2022 Paper 1 Ib Ess 2022 Paper 1
2022 Paper 1 Ib Ess 2022 Paper 1
2022 Paper 1 Ib Ess 2022 Paper 1
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1 hour
Instructions to candidates
y Write your session number in the boxes above.
y Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
y Answer all questions. Refer to the resource booklet which accompanies this question paper.
y Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided.
y A calculator is required for this paper.
y The maximum mark for this examination paper is [35 marks].
2222 – 6301
7 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2022
Downloaded by Anika Hristova (anikahinkova@gmail.com)
Answer all questions. Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided.
1. With reference to Figures 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c), identify the climatic conditions in lowland
seasonal forest. [2]
2. (a) Based on the 2018 data in Figure 4(a), calculate the doubling time for the population of
Costa Rica. [1]
(b) With reference to Figure 4(b), suggest three possible reasons for the changes
between the age–gender pyramid for 1990 and that projected for 2050. [3]
3. (a) Outline one reason why it is difficult to determine the exact number of species in
Costa Rica. [1]
Downloaded by Anika Hristova (anikahinkova@gmail.com)
(Question 3 continued)
(b) Explain three ways in which the development of protected areas shown in Figure 5(c)
has improved the conservation of species. [3]
4. (a) State one criterion used to determine the IUCN Red List status of the jaguar shown in
Figure 6(a). [1]
(b) Distinguish between the role of the jaguar as a keystone species and as a flagship
species. [2]
(c) Identify two difficulties associated with establishing and maintaining wildlife corridors
such as those shown in Figure 6(d). [2]
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5. (a) Outline reasons for the changes in the forested areas over the period shown in
Figure 7(a). [2]
(b) Outline how the change in the area of forest cover since 1987 may contribute to the
mitigation of climate change. [1]
6. (a) Explain how the production of cash crops (such as pineapples) may have an
environmental impact on:
(b) With reference to Figure 8(c), identify where most of the additional land for growing
crops came from between 1986 and 2011. [1]
Downloaded by Anika Hristova (anikahinkova@gmail.com)
7. Outline one way in which the trend in tourism shown in Figure 8(d) may affect conservation
efforts in Costa Rica. [1]
8. (a) Identify one possible reason why there has been a change in the quantity of electricity
generated from wind as shown in Figure 9(a). [1]
(b) With reference to Figure 9(b), calculate the percentage of energy consumed that came
from fossil fuels in 2016. [2]
(c) With reference to Figure 9(c), suggest two strategies that would be most effective in
reducing the use of crude oil in Costa Rica. [2]
9. With reference to Figure 10(b), explain how sustainability in Costa Rica changed between
1961 and 2016. [2]
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10. With reference to the information in the resource booklet, to what extent has Costa Rica’s
aim to become carbon neutral led to a more environmentally-sustainable nation? [6]
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Downloaded by Anika Hristova (anikahinkova@gmail.com)
Downloaded by Anika Hristova (anikahinkova@gmail.com)