Class - Ix English Previous Year Question Paper 2022-23

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General Instructions:
(i) The paper consists of three sections:
Section A- Reading Skills 20 Marks
Section B- Grammar & Writing Skills. 20 Marks
Section C- Literature. 40 Marks
(ii) Attempt all questions.
(iii) All the answers must be correctly numbered.
(iv) Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.


I. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. For children, the virtual world is often real. Since their cognitive abilities are not
developed fully, they tend to take things at face value. If they are watching violent
cartoons, they will tend to react in the same way in real life as the characters do in the
cartoons. Aggression rarely arises out of the blue. If there is a pre-existing history of
cruelty towards animals or small children and other activities like stealing, lying, fire
setting etc., the child may have a conduct disorder. Up to 25 –30 % of children with
conduct disorder may develop anti-social personality disorder when they grow up.

2. Parents need to often learn and enforce consistency and limit. Setting rules at home
help the child as does talking to them about school rules and why they are important.
Knowing who their friends are, talking to them about violence in movies, in school
etc. all go towards building a more confident youngster. Adequate physical activity
helps to sublimate a child’s aggression into socially acceptable forms. Making a child
responsible for his actions by teaching him to apologize when in the wrong, without
undue harshness is important. Our ego uses defense mechanism to protect itself from
the anxiety that may be caused by our actions. We can “selectively forget” anxiety
producing feelings and “repress” them from our conscious awareness. We can
“rationalize” that our questionable behavior is acceptable and find reasons to prove it
to ourselves and others. Most of the time defense mechanisms are normal patterns of
behavior that we all use on a regular basis. Once we find a particular defense to be
successful in reducing anxiety, we begin to use it in other situations that threaten our

3. Over time, the energy it takes to keep repressing the threatening material into our
unconscious minds becomes like a volcano, a potentially explosive force that can
erupt, causing “mental breakdowns” or unusually violent behaviours. A previously
quiet child may thus have bottled up feelings of inadequacy and repressed anger only
for it to burst one day in an act of violence.

4. Children who are aggressive may lack the social skills to communicate and often get
punished. This can worsen feelings of resentment. Teachers and parents need to work

in collaboration and use more positive reinforcement for positive behavior and
enhance their social skills.

5. Communication between parents and children can come about only when the parental
attitude is non-judgmental and open to hearing about that is going on in the child’s life
and giving it importance. Children’s problems should not be belittled but paid
attention to. Alternatives should be discussed with them.

6. Teachers who are aware of changes in students’ moods and who are non-judgmental
but at the same time who model good self-control over frustration themselves are
good at picking up anxiety in kids. Students need to be taught problem solving and
conflict resolution skills at times by modeling or role enactment. Primary prevention
is more effective.

Based on your understanding of the passage answer the following questions: 1×10

(i) Children who watch too much aggression on TV may tend to ………
a) Hate aggression
b) Hate soldiers
c) Develop aggressive tendencies
d) Become timid
(ii) The children can be directed towards non-violence if they …………
a) Watch TV
b) Observe real life
c) Break the rules
d) Learn what to do and what not to do
(iii) To channelize the child’s energy into socially relevant acts the child should
a) Be harshly treated
b) Scolded for any misconduct
c) Be made to participate in physical activities
d) Be treated leniently
(iv) We should try not to ……………
a) Suppress our ego
b) Suppress negative feelings
c) Forget anxiety
d) Rationalize our misbehavior
(v) Repressed feelings may sometimes prove to be ………
a) Good
b) Desirable
c) Dangerous
d) Dangerous and destructive
(vi) An act of violence may be caused by which of the following?
a) Family history
b) Sense of power
c) Sense of inadequacy
d) Deep seating feelings of anger and resentment
(vii) Aggressive children may be helped by which of the following?
a) Enhancing their social interaction
b) Reprimanding off and on
c) Letting them express their anger
d) Telling them to be mild
(viii) How the communication can be established between parents and children?
a) When the parents are judgmental
b) When the parents are non-judgmental
c) By giving importance to the child’s interest
d) (a) and (c) both.
(ix) How the students can be taught the problem- solving skills?
a) By putting them into problems
b) By asking them critical questions
c) By modelling and role playing
d) None of the above
(x) Find the similar meaning of “repression”
a) Demonstration
b) Subjugation
c) Advancement
d) Observation
II. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1.With Novel Coronavirus spreading rapidly all over the country, there are only three states
right now, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Andaman Nicobar Islands, that have less than 1000 people
infected with the disease.

2. Lakshadweep, of course, still hasn't reported even a single case till now, the only region in
India entirely free of the epidemic.

3. Otherwise, even the relatively smaller states now have significant large spread of the
disease. Goa, for example, has seen more than 7000 of its people infected by the virus till
now. Tripura has over 5500 cases, while Manipur has more than 3000 and Nagaland a little
less than 2500. Puducherry has more than 4000 cases, even while Daman and Diu has over
1300 people infected.

4. And in each of these states, the numbers are rising at a fast pace, at a rate higher than the
national level. The infections had initially reached these states in the first and second week of
May, when the lockdown was relaxed for the first time to enable people stuck in different
parts of the country to return to their native places.

5. After a period of very slow growth, the number of cases have begun to rise rapidly in the
last month. In Goa, for example, the total number of infected people has nearly doubled in the
last 15 days. Same has happened in Pudducherry, as well.

6. Tuesday was one of those rare occasions when the number of active cases in the country,
those who are yet to recover from the disease, went down compared to the previous day. This
is because of the number of recoveries, combined with the number of deaths, exceeded the
new cases that were detected on Tuesday.

7. With over 52,500 new cases detected in the country, the total number of infections crossed
19 lakhs, out of which 12.82 lakh people have recovered from the disease. The number of
DID is now close to 40,000.

8. The number of recoveries on Tuesday was the higher ever for a single day. More than
51,700 people were declared to have been recovered. Three days earlier, the number of
recoveries had crossed 50,000 for the first time, but in the next two days the number head fall
to much lower levels.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below:
1×10= 10
(i) How are these three states - Meghalaya, Sikkim and Andaman Nicobar Islands- different
from the rest of India? 1
(A) they are the only States to have less than 1000 people infected with Novel coronavirus.
(B) they are three of the five states to have less than 1000 people infected with novel
(C) they are the only States to have less than 2000 people infected with novel corona virus
(D) none of these
(ii) the only region in India which is entirely free of the epidemic.
(A) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Lakshadweep
(D) Tripura
(iii) What is common among Goa, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland, Puducherry and Daman Diu?
(A) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates lower than the national level.
(B) the numbers are falling at a fast pace at rates qual than the national level.
(C) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates higher than the national level.
(D) none of the above
(iv) Based on your understanding of the passage choose the option that lists the inherent
qualities of climate in the present times. 1
(A) 1and 4
(B) 2 and 6
(C) 1and 5
(D) 1and 3
(v) Which date in the graph shows the highest jump of detected cases in a day? 1
(A) July 30
(B) July 31
(C) August 1
(D) August 2
(vi) Of the 19 lakh infected cases, how many have recovered? 1
(A) 11.82 lakh
(B) 13.82
(C) 12.81
(D) 12.82
(vii) More than 51,700 were declared to have been recovered on......... 1
(A) Wednesday
(B) Tuesday
(C) Sunday
(D) Monday
(viii) When had the number of recoveries crossed 50,000 for the first time? 1
(A) two days earlier
(B) Tuesday
(C) three days earlier
(D) none of the above
(ix) Which word in the passage means the same as "quickly"? 1
(A) rapidly
(B) signicantly
(C) slowly
(D) rare
(x) Which word in the passage is similar in meaning to "indigenous"? 1
(A) Prosperous
(B) Indifferent
(C) Courageous
(D) native
SECTION -B Grammar & Writing Sills (20 Marks)
III. Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions: 1x10
(i) Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option. 1
We need to make all the necessary arrangements before the
(A) Set off
(B) Set aside
(C) Set in
(D) Set out
(ii) Read the conversation given below and complete the sentence by
reporting words correctly. 1
Piyush: Have you read "The Alchemist"?
Sharan : No, I haven't read it. I don't have this book.
Piyush asked Sharan if he had read "The Alchemist" Sharan replied that he
hadn't read it as he...........
(iii) Select the apt option to fill in the blank for the given line. 1
The doctor concluded that the patient .......... five hours ago.
(A) died
(B) has died
(C) will have died
(D) had died
(iv) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the
correction for the following line. 1
Few days back a passenger train collided in a tourist bus and
damaged it.
A a the
B in with
C collided. collides
D damaged damages
(v) complete the given narrative by filling in the blank in the correct option. 1
I was going to the town, meanwhile I ..….... a gentleman who helped me
for my further journey.
(A) Saw
(B) came across
(C) noticed
(D) none of the above
(vi) fill in the blanks by using the correct form of the word in the
bracket, for the given part of the sentence. 1
This is true that the pictures ......... (speak) more than a thousand
(vii) Report that dialogue between a teacher and his student. 1
Teacher: Why are you late today?
Student : I am not feeling well.
In answer to the teacher's question the student replied that...........

(viii) Identify the error in the sentence below and write the correction. 1
Everybody have been asked to bring a new edition of book.
............ .................
(ix) fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option to complete the
headline. 1
All the trespassers will be .........
(A) Prosecuted
(B) Admitted
(C) Overlooked
(D) none of the above

(x) select the correct option to complete the dialogue between a

receptionist and a visitor. 1
Receptionist: What can I do for you?
Visitor: Can I have an appointment right now?
The receptionist asked the visitor what he could do for him, to this the
visitor replied...........
(A) if he should have an appointment right then
(B) if he could have an appointment right then
(C) If he can't have an appointment right then.
(D) if he would have an appointment right now

(xi) Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option to complete the
sentence. 1
People of diverse cultures ........ together in India. I love being...... citizen of India.
(A) lived, an
(B) living, the
(C) are living, an
(D) live, a
(xii) Many children.......... most of their time watching TV than being active. 1
(A) Spend
(B) Spends
(C) Spending
(D) are Spend


1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
A. You recently participated in a Robot Making event in your school. Participants from
as many as 30 schools took part in the event. Write about the event in about 100- 120 words
describing how many robots were made and who was awarded the best prize etc.
B. Your school celebrated Sports Day on 15 December. Famous sports person Neeraj
Chopra was the chief guest on the occasion. Write a description of the occasion in about 100-
120 words.

2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. You are Ashish/Anshika living in Delhi. You had a chance to attend a wedding ceremony
in Mumbai. Your father took you there by airplane. You are very excited as it was your first
journey by plane. Write a diary entry in 100-120 words sharing your experience.
B. Write a story on the basis of the outline given below in about 100-120 words.
An old man had two daughters. He loved both of them. Once he asked them...........

V. Reference to the context 10
1 Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given.
A. After school, we went home and told our respective parents about the incident.
Laxman Shastri summoned the teacher, and in our presence, told the teacher that he
should not spread the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance in the minds
of innocent children. He bluntly asked the teacher either to apologize or to quit the
and Island.

(i) Who are "we" in the first line? 1

(A) Kalam and his father
(B) Kalam and Ramnandha Shastri
(C) Kalam and his class-mates
(D) Kalam and his neighbours

(ii) Why did Laxman Shastri summon the teacher? 1

(A) The teacher was not teaching sincerely
(B) He was brutally punishing the children
(C) He was very rude and harsh
(D) He tried to divide them on the basis of religion

(iii) What do these lines tell us about Laxman Shastri? 1
(A) He was a great scholar
(B) He didn't believe in communalism and social inequality
(C) He didn't respect teachers
(D) He was biased towards his son

(iv) What was the effect of this incident on the teacher? 1

(A) He left the school
(B) He continued his behaviour of division
(C) He reformed himself and became a changed person
(D) He wasn't affected by the incident

(v) What is meaning of "summoned"? 1

(A) Directed
(B) Diverted
(C) Called up
(D) None of the above
B. High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of happy prince.
He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright
and a large red ruby glowed on his sword hilt. One night there flew over the city a little
swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed
then he decided to go back to Egypt too.
(i) What do you mean by Sapphire? 1
(A) A precision stone
(B) A precious cloth
(C) A kind of weapon
(D) None of the above

(ii) Who's is the author of The Happy Prince? 1

(A) Ruskin Bond
(B) T.S. Eliot
(C) A.K.Ramanujan
(D) Oscar Wilde

(iii) What does the phrase 'He was gilded mean' ? 1

(A) He was covered with mud
(B) He was covered with gold
(C) He was covered with silver
(D) He was covered with brass

(iv) What is ' swallow '? 1

(A) Small long-winged songbird
(B) Huge long-winged songbird
(C) Tall long-winged songbird
(D) None of the above

(v) Why did the bird Swallow decide to go to Egypt? 1

(A) He didn't like the present place
(B) He wanted to meet his patients

(C) His friends hadalready gone there
(D) None of the above
2. Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given.
A. Remember they have eyes like ours that
wake or sleep, and strength that can be won
by love. In every land is common life
That all can recognize and understand.
(i) Are people similar in body and spirit? How? 1
(A) Yes, they have the same mental and physical power and are won by love
(B) No, they have different mental and physical power
(C) Some people are similar in body and spirit others are not
(D) none of the above

(ii) Is the life different in different countries? 1

(A) Yes, it is different in different countries
(B) No, physical and emotional needs are same everywhere
(C) It's difficult to say whether life is different in different countries.
(D) None of the above
(iii) Who is the poet of the above poem? 1
(A) James Kirkup
(B) Phoebe Cary
(C) Robert Frost
(D) W B Yeats
(iv) What can we recognize and understand? 1
(A) The commonness of language
(B) The commonness of life among the people of different countries.
(C) The commonness of food and dress
(D) None of the above
(v) Find the word which means opposite of "strength" 1
(A) Suitable
(B) Humble
(C) Shortcoming
(D) Dilemma

B. 'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
(i) Why does the poet feel sorry? 1
(A) The two roads had diverged
(B) He felt lonely
(C) He could not travel on both the roads
(D) He had to stand there for too long
(ii) What is the mood of the poet in these lines? 1
(A) Serious and pensive
(B) Happy
(C) Indifferent
(D) Angry
(iii) What choice does the narrator have to make? 1
(A) He has to choose between going farther or going back

(B) He has to choose between standing and get going
(C) He has to choose between the two paths
(D) None of the above
(iv) What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? 1
(v) Find the word similar to "diverge" 1
(A) Deviate
(B) Surpass
(C) Combat
(D) Revenge

VI. I. Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions in about 40-50 words each.
(i) Who were Abdul Kalam's school friends and what profession did they choose later
(ii) Why does Vikram Seth decide to buy a ticket directly for the homeward journey?
(iii) Why had Margie started hating her school?
(iv) What did Grandmother ask Kezia to make and why?
(v) Why did Santosh Yadav write an apology letter to her father?
II. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words. 2×3= 6
(i) Why did the child lose interest in the things that he wanted earlier?
(ii) How did Behrman save Johnsy's life?
(iii) Why did the Swallow not leave the prince and go to Egypt?

III Answer ANY ONE the following questions in 100-150 words 6

(i) Intelligence, sense of humour and presence of mind helped Gerrard to outwit the
intruder and get rid of him. Elaborate
(ii) Every father has a love for his child whether he expresses his love or not. Comment
on the basis of the story “The Little Girl”.
IV. Answer ANY ONE of the questions in about (100-150) words) 6
(i) The value of a person in one’s surrounding is truly known in one’s hardship.
Comment with reference to the story ‘A House is not a Home’.
(ii) How did Maria Sharapova overcome the challenges, humiliations and insults to
become number 1 in women's tennis?

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