Toru Digital
Toru Digital
Toru Digital
Proactive Education
Placement Details
adjusted to take into account the particular needs of a student. There is a trained First Aider is
available on-site.
Health and Safety Induction : The following is a minimum which the young person will receive on their first morning; on
arrival at the workplace the young person will receive a full induction including relevant
company policies. The site, premises and placement induction, to include as a minimum a tour
of the working environment to identify possible hazards, advise on safety precautions and
make the student aware of any prohibited areas and activities. Fire drill, emergency and
evacuation procedures, First Aid and accident reporting should be explained to the student,
welfare (toilets / kitchen area). Risk assessment and control measures should be explained.
This induction may be enhanced and appropriate training given, depending on the nature of
the work. Parents are reminded that students are legally required to take proper care of
themselves and others. It is also an offence to misuse or interfere with anything provided in the
interests of Health and Safety.
Proactive Education