ECE 28 FDS Coders
ECE 28 FDS Coders
ECE 28 FDS Coders
Muyong ID #: 2021-5575-A
Course/Year/Sec: BSECE 3A-1 Date Submitted: _____________
The 74147 is an “active low” device, which means, a logic state of “1” is represented by “GND”or
“LOW”, and a logic state of “0” is represented by “VCC”or “HIGH”. This is true for both the inputs and
outputs of the 74147. The 7447 on the other hand only has active low outputs, while its inputs are active high.
For this reason we need to put inverters from the output of the 74147 before going to the inputs of the 7447.
Now, since the output of the 7447 are active low, we only need to use a common-anode 7-segment LED
display. However, if your 7-segment LED display is a common-cathode type, you need to put inverters to each
of the seven outputs of the 7447 before connecting it to a common cathode LED display. In the 7447, the
three control pins, namely, LT’, RBO’, RBI’ pins must all be connected to +Vcc for normal operation.
1.) Assemble and construct the circuit in Circuit Diagram 1 using your own breadboard.
2.) After constructing the circuit, test for its functionality by pressing a single switch one at a time. Does it
display the correct digit corresponding to the switch that your pressed? (Yes/No) Yes
If your answer is yes, present to your instructor for verification. If not, try to troubleshoot your circuit first.
3.) Try pressing any two switches at the same time. What can you say about which digit is being displayed?
When 2 switches are pressed at the same time, the 7-segment LED would display the higher digit.
4.) Complete the Table B, below for the 7-segment LED display. The digit “0” is already given as
Digit BCD Active Segments reference.
0 0000 a, b, c, d, e, f
1 0001 b, c
2 0010 a, b, d, e, g
3 0011 a, b, c, d, g
4 0100 b, c, f, g
5 0101 a, c, d, f, g
6 0110 a, c, d, e, f, g
7 0111 a, b, c
8 1000 a, b, c, d, e, f, g
9 1001 a, b, c, f, g
Table B
Pin Diagram (top-view) Actual Chip (isometric view)
In this laboratory activity, the function of IC 74147, 7404, and 7447 were demonstrated by
constructing a circuit with a 7-segment LED Display. ICs used in this activity were identified where
74HC147 is a Decimal to BCD (10-to-4 line) Encoder and IC 74LS47 is a BCD-to-7 segment
The IC 74147 is part of the TTL 74xxx family that is a priority encoder which accepts 9
active low inputs. It ensures that only the highest data line is encoded. I was able to identify and
familiarize the pin diagram of the IC74147 and correct connections to these pins are important. Pin 16
is the VCC, pin 8 is the ground, pins 1-5 and 10-13 are the inputs, and pins 6,7,9 and 14 are the
outputs. This IC has 9 input pins (1-9) and 4 output pins (ABCD). Another IC used is the IC 7447, a
decoder that functions to accept a binary coded decimal as input and converts it to a pattern that
makes the 7 segment LED display digits from 0-9, depending on the switch pressed. It is applied to
the circuit to convert the BCD to the seven-segment code. It is also important to know the pin
diagram of this IC. Like 74147, pin 16 is the vcc, pin 8 is the ground, pin 1,2 6 and 7 are the inputs
(ABCD) and pin 9-15 are the 7 outputs (a-g). Since 74HC147 is a decoder with an active low inputs
and outputs while 74LS47 has active high inputs and active low outputs, an inverter (IC 7404) is
needed to be connected from the output of 74HC147 to the input of 74LS47 to perform the logical
invert action. The output of the inverter 7404 would be the opposite of the output of encoder 74147.
The output of 7404 is then connected to the input of the decoder 7447, and the output of 7447 is
connected to the common anode 7-segment LED display. The common anode 7 segment LED display
is used because the outputs of the decoder 7447 are active low. Lastly, the 7-segment LED display is
used in the circuit to display the output of the circuit. It displays digits from 0-9 by displaying
different combinations of the segments.
After construction of the circuit and testing its functionality, I was able to learn that the
whole circuit works in a way that when a certain switch is pressed, the 7-segment will display a digit
that corresponds to the switch being pressed. I was able to analyze how the encoder and decoder
functions as logic circuits. In this activity, I was also able to familiarize other encoder and decoder
TTL ICs 74138, 7442, 74148, and 74154 and learn their pin diagrams. Each IC has different input
and output pins, however, VCC is at pin 16 and their ground is at pin 7 except for 74154, where its
VCC is at pin 24 while the ground is at pin 12.
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