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American National Standard for Occupational

and Educational Personal Eye and Face
Protection Devices

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020
Revision of
ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2015

American National Standard

Occupational and Educational
Personal Eye and Face
Protection Devices

International Safety Equipment Association

Approved March 11, 2020

American National Standards Institute, Inc.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

American An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its
scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufac-
National turer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does
Standard not in any respect preclude anyone, whether they have approved the standard or not, from manu-
facturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to
the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned
to obtain the latest editions.

The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstanc-
es give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no persons shall have the
right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the
American National Standards Institute.

CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time.
The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaf-
firm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of publication. Pur-
chasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by call-
ing or writing the American National Standards Institute.

Published by

International Safety Equipment Association

1901 North Moore Street, Suite 808, Arlington, Virginia 22209 USA

Copyright 2020 by ISEA

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication (with the exception of Annex J, Selection Chart) may be reproduced in any form, in an
electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

Foreword (This Foreword is not a part of ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020)

ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020 represents the sixth revision of the voluntary industry consensus standard for eye
and face protection, which is also codified in regulatory text by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration obliging employers to provide employees with appropriate safety eyewear and face protec-
tion that conforms to the industry standard.

The document continues to focus on product performance and harmonization with global standards in an
effort to allow new and innovative designs responsive to workplace hazards and end-user needs. To this
end, this current version includes criteria and requisite markings for protectors offering relaxed optics, as an
option to the long-standing requirements. This in response to the recognition that certain job tasks and ap-
plications, such as those performed by first-responder, firefighting or military personnel, may not need re-
quire the stringent optical criteria historically imposed. It is cautioned that protectors with relaxed optics
may not be appropriate for industrial applications such machinery operation, precision work, or in laborato-
ry environments, and as such, a proper hazard assessment should be conducted.

Additionally, the 2020 version includes testing, performance and marking criteria for lenses with anti-fog
properties. While this lens-only assessment is a departure from a final configuration approach generally
applied throughout the standard, it is recognized that fogging can impede a wearer’s ability to perform work
safely. Such requirements are consistent with criteria in similar global standards and have been incorpo-
rated for the benefit of the wearer

Other key updates address the emergence of innovating product designs which past editions did not con-
template. These are seen by changings transmittance allowances and expanded welding filter shades. Ad-
ditional clarifications have been made throughout to provide consistency in testing execution such as when
applying dark-state tolerances for automatic darkening welding filters or determining the minimum cover-
age area with respect to the specified headform.

Suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the International Safety
Equipment Association,

This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards Committee
on Safety Standards for Eye Protection, Z87. Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily im-
ply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the Z87
Committee had the following members:

J.P Sankpill, Chairman

Jack B. Hirschmann, Jr., Vice-Chairman

Organization Represented Name of Representative

American Optometric Association Aaron Zimmerman, O.D., MS
Gregory Good, O.D., Ph.D.
American Society of Safety Professionals Jack B. Hirschmann, Jr.
American Welding Society David Sliney
Essilor USA J.P. Sankpill
ICS Laboratories, Inc. Emmanuel Alabi, O.D., Ph.D.
Keith Whitten
Individual Member Michael Kertis
Individual Member Jack Laptad

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

International Safety Equipment Association Jud Crosby

Cristine Z. Fargo, CAE
Jones and Company Bruce Hey
Kimberly-Clark Professional Joann M. Kline, JD
The Laboratory Safety Institute James Kaufmann, Ph.D.
Dr. Rajeev Santhappa
3M Company Keith A. Fecteau
National Association of Optometrists Rob Fontaine
and Opticians Jeremy Swan
National Institute for Occupational James R. Harris, Ph.D.
Safety and Health (NIOSH) Jonathan Szalajda
Optical Laboratories Association Neil Torgersen
Michael Vitale
Opticians Association of America Tom Hicks
Power Tools Institute Al Pierga
Brett Cohen
Safety Equipment Institute Anna Seiple
Dean Moran
UL LLC David Salter
Robin Tutor
U.S. Department of the Air Force LtCol. Luanne Danes
Robert N. Kang
U.S. Department of the Army Major Jin B. Ha
LtCol James Truong
U.S. Department of the Navy LCDR Hong Gao
Dr. Michael Pattison
The Vision Council Michael Vitale
Tom Sadler
Walter Surface Technologies Jennifer Panzek
Younger Optics Koby Curtis
ANSI Z80 Committee Ophthalmic Lenses Dick Whitney
Neil Torgersen
Individual Expert (non-voting) Dale B. Pfriem

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

Table of Contents


1 Preface .................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Scope, Purpose, Application, and Interpretations ................................................................. 1

2.1 Scope........................................................................................................................ 1
2.2 Purpose..................................................................................................................... 1
2.3 Application............................................................................................................... 1
2.4 Interpretations .......................................................................................................... 2

3 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 2

4 Normative References ........................................................................................................... 6

5 Fundamental Design Requirements for All Protectors ......................................................... 6

5.1 Optical Requirements .............................................................................................. 6
5.2 Physical Requirements ............................................................................................. 7
5.3 Markings .................................................................................................................. 8
5.4 Other Requirements ................................................................................................. 10
5.5 Replaceable Lenses .................................................................................................. 10
5.6 Aftermarket Components and Accessories .............................................................. 11

6 Optional Design Characteristics ........................................................................................... 11

6.1 Relaxed Optics Level ............................................................................................... 11
6.2 Anti-Fog Properties.................................................................................................. 11

7 Optional Hazard-Specific Requirements .............................................................................. 11

7.1 Impact-Protector Requirements ............................................................................... 11
7.2 Optical Radiation Protector Requirements .............................................................. 14
7.3 Droplet and Splash Protector Requirements ............................................................ 18
7.4 Dust Protector Requirements ................................................................................... 18
7.5 Fine Dust Protector Requirements ........................................................................... 18

8 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ....................................................................................... 19

9 Test Methods......................................................................................................................... 19
9.1 Optical Quality Test ................................................................................................. 19
9.2 Transmittance Test ................................................................................................... 19
9.3 Haze Test ................................................................................................................. 19
9.4 Refractive Power, Astigmatism and Resolving Power Tests................................... 19
9.5 Prismatic Power Test ............................................................................................... 20
9.6 Drop Ball Test.......................................................................................................... 21
9.7 Ignition Test ............................................................................................................. 21
9.8 Corrosion Resistance Test........................................................................................ 21
9.9 Light Tightness Test ................................................................................................ 22
9.10 Lateral Protection Test ............................................................................................. 22

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

9.11 High Mass Impact Test ............................................................................................ 22

9.12 High Velocity Impact Test ....................................................................................... 23
9.13 Penetration Test ....................................................................................................... 24
9.14 Prescription Lens Material Qualification Test ......................................................... 25
9.15 Switching Index Test ............................................................................................... 25
9.16 Angular Dependence of Luminous Transmittance Test for Automatic Welding
Filter Devices ........................................................................................................... 26
9.17 Droplet and Splash Test ........................................................................................... 27
9.18 Dust Test .................................................................................................................. 28
9.19 Fine Dust Particle Test ............................................................................................. 29
9.20 Anti-Fog Lens Test .................................................................................................. 30

10 Instructions, Use and Maintenance ....................................................................................... 31

10.1 General .................................................................................................................... 31
10.2 Instructions............................................................................................................... 31
10.3 Inspections ............................................................................................................... 31
10.4 Maintenance and Care ............................................................................................. 31
10.5 Training.................................................................................................................... 31

Annex A Samples for Testing (normative) ....................................................................... 32
Annex B Reference Headforms (normative) .................................................................... 33
Annex C Spectral Factor Tables (normative) ................................................................... 35
Annex D Lateral (Side) Coverage Illustration (Medium Headform) (informative).......... 39
Annex E Test Apparatus (informative) ............................................................................ 40
Annex F Calibration of Test Telescope (informative) ..................................................... 45
Annex G Illustrations to Aid in Refractive Power, Astigmatism and Resolving
Power Testing (informative) ............................................................................. 46
Annex H Sources for Test Apparatus (informative) ......................................................... 47
Annex I Resource Publications (informative) ................................................................. 48
Annex J Eye and Face Selection Guide (informative)..................................................... 49
Annex K Hazard Assessment and Protector Selection (informative) ............................... 54
Annex L Examples of Protector Markings (informative) ................................................. 59

Table 1 Tolerance on Refractive Power, Astigmatism and Resolving Power –
Standard Optics ................................................................................................. 7
Table 2 Tolerance on Prism and Prism Imbalance ......................................................... 7
Table 3 Marking Requirements ...................................................................................... 9
Table 4 Minimum Thickness Requirements for Prescription Lenses............................. 10
Table 5 Tolerance on Refractive Power, Astigmatism and Resolving Power -
Relaxed Optics .................................................................................................. 12
Table 6 High Velocity Impact Testing ........................................................................... 13
Table 7 Transmittance Requirements for Welding Filter Lenses ................................... 16
Table 8 Transmittance Requirements for Ultraviolet Filter Lenses ............................... 16
Table 9 Transmittance Requirements for Infrared Filter Lenses .................................... 17
Table 10 Transmittance Requirements for Visible Light Filter Lenses ........................... 17
Table 11 Transmittance Requirements for Special Purpose Filter Lenses ....................... 17
Table 12 Switching Index Requirements for Automatic Darkening
Welding Filter Lenses ....................................................................................... 18
Table 13 Angular Dependence of Luminous Transmittance ............................................ 18

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

American National Standard for Occupational and Educational

Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices
1. Preface from such hazards as impact, non-ionizing radia-
tion and liquid splash exposures in occupational
This standard for personal eye and face protectors and educational environments including, but not
is, as far as possible, designed to be performance limited to, machinery operations, material weld-
oriented. ing and cutting, chemical handling, and assembly
operations. Certain hazardous exposures are not
Every effort should be made to eliminate eye and covered in this standard. These include, but are
face hazards in occupational and educational set- not limited to: bloodborne pathogens, X-rays,
tings. Protectors do not provide unlimited protec- high-energy particulate radiation, microwaves,
tion. In the occupational and educational envi- radio-frequency radiation, lasers, masers, and
ronment, protectors are not substitutes for ma- sports and recreation.
chine guards and other engineering controls. Pro-
tectors alone should not be relied on to provide 2.2 Purpose
complete protection against hazards, but should This standard provides minimum requirements
be used in conjunction with machine guards, en- for protectors including selection, use, and
gineering controls, and sound safety practices. maintenance of these protectors as devices to
minimize or prevent eye and face injuries.
In 1992, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration began regulating occupational 2.3 Application
exposure to bloodborne pathogens and, as a re-
sult, employers are required to provide personal 2.3.1 The requirements of this standard apply
protective equipment (PPE) including eye and to protectors when first placed in service.
face protection for employees exposed to these
hazards. At the time of the publication of this 2.3.2 Protectors bearing the permanent mark-
standard, no standards existed for eye and face ing Z87 shall meet all applicable requirements of
protection intended to provide protection from this standard in its entirety. All components of
bloodborne pathogens. Nevertheless, many em- eye and face protectors shall comply with the re-
ployers have elected to provide their employees quirements of this standard. Accessories installed
with PPE conforming to the requirements of by the manufacturer shall not cause the protector
ANSI/ISEA Z87.1. These products may or may to fail the requirements of this standard. Manu-
not provide adequate protection against blood- facturers of components, aftermarket compo-
borne pathogens. Extreme caution must be exer- nents, accessories and complete protectors shall
cised in the selection and use of personal protec- ensure that all required tests have been performed
tive equipment in applications for which no per- to demonstrate conformance.
formance requirements or standardized testing
exist. 2.3.3 Compliance with this standard cannot
always be assured when components are replaced
or accessories are added. End users should exer-
2. Scope, Purpose, Application, and cise extreme care in the selection and installation
Interpretations of components to ensure compliance with this
2.1 Scope
This standard sets forth criteria related to the re- 2.3.4 Non-compliant components shall not be
quirements, testing, permanent marking, selec- used with ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-compliant compo-
tion, care, and use of protectors to minimize the nents.
occurrence and severity or prevention of injuries

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

2.3.5 The protector manufacturer shall provide chin protector. That portion of a device that
test results to the purchaser upon request. offers protection to a wearer’s lower face, chin
and neck.
2.3.6 Eye and face protectors complying with
the requirements of this standard shall not pre- claim. A mark, made according to Section 5.3,
clude the devices from complying with other rel- indicating that the device meets the performance
evant standards, as applicable. requirement of this standard reflected by that
2.4 Interpretations
Requests for interpretations of this standard shall complete device. A product with all its compo-
be in writing and addressed to the secretariat nents in their configuration of intended use.
( of this accredited
standard committee. component. A functional part of a complete de-
vice that is addressed by the performance re-
quirements of this standard (e.g. lens, frame,
3. Definitions crown).

For purposes of this standard, the following defi- cover lens. An expendable lens used to protect
nitions shall apply: another lens from surface damage and that is not
intended to contribute to user protection. It is not
accessory. An item that is added to a complete a safety plate.
device that may or may not affect the perfor-
mance of that complete device. crown. A component that offers protection to a
wearer’s forehead.
aftermarket component. A component that may
or may not be manufactured by the complete de- dark state. The lowest operating luminous
vice manufacturer and is not supplied with the transmittance of an automatic darkening filter
original complete device. lens.

astigmatism. A condition in a lens of a protector diopter (D). A unit of measurement (plus or mi-
in which there is a difference in refractive power nus) used to express the power of a lens. It is ex-
in one meridian from that in another meridian. pressed as the reciprocal of the focusing distance
given in meters. The diopter is also used to ex-
automatic darkening welding filter lens. A press the curvature of surfacing tools and the re-
filter lens that automatically switches from a light fracting power of curved surfaces.
state to a dark state in response to a change of
light intensity. effective far-ultraviolet average transmittance

bluelight transmittance τB. Transmittance of τ (EFUV). Transmittance of optical radiation

optical radiation weighted by its ability to cause with wavelengths from 200 to 315 nanometers
photochemical damage to the retina is defined as: weighted by its ability to damage the cornea.
When τ () is defined as the spectral transmit-
tance of the filter at wavelength, τ (EFUV) is
defined as:

where B () is the BlueLight Hazard Function

defined in Table C4 of Annex C.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

where S () is the Relative Spectral Effectiveness τ (IR) is defined as:

given in Table C1 of Annex C.

faceshield. A protector intended to shield the

wearer's face, or portions thereof, from certain
hazards, as indicated by the faceshield’s mark-
where, in the infrared, the relative spectral emit-
filter lens. A lens that attenuates specific wave- tance SA () of Illuminant A is that of a full
lengths of ultraviolet, visible, and/or infrared ra- ("Black-body") radiator at temperature 2856º K
diation. (4681º F) and is given in Table C3 of Annex C.

fracture. A lens, frame, or lens housing or carri- infrared radiation (IR). As related to this
er cracks through its entire thickness to the inner standard, electromagnetic energy with wave-
surface into two or more separate pieces. lengths from 780 to 2000 nanometers.

frame. A structure which holds the lens or inner surface. The inward facing portions of any
lenses. component of a complete device which have a
direct line to the eye or lateral coverage area per
front. That part of a spectacle frame that is in- Section 7.1.3.
tended to contain the lens or lenses.
lens. A component through which the wearer
full facepiece respirator. A tight-fitting respira- sees.
tor that covers the nose, mouth and eyes from
approximately the hairline to below the chin. lens housing or carrier. A component that holds
a lens or lenses.
goggle. A protector intended to tightly fit the
face surrounding the eyes in order to shield the lift-front. A moveable lens housing that can be
eyes from certain hazards, as indicated by the positioned either inside or outside of the wearer’s
goggle’s markings. line of sight.

handshield. A hand-held welding helmet. See light. Optical radiation weighted by its ability to
"welding helmet." cause visual sensations.

haze. The percent of incident light that is not light state. The highest luminous transmittance
transmitted in a straight line through the lens but of an automatic darkening welding filter lens,
forward scattered, greater than 2.5o diverging. when not in a dark state.

headform. Apparatus constructed in accordance loose-fitting respirator. A respiratory inlet cov-

with specifications outlined in EN168:2001, Sec- ering that is designed to form a partial seal with
tion 17 utilized in the testing of protective devic- the face, or that completely covers the head and
es as specified in Section 9, Test Methods. (Re- neck, and may cover portions of the shoulder.
fer to Annex B)
luminous transmittance (τL). The fraction of
infrared average transmittance. Transmittance light (380-780 nm) passing through a medium, is
of optical radiation with wavelengths from 780 to defined in this standard with respect to the light
2000 nanometers weighted by its ability to dam- source CIE Illuminant A and the CIE 1931
age the cornea. When τ () is defined as the Standard Colorimetric Observer, and is expressed
spectral transmittance of the filter at wavelength, as:

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

corrective prescription; this lens is not necessarily


power. See "refractive power", "resolving pow-

er", and "prismatic power".
where y () is the relative luminous efficiency
function and SA () is the relative spectral emit- prescription lens (Rx). A lens manufactured to
tance of Illuminant A as defined by the CIE. the wearer's individual corrective prescription.
These functions are given in Table C2 of Annex
C. prescription lens carrier. A lens housing for
mounting prescription lenses behind a protective
magnifier. A mass-produced lens (non- lens.
prescription) that incorporates plus refractive
power throughout the entirety of the lens. \This prismatic power, "prism". A measure of the
includes spectacle lenses but does not include angular deviation expressed in prism diopters ()
magnifiers inserted into welding devices, which of a light ray after passing along the viewing path
are considered to be accessories. through a lens. One prism diopter equals a devia-
tion of 1 cm per meter of path length.
manufacturer. The business entity that marks or
directs the permanent marking of the components protector. A complete device meeting, at a min-
or complete devices as compliant with this stand- imum, the requirements of Section 5 of this
ard, and sells them as compliant. standard.

near-ultraviolet average transmittance. reader. A mass produced non-prescriptive spec-

Transmittance of optical radiation with wave- tacle that incorporates plus refractive power in a
lengths from 315 to 380 nanometers. When τ () portion of the lens.
is defined as the spectral transmittance of the fil-
refractive power, "power". A measure of the
ter at wavelength, (NUV) is defined as:
ability of a lens to focus light rays, expressed in
diopters (D).

removable lenses. Lenses fabricated to fit a sin-

gle spectacle frame.

non-removable lens. A lens and holder that are replaceable lenses. Lenses intended by the
homogeneous and continuous or a lens that can- manufacturer to be interchangeable by the user.
not be removed from the frame/front without
damage to the device. representative test lenses. Lenses produced of
the same material(s), coatings, minimum thick-
optical radiation. As related to this standard, nesses, lens surfacing and framing processes as
that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum used by the manufacturer.
ranging in wavelength from 200 nm to 2000 nm.
resolving power. The measure of the ability of a
permanent mark/marking. A mark that cannot lens to form separate images of two objects close
be removed without evidence of removal. together.

photochromic lens. A lens which darkens when retained. In this standard, the use of the word
exposed to, and fades when removed from, ultra- “retained” means that the lens is not separated or
violet radiation and/or sunlight. visibly displaced from the frame by more than
25% of its intended mounting structure or sup-
plano lens. A lens that does not incorporate a port.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

safety plate. The lens portion of the device that

provides impact protection in the lens region of
the protector. This is not a cover lens.

scale. A designator in which the first character

indicates the type of radiation protector and the where: t = 0 is the time at which the arc ignites,
second character is a number which increases
with more attenuation. The radiation protector τ1 is the luminous transmittance at the designat-
characters are U for an ultraviolet radiation atten- ed light state, τ2 is the luminous transmittance at
uator, R for infrared radiation attenuator and L
for visible radiation attenuator. the designated dark state, t[τ =3 τ2] is the time at
which the luminous transmittance falls to three
screen. A mesh or gauze material made of any times the luminous transmittance in the dark
suitable substance (e.g. metal wire, plastic fila- state.
ment or fiber).
NOTE: During short term exposure to light, the dis-
comfort of bright light is approximately proportional
shade, S. Related to luminous transmittance, τL to the product of the illuminance at the eye and time.
(expressed as a fraction, not as a percent) by the The time dependence of the darkening process can
equation: differ for different designs of filters where the lumi-
nous transmittance varies with time. It is therefore
appropriate to define the response time of an automatic
darkening filter lens as an integral of the luminous
transmittance over time and not merely by the initial
shall. In this standard, the use of the word "shall" and final luminous transmittance.
indicates a mandatory requirement.
temple. A spectacle component that extends par-
tially around the head or behind the ear of the
shell. A component of a welding helmet or hand-
shield that covers the wearer’s face, ears and
tinted lens. A lens with color such as amber,
should. In this standard, the use of the word smoke, or cobalt which may not meet the re-
"should" indicates a recommendation. quirements of Table 7, 8, 9 or 10.

sideshield. A component of a spectacle that pro- type tests. One or more tests performed on an
vides lateral protection. item to approve a material, construction, model or
design to determine if it is capable of meeting the
special purpose filters/lenses. Filters and lenses requirements of a product standard.
which meet the requirements of Table 11, but
may or may not meet the requirements of Table ultraviolet radiation (UV). Electromagnetic
7, 8, 9 or 10. They are designed for specific ap- energy with wavelengths from 200 to 380 na-
plications. nometers.

spectacle. A protector intended to shield the variable tint lens. A lens which darkens or fades
wearer's eyes from certain hazards, as indicated by some mechanism, excluding automatic dark-
by the spectacle’s marking. ening welding filters. These are typically photo-
chromic lenses and may or may not meet the re-
switching index. The response time of an auto- quirements of Table 7, 8, 9 or 10.
matic darkening welding filter lens is defined as:
visible light filter. A filter lens intended for the
attenuation of visible light. This may be a sun-
glass or special purpose lens.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

welding goggle. A goggle intended to provide ASTM D1003-13, Standard Test Method for
optical radiation protection for limited welding Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transpar-
applications. ent Plastics

welding faceshield. A faceshield intended to EN 168:2001, European Standard – Personal eye

provide optical radiation protection for specific protection – Non-optical test methods
welding applications.

welding filter lens. A lens specified for use for 5. Fundamental Design Requirements for
welding or brazing. All Protectors

welding helmet. A device intended to provide All protectors shall satisfy all applicable require-
protection specifically to the eyes and face ments of Section 5. Unless otherwise stated, all
against welding-related optical radiation and weld values for measurements are to be considered as
spatter. nominal.

welding respirator. A respirator intended to 5.1 Optical Requirements

provide optical radiation protection for welding
operations. 5.1.1 Optical Quality
When tested in accordance with Section 9.1, pro-
window. The lens portion of a faceshield (see tector lenses shall be free of striae, bubbles,
“lens”). waves and other visible defects which would im-
pair the wearer’s vision.

4. Normative References 5.1.2 Luminous Transmittance

When tested in accordance with Section 9.2, clear
The following documents contain provisions, lenses shall have a luminous transmittance of not
which, through reference in this text, constitute less than 85%.
mandatory provisions of this standard. Other re-
source materials, which do not contain mandatory 5.1.3 Haze – Clear Lenses Only
provisions, are listed in Annex I. When tested in accordance with Section 9.3, clear
plano lenses shall not exhibit more than 3% haze.
American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists - Threshold Limit Values for Chemical 5.1.4 Refractive Power, Astigmatism,
Substances and Physical Agents & Biological Resolving Power, Prism and Prism Imbalance
Exposure Indices for 2017 for Plano Protectors
When tested in accordance with Section 9.4, the
ANSI Z80.1-2015, American National Standard tolerance on refractive power, astigmatism and
for Ophthalmics - Prescription Ophthalmic resolving power shall be as indicated in Table 1.
Lenses – Recommendations When tested in accordance with Section 9.5, the
tolerance on prism and prism imbalance shall be
ANSI Z80.3-2018, American National Standard as indicated in Table 2. Filter lenses of shade 9
for Ophthalmics - Nonprescription Sunglasses or higher are exempt from this section.
and Fashion Eyewear – Requirements

ANSI/ISO 7998 / 8624 / 12870 - Optics Set, Oph-

thalmic Optics - Spectacle Frames - Lists of
Equivalent Terms And Vocabulary, Measuring
System And Terminology, And Requirements And
Test Methods

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

Table 1. Tolerance on Refractive Power, Astigmatism and Resolving Power – Standard

Protector Refractive Astigmatism Resolving Power
±0.06 D < 0.06 D Pattern 20
±0.06 D < 0.06 D Pattern 20
Full-facepiece respirator
Faceshield windows,
No requirement No requirement Pattern 20
Loose-fitting respirator
Welding helmet lenses ±0.06 D < 0.06 D Pattern 20

Table 2. Tolerance on Prism and Prism Imbalance

Protector Prism Vertical Base In Base Out
Imbalance Imbalance Imbalance
Spectacle, < 0.50 ∆ < 0.25 ∆ < 0.25 ∆ < 0.50 ∆
Goggle, < 0.25 ∆ < 0.125 ∆ < 0.125 ∆ < 0.50 ∆
Full-facepiece respirator
Faceshields, < 0.37 ∆ < 0.37 ∆ < 0.125 ∆ < 0.75 ∆
Loose-fitting respirator
Welding helmet lenses < 0.50 ∆ < 0.25 ∆ < 0.25 ∆ < 0.75 ∆

5.1.5 Refractive Power, Astigmatism, Prism when impacted by a 25.4 mm (1 in.) diameter
and Prism Imbalance for Prescription Protec- steel ball when dropped from a height of 127 cm
tors and Magnifiers (50 in.):
For prescription protectors and magnifiers, the • lens (lens only) fractures
tolerance on refractive power, astigmatism, prism • piece fully detached from the inner sur-
and prism imbalance shall be those contained in face
ANSI Z80.1-2015. • projectile penetrates the inner surface
• lens not retained
NOTE: There is no resolving power requirement for
prescription lenses and magnifiers.
Glass welding filter lenses shall be tested and
used in conjunction with a safety plate in order to
5.2 Physical Requirements
comply with the drop ball impact performance
Protectors shall be free from projections, sharp
edges or other defects which are likely to cause
discomfort or injury during use.
Protectors first tested to and meeting the require-
ments of Section 7.1.4 are exempt from drop ball
5.2.1 Drop Ball Impact Resistance
impact testing.
When tested in accordance with Section 9.6, the
protector shall fail if any of the following occur

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5.2.2 Ignition marked with the A-dimension (eye size) and DBL
When tested in accordance with Section 9.7, pro- (distance between lenses). Temples shall be
tectors shall not ignite or continue to glow once marked with their overall length.
the rod is removed. Each externally exposed ma-
terial (exclusive of textiles or elastic bands) shall 5.3.2 Placement of Markings
be tested. Protector markings shall be placed in relatable
proximity to each other on the product in the se-
5.2.3 Corrosion Resistance of Metal quence specified below:
When tested in accordance with Section 9.8, met- • Manufacturer’s marks or logos
al components used in protectors shall be corro- • Designation of standard (Z87 or Z87-2,
sion resistant to the degree that the function of the for prescription devices)
protector shall not be impaired by the corrosion • Coverage (See 5.2.4)
and the protector can be worn as intended. • Optical level (See 6.1)
Lenses and electrical components are excluded • Optional Hazard-Specific Marks, as ap-
from these requirements. plicable:
• impact-protector marking (+) (See
5.2.4 Minimum Coverage Area 7.1)
The frames, lens housings or carriers and lens(es) • optical radiation marking (See 7.2)
shall cover in plain view an area of not less than • droplet and splash marking (See 7.3)
40 mm (1.57 in.) in width and 33 mm (1.30 in.) in • dust marking (See 7.4)
height (elliptical) in front of each eye, centered • fine dust marking (See 7.5)
on the pupil centers of the test headform. • Optional Design Marks, as applicable:
• Anti-fog treatment (See 6.2)
Frames, lens housing or carrier and lens(es) de-
signed for small head sizes shall cover in plain Manufacturer’s marks or logos are exempt from
view an area of not less than 34 mm (1.34 in.) in the proximity requirement if they are clearly pre-
width and 28 mm (1.10 in.) in height (elliptical), sent elsewhere on the product. Markings repre-
centered on the pupil centers of the test headform. sentative of other standards shall not interfere
with or be intermixed with the markings required
Frames, lens housing or carrier and lens(es) de- by this standard. Examples of acceptable and not
signed for small head sizes shall be tested on the acceptable product markings can be found in An-
small headform. Frames that are tested using the nex L.
small headform shall be marked on the frame
with the letter “H.” 5.3.3 Prescription Lens Carriers
Prescription lens carriers used behind plano pro-
5.3 Markings tectors shall be marked with the manufacturer’s
mark or logo but shall not be marked with other
5.3.1 Required Protector Markings Z87 markings.
All protectors shall bear the permanent and legi-
ble markings in specified locations as shown in
Table 3. Markings for lens type and use applica-
tions shall be required only when claims for pro-
tection against the hazard or indicated use are
made by the manufacturer.

The components of frames that are intended for

prescription protector use shall be marked for size
in accordance with the system described in
ANSI/ISO 7998 / 8624 / 12870. Fronts shall be

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Table 3. Marking Requirements

Marking for
Lenses & Replacement Lenses
1 Complete Device
Type of Mark Frame
(no replaceable
Spectacles All Other components)2
All protectors shall bear the markings below.
Manufacturer’s Mark or
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plano, Readers, Magnifiers Z87 Z87 Z87
Rx Z87 Z87-2 Z87-2
Coverage (small head sies) H H
The following shall be required only when claims of impact rating, a specific lens type and/or use are made by
the manufacturer.
Impact Mark
Impact Rated Plano, Readers
Magnifiers + Z87+ Z87+ Z87+
Impact Rated Rx + Z87+ Z87-2+ Z87-2+
Relaxed Optical Level O2 O2 O2
Lens Type
Welding Filter (see table 7) 5 W shade W shade W shade
UV Filter (see table 8)4 U scale number U scale number U scale number
IR Filter (see table 9)4 R scale number R scale number R scale number
Visible Light Filter (see table
10)4 L scale number L scale number L scale number
Variable Tint V V V
Special Purpose Lenses S S S
Anti-Fog X X
Splash / Droplet D3 D3
Dust D4 D4
Fine Dust D5 D5

1. Frame components subject to marking vary by type of protector.

• Spectacles: Frame and at least one temple. Both detachable sideshields are marked Z87+, if impact rated
• Goggles: Frame and lens housing or carrier
• Faceshields: Crown and chin protector
• Welding helmets and handshields: Shell and lens housing or carrier
• Respirators: None
• Prescription frames: Size marking on front and temples in accordance with ANSI/ISO 7998 / 8624 / 12870
2. A complete device (no replaceable components) shall have at least one set of markings. The markings may be on the lens or the
frames or both the lens and the frame.
3. For spectacle protectors, coverage marking “H” shall be on the lens for rimless or semi-rimless lens retention systems.
4. In case of multiple filter type compliance, designations shall be listed in the order given in this table: U, R, L.
5. Marks for variable ADF’s shall include the range of dark states offered, e.g. “W9-12”
6. Where a claim of compliance for both impact-rating and relaxed optical levels is made, it is acceptable, but not required, for the
“+” marking to be placed inside of the “O”, so long as both are discernible. No marking is required for standard optical levels.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

5.4 Other Requirements to the list or other manufacturer’s instruc-

5.4.1 Vented Goggles • The nominal thickness and material type
If the goggle is equipped with adjustable ventila- of unmarked cover lenses.
tion, the protector shall be tested in the maximum
open position. 5.4.4 Frames for Removable Lenses
All frames which can house removable lenses Direct Ventilation shall be supplied with detailed specifications on
The vented portion of the goggle shall be such the required lens bevel design or mounting tech-
that the openings exclude spherical objects 1.5 nique and nominal lens sizing.
mm (0.06 in.) in diameter or greater.
5.4.5 Minimum Lens Thickness for Indirect Ventilation Prescription Spectacles
The vented portion of the goggle shall be such
that no direct straight-line passage from the exte- The minimum lens thickness for prescription
rior to the interior of the goggle exists. spectacles shall be those indicated in Table 4.

5.4.2 Screen Windows and Screen Lenses

Exposed borders of screen windows and cutouts Table 4. Minimum Lens Thickness for
in the screen window (combination plastic and Prescription Lenses
screen) shall be finished in such a manner as to Spectacle > 3.0 mm (0.12 in.)
eliminate any sharp, rough or unfinished edges. > 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) if
Screen windows and lenses are exempt from pen- power in the most plus-
etration and optical requirements. meridian of the distance
portion is > +3.00 D
5.4.3 Welding Protectors Spectacle, > 2.0 mm (0.08 in. *
impact rated Cover Lenses
* This requirement shall also apply to removable
Cover lenses are exempt from all requirements of
lenses made with a plano power to fit an impact rated
this standard. Cover lenses do not provide pro- prescription spectacle.
tection from optical radiation or impact. Cover
lenses shall not be marked “Z87.” Information Provided with Welding 5.5 Replaceable Lenses

A welding protector shall, as sold, be accompa- 5.5.1 Goggles
nied by lens and retention information. The in- Round lenses measuring 50 mm (1.97 in.) shall
formation shall include, at a minimum: have a dimensional tolerance of ± 0.2 mm (0.008
• A list of all lens and retention compo-
nents, plus the shell model. Rectangular lenses measuring 51 x 108 mm (2.00
• Information sufficient to allow the user to x 4.25 in.) shall have a dimensional tolerance of ±
install the lenses in the correct order. A 0.8 mm (0.031 in.).
simple statement that the lens list is or-
dered from, for example, outside to in- 5.5.2 Welding Helmets and Handshields
side is sufficient. Rectangular lenses measuring 51 x 108 mm (2.00
• A clear statement that the protection x 4.25 in.) and 114 x 133 mm (4.49 x 5.24 in.)
marked in accordance with this standard shall have a dimensional tolerance of ± 0.8 mm
is only provided when all lens and reten- (0.031 in.).
tion components are installed according

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5.6 Aftermarket Components and 6.2 Anti-Fog Properties

Accessories When tested in accordance with Section 9.20, the
All original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and lenses of protectors marked in accordance with
non-OEM aftermarket components or accessories Table 3 as having anti-fog properties shall remain
not sold with the original device shall be tested free from fogging for a minimum of 8 seconds.
assembled with the original complete device in
the as-worn condition to show compliance with NOTE: This procedure applies to lenses only and
all applicable requirements in Sections 5, 6, 7 and does not assess resistance to fogging of the complete
8 as claimed for the original device. For after- device.
market sideshields, the sideshields shall be tested
on representative frames for which the product is
specified to fit. Documentation listing all devices 7 Optional Hazard-Specific Protector
that the component or accessory (OEM or non- Requirements
OEM) has been tested and is approved for shall
be made available by the manufacturer. This section describes optional requirements for
protectors that are marked as providing safety and
The entity claiming compliance of the component protection against various hazards as listed.
or accessory is responsible for testing the original
complete device assembled with the components 7.1 Impact Protector Requirements
or accessories and shall provide evidence of
compliance upon request. 7.1.1 Protectors Marked for Impact
Except for automatic darkening filters, replace- Protectors and replaceable components marked
ment welding and goggle filters and lenses that for impact protection in accordance with Table 3
meet the size restrictions specified in Section shall meet applicable requirements of Section 7.1.
5.5.2 shall be tested on one type of representative
frame as needed to verify compliance with appli- 7.1.2 Frames and Shells
cable requirements in Sections 5, 6, and 7. Frames and shells shall meet the requirements for
high mass impact and high velocity impact in
order to be impact rated. These components shall
6. Optional Design Characteristics be tested as a complete device. For frames and
shells to be used with prescription lenses, they
This section describes optional features that, shall be fitted with representative test lenses hav-
while not protective themselves, are important to ing a nominal plano power and the minimum lens
many users. thickness to be used by the manufacturer, in no
case less than 2.0 mm (0.079 in.).
6.1 Relaxed Optics Level
Frames and shells are exempt from the penetra-
6.1.1 When tested in accordance with Section tion requirement.
9.4, protectors marked in accordance with Table
3 as having relaxed optics shall meet the re-
quirements of Table 2 for prism and prism imbal-
ance and Table 5 for refractive power, astigma-
tism and resolving power.

6.1.2. When tested in accordance with Section

9.2, protectors with relaxed optics shall have a
luminous transmittance of not less than 78%.

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Table 5. Tolerance on Refractive Power, Astigmatism and Resolving Power –

Relaxed Optics
Protector Refractive Astigmatism Resolving Power
±0.13 D < 0.13 D Pattern 17
±0.13 D < 0.13 D Pattern17
Full-facepiece respirator
Faceshield windows,
No requirement No requirement Pattern 17
Loose-fitting respirator
Welding helmet lenses ±0.13 D < 0.13 D Pattern 17

serves any piece adhering to the contact paste,

7.1.3 Lateral (Side) Coverage or observes contact paste on the projectile or
When tested in accordance with Section 9.10, complete device.
impact rated protectors shall provide continuous
lateral coverage (i.e. no openings greater than 1.5 For the device to fail high mass impact, the
mm (0.06 in.) in diameter) from the vertical plane above-listed effect(s) must occur on the first/ ini-
of the lenses tangential to a point not less than 10 tial hit of the projectile on the device. Any effects
mm (0.39 in.) posterior to the corneal plane and to the device from subsequent “bounce” hits or
not less than 10 mm (0.39 in.) in height (or 8 mm from the rearward end of the high mass impact
(0.32 in.) for the smaller headform) above and projectile striking the device shall be ignored.
not less than 10 mm (0.39 in.) in height (or 8 mm The evaluator is responsible for determining
(0.32 in.) for the smaller headform) below the whether an effect was caused by a second bounce
horizontal plane centered on the eyes of the head- or rearward end of the high mass projectile.
form. The probe shall not contact the headform
within the defined coverage area. (See Annex D). In the case of plano protectors with a prescription
lens carrier, contact of the prescription lens carri-
7.1.4 Impact Requirements er with the headform does not constitute a failure. Protector Acceptance Criteria High Mass Impact

When each type test is conducted as indicated in When tested in accordance with Section 9.11, the
Sections, and and, as ap- complete device shall meet the protector ac-
plicable Section, a complete device shall ceptance criteria when impacted by a pointed pro-
fail if any of the following occurs: jectile weighing a minimum of 500 g (17.6 oz)
dropped from a height of at least 127 cm (50.0
• any part, fragment or material visible to the in.).
unaided eye becomes detached from the inner
surface of any complete device, as determined High Velocity Impact
by inspection of the device or of the contact When tested in accordance with Section 9.12, the
paste; complete device shall meet the protector ac-
• fracture; ceptance criteria when impacted by either steel
• penetration of the inner surface either by the ball traveling at its respective velocities specified
projectile passing completely through the lens, in Table 6.
frame or housing component, or by rupture of
the inner lens surface;
• lens not retained;
• for the high-velocity test, the unaided eye ob-

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which is made by the same manufacturer, from

Table 6. High Velocity Impact Testing the same material, with the same coatings and
Device type Minimum Velocity processes may bear the “+” mark.
6.35 mm (0.25 in.) 6.00 mm (0.24 in.) Prescription Lens Mounting
diameter steel ball diameter steel ball
Welding 45.7 m/s 50.9 m/s When tested in accordance with Section 9.11 and
helmets (150 ft/s) (167 ft/s) Section 9.12 complete devices using representa-
Spectacles 45.7 m/s 50.9 m/s tive test lenses meeting the requirements of Sec-
Readers (150 ft/s) (167 ft/s) tion and having the thinnest lens thickness
Magnifiers to be used by the manufacturer, in no case less
Goggles 76.2 m/s 84.7 m/s than 2.0 mm (0.079 in.), shall be capable of re-
Full facepiece (250 ft/s) (278 ft/s) sisting high mass and high velocity impact. For
respirators each type of lens retention system offered for
sale, one set of ten (10) complete devices shall be
Faceshields 91.4 m/s 101.5 m/s
tested, (six (6) high velocity and four (4) high
Loose-fitting (300 ft/s) (333 ft/s)
mass). Failure of any one device as a result of t
tests shall constitute failure for a set.
NOTE: The paired velocities and ball diameters are de-
signed to provide impacts of comparable kinetic energy.
Lens retention systems are: Penetration Test (lenses only)
• Full rim eyewires that require bevel designs
When tested in accordance with Section 9.13,
like a “safety V bevel and other lens bevels”
lenses for all complete devices shall meet the pro-
for metal frames.
tector acceptance criteria when penetrated by a
weighted needle with minimum a total weight of • Full rim eyewires that require bevel designs
44.2 g (1.56 oz) dropped from a height of at least like a “safety V bevel and other lens bevels”
127 cm (50.0 in.). for plastic frames.
• Grooved metal frame style (T-Eyewire). Prescription Lens Material • Grooved semi rimless with half metal rim and
Qualification suspension cord mountings.
When tested in accordance with Section 9.14, • Three-piece rimless drill mount.
representative test lenses for use in prescription • Any mounting that is configured differently
protectors shall be capable of resisting impact than described above to secure the lens and that
from either a 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) or a 6.35 mm is design/process dependent such that it re-
(0.25 in.) diameter steel ball traveling at the re- quires a different lens beveling process or
spective velocities specified in Table 6. mounting technique.

When tested in accordance with this section, the Manufacturers shall also conduct the test if it in-
lens shall fail if any of the following occurs: corporates frames with different lens retention
systems into the product offering.
• posterior displacement of the lens completely
through the test holder; This type testing shall be performed when any
• fracture of the lens; substantive change in production occurs that
• any detachment of a portion of the lens from its could affect the ability of the device to pass the
inner surface; or tests as described in Sections 9.11 and 9.12.
• any full thickness penetration of a lens. Devices with Lift Fronts
Failure of any lens constitutes a failure. If all test Complete devices with lift fronts shall meet the
lenses pass, then any prescription lens of the applicable requirements of Section 7.1 with the
same or greater thickness at its thinnest point, lift front in the “up” position.

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7.2 Optical Radiation Protector Representative test lenses of plano power may be
Requirements substituted for prescription, reader or magnifier
The following requirements apply to protectors lenses in this test.
for which filtration of optical radiation is claimed
including welding, ultraviolet, infrared and visi- Visible Light Filters
ble light filters. Claimed transmittance character- When tested in accordance with Section 9.2, visi-
istics of a protector shall be marked in accord- ble light filters, including photochromic and me-
ance with Tables 7, 8, 9 and 10 using a letter chanical or manual adjustment types, shall meet
marking and a scale/shade number indicated the the requirements and be marked in accordance
ability to filter optical radiation. Special purpose with Table 9.
filters shall meet the requirements of Table 11.
Visible light filters in the range of L1.3 through
7.2.1 Protectors with Clear Lenses L3 shall also meet the transmittance requirements
When tested in accordance with Section 9.2, clear of Table 4 of ANSI Z80.3-2018, including traffic
plano, reader, magnifier and prescription lenses signal recognition and UV transmittance (high
shall have a luminous transmission of not less and prolonged exposure). Visible light filters in
than 85%. Representative test lenses of plano the range of L4 through L10 are too dark to be
power may be substituted for prescription, reader used for driving, but shall meet the UV transmit-
or magnifier lenses in this test. tance (high and prolonged exposure) require-
ments of Table 4 of ANSI Z80.3-2018
7.2.2 Protectors Providing Filtration of Op-
tical Radiation Lenses shall meet the claimed transmittance crite-
ria throughout their entire geometry apart from 5 Filter Lenses mm (0.20 in.) from the lens edge. Changes in
transmittance due to thickness variation in decen- Transmission Requirements tered/ side protective wrap around lenses are
When tested in accordance with Section 9.2, pla- permitted so long as the variation in transmittance
no, reader, magnifier and prescription lenses that is not greater than one shade/scale number less
are marked as filtering optical radiation shall than that claimed for the filter lens. Lenses shall
comply with requirements of Table 7 (welding be tested (at minimum) at points directly in front
filters), Table 8 (ultraviolet filters), Table 9 (in- of each eye and at the thinnest thickness of the
frared filters), Table 10 (visible light filters) lens not within 5 mm (0.20 in.) from the lens
and/or Table 11 (special purpose filters). Special edge.
purpose filters may or may not comply with Ta-
bles 8, 9 or 10, but shall comply with the re- Variations in Luminous
quirements of Table 11 for special purposes. Transmittance
Measurements shall be taken according to Sec-
Lenses shall meet the claimed transmittance crite- tion 9.2.
ria throughout their entire geometry apart from
5 mm (0.20 in.) from the lens edge. Changes in For shades 1.3 through 3.0, the ratio of the two
transmittance due to thickness variation in decen- measured transmittances, one for each lens of a
tered/ side protective wrap around lenses are removable pair, or at points directly in front of
permitted so long as the variation in transmittance each eye for a non-removable lens, shall not be
is not greater than one shade/scale number less less than 0.90, nor more than 1.11.
than that claimed for the filter lens. Lenses shall
be tested (at minimum) at points directly in front For shades 4.0 through 16 inclusive, the ratio of
of each eye and at the thinnest thickness of the the two measured transmittances shall be not less
lens not within 5 mm (0.20 in.) from the lens than 0.80 nor more than 1.25. Variation in trans-
edge. mission shall be measured in the darkest state.

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For prescription lenses, readers and magnifiers, est designated (marked) dark states in accordance
the same requirements apply, except when varia- with Section 9.2. Tests for luminous transmit-
tions are due to thickness variations based on the tance shall be performed at temperatures of:
lens design.
• -5°C ±2°C (23°F ±3.6°F); Transmittance of Non-Lens • 23°C ±2°C (73.4°F ±3.6°F); and
Components • 55°C ±2°C (131°F ±3.6°F).
When tested in accordance with Section 9.2, non-
lens components shall comply with the require- The dark-state shade tolerance is +/- one integer
ments of Tables 7, 8 and 9. Frames/housings that from the marked shade.
provide protection only against visible light per
Table 10 are exempt from transmittance require- NOTE: As an example to above requirement, the tol-
ments. Specifically: erance for dark-state Shade 10 is Shade 9.0 (not 8.5) at
minimum and Shade 11.0 (not 11.5) as a maximum.
• Spectacles: Frames/housings of spectacles
are exempt from frame transmittance re- UV/IR Transmittance
quirements. Sideshields shall comply with When measured in the lightest state, automatic
the requirements of the applicable Tables 7, 8 darkening welding filters shall meet the require-
and 9. ments for UV and IR as specified in Table 7, for
their designated darkest state. Measurements
• Goggles: Frames/housings of goggles, in- shall be taken in accordance with Section 9.2.
cluding those with non-removable lenses, UV and IR filters shall be assembled within the
shall comply with the requirements of Tables automatic darkening lens assembly in such a
7, 8 and 9 according to the maximum scale manner that they are not removable by the user.
number of the lens with which they will be
fitted. Tests for UV and IR transmittance shall be per-
formed in the lightest state of the filter (powered
• Faceshields: Frames/housings of or unpowered) at a temperature of 23°C ±2°C
faceshields are exempt from frame transmit- (73.4°F ±3.6°F).
tance requirements. Switching Index
• Welding helmets: The non-lens area of When tested in accordance with Section 9.15, the
welding helmets with replaceable lenses shall switching index from the lightest state of the au-
transmit no more optical radiation than that tomatic darkening welding filters to the darkest
permitted by Table 7 for shade number 14. state of the device shall meet the requirements of
Non-lens areas of welding helmets with non- Table 12 when tested at temperatures of:
replaceable lenses shall transmit no more op-
tical radiation than that of the lens. • -5°C ±2°C (23°F ±3.6°F);
• 23°C ±2°C (73.4°F ±3.6°F); and
When tested in accordance with Section 9.9, there • 55°C ±2°C (131°F ±3.6°F).
shall be no penetration of direct visible light in all
non-lens areas including the space between the
lens and lens housing or carrier.

7.2.3 Automatic Darkening Welding Filter

Lenses Luminous Transmittance

Automatic darkening welding filter lenses shall
meet the luminous transmittance requirements of
Table 7 when tested in both the darkest and light-

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Table 7. Transmittance Requirements for Welding Filters

Effective Maximum
Far-Ultraviolet Infrared
Shade Luminous Transmittance
Average Average
Transmittance Transmittance
% %
Maximum Nominal Minimum
% % %
W1.3 85 74.5 67 0.1 <30
W1.5 67 61.5 55 0.1 25
W1.7 55 50.1 43 0.1 20
W2.0 43 37.3 29 0.1 15
W2.5 29 22.8 18.0 0.1 12
W3.0 18.0 13.9 8.50 0.07 9.0
W4 8.50 5.18 3.16 0.04 5.0
W5 3.16 1.93 1.18 0.02 2.5
W6 1.18 0.72 0.44 0.01 1.5
W7 0.44 0.27 0.164 0.007 1.3
W8 0.164 0.100 0.061 0.004 1.0
W9 0.061 0.037 0.023 0.002 0.8
W10 0.023 0.0139 0.0085 0.001 0.6
W11 0.0085 0.0052 0.0032 0.0007 0.5
W12 0.0032 0.0019 0.0012 0.0004 0.5
W13 0.0012 0.00072 0.00044 0.0002 0.4
W14 0.00044 0.00027 0.00016 0.0001 0.3
W15 0.00016 0.00010 0.000061 0.00007 0.2
W16 0.000061 0.000037 0.000023 0.00004 0.1

(1) The near-ultraviolet average transmittance shall be less than one tenth of the minimum allowable luminous trans-
mittance for the associated shade number.
(2) The blue light transmittance shall be less than the measured luminous transmittance.

Table 8. Transmittance Requirements for Ultraviolet Filter Lenses

Maximum Effective Far-
Maximum Near Ultra-Violet
Scale Ultra-Violet Average
Average Transmittance %
Transmittance %
U2 0.1 3.7
U2.5 0.1 2.3
U3 0.07 1.4
U4 0.04 0.5
U5 0.02 0.2
U6 0.01 0.1

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Table 9. Transmittance Requirements for Infrared Filter

Scale Maximum Infrared Average
Transmittance %
R1.3 <30
R1.5 25
R1.7 20
R2 15
R2.5 12
R3 9
R4 5
R5 2.5
R6 1.5
R7 1.3
R8 1.0
R9 0.8
R10 0.6

Table 10. Luminous Transmittance requirements for Visible Light Filters

Scale Maximum % Nominal % Minimum %
L1.3 85 74.5 67
L1.5 67 61.5 55
L1.7 55 50.1 43
L2 43 37.3 29
L2.5 29 22.8 18
L3 18 13.9 8.5
L4 8.5 5.18 3.16
L5 3.16 1.93 1.18
L6 1.18 0.72 0.44
L7 0.44 0.27 0.164
L8 0.164 0.10 0.061
L9 0.061 0.037 0.023
L10 0.023 0.0139 0.0085

Table 11. Transmittance Requirements for Special-Purpose Lenses

Lens Type % Maximum % Minimum *Ratio [R] of measured
Luminous Transmit-
Tinted <100 8 0.90 < R < 1.10
Extra Dark <8 0.2 0.8. < R < 1.20

*R is the ratio of the two measured transmittances, one for each lens of a pair, or at points directly in
front of each eye for a single lens.

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Table 12. Switching Index Requirements for Automatic Darkening Welding Filter Lenses
1.7 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
SHADE Maximum Switching Index (ms)
W7 300 400 500 700 1000 - -
W8 100 150 200 300 500 1000 -
W9 40 50 70 100 200 400 700
W10 20 20 30 40 70 100 300
W11 6 7 10 15 30 50 100
W12 2 3 4 5 10 20 40
W13 0.8 1 1.5 2 4 7 10
W14 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1 3 5
W15 0.10 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2
W16 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 Occlusion 7.3. Droplet and Splash, Dust, and Fine

When tested in accordance with Section 9.15, Dust Protection Requirements
automatic darkening welding filters shall meet
the requirements of Table 12 when tested at tem- 7.3.1 Goggles
peratures of: When tested in accordance with Section 9.17.1,
the droplets and/or liquid splash shall not cause a
• -5°C ±2°C (23°F ±3.6°F); red coloration within either of the two circles de-
• 23°C ±2°C (73.4°F ±3.6°F); and scribed in the test method.
• 55°C ±2°C (131°F ±3.6°F).
7.3.2 Faceshields
This shall be true regardless of which sensor or When tested in accordance with Section 9.17.2,
sensors are occluded. the laser beam shall not make direct contact with
any point on the eye-region rectangle without Angular Dependence of Luminous first being intercepted by the faceshield.
When tested in accordance with Section 9.16, the 7.4 Dust Hazard
values of V15 and V30 of automatic welding filters When tested in accordance with Section 9.18, the
shall not exceed the values in Table 13 when test- ratio of the mean reflectance after exposure in the
ed at a temperature of 23ºC ±5 ºC (73ºF ±9ºF). dust chamber to the mean reflectance before ex-
posure shall not be less than 0.80.
The requirement shall apply to the dark state.
7.5 Fine Dust Hazard
Table 13. Angular dependence of luminous When tested in accordance with Section 9.19, no
transmittance red coloration shall be observed within either of
the two circles described in the test method.
V15 V30
19.31 138.95 (corresponding
(corresponding to 3 to 5 scale numbers)
scale numbers)

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8. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE bles C1 through C4 of Annex C. All lenses of

one complete device shall be tested.

9. Test Methods 9.3 Haze Test

Testing shall be performed on the number of 9.3.1 Purpose

complete devices specified within the test sec- This test is intended to measure the haze in clear
tions below and summarized in Annex A. Unless lenses.
otherwise specified, all testing shall be performed
at a standard laboratory temperature of 23 5°C 9.3.2 Apparatus and Procedure
(73 9°F). If there is disagreement in the test The apparatus and procedures specified in ASTM
results among different laboratories, the protector D1003-13 shall be used to measure the haze. The
shall be re-tested at a controlled relative humidity illuminant used shall be CIE illuminant A. All
of 50 15 %. lenses of one complete device shall be tested.

In many tests, devices are mounted on one of two 9.4 Refractive Power, Astigmatism and
headforms of the type defined by EN 168:2001, Resolving Power Tests
Section 17 and referenced in Annex B. When
testing a protector, the appropriate sized head- 9.4.1 Purpose
form (medium or small) shall be used throughout These tests are intended to determine that the pro-
the testing protocol. tectors meet the optical requirements for refrac-
tive power, astigmatism and resolving power of
Alternative measurement methods are acceptable this standard.
if shown to perform equivalently to the reference
test methods cited in this section. 9.4.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall consist of a calibrated 8 pow-
9.1 Optical Quality Test er telescope (preferably with a reticle) having a
minimum aperture of 19 mm (0.75 in.) for plano-
9.1.1 Purpose spherical lenses and a minimum aperture of 7 mm
This test is intended to determine that the lenses (0.28 in.) for plano-toric or plano-aspheric lenses,
are free of visible defects which would impair a means of holding the protector in the test posi-
their optical quality. tion, and the combined sunburst and resolution
test pattern (See Figure E5). The test pattern shall
9.1.2 Apparatus and Procedure be mounted 10.67 m (35 ft) from the objective
The apparatus and procedures specified in ANSI lens of the telescope and have sufficient lighting,
Z80.1-2015 shall be used to determine the lenses backlit or otherwise, to properly conduct the test.
optical quality. All lenses of one complete device
shall be tested. Calibration methods for the telescope are given in
Annex F.
9.2 Transmittance Test
9.4.3 Procedure for Refractive Power and
9.2.1 Purpose Astigmatism
This test is intended to measure the ultraviolet, The telescope and observer shall be qualified by
luminous, infrared and blue-light, normal trans- resolving pattern 40 of the test pattern when no
mittance of lenses. lens is in front of the telescope. The telescope
shall then be focused on the radial lines of the test
9.2.2 Apparatus and Procedure pattern. Except for faceshield windows, the lens
The transmittance may be determined by any shall be positioned as worn with the primary line
suitable method, but the reference method shall of sight coincident with the axis of the telescope.
be the use of a spectrophotometer and calculation For faceshield windows, the holder shall be posi-
using appropriate weighting factors given in Ta- tioned such that the axis of the telescope passes

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without occlusion through the window. Testing of 9.5 Prismatic Power Test
autodarkening filters shall be done in the light
state. All lenses of one complete device shall be 9.5.1 Purpose
tested. Either surface of the test lens can be pre- This test is intended to measure the prismatic
sented to the objective lens of the telescope and power and prismatic imbalance of a protector.
both the left and right viewing areas of eyewear
shall be tested. 9.5.2 Apparatus
This apparatus shall consist of the headform
The distance between the lens being tested and which has been modified by boring two through
the objective lens of the telescope shall not ex- holes at least 19.0 mm (0.75 in) diameter cen-
ceed 38 mm (1.5 in.). The telescope is then re- tered on each eye. The headform shall be placed
focused on the radial lines until they appear as in an optical system as shown in Figure E6. The
sharp as possible. Two possibilities may then oc- telescope lens, L2, shall be located at a distance
cur, all or just some of the lines will appear well- of 1.00 m (39.4 in.) in front of image plane, IP.
focused. The pinhole aperture plate, p, shall be located
approximately 1.00 m (39.4 in.) from the collima-
If all radial lines appear equally well-focused at tor lens, L1, and shall be adjusted so that one im-
the same position of the focus wheel, the lens has age is formed on the image plane, IP, when no
no measurable astigmatism and the power read- protector is on the headform. The position of that
ing of the telescope is the refractive power of the image shall be marked or noted and will be called
test lens. Po.

If lines in only one meridian appear sharpest at a 9.5.3 Procedure

given focus, then the telescope shall be re- The complete device shall be placed on the head-
focused to determine the best focus for the lines form in the designed wearing position, without
in the meridian which yield an extreme (maxi- having changed the spacing of the optical system.
mum or minimum) power reading. The power The image(s) on the image plane shall be identi-
reading shall be noted. The telescope shall be fied as coming from the right eye, Pr, or the left
then re-focused for lines in the meridian which eye, Pl, by blocking the beams of each eye. The
yields the opposite extreme power reading. The distance in centimeters between the centers of Pl
second power reading shall be noted. (See Figure and Po and Pr and Po shall be measured. The
G1). The mean refractive power of lenses with prismatic power of the protector in prism diopters
astigmatism is the average of the maximum and () is determined by measuring the distance in
minimum power readings obtained. The astigma- centimeters between Po and Pl or Po and Pr,
tism shall be calculated as the absolute value of whichever is greater. The horizontal and vertical
the algebraic difference between the two extreme distances in centimeters between the centers of Pl
power readings. and Pr shall be measured.

9.4.4 Procedure for Resolution Testing The horizontal prism imbalance of the protector
Once the refractive and astigmatic readings have in prism diopters shall be the horizontal distance
been determined, re-focus the telescope on the measured in centimeters between Pl and Pr. The
test target for the best compromise focus, that is, vertical prism imbalance of the protector in prism
until all radial lines appear equally sharp. The diopters shall be the vertical distance measured in
observer shall attempt to resolve all lines of pat- centimeters between Pl and Pr. The “base” of the
tern 20 (or pattern 17 for protectors assessed at horizontal prism imbalance shall be determined
the relaxed optical level) in both orientations by looking at the image plane (looking at the im-
without re-focusing the telescope. To resolve all age plane from the headform). If the right-most
lines of a pattern is to simultaneously identify image comes from the right eye of the headform,
that 3 discernible lines exist in both the vertical then the prism imbalance is “base out”. If the left-
and horizontal axis of the same pattern designa- most image comes from the right eye of the head-
tion (See Figures G2 and G3). form, then the prism imbalance is “base in”. One

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complete device shall be tested. 9.7.2 Apparatus

The test apparatus shall consist of a steel rod
9.6 Drop Ball Test measuring 300 (11.81 in.) long and 6 mm (0.24
in.) in diameter with end faces that are flat and
9.6.1 Purpose cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, a heat
This test is intended to ensure that all protectors source capable of temperatures of at least 650°C
possess a minimum impact resistance. (1202°F), a thermocouple and temperature indi-
cating device, and a timer with 0.1s accuracy.
9.6.2 Apparatus
The headform shall be used to hold the complete 9.7.3 Procedure
device. The headform shall be rigidly mounted in Attach the thermocouple to the rod at a distance
the horizontal position, face up, on a base which of 20 ±1 mm (0.79 ±0.04 in.) from the end of the
has a mass of not less than 30 kg (66 lb). The rod. Heat that end of the steel rod over a mini-
static stiffness of the headform shall be such that mum length of 50 mm (1.97 in.) to a temperature
when a vertical force of 20 kg (44 lb) is applied of 650 ±20 °C (1202 ±36 °F).
to the forehead of the headform, the back of the
headform shall not deflect by more than 2 mm Press the heated face of the rod against a surface
(0.08 in.). The projectile is a 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) of the protector (the contact force being equal to
diameter steel ball, weighing 68 g (2.4 oz), and it the weight of the rod) for 5.0 ±0.5 seconds, and
shall be guided from the test height of 127 cm (50 then remove it.
in.) through a loose fitting guide tube having a
smooth internal diameter ending 0.1m (4 in.) Repeat with each additional externally exposed
above the point of contact. part of the protector as worn, until all external
surface materials (excluding metals, elastic bands
9.6.3 Procedure or textiles) have been tested. One complete de-
Each complete device tested shall be placed on vice shall be tested.
the headform as it would be worn by the user.
For faceshields, an additional supporting block, 9.8 Corrosion Resistance Test
approximately 25 mm (1 in.) wide and curved to
conform to the shape of the window, shall be 9.8.1 Purpose
provided as a support for the window at its lower This test is intended to determine the capability
end but not lower than the chin of the headform. of metal components of a protector to resist cor-
The alignment shall be such that when the ball is rosion.
dropped, it is in line with either of the eyes of the
headform. 9.8.2 Apparatus
The test apparatus shall consist of a boiling saline
A 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) diameter steel ball, weighing solution and a room temperature saline solution
68 g (2.4 oz) shall be freely dropped from a both in containers of sufficient dimensions to
height of 127 cm (50 in.) onto the lens at a point submerse the metal parts. The saline solutions
in line with the eyes of the headform. Four (4) shall contain 10% by weight of sodium chloride
complete devices shall be tested for each lens in water prior to heating.
material and coating, two on the left viewing area
and two on the right viewing area. 9.8.3 Procedure
Metal parts shall be submersed in the boiling sa-
9.7 Ignition Test line solution for a period of 15 minutes. Upon
being removed from the boiling solution, the
9.7.1 Purpose parts shall be immediately immersed in the room
This test is intended to determine the protector’s temperature saline solution. They shall then be
resistance to ignition as worn. removed from this solution, and without having
the adhering liquid wiped off, allowed to dry for
twenty-four hours at room temperature. The

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metal parts shall then be rinsed in lukewarm wa- a. Anywhere within the coverage area defined
ter and allowed to dry. One complete device shall in Section 7.1.3 and including a point 10 mm
be tested. (0.39 in.) above (8 mm (0.32 in.) above for
the smaller headform) the horizontal plane at
9.9 Light Tightness Test 90° (temporal) to each eye (three test loca-
9.9.1 Purpose b. Anywhere within the coverage area defined
This test is intended to determine light sealing in Section 7.1.3 and including a point 10 mm
capabilities between the lens and the lens holder (0.39 in.) below (8 mm (0.32 in.) below for
of welding protectors. the smaller headform) the horizontal plane at
90°(temporal) to each eye (three test loca-
9.9.2 Apparatus tions).
The apparatus shall consist of a system capable of
illuminating the entire lens retaining area and One complete device shall be tested.
confining the light to the exterior surface of the
protector. An example is shown in Figure E3. 9.11 High Mass Impact Test
The device shall be fitted with a shade 14 lens for
this test. Automatic darkening filter lenses shall 9.11.1 Purpose
be tested with the viewing area covered with an This test is intended to determine the capability
opaque material. of a protector to resist impact from relatively
heavy, pointed objects traveling at low velocity.
9.9.3 Procedure
The welding protector shall be held firmly against 9.11.2 Apparatus
the seal of the test apparatus and examined for The headform shall be used to hold the complete
direct light leakage between the lenses, gaskets or device. The headform shall be rigidly mounted in
other components. The test shall be performed in the horizontal position, face up, on a base which
a darkened room to verify a light tight design has a mass of not less than 30 kg (66 lb). The
when viewed from any angle. One complete de- static stiffness of the headform shall be such that
vice shall be tested. when a vertical downward force of 20 kg (44 lb)
is applied to the forehead of the headform, the
9.10 Lateral Protection Test back of the headform shall not deflect more than
2 mm (0.08 in.). The projectile shall be made of
9.10.1 Purpose steel and shall have a 30o conical tip with a 3.18
The test is intended to assess the lateral protec- mm (0.125 in.) spherical radius, shall weigh a
tion area of a complete device. minimum of 500 g (17.6 oz), and have a diameter
of 25 mm (1.0 in.), as shown in Figure E4. The
9.10.2 Apparatus projectile will be held in position over the head-
The apparatus shall consist of the headform form, tip down, at the designated test height of
mounted vertically and a probe device such as a 127 cm (50.0 in.). The projectile may have a
rod of 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) diameter, 125 mm (4.9 hardened steel tip. Care shall be taken to maintain
in.) long. Other suitable probes may be used, but the tip configuration and weight of the projectile.
this is the reference method. Protectors marked
with an “H” or intended for smaller anatomical The projectile shall be dropped through a loose-
dimension shall be tested on the smaller head- fitting guide tube having a smooth internal di-
form. ameter; this prevents projectile tumble while not
retarding free fall. The guide tube shall be posi-
9.10.3 Procedure tioned so that the lower end of the tube is 18 cm
The complete device shall be placed on the head- (7.1 in.) from the point of impact.
form in the designated wearing position. The
probe shall be directed horizontally to contact six
(6) lateral positions on the complete device:

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9.11.3 Procedure to 333 ft/s). Protectors marked with an “H” or

Testing shall be performed on the complete pro- intended for smaller anatomical dimensions shall
tector with its non-removable lenses or repre- be tested on the smaller headform.
sentative test lenses. A new and complete device
is placed on the headform as it was designed to The headform shall be capable of being rotated
be worn. The alignment shall be such that when about the vertical axis specified in Section 9.12.3
the projectile is dropped, its point is in line with in 30o increments, from a first position which is
the center of either of the eyes of the headform. directly normal and centered to an eye of the
Complete devices with lift fronts shall be tested headform to 90o temporally. The headform shall
with the lift front in the “up” position. be capable of being raised and lowered 10 mm
(0.39 in) for the headform, or 8 mm (0.32 in.) for
Four (4) complete devices shall be tested within a the smaller headform with respect to the horizon-
20 mm (0.79 in.) circle centered in front of each tal reference plane formed by the center of the
eye of the headform, two on the left viewing area eyes of the headform to carry out spatial testing
and two on the right viewing area. of frontal and temporal positions. Mass of the test
headform shall be at least 4 kg (8.8 lb). Spectacles intended for prescription
removable lenses shall be equipped with repre- The velocity of the steel ball shall be determined
sentative test lenses for testing. The representa- at a distance not greater than 25 cm (9.8 in.) from
tive test lenses shall have a nominal plano power, the eye of the headform and shall have a standard
and the minimum lens thickness to be used by the deviation not exceeding 2% of the specified test
manufacturer, in no case less than 2.0 mm (0.079 velocity over a test series of 30 shots.
Information about a typical High Velocity Impact For each prescription lens retention Test Apparatus is given in Annex E.
system, four complete devices shall be tested.
9.12.3 Procedure For prescription lens carriers, four (4) Testing shall be performed on the complete pro-
complete devices equipped with prescription tector with its non-removable lenses or repre-
lenses mounted behind the plano lens(es) shall be sentative test lenses. Apply a thin layer of white
tested. The carriers shall be fitted with a total of contact paste to each of the eyes of the headform
four (4) lenses of -5.0 D and a total of four lenses covering an area 25 mm (1.0 in.) in diameter cen-
of +5.0 D. tered on the corneal vertex of the eye. A new and
complete device shall be mounted on the head-
9.12 High Velocity Impact Test form in the manner in which the protector was
designed to be worn. The headform shall be ad-
9.12.1 Purpose justed so that the path of the projectile passes
This test is intended to determine the capability through the center of the anterior surface of either
of a protector to resist impact from high velocity, of the eyes of the headform. The headform is then
low mass projectiles. rotated on an axis which passes vertically at the
intersection of a sagittal plane through the center
9.12.2 Apparatus of the front surface of the tested eye and a corneal
The test apparatus shall consist of the headform (frontal) plane which is 10 mm (0.39 in.) posteri-
mounted vertically within an enclosure and a or to the corneal plane which is tangent to the
mechanism capable of propelling a 6.35 mm anterior surfaces of the eyes of the headform,
(0.25 in.) diameter steel ball weighing 1.04 g and/or raised or lowered 10 mm (0.39 in.) in
(0.037 oz) reproducibly at velocities from 45.7 to height or 8 mm (0.32 in.) for the smaller head-
91.4 m/s (150 to 300 ft/s) at the headform or be form) to align with each test position. A new
capable of propelling a 6.0 mm (0.24 in.) diame- complete device is impacted at the test velocity as
ter steel ball weighing 0.86 g (0.030 oz) repro- specified in Section7.1.4.3. Complete devices
ducibly at velocities from 50.9 to 101.5 m/s (167 with lift fronts shall be tested with the lift front in

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the “up” position. The balls are damaged during For prescription lens carriers, a new
impact and should be changed frequently to avoid and complete device shall be used for each im-
impacts at unexpected locations and large varia- pact point noted above for a + 5.00 D lens and a
tions in velocity. new and complete device shall be used for each
impact point noted above for a – 5.00 D lens. A
Six (6) impact sites shall be tested for each type total of twelve (12) devices shall be tested for
of protector: prescription lens carrier frames, two devices im-
pacted at each site.
a. a point along the horizontal plane of the cen-
ter of the eye of the headform, and within a 9.13 Penetration Test
10 mm (0.39 in.) diameter circle centered di-
rectly in front of each eye of the headform. 9.13.1 Purpose
(Two total test sites) This test is intended to determine the capability
b. within a 5 mm (0.2 in.) diameter circle cen- of a lens to resist penetration by a low mass
tered on a point on the horizontal plane of pointed projectile.
each eye at +30° (temporal). (Two total im-
pact sites). 9.13.2 Apparatus
c. within a 5 mm (0.2 in.) diameter circle cen- The test apparatus shall consist of a pointed pro-
tered on a point 10 mm (0.39 in.) above the jectile consisting of a new 135 x 17 needle fas-
horizontal plane of the eye at +90°(temporal) tened into a holder, weighing 44.2 g (1.56 oz).
to one eye. If the frames are marked with an The projectile shall be dropped through a loose-
“H”, the impact point shall be within a 5 mm fitting guide tube having a smooth internal di-
(0.2 in.) diameter circle centered 8 mm (0.32 ameter; this prevents projectile tumble while not
in.) above the horizontal plane of the eye retarding free fall. A new needle shall be used for
+90° (temporal) to one eye. (One total im- each drop.
pact site)
d. within a 5 mm (0.2 in.) diameter circle cen- The headform shall be used to hold the complete
tered on a point 10 mm (0.39 in.) below the device. It shall be rigidly mounted in the horizon-
horizontal plane of the eye at +90°(temporal) tal position, face up, on a base which has a mass
to the opposite eye of that used in c above. If of 30 kg (66 lb) or greater. The static stiffness of
the frames are marked with an “H”, the im- the headform shall be such that when a vertical
pact point shall be within a 5 mm (0.2 in.) di- downward force of 20 kg (44 lb) is applied to the
ameter circle centered 8 mm (0.32 in.) below forehead of the headform, the back of the head-
the horizontal plane of the eye +90° (tem- form shall not deflect more than 2 mm (0.08 in.).
poral) to the opposite eye of that used in c For faceshields, an additional supporting block,
above. (One total impact site). approximately 25 mm (1.0 in.) wide and curved
to conform to the shape of the window, shall be
A total of six (6) complete devices shall be tested provided as a support for the window at its lower
using either steel ball traveling at its respective end but not lower than the chin of the headform.
velocities specified in Table 6 for each test set. Shielding around the headform is required to pro-
tect the operator. Spectacles intended for prescription
removable lenses shall be equipped with repre- 9.13.3 Procedure
sentative test lenses. The representative test The projectile shall be freely dropped through the
lenses shall have the minimum lens thickness to guide tube, point downward, from a height of
be used by the manufacturer, in no case less than 127 cm (50 in.) onto the horizontal outer surface
2.0 mm (0.079 in.). of the lens. Four (4) complete devices shall be
tested within a 20 mm (0.788 in.) circle centered For each prescription lens retention in front of each eye of the headform, two on the
system, six (6) complete devices shall be tested. left viewing area and two on the right viewing

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For faceshields, the window shall be placed in a 9.15 Switching Index Test
horizontal position such that the axis of the win-
dow is horizontal and the outer surface of the 9.15.1 Purpose
window is facing upward. The projectile shall be This test is intended to determine the switching
dropped onto a point in line with the eyes of the index of an automatic darkening filter lens which
headform. requires the measurement of luminous transmit-
tance over time as the device is exposed to optical
All other complete devices shall be placed on the radiation from a test light source.
headform as it would be worn by the user. The
alignment shall be such that when the projectile is 9.15.2 Apparatus
dropped, its point is in line with either of the eyes The following test apparatus, or an equivalent
of the headform. apparatus capable of determining compliance
with Table 12, shall be used. The response time
9.14 Prescription Lenses Material of the test apparatus (between 10% and 90% of
Qualification Test recorded peak light intensity) shall be no greater
than 10% of the required switching index of the
9.14.1 Purpose lens under test. The test apparatus shall consist of
This test is intended to determine the ability of a light source, detector, trigger light source and a
prescription lens materials, combined with indi- recording device.
vidual coatings and processes applied, to those
materials to withstand impact from high velocity, The light source shall be a high intensity colli-
low mass projectiles. mated light source which, when optically coupled
to an associated light detector, provides the re-
9.14.2 Procedure quired intensity to measure the luminous trans-
Representative test lenses having a nominal plano mittance of the lens under test in its highest shade
power and a maximum base curve of 6.25 diop- number state.
ter, and the minimum lens thickness to be used by
the manufacturer, in no case less than 2.0 mm The detector shall have a calibrated photopic re-
(0.079 in.), shall be edged round with a uniform sponse, which, when coupled with an associated
115o ±5 o included angle bevel to a diameter 55.0 light source, is capable of measuring the lumi-
mm +0.04 mm/-0.25 mm (2.17 + 0.002/-0.01 in.). nous transmittance of the lens under test in its
Each lens shall be tested once, with a new lens highest shade number state.
used for each additional impact. Each lens shall
be mounted in a steel test holder by two retaining The trigger light source shall be a high intensity
washers so that the test lens is held firmly against light source of at least 10,000 lux capable of be-
the bevel of the lens holder (See Figure E7). Per- ing either electronically or mechanically switched
form the high velocity impact test on the center of on.
each lens with the projectile and velocity deter-
mination as specified for spectacles in Table 6. The recording device shall be a storage oscillo-
scope or equivalent instrument capable of record-
Three (3) lenses shall be tested. ing the output of the detector, in time, and provid-
ing output functions of normal transmittance and
NOTE: A representative test lens with an alternative time.
base curve may be used if a 6.25 diopter base curve is
not available. 9.15.3 Procedure
The automatic darkening welding filter shall be
maintained at the appropriate test temperature for
a minimum of 2 hours before testing and during
the period of test. Ambient lighting conditions
during testing shall not exceed 16 lux. All but
any one sensor of the automatic darkening weld-

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ing filter shall be occluded with opaque material. around the periphery of the lens shall not be included
in the measurement area.
The automatic darkening welding filter and light
detectors shall be mounted normal to the beam of 9.16.3 Procedure
illumination. Solar or photoelectric power cells All measurements are performed at the geomet-
shall be shielded from the transmittance light rical center of the lens.
source beam.
Measure the luminous transmittance normal (90
Methods shall be employed to ensure that the ±1º) to the surface of the automatic welding filter
temperature of the lens under test does not exceed lens.
the prescribed test temperature (For example: due
to exposure from the transmittance light source). Measure the luminous transmittance at an angle
of incidence between 13°-15° at four orientations
With the transmittance light source activated, the from the point at which the normal measurement
trigger light source shall be switched to its high was taken, with each orientation being approxi-
illumination state. The luminance variations over mately perpendicular to one edge of the lens: at
time, both the triggering light source at the filter approximately 0° (“north”), at approximately 90°
and the transmittance light source through the (“east”) at approximately 180° (“south”), and at
filter, shall be recorded. approximately 270° (“west”) from the point at
which the normal measurement was taken.
The switching index shall be calculated using the
equation given in Section 3, and setting t= 0 as Measure the luminous transmittance at an angle
the time when the recorded trigger source illumi- of incidence between 28°-30° degrees at four ori-
nance reached 5000 lux. entations from the point at which the normal
measurement was taken, with each orientation
Repeat test as necessary until all sensors on the being approximately perpendicular to one edge of
device have been tested individually (with others the lens: at approximately 0° (“north”), at ap-
occluded). One complete device shall be tested. proximately 90° (“east”) at approximately 180°
(“south”), and at approximately 270° (“west”)
9.16 Angular Dependence of Luminous from the point at which the normal measurement
Transmittance Test for Automatic Welding was taken.
Filter Lenses
Identify the maximum and minimum luminous
9.16.1 Principle transmittance for the four measurements at 13°-
This procedure specifies the method for deter- 15°. Calculate the ratio of the established maxi-
mining angle dependence of luminous transmit- mum luminous transmittance value to the value
tance for an automatic welding filter. The test of the luminous transmittance measured at nor-
shall measure the luminous transmittance varia- mal incidence. Also calculate the ratio of the
tions within the viewing cone of angles less than value of the luminous transmittance measured at
15º to the normal of the lens and within the view- normal incidence to the minimum luminous
ing cone of angles less than 30º to the normal of transmittance value. The maximum of these two
the lens. values is V15.

9.16.2 Apparatus Identify the maximum luminous transmittance for

Suitable method for measuring luminous trans- the four measurements at 28°-30°. Calculate the
mittance, for example the method described in ratio of the maximum luminous transmittance
Section 9.2, shall be used. The parallel ray of value to the value of the luminous transmittance
light shall have a cross section area correspond- measured at normal incidence. This ratio is V30.
ing to the area of a circle with a diameter between
5 and 20 mm (0.2 in. and 0.79 in.). One lens shall be tested in the dark state.
NOTE: A marginal region 5 mm (0.2 in.) wide

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9.17 Droplet and Splash Test gree of tension. Adjust the number of layers of
lint, as necessary, to ensure a good seal between
9.17.1 Goggles the protector and the headform. Purpose Spray the mounted protector with approximately

This test is intended to determine the capability 5 - 10 ml (0.17 – 0.34 fl oz) of the spray solution,
of the protector to prevent liquid splashes or holding the atomizer at a distance of approxi-
sprays from penetrating the protector. This is not mately 600 mm (23.6 in.) from the headform and
intended to evaluate the fit of the protector to the spraying from all directions. All the blotting pa-
wearer’s face. (See Annex K.11) per around the periphery should turn a uniform
crimson color. The blotting paper shall not be Apparatus over-wetted such that it drips. Examine the blot-
A spray solution, 0.1 ml/L solution of sodium ting paper for intrusion of color into the circles.
carbonate in water, shall be prepared and placed One complete device shall be tested.
in a hand-operated atomizer, capable of produc-
ing fine droplets (not mist). 9.17.2 Faceshields

The detection/test area on the headform shall be Purpose

defined by white blotting paper of sufficient size This test is intended to determine the capability
to cover the lens area and extend at least 20 mm of a faceshield to keep liquid splashes or sprays
(0.79 in.) beyond the periphery of the protector to from reaching the wearer’s eyes by observing the
be tested and marked with two circles of 40 mm area of coverage of the faceshield.
(1.57 in.) diameter centered over the pupillary
center. If smaller sized protectors with the “H” NOTE: The observation method describes the use of a
designation are to be tested, the smaller headform laser beam; alternatively, observations may be made
shall be used and the blotting paper is to be by viewing through a cylindrical tube fitted with
marked with two circles of 40 mm (1.57 in.) di- cross-wires.
ameter centered over the pupillary center. Ab- Apparatus
sorbent cotton lint (surgical dressing), mass per
A headform shall be used and marked with the
unit area ~185 g/m2 (0.26 sq. in.) is used to fit the
rectangle ABCD around the eye area as shown in
protector more securely against the headform.
Figure B1.
For this test, a detection solution, prepared by
The marked headform shall be mounted on a
dissolving 5.0 ±0.5 g (0.18 ± 0.018 oz.) phenol-
stage that allows at least 45° rotation about the
phthalein in 500 ±50 ml (16.9 ± 1.69 fl oz.) etha-
horizontal axis positioned at the level of the eyes
nol and adding 500 ±50 ml (16.9 ± 1.69 fl oz.)
of the headform, and at least 90° rotation left and
water, shall be prepared and stirred constantly
right around a vertical axis centered between the
(filter if precipitate forms) to obtain 1.0 ±0.1 L
eyes of the headform. An exemplary stage for
(33.8 ± 3 fl oz) of solution.
mounting and rotation is shown in Figure E8. Procedure
A visible laser beam with a maximum beam di-
Cover the lens region of the headform with layers
ameter of 5 mm (0.20 in.) is used as the light
of cotton lint. Dip the blotting paper in the detec-
source for observation. The laser shall be mount-
tion solution described in Section and
ed to allow vertical movement up or down but no
shake off excess. Place the moist blotting paper
rotation about its horizontal or vertical axes.
over the lint, centering the circles over each eye. Procedure
Fit the protector onto the headform in the normal
Position the laser beam to intersect the headform
wearing position so that the blotting paper pro-
at the mid-point of the horizontal line joining the
trudes all around its periphery by at least 20 mm
eye centers. Temporarily block the laser beam
(0.79 in.). Adjust the headband to a normal de-

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

and fit the faceshield onto the headform in ac- tion. The chamber is fitted with bars to support a
cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. headform, with the spacing of the bars sufficient
to allow free circulation of the dust within the
Project the laser beam at all accessible points chamber.
within the eye-region rectangle when the head-
form is set to the following positions: Test dust, 1000 ± 50 g of pulverized coal, shall be
placed in the chamber. The coal dust shall have
1) Headform facing forward and rotated 45° the following particle size distribution:
±1° forward about the horizontal axis.
2) Headform facing forward and rotated 45° Nominal sieve mesh Minimum % passed
±1° backward about the horizontal axis. dimension, mm through sieve
3) Headform rotated 90° +1° to the left 0.300 95%
about the vertical axis, and rotated 45° 0.150 85%
±1° forward about the horizontal axis. 0.090 40%
4) Headform rotated 90° + 1° to the left 0.040 3%
about the vertical axis, and rotated 45°
±1° backward about the horizontal axis. The detection/test area on the headform shall be
5) Headform rotated 90° + 1° to the right defined by white blotting paper of sufficient size
about the vertical axis, and rotated 45° to cover the lens area and extend at least 20 mm
±1° forward about the horizontal axis. (0.79 in.) beyond the periphery of the protector to
6) Headform rotated 90° +1° to the right be tested and marked with two circles of 40 mm
about the vertical axis, and rotated 45° (1.57 in.) diameter centered over the pupillary
±1° backward about the horizontal axis. center. If smaller sized protectors with the “H”
designation are to be tested, the smaller headform
Observe whether the beam is intercepted by the shall be used and the blotting paper is to be
faceshield before it makes contact with any point marked with two circles of 40 mm (1.57 in.) di-
on the eye-region rectangle. Record as a failure ameter centered the pupillary center.
any location where laser beam contacts the rec-
tangle without first intercepting the faceshield. Absorbent cotton lint (surgical dressing), mass
per unit area ~185 g/m2 (0.26 sq. in.) is used to fit
9.18 Dust Test the protector more securely against the headform.

9.18.1 Purpose The test measurement device shall be a photoe-

This test is intended to determine the capability lectric reflectometer, incorporating a light source
of the protector to keep large dust particles from radiating energy within the visible range and a
reaching the wearer’s eyes. This is not intended detector sensitive only to the visible range, with
to evaluate the fit of the protector to the wearer’s peak sensitivity in the green region.
face. (See Annex K.11)
A white comparison sample, capable of constant
9.18.2 Apparatus reflectance during the duration of the test (e.g.,
An enclosed dust chamber with glass front and opal glass, ceramic tile, pressed barium sulfate,
nominal dimensions of 56 x 56 x 56 cm (22 x 22 magnesium carbonate block, several thicknesses
x 22 in.), with a hopper-shaped base and a tightly of clean white paper, etc.) shall be used as a test
sealed, hinged lid shall be used. A blower is reference.
connected to the bottom of the hopper and is ca-
pable of delivering ~ 2.8 m3 /min at a pressure of 9.18.3 Procedure
2,250 Pa. A suitable agitator capable of inducing Soak the blotting paper in water, and then shake
swirling in the air stream from the blower should off any excess. Using the reflectometer, measure
be placed immediately above the air inlet. The the reflectance of each of the two circles on the
dust chamber is equipped with an upper outlet wet blotting paper and on the white comparison
that is connected to the blower inlet for recircula-

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sample. Calculate the starting mean reflectance center. If smaller sized protectors with the “H”
value of the two circles, relative to the value of designation are to be tested, the smaller headform
the white reference. shall be used and the blotting paper is to be
marked with two circles of 40 mm (1.57 in.) di-
Cover the headform with layers of absorbent cot- ameter centered over the pupillary center. Ab-
ton lint. Place the sheet of moist white blotting sorbent cotton lint (surgical dressing), mass per
paper over the lint, with the marked circles cen- unit area ~185 g/m2 (0.26 sq. in.) is used to fit the
tered over the eyes of the headform. Mount the protector more securely against the headform.
protector on the headform. Adjust the headband
to a normal degree of tension. Adjust the number For the test, a supply of ammonia gas is connect-
of layers of lint, as necessary, to ensure a good ed to the gas chamber. Suitable supplies include
seal between the protector and the headform. ammonia gas cylinders, or bubbling air through a
wash bottle containing a concentrated (~ 0.9g/ml
Place the headform in the dust chamber, close the water) solution of ammonia. The detection solu-
chamber, and operate the blower for 60 ± 2 sec- tion shall be prepared by dissolving 5.0 ± 0.5 g
onds. Allow the dust chamber to remain undis- (0.18 ± 0.018 oz.) phenolphthalein in 500 ± 50 ml
turbed for 30 ± 2 minutes, then remove the head- (16.9 ± 1.69 fl oz) ethanol and adding 500 ± 50
form. Carefully remove the blotting paper from ml (16.9 ± 1.69 fl oz) water, stirring constantly
the headform, ensuring that no additional dust is (filter if precipitate forms) to obtain 1.0 ± 0.1 L
deposited on the areas of the circles. (33.8 ± 0.34 fl oz) of solution.

Within 2 minutes of removal, re-measure the re- 9.19.3 Procedure

flectance of the two circles relative to the white Cover the headform with several layers of absor-
comparison sample. Calculate the final mean re- bent cotton lint. Dip the white blotting paper into
flectance value. One complete device shall be the detecting solution, shaking off any excess.
tested. Mount the moist paper over the lint, and then
mount the protector on the headform. Adjust the
9.19 Fine Dust Particle Test headband to a normal degree of tension. Adjust
the number of layers of lint, as necessary, to en-
9.19.1 Purpose sure a good seal between the protector and the
This test is intended to determine the capability headform.
of the protector to keep fine dust particles from
reaching the wearer’s eyes. This is not intended Place a separate test strip of blotting paper dipped
to evaluate the fit of the protector to the wearer’s in detection solution on the floor of the chamber.
face. (See Annex K.11) Place the headform in the chamber. Open the
chamber vent very slightly, then slowly introduce
9.19.2 Apparatus ammonia gas to fill the chamber. When the test
An enclosed gas-tight chamber with glass front strip changes to a crimson color, close the vent
and nominal dimensions of 56 x 56 x 56 cm (22 x and leave the headform in the closed chamber for
22 x 22 in.) shall be used. The gas chamber shall 5.0 ± 0.2 min.
be ventilated by means of a blower capable of
delivering ~ 1.4 m3 /min and equipped with a At the end of this time, evacuate the chamber
vent pipe leading to a suitable gas remov- thoroughly by operating the blower. After the
al/treatment system. chamber has cleared of ammonia, remove the
headform. Examine the test paper for coloration.
The detection/test area on the headform shall be One complete device shall be tested.
defined by white blotting paper of sufficient size
to cover the lens area and extend at least 20 mm
(0.79 in.) beyond the periphery of the protector to
be tested and marked with two circles of 40 mm
(1.57 in.) diameter centered over the pupillary

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9.20 Anti-Fog Lens Test 9.20.3 Samples

Before the test, the samples are conditioned for
9.20.1 Purpose between one and two hours in distilled water (at
This test is intended to determine the ability of a least 5 cm3 water per cm2 sample surface area) at
lens component of a protector to resist fogging. 23 ± 5 °C (73  9°F), then dabbed dry and then
conditioned in air for at least 12 to 24 hours at 23
NOTE: This procedure does not assess resistance ± 5°C (73  9°F) and 50 % nominal relative hu-
to fogging of the complete device. midity.

9.20.2 Apparatus 9.20.4 Procedure and Evaluation

Apparatus, to determine the change in the non- The temperature of the water bath is set at 50 ±
diffused transmittance value, as shown in Figure 0.5 °C (122 ± 0.9 °F). The air above the water
E9 bath is circulated using a ventilator, so that it be-
comes saturated with water vapor. During this
The nominal diameter of the parallel beam is 10 time, the measurement opening is to be covered.
mm (0.39 in.). The size of the beam divider, re- The ventilator is switched off before measure-
flector R and lens L3 shall be selected in such a ment. The sample must be placed in the test posi-
way that diffused light is captured up to an angle tion within 2 seconds of the opening being un-
of 75°. If a lens L3 with a nominal focal length f3 covered.
= 400 mm (15.75 in.) is used, the nominal diame-
ter of a diaphragm is 10 mm (0.39 in.). The plane To measure the change in the value of the trans-
of the diaphragm must lie within the focal plane mittance τr the sample is placed on the seating
of the lens L3. ring and the time determined until the square of τr
has dropped to less than 80 % of the initial value
The following focal lengths fi of the lenses Li are of the sample without fogging (time without fog-
nominal examples and will not affect the test re- ging).

f1 = 10 mm (0.39 in.) and f2 = 100 mm (3.9 in.).

The light source shall be a laser with a wave-

length of 600 ± 70 nm.
The volume of air above the water bath is at least
4 l. The seating ring has a nominal diameter of 35 Фb is the luminous flux when there is fogging on
mm (1.38 in.) and a nominal height of 24 mm the sample;
(0.94 in.) from the underside of the lid of the wa-
ter bath. If the samples are cylindrically curved, Фu is the luminous flux before fogging.
the curve on the top side of the seating ring is to
be adjusted to fit the curve of the sample. The Initial fogging of maximum 0.5 second duration
height of 24 mm (0.94 in.) is then measured to shall not be taken into consideration in the evalu-
the highest point of the seating ring. A soft rubber ation.
ring, with a nominal dimension of 3 mm (0.11
in.) thick and 3 mm (0.11 in.) wide, is inserted NOTE 1: Since the light beam passes through the
between the sample and the seating ring. sample twice, this measurement defines τr2.

The water bath container also contains a ventila- NOTE 2: The period until the start of the fogging can
tor to circulate the air. In addition, there must also usually be determined visually. However, with some
types of coating the formation of surface water causes
be a device to stabilize the temperature of the wa-
diffusion to increase more slowly so that visual evalu-
ter bath. ation is difficult. The detection apparatus described in
Section 9.20.2 should then be used.

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Four (4) representative lenses for each type of and disinfected prior to use by another person,
protector shall be tested. following the manufacturer’s instructions.

10.5 Training
10. Instructions, Use and Maintenance Employers and educational authorities shall train
employees and students in the proper use, appli-
10.1 General cation, inspection, maintenance, storage, fitting
Eye and face protection shall be required where and limitations of eye and face protectors.
there is a reasonable probability of injury that can
be prevented by such equipment. In such cases,
employers and educational authorities shall make
conveniently available a protector for the work
environment, per applicable federal and state reg-
ulations. Employees and students shall use such

Annex J contains a selection guide, which will be

helpful in deciding types of protectors that are
available, their capabilities and limitations. It
should be recognized that dusty or chemical envi-
ronments or both might represent an additional
hazard to contact lens wearers. Wearers of con-
tact lenses shall be required to wear appropriate
eye and face protectors in a hazardous environ-

10.2 Instructions
Employers and educational authorities shall pro-
vide employees and students with all warnings,
cautions, instructions and limitations provided
with the protector by the manufacturer and in-
form wearers as to their meaning.

10.3 Inspections
Employees and students shall make a visual in-
spection of their protector prior to each use. Pro-
tectors which exhibit broken parts, distortion, or
excessive scratches on the lens, are unsuitable for
use and shall not be worn. Eye and face protec-
tors that have been subject to an impact shall not
be used and shall be discarded and replaced.

10.4 Maintenance and Care

Protectors shall be maintained in a usable condi-
tion in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-
structions. Reasonable care shall be taken during
the use and storage of protectors so that they are
not subject to unnecessary abuse.

When one protector is being used by more than

one person, it is recommended that it be cleaned

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Annex A: Samples for Testing



Reference Section Test Attribute Quantity for Testing
Refractive Power, Astigmatism, Prism and Prism Im-
5.1.5 100% testing
balance (Rx)
Refractive Power, Astigmatism, Prism and Prism Im-
5.1.5 balance (magnifiers) 1 per power

5.2.4 Minimum Coverage Area 1

9.1 Optical Quality 1
9.2 Transmittance 1
9.3 Haze 1
Refractive Power, Astigmatism, and Resolving Power
9.4 1
(plano and reader)
9.5 Prismatic Power (plano and reader) 1
9.6 Drop Ball 4
9.7 Ignition 1
9.8 Corrosion Resistance 1
9.9 Light Tightness 1


Reference Section Test Attribute Quantity for Testing
9.10 Lateral Protection 1
High-Mass Impact (plano, Rx, readers, magnifiers, Rx
9.11 4
lens carriers)
9.12 High-Velocity Impact (plano, Rx, readers, magnifiers) 6
9.12 High-Velocity Impact (Rx lens carriers) 12
9.13 Penetration 4
9.14 Prescription Lenses Material 3
9.15 Switching Index 1
Angular Dependence of Luminous Transmittance Test
9.16 for Automatic Welding Filter Lenses 1

9.17 Droplet and Splash 1

9.18 Dust 1
9.19 Fine Dust Particle 1
9.20 Anti-Fog Lens Test 4

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Annex B: Reference Headforms


NOTE: Permission to reproduce extracts from EN 168:2001 Personal eye-protection. Non-optical test methods are
granted by BSI on behalf of CEN. Copyright subsists in all CEN Standards.

Headform Description

There are two sizes of reference head-form for the non-optical tests described in ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020.

The medium head-form approximates a 50th percentile adult male. The small head-form approximates a
60th percentile, 12-year-old child.

The nominal dimensions are shown in Figure B1.

Where reference is made in this standard to a headform specified in this clause, the size of headform (medi-
um or small) to be used shall be that which is appropriate to the eye protector being assessed.

Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer of the eye protector, the medium size head-form shall be

All tests on the eye protector shall be performed using only the one size of headform selected.

The headform is an internal core covered by a nominal 12 mm thick layer of polyurethane of hardness (50 ±
5) IRHD.

Other headforms may be used if known or demonstrated to give equivalent results.

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Figure B1 – Reference Head form

Dimension Value

Medium size head Small size head

a 218 mm (8.6 in.) 205 mm (8.1 in.)
b 111 mm (4.4 in.) 110 mm (4.3 in.)
c 144 mm (5.7 in.) 131 mm (5.2 in.)
d 178 mm (7.0 in.) 166 mm (6.5 in.)
e 45 mm (1.8 in.) 42 mm (1.7 in.)
f 18 mm (0.7 in.) 18 mm (0.7 in.)
g 60 mm (2.4 in.) 53 mm (2.1 in.)
h 111 mm (4.4 in.) 110 mm (4.3 in.)
Radius i 10 mm (0.4 in.) 10 mm (0.4 in.)
j 58 mm (2.0 in.) 48 mm (1.9 in.)
k 156 mm (6.1 in.) 146 mm (5.7 in.)
l 64 mm (2.5 in.) 54 mm (2.1 in.)
m 52 mm (2.0 in.) 48 mm (1.9 in.)
n 134 mm (5.3 in.) 118 mm (4.6 in.)

NOTE: The metric measurements take precedent. The U.S. measurement are included as an approximation for refer-
ence only.

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Annex C: Spectral Factor Tables


Table C1. Relative Weighting Factors S() for

Effective Far-Ultraviolet Average Transmittance

Wavelength Spectral Weighting Factor W()

200 0.03
210 0.075
220 0.12
230 0.19
240 0.30
250 0.43
254 0.5
260 0.65
270 1.0
280 0.88
290 0.64
300 0.30
305 0.06
310 0.015
315 0.003

NOTE: This table is a reproduction of Table 1 “Ultraviolet Radiation TLV and Relative Spectral Effec-
tiveness,” from Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents & Bio-
logical Exposure Indices for 2017. Published by the American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists.

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Table C2. Values of Relative Luminous Efficiency y (λ) for the CIE 1931 Standard colorimetric
Observer and of Relative Spectral Emittance SA () For CIE Illuminant A
(nm) y () S() (nm) y () S()

380 0.0000 9.80 575 0.9154 110.80

385 0.0001 10.90 580 0.8700 114.44
390 0.0001 12.09 585 0.8163 118.08
395 0.0002 13.35 590 0.7570 121.73
595 0.6949 125.39
400 0.0004 14.71
405 0.0006 16.15 600 0.6310 129.04
410 0.0012 17.68 605 0.5668 132.70
415 0.0022 19.29 610 0.5030 136.35
420 0.0040 20.99 615 0.4412 139.99
620 0.3810 143.62
425 0.0073 22.79
430 0.0116 24.67 625 0.3210 147.24
435 0.0168 26.64 630 0.2650 150.84
440 0.0230 28.70 635 0.2170 154.42
445 0.0298 30.85 640 0.1750 157.98
645 0.1382 161.52
450 0.0380 33.09
455 0.0480 35.41 650 0.1070 165.03
460 0.0600 37.81 655 0.0816 168.51
465 0.0739 40.30 660 0.0610 171.96
470 0.0910 42.87 665 0.0446 175.38
670 0.0320 178.77
475 0.1126 45.52
480 0.1390 48.24 675 0.0232 182.12
485 0.1693 51.04 680 0.0170 185.43
490 0.2080 53.91 685 0.0119 188.70
495 0.2586 56.85 690 0.0082 191.93
695 0.0057 195.12
500 0.3230 59.86
505 0.4073 62.93 700 0.0041 198.26
510 0.5030 66.06 705 0.0029 201.36
515 0.6082 69.25 710 0.0021 204.41
520 0.7100 72.50 715 0.0015 207.41
720 0.0010 210.36
525 0.7932 75.79
530 0.8620 79.13 725 0.0007 213.27
535 0.9149 82.52 730 0.0005 216.12
540 0.9540 85.95 735 0.0004 218.92
545 0.9803 89.41 740 0.0002 221.67
745 0.0002 224.36
550 0.9950 92.91
555 1.0000 96.44 750 0.0001 227.00
560 0.9950 100.00 755 0.0001 229.59
565 0.9786 103.58 760 0.0001 232.12
570 0.9520 107.18 765 0 234.59

770 0 237.01
775 0 239.37
780 0 241.68

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Table C3. Relative Spectral Emittance SA (λ)of CIE Illuminant A

for Wavelengths from 700 nm to 2600 nm

 S()  S()  S()  S()  S()  S()

700 198.26 1050 298.78 1400 232.72 1750 161.42 2100 108.81 2450 73.94
710 204.41 1060 289.28 1410 230.56 1760 159.63 2110 107.60 2460 73.15
720 210.36 1070 288.66 1420 228.40 1770 157.86 2120 106.40 2470 72.37
730 216.12 1080 287.94 1430 226.23 1780 156.10 2130 105.21 2480 71.60
740 221.67 1090 287.12 1440 224.06 1790 154.37 2140 104.04 2490 70.83

750 227.00 1100 286.20 1450 221.90 1800 152.65 2150 102.88 2500 70.08
760 232.12 1110 285.18 1460 219.74 1810 150.94 2160 101.73 2510 69.33
770 237.01 1120 284.08 1470 217.58 1820 149.25 2170 100.60 2520 68.60
780 241.68 1130 282.90 1480 215.42 1830 147.59 2180 99.48 2530 67.87
790 246.12 1140 281.64 1490 213.27 1840 145.93 2190 98.38 2540 67.15

800 250.83 1150 280.30 1500 211.13 1850 144.30 2200 97.29 2550 66.44
810 254.31 1160 278.89 1510 209.00 1860 142.68 2210 96.21 2560 65.74
820 258.07 1170 277.42 1520 206.87 1870 141.08 2220 95.14 2570 65.05
830 261.60 1180 275.89 1530 204.75 1880 139.50 2230 94.09 2580 64.37
840 264.91 1190 274.29 1540 202.64 1890 137.93 2240 93.05 2590 63.69

850 267.99 1200 272.64 1550 200.54 1900 136.38 2250 92.03 2600 63.02
860 270.86 1210 270.94 1560 198.45 1910 134.85 2260 91.01
870 273.51 1220 269.20 1570 196.38 1920 133.33 2270 90.01
880 275.95 1230 267.40 1580 194.31 1930 131.83 2280 89.02
890 278.18 1240 265.57 1590 192.26 1940 130.35 2290 88.05

900 280.21 1250 263.70 1600 190.22 1950 128.89 2300 87.08 Calculate by meth-
od given in Publica-
tion CIE No.15 (E-
1.3.1) 1971
METRY,” p. 23,
par. (b)
910 282.04 1260 261.79 1610 188.19 1960 127.44 2310 86.13
920 283.68 1270 259.83 1620 186.18 1970 126.00 2320 85.19
930 285.12 1280 257.88 1630 184.18 1980 124.59 2330 84.26
940 286.39 1290 255.88 1640 182.20 1990 123.19 2340 83.34

950 287.47 1300 253.86 1650 180.23 2000 121.80 2350 82.43 Values start at 700
nm to show overlap
with values in Table
C2 of this appendix.
960 288.39 1310 251.81 1660 178.28 2010 120.43 2360 81.53
970 289.14 1320 249.74 1670 176.34 2020 119.08 2370 80.65
980 289.72 1330 247.66 1680 174.42 2030 117.74 2380 79.77
990 290.15 1340 245.56 1690 172.51 2040 116.42 2390 78.91

1000 290.43 1350 243.45 1700 170.62 2050 115.12 2400 78.06
1010 290.57 1360 241.32 1710 168.75 2060 113.83 2410 77.21
1020 290.57 1370 239.18 1720 166.89 2070 112.55 2420 76.38
1030 290.43 1380 237.04 1730 165.05 2080 111.29 2430 75.56
1040 290.17 1390 234.88 1740 163.23 2090 110.04 2440 74.75

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Table C4. Spectral Weighting Factors

For Blue-Light Hazard
Wavelength Blue-Light hazard
(nm) Factors B()
400 .10
405 .20
410 .40
415 .80
420 .90
425 .95
430 .98
435 1.00
440 1.00
445 .97
450 .94
455 .90
460 .80
465 .70
470 .62
475 .55
480 .45
485 .40
490 .22
495 .16
500-600 10 exp [(450-)/50]
600-700 .001

NOTE: This table is a reproduction of part of Table 1 “Retinal and UVR Hazard Spectral
Weighting Functions”, from Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical
Agents & Biological Exposure Indices for 2017. Published by the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygiene.

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Annex D. Lateral (Side) Coverage Illustration (for Medium Headform)


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Annex E. Test Apparatus


Figure E1 - High Velocity Impact Test Apparatus

The unit shown above or its equivalent is suitable for the high velocity impact test

Figure E2 Figure E3
Switching Index Tightness Test Apparatus Typical Light Test Set Up Configuration

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Figure E4
High Mass Impact Missile

Figure E5
Test Resolution Pattern with Radial Sunburst Power Target Superimposed

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Figure E6 Prism Imbalance Test Apparatus

Figure E7 Prescription Lens Test Holder

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1 laser beam or cylindrical tube fitted with cross wires
2 rectangle enclosing the eye region
3 headform
4 support frame

Figure E8. Droplet and Splash Test Set Up for Faceshields

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Figure E9. Anti-Fog Lens Test Set Up

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Annex F: Calibration of Test Telescope


The telescope may be calibrated by any of the three methods given below.

(1) The telescope may be calibrated by successively locating the position of best focus with first a
standard lens of +0.06 D in front of the objective and then with a standard lens of -0.06 D in front of the
objective. The positions of the telescope drawtube or focusing knob, which correspond to the +/-0.06 D
positions are marked on a suitable scale. The zero power position is located half the distance between the
two marks. It should be verified that with no lens in front of the test telescope, the position of sharpest
focus of the target is at the zero power scale position determined above. It is suggested that the scale dis-
tance between the +0.06 D position and -0.06 D position be divided into at least twenty equally spaced
intervals so as to allow reasonably accurate determination of astigmatism.

(2) If effective focal length, f, of the telescope objective is measured or is known from data furnished
with the telescope, then calibration of the power scale of the telescope may be done as follows:

Since P, the power of the telescope objective, is the reciprocal of the effective focal length of the objec-
tive in meters, if a lens of lower power, such as a plano lens, is placed near the telescope objective, the
combined system will have a small change in focal length which causes re-focusing of the telescope to be
necessary. Since P = 1/f, then dP = -df/f and hence df = -fdP. Since the focal length of a typical test tele-
scope is in the order of 200 mm (7.9 in.) (and hence it has a power of 5 Ds), the change in focal position
produced by putting an acceptable plano lens in front of a telescope is small and hence the change in focal
length (change of eyepiece position for best focus) is proportional to the power of the plano lens placed in
front of the objective. Having calculated, then, the scale span between the +0.06 D and -0.06 D positions,
the zero position must be determined. This is best done by having several operators take a number of
readings at the best focus position for the 10.67 m (35 ft) distant target when no lens is in front of the tele-
scope objective, and then averaging those readings. Before taking the readings, each operator should fo-
cus the eyepiece first on the cross hairs to suit his individual visual requirements.

(3) Vergence of light from a target at a distance of 10.67 m is 1/10.67 = -0.09372 D, so the vergence
required of the telescope is +0.09372 D to form an image of the target when no test lens is in place. If a
lens of +0.06 D is placed in front of the telescope, vergence of light reaching the telescope is -0.09372 D
+ 0.06 D = -0.033721 D, which corresponds to light from a target at 1/0.033721 D= 29.66 m (97.3 ft).
Similarly, if a lens of -0.06 D is used, vergence of light reaching the telescope is -0.09372 D - 0.06 D =
-0.153721 D, which corresponds to light from a target at 6.51 m (21.4 ft). Therefore, the positions of the
telescope focusing knob corresponding to test lens powers of +/-0.06 D can be established by focusing the
telescope at targets spaced 29.66 m (97.3 ft) and 6.51 m (21.4 ft) respectively from the telescope.

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Annex G. Illustrations to Aid in Refractive Power, Astigmatism and Resolving Power Testing

Figure G1: Example of Resolution

Figure G2: Examples of Resolution (Passing)

Note: The examples provided

here are illustrations for educa-
tional purposes only and are not
definitive examples of pass/fail.

Figure G3: Example of Resolution (Failing)

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Annex H. Sources for Test Apparatus


For sources of test apparatus, headforms and test patterns, visit:

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Annex I. Resource Publications


ANSI Z49.1-2012, American National Standard Safety in Welding and Cutting

ANSI/ISEA Z89.1-2014 (R2019) American National Standard for Industrial Head Protection

ANSI Z136.1-2014, American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers

ASTM F803 – 14 Standard Specification for Eye Protectors for Selected Sports

NFPA 70E – 2018, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace

29 CFR 1910.133 - Eye and Face Protection, OSHA General Industry Standards

29 CFR 1915.153 - Eye and Face Protection, OSHA Shipyard Standards

29 CFR 1926.102 - Eye and Face Protection, OSHA Construction Industry Standards

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Annex J. Eye and Face Selection Guide


ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020
Eye and Face Protector Selection Guide
This guide is not intended to be the sole reference in selecting the proper eye and face protector. A copy of this selection guide is
also available for download from ISEA’s website,

This information is intended to aid in identifying and selecting the types of eye and face protectors that are available, their capa-
bilities and limitations for the hazards listed. Care should be taken to recognize the possibility of multiple and simultaneous haz-
ard exposures and the chosen protector(s) should be able to protect against the highest level of each hazard. Some protectors
may not be compatible with other personal protective equipment when worn together. The end user needs to carefully match
protectors with other personal protective equipment to provide the protection intended. Protectors are generally available in a
variety of styles and sizes and care should be taken to ensure that the right size is selected for a particular person ensuring com-
fort and proper fit. Protectors that fit poorly will not afford the protection for which they were designed.

Hazard Protectors Limitations Marking1

IMPACT - Chipping, grinding, machining, masonry work, riveting, and sanding
Flying fragments, objects, • Spectacles with side protection Caution should be exercised in the use of Impact rated:
large chips, particles, • Goggles with direct or indirect metal frame protective devices in electri- + (spectacle lens)
sand, dirt, etc. ventilation cal hazard areas. Metal frame protective Z87+ (all other lens)
• Faceshield worn over spectacles devices could potentially cause electrical Z87+ (plano frame)
or goggles shock and electrical burn through contact Z87-2+ (Rx frame)
• Welding helmet worn over spec- with, or thermal burns from exposure to
tacles or goggles the hazards of electrical energy, which
• Loose-fitting respirator worn over include radiation from accidental arcs.
spectacles or goggles
• Full-facepiece respirators To provide adequate protection, ensure
goggles fit tightly to the face.

Atmospheric conditions and the restricted

ventilation of a protector can cause
lenses to fog. Frequent cleaning may be

HEAT - Furnace operations - pouring, casting, hot dipping, gas cutting, and welding
Hot sparks • Spectacles with side protection Spectacles, cup and cover type goggles NOTE: There are cur-
• Goggles with direct or indirect do not provide unlimited facial protection. rently no marking des-
ventilation ignations for eye pro-
• Faceshield worn over spectacles Operations involving heat may also in- tection to heat or high-
or goggles volve optical radiation. Protection from temperature exposure
• Loose-fitting respirator worn over both hazards shall be provided. in the ANSI/ISEA
spectacles Z87.1-2020 standard.
• Full-facepiece respirator

Splash from molten metal • Faceshield worn over goggles

• Loose-fitting respirator worn over
spectacles or goggles
• Full-facepiece respirator

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Hazard Protectors Limitations Marking1

High temperature expo- • Screen faceshield over specta-
sure cles or goggles
• Reflective faceshield over spec-
tacles or goggles

CHEMICAL – Liquids, acid and chemical handling, degreasing, plating.

Splash, droplets and • Goggles with indirect ventilation Atmospheric conditions and the restricted Splash/droplet: D3
sprays (eyecup or cover type) ventilation of a protector can cause
• Faceshield worn over goggles) lenses to fog. Frequent cleaning may be
• Loose-fitting respirator worn over required.
spectacles or goggles
• Full-facepiece respirator To provide adequate protection, ensure
goggles fit tightly to the face.

Irritating Mist • Goggle with no ventilation (cover Atmospheric conditions and the restricted NOTE: There are cur-
type) ventilation of a protector can cause rently no marking des-
• Faceshield worn over goggles lenses to fog. Frequent cleaning may be ignations for eye pro-
• Loose-fitting respirator worn over required. tection to Irritating mists
spectacles or goggles exposure in the
• Full-facepiece respirator To provide adequate protection, ensure ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020
goggles fit tightly to the face. standard.

DUST - Woodworking, buffing, general dusty conditions

Nuisance dust • Goggles with direct or indirect Atmospheric conditions and the restricted Dust: D4
ventilation (eyecup or cover ventilation of a protector can cause
type) lenses to fog. Frequent cleaning may be
• Full-facepiece respirator required.

To provide adequate protection, ensure

goggles fit tightly to the face.

Fine dust • Goggles with indirect ventilation To provide adequate protection, ensure Fine dust: D5
or no ventilation goggles fit tightly to the face.
• Full-facepiece respirator

Infrared Radiation (IR) • Spectacles with side protection For proper fit of protector; there shall be IR: R and scale num-
• Goggles with direct or indirect no penetration of direct infrared spectra ber
ventilation light in all non-lens areas.
• Faceshield worn over spectacles
or goggles Side shields shall have filtering capability
• Welding helmet worn over spec- equal to or greater than the front lenses.
tacles or goggles
• Loose-fitting respirator worn over
spectacles or goggles
• Full-facepiece respirators

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Hazard Protectors Limitations Marking1

Visible Light (Glare) • Spectacles with side protection For proper fit of protector; there shall be Visible: L and scale
• Goggles with direct or indirect no penetration of direct visible light in all number
ventilation non-lens areas.
• Faceshield worn over spectacles
or goggles Sideshields shall have filtering capability
• Welding helmet worn over spec- equal to or greater than the front lenses.
tacles or goggles
• Loose-fitting respirator worn over
spectacles or goggles
• Full-facepiece respirators
Ultraviolet Radiation (UV) • Spectacles with side protection For proper fit of protector; there shall be UV: U and scale num-
• Goggles with direct or indirect no penetration of direct ultraviolet light in ber
ventilation all non-lens areas
• Faceshield worn over spectacles
or goggles Sideshields shall have filtering capability
• Welding helmet worn over spec- equal to or greater than the front lenses.
tacles or goggles
• Loose-fitting respirator worn over
spectacles or goggles
• Full-facepiece respirators
Lasers Refer to ANSI Z136.1-2014 “Safe NOTE: There are cur-
Use of Lasers”, for guidance in rently no marking des-
choosing the correct protective ignations for eye pro-
eyewear when working with lasers. tection to Lasers in the
ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

Electric Arcs Refer to NFPA 70E-2018 “Stand- Only faceshields provide compliant eye NOTE: There are cur-
ard for Electrical Safety in the and face protection, worn over protective rently no marking des-
Workplace”, for guidance in choos- spectacles. ignations for eye pro-
ing the correct protective eyewear tection to electrical arcs
when working on electrical equip- in the ANSI/ISEA
ment. Z87.1-2020 standard.

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Hazard Protectors Limitations Marking1

Arc Welding: Arc • Welding helmet over spectacles Protection from optical radiation is direct- Welding: W shade
or goggles ly related to filter lens density. Select the number
Process Examples: • Handshield over spectacles or darkest shade that allows adequate task UV: U scale number
Shielded Metal Arc Welding goggles performance. Visible: L scale num-
(SMAW) • Welding Respirator ber
• TYPICAL FILTER LENS For proper fit of protector; there shall be IR: R scale number
Gas Metal Arc Welding SHADE: 10-14 no penetration of direct visible light in all Variable tint: V
(GMAW) non-lens areas. Special purpose: S

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Sideshields shall have filtering capability

(GTAW) equal to or greater than the front lenses.
Welding helmets are intended to shield
Air Carbon Arc Welding the eyes and face from optical radiation,
(CAC-A) heat, and impact. Welding helmets
should not be used as stand-alone pro-
Carbon Arc Welding (CAW) tective devices and should be worn in
conjunction with goggles or spectacles.
Plasma Arc Welding
Filter lens shade selection is to be made
Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) based on the welding process, arc cur-
rent, electrode size and/or plate thick-
Viewing electric arc furnac- ness. Use ANSI Z49.1:2012, Table 1,
es and boilers. Guide for Shade Numbers, to select the
proper filter lens shade for both protec-
tion and comfort (reduction in visible

Note: Filter lenses shall meet the re-

quirements for shade designations in
table 7 of ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020.

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Hazard Protectors Limitations Marking1

Oxyfuel Gas Welding: • Welding goggles Protection from optical radiation is direct- Welding: W shade
• Welding helmet over spectacles ly related to filter lens density. Select the number
Process Examples: or goggles darkest shade that allows adequate task UV: U scale number
Oxyfuel Gas Welding • Welding faceshield over specta- performance. Visible: L scale num-
(OFW) cles or goggles ber
TYPICAL FILTER LENS SHADE: For proper fit of protector; there shall be IR: R scale number
Viewing gas-fired furnaces 6 -8 no penetration of direct visible light in all Variable tint: V
and boilers non-lens areas. Special purpose: S

Sideshields shall have filtering capability

equal to or greater than the front lenses.

Welding helmets are intended to shield

the eyes and face from optical radiation,
heat, and impact. Welding helmets
should not be used as stand-alone pro-
tective devices and should be worn in
conjunction with goggles or spectacles

Filter lens shade selection is to be made

based on the welding process, arc cur-
rent, electrode size and/or plate thick-
ness. Use ANSI Z49.1:2012, Table 1,
Guide for Shade Numbers, to select the
Oxyfuel or Oxygen Cut- • Welding goggles proper filter lens shade for both protec-
ting • Welding helmet over spectacles tion and comfort (reduction in visible
or goggles glare).
• Welding faceshield over specta-
cles or goggles Note: Filter lenses shall meet the re-
TYPICAL FILTER LENS quirements for shade designations in
SHADE:3-6 table 7 of ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020.

Torch brazing • Welding goggles

• Welding helmet over spectacles
or goggles
• Welding faceshield over specta-
cles or goggles
Torch soldering • Spectacles Shade or special purpose lenses, as
• Welding faceshield over specta- suitable.
cles Note: Refer to definition of special pur-
TYPICAL FILTER LENS SHADE: pose lenses in ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020.
Glare • Spectacles with or without side
• Faceshield over spectacles or

1. Refer to ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020 Table 3 for complete marking requirements.

2. Refer to ANSI Z49.1: 2012: “Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes”, Table 1, Guide for Shade Numbers, to select the
proper lens filter protective shade based on welding process, arc current (in amperes), Electrode Size (arc welding only) and metal
plate thickness (for oxyfuel and oxygen cutting only).
3. Refer to ANSI Z136.1-2014 “Safe Use of Lasers”, for guidance on choosing the correct protective eyewear when working with lasers.

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Annex K. Hazard Assessment and Protector Selection


K.1 General

Protectors should be required where there is a reasonable probability of an eye or face injury that could be
minimized or prevented by the use of such protection. In such cases, employers and educational authori-
ties should make eye and face protectors conveniently available to employees and students for their use in
the work environment, per applicable federal and state regulations. The employees and students should
use such protectors. Where there is a reasonable probability of impact from flying objects, a protector
with side protection should be required.

Known hazards should be removed or minimized to the extent possible. Protectors are not substitutes for
engineering controls and sound safety practices. Protectors alone should not be relied upon to provide the
sole means of protection against eye and face hazards. Protectors should be used in conjunction with en-
gineering controls and sound safety practices.

Employers and employees should consult their federal, state and local safety and health regulatory author-
ities to become knowledgeable of the legal requirements applicable to their area. Under the Department of
Labor, the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Fed OSHA) has codified in 29 Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards and 29 CFR 1926 Safety
and Health Regulations for Construction specific legal requirements and guidelines that employers must
follow to protect their employees adequately (see specifically 29 CFR 1910.133 and 29 CFR 1926.102).
By law, state and local government authorities can implement their own safety and health regulations if
they are at least as protective as the federal regulations.

K.2 Hazard Assessment

The safety officer or other knowledgeable, responsible party should conduct an eye and face hazard as-
sessment of the occupational or educational work setting. The hazard assessment should determine the
risk of exposure to eye and face hazards, including those which may be encountered in an emergency.
Employers should be aware of the possibility of multiple and simultaneous hazard exposures and be pre-
pared to protect against the highest level of each hazard. Eye and face protectors alone should not be re-
lied on to provide protection against any identified hazards, but should be used in conjunction with
guards, engineering controls, and sound occupational and educational safety practices. At the minimum,
the following hazard assessment procedure should be conducted to identify the existing and anticipated
hazards and select appropriate eye and face protectors:

(1) Survey the Work Area. Conduct a walk-through survey of the area. The purpose of the survey is
to identify sources of potential eye and face hazards. Consideration should be given to the six hazard
categories addressed by this standard:

• Impact
• Heat
• Liquid Splash
• Dust
• Glare
• Optical Radiation

(2) Identify Sources of Hazards. During the walk-through observe the following:

• Sources of motion; i.e., machinery or processes where any movement of tools, machine
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elements or particles could exist, or movement of personnel that could result in collision
with stationary objects.
• Sources of high temperatures that could result in facial burns, eye injury or ignition of
protective equipment, etc.
• Types of chemical exposures.
• Sources of particles (i.e., dust, sparks, spray, mist).
• Sources of optical radiation, i.e., welding, brazing, cutting, furnaces, heat treating, high
intensity light sources and ultraviolet lamps.
• Layout of workplace and location of other personnel.
• Any electrical hazards.

(3) Organize Data. Following the walk-through survey, organize the data and information for use in
the assessment of hazards. The objective is to prepare for an analysis of the hazards in the environ-
ment to enable proper selection of protective equipment.

(4) Analyze Data. Having gathered and organized data on a workplace, make an estimate of the po-
tential for eye and face injury. Each of the basic hazards should be reviewed and a determination
made as to the type and level of each of the hazards found in the area. The possibility of exposure to
several hazards simultaneously should be considered.

(5) Selection. Specify the protector(s) suitable for the hazards identified (see Annex J, Eye and Face
Selection Guide).

(6) Reassessment of Hazards. A periodic reassessment of the work area should be performed on a
regular basis to identify changes in the hazard situation that could affect the level of protection re-
quired. Reassess the workplace hazard situation by identifying and evaluating new equipment and
processes, reviewing incident records, and reassessing the suitability of previously selected eye and
face protection.

K.3 Protector Selection

After completing a thorough hazard assessment of the environment such as recommended in Annex K.2,
the general procedure for selection of protective equipment is as follows:

(1) Become familiar with the Eye and Face Protector Selection Guide (Annex J), the types of protec-
tive equipment that are available, their capabilities and limitations.

(2) Compare the hazards associated with the environment, i.e., impact velocities, masses, projectile
shape, radiation intensities, etc., with the available protective equipment.

(3) Make a judgment in selection of the appropriate protective equipment so that the protection is
consistent with the reasonably probable hazard.

(4) Protectors not specifically rated for impact or protectors complying only with the applicable re-
quirements of Section 5 may be used only in an environment where the known or presumed impact,
radiation and dust, mist and splash hazards do not exist or are of minimal intensity or probability of
occurrence. Impact-rated protectors should be used in an environment when the known or presumed
hazards are of a high velocity, high mass or high impact nature.

(5) Provide and fit the user with the protector and provide instruction on its care, use and limitations
as recommended in Annexes K.4 and K.6.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

(Note: Be aware that spectacles, goggles, and face shields are tested with different impact criteria so
the protector selection should be consistent to the testing.)

The selection guide is intended to aid in identifying and selecting the types of eye and face protectors that
are available. The capabilities and limitations for the hazard are listed in this guide. This guide is not in-
tended to be the sole reference in selecting the proper eye and face protector.

K.4 Product Use and Limitations

Protectors are a personal item. They should be issued for exclusive use by a particular individual. Howev-
er, in circumstances where protectors are reissued, the protectors should be maintained in a sanitary and
reliable condition.

Caution should be exercised to ensure that the level of protection provided by any protector is adequate
for its intended purpose.

See the Selection Chart for information on specific applications.

Additional information regarding training can be found in the ANSI/ASSP Z490.1-2016, Criteria for Ac-
cepted Practices in Safety, Health, and Environmental Training.

K.5 Special Purpose Protectors and Lenses

Special purpose protectors and lenses are those which meet the requirements of Table 11, but do not meet
the requirements of, Table 7, Table 8, Table 9 or Table 10. They are designed for specific applications.
They might not provide adequate ultraviolet protection, infrared protection, or ultraviolet and infrared
protection when used for applications for which they are not designed. Therefore, special purpose protec-
tors and lenses should be used only after a complete hazard assessment and at the discretion of the indi-
vidual responsible for the selection of protectors.

K.6 Prescription (Rx) Eyewear

Wearers of prescription (Rx) eyewear should wear eye protection that incorporates the prescription in its
design or that can be worn over prescription lenses without disrupting either the prescription eyewear or
the protective eyewear.

Contact lens wearers should recognize that dusty and/or chemical environments may represent an addi-
tional hazard. Contact lenses are not protectors. If contact lens wear is authorized and medically approved
for the use in a hazardous environment, they should only be worn in conjunction with appropriate eye

K.7 Filter Lenses and Windows

A filter lens meets the ultraviolet, luminous and infrared transmittance requirements of Table 7, Table 8,
Table 9, or Table 10 and is permanently marked with a shade/scale number that indicates its transmittance
levels in accordance with Table 8, Table 9 or Table 10. Filter lenses of an appropriate shade are suitable
for protection from direct exposure to optical radiation from sources of very high radiance, such as weld-
ing arcs. Filter lenses are also suitable for protection from sources of low radiance, provided they are not
so dark as to interfere with normal visual performance of the task.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

K.8 Tinted Lenses and Windows

Lenses having low luminous transmittance should not be worn indoors, except when needed for protec-
tion from optical radiation. Care should be exercised in conjunction with wearing such lenses for driving
vehicles with tinted windshields or for night driving. Some polarized lenses may present viewing prob-
lems when reading liquid crystal displays. Some tinted lenses may absorb certain wavelengths of visual
displays or signs, rendering them unreadable.

As an example, amber colored sunlenses (“blue-blockers”) may greatly weaken the intensity of a blue
light indicating the presence of overhead power lines.

Safety personnel should “field-test” tinted lenses with workers before authorizing tinted lenses for on-the-
job wear.

K.9 Photochromic Lenses

Photochromic lenses darken when exposed to, and fade when removed from, ultraviolet radiation or sun-
light. They are frequently used to provide comfortable vision for a wide range of ambient illumination.
They should be used with care where the wearer passes from outdoors to indoors in the course of the job.
Photochromic lenses that do not meet the transmittance requirements of Table 7 and the switching index
requirements of Table 12 are not suitable for protection from direct exposure to high radiance sources
(e.g., welding arcs and unshielded high intensity lamps). Photochromic lenses that do not meet the
switching index requirements in Table 12 are not automatic darkening welding filters. Photochromic
lenses should be used only after a complete hazard assessment and at the discretion of the person respon-
sible for the selection of protectors.

K.10 Protection from Low Radiance Sources of Ultraviolet and Visible Radiation

Some lenses that comply with the transmittance requirements of Table 8, but not with all of the require-
ments of Table 7, can provide sufficient ultraviolet attenuation to be used for protection from direct expo-
sure to ultraviolet sources of low radiance and from indirect exposure (i.e., scattered radiation) to properly
shielded ultraviolet sources of high radiance. Lenses that have some attenuation of visible light may also
be suitable for protection from scattered light from properly shielded high radiance sources of visible

K.11 Fitting the Protector

Careful consideration should be given to comfort and fit. Protectors that fit poorly will not afford the pro-
tection for which they were designed. Protectors should be fitted by qualified personnel. Continued wear-
ing of protectors is more likely when they fit the wearer comfortably. Protectors are generally available
in a variety of styles and sizes and care should be taken to ensure that the right size is selected for a par-
ticular person. For protectors with adjustable fitting features, adjustments should be made on a regular
and individual basis for a comfortable fit, which will maintain the protector in its proper wearing position.

Some protectors may not be compatible with other personal protective equipment when worn together,
such as goggles with faceshields, goggles with respirators and spectacles with goggles. The end user
should carefully match protectors with other personal protective equipment to provide the protection in-

Because of individual facial characteristics, care must be exercised in fitting goggles to ensure that a tight
fit around the face is achieved in order to provide adequate protection.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

K.12 Goggle Ventilation

Goggles are commonly available with rigid or flexible frames and are usually ventilated to minimize fog-
ging. Three different types of ventilation are available: Direct ventilated goggles permit the direct passage
of air from the work environment into the goggle and are not recommended for use in protection against
dust, fine dust or liquid splash hazards. Indirect ventilated goggles permit the passage of air and may pre-
vent the direct passage of liquids and/or optical radiation. Goggles with no provision for ventilation min-
imize passage of dusts, mist, liquid splash and vapor.

K.13 Peripheral Vision

Some job functions may require special attention to an individual’s ability to perceive objects and/or po-
tential hazards located in the periphery of their visual field (commonly referred to as peripheral vision)
while wearing eye and face protection. These may include, but are not limited to; steel workers, ship
builders, construction workers and powered equipment operators such as forklift operators, truck drivers
and railroad workers. A proper hazard assessment should be performed to determine whether peripheral
vision is a significant factor in the safety of the workplace and/or individual.

Assessing peripheral vision typically involves determining the “field of view”, which is usually measured
horizontally from an individual’s nasal bridge outward. Field of view may also include a vertical meas-
urement. There are a variety of methods for measuring field of view, and the appropriate one may depend
on the workplace hazard assessment and/or job function. Due to the wide range of designs among protec-
tors and individual fit, the ability of a particular eye and face protection product to provide an adequate
field of view may be best determined by trying different types and/or styles on the individual.

K.14 Optical Levels

Certain job tasks and applications may be performed when wearing eye protection that has relaxed optics
requirements for refractive power, astigmatism, and resolving power for lenses and replacement lenses.
These may include but are not limited to first responders or military personnel engaged in tasks such as
general on-site logistics, victim extraction, general fire-fighting activities not requiring self-contained
breathing apparatus, facility tear down, and tactical situations. Such relaxed optics may not be suitable
for machinery operation, laboratory environments, or precision work and therefore should be evaluated
based upon the end use and hazards involved.

The selection of a protector’s optical level for a given use should be conducted in accordance with this
Annex K. Hazard Assessment and Protector Selection.

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020

Annex L. Examples of Protector Markings


The information below is provided to demonstrate examples of acceptable and not acceptable product
markings compliant with ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020. Such information is not meant to be all-inclusive and
is provided for illustrative purposes only.


Manufacturer’s Standard Impact Lens Resulting

Device Coverage Use
Mark or Logo Mark Mark Type Mark


Faceshield, impact rat-

Logo Z87 + W5 LogoZ87+W5
ed (shade 5)

Goggle or faceshield,
Logo Z87 U6 Z87
not impact rated (UV)
Spectacle, impact rated,
Logo + S Logo+ S
special purpose filter

Goggle, impact rated,
Logo Z87 + D5 LogoZ87+D5
fine dust rated
Goggle, not impact Logo
Logo Z87 D3
rated, splash rated Z87D3
Prescription spectacle Logo (on one
w/no side protection, temple)
Logo Z87-2
tested on smaller head- Z87-2 H
form (opposite temple)

Complete Device
+ Logo
Goggle or faceshield,
impact rated, (UV & IR
U6 & U6
Logo Z87 R2 R2
Full facepiece respira-
D3 Logo
tor, impact rated, splash
Logo Z87 + D4 Z87+
rated, dust rated, fine
D5 D3D4D5
dust rated

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ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020


Manufacturer’s Standard Impact Lens
Device Coverage Use Resulting
Mark or Logo Mark Mark Type

Logo (on side)
Z87+UV3 IR3
(on opposite
Goggle or faceshield,
impact rated, (UV & Logo Z87 +
R3 Reason: Incorrect
markings for ul-
traviolet (U) and
infrared (R) des-

Logo Z87(on top
of housing)
D3 D4 (on side of
Goggle, not impact
rated, splash and dust Logo Z87
D4 Reason: Z87
designation and
use markings not
in reasonable

Complete Device
NFPA arc rating
Faceshield, impact rat-
ed, special purpose
Logo Z87 + S
electric arc, certified
Reason: Includes
for use in Canada
intermixed mark-
ings from other

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