Graphs - 1
Graphs - 1
Graphs - 1
A graph is a pair G = (V, E), where V is a set whose elements are called vertices, and
E is a set of two sets of vertices, whose elements are called edges.
The vertices x and y of an edge {x, y} are called the endpoints of the edge. The edge
is said to join x and y and to be incident on x and y. A vertex may not belong to any
For example: Suppose there is a road network in a country, where we have many
cities, and roads are connecting these cities. There could be some cities that are not
connected by some other cities like an island. This structure seems to be
non-uniform, and hence, we can’t use trees to store it. In such cases, we will be
using graphs. Refer to the figure for better understanding.
Relationship between trees and graphs:
● A tree is a special type of graph in which we can reach any node to any other
node using some path, unlike the graphs where this condition may or may
not hold.
● A tree does not have any cycles in it.
Graphs Terminology
● Nodes are named vertices, and the connections between them are called
● Two vertices are said to be adjacent if there exists a direct edge connecting
● The degree of a node is defined as the number of edges that are incident to
● A path is a collection of edges through which we can reach from one node to
the other node in a graph.
● A graph is said to be connected if there is a path between every pair of
● If the graph is not connected, then all the connected subsets of the graphs
are called connected components. Each component is connected within the
self, but two different components of a graph are never connected.
● The minimum number of edges in a graph can be zero, which means a graph
could have no edges as well.
● The minimum number of edges in a connected graph will be (N-1), where N
is the number of nodes.
● In a complete graph (where each node is connected to every other node by a
direct edge), there are NC2 number of edges means (N * (N-1)) / 2 edges,
where n is the number of nodes.
● This is the maximum number of edges that a graph can have.
● Hence, if an algorithm works on the terms of edges, let’s say O(E), where E is
the number of edges, then in the worst case, the algorithm will take O(N2)
time, where N is the number of nodes.
Graphs Implementation
Suppose the graph is as follows:
1. Using edge list: We can create a class that could store an array of edges. The
array of edges will contain all the pairs that are connected, all put together in
one place. It is not preferred to check for a particular edge connecting two
nodes; we have to traverse the complete array leading to O(n2) time
complexity in the worst case. Pictorial representation for the above graph
using the edge list is given below:
2. Adjacency list: We will create an array of vertices, but this time, each vertex
will have its list of edges connecting this vertex to another vertex. Now to
check for a particular edge, we can take any one of the nodes and then check
in its list if the target node is present or not. This will take O(n) work to figure
out a particular edge.
3. Adjacency matrix: Here, we will create a 2D array where the cell (i, j) will
denote an edge between node i and node j. It is the most reliable method to
implement a graph in terms of ease of implementation. We will be using the
same throughout the session. The major disadvantage of using the adjacency
matrix is vast space consumption compared to the adjacency list, where each
node stores only those nodes that are directly connected to them. For the
above graph, the adjacency matrix looks as follows:
DFS (Depth First Search)- Take Input and Print Graph
● Suppose we wish to create a graph containing N edges.
● We will store these edges in an Adjacency Matrix.
● We will run the loop from 0 to number_of_edges, and at each iteration, we
will take input for the two connected nodes and correspondingly update the
adjacency matrix. Let’s look at the Python code for a better understanding.
Let’s take an example graph:
Here, we are starting from a node, going in one direction as far as we can, and then
we return and do the same on the previous nodes. This method of graph traversal
is known as the depth-first search (DFS). As the name suggests, this algorithm
goes into the depth-first and then recursively does the same in other directions.
Follow the figure below, for step-by-step traversal using DFS.
class Graph:
def addEdge(self,v1,v2):
self.adjMatrix[v1][v2] = 1
self.adjMatrix[v2][v1] = 1
def __dfsHelper(self,sv,visited):
visited[sv]= True
for i in range(self.nVertices):
if(self.adjMatrix[sv][i]>0 and visited[i] is False:
self.__dfsHelper(i, visited)
def dfs(self):
visited = [False for i in range(self.nVertices)]
def removeEdge(self,v1,v2):
if not self.containsEdge(v1,v2):
self.adjMatrix[v1][v2] = 0
self.adjMatrix[v2][v2] = 0
def containsEdge(self,v1,v2):
return True if self.adjMatrix[v1][v2] > 0 else False
BFS Traversal
Breadth-first search(BFS) is an algorithm where we start from the selected node
and traverse the graph level-wise or layer-wise, thus exploring the neighbor nodes
(which are directly connected to the starting node), and then moving on to the next
level neighbor nodes.
● We first move horizontally and visit all the nodes of the current layer.
● Then move to the next layer.
This is an iterative approach. We will use the queue data structure to store the child
nodes of the current node and then pop out the current node. This process will
continue until we have covered all the nodes. Remember to put only those nodes in
the queue which have not been visited.
class Graph:
self.adjMatrix = [[0 for i in range(nVertices)] for j in range(nVertices)]
def addEdge(self,v1,v2):
self.adjMatrix[v1][v2] = 1
self.adjMatrix[v2][v1] = 1
visited[sv] = True
def bfs(self):
visited = [False for i in range(self.nVertices)]
for i in range(self.nVertices):
if visited[i] is False:
self.__bfs(i, visited)
def removeEdge(self,v1,v2):
if not self.containsEdge(v1,v2):
self.adjMatrix[v1][v2] = 0
self.adjMatrix[v2][v2] = 0
def containsEdge(self,v1,v2):
return True if self.adjMatrix[v1][v2] > 0 else False
Consider the dry run over the example graph below for a better understanding of
the same:
BFS & DFS for Disconnected Graph
Till now, we have assumed that the graph is connected. For the disconnected graph,
there will be a minor change in the above codes. Just before calling out the print
functions, we will run a loop over each node and check if that node is visited or not.
If not visited, then we will call a print function over that node, considering it as the
starting vertex. In this way, we will be able to cover up all the nodes of the graph.
Consider the same for the BFS function. Just replace this function in the above code
to make it work for the disconnected graph too.
Has Path
Problem statement: Given an undirected graph G(V, E) and two vertices v1 and
v2(as integers), check if there exists any path between them or not. Print true or
false. V is the number of vertices present in graph G, and vertices are numbered
from 0 to V-1. E is the number of edges present in graph G.
Approach: This can be simply solved by considering the vertex v1 as the starting
vertex and then run either BFS or DFS as per your choice, and while traversing if we
reach the vertex v2, then we will simply return true, otherwise return false.
This problem has been left for you to try yourself. For code, refer to the solution tab
of the same.
4 4
0 1
0 3
1 2
2 3
1 3
The output should be:
3 0 1
Explanation: Here, v1 = 1 and v2 = 3. The connected vertex pairs are (0, 1), (0, 3), (1,
2) and (2, 3). So, according to the question, we have to print the path from vertex v1
to v2 in reverse order using DFS only; hence the path comes out to be {3, 0, 1}.
Approach: We have to solve this problem by using DFS. Suppose, if the start and
end vertex are the same, then we simply need to put the start in the solution array
and return the solution array. If this is not the case, then from the start vertex, we
will call DFS on the direct connections of the same. If none of the paths leads to the
end vertex, then we do not need to push the start vertex as it is neither directly nor
indirectly connected to the end vertex, hence we will simply return NULL. In case
any of the neighbors return a non-null entry, it means that we have a path from
that neighbor to the end vertex, hence we can now insert the start vertex into the
solution array.
Try to code it yourself, and for the answer, refer to the solution tab of the same.
Approach: It is the same problem as the above, just we have to code the same
using BFS.
Approach: Using BFS will provide us the shortest path between the two vertices.
We will use the queue over here and do the same until the end vertex gets inserted
into the queue. Here, the problem is how to figure out the node, which led us to the
end vertex. To overcome this, we will be using a map. In the map, we will store the
resultant node as the index, and its key will be the node that led it into the queue.
For example: If the graph was such that 0 was connected to 1 and 0 was connected
to 2, and currently, we are on node 0 such that node 1 and node 2 are not visited.
So our map will look as follows:
1 0
2 0
This way, as soon as we reach the end vertex, we can figure out the nodes by
running the loop until we reach the start vertex as the key value of any node.
Try to code it yourselves, and for the solution, refer to the specific tab of the same.
Is connected?
Problem statement: Given an undirected graph G(V, E), check if the graph G is a
connected graph or not. V is the number of vertices present in graph G, and
vertices are numbered from 0 to V-1. E is the number of edges present in graph G.
Example 1: Suppose the given input is:
4 4
0 1
0 3
1 2
2 3
1 3
4 3
0 1
1 3
0 3
Problem statement: Return all Connected Components
Given an undirected graph G(V, E), find and print all the connected components of
the given graph G. V is the number of vertices present in graph G, and vertices are
numbered from 0 to V-1. E is the number of edges present in graph G.
You need to take input in the main and create a function that should return all
the connected components. And then print them in the main, not inside a
Print different components in a new line. And each component should be printed
in increasing order (separated by space). The order of different components
doesn't matter.
4 3
0 1
1 3
0 3
The output should be:
0 1 3
Explanation: As we can see that {0, 1, 3} is one connected component, and {2} is
the other one. So, according to the question, we just have to print the same.
Approach: For this problem, start from vertex 0 and traverse until vertex n-1. If the
vertex is not visited, then run DFS/BFS on it and keep track of all the connected
vertices through that node. This way, we will get all the distinct connected
components, and we can print them at last.
This problem is left for you to solve. For the code, refer to the solution tab of the
Weighted and Directed Graphs
Directed graphs: These are generally required when we have one-way routes.
Suppose you can go from node A to node B, but you cannot go from node B to
node A. Another example could be social media(like Twitter) if you are following
someone, it does not mean that they are following you too.
edges[i][j] = 1;
edges[j][i] = 1;
But, in the case of a directed graph, we will just do the following:
edges[i][j] = 1;
Weighted graphs: These generally mean that all the edges are not equal, which
means somehow, each edge has some weight assigned to it. This weight can be the
length of the road connecting the cities or many more.
To implement this, in the edges matrix, we will assign a weight to connected nodes
instead of putting it 1 at that position. For example: If node i and j are connected,
and the weight of the edge connecting them is 5, then edges[i][j] = 5.
Practice problems: