize and plan a
micro/small enterprise
1.3. Demonstrated ability to manage/operate a micro/small-scale
1.4. Demonstrated basic marketing skills
2. Resource 2.1 The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.2 Interview guide for entrepreneurs
2.3 Enterprise workers and third parties
2.4 Materials and location relevant to the proposed activity and
3. Methods of 3.1 Case problems
This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect
Range Variable
includes but not limited to:
1. Drug and substance Commonly abused
abuse Alcohol, Tobacco, Miraa, Over-the-counter drugs,
Cocaine, Bhang, Glue
This unit specifies the competencies required to follow procedures for environmental
hazard control, follow procedures for environmental pollution control, comply with
workplace sustainable resource use, evaluate current practices in relation to resource
usage, develop and adhere to environmental protection principles/strategies/guidelines,
analyze resource use, develop resource conservation plans and implement selected plans.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) 1.1 Mask
1.2 Gloves
1.3 Goggles
1.4 Safety hat
1.5 Overall
1.6 Hearing protector
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
Storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
This unit specifies the competencies required to lead the implementation of workplace’s
safety and health program, procedures and policies/guidelines.
These are assessable statements which specify the
These describe the key
required level of performance for each of the elements.
outcomes which make up
workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Identify workplace
hazards and risk 1.1 Hazards in the workplace and/or its indicators of its
presence, are identified
2. Identify and implement
appropriate control 2.1 Prevention and control measures, including use of
safety gears / PPE (personal protective equipment)
for specific hazards
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Hazards may 1.1. Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure,
include but are not noise, vibration, extreme temperature, radiation
limited to: 1.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
1.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes,
smoke, gasses, vapors
1.4 Ergonomics Psychological factors – over exertion/
excessive force, awkward/static positions, fatigue,
direct pressure, varying metabolic cycles
1.5 Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
1.6 Safety hazards (unsafe workplace condition) -
confined space, excavations, falling objects, gas leaks,
electrical, poor storage of materials and waste,
spillage, waste and debris
1.7 Unsafe workers’ act (Smoking in off-limited areas,
Substance and alcohol abuse at work)
Required Skills
Required Knowledge
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
This unit describes the competencies required by a technician in order to apply algebra
apply trigonometry and hyperbolic functions, apply complex numbers, apply coordinate
geometry, carry out binomial expansion, apply calculus, solve ordinary differential
equations, carry out mensuration, apply power series, apply statistics, apply numerical
methods, apply vector theory and apply matrix.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make up required level of performance for each of the
workplace function. elements.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make up required level of performance for each of the
workplace function. elements.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make up required level of performance for each of the
workplace function. elements.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make up required level of performance for each of the
workplace function. elements.
This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of
Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
1.4 Applied Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions
1.5 Applied complex numbers
1.6 Applied Calculus
This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and interpret technical drawings. It
involves competencies to select, use and maintain drawing equipment and materials. It
also involves producing plain geometry drawings, solid geometry drawings, pictorial and
orthographic drawings and application of Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages.
(Bold and italicised terms are elaborated in the Range)
1. Use and maintain drawing 1.1 Drawing equipment are identified and gathered
equipment and materials according to task requirements
2. Produce plane geometry 2.1 Different types of lines used in drawing and their
drawings meanings are identified according to standard
drawing conventions
2.2 Different types of geometric forms are constructed
4. Produce orthographic and 4.1 Symbols and abbreviations are identified and their
pictorial drawings meaning interpreted according to standard drawing
4.2 First and third angle orthographic drawings are
interpreted and produced in accordance with the
standard conventions
4.3 Orthographic elevations are dimensioned in
accordance with standard conventions
4.4 Isometric drawings are interpreted and produced in
accordance with standard conventions
5. Apply CAD packages 5.1 CAD packages are selected according to task
5.2 CAD packages are applied in production of
electrical drawings
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required skills
Required knowledge
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.
This unit describes the competence in applying building materials science. It involves
identifying essential construction materials, selecting quality construction materials,
testing construction materials and demonstrating knowledge in use of construction
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Construction 1.1 stones
materials 1.2 bricks
1.3 clay and clay products
1.4 lime
1.5 cement
1.6 timber and timber products
1.7 metals and alloys
1.8 paints and varnishes
1.9 roofing materials
2. physical properties 2.1 porosity
2.2 surface texture
2.3 strength
2.4 density
2.5 thermal conductivity
2.6 wear and tear
3. chemical 3.1 corrosion resistance
properties 3.2 chemical resistance
4. Mechanical 4.1 Toughness
properties 4.2 Hardness
4.3 Fatigue
4.4 Stress and strain
4.5 Creep and stress rapture
5. Test parameters 5.1 Compression
5.2 Weathering
5.3 Durability
5.4 Water absorption
Applied science
Construction materials
Materials testing
Quality assurance
Management of material resources
Engineering mathematics
Bills of quantities
Materials handling safety procedures
Quality control analysis
Complex problem solving
Critical thinking
Engineering drawings interpretation
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Identified essential construction materials
1.2 Selected quality construction materials
1.3 Tested construction materials
1.4 Manufactured construction materials
1.5 Identified properties of construction materials
1.6 Appropriately used construction materials
1.7 Handled construction materials safely
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Samples of construction materials
2.2 Material Testing Laboratories
2.3 Safety equipment
2.4 Computers
2.5 Calculators
2.6 Materials testing tools and equipment
This unit describes the competence in applying workshop technology practices. It entails
performing masonry, plumbing and carpentry tasks. It also involves performing electrical
and mechanical operations.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Masonry hand 1.1 Masons trowel
tools 1.2 Wood float
1.3 Cold chisels
1.4 Masons square
1.5 Spade
1.6 Shovel
1.7 Plumb bob
2. Masonry machine 2.1 Concrete mixer
tools 2.2 Block cutter
2.3 Vibrator
2.4 Pneumatic hammer
2.5 compactors
3. Plumbing hand 3.1 Bench shears
tools 3.2 Anvil
3.3 Pipe wrench
3.4 Pliers
4. Plumbing machine 4.1 Bending machine
tools 4.2 Welding
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Quality control
Circuit interpretation
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Identified safety requirements in the workshop
1.2 Performed masonry tasks
1.3 Performed plumbing tasks
1.4 Performed carpentry tasks
1.5 Identified power supply sources
1.6 Installed basic electrical circuits
1.7 Identified diesel and petrol engine components
1.8 Operated diesel and petrol engines
1.9 Identified water pumps
1.10 Demonstrated knowledge on maintenance of water
pumps and engines
1.11 Appropriately used workshop tools
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
This Unit describes the competencies required to perform building temporary works. It
involves erecting and dismantling building scaffolds and building shores, constructing
and dismantling building formwork/shuttering and trench timbering.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Scaffold system 1.1 Quick stage
1.2 Cup lock
2. Personal protective 2.1 Helmets
equipment 2.2 Safety boots
2.3 Gloves
2.4 Overall
2.5 Reflectors
3. Formwork material 3.1 Timber
3.2 Metal plates
Measurement skills
Basic mathematic skills
Reading skills
Communication skills
© TVET CDACC 2018 67
Management skills
Design skills
Problem solving skills
Critical thinking
Construction tools handling skills
Technical drawing skills
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1. Erected and dismantled building scaffolds
1.2. Constructed and dismantled building
1.3. Constructed ad dismantled trench timbering
1.4. Erected and dismantled building shores
1.5. Observed occupational health and safety procedures to
create a safe working environment
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Training workshops
2.2 Construction tools and equipment
2.3 Occupational Safety and health manuals
2.4 Construction manuals
2.5 Reference textbooks
2.6 Qualified trainers
2.7 Personal protective equipment
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Practical assignment
3.2. Written
3.3. Oral interview
3.4. Demonstrations
4. Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a
Assessment combination of these. Off the job assessment must be
undertaken in a closely simulated workplace environment.
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit describes the competence required to produce building drawings. It involves
designing architectural drawings and plumbing layouts, preparing structural, electrical
and mechanical drawings.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Construction dimensions 1.1 vertical dimensions
1.2 horizontal dimensions
2. building codes 2.1 BS 8110
2.2 Eurocodes
2.3 Kenya Building Codes, 1968
2.4 Civil engineering codes
3. structural elements 3.1 Slabs
3.2 Beams
3.3 Columns
3.4 Foundation
3.5 Stairs
4. Consumption requirements 4.1 Residential
4.2 Commercial
4.3 Institution
4.4 Hospitals
5. Pipe types 5.1 PVC
5.2 GI pipes
5.3 Mild steel
5.4 PPR
6. Pipe fittings 6.1 Union
Basic arithmetic
Computer aided design
This Unit describes the competencies required to perform site preliminary works. It
involves determining site boundaries, clearing building site, hoarding/screening the site,
surveying the building site, preparing site layout, testing building materials, demolishing
unwanted structures and preparing site preliminary report.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Clearing method 1.1 Manual
1.2 Mechanical
1.3 Explosives and detonators
2. Site conditions 2.1 Shrubs
2.2 rock outcrops
2.3 Forests/thickets
2.4 Marshy/wetlands
3. Survey method 3.1 chain survey
3.2 Tacheometry
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1. Determined the site boundary and screened the building
1.2. Cleared the building site
1.3. Surveyed the building site
1.4. Prepared site layout
1.5. Demolished unwanted structures
1.6. Prepared site preliminary report
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Training workshops
2.2 Construction tools and equipment
2.3 Occupational Safety and health manuals
2.4 Construction manuals
2.5 Construction materials
2.6 Reference textbooks
2.7 Qualified trainers
2.8 Survey instruments
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Practical assignment
3.2. Written
3.3. Oral interview
3.4. Demonstrations
This unit describes the competences required to manufacture masonry units. It involves
producing masonry bricks, preparing concrete and clay products and dressing building
(Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range)
1. Produce masonry 1.1. Bricks moulds are prepared as per client specification
bricks 1.2. Brick earth /clay is prepared as per building code
1.3. Bricks are moulded depending on the prescribed size and
customer specifications.
1.4. Bricks are dried as per the building codes
1.5. Bricks are baked/fired as per baking procedures
2. Prepare concrete 2.1Concrete moulds are prepared as per the customer
products specifications.
2.2 concrete constituents are gathered as per concrete mix design
2.3Concrete constituent are batched as per batching methods
2.4 Concrete ingredients are mixed as per ASTM standards
2.5 Concrete mix is placed in moulds as per placing convections
2.6 Concrete is cured as per laid down procedures
2.7 Moulds are dismantled and stored as per laid down
3. Dress building 3.1 Building stones are acquired as per prescribed size and
stones quality.
3.2 Stones surfaces are dressed as per the method and type of
4. Prepare clay 4.1 Clay products are produced as per manufactures
products guidelines/specification.
4.2 Clay products are tested as per manufactures standards.
4.3 Clay products are packaged according to type, size, shape,
quantity and environmental requirements.
Concrete and motar mix ratios
Soil testing
strength of materials
use of building tools and equipnment
concerete aggregate
Basic arithmetics
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Prepared brick moulds.
1.2 Moulded bricks
1.3 Dried bricks
1.4 Burned bricks
1.5 Prepared concrete moulds
1.6 Mixed concrete constituents
1.7 Placed concrete mix
1.8 Cured concrete
1.9 Dismantled and stored concrete moulds
1.10 Dressed stones
1.11 Prepared clay
1.12 Produced clay products
1.13 Packaged clay products
2. Resource Implications 2.1 ASTM document
2.2 Desktop PCs
2.3 Printer/plotting device
2.4 Calculator
2.5 Calibration tools
2.6 Internet
2.7 Operations Manuals
2.8 Concrete and clay moulds
2.9 Water
2.10 Stone blocks
2.11 Wheel barrows
2.12 Building tools and equipment
This unit describes the competence in Managing Construction Materials, Tools and
Equipment. It involves preparation of site facility for storage, building material and
equipment scheduling, ordering and receiving materials and equipment and preparing
periodic construction material and equipment report.
Record Keeping
Construction Material
Building Tools And Equipment
Site Management
Safety rules and precautions
Bills of quantities
Concrete mixing
Compacting concrete
Record Keeping
Use of tools and equipments
Concrete mixing
Compacting concrete
This unit describes the competences required to perform substructure works. It involves
setting out the building, excavating foundation, laying building foundation, erecting
foundation, constructing solid ground floor and finishing substructure works.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Dewatering 1.1 Sump
method 1.2 Electoral osmosis
1.3 Freezing
1.4 Furrow
1.5 Pumping out
2. Type of 2.1 Strip
foundation 2.2 Pile
2.3 Pad
2.4 Raft
2.5 Piers
3. Working 3.1 Architectural
drawings 3.2 Structural
3.3 Plumbing
3.4 Mechanical
3.5 Electrical
3.6 Services
3.7 Civil engineering drawings
4. Building code 4.1 BS 8110
4.2 BS 449
Basic arithmetic
Concrete technology
Structural reinforcement
Methods of setting out
Types of foundations
Concrete and Mortar mixing
Wall construction
Bar bending and fixing
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Interpreted building drawings
1.2 Recorded ground measurements
1.3 Set building
1.4 Excavated foundation trenches
1.5 Timbered foundation trenches
1.6 Dewatered foundation trenches
1.7 Prepared bar bending schedule
1.8 Positioned foundation reinforcement
1.9 Placed foundation concrete
1.10 Constructed foundation wall
1.11 Constructed solid ground floor
1.12 Finished substructure works
2. Resource 2.1 Measuring tools
Implications 2.2 Working drawing
2.3 Laptops
2.4 Desktop PCs
2.5 Printer/plotting device
2.6 Calculator
2.7 Surveying tools
2.8 Internet
2.9 Masonry tools and equipment
2.10 Timber/steel boards and nails
2.11 Concrete constituents
This Unit describes the competencies required to perform superstructure works. It
involves setting out and erecting superstructure walls, constructing superstructure
columns, stairs, beams and upper floors, erecting building roof, constructing fire place
and installing fixtures and fittings.
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1. Set out and erected superstructure walls
1.2. Constructed columns, beams, stairs and upper floors
1.3. Erected building roof
1.4. Constructed fire place
1.5. Installed fixtures and fittings
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Training/assessment workshops
2.2 Construction tools and equipment
2.3 Occupational Safety and health manuals
2.4 Construction manuals
2.5 Construction materials
2.6 Qualified trainers
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Practical assignment
3.2 Written
3.3 Oral interview
4. Context of Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a
Assessment combination of these. Off the job assessment must be
undertaken in a closely simulated workplace environment.
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
This unit describes the competences required to perform building finishes. It entails
plastering building walls (internal and external) applying floor finishes, painting building
surfaces, applying building facings, wall mastering, lining wall surfaces, carrying out
pointing and jointing, cladding building walls and performing rough cast.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Floor finish 1.1 Tiles
1.2 Cement sand screed
1.3 Terrazzo
1.4 Wood parquets
1.5 Carpets
2. Painting method 2.1 Manual
2.2 Mechanical
3. Facing materials 3.1 bricks
3.2 Wooden blocks
4. Wall finish 4.1 wall mastering
4.2 wall lining
4.3 clad building walls
5. Ceiling finish 5.1 boards
5.2 T and G
5.3 Gypsum board
5.4 Acoustic ceilings
Pointing and jointing
Rough casting
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Assembled tools and equipment
1.2 Prepared backgrounds for finishes
1.3 Plastered walls
1.4 Finished floors
1.5 Mixed paints
1.6 Painted walls
1.7 Faced walls
1.8 Mastered walls
1.9 Lined walls
1.10 Pointed and jointed walls
1.11 Cladded walls
1.12 Rough casted walls
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Workplace or assessment location
2.2 Paint Mixing buckets
2.3 Masonry tools and equipment
2.4 Paints
2.5 Finishing units
This Unit describes the competency required to perform building external works. It
involves laying cabro blocks and paving slabs, performing landscaping, constructing
drainage systems, fences and gates.
Highway technology
Basic arithmetic
Mixture ratios
Reinforced concrete
Measurement skills
Basic mathematic skills
Reading skills
Communication skills
Management skills
Design skills
Problem solving skills
Critical thinking
Construction tools handling skills
Technical drawing skills
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1. Laid external paving
1.2. Performed soft landscaping and beautification
1.3. Constructed drainage system
1.4. Constructed fences and gates
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Construction tools and equipment
2.2 Construction materials
2.3 Codes of practice
2.4 Computers
2.5 Calculators
This Unit describes the competencies required to install building services. It involves
installing ICT and specialised services, installing electrical services and installing
mechanical services.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. Electrical materials 1.1 Sockets
1.2 Meter box
1.3 Meter
1.4 Wires
1.5 Bulb holders
1.6 Conduits
2. Electrical tools and 2.1 Pliers
equipment 2.2 Testers
2.3 Voltmeter
2.4 Ammeter
3. Mechanical services 3.1 Gas supply
3.2 Cold and hot water supply systems
3.3 Plumbing system
3.4 Sewer system
3.5 Fire fighting
3.6 Ventilation system
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Sketched ICT and specialised services layout
1.2 Installed simple ICT and specialised services
1.3 Tested simple ICT and specialised services
1.4 Sketched simple electrical services layout
1.5 Installed simple electrical services
1.6 Tested simple electrical services
1.7 Sketched simple mechanical services layout
1.8 Installed simple mechanical services
1.9 Tested simple mechanical services
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Training/assessment workshops
2.2 Construction tools and equipment
2.3 Occupational Safety and health manuals
2.4 Qualified trainers
2.5 Codes of practice
This Unit describes the competences required to install building windows and doors. It
involves preparing window and door schedule, fabricating/ordering building doors and
windows, fixing building doors and windows and applying door and window finishes.
Material scheduling
Types of doors and windows
Door and window fabrication methods
Plan interpretation
Iron mongery
Door and window finishes
Critical thinking
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Prepared simple window and door schedule
1.2 Transferred window and door specification to
fabrication workshop
1.3 Fixed simple doors and windows
1.4 Applied door and window finishes
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
This Unit describes the competences required to manage a construction project. It
involves organizing construction site; interpreting building contract documents;
preparing; project work plan, ledgers, journals and final accounts; manage human
resource, site records & activities as well as coordinating quality standards and costing
construction projects.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1. construction site 1.1 Central zone
zoning 1.2 Internal
1.3 Intermediate
1.4 External.
2. Site 2.1 Roads
infrastructure 2.2 Walk ways
3. Site 3.1 First aid points
Installation 3.2 Protection equipment
3.3 Temporary works
3.4 Fire stations
Human resource
Welding and fabrication
MS projects
Management Skill
Installation Skill
Fixing skills
Welding and fabrication
This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.