Version: 1
This report has been prepared for the Highways Agency. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not
necessarily those of the Highways Agency.
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1 Introduction 1
4.1 Wear factors from static axle weights, WIM systems and Eisenmann equation 8
4.2 Wear Factors from UK WIM sites 9
4.3 Aggregate damage approach 9
4.4 Summary of recent studies 10
5.1 Australia 11
5.2 New Zealand 12
5.3 United States (AASHTO) 12
5.4 France 12
5.5 Netherlands 13
5.6 Discussion 13
9.1 Vehicle wear factors determined from WIM devices located at Core Census locations 28
9.2 Comparison of wear factors in HD 24/96 with wear factors from WIM 29
9.3 Recommended revised wear factors 29
10 Conclusions 31
11 Recommendation 31
12 Acknowledgements 31
13 References 32
B.1 Filtering 37
B.2 Calculation 37
Executive summary
Heavy vehicle traffic loading is a key determinant of pavement structural wear and therefore needs to
be considered in pavement structural design. In the UK, pavement structural design takes into
account the expected traffic flow, growth in traffic over the life of the pavement, distribution of traffic
between lanes and vehicle wear factors. The UK’s standard method for estimating traffic loading for
pavement design is set out in Section 7.2.1 of the Design Manual of Roads and Bridges (HD24).
This report summarises a project for Highways Agency which reviewed the 1996 version of HD24.
The objects of the project were to:
• examine the effects of heavy vehicles on pavements in the UK
• propose a robust method that will enable this effect to be taken into account in a pavement
design procedure
• produce a draft for an updated version of HD24.
The report describes the development of UK wear factors leading to HD24/96. It then considers more
recent research and non UK methods of incorporating traffic loading into pavement design, before
considering which factors should be taken into account in the revised method.
The recommended changes to HD24/96 included revising the:
• Vehicle classification system to reflect changes in the goods vehicle fleet and to harmonise it
with other sections of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. The 3 and 4-axle articulated
vehicles classes would be amalgamated and a separate 6-axle articulated class created.
• Growth factors, using the 1997 National Road Traffic Forecasts.
• Method of calculating the distribution of commercial vehicle traffic between lanes. The lane
distribution on two, three and four lane carriageways was assessed and it was concluded that a
single distribution curve should be used. In addition, it was recommended that the percentage
of commercial traffic in the heaviest traffic lane should be calculated (rather than the
percentage in lane 1) because factors such as junction design can result in the majority of
commercial traffic travelling in lanes other than lane 1.
• Vehicle wear factors using data from Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) sites. It was recommended
that appropriate dynamic and safety factors should be applied to the WIM data. Revised
vehicle wear factors were proposed.
These recommendations were incorporated in the 2006 revision of HD24.
Whilst the project concentrated on structural wear effects, some of the factors considered also affect
the serviceability of the pavement (such as surface skid resistance, rutting, cracking and roughness).
The report recommends that the factors influencing serviceability wear should be examined in greater
1 Introduction
The objective of pavement structural design is to choose appropriate materials of appropriate
thicknesses to ensure that the pavement can carry traffic over the defined design period and meet the
requirements of the assumed structural maintenance regime. Although many factors can be taken into
account in pavement structural design, vehicle traffic has traditionally been the key determinant. The
UK’s standard method for estimating traffic loading for the design of road pavements is set out in
Section 7.2.1 of the Design Manual of Roads and Bridges (HD24).
This report summarises a research project for the Highways Agency which reviewed the 1996 version
of HD24. The objectives were to:
• examine the effects of heavy vehicles on pavements in the UK
• propose a robust method that will enable this effect to be taken into account in a pavement
design procedure
• produce a draft for an updated version of HD24.
This report reviews generic methods of relating pavement deterioration to vehicle loading (Section 2),
the development of UK wear factors (Section 3), recent research on wear factors (Section 4) and non
UK methods of incorporating traffic loading into pavement design (Section 5). It then considers
various factors which might be included in a revised methodology (Sections 6 and 7) and recommends
revisions to HD24 (Section 8). These recommendations were incorporated in the 2006 revision of
HD24. The report also contains information about calculation of the revised vehicle wear factors
(Section 9 and Appendix B).
The classes could be based on any agreed measure of the traffic, such as the type of road or the flow
of heavy goods vehicles.
These methods do not necessarily rely upon a clearly stated relationship between pavement wear and
traffic. Instead the result will be a limited set of pavement designs that are appropriate for the stated
traffic. This would lead to step changes in pavement thickness for different classes of traffic / road,
with different thicknesses for traffic levels just below or just above the threshold level.
Load equivalence is a tried and tested method which allows analytical design and can accommodate
changes to materials and vehicles.
• tyre pressure
• axle spacing
• dynamic loading (related to vehicle suspension and pavement roughness)
• vehicle speed.
To calculate the response of the pavement it is necessary to know not only the thickness of the
pavement materials but also the way in which these materials react to temperature and loading time.
The response of the pavement under each vehicle is predicted and used to estimate the wear caused by
that vehicle. Using a wear relationship such as Miner's hypothesis and the spectrum of traffic that the
pavement will be carrying, the estimated wear attributable to each vehicle is accumulated. This
continues with the pavement being modelled throughout its required design life. If the failure criteria
are not reached then the pavement design is satisfactory, otherwise the pavement design will need to
be altered and the analysis re-run until a satisfactory solution is reached.
While discrete damage analysis has the potential to accurately model vehicle / pavement interaction it
relies on having accurate predictions of factors such as temperature and vehicle speed, and on
accurately defining pavement deterioration in terms of pavement response.
2.4 Discussion
The adoption of a limited number of traffic classes would mean that all pavements within one class
would have to be designed for the maximum amount of traffic in that class (to avoid knowingly
under-designing some pavements).
There are many variables that affect pavement life. These include the traffic composition and speed,
the construction materials, the foundation on which the pavement is built, the climate and the reaction
of the pavement materials to variations in climate. The discrete damage analysis approach involves
predicting the behaviour of many different factors over the design life of the pavement.
A compromise which allows an analytical approach to be taken without becoming unworkably
complicated is the load equivalence method. This is the current method used in the UK and has been
proven to work although it does not take into account all the variables. For example, no account is
taken of the performance of asphalt materials in different temperatures.
Of these three methods, the load equivalence method is considered to be the most robust and
workable. However, it is necessary to build in some conservatism to allow for the influence of factors
which are not taken into account.
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Published Project Report Version: 1
Currer combined information from the TRL weighbridges with that from the traffic surveys to
produce axle load distributions for each of the above vehicle classifications. The load on each axle in
kN (L) was then converted into the number of equivalent 80kN ‘standard’ axles, using the
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 80 ⎠
γ = exponent (found to have a value 4 in the AASHO experiments).
Using the measured proportion of vehicle types and the estimated number of ‘standard’ axles for each
vehicle type it was possible to calculate the average number of ‘standard’ axles per commercial
vehicle. This number, known as the wear factor, was found to be dependent on the type of road. It
ranged from 1.08 for heavily trafficked motorways and trunk roads (carrying over 1,000 commercial
vehicles per day in each direction) to 0.45 for roads carrying less than 250 commercial vehicles per
day in each direction.
By 1979 there were 31 weighbridges at 15 locations and far more comprehensive data were available
on the magnitude of wheel loads. There had also been significant changes in freight transport, with
more multi-axle vehicles, a higher proportion of fully loaded vehicles and some types of vehicle
covering larger annual mileage. Information on traffic flows and axle loads was analysed to bring the
estimates of wear factor and lane distribution up to date (Currer and O'Conner, 1979).
Between 1970 and 1977 the weights of commercial vehicles on motorways had increased. This
resulted in increases in the wear factors of approximately 70% in the near-side lane and 80% in the
centre lane. Similar trends were observed at the trunk road sites, except where the opening of a
motorway resulted in a drastic reduction in the number of commercial vehicles using the road. The
increase in the wear factor was mostly due to a decrease in the number of lighter commercial vehicles
(2 and 3-axle rigid and 3-axle articulated) and an increase in the number of heavier commercial
vehicles (4-axle rigid, and 4 and 5-axle articulated).
To provide the necessary inputs to pavement design, it was assumed that the number of axles per
commercial vehicle would continue to rise over the next 30 years (Currer and O'Conner, 1979).
Future axle wear factors for four different categories of road were calculated by estimating loading
conditions for the each vehicle classification and extrapolating from historic data. Wear factors were
calculated by multiplying the axle wear factor by the number of axles per commercial vehicle. It was
assumed that both the amount of commercial traffic and the amount of wear for each commercial
vehicle would increase over the design life of a pavement. The average vehicle wear factors (number
of ‘standard’ axles per commercial vehicle) varied from 2.9 on the most heavily trafficked roads (>
2,000 commercial vehicles per day) to 0.75 on the lightly trafficked roads (< 250 commercial vehicles
per day).
In 1988, data from the weighbridges were re-analysed, incorporating data collected between 1978 and
1987 (Robinson, 1988). Robinson compared the wear factors predicted by Currer and O'Conner with
those calculated from weighbridge data. There was an increasing discrepancy, with the wear factors
calculated from the weighbridge data being significantly lower than the predicted values.
Robinson also examined data on goods vehicle axle weights from roadside surveys (the axles were
weighed while the vehicles were either stationary or moving very slowly). Robinson concluded that
vehicle wear factors derived from static axle weights should be converted to equivalent weighbridge
values by multiplying by 1.3.
The use of data from static weighing surveys enabled vehicle wear factors to be calculated separately
for each class of vehicle. These wear factors were presented in paragraph 3.14 of Volume 7 Section 2
Part 1 HD 24/96 of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (see Table 3.1).
4-axle articulated 2.60
5+-axle articulated 3.50
Based on past trends in vehicle wear factors and likely future changes, Robinson developed a simple
equation to predict future wear factors and to calculate historic wear factors:
D 2 = D1 ×
(0.91 T1
+ 0.42 )
(0.91 T2
+ 0.42 )
D2 is the wear factor for a given past or future year
D1 is the wear factor for a given base year
T1 is the number of years from 1960 to the given base year
T2 is the number of years from 1960 to the given past or future year
Robinson considered that by 2005 average vehicle wear factors of commercial traffic would be likely
to be 1 to 1.5 times the 1988 values.
HD 24/96 contained two methods of calculating design traffic from traffic flows: a standard method
and a detailed method. The standard method was designed for use on new pavement schemes or
schemes where there is uncertainty about the traffic whereas the detailed method was designed for use
on maintenance schemes where the current traffic composition is known.
The standard method used one of four charts covering single and dual carriageways for design periods
of either 20 or 40 years. The design traffic was defined according to the daily flow of commercial
vehicles and the proportion of the OGV2 class of commercial vehicles. The standard method was a
conservative approach that covered the risk of under-designing the pavement as there is inevitably
considerable uncertainty in predictions of future traffic.
The detailed method was more explicit; the flow of vehicles in terms of at least two vehicle classes
(OGV1 and OGV2) was required to calculate the design traffic. The basic equation for the detailed
method was calculated for each vehicle class:
T = 365.F.G.Y.W.10 6 msa
Design Traffic (msa) = P ×T
Where T = Total flow in million ‘standard’ axles (msa)
Y = Design period (years)
F = Daily flow (vehicles)
G = Growth factor
P = Proportion of vehicles in the left hand lane
W = Vehicle Wear Factor
Both methods used vehicle wear factors to link the flow of vehicles to the design traffic. However,
for the same input data (daily commercial vehicle flow and the proportion of OGV2 vehicles) the two
methods produced different results; the primary reason being the need for additional conservatism
where there is less certainty about the traffic which will use the pavement.
4.1 Wear factors from static axle weights, WIM systems and Eisenmann equation
In 1997 TRL completed a project on heavy goods vehicles and road wear. A number of different
The Eisenmann road stress factor equation gives a wear factor for each axle, the vehicle wear factor
being the sum of factors for each axle.
( 2 4
AWF = 1 + 6(DLC ) + 3(DLC ) × (WC × CP × LE × AC × S )
AWF is the axle wear factor (dynamic component x static load).
DLC is the dynamic load coefficient (coefficient of variation of the ratio of dynamic to static
WC is the wheel configuration factor that varies for single, super-single and dual tyres.
CP is the tyre contact pressure factor, based on the manufacturer's recommended tyre pressure
and split into three bands - within 15% of recommended pressure, 15% below
recommend pressure or 15% above recommended pressure.
LE is the load equalisation factor calculated for each tandem and tri-axle group.
AC is the axle configuration factor that is calculated for single, tandem and tri-axles.
S is the weight of the axle.
WIM data from the M25 and M180 West were used to calculate the predicted Design Traffic over 20
years using a range of power law exponents. The results are presented in Figure 4.1 as a percentage
of the Design Traffic predicted using the procedure given in HD 24/96.
Percentage of HD24/96 Prediction
40% M25
20% M180W
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Exponent in Power Law
Figure 4.1: Predicted Design Traffic using different exponents (expressed as a percentage of
Design Traffic predicted using the HD24/96 method)
The results showed that the predicted design traffic tended to increase as the exponent varied from 4.
They also calculated average vehicle wear factors. Initial results from five WIM sites showed
significant differences between sites. The work was extended to include data for the first quarter of
1996 from 15 WIM sites. The calculated wear factors are shown in Table 4.1.
Wear factors
Collop (1999)
The variability between wear factors is due to the use of different data sources, different methods of
computing the wear factors and changes in traffic.
5.1 Australia
Methods used in the AUSTROADS design manual (AUSTROADS, 1992) are summarised;
Method 1
The AUSTROADS design manual contains different ‘standard’ axle loads for different configurations
of axles, LSi, as shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1: Axles loads which cause equal wear
Different exponents are used to calculate factors for asphalt, cement bound material and the subgrade
(known as FA, FC and FS). Products of these factors and the number of axles for each axle group are
summed to produce the number of ‘standard’ axles.
Method 2
N E = N A1 F1 + N A 2 F2 + N A 3 F3 + N A 4 F4
The design traffic is then determined by multiplying the daily figure by a growth factor incorporating
the expected annual traffic growth and the design period.
Method 3
The annual average daily traffic (AADT) can be used to produce an equivalent daily traffic, NE:
AADT × F × C
NE =
F = Factors indicating ‘standard’ axles per commercial vehicle dependent on road function and
geographical area.
C = Percentage of commercial traffic
5.4 France
The French method (LCPC, 1997) converts traffic counts into a number of equivalent 130kN axle
loads, NE, for each layer in the pavement construction. NE is a product of a cumulative number of
heavy vehicles (payload greater than 5 tonnes), N and a co-efficient of aggressiveness, CAM.
1 ⎡ 3
⎛P ⎞ ⎤
CAM = ⎢∑∑ k j nij ⎜⎜ i ⎟⎟ ⎥
NPL ⎢ i j =1 ⎝ P0 ⎠ ⎥⎦
NPL = Number of heavy vehicles
k = Co-efficient dependent on axle type j and pavement type,
n = Number of axles of type j and load class Pi
The exponent α is 5 (5th power law) for bituminous pavements and 12 for other pavement types.
Alternatively, CAM can be assumed for medium and high traffic volumes depending on the material
and layer type, as in Table 5.2
Material CAM
N is determined from an average annual daily flow, ADM, which has been adjusted for the road type
(see Table 5.3) and a traffic growth factor.
Table 5.3 Correction to ADM for the numbers of lanes in rural locations
2 90
3 80 (65)
( ) is for orbital roads around cities
5.5 Netherlands
The Dutch system for determining equivalent traffic gives an expression of the number of equivalent
100kN ‘standard’ axles, Neq, using the following equation.
Neq = V × W × Fr × Fnb × Fv × Dv × G
The Dv factors are analogous to the vehicle wear factors in HD24/96. The Netherlands uses a three
class system to rate vehicles (see Table 5.4).
Table 5.4 Freight vehicle damage ratio for different traffic types
Traffic Category Dv
5.6 Discussion
In four of these five design methods, the load equivalence factor (vehicle wear factor) depends on the
type of pavement construction. The UK wear factors are independent of the pavement design; the
different responses of different construction types being taken into account in the design charts. Both
are valid approaches but it is not possible to adopt the method of calculating wear factors from one
approach and apply it to the pavement design method from the other approach.
Some of the above methods also take into account pavement thickness. This means that design
becomes an iterative process, where the initial design thickness is estimated and analysis is then
undertaken to see if this thickness is sufficient for the design vehicle loading. If not, the thickness
will be increased and the analysis repeated. This is a perfectly valid method but it is perhaps simpler
to calculate the design traffic separately and to apply this to any type of pavement construction to
obtain the correct thickness.
Having different wear factors for different types of pavement construction could inhibit innovation, as
new wear factors would need to be established for each new material or new method of construction.
It is considered preferable to have wear factors which can be given in a specification for road
construction, independent of the construction materials and layer thicknesses selected. There is
therefore no advantage in adopting any of the methods reviewed here.
Lane width and geographical area are also inputs in some of the methods summarised above. These
factors are discussed in the following sections.
Various studies have suggested that, in addition to the axle load, vehicle parameters such as tyre
configuration, axle configuration and suspension should be taken into account when calculating
vehicle wear factors. In this Section, various parameters are examined and recommendations are
made as to whether they should be used in deriving revised vehicle wear factors.
locations on the road (Collop, 1994). This ‘spatial repeatability’ effect can result in average peak
loads of up to 1.4 times the static loads; the size of these peak loads being influenced by the speed of
the vehicle and by the roughness of the road. Collop concluded that spatial repeatability could
influence pavement failure and therefore should be considered in future calculations of vehicle wear.
The type of suspension can affect the dynamic loading on the pavement and thus pavement wear.
This effect is acknowledged in legislation - the heaviest vehicles are encouraged to use ‘road-friendly’
air suspension systems. However, the DIVINE project (OECD, 1998) showed that the benefits of
road-friendly suspension are only fully achieved if the suspension systems are maintained to a high
standard - poorly damped air suspensions can increase the dynamic load and thus pavement wear.
This work recommended that concessions for road-friendly suspension systems should only be given
if policy makers have confidence in their long-term in-service performance.
The vehicle wear factors in HD 24/96 were derived from measurements of real traffic on motorways
and trunk roads and so already take some dynamic loading into account. However, dynamic loading
could be of far greater importance on less major roads that are not maintained in such a good surface
It is recommended that vehicle wear factors continue to take dynamic loading into account and that an
element of conservatism is built into the wear factors as they will be used to derive design traffic for
all roads, not just heavily trafficked motorways and trunk roads where dynamic loading is likely to
relatively low.
that the effect of tyre type diminishes deeper in the pavement thus there will be little effect on
structural deterioration of the pavement.
Research was also carried out for European COST Action 334 (Cost Action 334, 2002) to quantify the
relative wearing effects of a range of types of tyre (dual, wide single, single) on a variety of flexible
pavements. It was found that tyre parameters had no effect on structural rutting in thick pavements
but on thinner pavements dual or wide base single tyres caused slightly less structural rutting than
standard single tyres. In terms of primary (surface) rutting, dual tyres with unequal load sharing
between the two tyres were found to be most aggressive - a significant number of dual assemblies on
drive axles had unequal load sharing between the two tyres. Very wide based single tyres appeared to
cause marginally less surface rutting than either single or dual tyres.
In summary, tyre configuration has more effect on the pavement surface than on structural wear.
Currently the main use of vehicle wear factors is to determine the structural requirements for
pavements thus tyre configuration is not a factor which should be included in calculating revised wear
• Axle load – this is a fundamental parameter that must be used in any future method of
calculating vehicle wear factors.
• Vehicle suspension - it is recommended that this is not taken into account due to difficulties
in quantifying the effect in the long term. However, the wear factors must include an
allowance for detrimental effects of dynamic loading.
• Tyre Configuration Factors – although these may be a useful means of looking at the effect of
changes in tyre use, they are likely to have more effect on pavement surfaces than on
structural wear. It is recommended that they are not considered in deriving revised vehicle
wear factors.
• Axle configuration – due to the variation in axle spacing, difficulties in quantifying the effect
on pavement wear and different effects for different pavement types, it is recommended that
axle configuration is not included in the revised method of deriving pavement wear factors.
A conservative approach should be used to take account of the possible detrimental effect of
changing axle groupings.
• Lifting axles – these may have a significant effect on wear factors, and it is recommended that
they are taken into account. However, the axle loads of vehicles with lifted axles would be
measured by Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) devices and would be implicitly accounted for if WIM
measurements are used to derive vehicle wear factors
• Vehicle speed - it is not practical to include vehicle speed in deriving structural wear factors,
though it may need to be taken into account when serviceability is considered.
Flexible Pavements
Non Structural rutting 1.0 - 1.5
Cracking 1.3 - 3.1
Serviceability 4.4
Rutting 4.0 - 9.6
Asphalt fatigue 4-5
Rigid Pavements
Rigid pavement cracking 5.5 - 18.0
Faulting at joints 0.7
Derformation 4.0 - 7.4
Research has also indicated that wear factors are dependent on the thickness of the pavement (COST
Action 334, 2002). However, using different wear factors for different thicknesses would make
design an iterative process, with an initial estimate of thickness assumed and revised if calculations
showed that it was inadequate. This adds unnecessary complication and it is recommended that
pavement thickness is not taken into account in deriving wear factors.
Using different power laws for different constructions and for different modes of deterioration is
considered to be impractical. If a contractor wishes to use a novel pavement design that spans the
divide between design types, there would be confusion regarding which power laws to use. These
problems could be exacerbated when determining traffic for maintenance where there can be different
construction types along the same stretch of road.
All current UK designs in HD26/01 were calibrated to design traffic calculated using vehicle wear
factors based on the 4th power law. Thus the design method already implicitly takes into account a
pavement construction factor. Adoption of a significantly different power law would mean that the
designs would need to be re-calibrated for the different design traffic.
It is recommended that the 4th power law continues to be used for calculating structural vehicle wear
factors and that the same wear factors are used whatever the pavement construction type and
It is therefore recommended that lane width is not incorporated into a new method of calculating
pavement wear.
The use of articulated vehicles with 3 axles has declined over the past decade. It is recommended that
these vehicles be classified together with 4-axle articulated vehicles. The combined 3 and 4-axle
articulated class of vehicles would be placed into the heavy commercial vehicle category (OGV2).
The proposals shown in Table 7.2 would harmonise the classifications between different sections of
the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges and more appropriately represent the current commercial
vehicle fleet.
Rigid 0.9%
Articulated 2.5%
3 5%
Source: National Road Traffic Forecasts (1997)
Growth Factor (G)
OGV2 = 1.27
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0.8 OGV1+PSV
Growth Factor (Past Traffic)
Source: Continuing Survey of Road Goods Transport (2002)
0 10 20 30 40
Years since opening
100 100
90 90
% in Lane 1
% in Lane 1
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 100000
Total Commercial Vehicle Flow Total Commercial Vehicle Flow
a b
Figure 7.3. Lane distribution data for 2 and 3-lane (graphs ‘a’ and ‘b’) carriageways
TRL also examined the lane distribution for 4-lane carriageways. It was concluded that the
distribution was more complex than for 2 and 3-lane carriageways and may be highly influenced by
the proximity to junctions (at the time of this research, 4-lane carriageways were most common
TRL Limited 23 PPR 066
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Markit Not for Resale, 05/05/2022 00:09:47 MDT
Published Project Report Version: 1
between junctions, with a ‘lane drop’ in lane 1 causing vehicles to use lane 2 as the main traffic lane if
there was a short distance between junctions).
The lane distribution on 4-lane dual carriageways was reviewed again in 2003. At this time there
were only two core census locations on a 4-lane dual carriageway. These were on the A1(M) between
Junctions 15 and 16 (northbound and southbound carriageways). They were more than a mile from
any junction and no ‘lane drop’ was present. Data were analysed for a three month period between
July and September 2003.
Figure 7.4 shows this data for 4-lane carriageways together with the data for 3-lane carriageways from
Figure 7.3b. The chart shows two concentrations of data which represent weekday and weekend
traffic; approximately 6,000 commercial vehicles per day for weekdays and 2,000 vehicles per day for
weekend traffic.
Commercial vehicles in main traffic lane
100 1000 10000 100000
Daily flow of commercial vehicles
Figure 7.4 Comparison of lane distribution data for 3 and 4-lane dual carriageways
This suggests that where there is no ‘lane dropping’ there is no distinguishable difference between the
lane distribution of commercial vehicles on 3-lane dual carriageways and 4-lane dual carriageways.
Further examination of the data shown in Figure 7.3 and the A1(M) data showed that one curve could
be derived to represent all the data. The previously assumed difference in heavy traffic lane
distribution between 2 and 3-lane sites was caused by only three sites which were unrepresentative of
the body of the data. A best-fit curve was created through the majority of the data (excluding those
three sites) and is shown in Figure 7.5. The term ‘main traffic lane’ has been adopted because factors
such as junction design can result in the majority of commercial vehicle traffic travelling in lanes
other than in lane 1.
100 1000 10000 100000
Total daily commercial vehicle flow
Figure 7.5 Proportion of commercial vehicles in main traffic lane, based on daily flow
⎡ ⎤
% in main traffic lane = 47 × 1 −
1 ⎥ + 50
⎢ ⎛ CVF ⎞ ⎥
−3×log ⎜ ⎟
⎢⎣ 1 + e ⎝ 8800 ⎠ ⎥
CVF is the daily commercial vehicle flow in all lanes of the carriageway.
The use of simple traffic classes for pavement design is not thought to be viable because it would lead
to step changes in design thickness when going from one traffic level to another.
While discrete damage analysis has the potential to accurately model vehicle / pavement interaction it
relies on accurate predictions of factors such as temperature and vehicle speed. It also relies on
accurately defining pavement deterioration in terms of pavement response. It was considered that
there would be no advantage in using this method compared with the current load equivalence
It is therefore recommended that there should be no basic change in the current UK method for
producing wear factors. The load equivalence method could be adapted, using the Eisenmann stress
equation, to take account of factors other than axle load, if this becomes desirable.
Axle load is fundamental and needs to be part of any wear factor calculation. It is recommended that
the other factors should not be included in the calculation of wear factors but that an element of
conservatism should be incorporated to allow for changes in suspensions, axle configurations, etc.
The power law was also discussed and because variations of construction type and thickness are taken into
account in the current design methodology, it is recommended that the fourth power law should continue
to be used for all construction types and thicknesses of pavement.
Non-vehicle factors discussed were:
• Pavement width
• Geographical effects
It is recommended that pavement width should not be taken into account as bends and early life
rutting mean that the lateral distribution of traffic is not necessarily dependent on lane width. Also
geographical effects should not be taken into account as there is little temperature variation in the UK.
Vehicle types and loading conditions may vary due to geographical factors but these will be very local
effects and may change considerably over the design life of the pavement.
It was concluded that revised wear factors should be derived using the fourth power of axle loads.
result of delays at road works. Taking a conservative approach should also ensure that pavements can
cope with overloaded vehicles, exceptional vehicles and other changes which may increase axle loads.
The results also indicated that selecting a design period of less than 40 years created additional whole
life costs, thus a standard design period of 40 years is recommended.
8.7 Summary
The following recommendations are made:
• The current vehicle wear factors should be revised. The recommended method of deriving
new wear factors is to use a load equivalence method and an exponent of 4.
• Wear factors should be derived from weigh-in-motion data. This will implicitly capture the
effect of lifting axles and some dynamic loading.
• Changes to the method of converting vehicle wear factors to design traffic are recommended.
These include revising the vehicle classification and adopting revised lane distribution curves.
9.1 Vehicle wear factors determined from WIM devices located at Core Census locations
The derivation of vehicle wear factors based on data from WIM devices at core census location is
given in Appendix B. This analysis used data from 12 WIM sites over a 10 month period between
January and October 2003.
Previous research found variations between different WIM sites. This can be due to the calibration of
the sensors, the time since calibration, the geometry of the site, the pavement surface and / or the
distribution of vehicles traversing a particular site. Hakim and Thom (1998) suggested that 15 WIM
sites would result in an average error in actual pavement thickness of approximately 7%.
The WIM data were used to calculate the vehicle wear factor for each vehicle. The average vehicle
wear factors are presented in Table 9.1.
Table 9.1. Summary of Vehicle Wear Factors from Core Census Locations
9.2 Comparison of wear factors in HD 24/96 with wear factors from WIM
The average WIM wear factors are compared with those in HD 24/96 in Table 9.2.
Table 9.2 Comparison of wear factors from WIM with HD 24/96
Vehicle Class Wear factors from HD 24/96 Wear factors from
Buses & Coaches 1.30 1.97
2R 0.34 0.28
3R 1.70 1.72
4R 3.00 2.28
3A & 4A 0.65 (3A) 1.24
2.60 (4A)
5A 3.50 2.18
6A 3.50 2.79
OGV1 + Buses & Coaches 0.6 0.48
OGV2 3.0 2.22
The wear factors derived from the WIM sites tend to be lower than those used in HD 24/96.
Buses &
Coaches 2.0 2.6 3.9
10 Conclusions
Following a review of the method of estimating traffic loading for the design of road pavements set
out in HD24/96, it was concluded that:
• A revised vehicle classification system should be used to reflect the current use of heavy
goods vehicles. This would also unify vehicle classifications within the Design Manual for
Roads and Bridges.
• A revised set of traffic growth estimates should be used.
• A revised lane distribution curve should be used. This defines the proportion of traffic to be
carried in the main traffic lane (rather than Lane 1).
• A revised method for the derivation of vehicle wear factors should be used for new
construction and maintenance purposes. This is consistent with the wear factors in HD24/96.
11 Recommendation
The work reported in this report concentrated on the factors used to estimate structural road wear.
UK heavily-trafficked fully flexible roads are designed to be long-life, and it is assumed that wear will
be confined to the surface layers. If the surface layers are replaced before cracking penetrates to the
layers below, there should not be any structural deterioration. Serviceability wear (including surface
rutting, cracking and deterioration of the pavement profile) then becomes relatively more important.
It is recommended that the factors influencing serviceability wear should be examined in greater
12 Acknowledgements
The work described in this report was carried out in the Infrastructure and Environment Division of
TRL Limited and at Scott Wilson Pavement Engineering Limited. The authors are grateful to Mr W
Newton who carried out the quality review and auditing of this report; to Dr K Nesnas who calculated
vehicle wear factors from the CSRGT data; and to the Transport Statistics Group of the Department
for Transport who provided WIM data.
13 References
AASHTO (1993). AASHTO guide for design of pavement structures. American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington DC.
ABELL RA (1993). Whole life costing of pavements. Asphalt and Coated Macadam Association
Annual Seminar. Solihull.
ADDIS RR and WHITMARSH RA (1981). Relative damaging power of wheel loads in mixed
traffic. TRRL Laboratory Report 979. Crowthorne: Transport and Road Research Laboratory.
AUSTROADS (1992). Pavement Design - A guide to the structural design of road pavements.
AUSTROADS, NSW, Australia.
International Conference Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp 550-561.
BOWSKILL G, HERBST G and SAID S (1999). Choice of materials and design for severe traffic
and climates, PIARC.
CEBON (1993) Interaction between heavy vehicles and roads, Technical report, Cambridge
University Engineering Department.
COLLOP AC (1994). Effect of Traffic and Temperature on Flexible Pavement Wear, PhD Thesis,
University of Cambridge.
COLLOP AC (1999). Investigating the requirements for wear factors and the supply of WIM data:
Objective 3 Report; Alternative methods of using traffic data in pavement design. Report by Scott
Wilson Pavement Engineering to HA.
COST Action 334 (2002). Effects of Wide Single Tyres and Dual Tyres. Directorate General for
Energy and Transport, European Commission. www.cordis.lu
CURRER EWH (1974). Commercial Traffic Studies. TRRL Laboratory Report 628. Transport and
Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, UK.
CURRER EWH and O'CONNER MGD (1979). Commercial traffic: its estimated damaging effect,
1945 - 2005. TRRL Laboratory Report 910. Crowthorne: Transport and Road Research Laboratory.
DESIGN MANUAL FOR ROADS AND BRIDGES. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. The
Stationery Office Ltd.
HD24/96: Traffic Assessment (DMRB 7.2.1)
HD24/06: Traffic Assessment (DMRB 7.2.1)
HD25/94: Foundations (DMRB 7.2.2)
HD26/01: Pavement Design (DMRB 7.2.3)
The Application of the COBA Manual (DMRB 13.1.0)
FHWA (1982). Final Report on the Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study, US Department of
FRITH BA and BARBOUR IA (1992). Goods vehicle surveys at four WIM pre-selection sites
(1990/1991). TRL Research Report 369. Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, UK.
CEBON D (1993). Effects of heavy-vehicle characteristics on pavement response and performance.
Report 353, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.
HAKIM BA and THOM NH (1998). Investigating the requirements for wear factors and the supply
of WIM data: Objective 2 Report; Examination of VWF production, Report by Scott Wilson
Pavement Engineering to HA.
HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD (1962). The AASHO Road Test: Pavement Research. Special
Report No. 61E, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Publication 954,
Washington D.C.
LCPC (1997). French Design Manual for pavement structures. Laboratoire Central des Ponts et
Chaussées, Paris.
NAASRA (1987). Pavement Design. A Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements.
NESNAS K and MERRILL D (2002). Development of Advanced Models for the Understanding of
Deterioration in Long-Life Pavements. BCRA Workshop on Modelling of Flexible Pavements,
OECD (1998). Dynamic interaction between vehicles and infrastructure experiment (DIVINE),
Technical Report DSTI/DOT/RTR/IR6(98)1/FINAL.
PATTERSON WDO (1985). Prediction of Road Deterioration and Maintenance Effects: Theory and
Quantification, Vol. III, Transport Department, World Bank, Washington, D.C.
ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY (1970). A guide to the structural design of pavements for
new roads. Road Note 29, Third Edition. London: HMSO.
ROBINSON RG (1988). Trends in axle loading and their effects on design of road pavements.
Research Report 138. Crowthorne: Transport and Road Research Laboratory.
SMITH HA (1991). Truck tire characteristics and asphalt concrete pavement rutting. Transport
Research Record 1307, TRB, Washington: National Research Council.
TRANSIT (2000). New Zealand supplement to the document Pavement Design - A guide to the
structural design of road pavements AUSTROADS (1992). Transit New Zealand, Wellington, New
TROTT JJ and GRAINGER JW (1968). Design of a dynamic weighbridge for recording vehicle
wheel loads. Road Research Laboratory Report LR 219. Crowthorne: Road Research Laboratory.
TRL Limited 33
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Copyright Transport Research Laboratory
Provided by IHS Markit Licensee=Australia-Adelaide/3219500143, User=Mukherjee, Debaleena
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Markit Not for Resale, 05/05/2022 00:09:47 MDT
Published Project Report Version: 1
Advantages of WIM
• WIM devices give a continuous measure of traffic loading
• WIM devices provide information on actual instantaneous axle loading
• WIM devices provide a large amount of data and hence can be good value
Disadvantages of WIM
• WIM systems have been installed at a relatively small number of fixed locations and therefore
only provide a small sample of traffic
• WIM devices measure a dynamic load that is influenced by the interaction between the vehicles
and the road profile. This affects the accuracy of the measurements. In addition, they do not
necessarily measure the true dynamic load as they are normally calibrated using the static loads of
a limited number of calibration vehicles. The accuracy can also be influenced by the type of
sensor and how the data are processed
• Vehicles are usually classified on the basis of their dimensions. There may be errors in
classifying vehicles
Errors associated with WIM devices and their effect on traffic and pavement design.
Hakim and Thom (1998) determined two different types of error associated with WIM devices:
calibration errors and measurement errors. In order to explore the interaction of these errors, three
scenarios were tested.
• Only measurement error
• Measurement and calibration error
• Measurement and calibration error with a shift associated with one type of device
They found that the ‘measurement error only’ scenario resulted in an error in the 20 year traffic
prediction of between 5 and 15% (using a 4th power). The ‘measurement and calibration error’
scenario produced traffic prediction errors of between 15% and 20%. These error estimates increase
with the exponent of the power law. Larger errors may occur when less random errors are taken into
account; traffic prediction errors of up to 50% were stated in this case.
Frith and Barbour (1992) compared wear factors produced using WIM systems with those produced
for the same vehicles using data from enforcement weighbridges. The ratio was very variable
between sites (between 0.67 and 2.06).
Although the devices used in static surveys have the same type of errors as WIM devices
(measurement and calibration errors), these errors are much smaller. There are sampling errors due to
the relatively small sample of traffic and possible bias due to drivers avoiding the site.
TRL Limited
35 PPR 066
Copyright Transport Research Laboratory
Provided by IHS Markit Licensee=Australia-Adelaide/3219500143, User=Mukherjee, Debaleena
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Markit Not for Resale, 05/05/2022 00:09:47 MDT
Published Project Report Version: 1
CSRGT sampling errors are relatively small. However, additional errors are introduced when
estimating wear factors. This process involves using CSRGT data to estimate vehicle travel by degree
of lading for each of the main classes of vehicle, and then to allocate axle loads or wear factors to this
lading pattern.
The A1(M) at Sawtry was a 4-lane dual carriageway, the other sites had 3 lanes in each direction.
WIM devices were located in lanes 1 and 2, except at the M4 and M40 where they are only in lane 1.
The measurements from four WIM sites covered January to October 2003, the measurements at other
sites covered a period from July to October 2003.
B.1 Filtering
The raw WIM data was filtered to increase the speed and reliability of the analysis.
To remove light vehicles, a minimum unladen weight was defined for each vehicle class and vehicles
weighing less than 80% of these values were rejected. Cars were removed from the data by excluding
vehicles with axle spacing less than 3m.
Vehicles that were unrealistically heavy were also removed. They were rejected that had either a total
weight or axle weights 50% greater than the legal maximum.
Filtering reduced the number of vehicles by approximately 70%.
B.2 Calculation
Each data set contained measurements for one calendar month and these were the analysed using a
custom-written computer program which calculated wear factors (using the fourth power law) and
percentiles. The following output statistics were saved for each vehicle class:
• Mean wear factor
• Median or 50th percentile wear factor
• 75th percentile wear factor
• 85th percentile wear factor
• 90th percentile wear factor
• 95th percentile wear factor
• Total number of vehicles