01 - Sikadur Combiflex
01 - Sikadur Combiflex
01 - Sikadur Combiflex
Sikadur Combiflex®
High Performance Joint Sealing System
Product A high performance joint sealing system for irregular or high movement joints, based
Description on Hypalon flexible sheeting and epoxy resin based Sikadur Combiflex® - Adhesive.
When fixed to the Joint, allows considerable movement in more than one direction,
whilst maintaining a high quality seal.
Uses Sealing system for expansion joints, construction and connection joints, as well as
cracks in:
Q Tunnels and culverts.
Q Hydro electric power plant, sewage treatment plants.
Q Roof joints.
Q Basements.
Q Water retaining structures.
Q Joints between rigid and flexible surfaces.
Q Around iron, steel and cement pipes.
Q Swimming pools.
Sealing of:
Q Joints with extreme movement.
Q Building sections where varying settlement is expected.
Repair/Reinstatement of leaking joint sealing systems such as:
Q Waterbars.
Q Joint sealants etc.
Advantages Q Suitable for both dry and damp concrete surfaces.
Q Extremely flexible.
Q Performs well within a wide range of temperatures.
Q Excellent adhesion to many materials.
Q Completely weather and water resistant.
Q Fast curing.
Q Easy to install.
Q Available with adhesive of normal, long pot life, or rapid hardening grade.
Q Root resistant.
Q Good resistance to many chemicals.
Q Versatile system suitable for various difficult situations.
Test Certificates Drinking water approval of the Health Laboratory of the Canton of Zurich, report nr.
1809-5 and 1810-2 (1992). Test-report nr. 224.01.94
Potable water contact, United Kingdom W.F.B.S. listing No 8906504 – 9206505
Product Data
Packaging Ready for use set Industrial packing
Q 5 kg Combiflex adhesive, type normal Combiflex-Tape:
Q 8 m tape: thickness 1 mm, width 15 cm
Q 0.9 kg Colma-Cleaner thickness width Length
1 mm 10 cm 50 m (2X25 m)
Colma-Cleaner 1mm 15 cm 25 m
Tape-Activator 1 kg tin 1 mm 20 cm 25 m
5 kg pail 2 mm 10 cm 20 m
20 kg minidrum 2 mm 15 cm 20 m
160 kg drum 2 mm 20 cm 20 m
2 mm 25 cm 20 m
Combiflex-Adhesive 2 mm 30 cm 20 m
5 kg units (A+B) ready for use
10 kg or 30 kg pails, single components, normal, rapid or long potlife.
Storage Store in dry and cool conditions
Shelf life 9 months from date of production if stored properly in unopened original packing
(ready for use set and Combiflex tape), 24 months for Sikadur Combiflex Adhesive.
If large quantities are being mixed temperature of Sikadur Combiflex® Adhesive will
increase due to chemical reaction, resulting in a reduced pot life.
Tape Size Selection of the correct tape size (thickness and width) depends on the expected
performance. If necessary, ask for technical advice.
Tapes of 1 mm thickness are suitable for sealing of joints subject to light load only.
Safely Instructions
Ecology Combiflex adhesive: Do not dispose of into water or soil but according to local
Combiflex tape: May be incinerated with the approval of local authorities.
Transport Tape: Non-hazardous.
Adhesive: Comp. (A): Non-hazardous
Comp. (B): 8/65c ).
Safety Precautions Apply barrier cream to arms and hands before starting work. Wear protective
clothing (gloves and goggles). In contact with eyes or mucous membrane flush
immediately with clean warm water and seek medical attention without delay.
Toxicity Tape: Non-toxic.
Adhesive: Class 4, under the relevant health and safety codes.
Legal notes The information and in particular the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions. In practice, the differences in materials,
substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for
a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The
proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of
sale and delivery. Users should always refer to the most recent issue of the technical data sheet for the
product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
For further technical information, please consult our technical service department.