Essay 2
Essay 2
Essay 2
Rickisha Hathaway
Tasha Haas
English Comp 1
I choose to have an interview with Rev. Dan Doty the Chief Executive Director of
Kansas City’s City Union Mission. I met Rev. Doty once when I was a resident of the shelter for
a short stay in 2013. It was a rough time for me. I had been just released from jail for passing bad
checks. I have no family in Kansas City. I had been taking care of my self for so long. That now
I found myself homeless, clothes less, carless, broke and hungry. When I was in jail a group of
KU students had started a project called She Empowerment. They had given us women a folder
of resources. Clinics, Food Pantry’s Clothing Banks, Shelters lots of Community Resources. I
found myself walking around no where to go. I took that folder out. Found a pay phone and
called the homeless hotline. It was 12am and I was told to go to the City Union Mission.
Here I am walking through the security doors of the only place I had to go. The place that
changed my life forever. I was escorted to the Reverends office. Inside at his desk sat Rev. Dan
Doty. He looked a bit different from what I remembered. Gone was his large bulk size. The
lumber jack shirts. And the full beard. Rev. Doty. Had lost a remarkable amount of weight which
I later found out it was because of a weight lost surgery he under went a few years back. He was
a very tall man around 6’3. Slim now. Salt and pepper clean cut hair. And one of those
mustaches from the 1800s. That if he wanted he could make each end stick straight out and curly
at the ends.
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We shook hands I reminded him that t I was there to conduct an interview for a school
assignment. I started off with how I resided there for a short time 5 years ago. And how it
changed my life. Then I asked him to tell me a little about himself and how the shelter started
Reverend Daniel J. Doty was born in South Rockwood, Michigan, March 10, 1954 and
married August 7, 1976 to Evangeline Doty. Reverend Doty has four children ages 13-22. He is
a graduate of Moody Bible Institute with a BA and Master, Arts from Calvary Bible College. He
is also a graduate of Capital Bible Seminary with a Master of Divinity and Master of Theology.
career at City Union Mission began in 1978, when he served as Chaplain and Assistant to the
Superintendent. He then served as Chaplain, Central Union Mission, Washington, D.C from
1981-1983. He rejoined City Union Mission in 1983 and served as Assistant to the
Superintendent. Until January 1, 1992 when he was appointed Chief Executive Director.
Dan and wife Vannie are horse lovers and keep a small stable (7 horses) at their home
near Trimble, Missouri. They host clients at their home for hayrides, bonfires and cookouts. All
their children, four daughters and one son, are married and out of the home. Dan serves in the
Tri-County Ambulance Board and the Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust. Dan has been a member
The City Union Mission was started by Reverend and Mrs. David Bulkley on September
15, 1924. In that year alone, the Mission provided meals to over 2,000 homeless men living on
the streets. In 1927, the Bulkley's moved the Mission to the Harbor, a former brothel. The Harbor
became home to hundreds of homeless men until 1940. During these years, the Bulkley's added
emergency services for needy families, Sunday school, a rehabilitation farm in the Ozarks, The
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City Union Mission Camp in the Ozarks, summer camps for the inner-city children. In June of
1940 Rev. Bulkley died, and his wife Beulah directed the Mission until 1954, the board of
directors called Rev Bulkeys son in law Rev. Maurice Vanderberg and his wife, Ruth (the
Bulkley's daughter) to direct Mission. Maurice created the Christian Life Program in 1954, a
recovery program for homeless men. The Mission relocated in 1960 to the Boys Club Building,
where the Mission operated its first youth center, providing after-school and summer programs
for up to 400 inner-city children weekly. In 1972, the Mission moved to 1108 E. 10th Street,
where its Men's Center is today. In 1978, the Mission opened Pilgrim House Family Shelter in to
the growing number of homeless families. By 1983, the Mission's ministries to low income and
homeless families moved to the City Union Mission Family Center at 1310 Wabash. In 1985, the
Mission began the Hotline for the Homeless to connect the homeless to available shelter in the
city. Rev. Vanderberg retired as Executive Director on December 31, 1991. Rev. Dan Doty who
had been Rev. Vanderberg’s assistant for 10 years became Chief Executive Director, January 1,
He offers me coffee. I quickly turn down. He makes himself a large mug and sits down. I
We offer separate emergency shelters for men, for women, and for families. Long-term
recovery programs for men, women, and families. After-school and summer programs for youth.
Yes. Regular work assignments on Mission grounds help develop a positive work ethic
We don’t turn a man away unless he becomes a danger to other guests. Our Hotline for
the Homeless searches city shelters for placement of women and families, but sadly there are
Single women, married couples, single parents, and relatives caring for children younger
than 18.
First-time guests can stay up to thirty days. Returning guests can stay up to two weeks,
with opportunity for extensions for all. If they enter recovery and discipleship programs. Then up
to nine months.
Vanderberg Youth Center offers children and teens life-skills classes, tutors, Bible
Bake cookies, create welcome bags, participate in Mission: Christmas, make inspirational or
seasonal wall and table decorations, give financially, sponsor drives and collect items needed.
City Union Mission said it will not allow same-sex couples to stay together in its family
We are a Christian, faith-based organization that really does adhere to biblical standards.
Our view is that it is inappropriate. Our intent is not to shelter same-sex couples together. If
Married, same-sex couples who insist on being housed together, they will be referred to another
Yes. Salvation Army, Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph and Restart Inc.
For an individual to stay in our overnight shelter costs $19.00 per day. For an individual
Vouchers, Food Pantry, Back to school program, Xmas and Thanksgiving Program, Furniture
Vouchers, New Life Program, New Beginnings Program, Christian Life Program, Vanderberg
Youth Center,
I have a description of the different programs as well as examples of success storys but