MODEL 182 SERIES (1977 - 1986) : Cessna Aircraft Company Service Manual
MODEL 182 SERIES (1977 - 1986) : Cessna Aircraft Company Service Manual
MODEL 182 SERIES (1977 - 1986) : Cessna Aircraft Company Service Manual
B. Selection Criteria
(1) The factors used to find the PSE's in this document include:
(a) Service Experience
1 Multiple sources of information were used to find the service discrepancies.
a Cessna Service Bulletins and Service Information Letters issued to repair
common service discrepancies were examined.
b FAA Service Difficulty Records and Foreign certification agency Service
Difficulty Records were examined.
2 Existing analyses were reviewed to identify components in areas that may have
exhibited the potential for additional inspection requirements.
3 A review of test results applicable to the design was made to identify the critical areas
of the PSE's.
4 The data collected was also used to find a component's susceptibility to corrosion or
accidental damage as well as its inspectability.
3. Usage
A. Aircraft Usage
(1) Aircraft usage data for the SID program is based on the evaluation of the in-service utilization of
the aircraft. This data was used to develop the representative fatigue loads spectra. Operational
data for development of the Supplemental Structural Inspection Program was obtained from
surveys of aircraft operators.
(2) Usage for spectra determination is defined in terms of a single flight representing typical average
in-service utilization of the aircraft. This usage reflects the typical in-service flight variation of
flight length, takeoff gross weight, payload and fuel.
(3) The flight is defined in detail in terms of a flight profile. The profile identifies the gross weight,
payload, fuel, altitude, speed, distance, etc., required to define the pertinent flight and ground
parameters needed to develop the fatigue loads. The flight is then divided into operational
segments, where each segment represents the average values of the parameters (speed,
payload, fuel, etc.) that are used to calculate the loads spectrum.
B. Stress Spectrum.
(1) A fatigue loads spectrum, in terms of gross area stress, was developed for each PSE
to be analyzed based on the usage-flight profiles. The spectrum represents the following
loading environments: flight loads (gust and maneuver), landing impact, taxi loads and
ground-air-ground cycles. The resulting spectrum is a representative flight-by-flight,
cycle-by-cycle loading sequence that reflects the appropriate and significant airplane response
(2) After reviewing the aircraft usage data and the way in which the surveyed aircraft were flown,
two sets of stress spectra were developed. The first flight profile represents typical usage, while
the second profile represents severe usage, as described in Paragraph 3 D. below.
C. Fatigue Assessment
(1) The fatigue assessment provides the basis for establishing inspection frequency requirements
for each PSE. The evaluation includes a determination of the probable location and modes of
damage and is based on analytical results, available test data and service experience. In the
analysis, particular attention is given to potential structural condition areas associated with aging
aircraft. Examples include:
(a) large areas of structure working at the same stress level, which could develop widespread
fatigue damage;
(b) a number of small (less than detectable size) adjacent cracks suddenly joining into a long
crack (e.g., as in a line of rivet holes);
(c) redistribution of load from adjacent failing or failed parts causing accelerated damage of
nearby parts (i.e., the “domino" effect); and
(d) concurrent failure of multiple load path structure (e.g., crack arrest structure).
(2) Initial inspections of a particular area of structure are based on fatigue analytical results. For
locations with long fatigue the maximum initial inspection was limited to 12,000 flight hours.
D. Classifications for Types of Operation
(1) The severity of the operation environment needs to be identified to determine the correct
inspection program.
(a) You must first find the category of your airplane’s operation based on average flight length.
(b) You must also find the number of hours and number of landings on the airplane, then find
the average flight length based on the formula found below.
(2) If the average flight length is less than 30 minutes, then you must use the SEVERE inspection
time limits. For airplanes with an average flight length greater than thirty minutes, you must find
the severity of the operating environment.
(3) Airplanes which have engaged in operations at low altitudes such as pipeline patrol, fish or game
spotting, aerial applications, police patrol, sightseeing, livestock management, etc. more than
30% of its life must use the SEVERE inspection time limits.
(4) For all other operating environments, inspections should be conducted using the TYPICAL
Inspection Time Limits.
Corrosion Severity
(1) Prior to conducting the initial corrosion inspection, determine where the airplane has resided
throughout its life. If the airplane has resided in a severe corrosion environment for 30% or
more of the years to the initial inspection (refer to maps in Section 2A-30-01), use the severe
inspection time. Otherwise use the mild/moderate inspection time.
(2) Prior to conducting a repetitive corrosion inspection, determine where the airplane has resided
since the last inspection. If the airplane has resided in a severe environment for 30% or more
of the years since the last inspection, use the severe inspection time. Otherwise use the mild/
moderate inspection time.
4. Reporting - Communications
A. Discrepancies
(1) For the SID to continue to stay applicable, it is necessary to have a free flow of information
between the operator, the FAA and Cessna Aircraft Company. The important information about
the inspection results, repairs and modifications done must be supplied to Cessna Aircraft
Company in order to assess the effectiveness of the recommended inspection procedures and
inspection intervals.
(2) Also, the operator's inspections and reports can find items not included in the SID before. These
items will be examined by Cessna Aircraft Company and will be added to the SID for all of the
operators, if applicable.
(3) Cessna Customer Service has a system to collect the reports. The applicable forms are included
in this document. Copies of these forms are also available from a Cessna Service Station or
Cessna Field Service Engineer.
B. Discrepancy Reporting
(1) Discrepancy reporting is essential to provide for adjusting the inspection thresholds and the
repeat times as well as adding or deleting PSE's. It may be possible to improve the inspection
methods, repairs and modifications involving the PSE's based on the data reported.
(2) All cracks, multiple cut off fasteners and corrosion found during the inspection must be reported
to Cessna Aircraft Company within ten days. The PSE inspection results are to be reported on
a form as shown on the pages that follow.
C. Send the Discrepancy Form
(1) Send all available data, which includes forms, repairs, photographs, sketches, etc., to:
NOTE: This system does not replace the normal channels to send information for items not
included in the SID.
D. Cessna Aircraft Company Follow-Up Action
(1) All SID reports will be examined to find if any of the steps are necessary:
(a) Complete a check of the effect on the structural or operational condition.
(b) Complete a check of other high-time airplanes to find if a service bulletin shall be issued.
(c) Find if a reinforcement is required.
(d) Change the SID if required.
5. Inspection Methods
A very important part of the SID program is selecting and evaluating state-of-the-art nondestructive
inspection (NDI) methods applicable to each PSE.
Potential NDI methods were selected and evaluated on the basis of crack orientation, part thickness
and accessibility. Inspection reliability depends on size of the inspection task, human factors (such as
qualifications of the inspector), equipment reliability and physical access. Visual, fluorescent, liquid
penetrant, eddy current and magnetic particle methods are used. A complete description of those
methods are presented in Section 2A-13-01, "Nondestructive Inspection Methods and Requirements."
6. Related Documents
A. Existing Inspections, Modifications and Repair Documents
(1) Cessna has a number of documents that are useful to maintaining continued airworthiness of
(a) Cessna 182 Service Manual (P/N D2068-3-13).
(b) Cessna 182 Illustrated Parts Catalog (P/N P690-12).
(c) Cessna Single Engine Service Information Letters and Service Bulletin Summaries.
(d) Cessna Service Newsletters and Newsletter Summaries.
B. For information regarding these documents, contact:
7. Applicability/Limitations
A. This SID is applicable to the Cessna Model 182, Serial Numbers 18265176 thru 18268615 and
F18200026 thru F18200169.
B. STC Modifications
(1) The Cessna 182 airplanes can have modifications that were done by STCs by other
organizations without Cessna Engineering approval. The inspection intervals given in this SID
are for unchanged airplanes.
(2) Airplanes that have been modified to alter the airplane design, gross weight or airplane
performance may need to be inspected more frequently. Examples of common STC's not
covered by this SID document include non-Cessna wing extensions, winglets, speed brakes,
STOL conversions, vortex generators, tip tanks, under wing tanks and nonstandard engines.
The owner and/or maintenance organization should contact the STC holder(s) or modification
originator for obtaining new FAA approved inspection criteria.
C. The SID inspection times are based on total airframe hours OR, calendar times in service. If a
specific airframe component has been replaced, the component is to be inspected, based on total
component hours or calendar time requirements. However, any attachment structure that was not
replaced when the component was replaced must be inspected, based on the total airframe hours
or calendar time requirements. Inspections are due at the lessor of specified flight hours or calendar
time. The inspections must be completed by June 30, 2014.
A. Details
(1) This section contains the important instructions selected by the rationale process described in
Section 2, Principal Structural Elements. Those items are considered important for continued
airworthiness of the Model 182.
NOTE: Accomplishment of SID inspections does not in any way replace preflight inspections, good
maintenance practices or maintenance and inspections specified in the applicable Model
182 Service Manual.
NOTE: Inspection intervals are given in both hour and calendar time. After the completion of
each initial SID inspection, repeat inspections may be completed based on hour time if the
Corrosion Prevention and Control Program (CPCP) in Section 2A-30-00 is included in the
airplane maintenance program.
C. Repairs, Alterations and Modifications (RAM)
(1) Repairs, alterations and modifications (RAM) made to PSE's may affect the inspection times
and methods presented in the SID. The flowchart in Figure 1 can be used to determine if a new
assessment and FAA approved supplemental inspections are required.
(2) Repairs may be made in accordance with Section 18 of the applicable Model 182 Service Manual
or the REPAIR/MODIFICATION Section of the SID.
(3) Repairs not covered by the recommendations in these documents may be coordinated with
Cessna Customer Service at telephone 316-517-5800/FAX 316-517-7271.