CHAPTER - 9-Ms. Access
CHAPTER - 9-Ms. Access
CHAPTER - 9-Ms. Access
Microsoft Access is the database application that comes as a component with
Microsoft Office. A Database is nothing but a collection of related data stored together to
provide useful information about related topics. Database is not a new concept, but
which is in normal use with everyone. You may have a collection of Address and Phone
numbers of your friends and relatives which are nothing but a database. Whenever the
information is required, we refer back to the information and obtain it.
Microsoft Access is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for
organizing and storing large volumes of data in a relatively small space so that data can
be obtained by searching more efficiently. Given below are the few basic terminologies
used by the database management systems.
Term Description Examples
Field One unit or piece of data among the Data like,
related data. The more precise each fieldFirst name, Middle name,
is, the more efficient the database Last name, Phone number,
management system. etc.
Record A Collection of all related fields about one
Collective and related
person, place or thing. information like a Student
record consisting
Student_Id, First name,
Middle name, Last name,
Age, Degree, Address,
Phone number, etc. as its
File A Collection of records related to the All Student’s record as a
same concept or topic. collection.
Key field A field which contain unique information The field Student_Id is the
for each record in the database. key field.
Access is called an object oriented database program because each database that is
created may contain more than one of each object listed below.
Object Description
Table The primary unit of a database that stores field names, field
descriptions, field controls and field data. Tables display multiple
records in a row/column form similar to a spreadsheet layout.
Form A pleasing layout of table data designed to display one record on-
screen at a time.
Report An organized format of database data, designed to generate
printouts that provide meaningful information.
Query A structured guideline used to search database tables and retrieve
records that meet specific conditions.
Starting MS-Access
Step 1: Click the Start button.
Step 2: Point to “All Programs” in the Start menu.
Step 3: Point to Microsoft Access and click.
Exiting MS-Access
Step 1: Click the option File in the main menu.
Step 2: Click the option Exit in the file menu.
Step 17 & 18: Double click the name of the table in which the data is to be
3. Using MS-Access create a form by name stud_form using the following fields of
the student table in the student_db database.
4. Using MS-Access create a report by name Student Report using the following
fields of the student table in the student_db database.