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LMT-Cachan (E.N.S. de Cachan / Université Paris 6 / C.N.R.S.)
61 Avenue du Président Wilson / 94235 CACHAN CEDEX
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Abstract: An enhanced version of the damage mesomodel for laminates (D.M.L.), which has been developed
for 15 years at Cachan, is introduced in the light of the numerous works - both theoretical and experimental
- done in micromechanics. The new mesomodel is fully compatible with classical micromechanics models.
of any laminate for any loading. To get a con- 2. Damage mesomodel - behavior of the el-
sistent model, damage models with delay effects ementary ply
combined with dynamic analysis are used.
The works done on the microscale are numerous The first description of the mesomodel for lam-
and quite varied (Hashin [ 7]; Hashin [ 8]; Joffe inates can be found in (Ladevèze [ 1]). Two
and Varna [ 9]; Laws and Dvorak [ 10]; Nairn main assumptions lead to such a mesomodel. The
and Hu [ 11]; Reifsnider [ 12]; Tan and Nuismer [ first one is that the behavior of any laminated
13]). A first attempt to bridge the micromechan- structure can be reconstructed starting from that
ics and mesomechanics of laminates completely of two elementary constituents: the elementary
was done in (Ladevèze and Lubineau [ 14]); in layer (Ladevèze and Le Dantec [ 3]) and the in-
fact, two micromechanics scenarios were studied: terface (Allix, Ladevèze [ 5]).
the transverse microcracking mechanism and the
fiber/matrix debonding mechanism. The meso-
model was found to be fully compatible with these
Single layer
damage micromechanisms. Micro-meso relations
have also been derived; they introduce quantities
or relations which we call ”approximately ply- Interface
material”, which are intrinsically related to the
cracked ply’s characteristics and, therefore, inde-
pendent of the characteristics of the other plies.
In this paper, we go one step further by con-
sidering the possibility of ”diffuse” delamination Figure 1. Model of a laminate
cracks which originate at the tip of the transverse
The central and crucial point to be discussed is
still the main homogenization hypothesis which The second major assumption is that the dam-
leads to the mesomodel: for any stacking se- age state is uniform throughout the whole thick-
quence and for any loading, the laminate can be ness of the ply (but not throughout the thickness
described through two elementary constituents: of the laminated composite) (Ladevèze [ 6]).
the single layer and the interface.
2.1. The elementary ply: damage kinemat-
We prove that this ”diffuse” delamination sce-
ics on the mesoscale
nario can be described using ”ply-material” quan-
The ply is entirely defined by the following
tities. We build intrinsic reference curves express-
strain energy:
ing relations between the micro- and mesodamage
indicators. Similar conclusions are presented for 1−dF hσ̄11 i+ ϕ(h−σ̄11 i2+ )
ed = 2 [ E10 + E10
the damage evolution laws.
Then, the competition between matrix micro- ν0 0
ν21 ν0 0
cracking and ”diffuse” delamination is studied. −( E120 + E20
)σ̄11 σ̄22 − ( E230 + E30
)σ̄22 σ̄33
1 2
The latter scenario occurs at a critical dimension-
less microcracking rate. We prove that this sat- ν0 0
ν31 1−d0 hσ̄22 i+ hσ̄33 i2+
−( E130 + E30
)σ̄11 σ̄33 ] + 2 [ E20 + E30
] (1)
uration rate of matrix microcracking is approxi- 1
Consequently, if σ22 ≤ 0, microcracks are closed
and no noticeable damage occurs. 0.4
The stresses considered are, in fact, effective
stresses, including thermal residual stresses in the
healthy layer: 0.2
Here, K0 is the initial stiffness, "(U ) the me- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
1 1.2 1.4
ED = 2
ed dz
b and b’ are coupling terms. The shape of such shows the classical damage evolution law identi-
a typical law is shown on Fig. 2. fied experimentally for this degradation scheme.
Then, transverse matrix microcracks occur
3. Micro-meso analysis: local delamina- (Nairn [ 16]). This is Scenario 1, which has been
tion induced by matrix microcracking proved to be compatible with D.M.L. (Ladevèze
and Lubineau [ 14]). This means that one can
3.1. Microphenomenology build damage indicators and damage evolution
Three basic scenarios are introduced on the mi- laws which are only ply-material quantities.
croscale. However, this scenario is unable to explain the
Our interpretation of the test performed in (La- whole degradation (d=1) of the ply. In fact, ex-
gattu, Lafarie-Frénot [ 15]) is that Scenario 3 is perimental observations (Crossmann and Wang [
the main mechanism for [45/ − 45]s composites. 17]) show that ”local delamination” spreads out
This is a diffuse degradation state which is nat- near the tips of matrix cracks. Consequently, ma-
urally consistent with the mesomodel. Fig. 2 trix microcracking leads to Scenario 2, in which
local delamination is assumed to occur periodi- Having solved the problem by finite element
cally near periodic matrix microcracks. calculation, we can define equivalent mesodamage
Theoretical results concerning this phe- indicators d and d’:
nomenon can be found in (Kevin and O’Brien d0 d
[ 18], Nairn [ 19]). Here, our objective is to prove a= 0 b= 0 (5)
E2 G12
that D.M.L. is fully compatible with this second
scenario (Fig. 3). D.M.L. is healthy if the main quantities (dam-
age indicators and evolution laws) depend only on
3.2. Description of the elementary cell the characteristics of the damaged ply. We aim
to emphasize these so-called ”(S’)-(S”) indepen-
dent” quantities.
ε=(H/H’) e 4. Micro-meso relations and damage indi-
H’ (S") We did numerous finite element calculations for
(1) (2) different values of the stacking sequence param-
H (S)
eters. The measures of damage a, b and c were
H’ (S’) calculated. It follows that:
0.8 ∂E Ω
Meso damage indicator d’
Gm = − ∂Adf |τ =cste,¯"=cste
[0/90(8)/0], τ=0.1 (6)
[0/90/0], τ=0.1
∂E Ω
[0(8)/90/0(8)], τ=0.1
[0/90(8)/0], τ=0
Gd = − ∂Add |ρ=cste,¯"=cste
[0/90/0], τ=0
[0(8)/90/0(8)], τ=0
[0/90(8)/0], τ=0.19 where EdΩ is the strain energy of the cell (see Fig.
[0(8)/90/0(8)], τ=0.19 4), Af the microcracked area of the matrix and
0 Ad the delaminated area.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Dimensionless microcracking rate: (1/ρ).
Using Eq. 6 and Eq. 4, we have:
Gm = − ∂HDe
∂Am |τ =cste,¯
Figure 5. ρ ↔ d0 (τ = cste) curve for [0n /90m ] Gd = − ∂HDe
∂Ad |ρ=cste,¯
T300-914 laminates. The relation (ρ, τ ) ↔ d0
appears to be nearly independent of the rela- For example, if only hσ̄22 i+ is nonzero (meaning
tive thickness of the damaged ply and peripheral that the microcracks are open and there is no
parts. effective shear stress in the central ply), we get
(since Ad = 4τ H):
H ∂a
Gm = 2 < σ̄22 >2+ 1 |τ =cste
= 2 < σ̄22 >2+ Gm | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1
1 2
H ρ ∂a
Gd = < σ̄22 >2+ 4 ∂τ |ρ=cste
Meso damage indicator d’
0.6 = 2 < σ̄22 >2+ Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1
[45/45/0/90] s
0.4 [45/45/30/90] s
[45/45/60/90] s Degradation starts increasing as soon as Gm
and Gd reach associated critical material val-
ues. For T300-914, Gmc is assumed to be equal
to 280J/m2 . For the numerical example, Gdc
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Gm | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 0.12
Gmc 0.1 [0/90(4)/0]
and 0.08
Damage evolution
0.2 Gm | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 takes the form of a ply-material
0.1 relation (Ladevèze and Lubineau [ 14]). This al-
1 0.05
ss : t.
2 0
lowed us to build a governing mesodamage curve
cracki im a
ng de D in
ity: 1\
m for Scenario 1.
Now we extend this conclusion to Gd :
[45/-45/0/90] s
G for (
[0/90(8)/0], r
1/ =0.56
[60/-60/0/90] s
r [30/-30/0/90] s
[0/90(4)/0], 1/ =0.56 5
[0/90/0], r
1/ =0.56
[0(8)/90/0(8)], r
1/ =0.56
[0/90(8)/0], r
1/ =1.04
[0/90(4)/0], r
1/ =1.04 1/ρ=1,2
0 0.05 0.1 [0/90/0], 1/r=1.04
[0(8)/90/(8)], r
1/ =1.04 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Figure 9. τ ↔ Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 curve for differ- Figure 10. τ ↔ Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 curve for different
ent thickness ratios. Only the central 90 ply is [θ/ − θ/0/90]s laminates. The central 90 ply is
cracked and diffuse delamination is assumed to microcracked and ”diffuse” delamination occurs
spread along the (0/90) interfaces. at (0/90) interfaces.
5.3. Mesodamage evolution laws Figure 11. τ ↔ Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 curve for different
Consequently, one can build a governing [θ/ − θ/30/90]s laminates. The central 90 ply is
mesocurve which completes the mesobehavior microcracked and ”diffuse” delamination occurs
arising from Scenarios 1 and 3 (Ladevèze and Lu- at (0/90) interfaces.
bineau [ √ 14])). A typical mesocurve is a relation
between Y¯0 and d’.
The damage force Y¯0 can easily be calculated
from previous microanalysis. Indeed, by using Moreover, one can observe that when matrix
Eq. 3 and Eq. 1, for simple cases where only microcracking is the active damage mode one has:
hσ̄22 i+ is nonzero, we have:
< σ̄22 >2+ = H
Y¯0 = − ∂He
2 G |
m H <σ̄22 >2+ =1
H 2 ∂a where Gmc and Gm are the critical and current
= 2 hσ̄22 i+ ∂d0
15 1
Gd (for H/2<σ 22 >+2 =1m.Mpa)
Diffuse delamination
Matrix microcracking
5 [60/-60/60/90] s 0.4 0(4)/90/0(4)]
[30/-30/60/90] s [0/90/0]
[60/90] s [0/90(2)/0]
1/ρ=1,2 [0/90(8)/0]
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Meso damage force Y
of the stress respectively.
"Diffuse" Delamination
Consequently, one can calculate:
Damage indicator: d’.
Matrix Microcracking
Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 (ρc , δτ ) = ζχ (18)
0.2 Damage 1
χ= T )2
k Ply H(σm + σ22
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Therefore, in order to check whether
Meso damage force Y’0.5 Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 (ρc , δτ ) is indeed a ply-material
quantity, we have to look at Indicator χ, which
should be the same for any laminated structure.
Figure 14. Resulting mesodamage curve. Scenar-
ios 1, 2 and 3. Each scenario can be described on Using these experimental results, this indicator
the mesoscale by a an intrinsic reference curve. can be easily plotted for several [+25/ − 25/90n ]s
Due to the choice of the damage force Y 0 , Sce- laminates. We get the following variation of χ
nario 3 depends on the ply’s thickness, whereas with respect to the laminated structure (see Fig.
Scenarios 1 and 2 do not. 15).
Gdc = < σ̄22 >2+ Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 (ρc , δτ ) (16) Figure 15. Evolution of Indicator χ (related to
2 2
the unit energy release rate for diffuse delamina-
Then, the effective stress < σ̄22 >+ is directly tion) with respect to the laminated structure for
related to the applied mechanical strain ¯"i and [+25/ − 25/90n ]s
to the residual thermal stress σ22 . Therefore, we
T 2
H(σm + σ22 ) Gd | H <σ̄22 >2+ =1 (ρc , δτ ) = ζ (17) Therefore, these results are in line with our con-
clusion, i.e. Gd does not depend on the char-
where ζ is a constant which depends on the acteristics of (S’) and (S”). Only results with
material (but not on the structure) and σm and n ≥ 3 are represented here. Indeed, for thin-
σ22 are the mechanical part and the thermal part ner central plies, another phenomenon should be
taken into consideration. For such configurations, We have proved that the mesodamage evolu-
as mentioned by Crossmann, delamination begins tion law is nearly independent of the character-
on the edge of the laminates. Therefore, the phe- istics (orientations and thicknesses ratio) of the
nomenon studied here (diffuse induced delamina- stacking sequence.
tion) is no longer dominant. Consequently, the mesomodel is able to take
Next, let us consider the critical value ρc . Table into account the main common microdegrada-
1 gives experimental results concerning the micro- tions.
cracking rate at saturation for T300-914 (Henaff- An important issue concerning micro-meso re-
Gardin, Lafarie-Frenot, Brillaud and El Mahi [ lations is to be able to link a discontinuous
24]; Lafarie-Frenot, Henaff-Gardin and Urwald (micro-) scheme of degradation to a continuous
[ 25]; Henaff-Gardin, Goupillaud and Lafarie- one (evolution of mesodamage). This problem
Frenot [ 26]). can be solved by introducing matrix tenacity as
a material uncertainty. In this process, the per-
fectly periodic microscenario pattern is broken
and Scenario 1, which is initially discontinuous,
Laminate Saturation rate becomes nearly continuous.
[03 /90/04 ]s 1,78 Edge effects, which have not been considered
[07 /90]s 1,82 here, may nevertheless play a primary role by
[02 /90/0]s 1,78 ”initiating delamination” (Kevin and O’Brien [
[03 /90]s 1,60 18]; Crossman and Wang [ 17]). Areas with high
[03 /901,5 ]s 1,62 gradients exist in the vicinity of each edge, and it
[03 /903 ]s 1,42 would be interesting to examine the potential of
Table 1 mesomodeling in such areas.
Saturation microcracking value in 90o ply (ρc ) for As mentioned above, further studies will now
several laminates in traction take into consideration the influence of edge ef-
fects on the initiation and propagation of degra-
dation. The possibility of ply homogenization in
the presence of high gradients will be discussed.
The results of our study agree quite well with
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