375804-Halloween Subclasses Part 2 V2

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Halloween Subclasses Part II

By: Andrew Ceasar

Barbarian - Path of the Faceless
Every culture has legends of faceless horrors that stalk the
night. Creatures that you catch just out of the corner of your
eye, that creep into your bedroom to watch you sleep, or even
drag you away. Parents normally use these tales to frighten
children into behaving, but you know the truth: they’re out
there. Due to a horrific encounter with one as a child or being
abducted and raised by one of these enigmatic entities, you
have learned to tap into the dread and fear caused by such
beings. Where other barbarians froth at the mouth with rage
or connect to the primal plane for their powers, you draw
your power from the Shadowfell.
Path of the Revenant Features
Barbarian Level Features
3rd Horrifying Rage
6th Stalker
10th Consume Fear
14th Fear Incarnate

Horrifying Rage
Starting at 3rd level, when you enter your rage, your facial
features melt away to nothingness and your skin takes on a
deathly pallor. All enemies within 30 feet that can see you
must make a Wisdom save (DC 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus +
Your Charisma Modifier), on a failed save they take 2D6
psychic damage and are Frightened. At the end of each of
their turns, they can make a Wisdom Save against your Save
DC to end the effect. The damage increases when you reach
certain levels in this class, increasing to 4D6 at 5th level, to
6D6 at 11th level, and to 8D6 at 17th level.
While Raging you can see normally through darkness both
magical and mundane to a distance of 60 feet as your eyes
become attuned to the Shadowfell.
When you reach 6th level, you learn to warp reality around
you, rendering you invisible to the naked eye or blanketing
the area in darkness. You gain the ability to cast the
Invisibility or Darkness spell. You can cast either of these
spells a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier.
After a Long Rest, you regain all uses of this feature.
Consume Fear
Starting at 10th level, you learn to feed off fear and rend your
foes mind with pure terror. When you hit a creature that is
Frightened, you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal
to your Level + Constitution Modifier. You can gain these
Temporary Hit Points only once a round. The target of your
attack also takes an additional 2D10 Psychic Damage. You
can only benefit from this feature once a turn.
Fear Incarnate
When you reach 14th level, the power of the Shadowfell
infuses you and turns you into the personification of terror.
The range of your Horrifying Rage becomes 60 ft. While
Raging, as a Bonus Action, you can teleport to any creature
you can see that is Frightened. Creatures Adjacent to you
have Disadvantage on Wisdom Saving Throws.


Bard - College of Haunting Wraith Form
When you reach 14th level, you learn to transform your body
The howl of a wolf in the distance, rattling chains, the sound and become one with the spirit realm. You can use your
of scratching on the wall, and the echo of footsteps when no Action to become a Wraith. Your game statistics are replaced
one is around: all these things invoke a natural terror in most by the statistics of the Wraith, but you retain your alignment,
beings. Many times the first signs of a haunting are noises, personality and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Scores.
for it seems that creating sound is easiest for a spectral You also retain all of your skills and saving throw
being. You have learned to tap into that power to punish and proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the Wraith. For
terrorize your foes. You gain ghostly powers that allow you to the Wraith’s DC’s you use your Bard Spell DC. You do not
wail like a banshee, become temporarily ethereal, and even gain the Wraith’s Create Specter Ability.
hurl your foes around like a poltergeist. The College of When you transform you assume the Wraith’s hit points
Haunting is an extremely rare school, but when someone and Hit Dice. When you revert to your normal form, you
encounters a member, they never forget them or the strange return to the number of hit points you had before you
occurrences that surround them. transformed. However, if you revert as a result of dropping to
College of Haunting Features 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal
form. You can cast spells and speak normally. You retain the
Bard Level Features benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source
3rd Spectral Magic, Baleful Wail and can use them in Wraith Form. Your equipment becomes
6th Ethereal Defense ethereal with you.
You can stay in Wraith shape for a number of hours equal
14th Wraith Form to half your Bard level (rounded down). You can revert to your
normal form earlier by using a Bonus Action on Your Turn.
Spectral Magic You automatically revert if you fall Unconscious, drop to 0 Hit
You gain spells at the bard levels listed in the College of Points, or die.
Haunting Spells table. See the spellcasting class feature for You must complete a Long Rest to regain this feature.
how bardric spells work.
College of Haunting Spells
Bard Level Spells
3rd Phantasmal Force
5th Vampiric Touch
7th Phantasmal Killer
9th Telekinesis

Baleful Wail
When you become a member of the College of Haunting at
3rd level, you learn to unleash of powerful scream that rends
your foes. As an Action, you spend one use of your Bardic
Inspiration and unleash a 30 ft cone attack. Creatures within
the area must make a Constitution saving Throw against your
Bard Spell Save DC. If they fail the saving throw, they take
2D6 Psychic Damage. When you reach certain levels in this
class the damage increases, becoming 3D6 at 5th level, 5D6
at 10th level, and finally 8D6 at 15th level. Undead and
Constructs are Immune to this Ability.
Ethereal Defense
Starting at 6th level, you learn to partially fade to the ethereal
allowing you to avoid the full force of your foes attacks. When
you take damage, you may use your Reaction to gain
Resistance to all damage but Force damage until the start of
your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times
equal to your Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1). After
completing a Long Rest you regain all uses of this ability.


Cleric -Pain Domain Starting at 6th level, your body has sustained so much pain
that it has become accustomed to it. When you take damage
Pain is something every creature understands, from a lowly you reduce the amount by 3. When you reach 12th level in
goblin to a fearsome dragon. It is a powerful motivator, and in this class you reduce damage by 6.
some cases, a desired reward. The gods of pain use this
knowledge to their advantage and allow their clerics to wield Divine Strike
it like a weapon. In Faerun, Loviatar is the goddess of pain, a At 8th level, you learn to transfer the essence of pain into your
cold-heart bully that enjoys tormenting her foes. In Eberron, weapon strikes. Once on each of your turns when you hit a
The Mockery rules over the domain of pain and enjoys flaying creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to
the skin from his enemies. Iuz is the deity of pain in deal and extra 1D8 force damage to the target. When you
Greyhawk and uses his power to dominate the weak. Clerics reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2D8.
who succumb to the painful edicts of their god, find
themselves empowered by them, able to turn pain into Avatar of Agony
pleasure or even reflect their own pain unto others. At 17th level, you become one with pain and only experience
Pain Domain Features
it as pleasure. As an Action you project an Aura of Agony that
deals 2D6 force damage to all creatures within 10 feet of you.
Cleric Level Feature You may choose to take this damage as well. If you do, it
1st Bonus Proficiences, Power Through Pain activates your Power Through Pain ability and the damage
2nd Channel Divinity
bonus becomes equal to double your Wisdom Modifier. You
may cancel this ability as a free action.
6th Deadened Nerves
8th Divine Strike
17th Avatar of Agony

Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Pain
Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for
how domain spells work.
Pain Domain Spells
Tastiness Cookie Type
1st Inflict Wounds, Hellish Rebuke
3rd Cloud of Daggers, Heat Metal
5th Fear, Vampiric Touch
7th Blight, Phantasmal Killer
9th Flame Strike, Negative Energy Flood (XGtE)

Bonus Proficiences
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with greatswords, longswords, rapiers, scimitars,
shortswords, and whips. .
Power Through Pain
Starting at 1st level, you learn to harness your own pain and
turn it into a weapon. Whenever you take damage equal to
three times your level or more, you choose one of the
following options: your next damaging Attack or Spell deals
extra damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier or you gain
Advantage on your next Attack Roll, Skill Check or Saving
Throw you make before the end of your next turn.
Channel Divinity: Share Pain
When you reach 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to reflect some of your pain back on an attacker. When you
take damage, as a Reaction you can deal damage to the
attacker equal to half the damage you took.
Deadened Nerves


Druid - Circle of Murder When you summon your Murder of Crows you can choose
to either double the amount of Temporary Hit Points you
There are very few members of the Circle of Murder, for recieve or your crow attacks deal an additional 1D6 Necrotic
many of it’s members gain their powers through tragedy. Damage.
Most members are rural farmers, lost travelers, or frontiers
that have lost everything. Families murdered by bandits, their
land razed by monsters, or they become so lost in the woods
that civilization will never be found again. In their moment of
desperation a large crow arrives and offers them salvation or
the ability to avenge the fallen. No one knows where or why
this mysterious crow appears, only that it makes good on it’s
promise. Recently members of the circle of begun to teach
new members the secrets of the circle without having to face
such tragedies. Regardless of their origins, whenever a
member of the circle appears, death swiftly follows.
Circle of Murder
Druid Level Features
2nd Murder of Crows
6th Birds of a Feather
10th Commit the Murder
14th Crow King

Murder of Crows
Starting at 2nd level, as an Action you expend a use of your
Wild Shape feature to summon a murder of crows around
you. While active, you gain 20 Temporary Hit Points as the
crows fly around intercepting attacks directed at you. As a
Bonus Action, you can send a crow streaking at one creature
within 60 feet of you. Make a Ranged Attack roll that uses
your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Dexterity Modifier to
hit, If you hit, the crow deals 1D6 Necrotic Damage. This
damage ignores Necrotic Resistance. This ability lasts for 1
Minute or until you no longer have Temporary Hit Points.
When you reach 5th level the Temporary Hit Points increase
30, and you can make two crow attacks. At 11th level the
Temporary Hit Points increase to 40, and you can make three
crow attacks. At 17th Level the Temporary Hit Points
increase to 50 and you can make four crow attacks.
Birds of a Feather
Starting at 6th level, you learn to protect others with your
murder. When you summon your Murder of Crows, one ally
within 30 feet of you gains Temporary Hit Points Equal to
half of your Temporary Hit Points as a small murder of crows
appears around them.
Commit the Murder
When you reach 10th level, you learn to unleash your murder
of crows to decimate your foes. As an Action, each creature in
a 30 foot cone must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against
your Druid Spell Save DC. A creature takes Necrotic Damage
equal to your currant Temporary Hit Points on a failed saving
throw or half as much on a successful save. You can use this
ability once per use of your Murder of Crows.
Crow King
Starting at 14th level, you learn to harness the full potiential
of your murder. While under the effects of your Murder of
Crows ability you gain a 60 foot Fly Speed.


Fighter - Executioner Guillotine Gauntlet
When you reach 10th level, you learn to unleash a dizzying
Executioner’s wield their deadly tools with ruthless efficiency. array of chops with your weapon. As an Action, you make 6
Greataxes, Greatswords, and even some long bladed Attacks against one target. These Attacks are made with a -5
polearms become an extension of the Executioner’s soul. penalty to the Attack Roll. You can not critically hit with these
Every Executioner covers their face, from typical black hoods Attacks. If none of the Attacks hit the target, you deal double
to gruesome masks, for anonymity strikes fear in the hearts your Strength Modifier damage to the target. You must finish
of the brave. Some Executioners become adventurers to find a Long Rest before you can use this ability again.
new foes to test their skills against, and others seek to atone
for all the lives they have taken. Yet there are some that travel Prefered Method of Death
to seek more bloodshed than simple life in a city can offer. Starting at 15th level, you improve either your Gallow Grab
One thing is for sure, when an executioner strides onto the or Guillotine Gauntlet. Choose One:
battlefield, heads will roll. Hangman: When you hit a creature with Gallow Grab you
Executioner Features deal 1D10 + Your Strength Modifier Force damage to the
target. You can use Gallow Grab Twice before needing to
Level Features
complete a Short Rest.
Butcher’s Block: When you use Guillotine Gauntlet you
3rd Guise of the Executioner, Executioner's make 7 Attacks and the Penalty to hit is reduced to -3.
7th Gallow Grab Off with their Heads
10th Guillotine Gauntlet
When you reach 18th level, you are a true master of your
craft. When you Attack a creature that has at least one head
15th Prefered Method of Death with a two-handed weapon that deals Slashing damage and
18th Off with their Heads roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut one of the creatures heads
off. The creature dies if it can’t survive without a lost head. A
Guise of the Executioner
creature is immune to this effect if it’s immune to Slashing
Starting at 3rd level, you learn to conjure a mask or hood that damage, doesn’t have or need a head, has legendary actions,
covers your face. As a Bonus Action, you can summon your or the DM decides the creatures head is too big to be cut off
guise. Your guise disappears if taken off. While wearing your by your Attack. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6D8
guise, you have advantage on Intimidation checks. While Slashing Damage.
wearing your guise, you are immune to magic that allows
creatures to read your thoughts, or detect your alignment.
Creatures can only telepathically communicate with you if
you allow it.
You can transform one magical mask or helmet into your
guise by performing a special ritual. This ritual takes 1 hour
to complete, which can be done during a Short Rest. You can
dismiss the mask or helm, casting it into an extradimensional
space, and it reappears whenever you summon your guise
again. The mask or helm ceases being your guise if you die or
use the ritual on another mask or helm. When your bond
breaks, the mask or helm appears at your feet.
Executioner's Expertise
Starting at 3rd level, your ability to wield large, bladed
weapons is unrivaled. You deal an extra 2 Damage with two-
handed weapons that deal slashing damage. The damage
from this ability increases as you reach certain levels, you
deal an extra 4 damage at 10th level, an extra 6 damage at
16th level, and an extra 8 damage at 20th level.
Gallow Grab
When you reach 7th level, your connection to death becomes
supernatural, allowing you to summon a spectral hanging
rope to reel in your foes. As a Bonus Action, you make
Ranged Spell Attack that uses your Strength Modifier against
a creature within 30 feet of you. If you hit, you pull the target
up to 15 feet closer to you. At the end of the pull if the
creature is within your reach, you may use your Reaction to
make a Melee Attack against it. You must complete a Short
Rest before you can use this feature again.


Monk - Way of the Ravenous Fiend: You harness the creatures unbridled hatred. Your
Bite Attack deals an additional 1D6 Fire Damage. This
Hunger damage bypasses Fire Resistance.
The Way of the Ravenous Hunger is an obscure fighting style Giant: Your body swells with the creature’s strength. Your
that attracts vicious murderers, cannibals, and undead that Bite Attack becomes a D12 Damage.
seek to improve their already deadly jaw attacks. Humanoid: The creatures blood empowers you. You heal
Practitioners of this style learn to use their mouth as an 1D6 Hit Points at the start of each of your turns, up to half
engine of destruction, ripping chunks out of their foes and your Maximum Hit Points.
gaining power from the blood and meat that fills their maws. Monstrosity: You take on the creatures ferocity. You can
Monks that practice this way thrive on the carnage they cause use your Bite Attack in place of any of your unarmed strikes.
and constantly seek bigger and better prey, wishing to prove Ooze: You gain the creatures corrosive nature. Your Bite
they are the ultimate apex predator. However, the Order of Attacks deal an Additional 1D4 Acid Damage. This damage
the Ebon Maw is a group of good aligned monks that fight bypasses both Acid Resistance and Immunity. Your Bite
fire with fire, as they savagely hunt down monsters that Attack also deals double damage against Objects.
threaten frontier villages. Plant: Your body becomes bark-like. You gain Resistance to
Bludgeoning Damage, Immunity to Piercing Damage, and
Way of the Ravenous Hunger Features Fire Vulnerability.
Monk Level Features Undead: Negative Energy flows through you. You gain
3rd Razor Maw Necrotic Resistance and Advantage on saves verses Undead
6th Strength of my Enemy
11th Powerful Maw Powerful Maw
Starting at 11th level, you learn to pour more of your Ki into
17th Consume the Wicked your Bite. When you use your Razor Maw power you may
spend 6 Ki Points, instead of 2, to Increase the Bite Damage
Razor Maw to 1D12, and you can use your Bite Attack twice per turn.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to unhinge your jaw
and grow rows of razor sharp teeth. As a Bonus Action, you Consume the Wicked
spend 2 Ki Points and gain a Bite Attack. This Attack is When you reach 17th Level, you learn to turn your maw into
considered an Unarmed Strike and deals 1D8 Piercing an all consuming void that draws your foes into it. As an
Damage. You can only use your Bite Attack once per turn. Action, you spend 10 Ki Points, and all Creatures in a 30 foot
When you Critically Hit with your Bite Attack, you gain Cone must make a Reflex Save. On a failed save, the creature
Temporary Hit Points Equal to the Damage you dealt. is pulled into your mouth and is banished into a pit of acid.
Creatures that are Banished take 20D6 Acid Damage and are
Strength of my Enemy returned to combat at the beginning of your next turn. If a
When you reach 6th level, you learn to draw strength from creature succeeds on its Saving Throw, it is Pulled 15 Feet to
those you sink your teeth into. When you hit with your Bite the closest available space and takes damage equal to your
Attack, you can use your Reaction to Spend 2 Ki Points and Bite Attack.
gain benefits based on the type of enemy you bite. These
benefits last for 1 hour.
Aberrations: Your Anatomy becomes stretchy and
malleable. You gain a 10 foot Reach and your Bite Attack
deals an extra 1D4 Force Damage.
Beast: You harness the animals instincts and speed. You
gain +10 foot Movement Speed and Keen Senses, which
grants you Advantage on Perception Checks.
Celestial: You draw on the creatures heavenly nature. You
gain a Fly Speed equal to your movement speed.
Construct: You gain the ability to shrug of damage. You
gain Resistance to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing Damage.
Dragon: You draw out the Dragons resistance to elements.
You gain Resistance to the energy type the dragon’s breath
weapon deals. If the creature doesn’t have a breath weapon,
you instead gain Resistance to nonmagical Bludgeoning,
Piercing and Slashing Damage.
Elemental: Your body adapts to mimic the creatures
movement abilities. You gain one of the creatures Movement
Fey: You learn the fickle nature of the Fey. You can Teleport
15 feet as a Bonus Action.


Paladin - Oath of the Grave The horde lasts for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit
points, or until you use your channel divinity again.
The Oath of the Grave allows divine warriors the ability to
command legions of undead. Some swear this oath to help Aura of Decay
them get revenge on those who have wronged them, others Starting at 7th level, as a Reaction, you emanate a 10 foot
find the company of the dead preferable to the living, but by Aura of corrupting energy. Creatures that end their turn in
far the most common reason is simple: Power, the ability to your Aura take 1D6 Necrotic Damage. You and your allies
command life and death, and possibly find a means to even within the aura gain Resistance to Necrotic damage. You can
cheat death. Members of this oath can be found among the dismiss this ability for free.
worshipers of such gods as: Vecna, Myrkul, Nerull, and The
Keeper. Army of Darkness
Starting at 15th level, your zombie horde becomes huge
Tenets of the Grave sized. Its Claw Attack deals 2D8 slashing damage + 1D8
The tenets of the Oath of the Grave hold a paladin to Necrotic Damage. Its Hit Points are six times your level in
selfishness and mercilessness. this class instead of five. You can occupy the same square as
Unstoppable. Let nothing stand in the way of your goals your zombie horde and when you do you gain a +1 to AC.
and ambitions, no method is beneath you to achieve what you
want. Death Knight
The Dead. Do not fret for the dead for they were too weak When you reach 20th level, you reach the pinnacle of your
to live. Instead use their corpses to further your goals. power and transform into a Death Knight. You type becomes
Merciless. Show no solisic or respite for your foes, for a Undead. You gain immunity to Necrotic and Poison Damage.
dead enemy is a new ally. You gain immunity to the exhausted, frightened, and poisoned
Oath of the Grave Features
conditions. Your melee weapon attacks deal an additional
2D8 Necrotic Damage when they hit. You have Advantage on
Paladin Level Features all Saving Throws against magical effects that target Undead.
3rd Oath Spells, Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Decay (10ft)
15th Army of Darkness Undead Horde
Large Swarm of Undead, any evil alignment
18th Aura of Decay (30ft)
20th Death Knight Armor Class 13
Hit Points Hit Points equal to the horde’s
constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier +
Oath of the Grave Spells five times your level in this class
Paladin Level Spells Speed 20ft.
3rd Cause Fear (XGtE), Ray of Sickness
5th Gentle Repose, Ray of Enfeeblement STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
9th Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 5 (-2) 10 (+0) 5 (-2)
13th Blight, Death Ward
Condition Immunities Poison
17th Antilife Shell, Danse Macabre (XGtE) Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following Necromantic Bond. The following numbers increase
Channel Divinity option. See the Sacred Oath feature for how by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1:
Channel Divinity Works. the horde’s skull and saving throw bonuses above,
Call the Grave Horde. As an Action, you summon a horde the bonuses to hit and damage of its Claw Attack.
of zombies that rise from the ground. The horde appears in
an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within Arms of the Dead. The horde can have up to 3
creatures Grabbed at one time.
30 feet of you. As part of this Action, the Horde makes a Claw
Attack against all creatures Adjacent to it. Actions (Requires Your Bonus
The horde is friendly to you and your companions and
obeys your commands. See this creature’s game statistics in Action)
the horde stat block. You determine the appearance of the Claw Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
horde. Some zombie hordes look like your defeated foes or 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1D8+3 slashing damage, and
lost loved ones. the target must make a Strength Save against your
In combat, The horde shares your initiative count, but it spell save DC, failure means they’re Grabbed.
takes its turn immediately after yours. The only action it can Dragged Down. ( The target must be Grabbed) One
take on its turn is the Move or Dodge action, unless you take Creature Grabbed by the Horde: Strength Saving
a bonus action on your turn to command it to take one of the Throw against your Spell Save DC or take 2D8+3
actions in its stat block or to take the Disengage, Help, or slashing damage and be knocked prone.
Hide action.


Ranger - Relentless Killer Unnerving Presence
Starting at 11th level, your very presence is enough to
Relentless Killers focus on one target and bring it down with unsettle your Marked Prey and cause it to make mistakes.
dogged determination, patience and brutal efficiency. Bounty When your Marked Prey moves away from you, it must make
Hunters, sociopaths, and serial killers are drawn to this path; a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ranger Spell Save
however, there are some who find this path’s methods perfect DC, failure means they fall prone as they trip over seemingly
for protecting their homes as they make sure that anyone nothing.
who would harm them cannot escape their wrath. Relentless
Killers are expert trackers and don’t hesitate to go for the kill. Unkillable
Relentless Killer Features When you reach 15th level, you refuse to die while your
Marked Prey is alive. While you have a Marked Prey, having 0
Ranger Level Features hit points doesn’t knock you unconscious. You still must make
3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Marked Prey death saving throws, and you suffer the normal effects of
7th Unstoppable taking damage at 0 hit points. However, if you would die due
to failing death saving throws, you don’t die until your Marked
11th Right Behind You Prey is reduced to 0 Hit Points or 10 minutes pass,
15th Unkillable whichever happens first. While in this state, your Marked
Prey extra damage increases to 2D10 Force damage.
Bonus Proficiencies
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Survival skill.
If you are already proficient in Survival, you gain Expertise in
Marked Prey
Starting at 3rd level, you learn to mark your foes making it
nearly impossible for them to escape you. As a bonus action,
one creature you can see within 60 feet becomes your
Marked Prey. An invisible mark that only you can see appears
on the target. This mark is always visible to you, allowing you
to see where the target is regardless if it turns invisible or
changes its appearance. While marked, your weapon attacks
deal an extra 1D10 Force Damage to the creature. You can
only have one Marked Prey at a time. If you use this ability
again, it dismisses the previous Marked Prey. Your mark lasts
for 1 hour. You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your Wisdom Modifier (Minimum once). You regain all
expended uses when you complete a Long Rest.
When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage
increases to 2D10.
When you reach 7th level, your ability to reach your target
becomes supernatural. As long as you use your movement to
move closer to your Marked Prey, you are unaffected by
difficult terrain, spells and other magical effects can't reduce
your speed nor cause you to become paralyzed or restrained.
If you are already paralyzed or Restrained, you can ignore the
effect as long as you're moving towards your Marked Prey.
Right Behind You
Starting at 7th level, you learn to instantly close the gap
between you and your Marked Prey. As a Bonus Action, you
can teleport up to 200 feet, appearing in a square adjacent to
your Marked Prey. You must complete a Short Rest before
you can use this feature again.


Rogue - Fortune Teller Starting at 13th level, when you take damage from an attack,
you can use your Reaction to cast the spell Bestow Curse on
Charlatans, cheats, and omen seekers are all things they've the creature that damaged you. The Saving Throw DC is
been called, but they are some much more. Fortune Teller's equal to 8 + your proficiency + your Charisma modifier. You
learn a variety of tricks to confound and destroy their foes, must complete a Short Rest before you can use this feature
from their spectral cards, to their ability to see briefly into the again.
future, and even to bestow curses on their enemies. Fortune
Teller’s rarely settle in one spot for long and prefer to travel Full Deck
the lands. Some say this is because of their innate When you reach 17th level, you learn to unleash the full
wanderlust, but many believe its because they are running potential of your cards. As an Action, you make one Tarot
from something. Card Attack against every creature within 30 feet of you. You
Fortune Teller Features
must complete a Short Rest before you can use this feature
Rogue Level Features
3rd Tarot Cards, Glimpse the Future Read the Bones
9th Marked Cards, Fortune Teller's Tent
When you reach 17th level, you gain the ability to cast the
Contact Other Plane Spell, but only as a Ritual.
13th Gypsy's Curse
17th Full Deck, Read the Bones

Tarot Cards
Starting when you take this path at 3rd level, as an Action,
you conjure a spectral tarot card and make a Ranged Weapon
Attack with it. The Tarot Card is considered a finesse, thrown
(30/120) weapon that deals 1D6 Force Damage. When you
conjure the card it takes on a random suit. Roll 1D4 and
apply the effect of the card when it hits a target.
Cups: The Target makes a Charisma Saving Throw against
a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma Modifier.
If it fails, it has Disadvantage on all attacks against you until
the start of your next turn.
Penticales: You gain 1D10 + your level Temporary Hit
Points. These Temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute.
Swords: You apply your Sneak Attack damage even if you
don’t meet the requirements for it. If you do meet the
requirements of your Sneak Attack, increase the damage it
does by 1D6.
Wands: You gain an extra Bonus Action this turn.
Glimpse the Future
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast the Augury
spell but only as a Ritual.
Marked Cards
When you reach 9th level, you learn to manipulate your cards
to the desired result. When you hit with a Tarot Card Attack,
instead of rolling, you can choose the result you want. You
can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (Minimum once). You regain all expend
uses of this feature when you complete a Long Rest.
Fortune Teller’s Tent
When you reach 9th level, you gain the ability to cast the
Leomund's Tiny Hut Spell but only as a Ritual. The hut looks
like a colorful tent instead of the 10 foot dome.
Fortune Teller’s Curse


Sorcerer - Hag Blood You an all members of your coven can each cast a spell
based on your Hag Heritage once per Long Rest. These
Many would call you cursed, but you are the one that does the spells use your Spell Attack and Spell Save DC. As a bonus
cursing. The blood of Hags courses through your veins action, you can spend 6 Sorcery Points to refresh this ability
making you an extremely clever and dastardly foe to any you without needing to complete a Long Rest.
would call an enemy. Not all Hag Blood sorcerers are the Annis: Enlarge
same though. Some draw their magic from Green Hags and Bheur: Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm (XGtE)
excell at enchantment magic, others draw strength from their Green: Alter Self
brutish Annis heritage, and in rare cases, Night Hag blood Night: Invisibility
makes them a master of subtly tearing their foes minds apart. Sea: Melf’s Acid Arrow
Regardless of their heritage, Hag Blood Sorcerers turn their
foes greatest strengths into crippling weakness. Curse Caster
Hag Blood Features
Starting at 14th level, you can cast either Hex or Bestow
Curse with your Hex Weaver Feature.
Sorcerer Level Features
1st Hex Weaver, Hagborn Heritage Magical Broom
6th Coven
When you reach 14th level, you can turn a regular broom into
a Broom of Flying. This process takes 10 minutes, and the
14th Curse Caster, Magical Broom broom remains magical indefinitely, but when you die the
18th Grand Coven magic vanishes in a number of days equal to your Charisma
Modifier. You can only have one Broom of Flying active at a
Hex Weaver
time. If you use this feature again, the previous broom ceases
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to cast the Hex spell to be magical.
without spells slots. You can cast Hex a number of times Grand Coven
equal to your Charisma Modifier (Minimum once). You regain When you reach 18th level, your coven becomes incredibly
all spent uses of the feature when you complete a Long Rest. powerful. You and all members of your coven can each cast
At 5th level you can maintain concentration on the Hex spell an additional spell based on your Hag Heritage once per
for up to 8 hours, and at 7th level, you can concentrate on it Long Rest.
for up to 24 hours. Annis: Wall of Stone
Hagborn Heritage
Bheur: Cone of Cold
Starting at 1st level, you choose the type of hag you descend Green: Dominate Person
from. Your Hex spell gains an additional benefit based on the Night: Dream (Multiple castings of this spell can stack on
type of hag you descend from. 1 target)
Annis: The bonus damage from Hex becomes 1D8 Sea: Cloudkill
Necrotic Damage when you hit the target with a melee
Bheur: The extra damage from Hex becomes Cold
Damage. While cursed, the target has -10 Movement Speed.
Green: When you cast Hex on a creature, it must make a
Charisma Saving Throw against your Sorcerer Spell Save
DC. If it fails the saving throw, it is Charmed by you for 1
minute or until you or your companions do anything harmful
to it.
Night: When you Hex a creature, you choose two abilities
instead of one. The creature has Disadvantage on all ability
checks with both of these abilities.
Sea: When you cast Hex on a creature, it must make a
Wisdom Saving Throw against your Sorcerer Spell Save DC.
On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns. If it succeeds, it ends this effect.
When you reach 6th level, you can form a coven with two
other people. You perform a special ritual that takes 1 hour to
complete. Afterwards, you choose up to two allies to become
part of your coven.


Warlock - Hellfire Burn the Pain Away
At 10th level, you can use your Hellfire to sear clarity into
Hellfire is one of the most potent weapons in the Nine Hell’s your mind. As a Reaction, when you are subject to the
arsenal, and very few are capable of wielding it without Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned or Stunned
turning to ash. You have made a pact with one of these condition, you may deal your Fire Bolt damage to yourself to
wielders of hellfire and gained a measure of control over the end the Condition. This damage can not be reduced by any
dangerous magic. Only the truly hopeless, desperate, or means.
power hungry would dare make a pact for these powers. It’s
believed that every casting of Hellfire burns a portion of the Burn to Ash
users soul away. Commonly, the pact is made with the When you reach 14th level, you learn to bath your target in
archdevil Mephistopheles, but the Daelkyr in Eberron or an Hellfire. When you hit with a Fire Bolt Spell Attack, you may
Elemental Prince of Evil could also grant these powers. deal an additional 1D10 Force Damage per your spent Hit
Hellfire Features Dice to the target. If this reduces the target to 0 or fewer Hit
Points, they are turned to ash. The target can only be
Warlock Level Features returned to life by a True Resurrection or Wish spell. You
1st Bonus Cantrip, Brimstone Bolt must complete a Long Rest to regain this ability.
6th Hellfire Wielder, Hellfire Shield
10th Burn the Pain Away
14th Burn to Ash

Hellfire Expanded Spells

Hellfire lets you choose from an expanded list ofspells when
you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to
the warlock spell list for you.
Hellfire Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st burning hands, inflict wounds
2nd pyrotechnics (XGtE), scorching ray
3rd fireball, melf’s minute meteors (XGtE)
4th fire shield, wall of fire
5th flame strike, immolation (XGtE)

Bonus Cantrip
Starting at first level, you learn the Fire Bolt Cantrip. It
counts as a Warlock Cantrip for you but doesn’t count against
the number of Cantrips you know.
Brimstone Bolt
At first level, you learn to harness the power of hellfire and
weave it into your Fire Bolt Cantrip. You can use Fire Bolt in
place of Eldritch Blast for all Invocations and prerequisites of
Invocations (Example: Agonizing Blast lets you add your
Charisma Modifier to Fire Bolt).
When you hit with Fire Bolt, you may spend 1 Hit Dice to
deal an Additional 1D10 Force Damage with the Attack. This
damage increases to 2D10 at 5th, 3D10 at 11th, and 4D10 at
17th level.
Hellfire Wielder
At 6th level, when you deal Fire damage, you may turn half
the damage into Force Damage.
Hellfire Shield
At 6th level, you lash out with Hellfire against those who dare
strike you. When you are hit with a Melee Attack, as a
Reaction, you may Spend 1 Hit Die to cast Hellish Rebuke at
your highest Spell Slot.


Wizard - Blood Magus Blood Teleportation
When you reach 10th level, you discover all creatures are
Blood Magi use their own life blood to fuel their spells, which connected through blood, and you can traverse those
allows their spells to be pushed beyond normal limits. Many pathways. As an Action, you enter a creature Adjacent to you
Blood Magi discover this tradition after meeting death face to and teleport to another creature that you can see. If you have
face, and when they survive their harrowing encounter, they a vial of a creature’s blood, you can instead teleport to that
discover a new zest for life. Some of the greatest Blood Magi creature as long as it’s on the same plane as you. You can not
are capable of manipulating others blood, teleporting through use this feature on Undead, Constructs, or any creature that
blood, and even wringing every last drop of the crimson fluid doesn’t have blood. You can use this feature a number of
from their foes. This tradition can’t be taught and is a path times equal to your Constitution Modifier (Minimum once).
one finds through self discovery and trial and error. You regain all spent uses of this feature when you complete a
Blood Magus Features Long Rest.
Wizard Level Features
Crimson Expulsion
2nd Blood Magic When you reach 14th level, you have gained a frightening
6th Scarification, Staunch amount of control over blood. As an Action, one creature
within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution Saving Throw
10th Blood Draught, Blood Teleportation against your Wizard Spell Save DC. On a failed saving throw,
14th Crimson Expulsion they take 12D8 Necrotic Damage as a portion of their blood
explodes from them. The damage is halved on a successful
Blood Magic Saving Throw. Enemies within 30 feet of your target must
Starting when you discover this tradition at 2nd level, when make Wisdom Saving Throws against the same DC. On a
you cast a spell from your spell slots, you can increase it’s failed save, they have Disadvantage on all Attack rolls until
spell level by one. The spell must deal damage and be the end of your next turn.
capable of being cast at a higher level. This feature allows you
to cast a spell at a higher level spell slot than you would
normally have access to. You take damage equal to twice the
spells new level.
When you reach 6th level, your body has toughened from the
consistent pain you put it through. While not wearing armor,
your armor class becomes 10 + your Dexterity Modifier +
your Constitution modifier. You gain Resistance to non
magical Piercing and Slashing damage.
Starting at 6th level, you gain a measure of mastery over not
only your blood but others blood as well. You gain the Spare
the Dying Cantrip. When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points you
automatically stabilize.
Blood Draught
Starting at 10th level, when you drink a potion you can
choose not to gain the benefits of it right away. Instead, the
potions benefits are stored in your blood. As an Action, you
can puncture your skin and gain the desired effects of one
potion stored in your body. You can store a number of potions
in your blood equal to your Constitution Modifier (minimum
one). As part of your Action you can instead feed your blood
to one willing or unconscious creature. They gain the benefits
of the potion instead of you.


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editor. Use the link below to make your
homebrewed classes look official.

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