Club Info Handbook

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Student Leadership

and Development

Spring 2023

Sacramento City College
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Table of Contents
WHO CAN START A CLUB …………………………………………………………………………..5
PURPOSE OF A CLUB ………………………………………………………………………………..5
How to Start or Renew a Club……………………………………………………………………………6
SUMMER EXTENSION………………………………………………………………………………6
CLUB CHANGES (Advisors, Officers, and Members).........................................................................6
CLUB CONSTITUTION OUTLINE…………………………………………………………………..7
Club Information………………………………………………………………………………………….8
CLUB PRIVILEGES…………………………………………………………………………………..8
CLUB MEMBER CONDUCT…………………………………………………………………………8
Advisor Information………………………………………………………………………………………9
ADVISOR SELECTION……………………………………………………………………………….9
ADVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES……………………………………………………………………...9
ADVISOR BENEFITS…………………………………………………………………………………9
Clubs and Events Board (CAEB).............................................................................................................10
CLUBS AND EVENTS BOARD…………………………………………………………………….10
GENERAL INFORMATION…………………………………………………………………………10
AGENDA REQUESTS AND FORM ………………………………………………………………...11
PARTICIPATORY DECISION-MAKING……………………………………………………………12
STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT………………………………………………………………..17
Funding Sources………………………………………………………………………………………….19
CLUB ACCOUNT……………………………………………………………………………………19
CAEB FUND PROCESS……………………………………………………………………………..19
SEED MONEY………………………………………………………………………………………..20
INCENTIVE POINTS………………………………………………………………………………...20
STUDENT EMPOWERMENT GRANT……………………………………………………………..20
FUNDING CHECKLIST……………………………………………………………………………..21

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EMPOWERMENT GRANT OUTLINE……………………………………………………………..22
Accounting Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………..23
GENERAL INFORMATION…………………………………………………………………………23
FINANCIAL ETHICS………………………………………………………………………………...23
EXPENDITURE OF CLUB FUNDS…………………………………………………………………24
DEPOSIT OF CLUB FUNDS………………………………………………………………………...25
CHANGE FUND (CASH BOX)...........................................................................................................25
TYPES OF EXPENDITURES (GIFTS OF PUBLIC FUNDS)............................................................26
DONATIONS AND TAX WRITE-OFFS…………………………………………………………….26
TAX EXEMPT STATUS……………………………………………………………………………...26
Facility Requests………………………………………………………………………………………….26
GENERAL INFORMATION…………………………………………………………………………26
CAMPUS FACILITY REQUESTS…………………………………………………………………...27
MEDIA SERVICE REQUESTS………………………………………………………………………27
Student Travel……………………………………………………………………………………………27
STUDENT TRAVEL POLICY (NON-CLASSROOM).......................................................................27
STUDENT TRAVEL FORMS………………………………………………………………………..29
ATTENDING ADVISOR AGREEMENT ……………………………………………………………30
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT…………………………………………………………………..31
WAIVER/ASSUMPTION OF RISK………………………………………………………………….32
BULLETIN BOARDS…………………………………………………………………………..……34
CLUB DISPLAYS…………………………………………………………………………………….35
COLLEGE HOUR…………………………………………………………………………………….35
CUSTODIAL/FACILITY SUPPORT………………………………………………………………...35
DANCE/RELATED LARGE EVENTS………………………………………………………………35
DUPLICATING SERVICES………………………………………………………………………….37
EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS…………………………………………………………………….37
FLAG POLE………………………………………………………………………………………….37
FOOD SALES………………………………………………………………………………………..37
FREE SPEECH AREAS……………………………………………………………………………...37
PUBLICATIONS AND MARKETING (“STYLE GUIDE”)...............................................................38

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WEB PAGES………………………………………………………………………………………….38

Contact Information……………………………………………………………………………………..40

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Student Leadership and Development (SL&D) at Sacramento City College is designed to provide and
complement learning in and out of the classroom. All students are encouraged to create and take
advantage of opportunities for involvement that will enhance their academic studies and contribute to
their life goals. Getting involved at SCC can help students feel more valued on campus and achieve
their goals through enhanced learning and larger support networks. The opportunities are endless. Join
in the fun now and enjoy the benefits for the rest of your life.


Any student who is enrolled at Sacramento City College and has at least nine other students interested
in joining the club.


To provide students opportunities to:

• Share similar interests with their peers.
• Provide valuable service to the campus and community.
• Network with other students and clubs.
• Interact with faculty and staff.
• Create and participate in campus activities and events.
• Learn and apply new skills.
• Have fun.

• LRCCD Website:
o LRCCD Policy –2312, - 2314, -2400 o
LRCCD Regulation –2312, -2314, -2400
• Official California Legislative Information Website:
o California Education Code § 76060-76067

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How to Start or Renew a Club

Complete this form if you plan to charter your club for the current academic year (fall/spring).

1. Clubs can declare their activity between April 1st (of the previous academic year) to February
28th (of the current academic year).
2. The application is available and submitted online at:
3. Clubs must have at least one SCC faculty member in as an advisor (LRCCD Board
a. A second, or co-advisor, is strongly recommended.
4. In order to be active, the club must have ten SCC enrolled students (including the
president,treasurer, and Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) Representative) on the application,
with their wID numbers.
a. The Clubs and Events Board Representative may be any of the enrolled students
mentioned in the application.
5. A president and treasurer are required for activity and can be elected or appointed by club
a. Please note that officers must maintain a minimum of five (5) units and a minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.0 at Sacramento City College.
6. A club constitution is required and should outline the club’s guiding principles.
a. A sample is included in this packet.
7. Upon submission, the Student Leadership and Development Office will notify the club
president and advisor regarding the status of your chartership application within three to five
working days.
8. The club president and advisor will be contacted for the required club training prior to the
applications final approval.


A club may remain active through the summer of the current academic year (until June 30th). Please
note that the Student Leadership and Development Office values student involvement throughout the
year. Although our hours may be reduced during the summer, we will strive to provide quality service
and support to all of our students and advisors.

CLUB CHANGES (Advisors, Officers, and Members)

1. Any changes to advisors and club officers should be submitted to the Student Leadership and
Development Office staff.
a. Any new president or advisor will be required to attend the club training.


1. All clubs and student organizations must comply with policies and procedures as set forth by
Student Leadership and Development (SLD), Sacramento City College (SCC), and Los Rios
Community College District (LRCCD)

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A club constitution should establish the fundamental principles on which the club is to operate. A club
constitution should include the following:

ARTICLE I- Name of the Organization Section 1: The name of this organization shall be (e.g. the
Outdoor Adventure Club).

ARTICLE II- Purpose of the Organization: This section can be as brief or as detailed as you would
like. It should include, at least, a general outline of what your club would like to accomplish.

ARTICLE III- Members/Officers of the Organization: Detail in this section what officers your club
will have, how they will be elected, when they will be elected, the term of office each will hold, and
how vacancies will be filled. Also, address duties, performance, and removal of members/officers.

ARTICLES IV- Qualifications for Members/Officers: List the requirements and qualifications
necessary to become an officer without regard to race, color, marital status, religion, national origin,
sex, age, handicap, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Note: All SCC enrolled students are eligible
for membership.

ARTICLE V- Meetings: Determine the frequency of general meetings and establish procedures.
Special meetings may need to be addressed as well.

ARTICLE VI- Quorum: State the minimum number of members who must be present at a meeting in
order to transact business. (Should not be less than a majority).

ARTICLE VII- Parliamentary Authority: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules
of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which
they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and any special rules of order the Club may adopt.

ARTICLE VIII- Amendments: State how and when the constitution can be amended. (Constitutions
typically take a 2 / 3 vote to amend).

NOTE: All constitutions must have the approval of the club president and club advisor as follows: “I
have read and understand the contents of this document” on the chartership application.

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Club Information

The following privileges apply to officially chartered clubs at Sacramento City College:

1. The use of the name, Sacramento City College, for approved events and activities.
2. The use of Sacramento City College facilities and equipment for approved meetings and
3. The posting of flyers for approved meetings and events, in compliance with Sacramento City
College regulations.
4. Publicity of approved meetings and events in on-campus resources.
5. The use of a trust account at the Sacramento City College Business Office.
6. Relationship with the Student Associated Council.
7. Opportunity for representation on the Clubs and Events Board (CAEB).
8. The opportunity to link your club web page through the Student Leadership and Development
9. The freedom to organize activities that benefit students, their clubs and their constituents.
10. The opportunity to share common interests and broaden social horizons that lead to a positive
campus environment.
11. Qualifying club members may apply for the Medal of Excellence in Leadership.


A Charted student club may have its official status and privileges denied, revoked or suspended for
the following reasons:

1. The advisor is not present at a club meeting, special event or function held on or off campus.
2. A club-sponsored activity, whether on or off campus, violates district or college rules and
3. A club member acts in such a way that creates a substantial disruption to the orderly
operation of the college. (LRCCD Policies and Regulations P-2411, P2441).
4. A club does not deposit revenue within 24 hours of receipt with the Business Services Office.


Club members are not only expected to comply with campus and district policies and regulations, but
are expected to serve as role models for all SCC students. In addition, club members must abide by
their club’s constitution and rules. Failure to comply may result in consequences, including but not
limited to warnings, restitution/commensurate consequences, club suspension, club expulsion, referral
to Discipline.

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Advisor Information

1. Student club members are responsible for selecting their club’s advisor(s).
2. The primary advisor must be a faculty member at SCC.
3. Faculty spend a lot of time and energy, above and beyond their normal work duties,
volunteering as club advisor(s).
a. Due to the commitment level, co-advisors are recommended. Having two advisors
that work and communicate well together will provide for a better experience to both
the advisors and students.
4. Students are encouraged to select an advisor(s) with similar interests.
5. Advisors play an important role in the development of our students and clubs. They also have
a tremendous responsibility and should be well informed prior to making a club commitment.
Students are encouraged to share and discuss this Handbook with prospective advisors.


1. . The primary advisor for each club must be a SCC faculty member (LRCCD Policies and
Regulations P-2312) and have authority to sign off on financial matters.
2. Approve all club facility requests; Operations will contact the Advisor when their key (for
room requests for standing meetings only) is ready for pick-up.
3. Play an active role in assisting students in planning meaningful activities that are consistent
with the purpose of the group, and/or with the goals of the organization.
4. Attend all club activities and meetings, whether on or off campus (LRCCD Regulation 1411,
5. Confirm and monitor student academic enrollment eligibility and club membership.
6. Encourage development, initiative, responsibility, and leadership of the student members.
7. Promote communication with the Student Leadership and Development Office.
8. Ensure club compliance with all college and strict policies and regulations.


1. Stay connected with the students and their lives, which will enhance service, support, and
2. Contribute to the holistic development of students and their academic success.
3. Get involved in student life and the campus community.
4. Earn service hours (see below).
5. Have fun.

Advisor Service Hours Information from the 2021-2023 Contract

College Service represents a professional obligation by a full-time faculty to the institution.

Participation, to be determined by the faculty member. College Service may include, but not be
limited to the following activities: efforts to close the opportunity gaps for students, faculty and staff
and other anti-racism and equity related work, advisory committees, college planning processes,
professional growth activities such as online and onground instructional skills workshops, developing
and assessing student learning outcomes, accreditation work, college sponsored student success

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initiatives, college outreach and activities, division and department meetings, program planning,
search and selection committees, evaluation teams, sponsoring and supporting student activities,
college and district governance, state-wide faculty organization meetings, conferences and
workshops, State Chancellor Office task force assignments, and activities of the LRCFT that are
reasonably related to college service.

Clubs and Events Board (CAEB)


The Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) provides clubs the opportunity to join with other clubs in
fundraising efforts, scholarships, networking, community service efforts, and/or other education
activities the clubs may be interested in. Clubs seeking support, financial or otherwise, from the CAEB
or Student Senate must participate in CAEB.
If a club chooses not to participate, they will also not be able to participate in Club Day.


The Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) is one branch of the Student Associated Council (SAC), along
with the Student Senate. Both branches have representatives that serve on the Joint Budget
Committee (JBC). The Student Associated Council is a team of student leaders dedicated to
representing the interests and protecting the future of a diverse student body and is the official
representative body for the students at Sacramento City College. CAEB is the umbrella organization
over all participating clubs. Clubs who elect to be members of CAEB will have the opportunity to join
with other clubs in accessing funds, fundraising (e.g. Club Day), networking, community service
events, campus activities, etc. Clubs seeking support, financial or otherwise, from the Clubs and
Events Board or Student Senate must participate in CAEB. Members of the Clubs and Events Board
are expected to send a representative to regularly scheduled meetings and actively participate in all
decision-making and activities.

For more information about the Student Associated Council, including CAEB, meeting schedules,
and position appointments, quick link to the Student Leadership and Development web page from the
SCC home page. Check out the SAC Handbook, constitution and bylaws, and meeting schedules.


South Gym 232 (via SOG 226)

Phone: (916) 558-2915
Individual members of the Clubs and Events Board can be contacted via their emails and office hours
found at:


The Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) is a sister organization to the Student Senate. The Student
Senate is the only vehicle recognized by California law for the coordination and representation of

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students’ ideas and opinions. For more information on the Student Senate, contact the Student
Leadership and Development Office.


South Gym 232 (via SOG 226)

Phone: (916) 558-2446
Individual members of the Student Senate can be contacted via their emails and office hours found at:


If you would like an item to be discussed by the Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) or the Student
Senate, then it must be placed on the meeting agenda. To have an item placed on the agenda, notify
the president of the respective board. The President is responsible for setting the agenda and running
all meetings. If you have questions, speak with the President or the Student Leadership and
Development (SLD) Advisor.

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Participatory Decision-Making
Compiled by Malissa Kekahu, May 2018

I. Philosophy of Participatory Decision-Making

1. “The goal of participatory decision-making at Sacramento City College is to provide a
working environment which encourages the participation of the entire campus
community—students, faculty, classified staff, and managers—in the process of making
decisions that directly and indirectly affect them” (The Governance Guide 2016, 4).

II. Definition of Participatory Decision-Making

1. Open, consistent, and continuous process
2. Provides the opportunity for all individuals to have their suggestions and ideas
represented in the decision-making process through personal or representative
3. Four components of governance
i. Administrative structure facilitated by management staff
ii. Constituent groups
iii. A committee system
iv. Input from individuals or groups
4. The College President
i. Is part of and outside of the governance structure
ii. Responsible for the effectiveness of the governance structure
5. All individuals
i. Must take responsibility for their own involvement in the process and within the
governance structure for participatory decision-making to work effectively
III. Four Components of Participatory Decision-Making
1. Administrative Structure
i. Four sub-structures
A. President’s Office
B. Instructional Services
C. Student Services
D. Administrative Services
ii. Each sub-structure discusses and acts upon the operational issues in its area of the
iii. Issues that affect the entire campus move up the organizational ladder
iv. Groups have the responsibility of working with each other when making
decisions about areas of mutual concern
2. Constituent Groups
i. There are four constituent groups
A. Students
a. Represented by the Student Senate
B. Faculty
a. Represented by the Academic Senate
C. Classified Staff
a. Represented by the Classified Senate
D. Management Staff
a. Represented by the Manager’s Council

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ii. A representative from each constituent group serves on the Executive Council
with the College President
3. Standing Committees (Campus Committees)
i. Purpose
A. To bring together members of all constituencies and components of the
administrative structure to represent various interests
ii. Responsibilities
A. Foster a climate of
1. Mutual trust and resolution
2. Positive communication skills
3. Timely reporting
4. Identifying, studying, reviewing issues in specific areas
5. Making recommendations concerning services and programs
iii. Representation
A. Committees are balanced and structured to represent all constituent
iv. Chairs
A. Tri-leadership of faculty, classified staff, and manager on each committee
v. Appointments
A. Length of appointment
a. Depends on committee, constituency, and individual
b. For example students may only be able to serve for one semester
B. Method of appointment
a. Members of each constituent group are asked to respond to a
survey where each individual requests to be appointed to a
b. Individuals are appointed to standing committees each year
c. Constituency leaders are responsible for appointing the tri-chairs
and members of each standing committee
4. Input from individuals or groups
i. A campus-wide issue can be identified by an individual, a department, a
constituent group, or a committee
ii. A Campus Issue Form can be used to present major college-wide issues
A. More information about this process can be found in Section IV

IV. Campus Issue Process (revised February 2014)

1. Purpose
i. A campus-wide issue can be identified and initiated by any individual,
department, constituent group, or committee, and their recommendations can be
submitted to the Process Coordinator using a Campus Issues Form
2. Process
i. Initiator
A. Describes issue or concern
B. Suggests possible solution
C. Submits Campus Issue Form to
a. SAC Advisor (for advising and informational purposes)
b. Process Coordinator; this role is assigned to the Dean of
Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
ii. Process Coordinator
A. Receives Campus Issue Forms from the college community

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B. Submits Campus Issue Form to Executive Council for discussion and
C. Reports within five working days to the initiator what action was taken
D. Continues to communicate with originator of Campus Issue throughout
the process
E. Communicates governance news to the campus community
F. Serves as a resource person on the Executive Council
iii. Executive Council
A. Receives form
B. Discusses issue or concern
C. Seeks additional information if necessary
D. Forwards the issue to the appropriate committee or individual, or makes
a recommendation to the President with 30 working days
iv. Standing Committee
A. If the issue is forwarded to a Campus Committee by the Process
Coordinator, on behalf of the Executive Council, the issue will be placed
on the committee’s next agenda
B. When the committee receives the form it will
a. Gather information
b. Discuss the issue or concern
c. Seek additional information if necessary
d. Send a progress report or make a recommendation to the
Executive Council within 30 days
v. Final Steps
A. Executive Council
a. When the council receives a recommendation on the issue or
concern from a committee they will
i. Discuss the recommendation
ii. Seek input from constituency groups if necessary
iii. Make a recommendation to the President
B. President
a. The President’s Response
i. Communicated to the Executive Council
ii. Shared campus-wide through SCC e-News
C. Process Coordinator
a. Publishes the President’s Response and the outcome of the
Campus Issue online at:
3. Campus Issue Form
i. The Campus Issue form can be found at:

V. Executive Council
1. Purpose
i. To represent constituent groups in advising the president on college-wide policy
and procedure decisions
ii. To ensure that the participatory decision-making process is viable, consistent, and
iii. To ensure that the process addresses college issues in a timely fashion
2. Responsibilities

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i. To ensure that the Guide to Participatory Decision-Making accurately reflects the
current and approved process at SCC
3. Membership
i. Includes one representative from each of the constituent groups
A. Academic Senate
B. Classified Senate
C. Associated Students
D. Senior Leadership Team
E. College President
ii. Ex officio resource people include
A. Vice President of Instruction
B. Vice President of Student Services
C. Vice President of Administrative Services
D. Dean of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (Process
E. Public Information Officer
4. Guidelines for operation
i. Meetings held at least once a month
ii. Receives recommendations from campus members or committees
iii. Council members make recommendations on policies and procedures to the
iv. The president identifies specific implementation strategies or people responsible
for carrying them out
v. The Executive Council develops additional guidelines as necessary to carry out
its responsibilities

VI. Campus Committees**

1. Who can be appointed to a Campus Committee?
i. All students are encouraged to participate by joining a Sacramento City College
standing committee
ii. Please be aware of the time commitment that is required for each committee
A. For this reason, it is suggested that most students should only serve on
one committee per semester
2. How can a student be appointed to a Campus Committee?
i. To be appointed please contact the Student Leadership and Development Office
3. Students will take this survey each Fall and Spring semester to be appointed to a Campus
4. How can a student be removed from a Campus Committee?
i. Please email your Student Senate President and Adviser to be added and removed
from a campus committee,
5. What Campus Committees are there?
i. Affordable Educational Resources
ii. Budget
iii. Campus Development
iv. Campus Safety
v. Curriculum (sub-committee of Academic Senate)
vi. Educational & Information Technology (E&IT)
vii. Honors & Awards (H&A)
viii. Learning Resources
ix. Matriculation & Student Success
x. Planning, Research, & Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE)

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xi. Staff Development
xii. Staff Equity and Diversity
xiii. Student Equity
6. When do the Campus Committees meet and what are the goals of each committee?
i. The answers can be found on the website at:
ii. For more information on committees please visit the PRIE website at:

**For the purpose of student appointments the term Campus Committee is used. However, please be
advised that the college refers to these groups as Standing Committees. The term has been used
interchangeably throughout this document.


Student presence on campus and district governance committees is important. By serving on committees,
you have the opportunity to see first-hand how the campus is governed and you are able to participate in
the decision-making process in the interest of the student body. The following strategies are intended to
help student representatives manage their roles on campus governance committees.
Once you have been assigned to a committee, do the following:
✓ Find out the name of the chairs of the committee and make an appointment to talk with one of
✓ Be on time to the appointment and go prepared with questions about the committee’s mission,
activities, and agenda for the year.
✓ Look over the roster of committee members and make note of those people you know and with
whom you have a positive relationship. You may be able to get them to help you understand some
of the more complicated issues that come before the committee. You may also be able to get their
support on student issues.
✓ Attend meetings regularly and find a back-up representative to attend in your place when you
need to be absent.
✓ Take note at the meeting and collect copies of all handouts. During the discussion phase on the
issues, don’t be afraid to contribute, get involved and/or ask questions.
✓ After each meeting, rewrite your notes into a brief report on the proceedings. The average
length of the report should be about one page or less. This is a summary.
✓ Submit your report, as requested, to the Student Associated Council.

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What is the importance of the topics discussed to the Student Associated Council and the general
student body?

What actions (if any) do you recommend that the Student Associated Council take?

*Attach a copy of the committee agenda and any handouts to this report. If you need to present to the Student Associated Council, then inform the
president in writing that you have a report and want to be on the agenda. Submit all reports to the Council.

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Deadline: End of the second week of the fall semester

Submit to: Student Leadership and Development,

Each year, the Student Senate President appoints five students to serve on the Disciplinary
Appeals Panel. These students will be called on to sit with faculty and staff, on a panel, hearing
student appeals resulting from the disciplinary process at SCC. Dates and times are set for the
hearings on a case-by-case basis.

The Student Senate President will strive to appoint students who represent the diversity at SCC
and are in good academic standing. In addition, any student with a disciplinary record at SCC
will not be eligible for appointment.

Student Name: Student ID #


E-mail Address:

Phone #:

Person Making the Nomination:

Contact Information:

For Office Use Only


Student Senate President Signature

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Funding Sources

Once your club has been chartered, approved for activity and has its first account transaction, an
account for your club will be established in the College Business Office. There are many ways for
clubs to obtain funds through fundraisers, Seed Money, Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) matching
funds, and Student Senate Empowerment Grant process.


The Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) shall receive an annual budget for general expenses, including
club activities as determined by the formula set by the Joint Budget Committee.1

I. When planning to request funds from Clubs and Events Board (CAEB), consider the
following rules first:
A. Student projects must have an assigned advisor. The advisor is to be the
administrator, faculty, or staff of SCC.2
B. No funding requests will be considered by the CAEB for completed projects.2
C. CAEB employs a Matching Funds Policy whereby the requestor must contribute at
least as much as is being requested.2
D. Off-campus accounts are prohibited.
E. Always keep copies for your records.
II. Each expenditure recommendation or funding request must be asked through the approved
official CAEB funding form3, which can be found at:
A. Funding proposals must be submitted at least 30 days before the funds are required. It
is necessary to have time to evaluate the proposal and, if approved, to allocate the
funds. Allocation prior to the project starting date will not be guaranteed. The
Funding Committee will not take funding requests from outside requesters after
November 28 (for Fall) and April 18 (for the Spring)2.
B. Funding proposals must be the project, and an itemized budget including any revenue
on a spreadsheet, and include a financial report. The proposal should include
anticipated outcomes and benefits to the students and the school. CAEB will approve
no more than three funding requests, per academic year, per club.
C. Applicants approved for funding will be expected to present a written and oral report
to CAEB after use of funds.2
III. The filled out funding request form must be submitted to the CAEB President, Vice President,
and Treasurer by the club representative or a club member who has attended two consecutive
CAEB board meetings prior to allocation of funds.4 The Treasurer will review the funding
request and, should everything be in order, inform the President to add the funding request to
the agenda.
IV. After the funding request has been approved, also note that:
A. If the funds are allocated by CAEB are not used within sixty (60) days of approval
then the funding agreement may become null and void
V. Exceptions to this process are at the discretion of the Clubs and Events Board.
1 Student Associated Council Constitution, Article VIII, Section 5 iii.
2 SAC Handbook, SAC Funding Policy
3 Clubs and Events Board Bylaws, Article XI, Section 1 vi.
4 Clubs and Events Board Bylaws, Article XI, Section 1 iii.

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Newly chartered clubs shall be eligible for seed money from the Clubs and Events Board (CAEB)
budget in the amount no higher than one hundred (100) dollars if they have attended two
consecutive CAEB meetings. A new club is defined as one of the following:
1. A club that has not been chartered for the last two academic years and its funds have been
reverted back to CAEB
2. A club that has chartered for the first time in the current academic year, and has an
account balance of less than fifty (50) dollars.


Incentive points will be accrued by clubs, not representatives. If a club sends more than one
representative, then they will earn points equal to only sending one representative. A
representative can represent one club for incentive points. Clubs can earn points in two ways:
● 1 point for attending a CAEB meeting from Call of Order to Adjournment. If a club has
attended less than sixty (60%) of the total meetings for the semester the accrued points
are considered Null and Void.
● 1 point per hour of training as provided for by Student Leadership and Development.

CAEB will allocate an amount of funds each semester to be distributed equitably to all clubs with
incentive points. The value of each point will be based on the total amount of funds allocated and
the total number of incentive points earned. The total amount allocated divided by the total
number of points equals point value. The Treasurer will be in charge of keeping record of
Incentive points, tallying the total amount of points, which clubs those points are allocated
towards, and submitting the Incentive points as a proposal to CAEB.


The Student Empowerment Grant is an $800 grant for clubs at Sacramento City College with the
purpose of developing a robust organizational culture that generates student self-empowerment
and inspired organized student activities. For your convenience, we have attached guidelines for
applying as well as the application itself.
● Funding Policy Link
● Student Senate Empowerment Grant Application Link


Please see Food Sales in this Handbook.

Other ways to fundraise for your club could include: talent show event with ticket sales, profit
sharing with a company or organization (i.e. Chipotle, Jamba Juice, etc.), non-food items made by
club members (i.e. art pieces, handbags, book marks, jewelry, t-shirts, etc.), walkathons, car
shows, running events, community yard sales, BINGO events, movie nights, board game
tournaments, etc.

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Sacramento City College
Student Associated Council
(Initial to Acknowledge):

_____ The Student Senate offers chartered SCC clubs Empowerment Grants (Separate from other SAC
funding process), in the amount of $800, with the total number of grants to be funded each ebay to be
determined at the beginning of the fiscal year by the Student Senate.

_____ All Sacramento City College (SCC) clubs must first apply for funds through the Club and Events
Board before applying to the Student Senate.

_____ In addition, any Sacramento City College organization, club or group may request up to $2000
once a term year (Fall/Spring) without matching funds, with the total number of grants to be funded each
year to be determined at the beginning of the fiscal year by the Student Senate.

_____ After the up to $2000 yearly grant has been bestowed (or if the maximum number of grants have
been given) for the term (Fall/Spring), the organization, club, or group may also request funding to match
the amount the requestor is also contributing to the activity (if any unmatched funds have already been
given by the Student Senate in the same term year, those funds are to be excluded from the amount to be
considered for matching funds).

_____ Requestors must apply for matching funds in the semester before funds are needed, according to
the established timeline.

_____ The Student Associated Council has the decision to choose up to the matching funds requested

_____ Voting members of the Student Associated Council that are members of requesting organizations,
clubs, and groups are encouraged to recuse themselves from any votes on funding requests of groups in
which they belong.

_____ Requestors must show how the funds will be utilized, and approved, the requestor must give a
detailed statement within two Student Senate meetings after the activity has occurred.

_____ Any funds granted that are unused for the applied activity in a term year (Fall/Spring), must be
returned by the end of the term (Fall/Spring), and all future funding requests (in future semesters/years)
will be denied until unspent funds are returned.

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The Student Empowerment grant is an $800 grant for clubs at Sacramento City College with the purpose
of developing a robust organizational culture that generates student self-empowerment and inspires
organized student activities. To be eligible for the grant, clubs must be currently chartered, plan to use the
funds for outreach and activities, and have a one-year plan for growth in membership and activities.

How to apply for the Student Empowerment Grant

1. Develop an official plan for growth in membership and activities. Include your club’s goals and
methods by which you plan to accomplish them. Document this plan and approve it by an official
decision of your club’s voting members.
2. Decide, as a club, how to use the $800 received from the Student Empowerment Grant.
3. Fill out the following application, making sure to have it signed by your Club Advisor, and submit
it online at:
4. The Treasurer or designee will confirm and let your club know when your application will be
heard by the finance committee.
5. The Student Senate will determine if the club has met the requirements for the Student
Empowerment Grant. If approved, the funds will be transferred to the Club’s account by the
Student Associated Council (SAC) advisor. If rejected, reason will be given and the club will be
free to re-apply at any time.

Keep in Mind

● Grants each year are on a first-come, first-serve basis. If your application does not meet the
requirements, it will be rejected and the club must re-apply.
● No club may receive more than one Student Empowerment Grant within one academic year or
within a 10-month period.
Funding for the Student Empowerment Grants must be approved by each board of the Student Senate,
meaning that you cannot be guaranteed that the grants will be available next academic year. This
means that our club has a functional deadline around the end of the Spring semester. Talk to your
representatives in the Student Senate for a specific deadline, or to possibly find out if the next
board is likely to renew the Student Senate Empowerment Grant funding for the next academic


1. Club Mission Statement

In this section, the club is required to provide a description of its general purpose, goals, and major
past and current activities.
2. Strategic Plan
The club is required to provide a detailed, clear, and concise plan for the activities to be carried out
during the academic year along with the method of allocation of the funds received from the
Student Senate for activities.
3. Annual Calendar of Activities
The club is required to submit a calendar of its activities for the entire academic year to the Student

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● Criteria for Selection
Empowerment grants are given on a first come, first serve basis. However, in order for the
application to be approved by the Student Senate for funding, the club should provide a clear and
detailed plan of its activities. To receive the grant in the first attempt, please attach all documents
listed about to a completed empowerment grant application, and submit it to the Student Senate.
● Reporting to the Student Senate
All clubs receiving the empowerment grant must submit a report of the activities accomplished
with the support of the empowerment grant by the Student Senate by November 30 of fall semester, and by
April 30 of spring semester.

Accounting Procedures
Due to district and college regulations, funds must be accounted for in specific ways. These procedures
have been detailed for your convenience.


1. All clubs are under the general supervision of the Student Leadership and Development Student
Personnel Assistant and Supervisor.
2. Once your club has been charted, approved for the activity and has its first traction, an account for
your club will be established in the College Business Office.
3. The club advisor must authorize all expenditures as well as supervise and review all financial
4. Approvals for expenditures must be noted in your club minutes.
5. Authorized signatures for club requisitions must include:
a. Club President or Treasurer
b. Club Advisor
c. Student Leadership and Development Student Personnel Assistant or Supervisor
d. Supervising Administrator of Student Leadership and Development Department.
6. The Student Leadership and Development Office can provide monthly financial reports to each
club, if requested.
7. All club disbursements are made by check.
8. Failure to deposit funds into the club account at the Business Office within 24 hours of receipt may
result in the loss of your club charter.
9. Requisitions must be processed with required supporting documents to ensure audit accountability.
Please see Expenditure of Club Funds below for a detailed list of club expenses and required
supporting documents.
10. Cash advances will be authorized for Advisors only.
11. If a club is inactive for two consecutive years, all monies in their account may be transferred to the
Clubs and Events Board account.


A statement on financial ethics is available in the Administrative Services Procedures Manual, Third
Edition, Section 3.1.

1. All funds collected from club activities are deposited in an income account in the Business Office.

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Expenses should not be paid directly out of funds collected, but rather processed through the
Business Office Requisition/Purchase Order system.
2. Always request funds in advance for all purchases. Club members and advisors should avoid
spending personal funds on college-related activities.
3. Promptly pay all debts to ensure good credit standing.
4. It is imperative when dealing with money that conflicts of interest, or perceptions thereof, are
guarded against all times. One example of a conflict of interest is a club member using their
influence to secure a financial transaction that would provide a kind of financial gain or potential
financial gain to the individual club member. Advisors and club members must avoid any
circumstance that might provide an actual or perceived conflict of interest.


1. To access club funds you need to complete a Business Office Requisition/Purchase Order Form
that are available at the Student Leadership and Development Office or by email upon request of
the Student Leadership and Development staff.
2. The following are approved methods of expenditure of club funds. All information, including
addresses, must be filled out on requisitions for processing.

I. Campus Based Requisitions

A. Create a Purchase Order- Issued to a company that approves purchases to be
encumbered/charged to your account, not paying a vendor.
● Completed Campus Based Requisition
● Quote from Vendor
● Club Meeting Minutes approving the expenditure
● Food and Supply: Justification Memo
● Event: Flyer of event and list of attendees
B. Pay Vendor- Checks issued directly to a vendor/company after the club has received the
● Completed Campus Based Requisition
● Invoice from Vendor
● Club Meeting Minutes approving the expenditure
● Food and Supply: Justification Memo
● Event: Flyer of event and list of attendees
C. Reimbursement- Checks issued to a student or advisor that purchased items already and is
requesting a reimbursement.
● Completed Campus Based Requisition
● Original Receipts
● Club Meeting Minutes approving the expenditure
● Food and Supply: Justification Memo
● Event: Flyer of event and list of attendees
D. Cash Advance (for Advisors Only)- Checks issued to Advisors to cash and use the funds
to purchase items.
● Completed Campus Based Requisition “check request”
● Club Meeting Minutes approving the expenditure
● Food and Supply: Justification Memo
● Event: Flyer of event and list of attendees
E. College Store Order- The College Store can purchase items a variety of ways (websites,
online stores or through the College Store catalog) and charge the expense to the club

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● Completed Campus Based Requisition
● College Store Quote
● Club Meeting Minutes approving the expenditure
● Food and Supply: Justification Memo
● Event: Flyer of event and list of attendees

3. Submit completed forms and appropriate additional supporting documents to the Student Leadership and
Development Office for processing. The earlier you submit your paperwork the better for you to receive or
have payment sent in a timely manner.


1. Complete a Business Account Deposit Voucher available at the Student Leadership and
Development Office (an unofficial copy is provided in this packet for your information).
2. Submit directly with funds to the Business Office no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the
3. Clubs submitting funds after the 24 hour window will be at risk of losing their charter for the
4. After the deposit has been verified, a copy will be kept in your club folder, in the Student
Leadership and Development Office.


1. Sufficient funds must be on deposit form with the Business Office to cover requested change
2. The club advisor needs to complete and submit the Request for Change Fund Form to the Business
Office and arrange for a change fund at least 24 hours in advance of the event.
3. It is important to inform the Business Office of the breakdown of cash and coin desired (i.e.,
change for $30- one $10, two $5’s, and ten $1’s). It is also important to indicate whether a cash
box is needed to hold the change.
4. The designated person can pick up the change box from the Business Office.
5. When picking up the change fund/cash box, be sure to count it and initial the form. You are
responsible for the amount of money returned.
6. When finished with the change fund/cash box, complete a Business Office Deposit Voucher,
arrange the money by demonion with the heads of bills facing the same way, wrap coins when
possible and return to the Business Office.


“School entities, including student clubs, are not authorized to participate in raffles because, unlike the
local PTA, they are not nonprofit organizations exempt from state tax as defined in the Franchise Tax
Code. Rather, school entities are exempt from tax by virtue of being a government entity.” “Many school
groups print tickets with the words ‘suggested donation’ on them and call it a drawing rather than a raffle.
This does not make it legal unless the group is prepared to give anyone who requests a ticket as many
tickets as they want for free (no donation). This is still considered a raffle legally, so is not permissible for
school entities.” “The only way to have a legal raffle is to work with an eligible nonprofit organization that
has its own tax identification number, registers with the Attorney General annually and disburses 90% of
the profits to a charitable purpose.” (Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team, 2009, “Associated
Student Body Accounting Manual & Desk Reference,” p.79).

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“Anything that is purchased must be in compliance with the law and local board policy, and cannot be
considered a gift of public funds.” “The site administrator and ASB advisors are responsible for ensuring
that the funds are used to purchase goods and services that promote the students’ general welfare, morale
and educational experiences.” Generally speaking, ASB expenditures will benefit a group of students
rather than individuals. “The expenditures must also be for goods and services other than those which the
school entity should provide from its own funding sources.” Expenditures that are considered a “gift of
public funds,” such as gifts of any kind, donations, gift certificates, and cash awards, are prohibited.
“Donations to nonprofit organizations and students or families in need usually are not allowable because
they are considered a gift of public funds, no matter how worthy the cause.” “However, a student group
may organize a fund-raiser to support a charity as long as the event is clearly identified as raising funds to
donate to that charity. All donations should be in the form of a check made payable to the charity and
should be picked up or delivered directly to the charity.” (Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team,
2009, “Associated Student Body Accounting Manual & Desk Reference,” p.151-152).


Because student organizations are legally part of the school district, they are exempt from income tax just
as the district is due to its status as a governmental organization. The district is not a private 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization, but enjoys tax-exempt status by virtue of being a government entity. Many external
organizations that donate to a student organization will request a tax identification number because they
assume that this number is needed to claim a tax deduction on their annual income tax return. However, the
district’s tax identification number is not needed for them to claim a deduction and should not be given out.
Government organizations are not required to share their tax identification number. All requests for the tax
identification number should be forwarded to the district business office, unless the sites have been
provided with a letter to send out when asked for a tax identification number.


When outside businesses or individuals are considering making a donation, student organizations are
frequently asked for their tax identification number. The student organization and the district are not
considered a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; rather, they have a non-profit, tax exempt status by
virtue of the governmental entity. The district’s tax identification number should always be treated
confidentially; it should not be given out when asked because it is not required for the donors to claim a
tax deduction. All requests for the district’s tax identification number should be forwarded to the college
Business Office. (Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team, 2009, “Associated Student Body
Accounting Manual & Desk Reference,” p.120).

Facility Requests

When requesting a campus facility for a meeting or activity, the first stop is always the Student
Leadership and Development Office. Staff will help with facility selection, requests, and processing.

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NOTE: Any major event, such as dances, fairs, demonstrations, etc. must be discussed well in advance
with the Student Life Advisor and the Student Leadership and Development Student Personnel Assistant
as special arrangements may be required. For more information on dances/large events, please go to
Dances in the Resource section of this Handbook.


Requests for campus facilities will be submitted through the online Campus Operations Internal Event
Reservation for processing:

Please note that the advisor must approve and be the point of contact for the duration of the event (LRCCD
Regulation 1411, 1.1.2). Please note that all facility requests must be filed as follows:
● A minimum of three weeks prior to the requested date for all events requiring minimal to no
set-up. No set-up means that the facility is acceptable as normally arranged and that there are no
additional requests. Minimal set-up generally means that less than two tables and five chairs are
altered/added/removed with no additional requests.
● A minimum of three weeks prior to the requested date for all events requiring a set-up. A set-up
involves a change to the facility arrangement and/or additional requests (audio-visual, etc.).
● A minimum of one month in advance for all major events.

The status of your reservation will be communicated via e-mail or mail in your Club mailbox.
Advance planning, beyond the requirements noted above, is recommended.


If the Club Advisor(s) would like a specific media equipment set up, please complete the Media Services
part of the Campus Operations Internal Event Reservation Form at least 3 weeks before your event. If you
have already been trained on the Media Equipment, you may reserve and obtain the key from Operations.

Further changes can be made by contacting the Media Services Department.

Learning Resource Center (LRC) 113
Phone: (916)558-2436

Student Travel

Early written notification of any planned student travel (non-classroom) should be submitted to the
College President at the beginning of the semester.

Reflecting State and District policies and regulations, this policy has been developed to help assure the
successful completion of student travel outside of the district. Students and their instructors of record or
advisors being supported and/or funded through the College, the Student Associated Council, or any other
related program must comply as detailed below. See “Travel Authorization Procedures” for timelines and

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1. All students traveling must be currently enrolled at SCC.
2. A certificated faculty member is required to attend as instructor of record or advisor to the
students. The attending instructor/advisor must agree to uphold “Student Travel – Attending
Advisor Agreement.” Signed agreements should be submitted to the appropriate Area Dean prior
to the trip.
3. A memo detailing trip logistics, purpose, expected outcomes, funding source, and other conference
information must be addressed to the appropriate area Vice President for approval. The Vice
President will forward this information to the President for approval. For out-of-state travel, the
memo is forwarded via the President to the LRCCD Chancellor. The Chancellor should receive
memos at least two months prior to travel.
4. All attending students must agree to abide by the “Student Travel – Student Code of Conduct
Agreement.” All signed forms should be turned into the attending instructor/advisor prior to the
5. Attending students must sign all applicable waivers, including the LRCCD “Waiver/Assumption of
Risk” and turn in to the attending instructor/advisor prior to the trip.
6. If Student Representation Fees are utilized to help fund travel, then all attendees (includes
attending advisor) must complete a “Use Report” and submit to the attending advisor. The
attending advisor will return all completed “Use Reports” to the Supervisor of Student Leadership
and Development within one week of trip completion.


I. In-State Travel/Out-of-District Service Area

A. A written justification is required from the appropriate Vice President for all student
in-state travel to conferences
B. The Vice President shall submit a memo with corresponding advisors TAs and student
information to the President. The President’s Office will return approved TAs to the
respective Vice President for processing.
C. All in-state student travel must be approved three weeks prior to departure.
D. An advisor is expected to travel with students. Do not complete TA for students. Combine
cash advances into the staff request; list student’s name, student ID number, and recap of
expenditure items per student.
E. Advisors are expected to utilize the same travel and lodging accommodations as arranged
for the students.
F. Student travel expense requests are to be included on faculty/staff authorizations. Include
an attachment with all student expenses covered in the cash advance request, i.e.,
registration, travel, accommodations, meals, incidentals, etc.
II. Out-of-State Travel
A. An initial proposal for all out-of-state travel must be submitted two months in advance for
approval by the appropriate Vice President and the President; this recommendation will be
forwarded to the District Office for approval.
B. A written justification is required from the appropriate Vice President for all student
out-of state travel to conferences.
C. A request for out-of-state travel must be submitted to the appropriate Vice President at
least two weeks prior to submission of the completed travel packet. The Vice President
shall submit memos with corresponding TAs to the President. The President will forward
the completed travel packet to the Chancellor’s Office for approval. Note: The
Chancellor’s staff will forward approved TAs to our Business Office, unless you attach a
note requesting TAs come back to your office.
D. An Advisor must travel with students when traveling out-of-state.
E. Advisors are expected to utilize the same travel and lodging accommodations as arranged

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for the students.
F. Student travel expense requests are to be included on faculty/staff authorizations. Include
an attachment with all student expenses covered in the cash advance request, i.e.,
registration, travel, accommodations, meals, incidentals, etc.
III. Exception
A. For off-campus club activities, the College advisor is expected to supervise the entire
activity, to include traveling with the students to and from the activity destination. An
exception to this policy is for off-campus location(s) within a twenty-five (25) mile radius
of the college sponsoring the activity and the District/College is not providing
transportation. (Personal vehicle(s) of the college advisor cannot be used to transport
students.) (LRCCD Policy-2312)


Forms applicable to student travel are found on the following pages. Applicable forms include:
● The Attending Advisor Agreement
● The Student Travel Code of Conduct
● The Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) Agreement to Participate and
Waiver/Assumption of Risk
● Student Representation Fees Use Report

Individual PDF fillable forms may be emailed upon request by the Student Leadership and Development

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Faculty members agreeing to join students in travel as their advisor per the “Student Travel Policy” must
agree to the following advisor responsibilities and complete the form below and return to the area dean or
appropriate supervisor.

1. The advisor is responsible for initiating and submitting the travel request and provides guidance
for making initial travel arrangements.
2. Verify that all attending students are currently enrolled and, when appropriate, in good standing at
3. Review and collect signed “Student Code of Conduct Agreement” forms from every attending
student prior to trip. A pre-trip meeting is recommended to go over all expectations.
4. Collect all applicable waivers, including the LRCCD “Waiver/Assumption of Risk” prior to the
trip. Make sure the students have correctly filled out the forms including emergency contact
information. Take this information with you on the trip.
5. Role model appropriate behavior for students.
6. Maintain availability and visibility during the trip.
7. Encourage questions and discussions to help facilitate learning.
8. Schedule meetings with the attending students as needed during the trip to assure success.
9. Use good judgment and care when responding to emergency situations.
10. Collect, if applicable, all “Student Representation Fees Use Reports” and forward to the
Supervisor of Student Leadership and Development within one week of trip completion.
11. Provide a clear itinerary and emergency phone numbers to attendees prior to departure.




FACULTY NAME: ____________________________________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
DEPARTMENT: ______________________________________________________________
WORK PHONE #: ______________ HOME #: _____________ CELL #: ________________
TRAVEL DESTINATION: ______________________________________________________
TRAVEL DATES: _____________________________________________________________
NUMBER OF STUDENTS ATTENDING:__________________________________________

By signing and submitting this form to the Area Dean or appropriate supervisor prior to travel, I agree to
uphold the “Student Travel Policy” and all advisor responsibilities.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: __________________________

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Students who wish to travel with support and/or funding from Sacramento City College and any other
related program per the “Student Travel Policy” must agree to this “Code of Conduct.” The form below
must be completed and returned to the attending advisor prior to travel.
1. Be currently enrolled at SCC.
2. Have an attending faculty advisor and abide by their decisions while on the trip.
3. Be prompt with all timelines and deadlines.
4. Complete and turn in all required waivers to the attending advisor prior to the trip.
5. Attend all meetings called by the attending advisor.
6. Represent yourself and the college in a positive and productive manner. Dress appropriately and
remember you are a representative of the college at all times.
7. Stay with the group you’re traveling with, keep others informed of your whereabouts, look out for
each other, and you must return with the group.
8. Remain in the trip/conference area (hotel, etc.) at all times. School funded travel is not the time to
shop, tour, or vacation.
9. Act in a courteous manner, especially if staying in a hotel/sharing a room with others.
10. If staying in a hotel, remember that you are financially responsible for all incidentals (room service,
phone, etc.).
11. You are financially responsible for damage you incur to buses, hotel rooms, etc.
12. Plan to bring extra spending money of your own as needed for incidentals.
13. No alcohol consumption even if you’re 21 or older.
14. Abide by all state and federal laws.
15. Abide by all school, district, and trip policies and expectations.
16. Separate yourself from others who are in violation of state and federal laws and/or school, district,
and trip policies and expectations.
17. Interact with others in a positive and productive manner. Violence or the threat of violence will not
be tolerated.
18. Expect to be treated as an adult and plan to behave as an adult.
19. Have a safe, enjoyable, and valuable learning experience.
20. If applicable, complete and return the “Student Representation Fees Use Report” to the attending
advisor immediately upon trip completion.
21. Failure to abide by this code of conduct may result in trip termination, reimbursement of all funds
by the student, and/or further disciplinary action from the advisor, the funding organization, and/or
the college.



STUDENT NAME: _________________________ ID #:_________________________

ORGANIZATION/CLASS:: ____________________________________________________
TRAVEL DESTINATION: ______________________________________________________
TRAVEL DATES: _____________________________________________________________

By signing and submitting this form to the Area Dean or appropriate supervisor prior to travel, I agree to
uphold the “Student Travel Policy” and “Student Travel-Code of Conduct.”

Signature: ______________________________ Date: __________________________

31 of 41
NAME:__________________________ STUDENT ID NUMBER:______________________________
CLASS/ACTIVITY:_______________________INSTRUCTOR’S NAME:_______________________
This is a release of liability and assumption of risk agreement. Read it carefully and sign below. Completion of this form is necessary in
order to participate in this class activity. I understand my decision to take this class or activity is optional and voluntary. This document
cannot be altered or modified by any verbal or written statements.

I am aware that participating in this Los Rios Community College District (DISTRICT) class or activity can involve MANY
RISKS OF INJURY including, but not limited to, property damage, bodily injury, personal injury and death.

In consideration of the DISTRICT permitting me to participate in the _____________________________ class/activity, I hereby

voluntarily assume all risks associated with my participation and release the DISTRICT, its employees and volunteers, its colleges,
campuses and centers, its governing board and the individual members thereof, and all other DISTRICT officers, agents and
employees from all liability (whether based on negligence or otherwise) for injuries (including death) and damages arising out of or
in any way related to the activity and/or class.

I understand that if this is/involves an excursion or field trip as defined by California Code of Regulations, Section 55220 that
Section states in part:

“All persons making the field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the District or the State of
California for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the field trip or excursion. All adults taking out-
of-state field trips or excursions and all parents or guardians of minor students taking out-of- state field trips or excursions shall sign
a statement waiving such claims.”

By signing this Agreement, I hereby waive all such claims.

I understand and agree to accept all the rules and requirements of the activity and/or class, including safety rules and instructions
given by the supervisory personnel. I understand, and agree, and grant to the DISTRICT the right to terminate my participation in
the activity and/or class within the DISTRICT’s or DISTRICT’s employee’s sole discretion. If applicable, I understand and agree
that any costs associated with my return transportation shall be at my personal expense.

I consent to the DISTRICT providing emergency health assistance if it is determined necessary and further consent to the
DISTRICT notifying the emergency contact (listed below) and agree that this liability release and assumption of risk agreement
applies to any of the DISTRICT’s actions in this regard.

This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon my heirs, decedents, successors, executors, assignees, legal
representatives, and all family members. The provisions of this agreement including, but not limited to, my waiver of liability and
my assumption of risk shall survive this agreement.

The following person should be contacted in case of an emergency: (please print)

Name Address Telephone No.
If participant is under 18, parent or guardian must sign.
PARENT OR GUARDIAN Date GS 89 (L) Form Rev.7-09

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Student Representation Fee money will be expended for the support of government affairs representatives
who may be stating their positions and viewpoints before offices and agencies of the government
(California Education Code § 76060.5).


Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Position and Organization: _______________________________________________________

Use of Fees approved in Associated Student Government Minutes Dated: _________________

Name of meeting or event: _______________________________________________________

Location of meeting or event: _____________________________________________________

Date of meeting or event: ________________________________________________________

BRIEF REPORT (Use this side and the back of the page only. Describe issues discussed, name officials
and representatives relating to petitioned event, etc.):

Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

33 of 41

Student Leadership and Development strives to provide access for all students to our programs and services.
Please contact us as early as possible for assistance with special accommodations.


Your club advisor is one of your main resources and best allies. Get to know them and call on them for their
wisdom. And don’t forget to appreciate them at the end of the day!

• Banners can be made in the Student Leadership and Development workroom using the available butcher
paper and paints. Banners should be no longer than 5 feet and must be approved and stamped by Student
Leadership and Development. Remember to complete your banner’s information by answering the
questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how.
• Posting banner(s) is limited to the Student Center and City Café exterior brick walls only. Banners
posted in undesignated areas will be removed.
• Banners must be removed by the day after the event.


Student Leadership and Development will post appropriate school-related materials on eight (8) designated
bulletin boards throughout the campus. All other posted materials are approved through the Public
Information Office, (located in Rodda Hall North RHN277). Postings will remain on
the boards for two weeks or until the event is complete, whichever occurs first. All fliers not stamped by the
appropriate department mentioned above will be removed from the boards. Below is a listing of SLD boards:
• Stairway leading up to South Gym 226
• 1st floor Hallway of South Gym
• (2) Inside Student Center
• (2) Outside of City Cafe, next to Cafe tables
• (2) Outside walkway in-between Rodda North & Rodda South

SAC bulletin boards are located throughout campus and are easily identified with the burgundy and gold
checkerboard design.
• The Secretary of Public Relations approves postings for SAC boards.
• Student Leadership & Development may also approve postings for these boards, as indicated with the
SLD stamp.
• Only campus-based items are to be posted – no off-campus postings.
• Once approved, people can post themselves. Caution should be taken however, as not to disrupt

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• There are 20 SAC boards located around campus – all painted checkerboard burgundy and gold.
Here is a listing:
• RHN 220, 228, 229, 267
• RHS 228, 263, 270, 271, 273, 307, 312
• Hallway outside of RHS 176
• Hallway outside of BUS 143, 153, 220, 237
• Lusk Aero Center - enter, board on left
• Lusk Aero Center - enter, make a left, board at end of hallway
• City Café - board by north entrance
• Student Center

Clubs (including the SAC) that are interested in displaying their information to the campus community may
do so through the Student Leadership and Development Office. The location of the display is South of the
South Gym entrance on the 1st floor. Space is provided on a first-come, first- served basis. The length of time
each club is displayed will be two weeks. If your club is interested in displaying elsewhere on campus,
please consult with the Student Leadership and Development Office for more information.

College Hour serves to accommodate the meeting of various campus constituency groups and the scheduling
of campus-wide activities, as well as provide a specific period of time when concerts and speeches
(amplified sound) may occur in the quad. This occurs between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and

Many events and activities require custodial or other facility support above and beyond those provided by
normal college operations. Check in with the Student Leadership and Development Office and Campus
Operations regarding special needs and requirements and any associated costs.


The following facility use and security requirements apply to all dances and other related large events.
I. Facilities
A. The City Cafe (maximum occupancy of 250) and the Student Center (maximum occupancy
of 240) may be utilized for dances/parties.
1. Reservation requests must be submitted a minimum of one month in advance of the
event date.
2. Event start time will be based on availability. All dances/parties will end by 11p.m.
3. Student groups must have an advisor present throughout the duration of the event.
4. Lighting, access, and decoration rules specific to each building must be adhered to.
5. Smoke machines are not permitted.
6. Nothing can be applied to the floor (baby powder, etc.) to create a better dance

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7. A custodial fee of $50 per hour will be assessed depending on the facility requested
(e.g. City Cafe/Student Center).
8. District policy prohibits the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, and glass containers in
district facilities.
9. Users are responsible for hiring security as required and approved by Campus
Operations and the Vice President of Administration (VPA)(see II. Security).
10. Campus Police will end the dance if, in their opinion, safety/security is being
II. Security
A. The Campus Police Captain will develop and maintain a list of authorized security firms
suitable for hire to cover campus events. The Campus Police Captain will interview and
have final say on which companies are approved for hire.
1. City Cafe security requirements are as follows:
a) Four officers are required.
b) One armed officer to monitor the immediate area outside the City Cafe as
well as F, G, and rideshare lots.
c) One unarmed officer to monitor inside the City Cafe, inspecting incoming
participants and patrolling bathrooms and the perimeter of City Cafe.
d) One armed officer to assist in monitoring both of the above areas.
e) If there are multiple activities on campus, one additional unarmed officer
may be required to assist in monitoring the City Cafe.
f) Officers must be at the City Cafe before participants can enter the premises.
Officers need to arrive 30 minutes before and remain 30 minutes after the
event. SCC Campus Police Officers will meet with off-campus officers at
the City Cafe for a 30-minute briefing before the start of the event.
g) The advisor is also expected to be in attendance throughout and assist in
monitoring the event.
2. Student Center security requirements are as follows:
a) Three officers are required.
b) One armed officer to monitor the immediate area outside the Student Center
as well as F, G, and rideshare lots.
c) One unarmed officer to monitor inside the Student Center, inspecting
incoming participants and patrolling the West Hall, Cultural Awareness
Center, South Gym foyer area, and bathrooms. The officer should prohibit
attendees from going upstairs and help monitor the perimeter of the Student
d) If there are multiple activities on campus, one additional unarmed officer
may be required to assist in monitoring the Student Center and surrounding
e) Officers must be at the Student Center before participants can enter the
premises. Officers need to arrive 30 minutes before and remain 30 minutes
after the event. SCC Campus Police Officers will meet with off-campus
officers at the Student Center for a 30-minute briefing before the start of the

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f) The advisor is also expected to be in attendance throughout and to assist in
monitoring the event.

The Reprographics on campus is open to club requests. Clubs are responsible for work orders and payment.
A minimum of one week is required for all requests. The SAC allows clubs to make up to 25 free copies per
semester. See a SAC officer for assistance. All fliers must be appropriate and follow the Student Leadership
and Development and LRCCD guidelines.

The supervisor and Student Personnel Assistant of Student Leadership and Development are available to
provide club orientations and educational workshops. Topics such as time and stress management, running
meetings and parliamentary procedure, budgeting, event planning, fundraising, conflict management,
leadership, and team building to name a few, may be of interest to club members. If your club has a special
need or would like more focused instruction in a particular area, please contact either the Supervisor or the
Student Personnel Assistant as noted under Contact Information in this packet.

A flagpole located in the center of the quad is available to student groups for the promotion of their club and
events. Submit requests to the Student Leadership and Development Office.

There are two ways of doing food sales at SCC:
1. Food must be obtained from an inspected and approved licensed third party vendor (not home
2. Re-Selling individually-packaged items (i.e. candy, chips, bottled water, etc.).

Requests to sell food must be submitted for approval at least three weeks in advance to Student Leadership
and Development.


Specific locations for the practice of free speech are defined as 1) by the Auditorium fountain and 2) at the
west side of the Student Center. All campus individuals and groups are allowed to use this space to air views
that are within the framework of the United States Constitution. No special authorization is required;
however, notification of use is encouraged.

● See the Facility Requests application to request a meeting room:
● Robert’s Rules of Order/Parliamentary Procedures is a great guideline for successful meetings. Ask
Student Leadership and Development for an educational pamphlet.
● Minutes/Notes need to be taken at every meeting. For samples of agendas and minutes, please
consult with Student Leadership and Development.

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All college interior posted materials should be stamped for approval prior to posting by the following offices
(please allow five work days for approval of materials). Approval shall be given to any posting that falls
within the designated types of information that may be posted and is not otherwise prohibited. Approval shall
be withheld based on the content of the posting:

● Student Associated Council or club-related materials:

Must be approved by the Student Leadership and Development Department Staff
SOG 226
Upon granting approval, Student Leadership and Development will post on behalf of the requestor in
all authorized posting locations (banner posting permitted on exterior brick walls of the Student
Center and City Cafe only). The Student Leadership and Development Office will monitor posting
areas under their authority for appropriate materials as well as expired materials.

● Other materials:
Must be approved by the Public Information Office
RHN 277


A “Style Guide” consisting of Publications and Marketing strategies has been developed by an advisory
committee composed of members of the campus community, including students, who write, edit, or design
printed or electronic publications. Publications should have a cohesive institutional image that reflects the
vision and values of Sacramento City College, while at the same time encouraging creativity and allowing
expression of our distinctiveness. Students are encouraged to use this “Style Guide” for school-sanctioned
activities. ALl content must be approved by an appropriate and designated staff person (instructor, advisor,
supervisor, etc.). The “Style Guide” may be found at: Click on
“Style Guide.”

If your event is unusually large and/or complex (i.e. a dance), your club will be required to contract for
security. Student Leadership and Development will help file the request and act as a liaison between the club,
the Security Company and Campus Police. Please note that the club is responsible for all security costs.

A Sacramento City College Club website is provided to all charted clubs. A staff member of Student
Leadership and Development will be in contact with the club president to set up the webpage with the SCC
webmaster. Student club members have the freedom to design their club web page with information as they
see fit. Social media and additional website portals can be linked to the page.

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Student clubs may use the workroom located on the 2nd floor of the South Gym just inside room SOG 226 to
make banners for club activities. The workroom is open Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00
p.m. This room is reserved for banner making only and is not available as a meeting place. Please note that
summer and holiday hours may vary. For additional information, contact the Student Leadership and
Development Office.

If your club has needs that have not been addressed in this guide, please contact the Student Leadership and
Development Office.


Sacramento City College Medal of Excellence in Leadership

Have you achieved excellence in leadership while at Sacramento City College? If so, you can be nominated
for the Medal of Excellence in Leadership and wear this beautiful bronze medallion during
certificate/commencement ceremonies.

Students must be nominated to receive the medal of excellent. Nominated SCC students must meet the
following requirements:
● Participating in either the fall or spring certificate/commencement ceremonies.
● Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the time of nomination.
● A letter of recommendation from your advisor documenting your active involvement for a minimum
of one year in Student Leadership and Development, authorized club, or student organization.
● Meet all applicable deadlines

How to be Nominated
● The Student Leadership and Development Office will announce when nominations are open.

Receiving the Medal

● Once your application has been approved by Student Leadership and Development, you will be
notified, invited to the Leadership Recognition Ceremony, and expected to pick up your medal prior
to graduation.

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Contact Information
Student Associated Council Office
South Gym (SOG) 232
● Student Senate (916)558-2446
● Clubs and Events Bard (916)558-2915

Deborah Knowles, Supervisor

Student Leadership and Development
South Gym (SOG) 226

Jessica Taylor, Student Personnel Assistant (SPA)

Student Leadership and Development
South Gym (SOG) 226

Student Leadership and Development Office

South Gym (SOG) 226
For more information, please visit:

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