An Evaluation of Organisational Communication and Its Integration Within The Msunduzi Local Authority
An Evaluation of Organisational Communication and Its Integration Within The Msunduzi Local Authority
An Evaluation of Organisational Communication and Its Integration Within The Msunduzi Local Authority
In the subject
at the
MAY 2016
Student number: 3947-265-5
Firstly, I must thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; it has been a long, hard journey
and I am eternally grateful for God gave me strength to carry on even when I felt like
giving up.
A large amount of gratitude goes to my Supervisor Dr Blessing Mbatha for his constant
guidance, assistance, encouragement and constructive advice.
My editor Max Sibanda for his hard work, dedication and advice. He assisted in shaping
this study to the best it can be.
The study was an evaluation of organisational communication and its integration within the
Msunduzi Local Authority. The purpose was firstly to explore and describe the state of
communication in the organisation, and secondly to measure the level of communication
integration within the organisation.
The qualitative content analysis and individual semi-structured interviews were the suitable
data collection techniques for the study. The data was analysed through a thematic analysis,
a technique that involves identifying, analysing and reporting in detail patterns or themes
within data.
The study found that organisational communication at Msunduzi Local Authority was one
sided and top down; which indicated that there was little emphasis on feedback from
employees. The study revealed that there were more external communication messages than
internal, to an extent that the internal stakeholders depended on external media to learn about
their organisation. Findings on the consistency of messages revealed that all communications
are managed by senior employees within their respective departments and sections; the status
of the consistency of messages can be improved if a comprehensive approach can be adopted
in communicating internal messages in addition to employing diverse communication
channels. On infrastructure for integration, the study found that there is infrastructure and
several prospects for information sharing in the organisation created by information
communication and technology though not fully explored. With regards to the free flow and
sharing of information, the study established that the required systems for communication
exist but not adequately utilised. Findings on the co-ordination of communication efforts and
actions to promote integrated communication showed flaws. It also appeared that the
departments in the organisation function in silos due to lack of cross-functional planning.
Key concept:
Table 4.1: Outline of key findings pertaining to the measurement of the level of
communication integration within Msunduzi Local Authority 119
1.1 Introduction
Schultz and Schultz (2004:3) purport that organisations are faced with a challenge of transition,
whether it is transition in production, manufacturing, logistics, distribution or marketing and
communication. However, organisations need to embrace change instead of sticking to out-dated
approaches, in the name of corporate culture. Accordingly, the best mechanism of making
transition in marketing and communication is the integration of organisational efforts, including
the development of processes, systems and coordination (ibid). This indicates that the integration
of all aspects of communication internally and externally.
The issue of communication and its integration in all the aspects of the organisation is the major
focal point of this study. This chapter is intended to elucidate the context of the study in order to
highlight the purpose, need, objectives and background on which the study subtends; highlight
the research problem, sub-problems, as well as to define relevant key terms.
In addition, Wilkins (2010) indicates that organisational communication plays a major role of
informing about the organisation and its work, persuading employees to cooperate, integrating
various components within an organisation to establish unity and cohesion, and regulating
organisational activities to ensure efficient operation. In this sense, the subject of this study fits
well into the general ambit of communication.
Effective organisational communication involves integrated communication, defined by Maenetja
(2009) as a strategic management process of controlling and influencing all messages and
encouraging purposeful data-driven dialogue to create and nourish long-term, profitable
relationships with organisational stakeholders. There is great emphasis placed for the
organisations to recognise the element of integrated communication as central in the management
process. Maenetja (2009) further states that the principles of wholeness and interdependence are
therefore important in integrated communication because the interdependence of the system's
parts is what makes the process work. This means that organisations should be tightly coupled
internally and everything should be related to everything else.
Therefore, the importance of this topic lies in the fact that the role of communication in an
organisation cannot be underestimated. Communication has a big influence in the organisational
context as a transactional process whereby messages are exchanged and interpreted to establish
and maintain mutual understanding between internal parties, and with external stakeholders,
through integration. In concurrence, Maenetja (2009) states that in all organisations,
communication should be recognised as a mechanism of management by means of which all
consciously used forms of internal and external communication are harmonised as effectively and
efficiently as possible, so as to create a favourable basis for relationships with the groups upon
which the company is dependent.
Furthermore, communication is a function that maps out all internal and external communication
dimensions relevant to the projection of a coherent image of the organisation and its surroundings
(Christensen & Cheney 2005:2). Considering all the facts about the role and influence of
communication in the organisation, it is important to study the role that communication is
currently playing and its position in terms of integration in the chosen organisation. The findings
of the study have a potential of making a contribution to the discipline of communication, in
terms of the extent to which a local authority recognises the role and importance of
communication and its integration.
1.5 Rationale for the study
Communication in the organisational context is increasingly becoming crucial and recognition is
given to the fact that it has a major impact on the success of the organisation. The organisation at
which the study is conducted operates in an environment influenced by different interests and
whereby daily personal needs play a crucial role in how the members of the public view,
approach, and respond to certain issues. This indicates that integrated organisational
communication should be regarded as the core function which enables the coordination and
integration of various functions and activities. Christensen and Cheney (2005:2) maintain that
the development of unified communication that transcends disciplinary demarcations had become
a priority of most communication disciplines.
In addition, Antonis (2005) purports that it is necessary for the organisational management to
understand that a successful organisation requires a strategic and integrated approach to its
communication processes, to allow the organisation to plan and anticipate what is required from
communication as a whole, and how to gain the best value from it. Verwey and Du Plooy-
Cilliers (2003:50) concur by stating that such a strategic approach allows a systematic and
consistent application of organisational communication in an integrative framework that
ultimately serves to link all aspects of business.
Therefore, it became logical to conduct a study to explore communication and within Msunduzi
Local Authority, to measure the extent to which the communication processes were integrated.
The researcher believes that without a fully-fledged communication system, the organisation
would be unable it to deliver optimally transparent, productive, communication and integration at
all levels and that would lead to an increased number of community service delivery protests.
Therefore, the root cause of the problem needs to be identified and resolved.
In addition, there has been widespread criticism against organisations that do not want to embrace
change and the political influence evident in the local sphere of government; some believe that
they focus too much on the internal environment at the expense of the external environment,
while others feel that the politics of the organisation is overlooked, in conflict and power
struggles because of the inability to reach consensus. (Sokhela 2006:117). The researcher
believes that an organisation that does not recognise the value of communication and has not
embraced the integration of its components into one vision can end up with a demotivated
workforce and reputational damage. In the case of the Msunduzi Local Authority, employees
would not be informed and service delivery would not be adequately achieved, resulting in the
public not being informed and sporadic community protects against poor or slow service
delivery. Therefore, it is against this background that the researcher wished to evaluation the
organisational communication system and level of communication integration within Msunduzi
Local Authority.
1.6.3 Sub-problems
The study has the following subordinate problems:
Internal stakeholder orientation at Msunduzi Local Authority
Communication alignment to strategic focus at Msunduzi Local Authority
Existence of the consistency of messages within Msunduzi Local Authority
Mechanisms to co-ordinate communication efforts and action within Msunduzi Local
Sharing of information and free flow of information within Msunduzi Local Authority
Infrastructure for integration within Msunduzi Local Authority
1.6.3 Research questions
In responding to the research problem, the study sought to answer the following sub-research
Hence; the premise of the research is to establish the state of organisational communication
within Msunduzi Local Authority, with specific reference to communication integration.
Angelopulo and Schoonraad (cited in Barker & Angelopulo 2006:3) purport that communication
functions as an ingredient for corporate culture. This indicates that in any organisation,
communication plays a major role of binding together all various components where mutual
understanding and relations are established.
phenomenon and usually generates new insight into a particular topic. The intention of this study
is to explore the communication and get an insight into the extent of integration at the chosen
organisation. The research study attempts to develop a broader understanding of how the
organisation operates, how communication flows within the organisation, as well as how the
related aspects of communication are integrated.
To achieve the aim of the study, the following objectives were addressed:
To evaluate the state of organisational communication within Msunduzi Local Authority
To measure the level of communication integration
The current communication system of the Msunduzi Local Authority is not adequate and
integrated; therefore, the strategies that can be developed to improve organisational
communication and enhance integration are proposed.
1.11.1 Evaluation The word evaluation refers to the process of making a judgment about the
value, importance, or quality of something after considering it carefully (McMillan
Dictionary 2013).
1.11.2 Organisational communication refers to the flow of material, information, perception and
understanding between various parts and members of an organisation. All the methods,
means and media of communication and all the channels, networks and systems of
communication and all the person-to-person interchange are included as aspects of
communication (Vos 1994b:33). In concurrence, Barker and Angelopulo (2006:74)
define organisational communication as involving an understanding of the influence that
communication has within an organisational context, because it is a transactional and
symbolic process whereby messages are exchanged and interpreted to establish and
maintain mutual understanding between parties. Wilkins (2010) believes that
organisational communication plays a role of informing about the organisation and its
work, persuading employees to cooperate, integrating various components within an
organisation to establish unity and cohesion, and regulating organisational activities to
ensure efficient operation.
1.11.5 Communication infrastructure refers to the organisation‘s structures and routines, which
sustain its culture. Maenetja (2010) indicates that the systems of planning, quality control
and information management are crucial in organisational performance of its primary
activities. These systems focus specifically on communication infrastructure such as the
channels of communication used, the levels that communication takes, the direction
through which communication flows, and the networks of communication existing in the
1.11.6 Organisational stakeholders refer to the people who enter into partnership or relationship
with the organisation, whether internally or externally. The internal stakeholders can be
the employees from all levels of the organisation, including the political bodies. The
external stakeholders refer to the parties that are outside the organisation, such as
members of the public that an organisation serves, the suppliers, the media, as well as
different levels of government.
1.12.3 Chapter Three: Research Methodology
This chapter will discuss the research design, study population, sampling methods, the limitations
of the study, as well as the means by which reliability and validity were ensured in the present
1.13 Summary
This chapter has introduced the study by providing background and rationale; presented the
research problem; discussed the aim (what) and objectives (how) of the study; provided the
motivation why the study is significant to the discipline of communication; presented the research
hypothesis; defined the terms used in the study and further outlined the structural presentation of
the dissertation.
The issues discussed in the context of the study made it clear that organisations need to change
the way in which the communication function was previously structured and focus on a more
integrated approach. A study of this nature has not been conducted at Msunduzi Local Authority
before. As such, the findings of the study will give an understanding of how the Local Authority
is currently structured in terms of communication.
The next chapter (Chapter two) reviews literature on previous studies on strategic and integrated
organisational communication and its context; thus laying a foundation for a good research
2.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to review relevant literature on organisational communication and
integrated communication. A literature review gives the researcher an idea of how other
researchers and writers have thought and gone about researching integrated organisational
communication and its context; thus laying a foundation for a good research outcome. According
to Leedy and Ormrod (2005:64), understanding and doing a literature review can introduce the
researcher to specific measurement tools that other researchers have developed and used
This literature review is based on the objectives of the study as indicated below:
To evaluate the state of organisational communication within Msunduzi Local Authority
To measure the level of communication integration
The transactional model of communication therefore lays the foundation towards answering the
three (3) research questions, namely:
a) What is the current state of organisational communication?
b) What is the level of communication integration practiced?
c) What could be done to improve the communication system of the Msunduzi Local Authority?
In concurrence, Van der Walt (2006) states that dialogue theory in relation to transactional
communication, is distinct from communication interactions such as debates, discussions and
deliberations, because the dialogic communication makes listening and speaking possible, and
therefore effective. Furthermore, dialogic communication is a two-way, unrestricted and
continuous type of communication that makes use of the all-channel network of communication
which enables communicators an equal opportunity to communicate and participate freely.
Therefore, Hayase (2002) asserts that effective organisational communication extends beyond
employees satisfied with receiving information; employees also want to work for an organisation
that believes that they can contribute substantially to the value and decision-making process.
Smith (2005) believes that organisations need to improve employee engagement in order to
ensure that employees have an understanding of the organisation‘s mission, objectives and that
the contribution of employees is recognised. Improving employee engagement can be done
through coaching, career development, recognition, rewards, accountability, satisfaction,
meaningful work, perceived safety, adequate resources, individual attention, alignment with
organisation's values, opinion surveys, effective communication, management's interest in
employee wellbeing, challenging work, input in decision-making, clear vision of organisation's
goals, as well as autonomy (Lawrence 2007).
The dialogue and employee engagement theories are relevant to the stakeholders of the
organisation, be they internal or external. The organisation‘s stakeholders have a vested interest
in the success of the organisation; therefore, what the organisation does affects them, while what
they do affects the organisation. Niemann (2005:50) states, in this regard, that the broader and
deeper the support of the organisation‘s stakeholder, the greater the stakeholder capital, and thus
the greater the organisation‘s brand equity. It can, therefore, be argued that communication
should be utilised to build relationships with stakeholders because from an organisation‘s point of
view, corporate success depends on an on-going process of stakeholder management, in which
interests and demands of the stakeholders are identified and dealt with appropriately.
2.3 The state of organisational communication
Communication involves the sender, subject matter of communication, expressions used for
communicating, medium of communication, receiver of the communication and interpretation,
and feedback expected to be mutual if communication is to be effective and take place (Vos
1994b:30) This process begins with the sender, being an individual who makes an attempt to
communicate, by creating a message through encoding. The sender chooses a suitable medium
(channel) for transmitting the message to the receiver (recipient). The receiver receives and
decodes the message by way of interpreting and understanding it. The communication process
then ends with feedback, which enables the sender to learn if the receiver has received,
understood and responded, appropriately, to the message.
Fielding (2006:10) highlights that communication is essential for the survival of the organisation
because it plays a transactional role; involving two or more people who construct and exchange
meaning. In this way, communication messages can move upward, downward and horisontal.
Organisational communication serves at least four major functions: informative, integrative,
regulative and persuasive function, discussed below.
Barker and Angelopulo (2006:11) maintain that organisational communication shifted its primary
focus from the applied aspects -such as writing, speaking and persuasion - to a broader role in
areas such as organisational behaviour and organisational theory. The scope of communication
has changed from that traditional view and has developed and spread throughout the organisation
to the extent that it has become central to an organisation‘s functioning. Organisational
communication is now seen as central to overall interactions, whereby meaning is coded,
transmitted, encoded and interpreted throughout the organisation. This can be a one-way or two-
way process, depending on the approach that an organisation has towards communication (Vos
Figure 2.1: Shannon-Weaver mathematical model of communication (Wood 2009)
Waltman (sa) indicates that organisational communication can take a one-way process, whereby
communication practice and communication channels used do not make a provision for feedback
or interaction. These range from top-down messages normally give instructions and feedback on
staff performance or decisions taken, to provide a range of information related to statutory issues
(such as policies, by-laws and operational procedures) or strategic issues (such as goals and
objectives, vision and mission) of the organisation. According to Antonis (2005), a two-way
communication process is through various forms and channels such as group meetings, one-on-
one meetings, telephone and email. A two-way communication approach is seen as interaction
between humans, whereby meaning is created and associations are formulated in order to share
that meaning, thus establishing mutual working relationships based on honest and cohesive
principles of human relations (Barker & Angelopulo 2006:14). Wilkins (2010) asserts that the
way communication messages are distributed and the way target audiences receive and respond
to these messages is critical to the success of any organisation, because organisational
communication is highly relevant to the overall performance and strategic outcomes of the
b) Integrative function
Antonis (2005) purport that integrative communication function is that which operates to give the
organisation unity and cohesion; to define objectives and tasks for the purpose of facilitating the
entry and smooth absorption of appropriate participants, to coordinate the activities and schedules
of various departments within an organisation, and to eliminate redundancy and wasted effort.
c) Regulative function
According to Antonis (2005), the regulatory function of communication focuses on controlling
organisational activities to ensure an efficient and effective operation of the organisation, and to
provide guidelines related to policy, rules and instructions. It is dependent on management
control and information transmission because regulative communication messages are work-
oriented, and concentrate on tasks that are necessary to accomplish a particular job. Therefore,
the employees should have an understanding of what is expected from them and what restrictions
are placed on their behaviour.
d) Persuasive function
The persuasive function of communication is concerned with influencing the internal members
of the organisation in order to gain their co-operation and compliance, in a voluntary manner, for
them to support and commit to the goals and objectives of the organisation. Antonis (2005)
indicates that organisational managers must regulate through persuasion, which is used at all
levels in the organisation. A successful manager realises that voluntary compliance by
employees provides greater commitment than control and command, or appeals to authority.
a) Organisational communication
Organisational communication involves communication within an organisation, it is particularly
concerned with the effects of managerial styles, leadership and motivation on communication and
it covers many types of verbal and written communication (Fielding 2006:25).
b) Intrapersonal communication
Intrapersonal communication is the type of communication that takes place within a single person
by means of processing information to clarify an idea or analyse a situation. Antonis (2005)
defines intrapersonal communication as the most basic level, which enables a person to send and
receive messages, thus communicating at interpersonal and group levels. This, therefore,
contributes to an establishment and maintenance of sound working relationships within an
c) Mass communication
Fielding (2006:25) states that mass communication involves communication with large
audiences, frequent reproduction of messages and rapid distribution of messages, however
feedback is most delayed and audiences are the most difficult to define.
d) Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information between two individuals, and it
involves both verbal and non-verbal messages. According to Antonis (2005) an organisation
utilises the intrapersonal level to facilitate its interpersonal communication, as both members in a
communication process have to create or encode and interpret or decode messages for mutual
understanding. In concurrence, Fielding (2006:25) indicates that a great deal of communication
in an organisation is interpersonal, as it calls for good control of language, good listening,
tolerance as well as sensitivity to nonverbal communication.
e) Small group
Fielding (2006:25) purports that small group communication covers all communication in
committees and formal meetings. These groups may be involved in a range of activities, from
simply chatting to articulation of organisational policies. Therefore, small group communication
enables a group of members to work together, relying on mutual relationships that have been
built through interpersonal communication. Through small group communication, all members
are encouraged to communicate, thus establishing a positive atmosphere and mutual relations.
f) Public communication
Public communication refers to public speaking where the speaker is concerned with effective
analysis of the audience‘s needs, appearance, good preparation, an effective style of delivery,
effective non-verbal communication and the audiences‘ response to the speech (Fielding
2.3.4 Flows of communication messages
The flow of communication indicates the direction that an organisation takes to reach the
intended target recipients. These directions represent the organisation‘s overall approach to intra-
and inter-organisational communication.
a) Downward communication
Fielding (2006:13) defines downward communication as the flow of organisational
communication messages from the superiors to the subordinates, mostly in relation with;
Information about the mission, policies, goals and procedures of the organisation,
Feedback to subordinates on their performance and procedures to be followed ,
Giving instruction for specific tasks,
Information describing employees relationship with the organisation, and
Feedback on the performance of employees and/ or departments as well as the progress on
b) Upward communication
Meade (2010) and Wilkins (2010) describe the upward flow of communication as communication
that facilitates the provision of feedback about issues which concern project status reports, staff
suggestions and grievances from the subordinates to the manager. It forms a critical component
for building and maintaining positive intra-organisational communication, and a healthy
organisational climate. Fielding (2006:14) also concurs that upward communication involve
communication from the lowest positions in the organisation to the highest position, usually for
such purposes as asking questions, reporting about individual problems and performance, report
on what needs to be done and how to do it, memoranda about practical results of policies and
practices, as well as messages in suggestion boxes about specific staff problems. Organisational
managers need to encourage a two-way flow of information through channels such as proposals,
memoranda, and oral or written reports.
c) Horisontal communication
Horisontal communication is also known as lateral or sideways flow of communication between
organisational departments or managers of equal ranks, with an intention to report on the
activities of departments, to keep other departments informed, and to share or exchange
information on policies and progress, so that all members are able to make informed decisions.
The communication messages in this level are mostly related to problem-solving, coordination,
conflict resolution and rumours. The channel used in this level of communication is usually face-
to-face, through discussions and oral or written reports. According to Wilkins (2010) horisontal
flow provides a holistic view of operations and enables interactions among various levels and
components of the organisation, thereby enhancing organisational efficiency and effectiveness.
Communication messages within organisations are transmitted and exchanged through formal
and informal communication networks, which define the channels by which organisational
information flows. These networks are discussed by Barker and Angelopulo (2006:74) as
patterns through which communication messages flow from the communicator to the receiver.
Antonis (2005) contends that the formal communication networks are depicted by the
organisational structural chart, meaning the act of organising the organisation in terms of
decision-making power, reporting lines and allocation of work creates networks through which
information flows. As a result, informal communication networks emerge from the interpersonal
relationships that develop among members of the same organisation. Communication networks
form an integral part of the infrastructure of the organisation. Without networks, routine
organisational activities such as general management, training and good interpersonal relations,
would not succeed. The messages carried in networks range from data, information, knowledge,
and any other form that can move from one network point to another.
The size of the communication network refers to the links used to transmit messages from
sender to receiver.
The more links used the greater the chances of the message distortion, meanwhile the lesser
the links the higher the chances for improved communication.
Formality of networks - both formal and informal communication networks are present in an
organisation. Formal networks are more task-oriented and done by the book, whereas
informal networks are less task-oriented and work-related.
Another important characteristic of communication networks is their openness. Some
communication networks are too open and externally-oriented while others are closed and
internally-oriented, as some of the information in the organisation is confidential and cannot
be disclosed to the public.
Therefore, the chain, y, wheel, circle, and the all-channel are the five network formats for
organisational communication.
a) Chain network
Barker and Angelopulo (2006:77) indicate that the chain network takes a formal communication
system, and is a one-way downward communication process that moves through various
organisational levels to reach the recipients of the communication message, either way. Antonis
(2005) adds that, in chain network, communication messages are passed down through clear
channels and direct commands; making the communication process task-oriented and fast.
Flow of Messages
b) Y network
According to Van der Walt (2006), the Y network is a formal, two-way communication process,
whereby, a manager gives an instruction to a subordinate, and the subordinate will pass on the
message to his own subordinate and receive feedback. Barker and Angelopulo (2006:78) observe
that this network resembles the chain network in some way. For example, communication
between five people would enable three to communicate with one person only and the fifth
person, who does not have access to the leader, has to use another member as a go between. The
information carried through this network is also task-oriented, with clear commands and accurate
information concerning specific tasks.
Flow of Messages
Subordinate Subordinate
1 2
c) Wheel network
Antonis (2005) indicates that the wheel communication network is conducted via a central person
who links different individuals in an organisation. The central person could be the leader or any
other person, as long as they are in charge of issuing orders and regulating the flow of
communication. Van der Walt (2006) further notes that this network also occurs in the formal
communication system and is characterised with fast communication messages that are task-
oriented, accurate, consistent and effective in solving problems.
Sub 1
Sub 7 Sub 2
Sub 6 Sub 3
Sub 5 Sub 4
d) Circle network
The circle network is the fourth communication network, which occurs in an informal
communication system. According to Barker and Angelopulo (2006:77), in this network,
interaction is critical with communication lines open to all levels of the organisation. The
communication process is more employee-oriented; this implies that there is employee
participation in decision-making and problem-solving.
Sub 5
Sub 4 Sub 6
Sub 3
Sub 2 Sub 1
e) All-channel network
The all-channel network is the last communication network, which occurs within the informal
communication system. In this network, the lines of communication are open to all individuals.
There is free-flow of information with no restriction on members. Van der Walt (2006) observes
that within the all-channel network, communication is fast with accurate and clear messages.
The ability of members to communicate freely means that all members within an organisation are
able to participate in making of decisions and solving problems.
Figure2.8: All-channel communication network (Fielding 2006)
There are three perspectives of communication that an organisation may relate to, depending on
the nature and culture of the organisation. The three perspectives of communication are
functionalist, interpretivist and critical perspective. Each of the perspective is discussed in detail
a) Functionalist perspective
A functionalist perspective of communication is concerned with the administration and control of
an organisation. It is mainly focused on the functions, roles and positions in an organisation, and
maintains that these play a crucial role in shaping and determining the communication actions
and operational activities in the organisation. The functionalist perspective relates to the
mechanistic view of communication in an organisation which Van der Walt (2006:357) believes
it implies that everything can be reduced to its essential parts, which can be understood and
accurately measured. Following this ideal, all events resulting from the interaction of parts can
be explained and predicted. Hence, the assumption exists that every aspect of the communication
process under investigation can be isolated from all irrelevant phenomena and viewed and
measured as if in a closed system. It is further argued that, in this perspective, the patterns of
causality can be identified, and future predictions accurately made (Barker & Angelopulo
Neher (1997:26) and Van der Walt (2006:357) state that functionalists emphasise the functions of
different kinds of communication messages and behaviours, in terms of the task and maintenance
functions they fulfil, which serve to carry on the work of the organisation. This is concerned with
ensuring increasing and improving organisational efficiency and consequent productivity.
b) Interpretivist perspective
According to Verwey and Du Plooy-Cilliers (2002:136) the interpretive perspective to
communication is overly idealistic in its endeavour to understand and widen the knowledge
within the subjective realm of the interpreter. The main purpose of the interpretivist approach is
to understand and interpret employee experiences, and how that affects the organisations. The
interpretivist perspective differs from the functionalist perspective in a sense that it seeks to
understand and interpret the lives of people and their experiences. This perspective of
communication is related to an interactional view of communication explained by Angelopulo
and Schoonraad (cited in Barker & Angelopulo 2006:8) as a social phenomenon, which cannot be
analysed as a sum of constituent parts like in the mechanistic view. In the interpretivist
perspective, the actions, experiences and feelings of individuals are taken into consideration
rather than to merely focus on improving productivity. This is because the interpretivist
perspective stresses that it is the people who exist and act to make the success or failure of an
organisation. Hence, their experiences and knowledge are crucial for interpretation and
Concurring to that, Antonis (2005:89) asserts that the interpretivist perspective is focused on
understanding and explaining human behaviour, and, typically, would concentrate on
understanding people‘s experiences rather than productivity. It is therefore directed at gaining an
insight into the intra-organisational communication from the employee‘s perspective. This
argument means that the interpretivist perspective involves open communication and interactions
because, in order to understand the experiences of employees, one would be compelled to
communicate with them and study their communication messages. The interest of the
interpretivist perspective is in the way employees act towards, respond to, and influence one
another in society. Hence meaning is negotiated as communication produces new perspectives,
expectations and boundaries used to assure continual future interactions.
c) Critical perspective
The critical perspective of organisational communication is concerned with issues relating to
power, dominance and control. Verwey and Du Plooy-Cilliers (2005:136) maintain that critical
theory argues that social discourses, such as corporate culture, are capable of producing a one-
dimensional society where thoughts and existing alternatives are reduced to a unilinier
dimension. Littlejohn (1996:17) observes that most critical theories are concerned with conflicts
of interests and the ways in which communication perpetuates domination of one group over
another in society. This argument implies that critical theorists look at the power structure of an
organisation and try to understand the ways in which such power structure maintains itself. This
differs from either the functionalist or interpretivist perspectives, which operates according to
rules determining the administration and control, and seeks to understand the experiences of
employees within the organisation, respectively.
Antonis (2005:91) notes that the issues and principles embodied in the critical perspective raise
questions with regards to the organisation‘s purpose of existence, and demand that critical
theories confront the issues of whether employees can have a democratic organisation community
if the organisation that they work for is not managed by democratic principles. In concurrence,
Neher (1997:27) and Van der Walt (2006:361) state that organisational communication should be
studied in terms of hidden or implicit exercises of power and domination, since when
communication is inhibited or withheld the message becomes distorted. In a critical perspective,
organisations are sites of hierarchy, dominance and power. Members of an organisation have
varying degrees of power and status. As such, they have varying degrees of control over
message-creation and message-meaning. For instance, powerful members can get others to
accept their views and values on organisational goals, objectives and strategies.
In concurrence, Littlejohn (1996:226) indicates that the intention of the critical perspective is to
reveal the constant conflicts between members within an organisation, the manner in which
competing interests clash, and how these clashes are resolved in favour of a particular group that
has power over others. Powerful members can establish an organisational culture that is more
favourable to them and less favourable to the less powerful. In this case, the less powerful
members accept the views and values of the powerful without question.
Van Der Walt (2006:344) and Littlejohn (1996:307) maintain that organisational communication
should be described from a network of theoretical perspectives that integrates the traditions of
communication in relation to the process of communication in an organisation. There are three
traditions of communication identified; positional, relational and the cultural tradition. Each
tradition of communication is discussed in-depth, including the communication process to which
the tradition relates, as well as the relevant networks of communication. According to Barker
(2006:74), the communication networks are linked channels of communication by which
information flows between organisational members. The networks of communication are
patterns or lines of contact that are specifically created to transmit communication messages. The
transmission of these messages can be downward, upward or horizontal, while the
communication process can be formal or informal and one-way or two-way communication
Furthermore, the five networks of communication -chain, y, wheel, circle, and all-channel - are
related to the traditions of communication depending on the organisational communication
a) Positional tradition
The positional tradition is the tradition of communication that concerns itself with formal
structures and roles within the organisation. The structure of an organisation is regarded
extremely important; members within an organisation, with a positional tradition, regard highly
of positions and power as these enable those superior to influence their subordinates and
overcome any resistance. In such an organisation, there are sets of positions with strict reporting
lines between senior employees, who serve as managers and supervisors, and junior employees
who are mainly subordinates, all having certain functions and roles. According to Littlejohn
(1996:307) the positional tradition reflects the organisation as a system of purposeful and
interpersonal activities designed to coordinate tasks through the use of formal networks of
communication to achieve the goals and objectives of managers, which are related to power and
control. Therefore, the organisational members who hold senior and influential positions have
more power over the organisation and/or the members who hold less influential and powerful
This indicates that, organisational roles are associated with positions which specify designated
behaviours and obligatory relations incumbent on those that assume the positions. According to
Monge (2002:448), the positions and attached roles constitute the relatively stable and enduring
structure of an organisation independent of people who fulfil the roles. The communication
process within an organisation with a positional tradition, is formal, one-way and, mostly,
downward. The superiors regard communication as a means to pass on instructions, rules and
regulations. Van Der Walt (2006:356) maintains that the positional tradition strongly relates to a
functionalist perspective, which argues in the similar vein that the roles and positions in the
organisation shape and determine the communication acts and operational activities in the
organisation. This tradition gives an understanding that the positions and roles in the structure of
the organisation determine who communicates with whom and what communication networks are
suitable for this formal process. Monge (2002:448) purports that the positional tradition of
communication argues that people maintain attitudes, values and beliefs consistent with their
organisational positions irrespective of the amount of communication that they have with others
in their communication networks.
Barker and Angelopulo (2006:77), Antonis (2005:59) and Van Der Walt (2006:345) maintain that
the chain network occurs within the formal communication system. Communication in this
network is one-way directional and task-oriented. This means that communication takes place
when a superior gives instructions to subordinates, and then the message can be passed on
downward from one level to the next. Barker (2006:77) emphasises that communication in this
case is downward and one-way, moving via several levels in the organisation to different
receivers. Communicated information is also task-oriented and extremely accurate because the
channels of communication used are clear and the commands are direct. In addition, Antonis
(2005:59) purports that the chain communication network facilitates an average speed of
information dissemination with an average level of accuracy, and morale in such a network is
generally of an average level. Communication in the chain communication network is not always
successful as messages are transmitted through various hierarchies and relay individuals who
serve as gatekeepers of information entailed in the message (Van der Walt 2006:346). The
second communication network, that is similar to the chain communication network and
associated with the positional tradition, is the y-communication network.
As is the case in the chain and y-communication networks, the wheel communication network
occurs in the formal communication system. This network is regarded a very organised, as its
communication takes place through a central person. Barker and Angelopulo (2006:78) and Van
der Walt (2006:348) agree that the wheel communication network makes coordination of actions,
though creative, difficult because no pair of individuals can exchange messages except through
the central figure. In addition to that, Antonis (2005:60) points out that the flow of
communication in this network is very fast and the information being shared has high level of
accuracy and the consistency of the message is very good. Also in this communication network,
the leadership factor is high. However, Barker & Angelopulo (2006:79) argues that though the
information is direct and commands are clear, and although the central person receives all and
sends back all information, the content of the message can still be distorted and the morale of
members in this network is low because communication is one-way and downward.
b) Relational tradition
The relational tradition is the second tradition of communication that deals with natural ways in
which relationships develop through organisational communication and in which networks
emerge from those relationships. Littlejohn (1996:314) indicates that the relational tradition
views the organisation as a living changing system, constantly shaped and explained by the
interactions among members. This tradition concerns itself with the processes of the organisation
rather than the structure, which is accomplished through interactions between individuals. The
relational tradition is associated with the interpretive perspective of organisational
communication, which is perceived to exist as human interaction or human transaction.
Angelopulo and Schoonraad (cited in Barker & Angelopulo 2006:9) maintain that
communication is regarded as the process through which meaning is shared and associations are
created in the formation of groups and cultures, and by which interpersonal transaction, social
position, action, status and power are manifested, changed, and in some cases, diminished. For
Monge (2002:448) the relational tradition is primary focused on the direct communication that
establishes and maintains communication linkages, which create an emergent communication
structure that connects different people and groups in the organisation regardless of their formal
positions and the powerful status.
The relational tradition is more concerned with the informal lines of communication and how
employees accomplish objectives together as a team. According to Van der Walt (2006:350) and
Littlejohn (1996:315), communication in the relational tradition is understood as a basis for
human organisation, and it provides a foundation for understanding how people organise; which
is proper than a structural organisation, essentially accomplished through a continuing process of
communication, actions and reactions. The communication process in a relational tradition is
informal and relates to informal communication patterns. Communication is interactive between
individuals involved in a communication process; the transaction of messages between them
leads to a development of relationships among them, which is related to the transactional view of
communication that conducts two-way communication and makes use of different channels of
This transactional view enables communicators to perform, understand and prepare for dynamic
communication, and feedback is important to confirm receipt interpretation and understanding of
messages. Angelopulo and Schoonraad (cited in Barker & Angelopulo 2006:9) purports that the
core components of an organisation and its structure are communicating, interacting and
transacting individuals who actively shape their own behaviour through the associations they
make based on their experiences. This indicates that the relational tradition aims to explain
communication by typically viewing the nature of communication and its role and objectives in
the relationship that develop within the organisation.
The relational tradition is less concerned with the structure of the organisation and more with the
processes within the organisation; this is where interpersonal relationships develop between
organisational members because communication is free and informal. Monge (2002:448)
indicates that this tradition emphasises the dynamic, constantly changing, enacted nature of
structure that is created by continuous patterns of person-to-person communication flow. The
circle and all-channel communication networks are mostly associated with the relational
Antonis (2005:61), Barker and Angelopulo (2006:79) and Van der Walt (2006:350) all maintain
that the circle communication network occurs within the informal communication system, where
every member has an equal opportunity to communicate with another person, horizontally,
between members at the same level, and communication is restricted to members communicating
to those next to them only. A two-way communication process is applicable in the circle
communication network, and employees can participate in the decision-making and problem-
solving processes due to these interactions. Barker and Angelopulo (2006:80) asserts that the
communication in the circle communication network is more employee-oriented than task-
oriented; this is due to the fact that the input and opinions from employees is valued in a
relational tradition. According to Van der Walt (2006:351), each member in a communication
process has to communicate any idea or opinion to only two other members who have to
distribute the information to two more members, and the sequence continues. This leads to
communication being slow and less accurate because information is passed on from one group to
another, which might lead to a distortion of messages. However, the morale and satisfaction of
employees is higher due to an opportunity to participate.
Another communication network that is associated with the relational tradition is the all-channel
communication network, and it shares some similarities with the circle communication network.
Antonis (2005:61), Barker and Angelopulo (2006:79) and Van der Walt (2006:350) observe that
the all-channel communication network occurs in the informal communication system. There are
no communication restrictions placed on members; members are able to pass on information to
all others directly, and in return all members formulate their own answers in a problem-solving
situation. Barker and Angelopulo (2006:79) points out that the all-channel communication
network maximises opportunities for feedback and, therefore, results in greater accuracy of
messages. Van der Walt (2006:352) argues that the all-channel network could delay decision-
making and simple task completions since each member has to provide input on information
received and required. However, this network encourages high employee morale and satisfaction
though it lacks leadership and control.
c) Cultural tradition
The cultural tradition is the third and final tradition of communication, concerned with sharing of
symbols and meaning. The cultural tradition is defined by Monge (2002:449) as a tradition that
examines symbols, meanings, and interpretations of messages transmitted through informal
communication networks. In addition, Littlejohn (1996:320) purports that this tradition also
examines ways in which people use these symbols and meanings to produce and reproduce their
sets of understanding according to their beliefs and values. The cultural tradition attributes to the
relational tradition in its association with informal and decentralised communication networks.
According to Van der Walt (2006:353), this tradition is created by members in stories, rituals and
task-work, and the real structure emerges from the informal actions of the organisational
members in their daily work.
The communication process in this tradition is two-way and informal. Communication takes
place with an intention to share symbols and meaning, as these are crucial variables of
communication. Organisational members at all levels have access to each and communication
messages are passed on to all members without any restrictions. Reference can further be made
to a critical perspective of communication, which maintains that pure communication can be
obtained in open discussion and free flow of information (Van der Walt 2006:361). The cultural
tradition shares a similarity with the relational tradition in that it occurs within the informal
communication system, gives preference to the unrestricted communication networks such as the
circle and all-channel communication networks, and its communication is interactional.
Communication in the cultural tradition is informal and two-way. This tradition gives preference
to communication networks that occur within an informal communication system, especially the
all-channel network. For Van der Walt (2006:354) the cultural tradition gives preference to the
all-channel communication network, as it allows for continuous, open and free communication
and emphasises shared symbols and meaning as important variables of communication. The all-
channel network is also preferable for its unrestricted communication. Antonis (2005:61) asserts
that the all-channel network is the least structured communication network, where messages flow
freely between members in the network.
The above discussion of the traditions of communication indicates that communication can take
place in different forms within the same organisation, as well as in different organisations. The
positional tradition is concerned with carrying out of tasks and getting the job done,
communication is merely perceived as a means to give instructions about the task and to report
back. Hence, communication is formal, direct, downward, and task-oriented, and takes place
through the chain, y and wheel communication networks.
Different from the positional tradition, the relational tradition is associated with interactions and
relationships that develop between members within an organisation, to an extent that the
associations are formulated into groups. As such, in this tradition, unions representing employees
are seen playing a crucial role in connecting employees with their leaders within the municipality.
In the relational tradition, communication is two-way, informal and employee-oriented and takes
place through the circle and all-channel communication networks. The emphasis is on employees
as individuals, their needs, thoughts, inputs and opinions matter in this tradition.
The cultural tradition is the third tradition of communication that focuses on symbols and
meaning, and how organisational members produce understanding. In this tradition, there are no
communication restrictions and the all-channel network is the most preferred type of
communication. The cultural tradition is likely to bring confusion as it also looks at the structure,
the tasks and work of an organisation, which is closely associated with the positional tradition;
while the informal, open and non-restricted communication is also the case of the relational
tradition. The criticism on this tradition is that it lacks leadership and may therefore not be as
effective and recognised in an organisation.
2.4 Intra-organisational communication
This section addresses one of the most important focus areas of organisational communication -
communication within the organisation; intra-organisational communication is conceptualised
and specific views of intra-organisational communication are explored.
Meade (2010) states that internal communication encompasses both overt communication, such
as meetings, e-mails and newsletters as well casual forms of communication, such as office
pleasantries and gossip, collectively these forms of communication define an organisation‘s
internal communication culture. The relationship between communication and culture involves
all aspects of communication, such as language, verbal and non-verbal communication, customs,
perceived values as well as people‘s interpretation of space and time. According to Wood (1999)
there are a number of common ways in which news within the organisation can be communicated
down the line:
- Through personal communication between the manager and the staff;
- Through written communication such as memos; circulars; and
- Through mass methods such as in-house newsletters or notice boards.
Furthermore, definitions of internal communication vary greatly; the following common elements
according to Goldhaber (1993) can be detected in many of the wide variety of viewpoints, which
define internal communication;
- Internal communication involves messages, their flow, purpose, direction, and media;
- Internal communication involves people, their attitudes, feelings, relationships, and skills; and
- Internal communication occurs within a complex open system that is influenced by and
influences its environment.
Therefore, the organisation‘s management should formulate and implement an internal
communication strategy which is technologically proactive in order to develop more direct,
motivated, informed, committed and highly efficient workforce (Waititu 2015). The way an
organisation conducts its internal communication process is based on the way it perceives internal
communication. There are four theoretical views of communication. These are transmissional,
psychological, interactional and transactional (University of South Africa, 2008:23). Van der
Walt (2006) maintains that a good theory is one that directs a person‘s attention to a phenomenon
that needs to be observed in order to meaningfully interpret the observation. How a person
perceives communication determines the element of communication they see as important. The
four theoretical views of communication are discussed in the next section.
Furthermore, Vos (1994b:81) states that this theory of communication indicates the basic
elements of communication within the context of an organisation. This implies that the
organisation is using a one-way direction of communicating which does not recognise other
elements of communication. Organisations using a transmissional view of communication are
likely to be practising communication that is one-way, formal, and downward as reflected by the
y and the wheel networks of communication. University of South (2008:23) assert that a
transmissional view of communication is more apparent in organisations that have a functionalist
perspective of communication. A functionalist perspective views an organisation as an entity in
which communication practices are considered as isolated and controllable variables that
determine operations.
In addition to that, when communication takes place in the interactional view, members involved
in the communication process have an ability to take the role of another, that is, a communicator
after encoding and sending the communication message becomes the recipient, and the recipient
after receiving and interpreting a communication message becomes the communicator with an
intention of sending feedback (Barker & Angelopulo 2006:9). According to Van der Walt (2006),
the circle network of communication relates well with the interactional view, as with the
psychological view, because all members communicate equally in all directions but with limits,
thus creating interpersonal relationships by engaging in discussions and resolving arising
conflicts. The interactional view is also related to the interpretivist perspective, as it places
emphasis on understanding human relations and human communication within an organisation.
As a result, mutual working relationships are developed leading to greater productivity and
achievement of organisation‘s goals and objectives.
In addition, the process of negotiation developed within the transactional view leads to the
creation of mutual and continuous relationships between the parties involved in the
communication process. Transactional view of communication is related to a critical perspective
of communication which promotes employee involvement in the organisation‘s decision making,
giving them freedom to express ideas and knowledge in their organisation and making them be a
part of problem resolving. . Van der Walt (2006) maintains that both the transactional view and
critical perspective of communication confirm the importance of using a two-way communication
when they are two parties involved in the communication transaction in informal networks of
communication. The network of communication which is suitable for organisations with a
transactional view and critical perspective of communication is the all-channel network. In this
network all members have an equal opportunity to communicate and participate without
restrictions. This then imply that organisations intending to create and maintain mutual working
relationships internally need to adopt a perspective of this nature.
2.5 The relevance of the functions, levels, flows, networks, perspectives, traditions and
views of communication to the study
To explain the importance the functions, levels, flows, networks, perspectives, traditions and
views of communication within the framework of this study, the following argument is
From the discussion above it can be maintained that organisational communication in essence is
about continuous, observable patterns of planned, sequential and systematic interactions of
mutual awareness, and the sharing of facts and feelings, within the context of the organisation,
among its members (employees and management), with the intent of motivating or influencing
behaviour. Organisations need to provide a channel for employees through which they can
express values, needs and motivations, such as a well-defined and well-developed
communication system. The ensuing discussion indicates that integrated communication is about
the management of long-term relationships between an organisation and its various stakeholders;
this is done by managing all messages that are communicated to all and enhance purposeful
dialogue. It is therefore logical to argue that the idea of integrated communication refers to
communication management which combines communication functions.
From the above argument, it can be surmised that the intent with which communication is
planned, formulated and executed (by management) in the organisation involves certain aspects
of networks, perspectives, traditions and viewpoints of communication in its entirety and could in
turn equally contribute to the perceptions, beliefs and attitudes of organisational members
(involved in the communication process).
According to Van der Walt (2006:334) it is therefore believed that the process of communication
as a planned, observable pattern of sequential and systematic interactions in which facts and
feelings are shared mutually could contribute significantly to the establishment of meaning and
purpose in the organisation. As part of its functions, flows and levels, communication plays a
fundamental process of organising human actions. According to Neher (1997:19) the process of
organising requires the gathering of people to accomplish some purpose. Therefore, organising is
the primary requirement in bringing people together to achieve individual or organisational goals.
He states that an organisation consists of a pattern of interactions among people, and in bringing
these people together and in establishing interactions between them, the process of
communication is essential.
It can be understood that communication in the organisation provides insights for understanding
the working and role of an organisation; this can be evident through the organisations choice of
communication networks, perspective, tradition and applicable viewpoint. Van der Walt
(2006:334) maintains that the study of communication in the organisation can enable effective
relations between an organisation and its members to prevent anomie in the organisation.
Communication is the key to sound decision making within the organisation and having
communication skills form the basis for effective leadership in the organisation.
From the above discussion it can be maintained that organisational communication has a
prominent role in the organisational context;
Reflects a fundamental process of organising employee actions,
Provides insight into the role of organisations (and society) in the lives of employees,
Forms the basis for leadership versus managerial interaction with employees,
Is a necessity in sound decision making practices, and
Creates awareness for the consideration of diversity, and as such flexibility, in the
Furthermore, the functionalist perspective, which is historically the most widely used, focuses on
the goals and outcomes of intentional communication acts. The interpretivist perspective is more
concerned with understanding the experiences of people engaged in organisational
communication than in predicting and controlling outcomes, whereas scholars supporting the
third perspective, namely the critical perspective, are more concerned with questions of
dominance and political control in organisations (Van der Walt 2006:337). In addition to this
argument, Neher (1997) also states that the perspective an organisation chooses reflects definite
philosophical differences about the perceived nature of reality and society. Hence, the above
discussion is a means of establishing a context in which organisational communication can take
place; also taking into consideration that there can be no integration without communication.
Barker and Angelopulo (2006:367) state that as yet there is no single, ready-made evaluation
instrument for measuring integration. However, the authors point out that, depending on the point
of departure, various models of communication integration have developed over time. They
contend that the basic principles and concepts contained in these models could provide criteria
for measuring the integration of organisational communication. Therefore, this section of the
chapter discusses the emergence, concept and models of integrated communication. The models
include Ehlers‘ (2002) framework for structuring integrated communication, Gayeski and
Woodward‘s (1996) renaissance communicator, Duncan and Moriarty‘s (1997) 10 strategic
drivers of integrated communication, and Van Riel‘s (1995) model of organising and co-
ordinating communication processes. Additionally, this section explores the proposed measuring
instrument for determining the integration of organisational communication as applied by Du
Plessis and Thomson (2013:437) developed using concepts from different models of integrated
Gayeski and Woodward (1996) differentiate between integrated marketing communication and
integrated communication by stating that integrated marketing communication establishes a
model for coordinating marketing, advertising and public relations efforts, all of which are
promotional and external in nature, whereas integrated communication is a model that
encompasses both internal and external communication and their joint application to information
dissemination, collaboration, learning and performance support. Furthermore, Gayeski and
Woodward (1996) maintain that integrated communication is the application of analysis,
communication and evaluation techniques to create and manage integration, multifaceted
interventions (combining information, instruction, collaboration, business process design,
feedback and incentive schemes to improve human performance in the workplace) in order to
achieve an organisation‘s mission, vision and goals. Barker and Angelopulo (2006:58) point out
that in the integrated approach, attention is focused on the integration of various communication
activities in the organisation in order to face the increased challenges of maintaining a positive
image of the organisation and remaining competitive in a changing global environment.
Barker & Angelopulo (2006:242) define integrated organisational communication as the process
of managing, coordinating and controlling all forms of communication that are generated by the
organisation, whether planned or not, so as to ensure that the organisation achieves its set goals.
It is the cross-functional process of creating and nourishing strategically determined relationships
with stakeholders, by controlling or influencing all messages to these groups and engaging in
purposeful dialogue with them (Angelopulo 2000:40). Integrated communication proposes a
communication approach that includes stakeholders in the operations and management of the
organisation, in order to ensure their participation, in a two-way communication process, drives
internal and external communication messages and contributes to the brand of the organisation;
this is important because target audiences are continuously bombarded with loads of messages
thus communication channels and messages should be focused if organisations are to continue to
be relevant. According to Barker and Angelopulo (2006:40) the focus of integrated
communication is on two-way communication that should be data-driven. This is due to an
increasing amount of communication taking place between the organisation and the stakeholder,
based on information obtained and captured on a database.
It is therefore logical to argue that the idea of integrated communication refers to communication
management which combines communication functions. In today‘s fast changing world,
integrated communication is critical. It is a means of developing a competitive advantage and of
allowing an organisation to adapt fast to evolving needs and demands of the communities.
Taking into consideration the literature reviewed so far, there is no doubt that skilfully developed
organisational communication is more and more part of overall tactical planning and action. In
the next section, the study discusses some of the models for integrated communication.
In terms of the current study mainly focused on internal communication, internal integrated
communication originates within the organisation involving all interactions within the
organisation first including employee satisfaction, employee engagements and dialogue; the
management of expectations and creation of integrated internal messages. Integrated
communication represents a fundamental shift from manipulating employees to genuine
organisational involvement, from telling employees to rather asking, listening, empowering and
sharing information, to achieve this, an organisation needs to create a continuous and purposeful
dialogue with employees (Mutinta 2015:76). Integrated communication and internal
communication combine to form integrated internal communication, a concept defined as the
application of internal analysis, communication and evaluation techniques so as to create and
manage integrated, multifaceted interventions, in order to achieve organisational communication
goals and objectives which are aligned to the corporate brand and internal communication efforts
(Gayeski & Woodward 1996).
Furthermore, it is evident that all organisations have unique internal organisational and
communication environment. Mutinta (2015:76) expounds that these environments combine to
form the internal organisation communication environment referring to the collective views and
interpretations of employees towards organisational practices, as well as employee satisfaction
towards their own situation within the organisation; within this internal organisational
communication environment, the role of integrated communication is a key factor in recognising
that every department and function within an organisation has a communication dimension and
that all messages, systems and processes must be aligned with the corporate brand of the
organisation. Internal communication is the medium by which integrated internal communication
is accomplished within an internal organisational communication environment (Mutinta
Figure 2.9 Ehlers model for organising integrated communication (Ehlers 2002:400)
According to Baker and Angelopulo (2005:372) the stakeholders of an organisation should be the
starting point during the integration of communication, adding that employees should be
considered as part of stakeholder orientation because of their ability to influence interaction with
other stakeholders. Ehlers (2002:339) proposes that an integrator or team of integrators who have
a total stakeholder focus should be responsible for coordinating communication in the
organisation and should be multi-skilled to be able to contribute effectively to that process. She
maintains that genuine integration is possible only when cross-functional relations exist between
the different parts of the organisation as cross-functionality is essential so that all the departments
in the organisation are able to co-operate with one another in the planning and monitoring of
relationships with stakeholders and the brand. Ehlers (2002) further identifies databases as a
central force in the integration process. When centrally kept, information collected from research
and other sources can be stored and used by all concerned for the effective planning and
integration of communication in an organisation (Barker & Angelopulo 2005:372).
Cross- Communica
Sufficient Core tion and
Knowledge functional
budget competence marketing
- Strategic consistency
The third prerequisite for the functioning of the renaissance communicator is to ensure that
strategic consistency is inherent in all efforts in the organisation to ensure ultimate ―unity of
effort‖. (Niemann 2005)
- Cross-functional planning
The fourth prerequisite that is essential in the functioning of the renaissance communicator is
cross-functional planning, a plan which further integrates managers from different departments
and agencies who are working on the same brand in order to plan and manage the messages an
organisation sends to – and receives from the stakeholders (Mutinta 2015).
- Communication and marketing planning
The last issue that is central in the functioning of the renaissance communicator is that planning
in this function, should be zero based. According to Niemann (2005) zero based communication
planning is the idea that communication tools are used based on an assessment of what needs to
be done now and not based on the previous year‘s budget allocation.
Hence, Gayeski and Woodward (1996:28) support the idea that renaissance communicators
should be considered important in the execution of integrated communication in order to ensure
the alignment of communication objectives with the strategic purposes of organisations.
Corporate Focus Corporate Processes Infrastructure
Brand Relationships
Figure 2.11: Ten strategic drivers of integrated communication (Duncan & Moriarty 1997:16)
The 10 drivers of integrated communication are based on the following three focus areas
according to Maenetja (2009), Niemann (2005) and Mutinta (2015):
- Corporate focus - stresses that top management focuses on building relationships with
customers and other stakeholders and not just focus on making sales or transactions.
Organisations need to get to know their customers and build up customer information
- Corporate processes - focuses on strategic consistency of brand messages. This includes
purposeful interactivity rather than mass media monologue, marketing a corporate mission
rather than just product claims, and using zero-based planning rather than just tweaking last
year‘s plan.
Co-operative Common operational
Common starting
points structures systems
Communication organisation
Figure 2.12: Van Riel‘s model of organising and co-ordinating communication processes (Van
Riel 1995:161).
believe that one way of making protocols clear is to initiate computerised decision-making
process to deal with important communication decisions.
Maenetja (2009) states that the model strongly advocates that integrated communication is and
should be a cross-functional process involving all key business activities and taking all the
stakeholders into account. The intent is to develop a communication plan in which the
communication disciplines work together as an integrated whole, to achieve maximum
communications impact and deliver a consistent brand identity. The aim is to achieve greater
consistency and synergy among all programme elements. Accordingly, all communication
functions in an organisation should be integrated and function as an overall, centralised
communication department, as opposed to a communication department which may promote turf
battles between the various communication functions.
Schoonraad (2006:381) state that for communication integration to occur in an organisation,
much of the effort towards achieving this integration should be aimed at the following:
In the current study, a new measurement instrument for integrated communication, identified in
Barker and Angelopulo (2006:380), was applied to meet the second objective of this study,
namely to measure the level of integrated communication within the organisation. It is the first
time that the measurement instrument has been applied in the organisation. The above-
mentioned measurement instrument for determining whether integration is realised and effective
is illustrated and discussed below:
for integration
orientation Consistency
Strategic Information
alignment system
organisations is an important strategy in ensuring effective integrated communication, adding that
organisations should have purposive dialogue to enhance regular interaction with stakeholders,
encourage feedback from stakeholders, and prioritise and optimise contact points with
stakeholders. This therefore means that organisations should learn to manage relationships with
stakeholders by nurturing stakeholders and make information of stakeholders available to all
divisions in the organisations. Information on stakeholders should be shared with different
divisions and ensure that links developed with stakeholders are built.
- Data driven communication – Maenetja (2009) indicates that this driver refers to the extent to
which employee information and behaviour are captured and can be utilised as a strategic tool
to enhance strategic communication in an organisation; adding that management
communication with all relevant stakeholders, the use of databases for communication is
becoming increasingly important and organisations should look at using the full potential of
the web to enable their integrative communication efforts. Through interviews, the researcher
would establish the infrastructure that the Msunduzi Local Authority has in place to execute
its messaging and to communicate effectively and more consistently, data would determine
whether there is an overall and centralised coordinator for organisational communication.
The Msunduzi Local Authority is a large organisation with most of its employees fulfilling
different site-based functions ranging from waste collection, grass cutting, water and sanitation,
roads, electricity and community development projects. All these employees are as entitled to
receive communication messages as those who work in offices. Hence, Evans (2008) maintains
that even with members of staff located all over the world, or in different places at different
times, it is still very essential to engage with them and to ensure that messages are
communicated, expectations are met and interaction is achieved at all levels of the organisation.
Furthermore, Yates (2006) believes that companies with effective communication processes are
higher in market premiums, shareholder returns, levels of employee engagement and
commitment, than companies with less effective communication practices. Any organisation that
does not practice a two-way communication system is doomed to failure because the practice of
good communication brings coherence to the workplace and allows for better coordination and
In addition to that, Wyatt [sa] (cited in Yates 2006), maintains that effective organisational
communication plays a crucial role in educating employees about organisational culture and
values, helping employees understand the business, aligning employees‘ actions with customer
needs, providing employees with information related to financial status and objectives of the
organisation, providing information on the values of the organisation‘s total reward programs,
explaining and promoting new programs and policies, integrating new employees into the
organisation, and also exhibiting strong leadership by management during organisational change.
Hume [sa] advises that improving internal communication requires careful thought, creativity and
detailed planning, as well as ensuring that monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are built on
every communication plan. Organisational executives and communicators should always practice
accuracy, honesty and ensure comprehension when communicating, and their communication
needs to be timely prepared and delivered competently in order to be successful.
Hume [sa] believes that when an organisation communicates effectively, employees can make
more informed decisions as they would have the tools and information to know the right
decisions that are in line with the goals of the organisation. In this context, day-to-day conflicts
would also be reduced because conflicting ideas on what is important to the organisation and
rumours about decisions being taken would be avoided. Effective internal communication can go
a long way towards building an organisational culture where people work together effectively
towards a common goal. Lung (2007) emphasised that an organisation can improve its employee
engagement, dramatically, by facilitating the building an effective communication strategy,
which will see employees supporting the organisation and its goals. When employee engagement
is enhanced, through effective internal communication, employee morale will be boosted, and
challenges such as lethargy, absenteeism, and low creativity will be reduced. Organisations
should base communication processes on current communication theories in order to ensure that
the relevant aspects of communication such two-way communication, employee engagement and
dialogue are practiced in the organisation.
As local government, the Msunduzi Local Authority could strengthen relations with the
Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) to develop and sustain
communication efforts that promote participation and integration of employees. The contribution
of GCIS would enable Msunduzi Local Authority to promote an understanding of the
programmes, thereby ensuring that employees play their role, to full capacity, in accelerating
progress towards achieving all the set objectives. This will also enhance creating deeper
understanding and appreciation of the programmes, activities and decisions on specific matters of
policy amongst the employees. As a result, employees will be mobilised to take part in the
implementation of programmes as partners for the improvement of services. This would also
enable the sharing of best practices and information on organisational communication, including
distribution platforms, products, and the coordination of annual programmes. (Handbook of
Government Communication 2010:6)
Furthermore, GCIS promotes the view that municipalities should lay down principles to be
adhered in internal communication, such as to supplement communication on the ethics of public
service with more communication that builds an understanding of the content of departmental
programmes, beyond circulars and workshops. The handbook of Government Communications
(2010:68) advises that careful thought should be given to media products and platforms that will
effectively reach the employees in a manner that mobilises them for implementation. In order for
internal communications to be a success, the handbook of Government Communications
(2010:68) emphasises the importance of conducting research in order to increase the efficiency
and effectiveness of communication, and to identify and assess information needs for employees.
This will also help to identify appropriate messages and strategies to effectively communicate
with the employees, identify the appropriate media platforms for communication, as well as to
ensure that the communication needs of the employees are communicated to the management,
and are addressed.
Managers should work towards identifying and quantifying performance gaps and presenting
those gaps — rather than ―work orders‖ — to teams of professionals in employee
communications, public relations, human resources, training, and marketing / advertising.
Specific deficiencies should be defined and operationalised and goals should be set so that
communicators can target a specific objective.
Executives should form teams or committees to investigate new approaches to
communication. Leadership and support from the top of the organisation is crucial to the
kinds of systemic changes that integrated communication demands. Integration cannot be
accomplished by middle managers or from those in the lower levels of the organisation. It
must come from the top, and it can‘t be just a memo or a directive. There must be a
commitment from top management to integrate and to remove the barriers which prevent
Furthermore, Niemann-Struweg and Gobler (2006:70) also recommend that the following aspects
should be taken into consideration when new models of integrated communication are developed
for implementation in an organisation:
The strategic intent of the organisation should be the point of departure for any organisation
considering the implementation of integrated communication.
Strong emphasis should be placed on all stakeholders of the organisation, to include key
players beyond merely customers.
If the organisation wishes to ensure interactivity with all stakeholders and the consequent
environments in which they function, it should consistently monitor and adapt to the greater
environment in which it functions.
Integrated communication should undoubtedly be practised and implemented at a strategic
level within the organisation.
Communication objectives should be aligned with the organisational goal and, more
importantly, the strategic intent of the organisation.
The organisation must learn from its environment and stakeholders in order to build and
nourish profitable relationships with the organisational brand.
The organisation should constantly reposition itself and its strategic goal according to what is
learnt from the environment in order to survive in dynamic, challenging circumstances.
Communication should be regarded as a business approach rather than merely another
function of the organisation.
The review of existing literature and previous research studies on the topic is a crucial exercise
that gives the researcher an idea of how far researchers and authors have gone in exploring and
explaining the concept of strategic communication and its integration. This therefore builds a
crucial foundation for the current research study.
Msunduzi Municipality has a primary responsibility of ensuring that all its communities,
particularly disadvantaged communities, have equal access to resources and services.. The
services provided by the Msunduzi Municipality include, inter alia:
Supply of water
Removal of refuse
Supply of electricity
Municipal Health services
Roads and storm water drains
Street lighting
Parks and recreation
Public participation (management of ward committees)
General administration
Marketing and tourism
Local economic development
Town planning and building control
Figure 2.15: Communication organogram (Msunduzi Municipality structure 2013)
2.9 Summary
This chapter has discussed and presented the literature review, based on the objectives of the
study as indicated. It further discussed the theoretical framework which was adopted for the
study, including the relevance of the chosen theory to the study. The review of literature on
the topic of organisational communication and integrated communication was crucial in order
for the researcher to have an understanding of how authors and researchers have thought
about organisational communication and integrated communication. This therefore, builds a
crucial foundation for the current research study. The literature review has revealed that
communication is indeed the lifeblood of the organisation, and that integrated communication
plans are crucial in order to achieve the objectives of the organisation.
The next chapter (Chapter 3) provides a discussion of the research methodology applicable to
the study.
3.1 Introduction
The ensuing discussion is based on the research design and various stages of the research
methodology implemented by the researcher to collect and analyse the data. This chapter
focuses on the methods and principles adopted to reach a particular destination, or to achieve
particular goals. This indicates that the methodology is practical in nature and focuses on the
specific techniques that the researcher can use to understand the research topic better.
This chapter aims to provide an insight into the practical ways and methods employed to
gather information for the empirical part of the study. Firstly, the research design and
method is discussed. The research method includes sampling techniques and data collect
techniques. The second part of the study concerns data processing and analysis methods.
The chapter outlines the measurement instrument used to measure the level of integration of
intra-organisation communication. The measurement instrument consists of six areas of
integration as proposed by Du Plessis and Schoonraad (2006), namely, stakeholder
orientation and differentiation, communication alignment with strategic focus of the
organisation, consistency of messages and media in and from the organisation, infrastructure
for integration, sharing of information and free flow of information, and coordination of
communication efforts and action. Furthermore, the chapter then expounds on the issues of
reliability and validity, the limitations of the study, the anticipated findings, as well as the
anticipated contribution of the findings to the organisation.
This study adopted a qualitative approach. To bring clarity and understanding why qualitative
research was the suitable design to explore the role and extent of integrated organisational
communication, it is important to give some background on qualitative design. According to
Baker (1999:8) qualitative research is often carried out to investigate important concerns of
human existence. It mainly relies on the informal wisdom that has developed from the
experience of the researcher. Du Plooy (2009:33) concurs that qualitative research differs
markedly from quantitative research in that it is ―analytic and interpretative, and attempts to
examine phenomena in a holistic manner‖. The advantage of using qualitative research
methods is that the researcher can view behaviour in natural surroundings, rather than in a
laboratory or artificial setup (Mouton 2001:161).
The primary aim of qualitative research is an in-depth description that allows for
understanding events and actions in their specific context. A qualitative research design is
flexible in accomplishing the set goal and objectives of the study, firstly because the method
of reasoning is inductive, which according to Du Plooy (2009:88) is applied when analysing
the responses of respondents or participants to confirm theoretical assumptions. Furthermore,
Niemann (2005:184) maintains that the advantages of a qualitative research method include
its appropriateness in intensifying a researcher‘s depth of understanding of the phenomena
under investigation. Qualitative research methods are flexible and allow a researcher to
engage with any phenomena and ensuing data in a context-specific and subjective way. Such
flexibility makes the qualitative design suitable for this study because, should new ideas arise
the study can be adapted to provide meaningful results.
Qualitative studies usually aim for depth rather than breadth of understandings. The variables
are not controlled as in the quantitative studies; it is exactly the freedom and natural
development of action and representation that researchers wish to capture. The understanding
is therefore not placed within the boundaries of an instrument designed beforehand (Henning
Additionally, the advantage of taking a qualitative approach to the study is that it stems from
an interpretative perspective and will, therefore, enable the researcher to understand the
meaning of organisational communication and its integration at the Msunduzi Local
Authority. Through the qualitative design, the researcher will be able to explore participants‘
accounts of meaning, experience and perception of the topic. The researcher will also be able
to produce descriptive data using participants‘ own spoken words from in-depth interviews.
Du Plooy (2009:88) further points out that the qualitative researcher is concerned with
understanding rather than explaining, naturalistic observation rather than controlled
measurements, and subjective exploration of reality from the perspective of insider as
opposed to the outsider perspective that is predominant in the quantitative paradigm. The
flexibility of qualitative research methods will allow the researcher to investigate new ideas
of concern. This is advantageous for the current study as the method is adaptable and accepts
the possibility of new ideas that might appear during data analysis, and hence open to more
meaningful results.
3.4 Population
Mouton (2001:134) refers to the population as a collection of objects, events, or individuals
having some common characteristics that the researcher is interested in studying. It is
therefore the complete set of elements and their characteristics about which a conclusion is to
be drawn, based on a sample. According to Babbie and Mouton (2001:85), the units of
analysis are those elements that researchers examine with an intention to construct summary
descriptions of and explain the differences among them. The unit of analysis is what the
researcher actually categorise and count. It is a measurable unit which provides the researcher
with a standard method of analysing the data (Du Plooy 2001:157). For the purposes of this
study, the units of analysis are both individuals (for the interviews) and artefacts (texts for the
qualitative content analysis).
The first unit of analysis was artefacts, namely documents, related to organisational
communication which includes the communication strategy and publications. These
documents are reviewed to ascertain the current state of organisational communication within
the organisation. Content analysis can use the following units of analysis (Du Plooy, 2001:
Physical units, such as the medium of communication, the number of pages, size and
space in print media, time duration in broadcast media and nonverbal codes in
interpersonal communication.
Syntactic units, such as paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses or words.
Thematic units, which are repeating patterns of propositions or ideas related to issues
Propositional units, such as questions, answers, statements, assertions or arguments.
The second unit of analysis are individuals tasked with communications within the
organisation. These units of analysis enabled the researcher to clearly demarcate the domains
of this study and ensure a focused in-depth analysis.
3.5 Sampling
Du Plooy (2001:100) describes sampling as a rigorous procedure of selecting units of
analysis from a larger population. Good sampling, therefore, implies a well-defined
population, an adequately chosen sample and an estimate of how representative of the whole
population the sample is. This study adopted a non-probability sampling technique.
According to Terre Blanche, Durrheim and Painter (2006:290), a non-probability sample is
employed when a researcher seeks to obtain the broadest range of information and
perspectives on the subject of the study; resulting in looking for participants who have had
different experience or think differently about the topic.
Purposive sampling method was suitable for the study. According to Babbie and Mouton
(2001:166), purposive or judgment sampling is also suitable when the study is intended for a
small division of a larger population, in which members of the division can easily be
identified. The researcher had knowledge and understanding of the population and, therefore,
utilised own judgment to select participants from the organisation. Additionally, the
researcher understood that the data sought could be obtained from the one division (CBU) of
a large population. Hence, the study participants were sampled from the Corporate Business
Unit within the organisation.
With respect to the sample of documents, Du Plooy (2009:225) cautions that when relying on
content analysis the sample of documents must be of a manageable size to allow for a
thorough review of the data at hand. The researcher thus purposively selected only those
documents specifically related to communication as more data would be obtained through
interviews. The sample of documents is indicated in Table 3.1 below.
Furthermore, the researcher chose in-depth interviews with an intention of uncovering the
current state of organisational communication and level of integration. Open-ended and free
narrative was developed and used to gather required information. In concurrence, Du Plooy
(2009:199) indicates that open-ended questions are more conversational whilst closed-ended
questions are typically ‗yes or no‘ answers. Whilst this method is flexible and enables for
more rich data, it also has challenges. The researcher can become too involved in the
conversational structure of the interview and therefore bias the results. To address this, the
interview questions were logically developed listing the topics to be covered, and potential
questions. The questions went from the general to the specific allowing the respondent to
ease into the interview and thus build rapport (Du Plooy 2009:199). As a result, the
researcher was able to achieve two important goals; firstly, to create some form of
conversation, whereby both the researcher and participants were involved, and secondly, to
obtain accurate and detailed data. Also participants were free to respond openly; expounding
on their views, opinions, beliefs and understanding of certain issues within the organisation.
Coordination of
communication efforts and
A tape recorder was used to capture responses during the interviews; it enabled the researcher
to freely become part of the conversation without the need for strenuous note-taking, thus
obtaining a clear understanding of issues. Participants were informed ahead of time that the
meetings would be recorded and their permission was obtained. Notes were only taken for
non-verbal cues, such as silence, gestures or facial expressions, which would help the
researcher understand how respondents felt about the subject of the interview questions.
Terre Blanche, Durrheim and Painter (2006:303) maintain that it is of value to annotate the
text with notes on also non-linguistic expressions such as signs, laughs and silence which an
interviewer may have missed in the transcription and to add information from the note. The
researcher designed a log sheet to use for note taking, a copy of which is attached in this
report (see Addendum B).
The sample for this study is a purposive sample. The research samples were reviewed and the
documents coded and placed into the relevant categories. To this end, one monthly newsletter
to all Msunduzi employees and one newspaper – Msunduzi News (monthly to the
communities) and the communication strategy were selected in order to provide an overall
picture of communication messages. The corporate identity in all forms of internal
communications was analysed to determine to if there are standard templates for
announcements and presentations. The Msunduzi Webpage messages was also analysed to
determine how their content; and how the key messages are aligned with the corporate
In additional, the pilot study could thus indicate whether the proposed methods and /or
instruments are appropriate, and hence could also give advance warning of possibilities
where certain types of techniques or the study as a whole could fail. The pilot study can,
therefore, be of value for testing the feasibility of both research instruments and data
collection instruments like questionnaires, interview schedules, or other testing instruments
and also of the research process itself.
The pilot testing was done by passing the questions to the two managers who were not part of
the sample; this was done to ensure that the key issues were captured, to ensure that questions
were worded unambiguously. The pre-test indicated that the questions were clear and well-
examine relationships. Qualitative data analysis is, therefore, interpretive in a way that it
brings meaning to the research problem or phenomena, which results to concept or theory
The answers to the various questions were grouped into these categories and subsequent sub-
categories. In the process of coding data, the researcher did a transcript of all responses from
the interviews (notes made after each interview), notes written by researcher during
interviews, and review of communication documents in order to interpret and present the
results (see copy of interview transcript in Addendum C). A summary of data analysis stages
followed in this study are presented in table 3.3 below:
Thematic analysis steps Explanation of step and application to study
Familiarisation with the This stage involved the reading and re- reading the data, to
data become intimately familiar with the content.
Coding Codes identifying important features of the data were generated
and thereafter the researcher collated all the codes and all relevant
data extracts, together for later stages of analysis. Data coding is
an inductive process, which consists of data and code meanings,
searching for patterns and relationships, developing categories,
reading and re-reading transcripts, comparing responses and
categories, and developing new or relating to existing theoretical
model (Walliman 2005:312). The coding process allowed the
researcher to generate basic categories of the raw data collected to
be assessed in a way that made it possible to understand the
research problem. The process of coding allowed the researcher
to link the data collected to the ideas about the data. In doing so,
the researcher was able to think about the data collected that
allowed her to make categories that acted as points of analysis in
the data analysis process.
Searching for themes This stage involved examining the codes and collated data to
identify significant broader patterns of meaning. It involved
collating data relevant to each candidate theme, so as to work
with the data and review the viability of each candidate theme.
Reviewing themes As there were interviews, the researcher had to brainstorm and
develop a plan of integrating all data for it to be presentable; by
immersing herself through all the responses provided. In this
way, the information becomes more presentable and
Defining and naming This stage was done to develop a detailed analysis of each theme,
themes working out the scope and focus of each theme, determining the
‗story‘ of each. It also involved deciding on an informative name
for each theme.
Presentation of data This stage would entail the presentation of the qualitative findings
according to the research objectives. This stage for the purpose of
this study would also entail obtaining a holistic view of
qualitative findings and literature which would result in the
presentation of recommendations.
Furthermore, qualitative content analysis can be achieved in two ways - either inductively or
deductively. Du Plooy (2009:27) states that an inductive approach means the themes
identified are linked to the data itself whilst deductive reasoning is based on prior theory; and
further identifies three approaches for qualitative content analysis, based on the level of
inductive reasoning. These are namely: conventional qualitative content analysis, summative
content analysis and directed content analysis. In conventional data analysis, the researcher
codes the data directly and inductively from the raw data. Within summative content
analysis, the researcher condenses the text by counting specific words or exact content, from
which the underlying meanings and themes emerge. Directed content analysis relies on the
researcher having some level of theoretical knowledge to start the coding process Du Plooy
(2009:27). During the data analysis phase, the researcher becomes engrossed in the data and
allows themes to develop from the data. This method is often used to confirm or propose a
conceptual framework or theory. Therefore, in the current study, the qualitative content
analysis is done inductively through the application of conventional data analysis.
3.8.3 Operationalisation of the measurement instrument for integration of organisational
This section illustrates the measurement instrument used to measure the level of integration
of organisational communication within the Msunduzi Local Authority. As discussed in
Chapter 2, the measurement instrument includes six areas of integration as proposed by Du
Plessis and Schoonraad in Barker and Angelopulo (2006:381). These are:
Stakeholder orientation
Communication alignment with strategic focus of the organisation
Consistency of messages
Coordination of communication efforts and action
Infrastructure for integration
Sharing of information and free flow of information.
Earlier in this chapter, a discussion of the data collection methods and how they were applied
in order to obtain the necessary information was provided. The information gathered through
the semi-structured individual interviews and the qualitative content analysis enabled the
researcher to measure the six areas of integration of organisational communication within
Msunduzi Local Authority as proposed by Du Plessis and Schoonraad in Barker and
Angelopulo (2006). Therefore, a brief discussion of the six areas of communication
integration included in the measurement instrument is outlined in table 3.4 below:
Area of communication Outline and application of data collection method Desired outcome
Stakeholder orientation and The internal stakeholder orientation will be measured The answers to will reveal whether:
differentiation via the semi-structured interviews and content analysis. - Msunduzi Local Authority has developed direct channels
The researcher will ask questions to establish whether of continuous dialogue with its key stakeholders
the organisation has mechanisms in place to segment its - The management interacts regularly with all stakeholders
internal communication to tailor its messages. - There are feedback mechanisms that the organisation
uses and that feedback from stakeholders is maximised
- Contact points with stakeholders are optimised
- Current stakeholders are being nurtured.
Communication alignment Communication objectives should be aligned with the The content analysis will determine whether The Msunduzi
with strategic focus of the organisational goal and, more importantly, the strategic Local Authority mission is incorporated into all operations
organisation intent of the organisation (Niemann-Struweg & Gobler - The brand position is integrated into all brand
2006:70). It is vital for any communication plan to be messages
aligned to the business strategy and to specific business - Organisational objectives are clearly communicated
goals and objectives. Maenetja (2009) indicates that regularly to all staff members
alignment refers to the sharing of a common vision and - Communication objectives are clearly related to the
common understanding of corporate goals and methods. objectives of the organisational
Stakeholders, particularly employees, want to know - Strategic organisational objectives are formulated in
where their organisation is headed, and they want to such a way that all employees can relate to them.
know how their behaviour and roles can contribute
towards achieving that vision. Therefore facilitating
alignment is through high-quality employee
The communication alignment with the strategic focus
of the organisation was measured via content analysis to
establish whether the Msunduzi Local Authority uses
internal communication to make sure that individual and
corporate goals are in alignment and that the
organisation‘s vision is shared by its employees.
Consistency of messages and Careful thought should be given to media products and Internal publications are assessed to determine whether
media within the organisation platforms that will effectively reach the employees in a consistent messages are delivered and received in a
manner that mobilises them for implementation. This consistent way by every member of the organisation.
will also help to identify appropriate messages and
strategies to effectively communicate with the
employees, identify the appropriate media platforms for
communication, as well as to ensure that the
communication needs of the employees are
communicated to the management, and are addressed
(handbook of Government Communications 2010:68).
In this study, the consistency of messages and media is
measured via both interviews and content analysis of all
planned communication messages.
Coordination of The measurement of coordination will be assessed The data will determine whether:
communication efforts and through the interviews. Participants will be asked - Cross-functional planning and monitoring exist
actions whether the organisation has established central contact across divisions
hubs into which all employees‘ communications are - There is strategic coordination of complementary
channelled, rather than having separate departments messages
with their own communication records. These hubs can - There is the sharing of information across divisions
integrate business units, but do not have to be under one - There is formal interaction between internal groups
department or even in one location. - There is informal contact between members of
- An integrated business unit forum has been
established at every business unit.
Infrastructure for integration The communication infrastructure of an organisation the researcher will be able to understand how effective the
plays a critical role in how communication takes place, Msunduzi Local Authority‘s internal communication
as it provides the basic framework in which systems are in conveying information to various employee
communication takes place. It is also necessary to groups and will determine the following:
consider whether the organisation is utilising the most - The delivery methods used for employee
appropriate medium for the transmission of information communications, for example, e-mail, voicemail,
throughout the organisation (Maenetja 2009). Internal website, et cetera
groups must interact more frequently in order to ensure - Whether the communication infrastructure provides
integration through the sharing of expertise and the various constituencies of an organisation such as
information to enhance consistency. A cross-functional employees with multi-source feedback processes and
management orientation must be instilled to ensure that mechanisms
an integrated brand identity is communicated at every - Whether, internally, communication supports
point of contact with the brand. Consistency in brand collaboration between employees so that it is easy for
identity is achieved through the cross-functional them to work together
integration of the organisation, its operations, and - The tools (innovative and integrated processes)
communication messages (Maenetja 2009). available to help the organisation plan it‘s messaging
The infrastructure for integration will be measured and to communicate effectively and more
through the semi-structured interviews and content consistently.
analysis. Participants will be asked whether the Furthermore, the discussion will establish whether the
organisation has a variety formal communication Msunduzi Local Authority delivers its communication
channels that keep employees well informed about the messages in a planned way through multiple organisation
developments of the organisation for which they work. media channels, such as e-mail, newsletters, posters, and
written correspondence and whether the communication
function is coordinated centrally.
Sharing of information and free The evaluation of the sharing of information and free With respect to the flow of information the data collection
flow of information. flow of information will be measured via semi- techniques will determine whether:
structured individual interviews and qualitative content - Information flows openly from the top of the
analysis to establish whether mechanisms existed to organisation downward and from the bottom upward
share information upward, whether the organisation has - Information flows openly between work
mechanisms to share work group and strategic groups/departments and throughout the overall
information as well as whether organisational executives organisation.
encourage employees‘ input. - There is established equitable employee participation
in decision-making processes
Table 3.4: The operationalisation of measurement instrument for integration of organisational communication.
3.9 Reliability and validity of the study
Reliability and validity are two important considerations to ensure that all data collection
methods and findings are sound. Reliability refers to the degree to which an operational definition
is consistently applied to measure a variable and validity measures the degree to which the
operational definition actually measured a variable (Babbie 2005:146). The reliability of the
study is highlighted by the analytic procedures from the data to the reported findings. This means
that, data analysis begins consistently with data collection. Morse and Field (1996:104) maintain
that the process of making sense of the data begins as the researcher makes sense of the setting
and learns what is going on. The stage of comprehension is reached when the researcher has
enough data to be able to write a complete, detailed, coherent, and rich description (Morse
The discussion of the relevance of the study in chapter one gives an indication that the topic of
the research is relevant and that the study is feasible. Conducting the study and collecting data
had minimal costs involved. The study required a proper plan and work schedule to guide the
researcher for the duration of the research. The reliability of the data is concerned with the
question of whether the study will yield the same results on different occasions. Thus, reliability
refers to dependability and consistency. It was, therefore, necessary for the researcher to inform
the participants of the context of the study to ensure its reliability.
The validity of the research was determined by the use of qualitative research to obtain accurate
data about the object of the study. In an effort to reduce bias and increase the validity of the
study, the data was recorded through multiple methods during the interviews (tape recorder and
note books). To achieve a response rate necessary to provide an acceptable level of validity, the
researcher made use of follow-up telephone calls and e-mail to ensure a sufficient return.
conditions under which interviews were conducted were similar to the participants‘ everyday
surroundings. The researcher also ensured that structured questions were used as far as possible.
Lastly, a full record of one-on-one interview was recorder and individually transcribed.
Furthermore, in this study, the possible risk that the participants might have felt uneasy to answer
certain questions, due to the presence of the other participants, was minimised, as interviews were
conducted at the participants‘ workplace, which created a comfortable interview environment.
The researcher endeavoured to eliminate any discomfort on participants by sending the questions
to them prior to the interviews to ensure that they are comfortable with the research topic.
To overcome possible time constraints, the interviews were recorded using a tape-recorder, as
opposed to taking hand-written. The semi-structured format also allows prompts and probes, and
did not restrict the participants to certain answers. Although the research methods were time-
consuming, data rich insights were produced as intended.
making, problem-solving and other processes. This means that when unity and co-operation is
integrated into all organisational processes, the performance and satisfaction is thus improved.
The researcher also anticipates understanding organisational plans to constantly monitor and
evaluate the effectiveness of communication processes. The study and its findings hoped to lead
to recommendations appropriate to the findings of the study.
interviews. The subjects of the study were informed about the nature of the study being
conducted and their verbal permission to participate were sought. Participants were also
afforded an opportunity to use pseudo names instead of their real names to protect their
confidentiality, should they wish to do so. The participants were further informed of their right to
withdraw from the study, should they wish to do so.
The participants were guaranteed by the researcher that their responses will remain confidential
and anonymous, and that they will be used solely for the purpose of the study (Leedy & Ormrod,
2005). The name and numbers of the researcher were made known to participants and commits to
provide a complete research project to the government representatives.
The researcher has read and understood the ethics policy of the university (University of South
Africa, 2009), and has endeavoured to abide by all the ethical requirements of the university to
ensure the study does not cause any harm to the respondents and all those related to the study in
any way. The researcher further committed to maintain the confidentiality of all data collected
from or about research participants, and has maintained security procedures for the protection of
In relation to the interviews participants were briefed in advance about the purpose of the
research in order to gain their informed consent. An interview background information note was
prepared explaining the aims, objectives and outcomes of the research and their permission was
obtained to record the interview. Only the audio was recorded, and detailed notes were taken to
aid the transcription of the interviews. The researcher stressed that their comments and/or certain
information provided would remain confidential. This helped the respondents to share their views
more openly, allowing for gathering detailed information. Furthermore, with respect to
qualitative content analysis, the researcher sought permission from the Chief Information Officer
to access the documents.
3.13 Summary
This chapter provided a description of the research methodology applied in this study. The study
is described as an exploratory research, which uses qualitative methods to gain insight into the
research problem. This chapter described how the research was conducted. This involved the
research design of this study, sampling procedure, data collection, procedures in relation to
reliability and validity. Using semi-structured in-depth interviews and qualitative content
analysis, the study gathered enough data to conduct a thematic analysis and apply the
measurement instrument for integration of intra-organisational communication. The suitability of
these methods to the present study was discussed in detail, and their advantages and challenges
The next chapter (Chapter four) will provide the interpretation and presentation of data.
4.1 Introduction
The previous chapter discussed the research methodology used in gathering and interpreting data
to answer the research questions of the study. This chapter presents the findings with regards to
organisational communication integration within Msunduzi Local Authority. The presented data
are excerpts from interview schedules, relevant to particular pre-determined themes. The
presentation and analysis of findings are based on the study objectives, as indicated below:
4.3.1 Stakeholder orientation and differentiation (employees)
The participants were asked to comment on the involvement of employees in the communication
messages and decision-making. The findings showed that different units in the organisation
functioned in isolation; as such there was no organisation-wide integration of all employees or a
centralised communication system.
The participants further indicated that the employees did not receive enough information and
were not included in a more interactive communication process, which indicates that
communication is one-way and downward with no provision made for feedback. From the
responses received, it became clear that the Msunduzi Local Authority does not make an
initiative to involve employees in decision-making and there are no clear plans to integrate
organisational communication.
When participants were asked to talk about their views of the nature of the relationship between
the organisation and employees; they reported that the organisation has quality relationships with
This is echoed in what a respondent said:
―Satisfactory formal relationships exist between management and employees maintained.
We communicate to, and interact with employees regularly” (semi-structured interviews
On the other hand, some participants indicated that the relationships between the management
and employees within Msunduzi Local Authority were poor.
Some participants did not believe that the Msunduzi Local Authority was doing well in its
communication processes, due to the fact that it is not improving whereas the management is
aware of the problems that employees encounter in terms of not being informed. They indicated
that the organisation does not have communication plans and initiatives meant to improve
relationships and promote employee engagement, and the decision-makers have no touch with
employees at lower levels.
One of the questions posed in this study was to establish whether there were mechanisms put in
place to encourage feedback from employees. Responses indicated that the only mechanism of
encouraging feedback was on only visible in staff meetings. The findings also revealed that
Msunduzi Local Authority operates under legislated policies; the only decisions that the
management is able to make are of operational nature. The participants indicated that executive
managers within Msunduzi Local Authority serve on a management committee, which is
responsible for making recommendations to the Executive Committee for final decision-making,
especially on financial and administrative matters. This means that the employees are not part of
any decision-making processes. This indicates a very formal delegation of authority being
developed for all aspects of the business.
The analysis of the ‗draft‘ communication strategy indicated that the communications component
has the following objectives, which made no mention of the internal stakeholder or employees:
To comply with the legal obligations as prescribed in the constitution and other relevant
acts of government in the upholding of democratic values and principles.
To provide a mechanism of communication between the Msunduzi, the community and
other sector departments and stakeholders.
To promote and make public aware of the programmes undertaken by the municipality, as
well as understanding the functioning of the municipality in its mandate to bring services
to the people.
To communicate with the community on business opportunities available to improve
Local Economic Development.
To encourage co-operation among government departments as well as the different
spheres of government, in the spirit of Intergovernmental Relations.
To ensure that we are a transparent, open, accountable and responsive local government.
That we create and maintain a good working relationship with the media.
To market and promote the Msunduzi to local and international tourists and potential
investors, and to attract big events to the city.
To encourage communication between various municipal departments, and between the
politicians and officials so that we do not send conflicting messages to the public.
To create an interest to the public to play a role in improving different environments
within the municipality (Communication strategy 2010/11).
Moreover, the interviews revealed that the management had recognised the importance of
ensuring that quality relationships were established and maintained between employees and the
organisation, to be achieved through constant, clear and integration communication. When
participants were asked to share their perceptions of communication alignment with the corporate
strategy, some stated that the ‗draft‘ communication strategy was aligned to the programme‘s
This perception suggests that the communication strategy is not aligned with the corporate
strategy of the organisation due to the communication strategy remaining unconfirmed and out-
dated for a number of years.
the organisation which is communicated to internal stakeholders through the information and
communication technology, the results suggest that the organisation has a standard procedure for
approaching business issues. The logo, along with certain other graphic elements, serves as a
visual representation of the organisation. The organisation uses the logo on all communications
and much more. The organisation always presents one uniform, consistent visual interface to all
stakeholders and markets. All employees in all divisions apply the same corporate identity
In terms of the Msunduzi Web-page (intranet), it is recognised that the responsibility for the
technical aspects of Msunduzi-web and website rests with ICT. However, respective business
unit or divisions are responsible for ensuring that the content is updated and this is not done
accordingly. The information on the intranets remains out-dated and there is no plan in place to
monitor the adequacy of the content. This is another method of top-bottom communication
within the organisation.
In terms of publications it was established that the organisation has a monthly internal newsletter
that is controlled by the Marketing and Communication unit currently serviced by a manager and
interns. The content of the internal newsletter does not cover organisational information,
including what each division is doing. It covers events that have taken place in the month,
especially the activities of the principals, being the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Municipal
Manager. The internal newsletter does not place a role of facilitating the flow of information
between management and employees about the direction in which the organisation is heading and
why it is important. Messages emanating from the publication are not consistent nor aligned with
and support the organisation‘s overall strategy. Basically, the information in the newsletter is
does not cover relevant organisational information, including what each division is doing.
Participants were also asked if they knew a person responsible for co-ordinating communication
efforts across the organisation. Responses indicated that communication was not centrally co-
ordinated and that it was the responsibility of each manager to ensure that relevant information
was communicated to the staff. However, participants indicated that central communication,
where it existed, was largely restricted to the dissemination of formal policy and procedures.
Other participants indicated that communication across business units was still prone to silos.
They stated that there appeared to be no clear or consistent mechanism for effectively cascading
information to other staff members in the various municipal business units.
Basically, participants indicated that communication throughout the organisation is often not
conducted in an interactive process, and employees are not entirely informed about other
developments within the organisation.
Participants revealed that even managers are sometimes surprised to learn in the newspapers that
the Municipality is in a state of collapse due to insufficient funds, which shows the insufficient
flow of information. As such, most participants expressed dissatisfaction with how the situation
was handled in terms of communication.
The participants indicated that the communication challenge faced by the organisation was due to
the communication organogram not being implemented in order for communicators to advise
management respectively with respect to the communication processes. The language used to
communicate was another problem raised by the participants.
“You find all circulars and memos written in English; whereas the majority of employees
are Africans…Consideration is not given to the less-educated staff members who might
not understand the terms used in these circulars”.
community, which means that the employer or management should ensure that employees are
informed and updated about activities and developments. The findings revealed that the
organisation was lacking in this area. For example, one participant commented;
“It becomes such a challenge when one is a supervisor because the subordinates keep
asking and blaming their supervisors for not keeping them informed about what goes on
in the organisation, without knowing that the supervisors are also in the dark.”
Some participants made an example of this, in which when the Msunduzi Local Authority was
once planning to review its organisational structure, no-one knew their positions in the new
structure and, therefore, could not respond to enquiries regarding where other staff members
stood if they did not know their own status. The challenge was that the task team reviewing the
structure did not communicate with the managers either, and the staff found it difficult to believe
that. This finding revealed that the importance of communication and employee engagement is
not recognised, even in change management and organisational development initiatives.
The participants also indicated that internal communication should play a more crucial and
influential role within the organisation. Communication should be a fully-fledged and centralised
component that is responsible for the overall communication activities, intended to improve and
increase staff knowledge and understanding of the aims and objectives of the Municipality; to
promote ways of improving interaction between business units by creating and maintaining two-
way flow of information internally; and ensure that all internal stakeholders are informed about
the decisions, programmes, events and issues in a timely, effective, accurate and consistent
manner; and are engaged where possible in decision-making processes.
The participants indicated that in terms of the organisational structure, the responsibility of
internal communications lies with a communication department which has been non-existent for
many years, until recently that a new organogram was adopted. However, each manager has a
level of accountability for the dissemination of formal communication in their own units with
their subordinates. The posts within the newly established communication department were
currently not filled.
Each unit is responsible for communicating with its employees; as a result the flow of messages
becomes one-way and very formal.
The participants were asked to comment on the process followed by the Local Authority to
ensure effective information-sharing and the free-flow of messages. The participants did not
believe that the way some communication messages were structured was suitable and
professional for a large organisation with so many employees.
The participants felt that the Msunduzi Local Authority need a push in the right direction in order
for higher authorities to recognise the importance of communication and the contribution that it
makes in creating and maintaining internal relationships. However, most participants indicated
that they do not have authority to influence decisions of the Executive Committee, which serves
as the final decision-making body. They argued that even though they had discussed issues
connected to lacking communication processes, nothing had been done.
The participants were also asked whether the population characteristics have any bearing on the
challenges of communication within the Msunduzi Local Authority (educational background,
years of experience and language choice). The responses received indicated that some population
characteristics create problems, which could be uncovered and necessary training programmes
conducted to capacitate staff members.
“Education plays a very big role in affecting the communication process, but the problem
experienced by this organisation’s is political interference, in everything from
employment of people to decision-making. Some people think just because they have been
around for a while they deserve to be on top, as well as the age gap; the younger you are
the more they think you are not capable of doing what they can, but surprisingly you
could do so much more even better than what they could do.”
The participants maintained that having a qualification would help towards performing jobs well,
because it is assumed that one should have formally been taught about that subject matter and
“It should be noted that a qualification does not actually perform the job, but it’s the
individual that performs, because you find that there is a hard-working individual with no
qualification, who has experience or a lazy graduate that does not add value to the
The participants also expressed concern regarding some individuals who, for example, studied
financial management but work at electricity, as they do not have enough skills and expertise to
do a good job.
confirm whether these are updated and monitored. When asked how the site-based employees
with no access to the information communication technologies received information;
The findings revealed that managers and supervisors do not call staff meetings unless when they
want to give instructions and the frequency of meetings is very low as they rely on emails.
Most participants also mentioned that the sharing of information normally occurred at senior
level and did not flow down to lower levels as expected, and when it does there are no provisions
for feedback.
The communication officials revealed that within the previous organisational structure, they were
not able to interfere with departmental communication, unless requested.
Participants were asked to comment about what would need to be included in an integrated
internal communication strategy in order to ensure staff participation and satisfaction;
One participant responded as follows:
“At least once a month there should a meeting to report to employees on organisational
issues, encourage and motivate staff, address concerns, provide updates on the changes
that are taking place or if there were issues that needed follow up; these meetings would
also help the managers to get an understanding of what goes in the lower levels of units
they manage.”
“The channels of communication that are used would be reviewed to see if they are
suitable for reaching employees when communication takes place; for example, emails
can be used but there should be regular meetings to make sure that both the employer and
employee understand what is expected from or the role they should be playing or that
everybody knows what is going on at their work place. An internal newsletter would be
developed in order to communicate in an integrated form where activities of all units
would be communicated to all employees.”
Furthermore, it is indicated in the communication strategy that the following were the official
internal channels of communication:
Staff meetings
Municipal Newspaper-MsunduziNews
Notice boards
Water and Lights accounts
Internal Newsletter (communication strategy 2010/11)
When participants were asked to comment on the communication channels, the following
responses were received:
― Staff meetings serve the purpose of signing an attendance register as portfolio of evidence for
managers because most of the time, the issues raised are never address, the intranet is never
updated and the notice board have gone stale as nothing is ever posted there” (semi-structured
in-depth interviews 2014)
According to the findings, it can be understood that a framework does not exist for infrastructure
for integration as no person has been appointed specifically for communication integration in the
organisation and that the channels of communication are utilised in a manner that is inconsistent.
Internal Stakeholders)
1. It always happens
2. It happens most of the time
3. It happens sometimes
4. It almost never happens
5. It never happens
Dimension Activity Measurement
1 2 3 4 5
Stakeholder focus Are stakeholder changes monitored x
Are stakeholder groups differentiated? x
Is message consistency to overlapping x
stakeholder groups monitored?
Do quality relationships exist with all x
stakeholder groups?
Purposeful dialogue Does the organisation interact regularly with x
Is feedback from stakeholders maximised? x
Are contact points with stakeholders x
Are contact points with stakeholders x
Does the organisation strive towards a x
balance between mass, personalised and
interactive media in its communication with
Do the various divisions make use of x
existing information about current
Are relationships with stakeholders x
personalised, based on organisation-wide
available information?
1. It always happens
2. It happens most of the time
3. It happens sometimes
4. It almost never happens
5. It never happens
1 2 3 4 5
Cross functional Coordinating of planning across divisions x
planning and Cross-functional budget allocation x
monitoring Sharing of information across divisions x
Formal interaction between internal x
Informal contact between members of x
Key members of staff (for example those x
who have contact with stakeholders) are
trained to understand stakeholder behaviour
Staff members are informed about how the x
organisation functions across divisions
Activity Measurement
1 2 3 4 5
Mechanisms to centralise information about stakeholders x
Mechanisms to maintain research information (not tested)
Mechanisms to make the same information available to all parts of the x
1. It always happens
2. It happens most of the time
3. It happens sometimes
4. It almost never happens
5. It never happens
1 2 3 4 5
Corporate mission The corporate mission is incorporated into x
all operations
All staff members know what the corporate x
mission is
The corporate mission is regularly x
operationalized into clear, strategic
organisational objectives.
Clear strategic organisational objectives are x
communicated regularly to all staff members
Strategic organisational objectives are x
clearly related to communication objectives
Strategic organisational objectives are x
formulated in such a way that all employees
are able to apply them to what they are
Employees are reminded about what the x
organisation stands for (that is, its values)
Activity Measurement
1 2 3 4 5
A person or group is responsible for communication integration x
A formal policy regarding communication integration exists at the x
corporate level
A formal policy regarding communication integration exists in every x
division of the organisation
The organisation regularly makes a content analysis of visual x
corporate identity elements, measuring consistency
The organisation regularly makes a content analysis of a sample of all x
messages originating within it, measuring consistency
On a quarterly basis, the organisation updates criteria (derived from x
the strategic organisational objectives) to be applied in the
measurement of message content consistency
Mechanisms exist for interaction between internal groups (divisions) x
Mechanisms are in place to facilitate interaction with stakeholder x
Mechanisms are in place to maximise stakeholder feedback x
Table 4.1: Outline of key findings pertaining to the measurement of the level of communication
integration within Msunduzi Local Authority (Barker & Angelopulo 2010:438).
4.4 Summary
Chapter four provides the empirical research findings, focusing on the current state of integrated
organisational communication within Msunduzi Local Authority. The purpose of this chapter was
to conduct data analysis and present the data gathered through in-depth individual interviews and
qualitative content analysis that were focused on the current state of intra-organisational
communication and communication integration at the Msunduzi Local Authority. In this chapter,
the collected data was analysed using the thematic analysis procedure. Based on the data, all
research sub-problems listed in Chapter 1 were addressed and research questions answered.
The next chapter (Chapter five) will provides e discussion of the analysed and categorised data.
5.1 Introduction
The previous chapter presented data collected in this study. Data presented in the previous
chapter is discussed in this chapter in accordance with the objectives of the study as indicated
To evaluate the state of organisational communication within Msunduzi Local
To measure the level of communication integration
For the sake of clarity, the findings in this chapter are discussed according to the six research
questions and phases of the study outlined in chapter one. Therefore, chapter four and five should
be regarded as inter-related rather than discrete, linear phases. The purpose of the study was to
provide answers to the following six key research questions:
This chapter presents study findings in relation to the above research questions. As outlined in
Chapter four, the data was analysed, in part, according to the six integrated communication
concepts formulated by Du Plessis and Thomson (2013:437-443). Accordingly, the data was
organised into six themes. The findings reported in this chapter are therefore, related to the
patterns that emerged from the ten in-depth interviews with employees as well as the content
analysis, respectively.
5.2 Section A: demographic analysis of participants
This brief section discusses basic demographic data on the subjects that participated in the study.
Demographic data discussed include gender, age, ethnic affiliation, level of study and work
experience and designation of the participants.
5.2.3 Ethnic affiliation
The Msunduzi Local Authority comprise of African, Indian, Coloured and White employees. The
majority of participants were Africans and Indians, respectively. Table 5.3 below shows the
participants‘ ethnic distribution.
Employees Number
African 5
Indian 4
White 0
Coloured 1
5.2.4 Designation
The majority of employees had between 1 and 12 years work experience. Most of the employees
were working with Corporate Business Unit (CBU) and were therefore in a good position to
speak clearly about organisational communication and its integration applied within the
organisation. Table 5.4 below shows the various sub-units with CBU from which employees were
drawn from.
In summary, basic demographic data presented above reveal that the majority of the employees
and students participants were Africans and Indians respectively. Most of the employees had
between 1 and 12 years work experience and had at least a first tertiary education degree.
5.3 Section B: The state of organisational communication
The following section entails the discussion of findings as per six areas:
Literature reviewed in chapter three of this study in the context of integrated communication,
indicate that the focus is on communication itself implying a two-way process. Integrated
communication is built on the premise that there must be interaction between the two forms of
communication (internal and external) in an on-going, interactive, independent and synergistic
manner (Christensen 2002:162). This is against Duncan's (2001:30) view, who maintains that
integrated communication must first exist internally if a company is to communicate effectively
externally. To this end, Duncan and Moriarty (1997:23) acknowledge the role of every employee
as a corporate brand ambassador and the extent to which every employee needs to support the
corporate brand in everything that is said and done. The implication is that internal
communication plays a secondary role in the organisation.
It can be concluded that a holistic approach has not yet been taken to focus on internal
stakeholders, as the focus is predominantly on external integration. Instead, public relations have
played a large role in this process of communication as the organisation seems to focus mainly on
building relationships with stakeholders. Therefore, by not giving emphasis to internal
communication, there is no way to ensure that one of the fundamental principles of integrated
communication, namely that everyone in the organisation has the potential to touch the customer
(Maenetja 2009), is put in place.
The findings further revealed that the Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Sub-unit
is currently vacant, which imposes challenges on implementation of integrated communication
strategy. This contributes to the impediment of the flow of information and ideas within the
- Managerial perceptions
Niemann (2005:173) indicate that the manager‘s perception on integrated communication causes
a barrier, especially when they come from different backgrounds and have different perceptions
of what constitutes integrated communication. This challenge also overlaps to the roles that
various employees should play in the implementation of integrated communication.
- Resistance to change
Mbatha (2013b) notes that some technologies are not adopted in organisations because people
who should adopt them are resistant to change; hence they always prefer to do things in a more
traditional way. In situations where integrated communication has to be implemented for the first
time, some managers may feel that certain powers are being taken away from them; as such they
may resist the change.
In summary, these findings indicate that communication integration is not fully recognised at
Msunduzi Local Authority, since the units still function in isolation from one another. This
might have been caused by the absence and inefficiency of cross-functional communication that
creates a barrier to the communication processes, and therefore contributes to the lack of
A study by Nieman (2005:153) indicated that employees can also be integrated through internal
marketing, which is defined as a program intended to promote customer-focus and keep
employees constantly informed about important activities that affect them and other
organisation‘s stakeholders, who are mostly members of the public. This would in turn increase
the morale of the employees and customer-satisfaction. Most of the employees work closely and
directly with the consumers, therefore, they should be entitled to access any information that
would make them better equipped to perform their work.
In summary, the findings suggest that the Msunduzi Local Authority has not employed integrated
communication to include employees in its strategic focus. The attempt to create and maintain
good public relations seems to play a big role in the organisation‘s process of communication.
This is perceived so because the organisation focuses largely on developing relationships with
external stakeholders at the expense of internal stakeholders, employees. Failure to pay attention
to internal communication makes it very hard for the Msunduzi Local Authority to ensure that
one of the important measures of integrated communication, recognition of all stakeholders is
The following section is a discussion on communication alignment with the strategic focus of the
Msunduzi Local Authority.
The literature shows that engaging employees with a strong vision is one way of building a strong
internal brand. It was clear from the content analysis that efforts were made to communicate the
values and the vision of the organisation to the employees via the annual report. This notion is
support by Lung (2007) emphasised that an organisation can improve its employee engagement,
dramatically, by facilitating the building an effective communication strategy, which will see
employees supporting the organisation and its goals. When employee engagement is enhanced,
through effective internal communication, employee morale will be boosted, and challenges such
as lethargy, absenteeism, and low creativity will be reduced. The organisation seems to have
capitalised on the use of an intranet as a mechanism for information sharing and promotion of the
organisational values (Mutinta 2014). For instance, as the organisation is able to put the annual
report information on the organisation intranet site, one can only assume that a great deal of
information has been shared throughout the organisation and that the organisation‘s employees
are living the corporate values. Creating this alignment is vital for the organisation, as companies
depend on their employees for the achievement of their strategic objectives (Maenetja 2009).
The following section discusses the consistency of messages within the Msunduzi Local
The findings suggest that there is no forum for employees to engage each other on several
communication matters and to guide the development and implementation issues of the
communication strategy. Duncan (2002), states that when an organisation has no clearly
established internal communication system, the whole process of internal communication lacks
influence on stakeholders.
The following section discusses the coordination of messages within the Msunduzi Local
However, central information from senior management does not appear to be adequately
disseminated to the divisions. What emerges is that the organisation is still working in
departmentalism. For instance, the various sections or divisions of the organisation still function
in isolation from one another to a large extent. In this regard, a situation exists where divisions
operate in silos when dealing with the same stakeholders regarding different issues. It appears
that it may be the absence and inefficiency of cross-functional communication that creates a
barrier to the communication processes and therefore contributes to the lack of a sense of
cohesion. In other words, operational plans and policies in internal divisions are developed
without input from other divisions. This is contrary to the views of Duncan (2002:58) who
advocates that integrated communication is and must be a cross-functional process which
involves all key business activities and takes all the stakeholders into account. The goal is to get
all the communication messages lined up so that the organisation can send out consistent and
clear messages to its employees. Integrated communication therefore involves the creation of
links between all departments and employees in an organisation. It requires organisations to co-
ordinate their various strategies and messages so that they can engage coherently and
meaningfully with their target audience. The analysis reveals that there is continuous
fragmentation of communication activities, due to insufficient co-ordination and planning,
therefore losing efficiency.
Additionally, the study found that intra-organisational communication at Msunduzi Local
Authority is a one-way formal process, in which a manager would only communicate with an
intention to give instructions, to inform about rules and regulations, and to inform about decisions
that have already been taken. As such, the communication flow is downward and makes no
provision for the engagement, interaction with or getting feedback from employees unless
otherwise indicated. The level of communication within Msunduzi Local Authority is one that
takes a form of multi-group communication as it involved the formal sharing of work-related
Mutinta (2014) indicates that poor cross-functional communication may be caused by the fact
that communication strategies are devised without departments effectively exchanging
information with each other. This notion is in agreement with the theoretical framework
underpinning the study that holds that to have internal integrated communication all key
stakeholders should work together. In addition, Du Plessis and Thomson (2013) argue that
integrated communication can only be realised when there is a cross-functional process on all
communication activities in an organisation. What Plessis and Thomson (2013) recommend is
that all communication messages should have a control place where they are sent to. The latter
will ensure that messages circulated to stakeholders are consistent and clear.
Furthermore, the organisation faces a challenge that there has never been an adopted
communication strategy and communication policy in place, which should facilitate the provision
of effective and efficient organisational communication. There is also no alignment between the
organisation‘s strategic focus and communication. Therefore, this indicates that there is a great
need to adopt a cohesive and strategic approach to communication processes in order to be able
to communicate information concerning the available mechanisms, processes and procedures, to
encourage and facilitate participation. The development of such a communication strategy would
also result in a cohesive connection and alignment between the communication strategy and the
strategic focus of the entire organisation, which will result in employees being constantly
informed about the progress that the organization makes towards achieving its objectives.
These findings indicate that the organisation is currently following the critical perspective,
discussed in Chapter two, which is more concerned with issues of power, dominance and control,
and pays little attention to the interactions and interrelations between departments and employees,
which should ensure satisfaction and growth of the organisation.
The theory of dialogue states that communication should be a two-way, unrestricted and
continuous, authentic process, which makes use of the all-channel network of communication in
order to enable communicators an equal opportunity to communicate and participate freely. This
is in line with the transactional view of communication, which emphasises that unrestricted,
simultaneous, mutual and continuous communication should occur in every communication
transaction between employees in an organisation.
Based on these findings, this study contends that Msunduzi Local Authority needs to realise the
need for integrated communication processes and that the engagement of employees is a critical
aspect of organisational communication strategy.
These findings are in line with the study conducted by Swart (2010) who established that
participants felt that strategic communication is a matter of utilising resources optimally in order
to maximise returns and to implement strategy, as communication strategists will be able to give
advice on the outcomes of business decisions, as opposed to merely implementing top
management decisions and serving a technical function. Swart also argued that strategic
communicators must work closely with stakeholders in order to advise top management of the
necessary actions to be taken during a crisis. Also in support of these findings, Hayase (2009)
argues that organisations that effectively and openly communicate with employees will
experience greater organisational commitment, a factor of engagement, but to address open
communication, organisations should strive for transparency by providing information that is
accurate, timely and reliable.
The following section discusses the sharing information and free flow of messages within the
Msunduzi Local Authority.
Findings reveal that there is uneven flow of information from the top to the bottom and the other
way around making communication incomplete or one way. The theoretical framework
underpinning this study postulates that to have integrated communication in an organisation,
messages should flow evenly to all directions and different ranks to enhance coherence. Findings
indicate that communication from junior to senior employees is frustrating and inefficient.
Further to this, the findings indicate that each manager at Msunduzi Local Authority was
responsible for ensuring that their subordinates were in receipt of crucial organisational
information. It was also found that there are communication processes, channels, networks within
the Msunduzi Local Authority, which are ineffective, probably due to the fact that the
Municipality has not adopted an integrated communication strategy. The Msunduzi Local
Authority‘s process of communication takes the form of a transmission model because it is one-
way, formal and downward, through chain, y and wheel networks, explained by Antonis (2005)
in the previous sections.
Van Der Walt (2006:418) indicates that the functionalist perspective towards organisational
communication is related to the transmissional view of communication, which perceives the
practice of communication from a rational approach and regards communication as an event of
isolated and fragmented elements that can be observed independently. The language choice,
literacy and educational level of target group have often not been taken into consideration when
communication messages are sent. The findings indicate that the central information from senior
management does not appear to be adequately disseminated to the units or departments; all
units/sections of the organization still function in isolation from one another, to a large extent. In
this regard, a situation exists where the units operate in silos when dealing with the same
stakeholders regarding different issues. It appears that it may be the absence and inefficiency of
cross-functional communication that creates a barrier to the communication processes and
therefore contributes to the lack of a sense of cohesion.
In addition to that, the transactional view of communication, as explained in Chapter two, is seen
as the view of communication that is most capable of presenting a communication model that
could contribute to the establishment of a context in which employee‘s needs are addressed. It
makes communication flexible in a way that a communicator and recipient are equal in the
communication process. In concurrence, Van Der Walt (2006:419) maintains that the
transactional viewpoint regards communication as an event where authentic relationships should
occur between the communicators in the process of communication, to ensure a true and pure
process. The purpose is to emerge into a new understanding of a situation by re-contextualising
through dialogue. It further implies the importance of role-taking between the sender and the
receiver in a communication transaction, by indicating that both communicators need to enter
into the context of the other to enable a true understanding of the other person‘s circumstances, to
ensure an effective communication process.
These findings indicate that there is a need to supplement communication on the ethics of the
organisation, in order to build an understanding of the content of departmental programs. Also of
note is that careful thought should be given to media products and platforms that will effectively
reach the target audiences. Communicators should also ensure that their work involves
integrating the programs of each department into one organisational program of action. This
would help develop a cohesive culture, where everyone is focused on the same goals and
These findings are also in line with the study conducted by Maenetja (2009), which revealed that
the organisation was working in separate silos with little horizontal communication.
However, messages by e-mail can only be received by certain groups, particularly those with
access to the internet of computers. Other challenges with email communication such as
misinterpretation, conflicts and problems related to technology, were ignored by the Msunduzi
Local Authority, making this kind of communication system ineffective. In line with these
findings, Mbatha (2013a) notes that information communication technology tools such as
intranet, internet, email, to name but few, are playing a major role in facilitating communication
in organisational and societal contexts. For example, the findings depict the intranet as a widely
used communication tool for interacting with employees, however serious consideration is not
given to those employees who do not have access to the intranets.
Face-to-face communication such as one-on-one meetings, staff meetings, briefing sessions and
forums are restricted to managers. The channels and networks of communication utilised within
the organisation are not effective enough as computer technology is the main communication
tool, of which a large number of employees do not have access to either a personal computer or
the internal electronic network, especially on distant sites of the organisation.
Furthermore, in terms of the Msunduzi‘s websites, it is recognised that, the responsibility for the
technical aspects of the intranet and website rests on the Information Communication Technology
sub-unit or section of the Corporate Services Business Unit. These information communication
technology experts are responsible for ensuring that the corporate style guidelines are adhered to,
and that the quality of the website messages is consistently high. Each department has its own
webpage, or section, on the intranet where information about its functions, policies and strategies
is posted. There is, however, no monitoring of whether the relevant updated information is
maintained on these pages. Mbatha and Lesame (2013) argue that for websites to be relevant and
effective to their target audience, they must always display updated information. The study also
found that communication channels at Msunduzi Local Authority make no provision for
The Handbook of Government Communications (2010:68) warns that careful thought should be
given to media products and platforms that will effectively reach the employees in a manner that
mobilises them for implementation.
Furthermore, the findings prove that intra-organisational communication at the Local Authority
does not conform to the systems theory, as there are no evident mutual relations between
different organisational components. This does not reflect positively on the organisation since, in
reality, each component is dependent on the others to function effectively. This only indicates
that no framework exists which incorporates all communication in the organisation.
In line with the study by Maenetja (2009), the findings have shown that although communication
infrastructure exists in the organisation in terms of enabling effective communication to take
place, the appropriateness, relevance and accuracy of the source of information and the channels
through which it is transmitted are not adequate enough. The organisation as a whole appears to
be autocratic and directive in nature, with decision-making being centralised to the top of the
organisation. This has in turn resulted to a direct and negative impact on the perceived
effectiveness of communication and the level of satisfaction that employees have with
communication in the organisation.
5.4.2 Communication alignment with the strategic focus of the organisation
As a result of the applicability of the alignment of the communication to the corporate strategy of
the organisation, it was revealed that the organisation placed minimal emphasis on the alignment
of communication to the strategic focus of the organisation. This is because the organisation‘s
current communication organogram has not been filled. However, eminent efforts were made to
ensure that communication is aligned to the corporate strategy in the achievement of strategic
objectives, and ultimately the achievement of strategic mission.
In conclusion, the researcher maintains that the measurement instrument offered important
insights into the way in which communication operates within Msunduzi Local Authority. In
essence, the measurement instrument succeeded effectively in measuring the level of
communication integration within Msunduzi Local Authority.
These findings concur with the employee engagement theory, which postulates that an
organisation needs to involve its employees in the communication channels as this will motivate
them and increase organisational productivity, and in turn greater customer-satisfaction.
This study then argues that, in line with these findings, the organisation needs to prioritise its
communication strategy, as a level of communication failure is evidently taking place in each
unit/department. This improvement, therefore, should be in line with enhancing communication
integration among different units. As Mbatha (2009) rightfully puts it, for any organisation to
achieve its goals, its communication system has to be sound and well understood by everyone in
the organisation.
5.6 Summary
This chapter has discussed the findings as presented in the previous chapter, focusing on the state
of intra-organisational communication at the Msunduzi Local Authority, and issues surrounding
the controversial implementation of integrated communication. The study found that the
theoretical measuring instrument for determining integration of organisational communication
underpinning the study (Plessis and Thomson 2013:437-443) offered important insight into the
manner integrated communication is applied in the organisation. Based on the findings, the
research hypothesis of the study was found true.
The study found that organisational communication at Msunduzi Local Authority was one sided
and top down; which indicated that there was little emphasis on feedback from employees. The
study revealed that there were more external communication messages than internal, to an extent
that the internal stakeholders depended on external media to learn about their organisation.
Findings on the consistency of messages revealed that all communications are managed by senior
employees within their respective departments and sections; the status of the consistency of
messages can be improved if a comprehensive approach can be adopted in communicating
internal messages in addition to employing diverse communication channels. On infrastructure
for integration, the study found that there is infrastructure and several prospects for information
sharing in the organisation created by information communication and technology though not
fully explored. With regards to the free flow and sharing of information, the study established
that the required systems for communication exist but not adequately utilised. Findings on the
co-ordination of communication efforts and actions to promote integrated communication
showed flaws. It also appeared that the departments in the organisation function in silos due to
lack of cross-functional planning.
The next chapter (Chapter six) summarises, concludes, and recommends, based on the findings of
the study.
6.1 Introduction
Chapter six completes the full circle of the research study. This chapter summarises the findings
of the study. It also presents conclusions drawn from the reviewed literature in chapter two and
from research findings obtained from the interviews and content analysis, as presented in chapter
four and discussed further in chapter five. The main conclusions of the study presented are
encapsulated by focusing on the six research questions underpinning the study. Limitations of
the study are briefly discussed. The recommendations stem from a consideration of the
responses, at the general level of concern about the current position of organisational
communication integration within Msunduzi Local Authority, taking into account and drawing on
information from other sources. In this same chapter recommendations are made also based on
the objectives of the study. The recommendations made are, however, not intended to be
prescriptive, but are rather road maps for improving communication and developing a
comprehensive and integrated communication in the organisation.
6.2 Summary
6.2.1 Stakeholder orientation and differentiation
The study found that the organisation predominantly focuses on external messages communicated
to external stakeholders but does not sufficiently communicate with its internal stakeholders for
example its employees. The two aspects of communication, the internal and external, has been
pursued separately, whereby significant amount of communication has been directed to external
and not internal stakeholders. The working relationship is not mutual between the managers and
the staff. The organisation is divided in terms of communication and relationship; the managers
have their own group and the staff their own. The employees are not part of the decision-making
process. They will be lucky if they receive information about decisions taken. The study also
found that the lack of communication between managers and employees often lead to conflicts.
Research findings show that employees, especially those in lower positions are not integrated in
the organisation at Msunduzi Local Authority. These employees do not have a clear
understanding of the organisation‘s vision and are not educated enough to be focused. The
organisation does not consider internal marketing, intended to promote customer focus and keep
employees constantly informed about important activities which affect them and the
organization‘s stakeholders as members of the public. This will in turn increase employees‘
morality and satisfy consumers. Most employees work closely and directly with consumers,
therefore should be able to access any information that can equip them to perform their work
better. The participants indicated that it is only in the strategic management level that integration
takes place. There is a Strategic Management Committee and an Operation Management
Committee that take decisions on all matters that concern the running of the organisation. This
confirms the hypothesis made in chapter one, that communication integration is practised at the
strategic or senior level of the organisation.
Barker and Angelopulo (2006:77) purports that communication in this case is a downward and
one-way movement via several levels of the organisation to different receivers. Information in
this regard is task-oriented and extremely accurate because the channels of communication used
are clear and the commands are direct.
In terms of the organization‘s Integrated Development Plan (2012)
The Vision of the ‗City of Choice, Second to None‘ is to develop a city where its entire citizenry
It is clear that every employee has a role to play in ensuring that the vision is realised, however,
employees also need to know how the vision will be achieved and what role they need to play.
Duncan (2002:22) states that many employee do not have a basic idea about what their
organisation do or manufacture, how it operates or what their specific role is in building and
maintaining stakeholder relationships. The most common reason for this is they would not been
integrated into the organisation.
6.2.4 Co-ordination of communication efforts and actions
The findings indicate that intranet is mostly used to enhance the exchange of messages among
employees within the organisation. However, messages developed and communicated by the top
management team are not effectively communicated to all employees as some channels used to
disseminate the information are not accessible to some employees; as a result, departments work
in silos even though they interact with the stakeholders. Therefore, the main problem facing the
organisation in terms of the co-ordination of communication efforts and actions is the lack of
cross-functional communication making it difficult to have efficient communication and the lack
of cohesion. Mutinta (2014) contends that poor cross-functional communication may be caused
by the fact that communication strategies are devised without departments effectively exchanging
information with each other. Du Plessis and Thomson (2013) argue that integrated
communication can only be realised when there is a cross-functional process on all
communication activities in an organisation. What Plessis and Thomson (2013) recommend is
that all communication messages should have a control place where they are sent to.
The employees felt that they were not involved in shaping the direction of the organisation or its
operations. They mentioned that no-one consulted them about anything and that when they
expressed their views; managers did not listen to them. The staff also felt that their work was not
appreciated or recognised because managers did not really know what exactly they do, therefore
could not acknowledge or reward them. This resulted in poor performance of employees as they
also lacked resources. This was cited as the main reason for not delivering quality services.
Within the organization was an ‗us‘ and ‗them‘ syndrome and also a problem of listening.
6.2.6 Infrastructural integration
The study found that there is efficient infrastructure at Msunduzi Local Authority for an
integration mechanism. However, the channels and networks of communication utilized within
the organisation are not effective enough. Computers are the main communication tool used yet
most employees do not have access to either a personal computer or the internal electronic
network, especially when working distant sites of the organisation. The communication process is
formal, written and one-way. The communication system is not integrated and no provision of
two-way communication is made for formal communication. The study revealed that the
organisation uses only English as a language of communication; therefore consideration is not
made for the different levels of literacy among the employees who do not understand English,
especially if there are difficult terms in the communication messages.
6.3 Conclusion
6.3.1 Stakeholder orientation and differentiation
Based on the findings regarding internal stakeholder orientation and differentiation, the
researcher is now able to present the following conclusions.
There was an agreement among employees that the communities are perceived as the primary
stakeholders of the organisation. This is revealed through the practical resources and attention
given to the communities compared to employees. The main criticism is that the Msunduzi Local
Authority focuses predominantly on external messages to stakeholders, without sufficiently
emphasising internal messages to its internal stakeholders, such as employees. Limited attention
has been giving to internal stakeholders. In other words, the two aspects of communication,
namely internal and external communication, have apparently been pursued separately with a
significant amount of communication being directed to external stakeholders. Hence by
implication, internal communication plays a secondary role in the organisation‘s communications
which consequently implies that the employees are not receiving important information before
the external stakeholders do.
Hayase (2002) asserts that effective organisational communication extends beyond employees
satisfied with receiving information; employees also want to work for an organisation that
believes that they can contribute substantially to the value and decision-making process. Smith
(2005) believes that organisations need to improve employee engagement in order to ensure that
employees have an understanding of the organisation‘s mission, objectives and that the
contribution of employees is recognised.
The findings indicate that many employees and peer educators understand the strategic objectives
of the programme. Findings reveal orientation activities were led by the human resources sub-
unit within corporate services business unit. These orientation activities were used as internal
form of communication to ensure that employees had an understanding of the objectives and
vision of the organisation and how employee would be contribute towards the achievement of the
objectives and vision. The study indicates that the strategy of employing orientation activities
was effective in imparting the objectives and vision of the organisation to employees. This
finding is in agreement with literature reviewed that suggests that engaging employees and
promoting a strong vision is one of the strategies of creating a strong communication strategy
linked to the programme strategic focus (Kitchen and Schultz 2001:12).
The Msunduzi Local Authority has ensured that its services and information are consistently
represented in a recognisable corporate style. With regard to the uniformity of the look and feel
of posters and newsletters, the organisation is always consistent. All published material adheres
to the accepted corporate style and is easily and instantly identifiable. According to Kitchen and
Schultz (2001:67), for an organisation to consider true integrated communication, it should create
global processes for the internal and external standardisation of operating, producing,
transporting and communicating. The reason for the standardisation is to ensure the consistency
of all messages. Findings show that all communication activities in the organisation are managed
by senior employees and consistent in terms of programme identity by using the organisation‘s
identity. The status of the consistency of messages within the Msunduzi Local Authority can be
improved if a comprehensive approach can be used in communicating internal messages.
The findings indicate that there is an overwhelming focus on a one-way and downward
communication, minimum sharing of information across divisions and insulation and isolation of
employees by those with senior and higher level positions within the organisation. At present, it
is the senior management that deals with all the communication and information giving and there
is little opportunity for candid discussion or feedback. There are no ways of easy access to
information for all employees. For example, some of the employees do not a reliable means and
access to computers and the internet, which make computers a limited tool of communication.
This shows that Msunduzi Local Authority understand the role of intraorganisational
communication to a certain extent. Its communication process relates to the positional tradition
of communication and critical perspective which respectively state that, the organisation is
concerned with issues relating to power, dominance and control.
The main criticism is that the organisation is working in separate silos with little horisontal
communication. Hence, the overall score for the co-ordination of communication efforts and
action in the organisation is low, which means that co-ordination happens sometimes, not always.
This is a reflection of inadequate cross-functional planning and monitoring within the
organisation. It has become clearer that the organisation needs to prioritise its communication
strategies. At all levels of communication is evidence of failure and less integration of
communication as revealed by the data extracted in the study. This shows that the communication
strategies are ineffective. Improvement in interaction and collaboration between departments or
business units can result in an improved organisational culture and employee satisfaction. The
organisation needs to look at its intra-organisational communication from a holistic perspective
with issues such as the organisational culture and the nature of business that impact on the
effectiveness of communication which then impact on the organisation‘s service delivery
Communication at Msunduzi Local Authority is still primarily one-way with little consideration
of lower level feedback. However, some information is shared with employees. The measurement
on the level of communication integration indicates that the free flow and the sharing of
information in the organisation are established but not fully functional. It became clear that
communication is done only when giving instructions and when passing information about new
decisions and any other information that needs to be conveyed to employees. There is no form of
easy access to information for all employees. There has been an overwhelming focus on one-
way, downward communication, with the minimum sharing of information across divisions and
the insulation and isolation of employees at senior levels. At present, communication focuses on
giving information from a management point of view, with little opportunity for candid
discussion or feedback.
6.3.6 Infrastructural integration
Based on the results of the study regarding the infrastructure for integration, this section presents
the following conclusions.
The organisation cannot depend on new technology alone to deliver key messages to its audience.
A variety of communication vehicles should be put in place that connect with key audiences at all
levels. The organisation should communicate fully with all employees in a timely and appropriate
way, using the full range of communication vehicles available, such as team briefing, newsletters,
the intranet and meetings to facilitate this. Site workers should be provided with communication
tools which would provide a two-way communication and collaboration with multiple team
members. In this regard, the Msunduzi Local Authority should create a communication strategy
that would combine the use of technology with face- to-face meetings. The sub-hypothesis that
the infrastructure for communication is functional prove to be correct, although the researcher
feel that the organisation needs to explore more channels of communication as it should not
depend on new technology alone to deliver key messages to its constituency.
6.3 Recommendations
6.4.1 Stakeholder orientation and differentiation
The Msunduzi Local Authority should be concerned with managing the communication process
related to keeping its internal stakeholders, namely the employees, well-informed. In that regard,
employees should be the starting point of the organisation‘s integration process. Employees
should be informed, empowered and motivated to assist in this quest. Since employees are the
organisation‘s first ―ambassador‖ in presenting and defending the organisation‘s image, it is
extremely important to keep them informed about the organisation's orientation, priorities and
vision. This is supported by Wilkins (2010) who asserts that the way communication messages
are distributed and the way target audiences receive and respond to these messages is critical to
the success of any organization. This is because organisational communication is highly relevant
to the overall performance and strategic outcomes of the organisation.
The key principles emanating from what the participants shared are as follows:
An open and honest culture builds a foundation in which changes can be developed and
recognition of employees established.
Employees need to be clear about what the organisation expects of them.
Achievements of employees need to be recognised.
Each employee should be valued, well-motivated and well equipped.
All employees need to be given the tools of trade they need to do their work.
Leaders need to encourage creativity and mutual relationships
Furthermore, the Msunduzi Local Authority should develop a strategy which has both an external
and internal focus since effective internal and external communication does not occur unless
efforts are strategically planned. One issue which should be addressed is the engagement of
employees based in geographically remote or technologically poor locations. The organisation
should communicate with all employees equally, irrespective of their location, working hours or
status in the organisation. Revising or drafting policies would promote a more consistent
approach. In reality, internal and external communication are inextricably intertwined, feeding
into each other in a complex interaction which, if managed properly, offers the prospect of a total
communications programme capable of playing a key part in the promotion of a quality-centred
culture in the organisation (Maenetja 2009).
In addition, the organisation should also ensure proper consistent preparation and organisation of
communication messages. ―Then, and only then, can communication management be regarded as
being a strategic contribution to the business management of the organisation‖ (Niemann,
2005:30). Effective communication is required to ensure healthy relations, trust, and loyalty and
to avoid propaganda and anxiety. Improvement of communication can be enhanced by obtaining
a two-way communication and opening more communication channels thus adopting a
transactional model of communication where engagement and dialogue with employees is a
normal practice.
reassuring sense of order and direction, integrated communications help define and nurture long-
term relationships with potential as well as existing employees (Maenetja 2009).
Furthermore, Msunduzi Local Authority needs to consider establishing good relations with the
Government Communications and Information System which plays a crucial role in providing
guidelines and assistance in overall government communications and which ensures that the
citizens and employees are fully informed about the government programmes that are meant to
make their lives easier. The outcomes of a mutual relationship with the Government
Communications and Information System would be:
Promotion of understanding of the programmes thereby helping ensure that the employees
play their role to the fullest in accelerating progress towards achieving all the set objectives of
the organisation.
To create a deeper understanding and appreciation of the programmes; activities and
decisions on specific matters of policy amongst the employees.
Mobilisation of the employees to take part in the implementation of the programmes of the
organisation as partners for the improvement of services.
Sharing of best practices and information on intraorganisational communication, including
distribution platforms, products, coordination of annual programmes and so forth. (The
handbook of government communication, 2010:6)
To this end, a comprehensive communications strategy should be developed and it should include
innovative ways of encouraging some forms of interdivisional/departmental co-operation. One
option for integration is to create a position designed solely to oversee the integration of
communication messages across the organisation.
In addition this training will empower employees as they will learn the principles of Batho Pele.
The handbook of government communication (2010:74) assert that municipalities establish
internal communicators‘ forum to ensure sharing of information, free flow of messages and that
concerns regarding access to information are addressed and decisions communicated. The
executive managers should ensure that departmental meetings take place frequently to deal with
issues that require their attention. Meetings should also be scheduled, where all staff members
and managers meet to deliver reports on the municipality‘s financial status, operational status,
and other plans and to ensure that staff members are appreciated for the work they do.
Maenetja (2009) emphasises that the management should not merely post news on the intranet
and assume that communication has been achieved. Instead, there should be a mechanism for
employees to respond to, or initiate, a dialogue upwards. The internal newsletter should be
produced and distributed both in hard copy and electronically and in both English and Isizulu.
The newsletter should have a feedback column and letter page if it is to make a positive impact.
The newsletter should serve not only as a conduit for corporate information, news and views but
also as a forum for constructive debate. The contents of the internal publication should also be
shaped by employee feedback. Channels of communication such as notice boards, the intranet,
newsletters and e-mail are efficient modes of communication for certain messages, the power of
face-to-face communication should not be underestimated. Face-to-face communication should
be preferred over e-mail and internal publications to create organisational identification.
Therefore, all employees should have periodical face-to-face communication opportunities with
their managers. A significant level of communications occurs at a face-to-face level, either
through existing large events or through mechanisms such as away-days.
effectively communicate with the employees; to identify the appropriate media platforms to
communicate messages and to ensure that the communication needs of the employees are
communicated to the management in order for them to be addressed.
Integrated organisational communication does not refer only to the few official channels of
communication within the municipality such as emails, circulars and notice boards. It is also not a
process that goes from the management at the top to the cleaners at the bottom. Strategic
organisational communication refers to the constant interactions that convey messages and
meaning; it encompasses both the mentioned communication such as emails, circulars, notice
boards and also meetings, internal newsletters and casual interactions within the municipality.
The aim of intra-organisational communication is, firstly to improve and increase staff
knowledge and understanding of the aims and objectives of the municipality and promote ways
of improving communication between Business Units or Departments. Secondly to develop and
maintain a two-way flow of information within the municipality and ensure that all staff
members are informed about all the decisions, policies, programmes, events and issues in a
timely, effective, accurate and consistent manner (The handbook of government communication,
Furthermore, the management should allow for unplanned and unsolicited feedback from
employees and create platforms where employees can engage in dialogue about specific topics or
concerns. Planned meetings, unplanned meetings, and constant communications are important
ways of maintaining solid relationships with staff members. Integrated communication is crucial
and involves the creation of links between all departments and employees in an organisation. It
requires organisations to co-ordinate their various strategies and messages so that they can
engage coherently and meaningfully with employees.
although the researcher ensured a representative sample some biases might have occurred. The
sample was restricted by time constraints on the researcher‘s part and the sample size was not
enough to satisfy the research objectives as data collection was limited to senior officials within
Msunduzi Local Authority.
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This research is an evaluation of organisational communication and measurement of the level of
communication integration within the Msunduzi Local Authority. The researcher intends to
evaluate the current state of organisational communication and measure the level of
communication integration within Msunduzi Local Authority. The proposed methods of data
collection are individual semi-structured interviews and qualitative content analysis.
Individual semi-structured interviews are conducted with employees of the organisation. The
researcher will make use of a tape recorder and note taking in order to capture the responses for
interpretation and data analysis basis. The researcher would sincerely appreciate each respondent
honest views and feelings about all issues and any information relevant in order to make a
success of this exercise. The interview will last for not more than an hour and the interviewee is
requested to sign at the bottom giving consent that the responses provided can be used to present
findings. Should participant wish to remain anonymous; they have a right to do so. Participation
is completely voluntary; participants have a right to withdraw at any time during the interview.
The time and effort of each participant is highly appreciated. The interview questions will cover
the themes indicated in the table below:
5. Sharing of information
9. General
Signature of interviewer:
demographic information of 1 Age
2 Level of study
3 Race
4 Gender
5 Level of education
6 Number of work
7 Designation
Time allocation
Purpose: I would like to ask you some questions about the current state of organisational
communication and level of communication integration within Msunduzi Local Authority. The
intention is to get information to answer the following research questions which will ultimately
address the sub-problems of the study:
Does Msunduzi Local Authority communication have internal stakeholder orientation?
Is communication aligned with the strategic focus of the organisation?
How consistent are messages and media used within Msunduzi Local Authority?
What are the mechanisms put in place to coordinate communication efforts and action
within the Msunduzi Local Authority?
What is the status of free flow of information within the Msunduzi Local Authority?
Is there infrastructure for the integration of communication messages?
Motivation: I hope to use this information to complete my dissertation as well as make the
findings available to the organisation to provide guidance on the current state of integrated
organisational communication and recommendations for improvement.
Duration: The interview comprises of 10 questions and will take between 30-45 minutes of your
time. Is there anything you would like to clarify before we begin?
a) What is the quality of the relationship between the management and employees?
b) Who are the most important stakeholders for Msunduzi Local Authority?
b) What are the plans put in place to put together and disseminate information within the
a) What are the plans put in place to ensure that the same information is shared to all the
b) Who is responsible for sharing of information within the organisation?
An opportunity was offered for any short final comments participants would like to make.
Thank you very much for your input today. I will be following up this research with an email to
request additional background/reference materials. The information you provided will help me
write my dissertation and inform the Msunduzi Local Authority to improve their integrated
communication efforts.
1. Who are the most important stakeholders for Msunduzi Local Authority?
The stakeholders were taken into consideration; however, the Msunduzi Local Authority cares
more about the public than the staff members because the public are main shareholder.
2. What is the quality of the relationship between the management and employees?
Employees do not have enough information and are not included in a more interactive
communication process. The media is always first to be aware of the company’s direction and
employees get the information through the media.
5. How is the strategic focus (vision) being shared with internal stakeholders?
The vision statement of the organisation functions as a preamble in many of the publications.
There is an orientation programme for all the new employees. It ensures that even new employees
know the vision of the organisation the role they can play within our organisation.
7. What are the plans put in place to put together and disseminate information within the
The sharing of information normally occurred at senior level, but this was not cascaded down to
the lower level.
8. What are the plans put in place to ensure that the same information is shared to all the
The sharing of information occurred within departments, but again on a need-to-know basis.
However, notices of meetings were not timely, sometimes reaching them on the day of or the day
before a meeting.
10. What channels of communication are utilised to ensure that messages are reaching the
intended recipients?
The main channel of communication that the organisation uses to contact employees is e-mail/
intranets; even the internal newsletter is also circulated via intranet.