Npa 2011-17
Npa 2011-17
Npa 2011-17
‘Volcanic Ash’
1. The eruption of the Eyafjallajokull volcano in Iceland in April 2010 severely affected air
traffic in Europe and globally. As a response to this event, ICAO created the International
Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF) in July 2010 in order to assess the global aviation needs
in relation to volcanic events.
2. One of the sub-groups of the IVATF (AIR04) has developed a proposal to States for a
globally applicable process to facilitate operations into, or avoidance of, areas known or
forecast to contain volcanic clouds. The approach is based on a safety risk assessment
that must be performed by the operator and accepted by the State of the Operator.
3. The Agency supports the approach adopted within the AIR04 proposal and this NPA
intends to aid its application by mandating the supply of relevant information from
manufacturers to support operators in developing their safety risk assessment.
A. Explanatory Note
I. General
1. The purpose of this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to envisage amending
Decision 2003/14/RM of the Executive Director of 14 November 2003 1 , Decision
2003/02/RM of the Executive Director of 17 October 2003 2 , Decision 2003/15/RM of the
Executive Director of 14 November 2003 3 , Decision 2003/16/RM of the Executive
Director of 14 November 2003 4 , Decision 2003/09/RM of the Executive Director of 24
October 2003 5 , Decision 2003/07/RM of the Executive Director of 24 October 2003 6 ,
Decision 2003/05/RM of the Executive Director of 17 October 2003 7 .
2. The European Aviation Safety Agency (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Agency’) is directly
involved in the rule-shaping process. It assists the Commission in its executive tasks by
preparing draft regulations, and amendments thereof, for the implementation of the
Basic Regulation 8 which are adopted as ‘Opinions’ (Article 19(1)). It also adopts
Certification Specifications, including Airworthiness Codes and Acceptable Means of
Compliance and Guidance Material to be used in the certification process (Article 19(2)).
3. When developing rules, the Agency is bound to follow a structured process as required by
Article 52(1) of the Basic Regulation. Such process has been adopted by the Agency’s
Management Board and is referred to as ‘The Rulemaking Procedure’ 9 .
Decision No 2003/14/RM of the Executive Director of the Agency of 14 November 2003 on
certification specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for
normal, utility, aerobatic and commuter category aeroplanes (« CS-23 »). Decision as last amended
by Decision 2010/008/R of the Executive Director of the Agency of 28 September 2010.
Decision No 2003/02/RM of the Executive Director of the Agency of 17 October 2003 on certification
specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for large
aeroplanes (« CS-25 »). Decision as last amended by Decision 2011/004/R of the Executive Director
of the Agency of 27 June 2011.
Decision No 2003/15/RM of the Executive Director of the Agency of 14 November 2003 on
certification specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for
small rotorcraft (« CS-27 »). Decision as last amended by Decision 2008/09/R of the Executive
Director of the Agency of 10 November 2008.
Decision No 2003/16/RM of the Executive Director of the Agency of 14 November 2003 on
certification specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for
large rotorcraft (« CS-29 »). Decision as last amended by Decision 2008/10/R of the Executive
Director of the Agency of 10 November 2008.
Decision No 2003/09/RM of the Executive Director of the Agency of 24. October 2003 on certification
specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for engines
(« CS-E »). Decision as last amended by Decision 2010/015/R of the Executive Director of the Agency
of 16 December 2010.
Decision No 2003/07/RM of the Executive Director of the Agency of 24 October 2003 on certification
specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for propellers
(« CS-P »). Decision as last amended by Decision 2006/09/R of the Executive Director of the Agency
of 16 November 2006.
Decision No 2003/05/RM of the Executive Director of the Agency of 17 October 2003 on certification
specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for auxiliary power
units (« CS-APU »).
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 on
common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency, and
repealing Council Directive 91/670/EEC, Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 and Directive 2004/36/EC (OJ
L 79, 19.03.2008, p. 1). Regulation as last amended by Regulation 1108/2009 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 (OJ L 309, 24.11.2009, p. 51).
Management Board decision concerning the procedure to be applied by the Agency for the issuing of
opinions, certification specifications and guidance material (Rulemaking Procedure), EASA MB
08-2007, 13.6.2007.
TE.RPRO.00034-002© European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 21
Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet.
NPA 2011-17 22 Sep 2011
4. This rulemaking activity is included in the Agency’s Rulemaking Programme for 2011. It
implements the rulemaking task RMT.0364 (MDM.089).
5. The text of this NPA has been developed by the Agency. It is submitted for consultation
of all interested parties in accordance with Article 52 of the Basic Regulation and
Articles 5(3) and 6 of the Rulemaking Procedure.
6. The proposed rule has taken into account the development of European Union and
International law (ICAO), and the harmonisation with the rules of other authorities of the
European Union’s main partners as set out in the objectives of Article 2 of the Basic
II. Consultation
7. To achieve optimal consultation, the Agency is publishing the draft Decision of the
Executive Director on its Internet site. Comments should be provided within 3 months in
accordance with Article 6(4) of the Rulemaking Procedure. Comments on this proposal
should be submitted by one of the following methods:
CRT: Send your comments using the Comment-Response Tool (CRT)
available at
E-mail: Comments can be sent by e-mail only in case the use of CRT is
prevented by technical problems. The(se) problem(s) should be
reported to the CRT webmaster and comments should be sent by
e-mail to
Correspondence: If you do not have access to the Internet or e-mail, you can send
your comments by mail to:
Process Support
Rulemaking Directorate
Postfach 10 12 53
50452 Cologne
Comments should be submitted by 23 December 2011. If received after this deadline,
they might not be taken into account.
11. To propose a new obligation on manufacturers to identify any susceptibility of aircraft
features to the effects of volcanic cloud contamination and to ensure that information
necessary for safe operation is provided to operators.
12. This NPA builds on and supports the work of the IVATF by proposing changes to EASA
airworthiness codes (CS-23, CS-25, CS-27, CS-29, CS-E, CS-P and CS-APU). It creates a
new obligation on type-certificate, restricted type-certificate, supplemental type-
certificate holders, and holders of an ETSO authorisation for APU, to investigate and
understand the hazards associated with exposure to the harmful effects of volcanic
clouds. Such investigations may be based on a combination of experience, studies,
analysis, and/or testing of parts, sub-assemblies or products (i.e. engines or propellers).
Information that can be readily used by operators in preparing their SRAs, including
recommendations regarding the actual levels of ash tolerance and any operational
precautions that need to be taken, will then have to be prepared and distributed.
ICAO Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Materials and Toxic Chemical Clouds (ICAO Doc 9691),
Second Edition - 2007.
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Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet.
NPA 2011-17 22 Sep 2011
that must be observed by the operator to ensure the airworthiness and continued
airworthiness of an aircraft.
1 2 3 5 8
Extremely 1
Improbable 2
Remote 3
Occasional 4 8
Frequent 5
2. Objectives
The overall objectives of the Agency are defined in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008
(the ‘Basic Regulation’). This proposal will contribute to the overall objectives by ensuring that
a high uniform level of civil aviation safety in Europe is maintained that is both safe and cost-
The specific objective is to mitigate the risks to aircraft from operating in areas contaminated
by volcanic clouds. For this purpose, it is proposed that manufacturers support operators by
providing all relevant airworthiness information for use in developing their SRAs. In order to
successfully produce such SRAs, it is essential that operators are provided or have access to
reliable technical data and information regarding the susceptibility of the aircraft they operate
to volcanic cloud related airworthiness effects, the nature of these effects and the related pre-
flight, in-flight and post-flight precautions to be observed.
3. Options identified
Option No Description
4. Analysis of impacts
Data from IATA (Fact Sheet – Volcanic Ash).
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Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet.
NPA 2011-17 22 Sep 2011
Option 0: The new approach is reliant on acceptance of the operator’s SRA prior to operations
in affected airspace. Comments received on A-NPA 2011-06 indicate that some manufacturers
have been unable or unwilling to provide the necessary information to support operators. This
will impact on the operator’s SRA, either leading to increased costs for the operator if the
relevant information has to be established independently, or may lead to significant loss of
revenue if flight operations have to be suspended. Suspension of flight operations may also
impact manufacturers’ revenue if support services are provided on a “by-the-hour” basis.
Option 1: Establishing the effects of volcanic cloud contamination on aircraft/engines/
propellers and APUs will require additional work to be performed by the manufacturer. This
additional work is deemed to be small in relation to what is required for certification of a
new/changed product or APU.
Option 2: In addition to Option 1, most manufacturers have voluntarily assessed their existing
products for the effects of volcanic cloud contamination. No significant increase in costs is
therefore expected, with the possible exception of those small number of manufacturers who
have not voluntarily supplied information, where there may be an adverse effect.
Option 3: As Option 1. No additional significant impact identified.
B. Draft Decisions
The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted text, new text or new paragraph
as shown below:
1. deleted text is shown with a strike through: deleted
2. new text is highlighted with grey shading: new
3. …
indicates that remaining text is unchanged in front of or following the reflected
Book 1
CS 23.1501 General
(b) The operating limitations and other information necessary for safe operation must
be made available to the crew members as prescribed in CS 23.1541 to 23.1589CS
For turbine engine powered aeroplanes, the susceptibility of aeroplane features to the
effects of volcanic cloud contamination must be established.
Book 2
A volcanic cloud comprises volcanic ash together with gases and other chemicals.
Although the primary hazard is volcanic ash, other elements of the volcanic cloud may
also be undesirable to operate through, and their effect on airworthiness should be
In determining the susceptibility of aeroplane features to the effects of volcanic clouds
and the necessary information to operators, the following points should be considered:
(1) Identify the features of the aeroplane that are susceptible to airworthiness effects
from volcanic clouds. These may include, but are not limited to the following:
a. The malfunction or failure of one or more engines, leading not only to reduction
or complete loss of thrust but also to failures of electrical, pneumatic and
hydraulic systems;
b. Blockage of pitot and static sensors, resulting in unreliable airspeed indications
and erroneous warnings;
c. Windscreen abrasion, resulting in windscreens being rendered partially or
completely opaque;
d. Fuel contamination;
e. Volcanic ash and/or toxic chemical contamination of cabin air-conditioning packs,
possibly leading to loss of cabin pressurisation or noxious fumes in the cabin;
f. Erosion of external and internal aeroplane components;
g. Volcanic cloud static discharge, leading to prolonged loss of communications;
h. Reduced electronic cooling efficiency, leading to a wide range of aeroplane
system failures.
(2) The nature and severity of effects.
(3) The effect of volcanic ash on operations to/from contaminated aerodromes. In
particular, deposits of volcanic ash on a runway can lead to degraded braking
performance, most significantly if the ash is wet.
(4) The related pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight precautions to be observed by the
operator including any necessary amendments to Aircraft Operating Manuals, Aircraft
Maintenance Manuals, Master Minimum Equipment List/Despatch Deviation, or
equivalents required to support the operator.
(5) The recommended continuing airworthiness inspections associated with operations in
volcanic cloud contaminated airspace and to/from volcanic ash contaminated
aerodromes; this may take the form of Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness or
other advice.
Book 1
CS 25.1501 General
(b) The operating limitations and other information necessary for safe operation must
be made available to the crew members as prescribed in CS 25.1541 to 23.1587CS
Book 2
Book 1
CS 27.1501 General
(b) The operating limitations and other information necessary for safe operation must
be made available to the crew members as prescribed in CS 27.1541 to 27.1589CS
For turbine engine powered rotorcraft, the susceptibility of rotorcraft features to the
effects of volcanic cloud contamination must be established.
Book 2
operational data and instructions for their flight crews when operating in, or avoiding,
airspace contaminated with volcanic clouds. The information should be readily usable by
operators in preparing their safety risk assessments, and should include
recommendations regarding the actual levels of ash concentrations levels and the time
period that can be tolerated, together with any operational precautions that need to be
taken by the operator.
A volcanic cloud comprises volcanic ash together with gases and other chemicals.
Although the primary hazard is volcanic ash, other elements of the volcanic cloud may
also be undesirable to operate through, and their effect on airworthiness should be
In determining the susceptibility of rotorcraft features to the effects of volcanic clouds
and the necessary information to operators, the following points should be considered:
(1) Identify the features of the rotorcraft that are susceptible to airworthiness effects
from volcanic clouds. These may include, but are not limited to the following:
a. The malfunction or failure of one or more engines, leading not only to reduction
or complete loss of thrust but also to failures of electrical, pneumatic and
hydraulic systems;
b. Blockage of pitot and static sensors, resulting in unreliable airspeed indications
and erroneous warnings;
c. Windscreen abrasion, resulting in windscreens being rendered partially or
completely opaque;
d. Fuel contamination;
e. Volcanic ash and/or toxic chemical contamination of cabin air-conditioning packs,
possibly leading to loss of cabin pressurisation or noxious fumes in the cabin;
f. Erosion of external and internal rotorcraft components;
g. Volcanic cloud static discharge, leading to prolonged loss of communications;
h. Reduced electronic cooling efficiency, leading to a wide range of rotorcraft
system failures.
(2) The nature and severity of effects.
(3) The effect of volcanic ash on operations to/from contaminated aerodromes.
(4) The related pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight precautions to be observed by the
operator including any necessary amendments to Aircraft Operating Manuals, Aircraft
Maintenance Manuals, Master Minimum Equipment List/Despatch Deviation, or
equivalents required to support the operator.
(5) The recommended continuing airworthiness inspections associated with operations in
volcanic cloud contaminated airspace and to/from volcanic ash contaminated
aerodromes; this may take the form of Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness or
other advice.
Book 1
CS 29.1501 General
(b) The operating limitations and other information necessary for safe operation must
be made available to the crew members as prescribed in CS 29.1541 to 29.1589CS
For turbine engine powered rotorcraft, the susceptibility of rotorcraft features to the
effects of volcanic cloud contamination must be established.
Book 2
Book 1
Book 2
regarding the actual levels of ash concentrations levels and the time period that can be
tolerated, together with any operational precautions that need to be taken by the
A volcanic cloud comprises volcanic ash together with gases and other chemicals.
Although the primary hazard is volcanic ash, other elements of the volcanic cloud may
also be undesirable to operate through, and their effect on airworthiness should be
In determining the susceptibility of turbine engine features to the effects of volcanic
clouds and the necessary information to operators to allow safe engine operation, the
following points should be considered:
(1) Identify the features of the turbine engine that are susceptible to airworthiness
effects from volcanic clouds. These may include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Erosion of compressor blades and other internal parts;
b. Glassy deposits on hot section parts, which can result in loss of surge margins,
engine stall, flame out, and inability to restart engines;
c. Clogging of turbine blade cooling channels;
d. Corrosion of metallic parts;
e. Oil circuit contamination; and
f. Electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
(2) The nature and severity of effects.
(3) The related pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight precautions to be observed by the
operator including any necessary amendments to Engine Manuals, Despatch
Deviation, or equivalents, required to support the operator.
(4) The recommended continuing airworthiness inspections associated with operations in
volcanic cloud contaminated airspace; this may take the form of Instructions for
Continuing Airworthiness or other advice.
Book 1
Book 2
Book 1
Book 2