Bca-501 (De1) - SM01
Bca-501 (De1) - SM01
Bca-501 (De1) - SM01
Graphics primitives are the basic building blocks for creating images and graphics in
computer graphics. They include:
Display Devices
Different types of display devices are used to visualize graphics. These include:
CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube. CRT is a technology used in traditional computer
monitors and televisions. The image on CRT display is created by firing electrons
from the back of the tube of phosphorus located towards the front of the screen.
Once the electron heats the phosphorus, they light up, and they are projected on a
screen. The color you view on the screen is produced by a blend of red, blue and
green light.
Main Components of CRT are:
3. Focusing system: It is used to create a clear picture by focusing the electrons into a narrow
4. Deflection Yoke: It is used to control the direction of the electron beam. It creates an
electric or magnetic field which will bend the electron beam as it passes through the area. In a
conventional CRT, the yoke is linked to a sweep or scan generator. The deflection yoke which
is connected to the sweep generator creates a fluctuating electric or magnetic potential.
5. Phosphorus-coated screen: The inside front surface of every CRT is coated with
phosphors. Phosphors glow when a high-energy electron beam hits them. Phosphorescence is
the term used to characterize the light given off by a phosphor after it has been exposed to an
electron beam.