375804-Halloween Subclasses Part 2 V2
375804-Halloween Subclasses Part 2 V2
375804-Halloween Subclasses Part 2 V2
Horrifying Rage
Starting at 3rd level, when you enter your rage, your facial
features melt away to nothingness and your skin takes on a
deathly pallor. All enemies within 30 feet that can see you
must make a Wisdom save (DC 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus +
Your Charisma Modifier), on a failed save they take 2D6
psychic damage and are Frightened. At the end of each of
their turns, they can make a Wisdom Save against your Save
DC to end the effect. The damage increases when you reach
certain levels in this class, increasing to 4D6 at 5th level, to
6D6 at 11th level, and to 8D6 at 17th level.
While Raging you can see normally through darkness both
magical and mundane to a distance of 60 feet as your eyes
become attuned to the Shadowfell.
When you reach 6th level, you learn to warp reality around
you, rendering you invisible to the naked eye or blanketing
the area in darkness. You gain the ability to cast the
Invisibility or Darkness spell. You can cast either of these
spells a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier.
After a Long Rest, you regain all uses of this feature.
Consume Fear
Starting at 10th level, you learn to feed off fear and rend your
foes mind with pure terror. When you hit a creature that is
Frightened, you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal
to your Level + Constitution Modifier. You can gain these
Temporary Hit Points only once a round. The target of your
attack also takes an additional 2D10 Psychic Damage. You
can only benefit from this feature once a turn.
Fear Incarnate
When you reach 14th level, the power of the Shadowfell
infuses you and turns you into the personification of terror.
The range of your Horrifying Rage becomes 60 ft. While
Raging, as a Bonus Action, you can teleport to any creature
you can see that is Frightened. Creatures Adjacent to you
have Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws.
Baleful Wail
When you become a member of the College of Haunting at
3rd level, you learn to unleash of powerful scream that rends
your foes. As an Action, you spend one use of your Bardic
Inspiration and unleash a 30 ft cone attack. Creatures within
the area must make a Constitution saving Throw against your
Bard Spell Save DC. If they fail the saving throw, they take
2D6 Psychic Damage. When you reach certain levels in this
class the damage increases, becoming 3D6 at 5th level, 5D6
at 10th level, and finally 8D6 at 15th level. Undead and
Constructs are Immune to this Ability.
Ethereal Defense
Starting at 6th level, you learn to partially fade to the ethereal
allowing you to avoid the full force of your foes attacks. When
you take damage, you may use your Reaction to gain
Resistance to all damage but Force damage until the start of
your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times
equal to your Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1). After
completing a Long Rest you regain all uses of this ability.
Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Pain
Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for
how domain spells work.
Pain Domain Spells
Tastiness Cookie Type
1st Inflict Wounds, Hellish Rebuke
3rd Cloud of Daggers, Heat Metal
5th Fear, Vampiric Touch
7th Blight, Phantasmal Killer
9th Flame Strike, Negative Energy Flood (XGtE)
Bonus Proficiences
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with greatswords, longswords, rapiers, scimitars,
shortswords, and whips. .
Power Through Pain
Starting at 1st level, you learn to harness your own pain and
turn it into a weapon. Whenever you take damage equal to
three times your level or more, you choose one of the
following options: your next damaging Attack or Spell deals
extra damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier or you gain
Advantage on your next Attack Roll, Skill Check or Saving
Throw you make before the end of your next turn.
Channel Divinity: Share Pain
When you reach 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to reflect some of your pain back on an attacker. When you
take damage, as a Reaction you can deal damage to the
attacker equal to half the damage you took.
Deadened Nerves
Murder of Crows
Starting at 2nd level, as an Action you expend a use of your
Wild Shape feature to summon a murder of crows around
you. While active, you gain 20 Temporary Hit Points as the
crows fly around intercepting attacks directed at you. As a
Bonus Action, you can send a crow streaking at one creature
within 60 feet of you. Make a Ranged Attack roll that uses
your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Dexterity Modifier to
hit, If you hit, the crow deals 1D6 Necrotic Damage. This
damage ignores Necrotic Resistance. This ability lasts for 1
Minute or until you no longer have Temporary Hit Points.
When you reach 5th level the Temporary Hit Points increase
30, and you can make two crow attacks. At 11th level the
Temporary Hit Points increase to 40, and you can make three
crow attacks. At 17th Level the Temporary Hit Points
increase to 50 and you can make four crow attacks.
Birds of a Feather
Starting at 6th level, you learn to protect others with your
murder. When you summon your Murder of Crows, one ally
within 30 feet of you gains Temporary Hit Points Equal to
half of your Temporary Hit Points as a small murder of crows
appears around them.
Commit the Murder
When you reach 10th level, you learn to unleash your murder
of crows to decimate your foes. As an Action, each creature in
a 30 foot cone must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against
your Druid Spell Save DC. A creature takes Necrotic Damage
equal to your currant Temporary Hit Points on a failed saving
throw or half as much on a successful save. You can use this
ability once per use of your Murder of Crows.
Crow King
Starting at 14th level, you learn to harness the full potiential
of your murder. While under the effects of your Murder of
Crows ability you gain a 60 foot Fly Speed.
Tarot Cards
Starting when you take this path at 3rd level, as an Action,
you conjure a spectral tarot card and make a Ranged Weapon
Attack with it. The Tarot Card is considered a finesse, thrown
(30/120) weapon that deals 1D6 Force Damage. When you
conjure the card it takes on a random suit. Roll 1D4 and
apply the effect of the card when it hits a target.
Cups: The Target makes a Charisma Saving Throw against
a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma Modifier.
If it fails, it has Disadvantage on all attacks against you until
the start of your next turn.
Penticales: You gain 1D10 + your level Temporary Hit
Points. These Temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute.
Swords: You apply your Sneak Attack damage even if you
don’t meet the requirements for it. If you do meet the
requirements of your Sneak Attack, increase the damage it
does by 1D6.
Wands: You gain an extra Bonus Action this turn.
Glimpse the Future
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast the Augury
spell but only as a Ritual.
Marked Cards
When you reach 9th level, you learn to manipulate your cards
to the desired result. When you hit with a Tarot Card Attack,
instead of rolling, you can choose the result you want. You
can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (Minimum once). You regain all expend
uses of this feature when you complete a Long Rest.
Fortune Teller’s Tent
When you reach 9th level, you gain the ability to cast the
Leomund's Tiny Hut Spell but only as a Ritual. The hut looks
like a colorful tent instead of the 10 foot dome.
Fortune Teller’s Curse
Bonus Cantrip
Starting at first level, you learn the Fire Bolt Cantrip. It
counts as a Warlock Cantrip for you but doesn’t count against
the number of Cantrips you know.
Brimstone Bolt
At first level, you learn to harness the power of hellfire and
weave it into your Fire Bolt Cantrip. You can use Fire Bolt in
place of Eldritch Blast for all Invocations and prerequisites of
Invocations (Example: Agonizing Blast lets you add your
Charisma Modifier to Fire Bolt).
When you hit with Fire Bolt, you may spend 1 Hit Dice to
deal an Additional 1D10 Force Damage with the Attack. This
damage increases to 2D10 at 5th, 3D10 at 11th, and 4D10 at
17th level.
Hellfire Wielder
At 6th level, when you deal Fire damage, you may turn half
the damage into Force Damage.
Hellfire Shield
At 6th level, you lash out with Hellfire against those who dare
strike you. When you are hit with a Melee Attack, as a
Reaction, you may Spend 1 Hit Die to cast Hellish Rebuke at
your highest Spell Slot.
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