Session2& 3
Session2& 3
Session2& 3
Dr Poornima Gupta Dr Poornima Gupta BRM 1 12/5/2023 Dr Poornima Gupta BRM 2
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• Multinational corporations operate in diverse and complex global • As online education becomes more prevalent, understanding the
environments. Understanding how transformational leadership factors influencing student success in virtual classrooms is crucial.
influences innovation is crucial due to the unique challenges, cultural This research seeks to explore the connection between student
differences, and varied regulatory landscapes these organizations engagement—measured by participation rates, interaction with
navigate. What is the underlying relationship between course materials, and collaboration with peers—in online learning
transformational leadership styles and organizational innovation in environments and their academic performance specifically in
the context of multinational corporations?" introductory computer science courses. The findings could inform
educators, curriculum designers, and institutions on strategies to
enhance online learning experiences and improve student outcomes
in STEM disciplines.
5 6
Source: facebook
Dr Poornima Gupta BRM 12/5/2023 Dr Poornima Gupta BRM 8
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Types of Research
9 10
11 12
When he looked
perplexed, Prof
explained that data
analysis is not an
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19 20
• Upon reviewing Jerry's colorful yet confusing collection of graphs, it • Back to the drawing board. We helped Jerry define the actual
was clear: Most of the data collected had nothing to do with research problem: "Why is the 'SuperCheesy Deluxe' not meeting its
CheesyBite's lukewarm sales of the "SuperCheesy Deluxe." We found sales expectations?" A new, targeted study was designed, focusing
out that we knew a lot about customers' favorite colors and zodiac solely on the consumer attitudes and perceptions around the new
signs, but not much about why they weren't biting into the burger.
"SuperCheesy Deluxe."
21 22
Key Takeaways:
The Results:
• Turns out, customers loved the idea of a cheesy burger but found the • Always start with a well-defined
"SuperCheesy Deluxe" too messy to eat. CheesyBite quickly re- research problem.
engineered the burger to be less messy and more "Instagrammable." • Don't collect data for the sake of
Sales soared, and Jerry learned a priceless lesson. collecting data; it should be
relevant to the problem.
• Sometimes the answer is
simple; you just need to know
what question to ask.
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Research Design
The Problem Definition Process
• Technique or purpose.
• Techniques-
• Experiments,
• surveys, and
• observational studies
• Purpose
• shows how the nature of a decision situation
• influences the research methodology.
29 30
Albert Einstein
31 32
Understand Determine
background of relevant variables
the problem
33 34
35 36
• Demographic changes: Children have grown up Twenty-year-old Membership has been Neighborhood Demographic changes:
neighborhood declining for years. residents prefer the Children in this 20-
swimming New water park with expensive water year-old neighborhood
association in a wave pool and water park and have have grown up. Older
major city. slides moved into negative image of residents no longer
town a few years ago. swimming pool. swim anywhere.
37 38
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Statement of
Research Objectives
12/5/2023 Dr Poornima Gupta BRM 44
Dr Poornima Gupta
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Focus Groups
45 46
Describes characteristics of
• objects, people, groups, organizations, or environments.
. Descriptive research often helps describe market segments
Why? What?
When? Where?
12/5/2023 Dr Poornima Gupta BRM 47 12/5/2023 Dr Poornima Gupta 48
Dr Poornima Gupta
47 48
• To describe the characteristics of relevant groups, Sweet Cookies is planning to launch a new line
such as consumers, salespeople, organizations, or of cookies and wants to assess the market size.
market areas. The cookies have a mixed
• To estimate the percentage of units in a specified chocolate-pineapple flavor and will be targeted at
population exhibiting a certain behavior. the premium end of the market.
• To determine the perceptions of product
characteristics. Discuss the six Ws of a descriptive research
• To determine the degree to which marketing design that may be adopted.
variables are associated. (A)
49 50
• Secondary data analyzed in a quantitative as opposed to a • If a decision maker knows what causes important outcomes like
qualitative manner sales, stock price, and employee satisfaction, then he or she can
• Surveys shape firm decisions in a positive way.
• Panels • Causal research seeks to identify cause and-effect relationships.
When something causes an effect, it means it brings it about or
• Observational and other data makes it happen. The effect is the outcome. Rain causes grass to get
wet. Rain is the cause and wet grass is the effect.
51 52
Concept of Causality
Uses of Casual Research
A statement such as "X causes Y " will have the
following meaning to an ordinary person and to a
• To understand which variables are the cause (independent variables)
scientist. and which variables are the effect (dependent variables) of a
____________________________________________________ phenomenon
Ordinary Meaning Scientific Meaning • To determine the nature of the relationship between the causal
____________________________________________________ variables and the effect to be predicted
X is the only cause of Y. X is only one of a number of
• METHOD: Experiments
possible causes of Y.
53 54
High 122 (61%) 78 (39%) 200 (100%) High 241 (80%) 59 (20%) 300
Low 322 (64%) 178 (36%) 500 (100%)
171 (57%) 129 (43%) 300 (100%) Low 151 (76%) 49 (24%) 200
55 56
57 58
G Validity in Experimentation
t • Internal validity refers to whether the manipulation of the
a independent variables or treatments actually caused the
observed effects on the dependent variables. Control of
extraneous variables is a necessary condition for establishing
internal validity.
59 60
Experimental Designs
61 62
Exploratory Conclusive
Research Design Research Design
Research and so on
Design Conclusions and
Descriptive Causal Report
Research Research
Cross-Sectional Longitudinal Data Processing
Design Design and Analysis
Single Cross- Multiple Cross-
Sectional Design Sectional Design
12/5/2023 Dr Poornima Gupta BRM 63 12/5/2023 Dr Poornima Gupta 64
Dr Poornima Gupta
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Research Proposal