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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,027,139 B2

Beier (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 27, 2011
(54) SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR 5,570,022 A 10/1996 Ehnholm et al.
SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNET 75.3 E: 58 E. ......................... 335/216

RAMP-DOWN 2008.0049371 A1 2/2008 Mallett ......................... 361,141

(75) Inventor: James G. Beier, Florence, SC (US) * cited by examiner
(73) Assignee: General Electric Company, Primary Examiner — Danny Nguyen
Schenectady, NY (US) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Ziolkowski Patent
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Solutions Group, SC
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 379 days. (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 12/463,453 A system for ramping-down a Superconducting magnet
includes an electrically conductive lead connectable to a
(22) Filed: May 11, 2009 Superconducting magnet and a plurality of diode assemblies
arranged in series and coupled to the electrically conductive
(65) Prior Publication Data lead. Switches are arranged in parallel with the plurality of
US 2010/0284.120 A1 Nov. 11, 2010 diode assemblies, with each Switch having a first position and
a second position and wherein each Switch, when in the first
position, forms an electrical short between first and second
(51) 25,/00 (2006.01) nodes of a corresponding diode assembly. A controller
receives a magnet parameter value indicative of a present
(52) U.S. Cl. ........ grgrrr. 361/141; 361/19 state of the Superconducting magnet, determines a number of
(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 361/19, diode assemblies through which current from the electrically
361/141; 335/216 conductive lead is desired to pass based on the magnet param
See application file for complete search history. eter value, and selectively actuates the switches coupled to the
(56) References Cited determined number of diode assemblies to the second posi
tion to pass current from the Superconducting magnet through
the determined number of diode assemblies.
4,816,962 A * 3/1989 Yamada et al. ............... 361,141
5.432,669 A * 7/1995 Nemoto et al. ............... 361.143 21 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Sep. 27, 2011 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,027,139 B2

U.S. Patent Sep. 27, 2011 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,027,139 B2
U.S. Patent Sep. 27 2011 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8 ,027,139 B2

US 8,027,139 B2
1. 2
SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR Superconductivity. This localized increase in temperature can
SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNET burn or damage the Superconducting coils of the magnet. In
RAMP-DOWN addition, the rapid decrease in the molecular density within
the cryogen vessel resulting from a sharp temperature rise
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION sharply reduces the insulating ability normally provided by
the helium gas resulting in possible Voltage breakdown
Embodiments of the invention relate generally to medical through the gas which can seriously damage the various coils
imaging devices and other systems employing Superconduct and associated control circuitry of the elements within the
ing magnet systems and, more particularly, to a system and cryogen vessel.
method for ramping-down a Superconducting magnet in an 10 Thus, for the aforementioned reasons, a field engineer may
automated fashion for servicing. typically be generous in the amount of time used to ramp
As is known, a coil wound of Superconductive material (a down the magnet current. Unfortunately, however, a conser
magnet coil) can be made Superconducting by placing it in an Vative ramp-down results in longer ramp times, increased
extremely cold environment, (e.g., -269° C. or 4 K). For downtime, increased maintenance costs, and so forth. Thus,
example, a coil may be made Superconducting by enclosing it 15 conservative magnetramp-down techniques may increase the
in a cryostat or pressure vessel containing a cryogen. The cost of operating and maintaining an MRI system and may
extreme cold enables the coil wires to be operated in a super decrease the availability of the MRI system.
conducting state. In this state, the resistance of the wires is It would therefore be desirable to have a system and
practically Zero. To introduce a current flow through the coils, method capable of reducing MRI periods of deactivation,
a power Source is initially connected to the coils for a short costs, and so forth. Particularly, there is a need to reduce the
time period. In the Superconducting state, the current will ramp-down time of the Superconducting magnet while main
continue to flow through the coils, thereby maintaining a taining equipment integrity and while reducing helium loss,
strong magnetic field. In other words, because Superconduc equipment downtime, and maintenance costs.
tive windings offer little to no resistance to electrical current
flow at low temperatures, the Superconducting state of the 25 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
magnet is persistent. The electric current that flows through
the Superconducting magnet is maintained within the magnet Embodiments of the invention provide a system and
and does not decay noticeably with time. method of ramping-down a Superconducting magnet in an
Superconducting magnets have wide applications in the automated fashion for servicing.
field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In a typical 30 In accordance with one aspect of the invention, a Supercon
MRI magnet, the main Superconducting magnet coils are ducting magnet ramp-down unit includes an electrically con
enclosed in a cylindrically shaped cryogen pressure vessel ductive lead connectable to a superconducting magnet and a
containing a cryogen, Such as liquid helium. The cryogen plurality of diode assemblies arranged in series and coupled
vessel is contained within an evacuated vessel and formed to the electrically conductive lead, each diode assembly hav
with an imaging bore in the center. The main magnet coils 35 ing a first node and a second node. The ramp-down unit also
develop a strong magnetic field in the imaging Volume of the includes a plurality of switches arranged in parallel with the
axial bore that, when combined with controlled gradient mag plurality of diode assemblies, with each switch having a first
netic fields and RF pulses, act to generate a signal from a position and a second position and wherein each Switch, when
patient may be received and processed to form an image. In in the first position, forms an electrical short between the first
existing MRI systems, a main magnetic field of 3 Tesla may 40 and second nodes of a corresponding diode assembly. The
be desired to produce vivid images. ramp-down unit further includes a controller programmed to
Occasionally, it may be desirable or necessary to de-ener receive at least one magnet parameter value indicative of a
gize the Superconducting magnet. For example, when com present state of the Superconducting magnet, determine a
ponents of the cryogenic cooling system degrade, when leaks number of the plurality of diode assemblies through which
within the cryogen (helium) vessel are found, or when other 45 current from the electrically conductive lead is desired to pass
maintenance on the MRI system is desired, it may be neces based on the at least one magnet parameter value, and selec
sary to de-energize the magnet system. Deactivation may tively actuate the plurality of switches respectively coupled to
require a "ramp-down of the magnet, where current must be the determined number of diode assemblies to the second
slowly lowered in the magnet to weaken the magnet field position, such that the current from the Superconducting mag
strength. These ramp-downs are often manually intensive, 50 net passes through the determined number of diode assem
time consuming, and expensive. Typically, it can take 34 blies.
hours to de-energize a 3.0T magnet using conventional tech In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a
niques, during which time a magnet engineer must be present method for automatically controlling a ramp-down of a Super
to oversee the ramp-down procedure. Furthermore, as exter conducting magnet includes the step of electrically coupling
nal leads are connected to the magnet during the ramp-down, 55 a ramp-down unit to the Superconducting magnet, with the
heat is added to the magnet thereby causing an increased rate ramp down unit comprising a plurality of diode assemblies
of boil-off of the liquid helium as it boils into helium gas. The and a plurality of Solenoid Switches arranged in parallel with
helium gas may be vented to the atmosphere, which can add the plurality of diode assemblies. The method also includes
significant costs to the ramp-down operation since the vented the steps of monitoring at least one magnet parameter value
helium gas may not be recoverable from the atmosphere for 60 indicative of a current state of the Superconducting magnet
conversion back into a liquid. Accordingly, a portion of the and determining a number of the plurality of diode assemblies
cryogen may need to be replaced. through which current from the Superconducting magnet is
Additionally, the ramp-down of the magnet may, if per desired to pass based on the at least one magnet parameter
formed improperly, cause damage to the magnet system. For value. The method further includes the step of selectively
example, if current in the magnet is ramped down too quickly, 65 actuating the plurality of Solenoid Switches respectively
a phenomenon of “quenching may occur, in which a local coupled to the determined number of diode assemblies from
ized portion of the magnet increases in temperature and loses a closed position to an open position based on the at least one
US 8,027,139 B2
3 4
magnet parameter value, wherein the selective actuation of includes a number of modules which communicate with each
the plurality of solenoid switches respectively coupled to the other through a backplane 20a. These include an image pro
determined number of diode assemblies from the closed posi cessor module 22, a CPU module 24 and a memory module
tion to the open position causes current from the Supercon 26, which may include a frame buffer for storing image data
ducting magnet to pass through the determined number of 5 arrays. The computer system 20 communicates with a sepa
diode assemblies. rate system control 32 through a high speed serial link34. The
In accordance with yet another aspect of the invention, a input device 13 can include amouse, joystick, keyboard, track
system for automatically ramping-down a Superconducting ball, touch activated Screen, light wand, Voice control, or any
magnet includes an electrically conductive lead connectable similar or equivalent input device, and may be used for inter
to a Superconducting magnet, a plurality of diode assemblies 10 active geometry prescription.
arranged in series and coupled to the electrically conductive The system control 32 includes a set of modules connected
lead, and a plurality of Switches arranged in parallel with the together by a backplane 32a. These include a CPU module 36
plurality of diode assemblies, with each switch having a first and a pulse generator module 38 which connects to the opera
position and a second position and wherein each Switch tor console 12 through a serial link 40. It is through link 40
causes current from the Superconducting magnet to bypass a 15 that the system control 32 receives commands from the opera
corresponding diode assembly when in the first position and torto indicate the scan sequence that is to be performed. The
causes current from the Superconducting magnet to pass pulse generator module 38 operates the system components
through a corresponding diode assembly when in the second to carry out the desired scan sequence and produces data
position. The system also includes a controller programmed which indicates the timing, strength and shape of the RF
to receive at least one magnet parameter value indicative of a pulses produced, and the timing and length of the data acqui
present state of the Superconducting magnet and determine if sition window. The pulse generator module 38 connects to a
the Superconducting magnet is in a controlled ramp down set of gradient amplifiers 42, to indicate the timing and shape
range or in an uncontrolled ramp down range based on the at of the gradient pulses that are produced during the scan. The
least one magnet parameter value. The controller is further pulse generator module 38 can also receive patient data from
programmed to selectively actuate a portion of the plurality of 25 a physiological acquisition controller 44 that receives signals
switches from the first position to the second position if the from a number of different sensors connected to the patient,
Superconducting magnetis in the controlled ramp down range Such as ECG signals from electrodes attached to the patient.
and actuate each of the plurality of switches from the first And finally, the pulse generator module 38 connects to a scan
position to the second position if the Superconducting magnet room interface circuit 46 which receives signals from various
is in the uncontrolled ramp down range. 30 sensors associated with the condition of the patient and the
Various other features and advantages will be made appar magnet system. It is also through the scan room interface
ent from the following detailed description and the drawings. circuit 46 that a patient positioning system 48 receives com
mands to move the patient to the desired position for the scan.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The gradient waveforms produced by the pulse generator
35 module 38 are applied to the gradient amplifier system 42
The drawings illustrate embodiments presently contem having GX, Gy, and GZ amplifiers. Each gradient amplifier
plated for carrying out the invention. excites a corresponding physical gradient coil in a gradient
In the drawings: coil assembly generally designated 50 to produce the mag
FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of an exemplary MR netic field gradients used for spatially encoding acquired
imaging system for use with an embodiment of the invention. 40 signals. The gradient coil assembly 50 forms part of a reso
FIG. 2 is a partial cross-sectional view of an exemplary nance assembly 52 which includes a polarizing magnet 54
resonance assembly according to an embodiment of the and a whole-body RF coil 56. The polarizing magnet 54 is
invention. configured and operated as a Superconducting magnet (i.e.,
FIG. 3 is a diagrammatical representation of ramp-down kept at a Superconducting temperature) to generate a main
unit for de-energizing a Superconducting magnet system 45 magnetic field of for example, 3 Tesla. A transceiver module
according to an embodiment of the invention. 58 in the system control 32 produces pulses which are ampli
fied by an RF amplifier 60 and coupled to the RF coil 56 by a
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED transmit/receive switch 62. The resulting signals emitted by
EMBODIMENT the excited nuclei in the patient may be sensed by the same RF
50 coil 56 and coupled through the transmit/receive switch 62 to
Embodiments of the present invention relate to manage a preamplifier 64. The amplified MR signals are demodu
ment of Superconductive magnets, and particularly to the lated, filtered, and digitized in the receiver section of the
de-energizing or ramping-down of Such systems. Although transceiver 58. The transmit/receive switch 62 is controlled
reference is made throughout the following discussion to by a signal from the pulse generator module 38 to electrically
medical imaging systems, it is recognized that embodiments 55 connect the RF amplifier 60 to the coil 56 during the transmit
of the invention are applicable to a range of systems or mode and to connect the preamplifier 64 to the coil 56 during
devices that utilize Superconducting magnets, such as spec the receive mode. The transmit/receive switch 62 can also
troscopy systems and the like. enable a separate RF coil (for example, a surface coil) to be
Referring to FIG. 1, the major components of a magnetic used in either the transmit or receive mode.
resonance imaging (MRI) system 10 are shown for use with 60 The MR signals picked up by the RF coil 56 are digitized
embodiments of the invention. The operation of the MRI by the transceiver module 58 and transferred to a memory
system 10 is controlled from an operator console 12 which module 66 in the system control 32. A scan is complete when
includes a keyboard or other input device 13, a control panel an array of rawk-space data has been acquired in the memory
14, and a display screen 16. The console 12 communicates module 66. This raw k-space data is rearranged into separate
through a link 18 with a separate computer system 20 that 65 k-space data arrays for each image to be reconstructed, and
enables an operator to control the production and display of each of these is input to an array processor 68 which operates
images on the display screen 16. The computer system 20 to Fourier transform the data into an array of image data. This
US 8,027,139 B2
5 6
image data is conveyed through the serial link 34 to the densed liquid helium 72 is routed back into the helium vessel
computer system 20 where it is stored in memory. In response 74, thereby conserving the helium in the vessel 74 and pro
to commands received from the operator console 12, this ducing equilibrium between the liquid and gaseous phases of
image data may be archived in long term storage or it may be the helium.
further processed by the image processor 22 and conveyed to During operation of the MRI system 10 (FIG. 1), it may be
the operator console 12 and presented on the display 16. advantageous to maintain the pressure within the helium ves
Turning to FIG. 2, a partial cross-sectional view of reso sel 74 within predetermined parameters, e.g., 4.0 to 4.5 psi. To
nance assembly 52 is presented. Only an upper portion (i.e., increase the pressure (i.e., increase the pressure to a positive
above the centerline) of the exemplary, tubular resonance pressure condition), a heating element 92. Such as a resistive
assembly 52 is illustrated. Because of the tubular design, the 10 heating element, is located in the helium vessel 74. Control
lower portion is similar to the upper portion, and, as such, the systems 93 may be employed to control operation of the
lower portion is not separately discussed. Additionally, it heating element 92 and condensing system 84 to maintain
should be noted that, although a tubular scanner structure is equilibrium in the vacuum vessel 74, thereby preventing
described here, other geometries of magnets are known and unnecessary boil-off of helium 72 and maintaining the polar
presently in use, and can benefit from aspects of the present 15 izing magnet 54 in a Superconducting state.
invention. As discussed above, the polarizing magnet 54 of It is recognized that the resonance assembly 52 may, on
resonance assembly 52 maintains a main magnetic field of 3.0 occasion, require maintenance. For example, the cold head 88
Tesla. The polarizing magnet 54 is located towards the center may begin to lose efficacy, the RF coils 56 may require
of the resonance assembly 52 and disposed circumferentially calibration, the image quality may deteriorate, or filters may
about a patient bore 70. The polarizing magnet 54 is an require cleaning to name but a few types of service mainte
electromagnet formed of loops of coiled wire (not shown), nance. Moreover, the helium 72 may decline to undesirable
through which electrical current is routed to produce the main levels and/or may reach undesirable temperatures, at which
magnetic field. To reduce the electrical load necessary to the polarizing magnet 54 may lose Superconductivity. Service
produce the desired main magnetic field, the polarizing mag maintenance may require de-energizing the polarizing mag
net 54 is cooled to a superconductive state. 25 net 54 and taking the MRI system 10 offline. To perform this
To transition the polarizing magnet 54 to a Superconductive de-energizing of the magnet, and as shown in FIG. 2, a mag
state, the polarizing magnet 54 may be bathed in a cryogen, net ramp-down unit 94 is provided that is connectable to the
such as liquid helium 72, contained in a helium vessel 74, resonance assembly 52, and more particularly to polarizing
which circumscribes the patient bore 70 and surrounds the magnet 54. The magnet ramp-down unit 94 includes conduc
polarizing magnet 54. The liquid helium 72 cools the polar 30 tive leads 96 (e.g., copper leads) that connect to the polarizing
izing magnet 54 to Superconductive temperatures (e.g., -269 magnet 54 to draw current therefrom in a controlled manner.
C or 4 k). At Superconductive temperatures, the polarizing The magnet ramp-down unit 94 thus ramps down current in
magnet 54 (i.e., the loops of coiled wire) conducts electrical the polarizing magnet 54 over a period of time, eventually
current essentially free of electrical resistance. de-energizing the magnet to allow for service work to be
Liquid helium 72, similar to other cryogens, vaporizes into 35 performed on the MR system 10.
a gaseous state (i.e., gaseous helium 76) at relatively low FIG. 3 is diagrammatical representation of the magnet
temperatures (e.g., liquid helium boils at 4.2 Kunderstandard ramp-down unit 94. According to an embodiment of the
pressure conditions). Accordingly, to insulate the helium 72 invention, the magnet ramp-down unit 94 is incorporated into
and 76 from external heat sources, the helium vessel 74 may or configured as a power Supply (including a power Source 95)
be surrounded by a radiation heat shield 78. Advantageously, 40 that can also be used to ramp up the polarizing magnet 54 by
a vacuum region 80 located between the helium vessel 74 and Supplying current thereto, although it is recognized that the
the heat shield 78, as well as between the heat shield 78 and an ramp-down unit 94 could be configured as a unit unto itself.
outer housing 82 of the resonance assembly 52 may further The ramp-down unit 94 is connected to the polarizing magnet
insulate the helium vessel 74 from external heat sources. 54 via the conductive leads 96, which terminate at terminals
Furthermore, as also discussed below, the vaporization of 45 98 on the resonance assembly 52. Additionally, sense lines
the liquid helium 72 typically increases the pressure in the 102 run from ramp-down unit 94 to sensing devices 104
helium vessel 74. Accordingly, the helium vessel 74 may be positioned in proximity to magnet (e.g., coupled to terminals
coupled to a vent or relief valve 86. In the present embodi 98) to provide magnet parameter data to the ramp-down unit
ment, for example, if pressure in the helium vessel 74 reaches 94. For example, the sensing devices 104 can be in the form of
or exceeds a desired operating pressure (e.g., 4 psi), the vent 50 voltage and/or current sensors that measure the level of volt
may release excess helium 76 to relieve the pressure. How age/current in the polarizing magnet 54. As stated above, this
ever, because helium is relatively expensive, it is desirable to Voltage/current level or value is then transmitted to ramp
avoid the venting of the helium. down unit 94 by sense lines 96.
To conserve helium, the helium vessel 74 is coupled to a As shown in FIG. 3, ramp-down unit 94 includes therein a
cryogen condensing system 84, which re-condenses gaseous 55 diode and switch assembly 106 that, in operation, allows for
helium 76 back into its liquid phase 72. The cryogen condens a controlled ramp-down of current from magnet 54. Diode/
ing system 84 includes a cold head 88 coupled to a compres switch assembly 106 includes therein a plurality of diode
sor 90. As appreciated by those skilled in the art, the com assemblies 108 (i.e., a diode block) arranged in series and a
pressor 90 pressurizes a coolant, Such as liquid nitrogen, and plurality of switches 110 arranged in parallel with the diode
circulates the coolant to the cold head 88. By allowing the 60 assemblies 108. The ramp-down unit 94 shown in FIG. 3
coolant to decrease in pressure, the cold head 88 may be includes a first diode assembly 112, a second diode assembly
cooled to the condensation point temperature of the cryogen 114, a third diode assembly 116, and a fourth diode assembly
that is enough to cause the gaseous helium 76, for example, to 118, but it is also recognized that a greater or lesser number of
return to its liquid phase. In a cyclical manner, the gaseous diode assemblies 108 could be included in ramp-down unit
helium 76 is routed from the vessel to the cold head 88, the 65 94. Each diode assembly 108 includes a first node 120 and a
components of which are cooled to approximately 2-4K to second node 122 forming connection points into and out of
condense the helium into its liquid phase 72. The re-con which current is directed to flow. In an exemplary embodi
US 8,027,139 B2
7 8
ment, each diode assembly 108 is comprised of a pair of which current is desired to pass from the closed position to the
parallel-connected, oppositely poled diodes 124 that operate open position, Such that the current from the polarizing mag
to negate polarity related effects in the ramp-down unit 94. net 54 passes through the determined number of diode assem
According to one embodiment, each of the pair of parallel blies 108.
connected diodes 124 is configured as a 900 amp diode. In According to an exemplary embodiment of the invention,
operation of the ramp-down unit 94, the plurality of diode the controller 132, in determining a number of the plurality of
assemblies 108 in diode/switch assembly 106 act as a resis diode assemblies 108 through which current from the polar
tance or load that draws current from the magnet, with the izing magnet 54 is desired to pass, compares the Voltage?
diode assemblies 108 being selectively engaged to increase current values received from the sensing device 104 to a
the resistance/load in a controlled manner. 10 plurality of pre-determined Voltage/current threshold settings
In an exemplary embodiment, the switches 110 in diode/ or values. The pre-determined voltage/current threshold set
switch assembly 106 are configured as electrical solenoid tings constitute threshold settings that are tied to the selective
switches and each "switch’ is comprised of a pair of electrical actuation of the electrical solenoid switches 126. According
solenoid switches 126 that are arranged in parallel with each to one embodiment of the invention, the plurality of threshold
diode assembly 108. The solenoid switches 126 are normally 15 settings includes a threshold setting corresponding to each
biased to a closed position such that current flows there diode assembly 108 in the ramp-down unit 94. Thus, with
through. Each pair of solenoid switches 126 can collectively respect to the ramp-down unit 94 of FIG. 3, the plurality of
be actuated from the closed position (i.e., first position) to an threshold settings could include a first threshold setting, a
open position (i.e., second position). Such that a flow of cur second threshold setting lower than the first threshold setting,
rent through the switch 110 can be controlled. That is, current a third threshold setting lower than the second threshold
is allowed to flow through each switch 110 when in the closed setting, and a final (i.e., cutoff) threshold setting lower than
position, and current is prevented from flowing through each the third threshold setting.
switch 110 when in the open position. To provide for actua According to an exemplary embodiment of the invention,
tion of each pair of parallelly arranged solenoid switches 126, the final/cutoff threshold setting defines a separation between
a switching power source 128 is coupled to each switch 110 25 a controlled ramp-down range and an uncontrolled ramp
and a power source switch 130 is provided between the down range. Based on the received Voltage/current values,
switching power source 128 and the switches 110 to selec controller 132 is programmed to determine if the polarizing
tively transmit power from the switching power source 128 to magnet 54 is in the controlled ramp-down range or the uncon
the Switches 110. According to an exemplary embodiment, trolled ramp-down range. That is, for a received Voltage/
power source 128 is configured as a 12V power source suffi 30 current value that is greater than the final/cutoff threshold
cient to actuate switches 110. A controller 132 controls actua setting, the controller 132 determines that the polarizing mag
tion of the power source switches 130 to selectively transmit net 54 is in the controlled ramp-down range. When the polar
power from the switching power source 128 to the switches izing magnet 54 is determined to be in the controlled ramp
110, thereby also controlling the actuation of the pair of down range, the controller 132 further determines the
solenoid switches 126 in each switch 110. When power is 35 number?portion of the plurality of diode assemblies 108
transmitted from the switching power source 128 to the pair through which current from the polarizing magnet 54 is
of solenoid switches 126, each of the pair of solenoid desired to pass based on the comparison of the received volt
Switches is actuated from the closed position to the open age/current value to the Voltage/current threshold settings
position by way of actuating a contact 134 from the first within the controlled ramp-down range (e.g., the first, second,
position to the second position (i.e., from the closed to the 40 and third threshold settings). For a received voltage/current
open position). value that is below the final/cutoff threshold setting, the con
When a switch 110 (i.e., pair of solenoid switches 126) is in troller 132 determines that the polarizing magnet 54 is in the
the closed position, an electrical short is formed between the uncontrolled ramp-down range and thus determines that a
first and second nodes 120, 122 of a corresponding diode controlled ramp-down of the Superconducting magnet is no
assembly 108. Thus, current flows through the switch 110 and 45 longer needed (i.e., the current/voltage level in the polarizing
bypasses the corresponding diode assembly 108. Conversely, magnet 54 is low enough that a magnet quenching event is no
when a switch 110 is in the open position, current is caused to longer possible) and that, as such, current from the polarizing
flow through the corresponding diode assembly 108. The magnet 54 may be allowed to pass through each/all of the
selective actuation of Switches 110 in diode/switch assembly plurality of diode assemblies 108 to draw down the remaining
106 thus controls the number of diode assemblies 108 50 current in the magnet in an efficient manner.
through which current from the polarizing magnet 54 passes, In operation, when the current/voltage value falls below
thereby providing for a controlled ramp-down of current from each respective threshold setting, the controller 132 selec
the magnet based on the selective actuation of the Switches tively actuates the switch 110 associated with that setting to
110. the open position. Thus, the controller 132 selectively actu
As stated above, the Voltage/current values measured by 55 ates the switch 110 corresponding to the first diode assembly
sensing devices 104 are transmitted to ramp-down unit 94 by 112 to the open position when the current/voltage value falls
sense lines 102. More particularly, the voltage/current value below the first threshold setting, selectively actuates the
of the magnet sensed by sensing devices 104 is transmitted to switch 110 corresponding to the second diode assembly 114
controller 132. The controller 132 receives the voltage/cur to the open position when the current/voltage value falls
rent data and controls operation of the diode/switch assembly 60 below the second threshold setting, selectively actuates the
106 based on the received voltage/current data on the polar switch 110 corresponding to the third diode assembly 116 to
izing magnet 54. Upon receiving the Voltage/current data, the the open position when the current/voltage value falls below
controller 132 determines a number of the plurality of diode the third threshold setting, and selectively actuates the switch
assemblies 108 through which current from the polarizing 110 corresponding to the fourth diode assembly 118 to the
magnet 54 is desired to pass. Based on this determination, the 65 open position when the current/voltage value falls below the
controller 132 then selectively actuates the switch(es) 110 final/cutoff threshold setting. It is also recognized that, in an
respectively coupled to those diode assemblies 108 through embodiment where additional diode assemblies 108 (and cor
US 8,027,139 B2
responding Switches) are included in the diode/switch assem a closed position to an open position based on the at least one
bly 106, the switch 110 corresponding to each of the addi magnet parameter value, wherein the selective actuation of
tional diode assemblies 108 would be actuated to the open the plurality of solenoid switches respectively coupled to the
position when the current/voltage value falls below the final/ determined number of diode assemblies from the closed posi
cutoff threshold setting. tion to the open position causes current from the Supercon
Beneficially, the selective actuation of the switches 110 by ducting magnet to pass through the determined number of
controller 132, based on a monitored current/voltage level of diode assemblies.
the polarizing magnet 54, provides for a controlled ramp According to yet another embodiment of the invention, a
down of the polarizing magnet 54. The controlled ramp-down system for automatically ramping-down a Superconducting
of the polarizing magnet 54 by ramp-down unit 94 thus pro 10 magnet includes an electrically conductive lead connectable
tects against a possible magnet "quenching that could dam to a Superconducting magnet, a plurality of diode assemblies
age the magnet were de-energizing of the magnet performed arranged in series and coupled to the electrically conductive
in an uncontrolled manner (e.g., current from the magnet lead, and a plurality of Switches arranged in parallel with the
automatically caused to pass through all diode assemblies). plurality of diode assemblies, with each switch having a first
The controlled ramp-down of the polarizing magnet 54 by 15 position and a second position and wherein each Switch
ramp-down unit 94 also helps to preserve cryogen (e.g., liquid causes current from the Superconducting magnet to bypass a
helium 72) in condensing system 82 (FIG. 2). That is, heat is corresponding diode assembly when in the first position and
introduced to the polarizing magnet 54 during a ramp-down causes current from the Superconducting magnet to pass
process due to the connection of the conductive leads 96 to the through a corresponding diode assembly when in the second
magnet, thereby causing cryogen to boil off. Therefore, less position. The system also includes a controller programmed
ening the time period of the ramp-down, and the time the to receive at least one magnet parameter value indicative of a
conductive leads 96 are connected to polarizing magnet 54, present state of the Superconducting magnet and determine if
reduces the amount of cryogen lost. The selective routing of the Superconducting magnet is in a controlled ramp down
the current from the polarizing magnet 54 through the diode range or in an uncontrolled ramp down range based on the at
assemblies 108 helps to minimize the time period of the 25 least one magnet parameter value. The controller is further
ramp-down process, thereby minimizing cryogen loss. programmed to selectively actuate a portion of the plurality of
A technical contribution for the disclosed method and switches from the first position to the second position if the
apparatus is that is provides for a controller implemented Superconducting magnetis in the controlled ramp down range
system and method for ramping-down a Superconducting and actuate each of the plurality of switches from the first
magnet in an automated fashion for servicing. 30 position to the second position if the Superconducting magnet
Therefore, according to an embodiment of the invention, a is in the uncontrolled ramp down range.
superconducting magnet ramp-down unit includes an electri This written description uses examples to disclose the
cally conductive lead connectable to a Superconducting mag invention, including the best mode, and also to enable any
net and a plurality of diode assemblies arranged in series and person skilled in the art to practice the invention, including
coupled to the electrically conductive lead, each diode assem 35 making and using any devices or systems and performing any
bly having a first node and a second node. The ramp-down incorporated methods. The patentable scope of the invention
unit also includes a plurality of Switches arranged in parallel is defined by the claims, and may include other examples that
with the plurality of diode assemblies, with each switch hav occur to those skilled in the art. Such other examples are
ing a first position and a second position and wherein each intended to be within the scope of the claims if they have
switch, when in the first position, forms an electrical short 40 structural elements that do not differ from the literal language
between the first and second nodes of a corresponding diode of the claims, or if they include equivalent structural elements
assembly. The ramp-down unit further includes a controller with insubstantial differences from the literal languages of
programmed to receive at least one magnet parameter value the claims.
indicative of a present state of the Superconducting magnet,
determine a number of the plurality of diode assemblies 45 What is claimed is:
through which current from the electrically conductive lead is 1. A Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit comprising:
desired to pass based on the at least one magnet parameter an electrically conductive lead connectable to a Supercon
value, and selectively actuate the plurality of switches respec ducting magnet;
tively coupled to the determined number of diode assemblies a plurality of diode assemblies arranged in series and
to the second position, Such that the current from the Super 50 coupled to the electrically conductive lead, each diode
conducting magnet passes through the determined number of assembly having a first node and a second node:
diode assemblies. a plurality of switches arranged in parallel with the plural
According to another embodiment of the invention, a ity of diode assemblies, each Switch having a first posi
method for automatically controlling a ramp-down of a Super tion and a second position, and wherein each Switch,
conducting magnet includes the step of electrically coupling 55 when in the first position, forms an electrical short
a ramp-down unit to the Superconducting magnet, with the between the first and second nodes of a corresponding
ramp down unit comprising a plurality of diode assemblies diode assembly; and
and a plurality of Solenoid Switches arranged in parallel with a controller programmed to:
the plurality of diode assemblies. The method also includes receive at least one magnet parameter value indicative of
the steps of monitoring at least one magnet parameter value 60 a present state of the Superconducting magnet;
indicative of a current state of the Superconducting magnet determine a number of the plurality of diode assemblies
and determining a number of the plurality of diode assemblies through which current from the electrically conduc
through which current from the Superconducting magnet is tive lead is desired to pass based on the at least one
desired to pass based on the at least one magnet parameter magnet parameter value; and
value. The method further includes the step of selectively 65 selectively actuate the plurality of switches respectively
actuating the plurality of Solenoid Switches respectively coupled to the determined number of diode assem
coupled to the determined number of diode assemblies from blies to the second position, such that the current from
US 8,027,139 B2
11 12
the Superconducting magnet passes through the deter 11. A method for automatically controlling a ramp-down of
mined number of diode assemblies. a Superconducting magnet comprising:
2. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 1 electrically coupling a ramp-down unit to the Supercon
wherein each of the plurality of diode assemblies comprises a ducting magnet, the ramp down unit comprising a plu
pair of parallel-connected, oppositely poled diodes. 5 rality of diode assemblies and a plurality of solenoid
3. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 2 switches arranged in parallel with the plurality of diode
wherein each of the pair of parallel-connected, oppositely assemblies;
poled diodes comprises a 900 amp diode. monitoring at least one magnet parameter value indicative
4. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 1 10 of a current state of the Superconducting magnet;
wherein the at least one magnet parameter value comprises determining a number of the plurality of diode assemblies
one of a current value and a Voltage value of the Supercon through which current from the Superconducting mag
ducting magnet. net is desired to pass based on the at least one magnet
5. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 1 parameter value; and
wherein the controller is programmed to: 15 selectively actuating the plurality of Solenoid Switches
compare the at least one magnet parameter value to a respectively coupled to the determined number of diode
plurality of threshold settings for the at least one magnet assemblies from a closed position to an open position
parameter; based on the at least one magnet parameter value;
determine the number of the plurality of diode assemblies wherein the selective actuation of the plurality of solenoid
through which current from the electrically conductive switches respectively coupled to the determined number
lead is desired to pass based on a relationship of the at of diode assemblies from the closed position to the open
least one magnet parameter value to the plurality of position causes current from the Superconducting mag
threshold settings. net to pass through the determined number of diode
6. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 5 assemblies.
wherein the plurality of threshold settings includes at least a 25 12. The method of claim 11 wherein selectively actuating
first threshold setting, a second threshold setting lower than the plurality of Solenoid Switches comprises:
the first threshold setting, and a final threshold setting lower selectively actuating the Solenoid Switch corresponding to
than the first and second threshold settings; and a first diode assembly to the open position if the magnet
wherein the controller is programmed to: parameter value is at a first setting:
Selectively actuate the Switch corresponding to a first 30 selectively actuating the Solenoid Switch corresponding to
diode assembly to the second position if the at least a second diode assembly to the open position if the
one magnet parameter value is below the first thresh magnet parameter value is at a second setting, such that
old setting and above the second threshold setting: the Solenoid Switches corresponding to the first and sec
Selectively actuate the Switch corresponding to a second ond diode assemblies are actuated to the open position;
diode assembly to the second position if the at least 35 and
one magnet parameter value is below the second selectively actuating the Solenoid Switches corresponding
threshold setting and above the final threshold setting, to an additional diode assemblies to the open position if
Such that the Switches corresponding to the first and the magnet parameter data is at another selected setting.
second diode assemblies are actuated to the second 13. The method of claim 11 wherein selectively actuating
position; and 40 the plurality of solenoid Switches comprises actuating each of
actuate all remaining Switches to the second position if the plurality of solenoid switches to the open position if the
the at least one magnet parameter value is below the magnet parameter value is below a cutoff threshold setting.
final threshold setting, such that the current from the 14. The method of claim 11 wherein monitoring the at least
Superconducting magnet passes through each of the one magnet parameter value comprises monitoring one of a
plurality of diode assemblies. 45 current value and a Voltage value of the Superconducting
7. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 1 magnet.
wherein the plurality of switches are normally biased to the 15. The method of claim 11 wherein selectively actuating
first position. the plurality of solenoid Switches comprises selectively trans
8. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 1 mitting a Switching power to the Solenoid Switches respec
wherein each of the plurality of switches comprises a pair of 50 tively coupled to the determined number of diode assemblies
Solenoid Switches arranged in parallel with a respective diode to cause the Solenoid Switches to move from the closed posi
assembly. tion to the open position.
9. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim 1 16. A system for automatically ramping-down a Supercon
further comprising: ducting magnet comprising:
a Switching power source; and 55 an electrically conductive lead connectable to a Supercon
a power source Switch configured to selectively transmit ducting magnet;
power from the Switching power source to the pair of a plurality of diode assemblies arranged in series and
Solenoid Switches; coupled to the electrically conductive lead;
wherein the controller selectively actuates the power a plurality of switches arranged in parallel with the plural
Source Switch, thereby causing the pair of Solenoid 60 ity of diode assemblies, each Switch having a first posi
switches to actuate from the first position to the second tion and a second position, and wherein each Switch
position. causes current from the Superconducting magnet to
10. The Superconducting magnet ramp-down unit of claim bypass a corresponding diode assembly when in the first
1 further comprising a sensing device configured to acquire position and causes current from the Superconducting
the at least one magnet parameter value from the Supercon 65 magnet to pass through a corresponding diode assembly
ducting magnet and transmit the at least one magnet param when in the second position; and
eter value to the controller. a controller programmed to:
US 8,027,139 B2
13 14
receive at least one magnet parameter value indicative of assemblies to the second position, such that the current
a present state of the Superconducting magnet; from the Superconducting magnet passes through the
determine if the Superconducting magnet is in a con- determined number of diode assemblies
trolled ramp down range or in an uncontrolled ramp 19. The system of claim 18 wherein controller is pro
down range based on the at least one magnet param- 5 grammed to:
eter value; define a plurality of magnet parameter threshold settings
selectively actuate a portion of the plurality of switches within the controlled ramp down range;
from the first position to the second position if the compare the at least magnet parameter value to the plural
Superconducting magnet is in the controlled ramp ity of magnet parameter threshold settings; and
down range; and
actuate each of the plurality of switches from the first 10 determine the number of the plurality of diode assemblies
through which current from the electrically conductive
position to the second position if the Superconducting lead is desired to pass based on the comparison of the at
magnet is in the uncontrolled ramp down range.
17. The system of claim 16 wherein the controller is pro- least magnet parameter value to the plurality of magnet
grammed to define a magnet parameter cutoff threshold value parameter threshold settings.
separating the controlled ramp down range from the uncon- 15 20. The system of claim 16 wherein each of the plurality of
trolled ramp down range. Switches comprises a pair of Solenoid Switches arranged in
18. The system of claim 16 wherein, when the supercon-
ducting magnet is further programmed to:
parallel with a respective diode assembly in the plurality of
diode assemblies.
determine a number of the plurality of diode assemblies 21. The system of claim 16 wherein the at least one magnet
through which current from the electrically conductive 20 parameter value comprises at least one of a current value and
lead is desired to pass based on the at least one magnet a Voltage value of the Superconducting magnet.
parameter value; and
selectively actuate the portion of the plurality of switches
respectively coupled to the determined number of diode k . . . .

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