SEE-Model QP IEE-1
SEE-Model QP IEE-1
SEE-Model QP IEE-1
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each Module.
1. Prescribed Formula Hand Book is permitted.
2. M: Marks, L: Bloom’s level, C: Course outcomes.
Q.No. Module – I M L C
1. a) State Ohm’s Law and mention its limitations. 06 L1 1
b) Explain the statement of Superposition theorem with circuit diagram 08 L2 1
c) Two resistors are connected in parallel. The voltage applied is 220V, 06 L3 1
the current taken is 30A. the power dissipated in one of the resistors is
1600W. Find the value of the two resistors
2. a) State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws. 06 L1 1
b) Calculate the value of R which will absorb maximum power from the 06 L3 1
circuit, also compute the value of maximum power
Module – II
3. a) Define r.m.s. value of an alternating quantity. Obtain the relation 06 L2 2
between it & the maximum value of alternating quantity. The
equation of an a.c. is given by i=42.42 sin 628t.Amps. Calculate i)
Max. value, ii) Frequency, iii) average value. iv) Form factor 2
b) Show that the average power absorbed by the series R-L series circuit 06 L2 2
energized by sinusoidal a.c. voltage is VI Cosϕ
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An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belagavi.
K. R. Road, V. V. Puram, Bengaluru - 560004
c) A circuit consist of resistance of 10 Ώ, an inductance of 16mH. A 08 L3 2
supply of 100V at 50Hz is given to the circuit. Find the current,
power factor & power consumed by the circuit.
4. a) With relevant phasor diagram analyze series R-L circuit excited by 1- 06 L2 2
phase AC source.
b) A non-inductive resistance is connected in series with a coil across a 06 L3 2
230V, 50Hz supply. The current is 1.8A; the potential difference
across resistance & the coil are 80V & 170V respectively. Find the
resistance & inductance of the coil & phase difference between the
current & the supply voltage.
c) An emf given by 400sin(418t) is applied to a certain current. The 08 L3 2
current taken is 2.4sin(418t-1.37). find i) Frequency ii) the phase
angle between voltage & current & iii) reactance of the circuit
Module – III
5. a) Draw the cross-sectional view of D C machine & explain the 07 L1 3
functions of each part.
b) What is back emf? Explain the significance of back emf in D.C. 06 L2 3
c) A 4-pole, 1500 rpm D.C.Generator has a lap wound armature, having 07 L3 3
32 slots & 8 conductors per slot. If the flux per pole is 0.04 Wb,.
Calculate the emf induced in the armature. What would be the emf
induced, if the winding is wave connected.
6. a) Derive an equation for the torque developed in the armature of a 08 L2 3
b) Explain why a D.C. series motor should never be started without load 04 L2 3
c) 4-pole D.C. shunt motor takes 22.5A from 250V supply, Ra=0.5 Ώ 08 L3 3
and Rt=125Ώ. The armature is wave wound with 300conductors. If
the flux per pole is 0.02 Wb, Calculate (a) the speed (b) torque
developed & (c) power developed.
Module – IV
7. a) What are the advantages of three systems over single phase system. 06 L2 2
b) For a three phase star connection, find the relation between line & 08 L3 2
phase values of currents & voltages. Also derive the equation for
three phase power.
c) A delta connected load consists of a resistance of 10Ώ and a 06 L4 2
capacitance of 100μF in each phase. A supply of 410V at 50Hz is
applied to the load. Find the line current, power factor & power
consumed by the load.
8. a) Explain how magnetic field is produced, when a 3-phase balanced 06 L2 3
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An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belagavi.
K. R. Road, V. V. Puram, Bengaluru - 560004
supply is given to the stator winding of a three phase induction motor.
b) Define slip? Derive the relation between the supply frequency & 06 L2 3
rotor current frequency?
c) A 3-phase 6-pole, 50Hz induction motor has a slip of 1% at no-load, 08 L3 3
3% at full load. Determine (i) synchronous speed, (ii)No-load speed
(iii) full load speed (iv) frequency of rotor current at stand still
(v) frequency of rotor current at full load.
Module –V
9. a) Derive the e.m.f. equation of a transformer? 06 L2 3
b) What are the various losses that occur in a transformer? 06 L2 3
c) A 600KVA transformer has an efficiency of 92% at full load, UPF 08 L3 3
and half the full loads, 0.9 p.f. determine its efficiency at 75% of full
load & 0.9p.f.
10. a) Explain with neat diagram any ONE method of earthing 08 L2 4
b) What is electric shock? What are its effects? What are precautionary 06 L2 4
measures against electric shock?
c) The domestic power load in a house comprises the following: 8 lamps 06 L5 4
of 100W each, 3 fans of 80W each, 1 refrigerator of ½ HP and 1
water heater of 1000W, Evaluate (i) the total current taken from the
supply of 230V, (ii) the energy consumed in a day, if on an average
only a quarter of the above load persists all the time.
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