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Sample work schedule to use with this textbook

Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion

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Term 1
Module 1: Mechanics
2 Unit 1: Momentum 31 • Define momentum. Calculate the momentum of a moving object using p = mv.
Momentum • Describe the vector nature of momentum and illustrate with some simple examples.
and impulse • Draw vector diagrams to illustrate the relationship between the initial momentum, the final
momentum and the change in momentum in each of the above cases.
2 Newton’s Second 35 • State Newton’s Second Law In terms of momentum.
Law expressed • Express Newton’s Second Law in symbols.

in terms of • Explain the relationship between the net force and change in momentum for a variety of motions.
momentum • Calculate the change in momentum when a resultant force acts on an object and its velocity
increases in the direction of motion, decreases and reverses its direction of motion.
5 Conservation of 40, • Explain what is meant by a system (in physics). Explain (when working with systems) what is meant
momentum, and 44 by internal and external forces. Explain that an isolated system is one that has no net force (external)
Elastic and inelastic acting on it.
collisions • State the law of conservation of momentum.
• Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions. Know that kinetic energy is only conserved in
an elastic collision.
• Apply the conservation of momentum to collisions of two objects moving in one dimension (along
a straight line) with the aid of an appropriate sign convention.
• Verify the conservation of linear momentum experimentally.
• Investigate the conservation of momentum and energy using Newton’s cradle.
4 Impulse 47 • Define Impulse as the product of net force and the contact time. Know that impulse is a vector
• Know that FnetΔt is a change in momentum i.e. FnetΔt = Δp. This relationship is referred to as the
impulse-momentum theorem.
• Use the impulse-momentum theorem to calculate the force exerted, time for which the force is
applied and change in momentum for a variety of situations involving the motion of an object In
one dimension.

• Apply the concept of impulse to safety considerations in everyday life.
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5 Unit 2: Vertical 52 • Explain that projectiles fall freely with gravitational acceleration ‘g’, which always acts downwards
Vertical projectile motion and is constant irrespective of whether the projectile is moving upward or downward or is at
projectile represented in maximum height.
motion in one words, diagrams, • Know that projectiles take the same time to reach their greatest height from the point of upward
dimension equations and launch as the time they take to fall back to the point of launch. This is known as time symmetry.
graphs. • Know that projectiles can have their motion described by a single set of equations for the upward
(Near the surface and downward motion.
of Earth and in the • Use equations of motion to determine the position, velocity and displacement of a projectile at any
absence of friction) given time.
• Draw position vs. time (x vs. t), velocity vs. time (v vs. t) and acceleration vs. time (a vs. t) graphs for
1D projectile motion.

• Give equations for position versus time and velocity versus time for the graphs of 1D projectile
• Given x vs. t, v vs. t or a vs. t graphs determine position, displacement, velocity or acceleration at any
time t.
• Given x vs. t, v vs. t or a vs. t graphs describe the motion of the object e.g. graphs showing a ball
bouncing, thrown vertically upwards, thrown vertically downward, and so on.
• Investigate the motion of a falling body.
• Draw a graph of position vs. time and velocity vs. time for a free falling object. Use the data to
determine the acceleration due to gravity.
Term 1
Module 2: Matter and materials
12 Unit 1: 75 • Define organic molecules as molecules containing carbon atoms.
Organic • Describe carbon as the basic building block of organic compounds that recycles through Earth’s air,
molecules water, soil, and living organisms including human beings.
3 Organic molecular 77 • Discuss the special properties of carbon that makes it possible to form a variety of bonds.
structures • Give condensed structural, structural and molecular formulae for alkanes and compounds
containing the following functional groups: double carbon-carbon bonds, triple carbon-carbon
bonds, alkyl halides, alcohols, carboxylic acids, esters, aldehydes, and ketones (up to 8 carbon
• Explain the terms functional group, hydrocarbon and homologous series.
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• Explain the terms saturated, unsaturated and isomer.
• Identify compounds that are saturated, unsaturated and are isomers (up to 8 carbon atoms).
Isomers are restricted to structural isomers:
1. chain isomers (different chain)
2. positional isomers (different position of the same functional group)
3. functional isomers (different functional group).
3 IUPAC naming and 98 • Give the IUPAC name when given the formula.
formulae • Give the formula when given the IUPAC name.
• Naming is restricted to compounds with the functional groups alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl
halides, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters, up to a maximum of 8 carbon
atoms in the parent chain (i.e. the longest chain).

• Organic compounds are restricted to one type of functional group per compound and to a
maximum of two functional groups of the same type per compound.
• The only substituent chains that are allowed in naming and reactions are: methyl- and ethyl-
• A maximum of THREE substituent chains (alkyl substituents) are allowed on the parent chain.
1 Structure – 102 • Recognise and apply to given examples the relationship between:
physical property – physical properties and intermolecular forces (ethanol, dimethyl ether, ethanoic acid, ethane,
relationships chloro-ethane)
– physical properties and number and type of functional groups (ethanol, dimethyl ether, ethanoic
acid, ethane, chloro-ethane)
– physical properties and chain length (methane, ethane, propane, butane, hexane, octane)
– physical properties and branched chains (pentane, 2-methylbutane; 2,2-dimethylpropane).
1 Applications of 107 • Alkanes are our most important (fossil) fuels. The combustion of alkanes (oxidation) is highly
organic chemistry exothermic and carbon dioxide and water are produced: alkane + O2 H2O + CO2 with ΔH<0
• An ester is a product of an acid catalysed condensation between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid.
• Identify the alcohol and carboxylic acid used to prepare a given ester and vice versa, and write an
equation to present this preparation.

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3 Addition, 110 • Describe criteria to use to classify elimination, substitution or addition reactions according to
elimination and structural change.
substitution • Addition reactions: Unsaturated compounds (alkenes, cycloalkenes) undergo addition reactions:
– Hydrohalogenation: Addition of HX to an alkene e.g.
CH2 = CH2 + HCℓ → CH3 – CH2Cℓ
Reaction conditions: HX (X = Cℓ, Br, I) added to alkene; no water must be present (During addition
of HX to unsaturated hydrocarbons, the H atom attaches to the C atom already having the greater
number of H atoms. The X atom attaches to the more substituted C atom).
– Halogenation: Addition of X2 (X = Cℓ, Br) to alkenes e.g.
CH2 = CH2 + Cℓ2 → CH2Cℓ-CH2Cℓ
Reaction conditions: X2 (X = Cℓ, Br) added to alkene

– Hydration: Addition of H2O to alkenes e.g.
CH2 = CH2 + H2O → CH3 – CH2OH
– Reaction conditions: H2O in excess and a small amount of HX or other strong acid (H3PO4) as
catalyst (During addition of H2O to unsaturated hydrocarbons, the H atom attaches to the C atom
already having the greater number of H atoms. The OH group attaches to the more substituted
– Hydrogenation: Addition of H2 to alkenes e.g.
CH2 = CH2 + H2 → CH3 – CH3
– Reaction conditions: alkene dissolved in a non polar solvent with the catalyst (Pt, Pd or Ni) in a H2
• Elimination reactions: Saturated compounds (haloalkanes, alcohols, alkanes) undergo elimination
– Dehydrohalogenation: Elimination of HX from a haloalkane e.g.
CH2Cℓ-CH2Cℓ → CH2 = CHCℓ + HCℓ
Reaction conditions: heat under reflux (vapours condense and return to reaction vessel during
heating) in a concentrated solution of NaOH or KOH in pure ethanol as the solvent i.e. hot
ethanolic NaOH/KOH (If more than one elimination product is possible, the major product is the
one where the H atom is removed from the C atom with the least number of H atoms).
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– Dehydration of alcohols: Elimination of H2O from an alcohol e.g.
CH3 – CH2OH → CH2 = CH2 + H2O
Reaction conditions: Acid catalysed dehydration – heating of alcohol with an excess of
concentrated H2SO4 (or H3PO4) (If more than one elimination product is possible, the major
product is the one where the H atom is removed from the C atom with the least number of H
• Cracking of hydrocarbons: Breaking up large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful
• Reaction conditions: high pressures and temperatures without a catalyst (thermal cracking), or
lower temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst (catalytic cracking).
• Substitution reactions:

– Interconversion between alcohols and haloalkanes: Reactions of HX (X = Cℓ , Br) with alcohols to
produce haloalkanes.
Reaction conditions: Tertiary alcohols are converted into haloalkanes using HBr or HCℓ at room
temperature e.g.
C(CH3)3OH + HBr → C(CH3)3Br + H2O
– The reaction works best with tertiary alcohols. Primary and secondary alchohols react slowly and
at high temperatures.
– Reactions of bases with haloalkanes (Hydrolysis) to produce alcohols e.g.
C(CH3)3X + KOH → C(CH3)3OH + KBr
– Reaction conditions: Haloalkane dissolved in ethanol before treatment with aqueous sodium
hydroxide and warming the mixture; the same hydrolysis reaction occurs more slowly without
alkali, i.e. H2O added to the haloalkane dissolved in ethanol. (Strong based will cause elimination.)
– Reactions of bases with haloalkanes (hydrolysis) to produce alcohols e.g.
C(CH3)3X + KOH → C(CH3)3OH + KBr
Reaction conditions: Haloalkane dissolved in ethanol before treatment with aqueous sodium
hydroxide and warming of the mixture; the same hydrolysis reaction occurs more slowly without
alkali, i.e. H2O added to the haloalkane dissolved in ethanol.
– Haloalkanes from alkanes.
Reaction conditions: X2 (X = Br, Cℓ) added to alkane in the presence of light or heat.
• Describe addition reactions that are important in industry e.g. addition polymerisation reactions to

produce polyethylene, polypropylene, and PVC.
Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
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4 Plastics and 119 • Describe the term polymer; macromolecule, chain, monomer, functional groups.
polymers • Illustrate the reaction to produce a polymer by an addition reaction using the polymerisation of
only ethene to produce polythene.
[nCH2=CH2 → (-CH2-CH2-)n ]
• What is the industrial use of polythene? (Make squeeze bottles, plastic bags, films, toys and
moulded objects, electric insulation. Polythene has the recycling number 4.)
• Illustrate the reaction to produce a polymer by condensation reaction with the reaction to produce
a polyester. Use only the reaction to make the polymer polyethylene.
• Illustrate the reaction to produce a polymer by condensation reaction with the reaction to produce
a polyester. Polylactic acid (PLA) is an interesting polymer because the monomer used for this
polymer comes from the biological fermentation of plant materials (as opposed to monomers

coming from petroleum) and the polymer is biodegradable. This polymer (PLA) is mostly used for
packaging material and because it is biodegradable it has the potential to alleviate land-fill disposal
• Identify the monomer used to produce a polymer from the structural formula of a section of a
chain. Use only the following polymers to identify monomers:
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC); polystyrene; polythene; polyvinyl acetate (PVA). (Limited to identification
of monomers.)
• Identify a polymer as the product of an addition or condensation polymerisation reaction, from its
structural formula (use only polythene and Polylactic acid).
• Identify a polymer as the product of an addition or condensation polymerisation reaction, from its
structural formula.
Term 2
Module 1: Mechanics
2 Unit 3: Definition of work 147 • Define the work done on an object by a force as : W=FΔxCosθ.
Work, energy • Know that work is a scalar quantity and is measured in joules (J).
and power • Calculate the net work done on an object by applying the definition of work to each force acting on
the object while it is being displaced, and then adding up (scalar) each contribution.
• Positive net work done on a system will increase the energy of the system and negative net work
done on the system will decrease the energy of the system.
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1. Draw a force diagram showing only forces that act along the plane. Ignore perpendicular forces.
2. Calculate the resultant force (along the plane).
3. Calculate the net work done on an object by taking the product of the resultant force (along the
plane) acting on the object and its displacement along the plane.
2 The Work-Energy 151 • Know that the net work done on an object causes a change in the object‘s kinetic energy – the
Theorem work-energy theorem: Wnet = Ekf – Eki
• Apply the work-energy theorem to objects on horizontal and inclined planes (frictionless and
3 Conservative and 154 • Define conservative forces and give an example.

non-conservative • Define non-conservative forces and give examples.
forces • Know that when only conservative forces are present, mechanical energy is conserved.
• Know that when non-conservative forces are present mechanical energy (sum of kinetic and
potential) is not conserved, but total energy (of the system) is still conserved.
• Solve conservation of energy problems (with dissipative forces present) using the equation:
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
• Use the above relationship to show that in the absence of non-conservative forces, mechanical
energy is conserved.
3 Power 161 • Define power as the rate at which work is done.
• Calculate the power involved when work is done.
• Understand the average power required to keep an object moving at a constant speed along a
rough horizontal surface or a rough inclined plane and do calculations using the equation
Pav = Fvav.
• Calculate the minimum power required of an electric motor to pump water from a borehole of a
particular depth at a particular rate using
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
• Calculate and understand minimum power.
• Perform simple experiments to determine the work done in walking up (or running up a flight of
stairs). By timing the run and walk (same flight of stairs) one can enrich the concept of power.

Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion

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Term 2
Module 3: Waves, sound and light
4 Unit 1: The With sound and 171 • State the Doppler Effect for sound and give everyday examples.
Doppler ultrasound • Explain (using appropriate illustrations) why a sound increases in pitch when the source of the
Effect sound travels towards a listener and decreases in pitch when it travels away.
v±v L
• Use the equation fL = ____
v ± vS fS to calculate the frequency of sound detected by a listener (L) when
either the source or the listener is moving.
• Describe applications of the Doppler Effect with ultrasound waves in medicine, e.g. to measure the
rate of blood flow or the heartbeat of a foetus in the womb.
2 With light – red 177 • State that light emitted from many stars is shifted toward the red, or longer wavelength/lower

shifts in the frequency, end of the spectrum due to movement of the source of light.
universe (evidence • Apply the Doppler Effect to these ‘red shifts’ to conclude that most stars are moving away from the
for the expanding Earth and therefore the universe is expanding.
Term 2
Module 4: Chemical change
2 Unit 1: Rate The rate of a 185 • Explain what is meant by reaction rate.
and extent of reaction and • List the factors which affect the rate of chemical reactions. (Surface area (solid), concentration
reaction factors affecting (solution), pressure (gas), temperature, and catalyst.)
rate • Explain in terms of collision theory how the various factors affect the rate of chemical reactions.

1 Measuring rates of 192 • Suggest suitable experimental techniques for measuring the rate of a given reaction including the
reaction measuring of gas volumes, turbidity (e.g. precipitate formation), change of colour and the change of
the mass of the reaction vessel.
1 Mechanism of 201 • Define activation energy – the minimum energy required for a reaction to take place. Colliding
reaction and of molecules must have, apart from the correct orientation, a kinetic energy equal to or bigger than
catalysis the activation energy of a reaction before the reaction can take place.
Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
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• Use a graph showing the distribution of molecular energies (number of particles against their
kinetic energy) to explain why only some molecules have enough energy to react and hence how
adding a catalyst and heating the reactants affects the rate.
• Explain (in simple terms) how some catalysts function by reacting with the reactants in such a way
that the reaction follows an alternative path of lower activation energy.
2 Unit 2: Chemical 205 • Explain what is meant by:
Chemical equilibrium and – open and closed systems
equilibrium factors affecting – a reversible reaction
equilibrium – dynamic equilibrium.
• List the factors which influence the position of an equilibrium.

4 Equilibrium 210 • List the factors which influence the value of the equilibrium constant Kc.
constant, Kc • Write down an expression for the equilibrium constant having been given the equation for the
• Perform calculations based on Kc values.
• Explain the significance of high and low values of the equilibrium constant.
2 Application of 213 • State Le Chatelier’s Principle. Use Le Chatelier’s Principle to identify and explain the effects of
equilibrium changes of pressure, temperature, and concentration (common ion effect) on the concentrations
principles and amounts of each substance in an equilibrium mixture. Explain the use of a catalyst and its
influence on an equilibrium mixture.
• Interpret only simple graphs of equilibrium.
• Apply the rate and equilibrium principles to important industrial applications e.g. Haber process.
8 Unit 3: Acids Acid-base 223 • Explain what is meant by acids and bases.
and bases reactions • State acid and base models (Arrhenius, Lowry- Brønsted).
• Write the reaction equations of aqueous solutions of acids and bases.
• Give conjugate acid-base pairs for given compounds.
• Determine the approximate pH of salts in salt hydrolysis.
• Give the neutralisation reactions of common laboratory acids and bases.
• How do indicators work? What is the range of methyl orange, bromo thymol blue and
phenolphthalein indicators?
• Do simple acid-base titrations.
• Do calculations based on titration reactions.

Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion

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• Name some common strong and weak acids and bases.
• Explain the pH scale.
• Calculate pH values of strong acids and strong bases.
• Define the concept of Kw.
• Distinguish between strong and concentrated acids.
• Distinguish between concentrated and dilute acids.
• Explain the auto-ionisation of water.
• Compare the Ka and Kb values of strong and weak acids and bases.
• Compare strong and weak acids by looking at pH, conductivity and reaction rate.
• Look at the application of acids and bases in the Chlor-alkali industry (chemical reactions only).
• Look at the application of acids and bases in the chemistry of hair. (What is the pH of hair? What

is permanent waving lotion and how does it work? What are hair relaxers and how do they work?
Discuss different ways of colouring hair.)
Term 3
Module 5: Electricity and Magnetism
4 Unit 1: Internal resistance, 262, • Solve problems involving current, voltage and resistance for circuits containing arrangements of
Electric and series and 265 resistors in series and in parallel.
circuits parallel networks • State that a real battery has internal resistance.
• The sum of the voltages across the external circuit plus the voltage across the internal resistance is
equal to the emf:
ε = Vcircuit + Vinternal resistance or ε = IRext + Ir
• Solve circuit problems in which the internal resistance of the battery must be considered.
• Solve circuit problems, with internal resistance, involving series-parallel networks of resistors.
4 Unit 2: Electrical machines 276 • State that generators convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and motors convert electrical
Electro- (generators, energy to mechanical energy.
dynamics motors) • Use Faraday’s Law to explain why a current is induced in a coil that is rotated in a magnetic field.
• Use words and pictures to explain the basic principle of an AC generator (alternator) in which a coil
is mechanically rotated in a magnetic field.
• Use words and pictures to explain how a DC generator works and how it differs from an AC
Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
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• Explain why a current-carrying coil placed in a magnetic field (but not parallel to the field) will turn
by referring to the force exerted on moving charges by a magnetic field and the torque on the coil.
• Use words and pictures to explain the basic principle of an electric motor.
• Give examples of the use of AC and DC generators.
• Give examples of the use of motors.
Alternating current 293 • Explain the advantages of alternating current.
• Write expressions for the current and voltage in an AC circuit.
Imax Vmax
• Define the rms (root mean square) values for current and voltage as Irms = ____ en V __
= ___
√2 rms √2
respectively, and explain why these values are useful.
• Know that the average power is given by:

Pav = IrmsVrms = _12 ImaxVmax (for a purely resistive circuit).
• Draw a graph of voltage vs. time and current vs. time for an AC circuit.
• Solve problems using the concepts of
Irms, Vrms,Pav

Term 3
Module 2: Matter and materials
6 Unit 2: Optical The photoelectric 305 • Describe the photoelectric effect as the process that occurs when light shines on a metal and it
phenomena effect ejects electrons.
and • Give the significance of the photoelectric effect: it establishes the quantum theory and it illustrates
properties of the particle nature of light.
materials • Define cut-off frequency, fo.
• Define work function and know that the work function is material specific.
• Know that the cut-off frequency corresponds to a maximum wavelength.
• Apply the photoelectric equation:
E = Wo + KEmax, waar E = hf en Wo = hfo ; KEmax = _12 m(vmax)2
• Know that the number of electrons ejected per second increases with the intensity of the incident

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• Know that if the frequency of the incident radiation is below the cut-off frequency, then increasing
the intensity of the radiation has no effect i.e. it does not cause electrons to be ejected.
• Understand that the photoelectric effect demonstrates the particle nature of light.
2 Emission and 314 • Explain the source of atomic emission spectra (of discharge tubes) and their unique relationship to
absorption spectra each element.
• Relate the lines on the atomic spectrum to electron transitions between energy levels.
• Explain the difference between of atomic absorption and emission spectra.
Term 3
Module 4: Chemical change
2 Unit 4: Electrolytic cells 323 • Define the galvanic cell in terms of: self-sustaining electrode reactions; conversion of chemical

Electro- and galvanic cells energy to electrical energy.
chemical • Define the electrolytic cell in terms of: electrode reactions that are sustained by a supply of
reactions electrical energy; conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy.
• Define oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer.
• Define oxidising agent and reducing agent in terms of oxidation and reduction.
• Define anode and cathode in terms of oxidation and reduction.
1 Relationship 328 • Give and explain the relationship between current in an electrochemical cell and the rate of the
of current and reaction.
potential to rate • State that the potential difference of the cell (Vcell) is related to the extent to which the spontaneous
and equilibrium cell reaction has reached equilibrium.
• State and use the qualitative relationship between Vcell and the concentration of product ions and
reactant ions for the spontaneous reaction viz. Vcell decreases as the concentration of product ions
increase and the concentration of reactant ions decrease until equilibrium is reached at which the
Vcell = 0 (the cell is ‘flat’).
2 Redox reaction in 329 • Describe the movement ions through the solutions the electron flow in the external circuit of the
cells cell; the half reactions at the electrodes; the function of the salt bridge in galvanic cells.
• Use cell notation or diagrams to represent a galvanic cell.
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Standard electrode 332 • Give the standard conditions under which standard electrode potentials are determined.
potentials • Describe the standard hydrogen electrode and explain its role as the reference electrode.
• Explain how standard electrode potentials can be determined using the reference electrode and
state the convention regarding positive and negative values.
• Use the Table of Standard Reduction Potentials to calculate the emf of a standard galvanic cell.
• Use a positive value of the standard emf as an indication that the reaction is spontaneous under
standard conditions.
2 Equations 339 • Predict the half-cell in which oxidation will take place when connected to another half-cell.
representing redox • Predict the half-cell in which reduction will take place when connected to another half-cell.
reactions • Write equations for reactions taking place at the anode and cathode.
• Deduce the overall cell reaction by combining two half-reactions.

• Describe, using half equations and the equation for the overall cell reaction, the following
electrolytic processes: the decomposition of copper chloride; a simple example of electroplating
(e.g. the refining of copper).
1 Oxidation numbers 343 • Revise from Grade 11 and extend in Grade 12.
• Describe, using half equations and the equation for the overall cell reaction, the layout of the
particular cell using a schematic diagram and potential risks to the environment of the following
electrolytic processes used industrially:
– The production of chlorine (the chemical reactions of the chloroalkali-industry)
– The recovery of aluminium metal from bauxite. (South Africa uses bauxite from Australia.)
Term 3
Module 6: Chemical systems
6 Unit 1: The fertiliser 359 • List, for plants, three non-mineral nutrients, i.e. nutrients that are not obtained from the soil: C, H
Chemical industry and O and their sources i.e. the atmosphere (CO2) and rain (H2O); three primary nutrients N, P and K
industry and their source i.e. the soil. These nutrients are mineral nutrients that dissolve in water in the soil
and are absorbed by the roots of plants.
• Fertilisers are needed because there are not always enough of these nutrients in the soil for healthy
growth of plants.
• Explain the function of N, P and K in plants.
• Give the source of N (guano), P (bone meal) and K (German mines) before and after the first world

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• Interpret the N:P:K fertiliser ratio.
• Describe and explain (rates, yields, neutralisation, …), using chemical equations wherever
appropriate, these aspects of the industrial manufacture of fertilisers, given diagrams, flow charts
and so on.
– N2 – fractional distillation of air
– H2 – at Sasol from coal and steam
– NH3 – Haber process
– HNO3 – Ostwald process
– H2SO4 – including the contact process
– H3PO4 and Ca (H2PO4)2 (super phosphates)
– NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4

– H2NCONH2 (urea)
• Give sources of potash (mined imported potassium salts like KNO3, K2SO4 and KNO3).
• Evaluate the use of inorganic fertilisers on humans and the environment.
• Link Sasol to the production of fertilisers, i.e. ammonium nitrate (fertiliser and explosive).
• Define eutrophication.
• Discuss alternatives to inorganic fertilisers as used by some communities.

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