Question Bank Tissue

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Question Bank

Class - IX (Biology)
Topic- Chapter.6 Tissues
Answer the following questions:
1) Name the tissue present in soft parts of the plants like pith and cortex.
2) Name the tissue which is responsible for increase in girth of stem and root.
3) Which element of Xylem help in transport of water and minerals?
4) Which element of Xylem help to store food?
5) Name the simple permanent tissue which forms the basic packing tissue.
6) Name the simple permanent tissue which provides flexibility in plants.
7) What are the pores present in leaf epidermis called?
8) Name the complex permanent tissue in plants in which the materials can move in both
9) Name the chemical substance which gets deposited in the walls of sclerenchyma.
10) The epidermis in desert plants is covered by a waxy coating. Name the substance which
constitutes the coating.
11) Which meristem is responsible for transformation of stem of a plant into trunk when it
grows into a tree?
12) Name the tissue that forms husk of coconut.
13) Name the meristematic tissue that is located at the growing tip of stem of a plant.
14) Name the meristematic tissue that is present at the base of leaves or internodes of twigs.
15) By which process meristematic tissue changes into permanent tissues.
16) Name the simple permanent tissue which contains chlorophyll in it.
17) Which element of phloem comprises dead cells?
18) Name the permanent tissue that stores nutrients and water in stems and roots.
19) Name the tissue that allows aquatic plants to float.
20) Name the group of cells with similar structure and designed to give highest efficiency of
21) Mention the type of tissue that provides support to plants and also stores food.
22) Name the chemical present in cork cells.
23) Name the tissue that surrounds stomata.
24) Which permanent tissue is irregularly thickened at the corners.
25) Name two complex tissues of plants.
Multiple choice questions:
26) Which of the following tissues has dead cells?
a) Parenchyma b) Collenchyma c) Sclerenchyma d) Epithelial tissue
27) Find out incorrect statement:
a) Parenchymatous tissues have intercellular spaces.
b) Collenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at corners.
c) Apical and intercalary meristems are permanent tissues.
d) Meristematic tissues, in its early stage, lack vacuoles.
28) Cork cambium is an example of :
a) Apical meristem b) Lateral meristem
c) Intercalary meristem d) Primary meristem
29) Which cell does not have perforated cell wall?
a) Tracheids b) Companion cells
c) Sieve tubes d) Vessels
30) In desert plants, rate of water loss gets reduced due to presence of:
a) Cuticle b) Stomata
c) Lignin d) Suberin
31) A long tree has several branches. The tissue that helps in the sideways conduction of
water in the branches is:
a) Collenchyma b) Xylem parenchyma
c)Parenchyma d) Xylem vessels
32) Tracheids are components of
a) Xylem b) Phloem
c) Intercalary tissues d) Collenchyma
33) This tissue provides mechanical strength to plants
a) Parenchyma b) Chlorenchyma
c) Collenchyma d) Sclerenchyma
34) Permanent tissues differ meristematic tissues in
a) Inability to divide
b) Attaining definite shape and structure
c) Performing specific function
d) All of these
35) Survival of plants in terrestrial environment has been made possible by the presence of
a) Intercalary meristem b) Conducting tissue
c) Apical meristem d) Parenchymatous tissue
36) Which of the following components of Xylem is living::
a) Tracheids b) Vessels c) Xylem parenchyma d) Xylem sclerenchyma
37) Which of the following components of phloem is non-living
a) Sieve tubes b) Companion cells c) Bast fibres d) Phloem parenchyma
Diagram Based Questions:

38) a) Identify and name the figure given below.

b) Label the parts marked 1,2 and 3.
c) Write the functions of parts marked 1 and 3.

39) a) Identify the plant tissue given in figure.

b) Label the parts marked 1 to 5.
c) Mention the function of this tissue.

40) Given is the diagram showing longitudnal section of parenchymatous tissue. Label the
given diagram :

41) Identify and name the figures A and B given below:

42) Study the diagram given below and then answer the questions that follow:
(a) Identify the tissue and give a reason to support your answer.
(b) Name the parts labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4.
(c) Where is this tissue likely to be found in the plant ?
(d) State the function of the parts labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Short Question Answers: (Plant Tissue)
1. Name the structure which protects the plant body against the invasion of parasites.
2. Name the type of simple tissues.
3. Name the types of complex tissues.
4. Where is apical meristem found?
5. What are the constituents of phloem?
6. Define aerenchyma.
7. Why do animals require more energy as compared to plants?
8. Name the two types of plant tissue.
9. Which tissues are present at the nodes of plants?
10. Name the tissues that divides and re-divides to grow in plants.
11. Why is it difficult to pull out the husk of coconut?
12. Why do meristematic cells lack vacuole?
State whether the given statement is True or False:
1. The division and differentiation of the cells of meristematic tissues give rise to permanent
2. Cork cambium is the example of lateral meristem.
3. Tracheids and vessels do not transport sap.
4. Phloem fibres are living sclerenchyma cells.
5. Tissues present at the lateral surface of the stem are called apical tissues.
6. Tissues are group of cells with similar structure and function.
7. Fibre- yielding plants like jute contain parenchyma tissue in abundance.
8. Xylem is the example of simple permanent tissue

Paragraph Based Questions Plant Tissue

1. A few layers of cells beneath the epidermis are generally simple permanent tissue. Parenchyma
is the most common simple permanent tissue. It consists of relatively unspecialized cells with thin
cell walls. They are living cells. Collenchyma allows bending of various parts of the plant-like
tendrils and stems of climbers without breaking. Sclerenchyma tissue makes the plant hard and
stiff. We have seen the husk of a coconut. It is made of sclerenchymatous tissue. They are long
and narrow as the walls are thickened due to lignin. The tissue is present in stems, around
vascular bundles, in the veins of leaves and in the hard covering of seeds and nuts.
1. The flexibility in plants is due to
a.collenchyma b.parenchyma c.chlorenchyma d.aerenchyma
2.Function of aerenchyma:
a.It performs photosynthesis b.It helps the aquatic plant to float
c.It provides mechanical support d.none of these
3.Which of the following tissues has dead cells?
a Parenchyma b.Sclerenchyma c.Collenchyma d.Epithelial tissue
4.Which of the following statement is incorrect
i.Parenchyma tissues have intercellular spaces.
ii.Collenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at corners.
iii.Apical and intercalary meristems are permanent tissues.
iv.Meristematic tissues, in its early stage, lack vacuoles, muscles
a (I) and (II) b.(II) and (III) c.(III) and (I) d.Only (III)
5.Which of the following is the function of the tissue which is shown in the below diagram?
a Transpiration b.Provides mechanical support
c.Provides strength to the plant parts d None of these

2. Tissue made of one type of cells, which look like each other. Such tissues are called
simple permanent tissue. Complex tissues are made of more than one type of cells. All
these cells coordinate to perform a common function. Xylem and phloem are examples of
such complex tissues. They are both conducting tissues and constitute a vascular bundle.
Xylem fibres are mainly supportive in function. Phloem transports food from leaves to
other parts of the plant. Except phloem fibres, other phloem cells are living cells.
(1) Tissue made of only one type of cell is termed as _________
(a) Simple permanent tissue
(b) Complex permanent tissue
(c) Simple Meristematic tissue
(d) Complex Meristematic tissue
(2) Xylem and phloem are examples of
(a) Meristematic tissue
(b) Simple tissue
(c) Protective tissue
(d) Complex tissue
(3) In aquatic plants, which type of parenchyma tissue is found?
(a) Aerenchyma
(b) Chlorenchyma
(c) Sclerenchyma
(d) Parenchyma
(4) What is mean by Differentiation?
(5) Enlist the type of parenchyma tissue

Epithelial Tissue
1) Which tissue protects entire animal body?
2) Name the type of epithelial tissue that lines respiratory tract.
3) Name the tissue that lines sebaceous glands of skin.
4) Which type of epithelium is present in sweat glands?
5) Name the tissue that covers most of the organs and forms a barrier to keep different body
systems separate.
6) Identify the type of tissue in the following:
a) Oesophagus
b) Inner lining of intestine
c) Ducts of salivary glands
d) Bronchi of lungs
7) Identify the given picture and name the types of tissue given below:

Paragraph based question:

The covering or protective tissues in the animal body are epithelial tissues. Epithelium
covers most organs and cavities within the body. It also forms a barrier to keep different
body systems separate. The skin, lining of mouth, the lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli
and kidney tubules are all made of epithelial tissues. Epithelial tissue cells are tightly
packed and form a continuous sheet. They have only a small amount of cementing
material between them and almost no intercellular spaces. Obviously, anything entering
or leaving the body must cross at least one layer of epithelium. As a result, the
permeability of the cells of various epithelia play an important role in regulating the
exchange of materials between the body and the external environment and also between
different parts of the body.
a) What are epithelial tissues?
b) Give some examples of epithelial tissues.
c) Give two important properties of the structure of epithelial tissues.
d) What is the benefit of permeability of epithelial tissues?

8.2 Epithelial tissue or epithelium forms the outer covering of the skin and also lines the body
cavity.It forms the lining of respiratory, digestive, reproductive and excretory tracts. They
perform various functions such as absorption, protection, sensation and secretion. Epithelial
tissue cells are tightly packed and form a continuous sheet. They have only a small amount of
cementing material between them and almost no intercellular spaces. Epithelial cells may be
squamous, cuboidal or columnar in shape and may be arranged in single or multiple layers.

Read the given passage carefully and give the answer of the following questions:

Q 1. Name the tissue present under the skin and arranged in a pattern of layers.
Q 2. Name any one location in our body which bears ciliated epithelium.
Q 3. Name the epithelial tissue which has pillar-like tall cells.
Q 4. State how the epithelium is separated from the underlying tissue.
Q 5. Write a short note on epithelial tissue cells.

Given below is a flow chart related to animal tissues. Complete the chart where


1) Name the connective tissues that helps in repair of tissues.

2) In which connective tissue, matrix contains salts of calcium and phosphorus?
3) Which connective tissue is present in ear?
4) Name the tissue associated with Chondrocyte.
5) Which is the hardest connective tissue?
6) Name the tissue which is found in the hump of camel and blubber of whale.
7) Name the type of connective tissue which is specialised for fat storage and act as heat
8) What type of connective tissue has fibreless matrix?
9) What type of skeletal tissue contain chondrin and ossein respectively?
10) Which tissue is commonly known as “packaging tissue”?
11) What is the name of bone cell?
12) Name the tissue which is called middleman between tissue cells and blood.
13) Name the connective tissue that is found between skin and muscles

Name the tissue that connects bone to bone.

14) Name the connective tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans.
15) What are fatty tissue cells called?
16) Identify the given picture and name the types of tissue given below:

17) Name the protein present in the muscles which is responsible for movement.
18) Name the muscular tissue present in the iris of eye.
19) Name the muscle which gets fatigued soon.
20) Name the multinucleate muscle fibre.
21) Name the Spindle shape muscle fibre.
22) Name the muscle fibre which contains intercalated discs.
23) Name the muscle which is found in visceral organs.
24) Which is the most abundant muscular tissue found in our body?
25) Name the tissue present under the skin and in a pattern of layers.
26) a) Identify figures A, B and C.
b) Which one is under control of our will?
c) Which one acts as impulse booster?

27) Given below is a flow chart related to animal tissues. Complete the chart where necessary.

29) Paragraph Based Questions:

Blood is a type of connective tissue. The cells of connective tissue are loosely spaced and
embedded in an intercellular matrix. The matrix may be jelly like, fluid, dense or rigid.
tissue.Blood has a fluid (liquid) matrix called plasma, in which red blood corpuscles
(RBCs), white blood corpuscles (WBCs) and platelets are suspended. Bone is another
example of a connective tissue. It forms the framework that supports the body. Two bones
can be connected to each other by another type of connective tissue called the ligament.
Another type of connective tissue, cartilage, has widely spaced cells. Cartilage smoothens
bone surfaces at joints and is also present in the nose, ear, trachea and larynx.
Areolar connective tissue is found between the skin and muscles, around blood vessels and
nerves and in the bone marrow. It fills the space inside the organs, supports internal organs
and helps in repair of tissues.
(1) A connective tissue
(a) Has no matrix
(b) Covers the skin
(c) Has abundant matrix
(d) None of these
(2) Areolar connective tissue is found between
(a) Skin and muscles
(b) Blood vessels and nerves
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
(3) Two bones are connected to each other by another type of connective tissue
(a) Ligament
(b) Cartilage
(c) Bone marrow
(d) Blood
(4) What are the function of connective tissue?
(5) Give the examples of connective tissue.

1) Name the cell in which Nissl’s granules are present.

2) Name two tissues in animals the combination of which enables animals to move rapidly in
response to stimuli.
3) Name the tissue that carries signals from various parts of the body to brain.
4) Name the part of neuron that receives impulses and that part which takes it away from
5) Which tissue muscles lines muscles of heart?
6) Name the process which carries impulses away from cyton.

Multiple choice questions:

7) The tail-like, cylindrical process of a neuron is called:
a. Cyton b) Dendron c) Dendrite d) Axon
8) Dendrites are found in:
a. Neurons b) Striated muscle c) Cardiac muscle d) Non-striated muscle
9) The cell body of a nerve cell contains a nucleus and cytoplasm and is called the:
a. Cyton b) Axon c) Dendron d) None of these
10) The finger like projections of the cyton in neuron is
a. Cell body b) Dendrite c) Axon d) Terminal threads
11) Nervous tissue is not found in:
a. Brain b) Spinal cord c) Tendons d) Nerves

12) Paragraph based questions:

All cells possess the ability to respond to stimuli. However, cells of the nervous system are
highly specialised for being stimulated and then transmitting the stimulus very rapidly from
one place to another within the body. The brain, spinal cord and nerves are all composed of the
nervous tissue. The cells of this tissue are called nerve cells or neurons. A neuron consists of a
cell body with a nucleus and cytoplasm, from which long thin hair-like parts arise. Usually
each neuron has a single long part (process), called the axon, and many short, branched parts
(processes) called dendrites. An individual nerve cell may be up to a metre long. Many nerve
fibres bound together by connective tissue make up a nerve.
a. What is the most important property of nervous tissues?
b. What are neurons?
c. What is axon?
d. What are dendrites?
13) Identify the figure and label the following parts marked 1 to 5:

14) Match the column A with the column B:

(A) (B)
1. Fluid connective tissue a) Subcutaneous layer
2. Filling of space inside the organs b) Cartilage
3. Striated muscle c) Skeletal muscle
4. Adipose tissue d) Areolar tissue
5. Surface of joints e) Impulse transmission
6. Nerve tissue f) Blood

15) Assertion Reason Questions:

Assertion-Reason Type Questions:

In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given.
Choose the correct answer out of the following choices:
a.Both assertion and reason are correct statements but reason is the correct explanation of the
b.Both assertion and reason are correct statements but reason is not the correct explanation of
the assertion.
c.Assertion is correct but reason is wrong.
d.Both assertion and reason are wrong statement.
i. Assertion: Different epithelial show different structures that correlate with their unique functions.
Reason: Epithelial tissues connect skin with muscles.
ii. Assertion: Bones are hard and nonflexible connective tissues..
Reason: Bones cells are embedded in a hard matrix that is composed of calcium and phosphorus
iii. Assertion: Flexibility in plants is due to a permanent tissue, called collenchyma.
Reason: There is very large intercellular spaces between collenchyma cells.
iv. Assertion: The epidermis is usually made of many layers of cells..
Reason: Sometimes, epidermis help in the storage of reserve food material in plants..
v. Assertion: Meristematic tissue is found at the tips of plants.
Reason: Meristem helps in the growth of plant.
vi. Assertion: Aerenchyma is a complex permanent tissue.
Reason: Aerenchyma provides support to plant organs.
vii. Assertion: Fibres are elongated sclerenchyma cells.
Reason: Sclerenchyma cells have lignified cell walls.
viii. Assertion: Epidermis is covered with cuticle.
Reason: Cuticle is waterproof covering and helps in reducing water loss.
ix. Assertion: Xylem is a complex permanent tissue.
Reason: Xylem is formed of four different kinds of cells.
x. Assertion: Sieve tubes conduct food prepared in the leaves.
Reason: Companion cells are dead cells.
xi. Assertion: Epithelium is found as a continuous layer on the body.
Reason: Epithelium has closely packed cells without intercellular spaces.
xii. Assertion: Tendon is a dense fibrous connective tissue.
Reason: Tendon holds two bones together at a joint.

Short Question Answers(Animal Tissue)

1. Name the animal tissue which acts as a heat insulator.

2. Name a connective tissue which has a hard matrix.
3. Name the tissue that smoothens bone surface at joints.
4. Name the muscular tissue which is present in the iris of the eye. What is the shape of these cells?
5. Write two similarities between striated and cardiac muscles.
6. Name the epithelial tissue which has pillar like tall cells.
7. Name the tissue which is present in lung alveoli.
8. Name the kind of muscles found in our limbs and lungs.
9. Name the specialised cells for being stimulated and then transmitting the stimulus very rapidly
within the body of animals.
10. Name the cells of bone and cartilage.
11. Name the connective tissue in which fibres are not present.
12. Name the tissue that covers external surface in animals.

Long Answer Questions:

Question 1.
Why are plants and animals made of different types of tissue?
Question 2
What is a neuron? Write the structure and functions of a neuron.
Question 3.
Briefly describe striated and smooth muscles with their functions.
Question 4
What is a permanent tissue? Classify permanent tissues and describe them.

Question 5
Describe the types of connective tissues along with their functions.

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