Siberian Phenolic - Brochure
Siberian Phenolic - Brochure
Siberian Phenolic - Brochure
44809 44811
18X1220X2440 2C PSF120 21X1220X2440 2C PSF120
Thickness tollerances EN315 -2000 17,1-18,7mm 18,9-21mm
Veeners 13 15
Type of wood Birch Birch
Film g/m2 120 120
Weight kg/sheet 38 44
Density (kg/m3) 670 589
Moisture content % 5 to 14% 5 a 14%
Grade A/A A/A
40’ container Units 688 585
Repetitions * <25 Rep <25 Rep
Wear resistance (Taber Test revolutions) >350 >350
Bonding EN 314-2 Class 3 Class 3
Mean modulus of Elasticity Bending (N/mm2) 8545 II 6438 T 8428 II 6428 T
Bending Strength (N/mm2) 60 II 30 T 60 II 30 T
Secondary Beams Span Admissible Load (kN/m2) per span and per each orientation *
Handle boards carefully and clean between shifts with an appropriate quantity of release agent, in
order to increase the service life of these and provide a better surface concrete finish. In all terms,
the customer /user is responsible for maintaining the material at site. For further indications about
maintenance follow our instructions guide.
* This is an estimate number that can differ depending on the correct use in the material,
concrete finishing required, care in the pouring of the concrete, treatment and storage of
the board, type and quality of the release agent and other factors.
1. These considerations are in addition to those described in 19. For those transitory storage situations at work outdoors
the process of assembly and disassembly of the different in extremely hot conditions, you should keep the moisture
systems where plywood and boards are used. spraying them with water boards. Thereby preventing
2. It is also and responsibility of the customer to verify that possible excessive deformation and / or cracking.
the information about products is updated. 20. After removing the strapping, a package should not be
3. The system is designed and calculated for the uses and transported by mechanical means, since face contact can
applications specifically described in these instructions be slippery and accidents may occur.
and is therefore Alsina declines any liability on its utilization 21. The load will be distributed evenly compensating weights.
in any situations other than those reflected in this It must be well stabilized, and lifting or lowering loads will
document be done slowly, avoiding any torn or sudden stop.
4. The Alsina group is not involved in the direction and 22. Handle boards carefully and clean between shifts to
execution or the work is the exclusive responsibility of the increase the service life of these, and provides a better
customer the correct use of the materials that have been surface finish on concrete.
supplied at all stages of the work. 23. If Alsina supply the plywood, by all means, once the
5. Alsina products combine with other suppliers can be material is delivered at site according with Alsina quality
dangerous. It is the responsibility of the customer to specifications, it is responsible of the customer or user the
ensure compatibility between the two systems and adopt maintenance and the appropriate use of the material
for calculate the worst case scenario. 24. The conditions of the material must be checked before
6. Any modification or manipulation not provided or referred starting a journey, when back from strong winds, rain,
to in this document will be considered as an alteration of snowfall, etc, because it is possible that a piece has fallen,
the original design and constitutes a risk which should be displaced, loosened or damaged.
assumed by the client to perform these actions. 25. Always apply a release agent before use to protect and
7. The plywood must not be used as gateways, coverage facilitate the work surface stripping. The quality of the
gaps, mounting platforms formwork, scaffold platforms, or type of release and its suitability for a coating of phenol /
the like. melamine resin will determine the useful life of the boards
8. Use boards with similar number of repetitions if possible, and the surface finish of the concrete.
avoid mixing new boards with other widely used. 26. Try applying the release agent in a not excessively thick
Otherwise it can be the cause of differences in the surface layer. Using a thin layer of release agent will result in better
finish of the concrete, as well as an uneven finishing. quality on the surface of the concrete.
9. Fix the boards to supports the formwork system shall be 27. After his stripping and before the next shift, nails must
placed so avoiding solely supported. be removed and surfaced cleaned of concrete. Wait
10. In case of cutting or drilling panels, it will be to perform this task until the time of the next start will
recommended to protect immediately the edges or holes involve to increase the difficulty the cleaning, and surface
exposed by at the least two coats of paint acrylic moisture damage.
resistant to humidity. 28. Perform boards cleaning carefully, recommended tools
11. Pouring must be executed from a low height as smoothly for this plastic and nylon brushes. using metal and high
and homogeneously as possible, avoiding big impacts to pressure cleaning brushes should be avoided.
the form and uneven load transmissions. 29. Once cleaned the boards, small scratches can be
12. The pressure should not be exceeding maximum pressure repaired with putty, and deep scratches with epoxy resin
established concreting otherwise be incurred in excessive or putty. It should be noted that such repairs will impact
deformation of the board and the risk of collapse. the surface finish of the concrete.
13. Plywood as Wood derivate is inflammable , therefore we 30. At the end of its useful life, the boards can be chipped
recommend to maintain safety distanced from any source and used as bioenergy for a power plant.
of fire. 31. Simultaneously to the assembly, a review of the material
14. All materials will be perfectly stacked, avoiding uneven will always be carry out by a competent professional, to
stacking of the same, without exceeding heights that verify its suitability for further use or rejection, discarding
may cause collapse or hinder their attached for lifting or damage by deformation, corrosion and any other kind
transport. of degradation, since in case of any piece damaged, it
15. The stockpiling of materials will be carried out in a stable should not be used.
way, placed horizontally to avoid planar deformations.
16. Stockpiles cannot be placed on unsafe slopes, not
compacted or unstable or loose terrain or unstable
17. Store the boards protected from the weather, avoiding long
exposure to the sun and rain . Cover them to avoid over
18. Do not store the boards in very hot or dry environments
where distortions can occur.