File 2
File 2
File 2
Expense for Mobile/Landline bill to a max up to INR 18,000/- per annum (Bill
Mobile/Landline Allowance
should be in the name of employee only)
LTA is available annually for domestic travel only; Tax benefit for LTA can be
Leave Travel allowance (LTA) availed for ONE Journey in Two years or TWO Journeys in a Block of 4 years. The
maximum LTA amount will be one month's basic salary
Expense for Food allowance through Paytm Wallet to a max up to INR 24,000/-
Food Allowance (Paytm Wallet)
per annum (Paytm registration should be in the name of employee only)
NPS Amount percentage between 1% to 10% of your annual basic salary that you
National Pension Scheme (NPS)
wish to contribute (as per u/s 80CCD (2) of Income Tax Act, 1961)
An employee may opt for the car lease rental scheme through his/her flexi-pay
Car Lease rental (thereby claiming tax exemption) limited up to 70% of Flexi Pay. This scheme is
primarily targeted at new cars.
These This entitlement is available to the employees availing the company Car Leasing
benefits are Fuel Expenses Scheme and ceiling amount varies as per career stages. The Company will
administered reimbursement reimburse actual expenses (fully supported by original fuel bills) towards fuel
in line with expenses incurred on the leased car
the Pearson The Company will reimburse actual expenses (fully supported by original bills)
Car Lease Driver's Salary
towards driver's expenses incurred on the leased car. The eligibility and
policy reimbursement
entitlement under this category varies as per career stages.
The Company will reimburse actual expenses (fully supported by original bills)
Car Maintenance
towards expenses incurred on servicing, renewal of insurance etc. for the leased
car. This entitlement is available to the employees availing the company Car
Leasing Scheme and ceiling amount varies as per career stages.
Balancing figure in Flexi Pay after adjusting to the above components, which is
Special Allowance
fully taxable
Note: Employee has the discretion not to avail flexi pay options, instead avail the amount as special allowance, which
is fully taxable.
Annexure II (b) : Benefits (in addition to the compensation detailed in Annexure I)
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Group Medical Insurance. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Personal Accident scheme. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Group Term Life Insurance. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
The eligibility for mobile expenses will be based on Company's “Mobile Expenses Reimbursement Policy” and if
applicable, the entitlement will be based on “Travelling Role” or “Non Travelling” categorizations as mentioned in
the policy.
If you are in Field Sales role, then your entitlement/eligibility for Conveyance Reimbursement, will be governed by
Company's Field Sales Monthly Conveyance Reimbursement – Policy and Process Guidelines. For all Non-Field
Sales roles, your local conveyance reimbursement will be as per Company's Travel Policy.
You can avail employee discount on Pearson India listed products as per the Product Discount policy.
Mobile/Landline Allowance
Expense for Mobile/Landline bill to a max up to INR 18,000/- per annum (Bill should be in the name of employee
Leave Travel allowance (LTA)
LTA is available annually for domestic travel only; Tax benefit for LTA can be availed for ONE Journey in Two
years or TWO Journeys in a Block of 4 years. The maximum LTA amount will be one month's basic salary
These benefits are administered in line with the Pearson Car Lease policy guidelines.
Car Lease rental
An employee may opt for the car lease rental scheme through his/her flexi-pay (thereby claiming tax exemption)
limited up to 70% of Flexi Pay. This scheme is primarily targeted at new cars.
Special Allowance
Balancing figure in Flexi Pay after adjusting to the above components, which is fully taxable
Note: Employee has the discretion not to avail flexi pay options, instead avail the amount as special allowance,
which is fully taxable.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Group Medical Insurance. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Personal Accident scheme. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Group Term Life Insurance. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
The eligibility for mobile expenses will be based on Company's “Mobile Expenses Reimbursement Policy” and if
applicable, the entitlement will be based on “Travelling Role” or “Non Travelling” categorizations as mentioned in
the policy.
If you are in Field Sales role, then your entitlement/eligibility for Conveyance Reimbursement, will be governed by
Company's Field Sales Monthly Conveyance Reimbursement – Policy and Process Guidelines. For all Non-Field
Sales roles, your local conveyance reimbursement will be as per Company's Travel Policy.
You can avail employee discount on Pearson India listed products as per the Product Discount policy.
Expense for Mobile/Landline bill to a max up to INR 18,000/- per annum (Bill
Mobile/Landline Allowance
should be in the name of employee only)
LTA is available annually for domestic travel only; Tax benefit for LTA can be
Leave Travel allowance (LTA) availed for ONE Journey in Two years or TWO Journeys in a Block of 4 years. The
maximum LTA amount will be one month's basic salary
Expense for Food allowance through Paytm Wallet to a max up to INR 24,000/-
Food Allowance (Paytm Wallet)
per annum (Paytm registration should be in the name of employee only)
NPS Amount percentage between 1% to 10% of your annual basic salary that you
National Pension Scheme (NPS)
wish to contribute (as per u/s 80CCD (2) of Income Tax Act, 1961)
These An employee may opt for the car lease rental scheme through his/her flexi-pay
benefits are Car Lease rental (thereby claiming tax exemption) limited up to 70% of Flexi Pay. This scheme is
administered primarily targeted at new cars.
in line with
the Pearson Fuel Expenses This entitlement is available to the employees availing the company Car Leasing
Car Lease reimbursement Scheme and ceiling amount varies as per career stages. The Company will
policy reimburse actual expenses (fully supported by original fuel bills) towards fuel
expenses incurred on the leased car
The Company will reimburse actual expenses (fully supported by original bills)
Driver's Salary
towards driver's expenses incurred on the leased car. The eligibility and
entitlement under this category varies as per career stages.
guidelines. The Company will reimburse actual expenses (fully supported by original bills)
Car Maintenance
towards expenses incurred on servicing, renewal of insurance etc. for the leased
car. This entitlement is available to the employees availing the company Car
Leasing Scheme and ceiling amount varies as per career stages.
Balancing figure in Flexi Pay after adjusting to the above components, which is
Special Allowance
fully taxable
Note: Employee has the discretion not to avail flexi pay options, instead avail the amount as special allowance, which
is fully taxable.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Group Medical Insurance. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Personal Accident scheme. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
You will also be eligible for coverage under the Group Term Life Insurance. Your entitlements under the above
scheme will be governed by Company policy.
The eligibility for mobile expenses will be based on Company's “Mobile Expenses Reimbursement Policy” and if
applicable, the entitlement will be based on “Travelling Role” or “Non Travelling” categorizations as mentioned in
the policy.
If you are in Field Sales role, then your entitlement/eligibility for Conveyance Reimbursement, will be governed by
Company's Field Sales Monthly Conveyance Reimbursement – Policy and Process Guidelines. For all Non-Field
Sales roles, your local conveyance reimbursement will be as per Company's Travel Policy.
You can avail employee discount on Pearson India listed products as per the Product Discount policy.