Sciadv Adp5805
Sciadv Adp5805
Sciadv Adp5805
INTRODUCTION the electrons inside the microscope by ultrashort laser pulses in the
dynamics in complex and quantum systems and promises to break frequency response (46). The OGP beam (beam diameter, ~200 μm)
new ground in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. is directed to the aluminum grid as illustrated in Fig. 2A. The angle
between the electron and the OGP beams is <2° (see fig. S2B). The
electron and OGP pulses are traveling at different speeds, so no in-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION teraction occurs before the gating medium. Second, the OGP inter-
In our attosecond electron microscopy setup (Fig. 1A), the acts with the gating medium and induces an evanescent scattered
polarization-gated half-cycle laser pulse has been generated using light field, which has a comparable speed and interacts with the
the polarization gating (PG) method (see the basic principle in main electron pulse. The electrons couple efficiently with the lin-
Fig. 1B and the setup in fig. S2A). This pulse is used as an optical early polarized part of the scattered field [the interaction with the
gating pulse (OGP) to gate and generate the single attosecond elec- circularly polarized sides of the field is minimal due to the averag-
tron pulses inside the microscope by the optical gating approach, ing out of these parts (41)] and exchange momentum. Then, some
which can be explained as follows: First, the main ultrafast electron of these electrons gain or lose (n) number of photons from the scat-
pulse (a few hundred femtoseconds duration) propagates from the tered field. Hence, these electrons are gated in a temporal window
photocathode to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) similar to the duration of the linearly polarized half-cycle of the
dense-mesh aluminum grid (thickness = 20 ±3 μm and pitch size is OGP (625 as) to generate a single-attosecond electron pulse. The
83 μm) placed on the top of the sample (see Fig. 2A), which acts generated attosecond electron pulse in our approach is generated
as a gating medium. We opted to use aluminum due to its broad on the Al grid just on top of the sample, so the space charge effect
stage Pump laser pulse
Second arm
Fig. 1. Attosecond electron microscope setup. (A) The setup consists of two arms; the first arm is an NIR laser pulse propagating through a second-harmonic generation
(SHG) crystal to generate a UV laser pulse. This UV beam is directed to the photocathode inside the microscope to emit ultrafast electron pulses. In the second arm, a 5-fs
laser pulse is divided by a beamsplitter into two beams. The first beam is reflected off two mirrors mounted on a nanometer-precision delay stage and is sent to the mi-
croscope. This beam is used as the pump pulse to trigger the electron motion in the system under study. The second beam undergoes the PG process, which is illustrated
in (B). In this process, the input linearly polarized laser pulse passes through multi-order and zero-order waveplates set at 45° and 0°, respectively. The generated pulse has
a half-cycle linear-polarized field in the middle and a circularly polarized field at the edges. This pulse is used as an optical gating pulse (OGP) of the electrons inside the
microscope. The OGP beam is directed to the sample position where the electron gating and the generation of the attosecond electron pulses take place. These gated
electrons can be used to record images (diffraction/direct) to probe the electron dynamics of matter.
A 1
-9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9
Time (fs)
fs fs fs
.4 .2
Gated Sample =
electrons 3 33 33 3
Ungated K -1 ) K -1 ) K -1 )
(n 0 0 m (n 0 0 m (n 0 0 m
y y y
m- (n m- (n m- (n
)1 KX )1 KX )1 KX
E -3 -3 F -3 -3 G -3 -3 1
Fig. 2. Optical gating of electron pulse. (A) Illustration of the electron and laser 0.5
pulse interaction on the gating medium (aluminum grid) above the sample of gra- fs 4 fs
0 2. 9 0
phene. (B) Measured diffraction pattern of the multilayer graphene sample. = = =
3 33 33 3
K -1 ) K -1 ) K -1 )
y (n 0 0 m y (n 0 0 m y (n 0 0 m
does not substantially affect the gated electron pulse duration. The m- (n m- (n m- (n
)1 KX )1 KX )1 KX
(see Eq. 1). The reciprocal lattice of graphene represents a hexagonal where SBZ denotes the area of the Brillouin zone, and Ψn (k, r) =
pattern with two inequivalent and high-symmetry points K and K′, ∑
referred to as Dirac points (51). The VB and CB of graphene touch ψ nj (k)Φj (k, r) are the field-free wave functions of π electrons of
each other at these points, forming the so-called Dirac cones. While j=1
graphene (in total 12 electronic states for six-layer graphene). The
the energy gaps in the vicinity of the crossings become small, the
expansion coefficients ψnj(k) are the eigenstates of the tight-binding
transition dipole moments become large, which make the popula-
Hamiltonian, and Φj(k, r) are the Bloch states of graphene
tion transfer very efficient at the Dirac points. The redistribution of
populations between the bands reflected in the changes of the diago-
nal elements ρm,m(k, t) of the density matrix, also causes the evolution 1 � ik⋅Ri
� �
in time of the off-diagonal elements ρm,n(k, t), which are referred to Φj (k, r) = √ e φ2pz x − Ri (4)
as the electronic coherences. N i=1
The calculated snapshots of the EDD dynamics in the reciprocal
space at different time (τ) instants (as shown in Fig. 3, B to G), where where the summation is made over N atoms in the sublattice, and
the EDD around the Dirac point (Kx = 0 and Ky = 0) is driven by the φ2pz denotes the carbon 2pz atomic orbitals centered at the nuclei
Landau-Zener (LZ) mechanism dynamics in space (52). Initially, at located at the position Ri.
the arrival of the field (τ = −7 fs), only the excited electrons local- In the second part, we calculated and plotted snapshots of the
ized around the Dirac point are involved in the dynamics, as illus- real space EDD at different time instants in Fig. 4 (a full movie is
trated in Fig. 3B. Then, as the field strength increases at τ = −2.4 fs, provided in movie S2). Note that the carbon atoms of the top gra-
the excited electrons migrate to the positive Kx direction, as depicted phene layer and the bonds between these atoms are shown in solid
in Fig. 3C. At τ = −1.2 fs, the electrons are returned toward the Kx black circles and lines, respectively. Before the field arrival, the elec-
trons are in the equilibrium state, and no EDD change occurs. At the
Y (Å)
0 A A
-1 C C
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
X (Å)
Fig. 4. Graphene electron motion dynamics in real space. (A to E) Calculated snapshots of the field-induced electron motion at different time instants. These snapshots
show the change in the EDD around and between the carbon atoms of graphene at different time instants in real space. The red, blue, and white colors represent the high
(positive), low (negative), and zero values of the EDD, respectively.
where the integration is performed in the unit cell and G is recipro- modulating as a function of time, respectively. Please note that the
cal lattice vector. Assuming a perpendicular orientation of the gra- gated electrons have subfemtosecond resolution, while the ungated
phene sample with respect
� � to�the incoming
� electron
�� beam and using electron temporal resolution remains a few hundred femtoseconds.
the fact that G = 2π p 1 1
√ , 1 + q √ , − 1 for graphene (51), we So, the intensity modulation signature is carried only on the gated
a 3 3 electrons, while the ungated electron remains unchanged. Accord-
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