1024631001-Bio Notes
1024631001-Bio Notes
1024631001-Bio Notes
2. Procedures:
Put pieces of meat in several jars, leaving half open to the air
Cover the other half with thin gauze to prevent entrance of flies
3. Results:
After a few days, meat in all jars spoiled and maggots were found only on the meat in the uncovered
One of the first documented experiments to use a control!
Hypothesis: Spallanzani hypothesized that if microorganisms were not spontaneously generated but
instead entered from the air, then sealing the flask after boiling would prevent microbial growth.
Procedure: He boiled broth in flasks, sealed one immediately after boiling and left the other open to
the air.
Result: The sealed flask remained free of microbial growth, while the open flask developed microbial
colonies. This indicated that microbial growth required the entry of microorganisms from the air and
did not occur spontaneously.
The French Academy of Sciences held a contest for the best experiment either proving or disproving
spontaneous generation
2. Procedures:
a) Place meat broth in a flask with a long, curved neck. (This permitted air to enter, but trapped dust
and other airborne particles)
b) Boil the flask thoroughly to kill any microorganisms
c) Do NOT seal the open end of the flask
d) Wait an entire year before gathering results
3. Results:
a) After a year, no microorganisms could be found in the broth!
b) Pasteur then removed the curved neck, permitting dust and other particles to I enter. In just one
day, the flask contained microorganisms!
c) Microorganisms had clearly entered the flask with the dust particles from the air
Darwinism VS Lamarckism
Darwinism Lamarckism
This theory discredits the Internal Vital Force theory. Lamarckism strongly builds on the notion of Internal
Vital Force in organisms.
Development or disappearance of an organ happens From an evolutionary perspective, organs develop if
due to continuous variations. they are constantly used. If unused, it could
Darwinism emphasises the struggle for existence. Lamarckism discredits the struggle for existence.
Only useful variations are transferred to the succeeding All acquired traits are transferred to the next
generation. generation.
Darwinism was built on the principle of survival of the Lamarckism was not built on the notion of survival of
fittest. the fittest.
Similarities in embryonic development among different species provide evidence for common
ancestry. For example, all vertebrate embryos possess pharyngeal pouches and tails during early
development, reflecting their shared evolutionary history.
Palaeontology Fossils:
Fossil records provide direct evidence of evolutionary change over time. Transitional fossils like
Archaeopteryx, with characteristics of both birds and reptiles, offer insight into evolutionary
transitions between major groups of organisms.
The distribution of species across different geographic regions supports the concept of evolution.
Patterns of species distribution can be explained by continental drift, migration, and isolation, leading
to the diversification of species.
Molecular Biology:
DNA and protein sequences can be compared among different species, revealing similarities that
reflect their evolutionary relationships. Molecular phylogenetics uses molecular data to reconstruct
evolutionary history and infer relationships among organisms. Comparisons of DNA sequences have
provided strong evidence for the relatedness of all life forms and their evolutionary history.
Theory of Evolution
Spontaneous Generation
For a long time people believed that living beings -at least the simplest forms of life - were originated
from non-living matter, normally decaying matter. This is called SPONTANEOUS GENERATION.
Although wrong, this theory was supported by many everyday observations: small insects seemed to
emerge from rotten meat, rats from dumps, worms from mud, etc.
Panspermia is a theory that supports the idea that life originated from microbes present in outer space.
This theory is based on the hypothesis that microbes and amino acids came on earth through meteors.
The evidence to this theory is the capability of microbes to live and survive in harsh space-like
Biochemical Explanation
Oparin and Haldane proposed that the first form of life could have come from pre-existing non-living
organic molecules (e.g., RNA, protein etc.) and that formation of life was preceded by chemical
evolution, i.e., formation of diverse organic molecules from inorganic constituents. He assumed that
apx. 1 billion years ago earth is very different from the current conditions. Primitive earth’s atmosphere
was reducing in nature. Under these conditions, the chemical molecules (inorganic molecules) react
with each other through a series of reactions to form organic substances and other complex
Natural Selection
Stabilizing Selection:
This occurs when individuals with intermediate traits are favoured, while those with extreme traits are
selected against. It leads to a reduction in genetic diversity within a population.
Example: The birth weight of human babies. Babies born with very low or very high birth weights are
at higher risk of mortality, while those with average birth weights have a higher chance of survival.
Directional Selection:
In this type, individuals with one extreme of a trait are favoured over the other extreme. This causes
the frequency of the favoured trait to shift in one direction over time.
Example: Peppered moths during the Industrial Revolution. Dark-coloured moths became more
prevalent as industrial pollution darkened tree trunks, making them less visible to predators, while
light-coloured moths became more vulnerable.
Disruptive Selection:
Disruptive selection favours individuals at both extremes of a trait, while those with intermediate traits
are selected against. This can lead to the evolution of two distinct phenotypes within a population.
Example: Beak size in Darwin's finches. On an island with both small and large seeds, birds with
intermediate-sized beaks struggle to crack either type of seed, while those with small or large beaks
have a selective advantage, leading to the development of two distinct beak sizes.
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
The Hardy-Weinberg principle, formulated independently by G.H. Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg in
1908, elucidates the genetic equilibrium within populations. This principle establishes a theoretical
framework for understanding how allele and genotype frequencies remain constant over generations
in an idealized non-evolving population.
According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, several conditions must be met for a population to
maintain genetic equilibrium: random mating, no natural selection, no genetic drift, no gene flow, and
a large population size. When these conditions are fulfilled, allele frequencies stabilize, and the
distribution of genotypes in the population remains constant from one generation to the next.
The principle is mathematically described by the Hardy-Weinberg equation: p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1, where
p and q represent the frequencies of two alleles for a particular gene locus, and p^2, 2pq, and q^2
represent the frequencies of the three possible genotypes in a diploid population. Here, p^2
represents the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals, 2pq represents the frequency of
heterozygous individuals, and q^2 represents the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals.
Together, these genotype frequencies sum to 1, representing the entire gene pool of the population.
Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium indicate the presence of evolutionary forces such as
selection, mutation, migration, or genetic drift. By comparing observed genotype frequencies to those
expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, researchers can infer the relative influence of these
evolutionary mechanisms on a population.
Adaptive Radiation
Adaptive radiation is a phenomenon in evolutionary biology where a single ancestral species rapidly
diversifies into a multitude of descendant species, each adapted to exploit specific ecological niches.
It occurs when a population encounters new environmental opportunities, such as the colonization of
a new habitat or the extinction of competitors, leading to the evolution of diverse forms within a
relatively short period.
During adaptive radiation, populations undergo significant genetic and phenotypic changes, resulting
in the emergence of species with distinct morphological, physiological, and behavioural traits. These
adaptations enable the newly formed species to effectively exploit various resources and ecological
conditions, leading to their successful establishment and proliferation.
One classic example of adaptive radiation is the case of Darwin's finches in the Galápagos Islands.
These finches, believed to have descended from a common ancestor that colonized the islands,
diversified into multiple species with specialized beak shapes and sizes. Each species evolved to exploit
specific food sources and ecological niches present on different islands. For instance, finches with
smaller, more slender beaks primarily feed on insects, while those with larger, more robust beaks are
adapted to cracking seeds. This adaptive diversity allowed the finches to coexist and thrive in various
island habitats, reducing competition and maximizing resource utilization.
Mechanism of Evolution:
Natural Selection: It operates on the principle that individuals within a population exhibit variation in
traits, and those with traits better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce,
passing on their advantageous traits to future generations.
Genetic Variation: Within a population, individuals exhibit differences in their genetic makeup due to
mutations, genetic recombination during sexual reproduction, and gene flow (migration of individuals
between populations). This variation provides the raw material upon which natural selection acts.
Mutation: Random changes in the DNA sequence can lead to new alleles, which can result in novel
traits. Mutations introduce genetic variation into populations and can lead to adaptation if the
mutation confers a selective advantage.
Gene Flow: Movement of individuals or their gametes between populations can introduce new alleles
into a population or change allele frequencies, impacting the genetic diversity of populations.
Genetic Drift: Random fluctuations in allele frequencies due to chance events, particularly in small
populations. Genetic drift is more pronounced in small populations and can lead to the loss of genetic
variation over time.
Non-random Mating: Certain mating preferences or behaviours can lead to non-random mating,
affecting the distribution of alleles in a population. Examples include sexual selection and assortative
Adaptive Radiation: Occurs when a single ancestral species evolves into a wide array of species to
exploit diverse ecological niches. This often happens when organisms colonize new environments with
different selective pressures.
Artificial Selection: Human-driven selection of desirable traits in domesticated plants and animals,
leading to rapid evolutionary changes over relatively short periods.
Most pollen grains consist of three distinct parts.
• The central cytoplasmic part is the source of nuclei responsible for fertilization.
• The other parts include the wall of the grain- intine, the inner layer and an outer layer, the exine.
• The intine consists of cellulose or hemi cellulose or pectin.
• The outer and most resistant layer, the exine, as it is made up of sporopollenin. It is an N-free
polymeric substance belonging to terpenes family of organic compounds (C5H8).
• At cellular level a pollen grain contains 2 cells- one generative cell and one vegetative cell. The
vegetative cell gives rise to pollen tube during fertilization whereas the generative cell actually bears
the male gamete.
• In wheat pollen grains are shed at the 3-celled stage i.e., containing one vegetative cell and two
male gametes because the generative cell in the pollen grains of wheat divide mitotically to give rise
to two male gametes.
Characteristics of Diatoms:
• Diatoms belong to the kingdom Protista. The members of the phylum bacillariophyte are known as
diatoms. Diatoms usually have a cell wall divided into two parts and hence the name given.
• Diatoms are unicellular, eukaryotic organisms and are found in both freshwater and marine water.
• Diatoms have silica in their cell wall. Their cell wall is called a shell or frustule. Apart from silica it is
also made up of cellulose.
• There are pigments like chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, and xanthophyll present in the cell. This
xanthophyll is also known as fucoxanthin. Due to these pigments’ diatoms appear golden in colour.
• Types of Diatoms
• Pennate Diatoms. These types of diatoms are elongated in shape. These diatoms can be divided
bilaterally. They are motile in nature and move by gliding movement. E.g. Achnanthidium sp.
• Centric Diatoms. These types of diatoms are round-circular in shape. They possess radial symmetry.
These forms of diatoms are non-motile in nature. E.g. Cyclotella sp.
Study of aquatic ecology is called limnology and Forensic limnology deals mainly with diatoms.
• Geographic location of the crime scene.
• To detect death due to drowning.
• To differentiate between wet and dry drowning.
Parenchyma: These living cells have a large central vacuole and intercellular spaces. Chloroplast-
containing parenchyma is termed chlorenchyma, aiding in photosynthesis. Aerenchyma, with large air
voids, aids in buoyancy.
Collenchyma: Stretchable living cells with cellulose and pectin cell walls. Found in leaf margins and
stems, providing flexibility and support.
Sclerenchyma: Long, dead cells with lignin deposits. Found in seed coverings and vascular tissues,
providing strength.
Xylem: Conducts water and minerals throughout the plant, consisting of vessels, fibres, tracheids, and
Phloem: Conducts food in both directions, comprising fibres, sieve tubes, parenchyma, and companion
Sieve tubes: Tube-like structures with sieve plates for food transport.
Meristematic tissue:
These tissues have the capability to develop by rapid division. They assist in the major growth of the
vegetation. Growth in length and growth in diameter of the plant is carried about by these cells. The
Meristematic cells are cubical, living cells with a big nucleus. These cells are tightly packed with no
intercellular spaces. They can be further classified as:
• Apical meristem is existent at the growing tips or apical of stems and roots. Apical meristem
increases the length of the plant.
• Lateral meristem is existent in the radial portion of the stem or root. Lateral meristem increases the
thickness of the plant.
• Intercalary meristem is found at the internodes or at the base of the leaves. Intercalary meristem
increases the size of the internode.
Absorption in Roots:
Absorbed water and minerals move upward through the xylem tissue.
This process is known as the ascent of sap.
Facilitation of Absorption:
Water vapor exits the plant through stomata in leaves during transpiration.
This loss of water vapor creates a negative pressure gradient in the xylem, aiding in the upward
movement of water.
Efficient Transport:
These processes ensure the efficient transport of water and minerals throughout the plant.
They are essential for growth, metabolism, and maintaining water balance.
Transpiration Guttation
Water loss takes place in vapour form Water loss happens as droplets
Takes place through stomata, lenticel and Takes place through hydathodes
Can cause wilting No wilting can be observed
Provides cooling effect to the plant No such effect
Takes places during the day time It occurs in the early morning
They are vital for plant stability, nutrient storage, water absorption.
Root Tip is divided into zones: zone of cell division, elongation, maturation.
Zone of cell division is closest to root tip and contains actively dividing meristem cells.
They are radially structured with continuous growth and no root hairs.
Leaf base - place in the stem in which the leaf petiole attaches.
It has the following parts -
Corolla: colourful part that attracts pollinators, also called ‘petal’ – singular term.
Androecium: male reproductive part bearing one or more stamen, consisting of filament and anther.
Gynoecium: female reproductive part also called as ‘pistils’ – singular term, consisting of stigma, style,
Plant Cell: