Pinggang Pinoy 10.57
Pinggang Pinoy 10.57
Pinggang Pinoy 10.57
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The birth of Pinggang Pasdasdadsainoy asdasdadadsssss123132123131231322 the
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Food guides themselves are not uniquasdasdsadaasdasddasdsadasdsadssdsade. In fact, almost every
country has its own version of a food guide. Asda sd
Included in Pinggang Pinoy’s simple and graphic design is also a picture of a glass of water which stresses
the importance of sufficient water intake, and a figure jogging to represent regular physical activity.
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The FNRI’s Food Nutrition Research Institute vision is to provide innovative and timely food and nutrition
tools that will ensure a healthy and well-nourished Filipino population.
When you consume a healthy portion of Go food, your cells get the nutrients they need to run all day long.
You will benefit from eating high-quality carbs like whole grains because they are digested slowly and
provide sustained energy for several hours!
It is important to consume enough carbohydrates so that your brain has plenty of glucose to use daily. Your
brain consumes 20% of your body’s energy and more than 60% of this is glucose. This means that if you are
running low on glucose after a long period without food or during exercise, chemical messengers in the
brain will not be produced, and communication between neurons is disrupted. This often results in mental
illnesses or brain damage.
Fiber, usually found in Go foods, is another nutrient that plays an essential role in keeping bacteria in your
digestive tract healthy by protecting them from harmful substances; it also helps move food through your
intestines and prevent constipation.
Suppose you do not eat enough Go foods and are a very active athlete who needs more energy than usual.
In that case, your body will break down muscle tissue to create more glucose, resulting in weakness,
fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. You may also:
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Grow Foods: The Body-Building Foods
Grow foods are essential as they help the body grow, repair, and heal. They are foods that are rich in
protein which serves as the main building blocks of bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin. They also help make
hormones and antibodies, which are chemical substances that regulate many body functions and aid fight
against germs and viruses. Bacteria and viruses would be able to efficiently infect your body if you do not
have these antibodies. Furthermore, proteins improve digestion by creating enzymes that aid in breaking
food into molecules for various biological activities.s
If you do not get enough protein from Grow foods to feed your important organs, your body starts
borrowing protein from the skeletal muscle tissue. And as your skeletal muscle tissues become leaner and
weaker, your bones also become more vulnerable to fractures.asdasdasdasdadasdasaa asdss
Glow foods are fruits and vegetables that are good for your health. They have vitamins, minerals, and other
nutrients that help you feel healthy and strong. Glow foods also help make your skin look beautiful so you
can enjoy your glowing complexion!
There are many different types of Glow foods; some help with digestion, and some give us energy for
exercise or work, while others reduce stress so we can sleep better at night. Glow foods include red fruits
like tomatoes which are red because they contain lycopene; bananas which are rich in potassium; oranges
which are full of vitamin C; and green leafy vegetables which are high in iron.
Not eating enough of these Glow foods may lead to digestive problems like constipation, hemorrhoids, and
diverticulosis. Cellulose is found in fruits and vegetables, and it helps raise stool weight, ease passage, and
shorten transit time. In addition, vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids found in these foods are
antioxidants that protect healthy cells from free radicals, which can cause cancer.
Pinggang Pinoy1 is a good representation of how your plate should look. It is an easy-to-understand food
plate model of Go, Grow, and Glow foods. Developed in 20142 by the Department of Science and
Technology – Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI) in partnership with the Department of
Health and with the help of the World Health Organization, Pinggang Pinoy aims to combat malnutrition
and nutrient deficiency among Filipinos.
Pinggang Pinoy serves as a visual tool for Filipinos to stay healthy. It aims for more effective Filipino eating
habits as you can now easily visualize how a Filipino food plate should be prepared and served. This plate
is divided into sections indicating the proportion of Go, Grow, and Glow foods that should be eaten daily.
“Glow” foods, represented by a banana and a malunggay plant, occupy half of the plate. “Grow” foods,
represented by tilapia fish, make up about one-sixth of the plate. The remaining portion of the plate is
occupied by “Go” foods represented by a cup of rice.
The Pinggang Pinoy is beneficial for Filipinos of any age, including old people and even pregnant and
lactating women. DOST-FNRI has specialized versions of Pinggang Pinoy 3 with detailed guides for every age
group (i.e., kids, teens, adults, old people).
Here are some helpful tips for using the Pinggang Pinoy: