Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
9th Avenue, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi-110092
Subject – Computer Science
Chapter– Cyber Safety
Class - XI
Cyber safety is the safe and responsible use of Internet & ICT(Information &
Communication Technology). Cyber safety is about to not only keeping information
safe and secure, but also being responsible with that information, being respectful of
other people online. As per Cyber safety peoples are advised to use good 'netiquette'
(internet etiquettes).
Viruses and malware spread, easily and quickly through websites/web browsing.
Through clicking over the links found on web pages or in email mistakenly our
computer may be infected. An infected computer can run slow, barrage us with pop-ups,
download other programs without our permission, or allow our sensitive personal
information to others.
Mind your downloads -Be sure to review all pre-checked boxes prompted at
download & un-check any extra applications which we don’t want to install.
Identity Protection
Protection against theft of personal information over Cyber Space without consent,
usually for financial gain is known as Identity Protection.
Tips to Prevent Identity Theft
Use strong passwords and PINs & Keep passwords and PINs safe.
Check security when shopping online-check links authenticity which is received from
an unsolicited email.
Confidentiality of Information
Allows authorized users to access sensitive and secured data maintain the
Confidentiality of Information.
Masking -The free version of MaskMe creates an alternate e-mail address whenever
a Web site asks for a user’s e-mail. E-mails from that site can be accessed via a
MaskMe in-box or forwarded to a user’s regular e-mail account.
Purpose of pvt browsing is to avoid leaving a history of one's browsing in the browser
history on the computer we are using. Use updated Brower for safe browsing & browses
Use https based sites,as HTTPS ensures data security over the network - mainly public
networks like Wi-Fi. HTTP is not encrypted and is vulnerable to attackers. PGP is a
popular program used to encrypt and decrypt email over the Internet, as well as
authenticate messages with digital signatures and encrypted stored files.
Avoid using public wifi and public computer
Cyber trolling is internet slang for a person who intentionally starts arguments or upsets
others by posting inflammatory remarks. The sole purpose of trolling is angering
people. Purpose – to entertain, to argument, to upset victim, to get attention Cyber
bulling: Saying and/or doing mean things to the person online. It is a harm inflicted
through using the Internet, CT devices, or mobile phones. Purpose – to get revenge, to
harass & threat, to humiliate
Cyber stalking: Doing research on every aspect of the person’s life. Cyberharrassment:
Continuously contacting the person online, even though they don’t want you to.
Social Network refers to web and mobile technologies or their practices to share
content, thoughts, ideas, opinions, experiences etc. online. Various examples of social
networks are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and blogging sites among many
Problems to Avoid
Cyber trolling
Cyber bulling
Cyber stalking
Cyber harassment
Stranger Danger Children’s are advised to not to interact with strangers on social
networks as there are chances that many people on social media are not who they say
they are.
Digital Footprint
The history of a person's usage of digital devices, movie search, programs watched,
flight searched, websites surfed, credit card transaction, cell phone calls, social media
messages sent, links clicked and Facebook pages liked etc. Such information is being
used to target ads to consumers as these are digital footprint of such consumers.
Trojan horse: can do anything from record your passwords by logging keystrokes
(known as a key logger) to hijacking your webcam to watch and record your every
Computer worm: A computer worm is a software program that cans copy itself from
one computer to another, without human interaction. Spam: unwanted messages in your
email inbox.
Phishing: Phishing are fraudulent attempts by cybercriminals to obtain private
information. For e.g. a message prompt your personal information by pretending that
bank/mail service provider is updating its website.
Spyware: spyware is used to spy on their victims. An e.g. is key logger software that
records a victim’s every keystroke on his or her keyboard.
Secure Connections
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the
protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website server. HTTPS
pages typically use one of two secure protocols to encrypt communications - SSL
(Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security).
Two Factor Authentication (2FA)-not only a password and username, but also
something that the user has with them Database Solutions-behavioral patterns to
detect if an online ID is authentic, a fraudster or a bot. Online Identity Verification-A
mix of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and verification experts to determine if a
government-issued ID is authentic and belongs to the user. Biometric verification -by
which a person can be uniquely identified by evaluating one or more distinguishing
biological traits.