Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024
Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024
Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024
Clerk of Parliament
This Bill seeks to amend the Constitution to provide for, among other things,
the establishment of a Judicial Service; and the revision of the composition of the
Judicial Service Commission.
Firstly, the Bill seeks to establish a Judicial Service, as a separate and distinct
service from the civil service. The Judicial Service shall provide to the Judiciary
such professional, administrative, technical and other support services as are
necessary to facilitate the effective operation of the Judiciary.
Secondly, the Bill seeks to introduce the offices of the Chief Registrar and
Deputy Chief Registrars. The proposal emanates from a Functional Review of the
Judiciary which recommended the establishment of these two offices, in addition
to the already existing offices of Registrar and Assistant Registrars. The Chief
Registrar shall be the controlling officer of the Judicial Service.
Lastly, the Bill seeks to revise the composition of the Judicial Service
Commission. The object of this revision is to make the representation on the
Judicial Service Commission to be broad based. The proposed new members
include Judges, the Solicitor General, a law lecturer from an accredited school of
law, a Senior Counsel and two lay Malawians of good standing.
B. No. 22
Constitution (Amendment) 1
1. Short title
2. Amendment of s.111 (4) of the Constitution
3. Amendment of s.112 of the Constitution
4. Insertion of a new s. 115A into the Constitution
5. Substitution of s.116 of the Constitution
6. Substitution of s. 117 of the Constitution
7. Insertion of a new s. 117A into the Constitution
B. No. 22
2 Constitution (Amendment)
B. No. 22
Constitution (Amendment) 3
B. No. 22
4 Constitution (Amendment)
B. No. 22