Learning Objectives:: Topic 2.2.3 - BCD Counter Topic 2.2.4 - Decade Counter

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Topic 2.2.

3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Learning Objectives:

2.2.3 BCD Counter

At the end of this topic you will be able to;

 explain the function of BCD counters;

 complete a truth table to show the signals needed to display a given

character on a common cathode 7-segment display;

 realise that dedicated decoder/driver ICs are available in a number

of formats to drive common cathode / common anode 7-segment


 recognise and analyse the block diagram for a single digit decimal

counting system.

2.2.4 Decade Counter

At the end of this topic you will be able to;

 describe the operation and use of a decade counter;

 draw simple timing diagrams for a decade counter.

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

2.2.3 BCD Counters

The previous topic covered binary counters, and their use linked to logic
systems, in generating a sequence of output states.

Sometimes we need to view the count as it takes place, for example when
counting cars entering a car park.

Whilst computers count in binary, for humans it is difficult to translate a

binary number such as 1010110102 into the equivalent decimal number (316) at
a glance.

To improve the readability of a counter output for humans, we need:

i. a counter that follows a decimal count sequence. i.e. 0-9

ii. a decimal display device that is easy to read.

(i) A counter that follows a decimal count system.

Binary Coded Decimal

Decimal Binary BCD
0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0010 0010
3 0011 0011
4 0100 0100
5 0101 0101
6 0110 0110
7 0111 0111
8 1000 1000
9 1001 1001
10 1010 1 0000

Look at the following table.

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

The third column in this table is a modified version of binary, called Binary
Coded Decimal (or BCD for short). In this the maximum count is restricted to
1001, i.e. 9 in decimal. After that, resetting, occurs when the count reaches
1010. The binary counter IC can be made into a BCD counter as shown below.

When the reset is active-low, a NAND gate is used:


When the reset is active-high, an AND gate is used:

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

(ii) 7-segment displays

The most common display for counting systems is the 7-segment display, a
single package that has 7 LED’s arranged as shown below.

f b

e c

Each LED (or segment) can be controlled independently and are used to
create our familiar numbers as shown below.

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Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

When the seven segment display is manufactured with all seven anodes
connected together then the display is referred to as a common anode
display. Common anode displays are controlled by ICs that sink current.
When the display is manufactured with all seven cathodes connected
together then the display is referred to as a common cathode display.
Common cathode displays are controlled by ICs that source current. The
circuit symbol for a seven segment display is shown in the following diagram.

Current limiting resistors

The best method of limiting the current through a seven

segment display is to use a current limiting resistor in series
with each of the seven LEDs.

The brightness of a particular LED does not depend on the

state of the other six LEDs.

If you were not particularly concerned with a constant

brightness, then a single limiting resistor could be used.

The brightness now depends on how many segments are


Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Decoder/Driver ICs

Next, we need an interface to link the two parts together as shown below.

f b
Unit g

e c


The purpose of the interface unit is to convert the BCD output from the
counter into appropriate logic signals to light the correct segment of the
display. We can show this in a truth table as shown below.

BCD Output 7-segment display inputs

D C B A a b c d e f g
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

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Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

The interface unit is a complex logic system that has 4 inputs and 7 outputs.
We do not need to know the exact logic function required for each output
since a dedicated IC, as a decoder/driver IC, is available. The device
performs two functions for us:

i. it decodes the BCD counter outputs A, B, C and D into the 7 input

signals a, b, c, d, e, f, g required for the 7-segment display. (this is the
decoder part)
ii. It provides a current boost to the output signals to provide enough
current to light the display segments directly. (this is the driver

f b
Decoder /
Driver g

e c

D C B A The completed system to

Cout produce numbers 0 – 9, making
R it easy for humans to interface
with a binary counting unit.

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Dedicated BCD Counters

IC manufacturers have produced a special version of the binary counter,

which has the reset internally wired to reset after a count of nine has been
reached. Using this device, called a BCD counter, removes the need for the
external NAND gate to reset the counter.

Using a BCD counter, the system will look like this.

f b
Decoder /

e c

BCD Counter Cout
The completed system using a BCD counter

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

Activity 1: BCD Counter/Decoder/Display System

1a. Set up the following counter which contains a CMOS 4510 BCD counter
and a 4511 decoder driver

1b. Press and release switch SW1 about twenty times and comment on what
you observe.


1c. Investigate the effect of connecting the U/D pin of the 4510 IC to 0V
rather than 9V.


Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Extending the BCD Count

A 0 to 9 counter would have one 4-bit BCD counter whilst a 00 to 99 counter

would have two 4-bit BCD counters.
Decimal Binary BCD
0 0000 0000 0000
1 0001 0000 0001
2 0010 0000 0010
3 0011 0000 0011
4 0100 0000 0100
5 0101 0000 0101
6 0110 0000 0110
7 0111 0000 0111
8 1000 0000 1000
9 1001 0000 1001
10 1010 0001 0000
11 1011 0001 0001
12 1100 0001 0010
13 1101 0001 0011
14 1110 0001 0100
15 1111 0001 0101
  
50 110010 0101 0000
  
99 1100011 1111 1111
Look at the table below:

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

Each group of 4 BCD digits is connected to its own BCD counter with the COUT
terminal of the first counter connected to the clock of the second one as
shown on the next page.
Decoder / Driver

Decoder / Driver

Clock BCD Counter Cout BCD Counter Cout

A 2 digit counter to count from 00 – 99

Useful circuit for project work

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

To build the 0-99 counter shown above is quite complicated. A better solution
would be to use a CMOS 4026 IC which has a BCD counter and Decoder
driver on the same chip. If you have time set up and test the following
circuit. You can add current limiting resistors to the display if needed.

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

Creating other characters

The 7-segment display can also be used to display other characters as shown

L H C A n

y E u P F

When we want to create these different characters we cannot use a

decoder/driver IC, as this is pre-programmed to convert the output of a BCD
Counter into the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

To create special characters we would have to design the logic decoder

required ourselves.

Now here are a few examples for you to try.

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Student Exercise 1:

1. The following circuit shows a binary counter, connected to a

decoder/driver and display. Write down the sequence of numbers
displayed as the clock input is pulsed 13 times.

f b
Decoder /
Driver g

e c


Clock Pulse Display Shows

0 0

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

2. The following circuit contains a BCD counter, connected to a 7-segment

display decoder/driver and display. Add to the circuit any required logic
gate and connections required to ensure that the largest number
displayed is ‘7’


The following diagram shows a 7-segment display, showing the number 3.


f b

e c

a) What segments will be on to display the number 1?


b) What segments will be on to display the number 4?

c) What segments will be off to display the number 2?
Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter


d) What segments will be off to display the number 7?


e) Describe the operation of a BCD to 7-Segment Display decoder









2.2.4 Decade Counters

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

A decade counter as it name suggests counts in decades or tens, however it is

not a binary counter. It has one clock input and ten outputs. Each output is
activated in turn when the clock pulses arrive. This is illustrated in the
following circuit diagram.

The output of the Logic Analyser shows what happens at the output pins
after the reset switch SW1 is momentarily closed:

Ch. 0 represents the clock pulse, Ch. 1 to 10 show the 10 outputs of the
Decade counter. You should be able to see that only one output at a time is at
logic 1 and that changes occur on the rising edge of the clock pulse.

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Activity 2: Light Chaser

2a. Set up the following circuit using the CMOS 4017 Decade counter

2b. Adjust VR1 on the 555 astable to vary the speed at which the sequence

2c. Connect the Q6 output of the counter to the R input and comment on
the effect this has on the sequence produced.


2d. Investigate the effect of connecting different outputs to the R input

and use your result to complete the following sentence:
“To shorten the sequence, connect the R input to the Q output which is

……………… the last output that you want in the sequence”

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

Activity 3: Electronic Dice

Note: You will not be examined on the use of the enable pin EN. When EN is
high the display freezes and when low it allows the outputs to go high in turn.

3a. Set up the following circuit:

3b. Press and release the Roll switch to test the electronic coin.

3c. Modify the circuit to make an electronic dice. You will need to change
the position of the wire which goes from the reset pin. You will also
need to connect 6 LEDs to the output pins.

3d. Comment on how well your dice works:

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Solutions to Student Exercises

Student Exercise 1:

Clock Pulse Display Shows
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 0
11 1
12 2
13 3


3. a) e and f.
GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

b) b, c, f and g.

c) c and f.

d) d, e, f and g.

e) The BCD to 7-segment display decoder chip takes the output of a

BCD counter and decodes this to provide the 7 outputs required to
light the segments of the display unit so that the decimal numbers
0 – 9 are displayed correctly.

Now for some examination style questions

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter

Examination Style Questions

1. A seven segment display can be used with a BCD counter and decoder to display numbers.

(a) What do the letters BCD stand for?


(b) A seven segment display can also be used with a suitable decoder to display letters.
A pupil has designed a simple light meter which uses a seven segment display.

The letter b is displayed when the light level is too bright.

The letter d is displayed when it is too dark.
If the light level is satisfactory the letter S is displayed.

The arrangement of the seven LED segments that make up the display is shown on the
following diagram.

Complete the following table to show which segments are lit when each of the letters b, d
and S are displayed.


GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

2. The block diagram of a counting system is shown below.

(a) What is the name of the block labelled A in the above diagram?


Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter
(b) The arrangement of the seven LED segments that make up the display is shown on the
following diagram.

Complete the following table to show the numbers displayed when different segments are


GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

3. (a) The diagram shows the arrangement of the LED’s in a seven segment display.

A segment lights up when it receives a logic 1 signal.

Complete the following table.

(b) Here is the block diagram for a single digit decimal counting system.

Which one of the following statements, A, B, C or D, is true for a BCD counter?

A: The BCD counter counts faster than a binary counter.

B: The BCD counter resets on every tenth pulse.

C: The BCD counter delivers more current to the decoder/driver.

D: The BCD counter displays letters as well as numbers.

Answer …………………………..

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter
4. The two circuits below show a 5Hz clock connected to a decade counter and bargraph LED

(a) How long will it take for the sequence to cycle through all 10 outputs in circuit A ……....

(b) Which LEDs will come on in circuit B ...…………………………………………..………


(c) How long will it take to cycle through the sequence displayed in circuit B …………

Q0 D1
5. The circuit below shows a 20 Hz clock connected to a decade counter, four OR gates and 6 LEDs.

(a) Complete the table below to show which LED comes on for each step of the sequence
produced by the decade counter.

GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics


(b) How long will it take for the sequence to cycle through all 10 outputs …………

Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter
6. (a) The diagram shows the arrangement of the LEDs in a seven segment display.

Complete the following table.

(b) Here is the block diagram for a counting system. The system shows how many times the
switch has been pressed.

(i) What does BCD stand for?


GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

(ii) The table shows the output of the BCD counter after the switch has been pressed a
number of times.

Complete the table


Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter
7. A fairground ride contains a counting system which shows the operator how many people have
passed through a turnstile.

(a) The block diagram of the counting system is given below.

(i) What do the letters BCD stand for?

(ii) What does block X contain? Choose your answer from the following list.

pulse generator decoder multiplexer comparator


(b) A 4-bit binary counter is used for the BCD counter. The counter must reset when the ninth
person passes through the turnstile. The counter is reset by taking the reset pin to logic 1.
Complete the diagram below to show how this can be done.
Bit A of the counter is the least significant bit.


GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

(c) The arrangement of the seven LED segments that make up the display is shown on the
following diagram.

Complete the table to show the numbers displayed when different segments are lit.


Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter
8. The block diagram gives the main components involved in a counting system which drives a
bar graph display unit.
X Display

(a) What is the name of the counter in Block X?

(b) Complete the output graphs Op1 – Op10 below to show the output from Block X in
response to the clock pulses provided. Initially all outputs are at logic 0.












GCSE Electronics.
Unit E2 : Applications of Electronics

Self Evaluation Review

Learning Objectives My personal review of these objectives:

  
2.2.3 BCD Counter

explain the function of BCD counters;

complete a truth table to show the signals

needed to display a given character on a
common cathode 7-segment display;
realise that dedicated decoder/driver ICs
are available in a number of formats to
drive common cathode / common anode 7-
segment displays;
recognise and analyse the block diagram for
a single digit decimal counting system.
2.2.4 Decade Counter

describe the operation and use of a decade

draw simple timing diagrams for a decade

Targets: 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic 2.2.3 – BCD Counter
Topic 2.2.4 – Decade Counter


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