Management Notes
Management Notes
Management Notes
• There
are two basic types of work in any organization: Non managerial
work Managerial work
• But the president of the May tag Company or the head coach of the
Dallas Cowboys ordinarily do not perform such tasks.
• They spend their time planning company and team strategy and
performing the other functions of management.
• Technical skills are the most difficult to transfer from one industry to
• This can free clerical workers and secretaries from a great deal of
routine work.
• Planning
• It involves setting the firm's objectives over different time periods and
deciding on the methods of achieving them.
• Setting Objectives
I. A firm becomes a structured organization through the process of
organizing. •Organizing is' the management function of relating
people, tasks(or activities), and resources to each.
II. Like planning, organizing also is a dynamic process.•This means
that changes in objectives and plans usually lead tochanges in the
organization's structure.
I. An organization is meaningless without people.
II. The quality of its managers and workers probably is a firm's
single most important asset. •Staffing includes the recruitment,
selection, training, and pro-motion of personnel to fill both
managerial and nonmanagerialpositions in a company.
Assume that we have developed plans, created an 'organization
structure, andstaffed it.