Sbaa 181
Sbaa 181
Sbaa 181
1261–1287, 2021
Advance Access publication January 18, 2021
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center.
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J. Dubreucq et al
and Boyd7 reported that most studies were conducted vocational functioning) although this remains to be in-
in Europe or North America (77.5%), and that schizo- vestigated. However, the use of psychiatric rehabilitation
phrenia was the most common diagnosis (54.3%). Self- services also carries the risk of increased labeling and
stigma is frequent in Europe (41.7% of 1229 participants self-stigma.23,24
with schizophrenia and 21.7% of 1182 participants with In summary, three reviews have been conducted on
mood disorders9,10) and North America (36.1% of 144 self-stigma since 2010, in schizophrenia8 and BD.11,12
people with SMI13). Less is known about self-stigma in One meta-analysis investigated the correlates of stigma
other geographic areas. The level of self-stigma might resistance in SMI.6 To our knowledge, there has been
vary according to cultural factors (eg, causal attribu- no review of self-stigma frequency and correlates in dif-
tions of mental illness14) and sociopolitical ideology.15 ferent cultural and geographic areas and for different
According to Yang,14 stigma affects “what matters SMI conditions; nor any specific reviews of self-stigma,
most” in a local social world, by threatening one’s ca- excluding explicitly perceived or experienced stigma.
pacity to meet social expectations (eg, the ability to en- The effects of nonspecific recovery-oriented practices on
gage in key life activities such as work or marriage14,16) self-stigma remain unknown. Based on the literature, we
and the whole family’s moral standing and socioec- would expect to find a higher frequency of self-stigma
onomic status. Self-stigma might be more common in in Eastern countries compared with Western countries.
non-Western countries than in Western countries but We made the hypotheses that cultural factors would in-
this remains unproven. fluence self-stigma and that self-stigma would be associ-
Compared with those with nonpsychotic disorders, ated with poor recovery-related outcomes. The present
people at risk of psychosis face higher levels of public review has three objectives: (1) to review the frequency,
stigma that can lead to self-stigma.17,18 People with BPD correlates, and consequences of self-stigma in individ-
are prone to self-criticism and feelings of shame that uals with SMI; (2) to compare self-stigma in different
can make them more vulnerable to self-stigma.19 They geographical areas and to review its potential associa-
face high levels of stigma, not only from the general tion with cultural factors; (3) to evaluate the strengths
public but also from mental health professionals.20 and limitations of the current body of evidence to guide
Gerlinger8 reported in a systematic review on stigma in future research.
schizophrenia the lack of studies comparing stigma at
different stages of illness. It is still unclear whether self-
stigma is greater in cases of prolonged psychosis com-
pared with early psychosis, at-risk stages, or other SMI A stepwise systematic literature review (PRISMA guide-
diagnoses. lines)25 was conducted by searching PubMed, Medline,
To date, there have been no literature reviews com- Web of Science, PsycINFO, the Scopus citation index, and
paring self-stigma frequency and correlates in different Ovid SP Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
geographical and cultural areas (Europe, North America, Literature (CINAHL) for published, peer-reviewed articles
South America, Middle East, South Asia, South-East using the following keywords: “schizophrenia” / “bipolar
Asia, and Oceania). Similarly, to our knowledge, no liter- disorder” / “borderline personality disorder” / “major de-
ature review has been conducted comparing internalized pression” / “depression” / “anxiety disorder” / “serious
stigma in at-risk stages, schizophrenia, BD, MDD, BPD, mental illness” AND “stigma” / “self-stigma” / “intern-
and anxiety disorders. Self-stigma was negatively associ- alized stigma”/ “internalised stigma.” No time restriction
ated with self-esteem, self-efficacy, quality of life (QoL), was set. Only published articles in English or French were
and clinical and functional outcomes.7 However, it is dif- included in the review. The reference list of three meta-
ficult to disentangle the specific effects of self-stigma, as analyses6,7,26 and three literature reviews8,11,12 on stigma
measures of perceived or experienced stigma are often and schizophrenia or BD were screened for additional
used to assess the correlates of self-stigma (43.9% of the relevant articles. To be included in this review articles had
127 studies7). Most studies were cross-sectional (86.7% to meet all of the following criteria: (1) report explicitly
of 127 studies7). The longitudinal effects of self-stigma on self-stigma (ie, articles on public stigma or using meas-
remain largely unknown. Several interventions (combin- ures of perceived or experienced stigma were excluded);
ations of psychoeducation and cognitive restructuring in (2) concern a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
most cases, making empowered decisions about disclo- borderline personality disorder, major depression or anx-
sure in others) have been designed to reduce self-stigma iety disorders; (3) provide quantitative data on the prev-
and its impact on patients’ outcomes.21 Psychiatric re- alence, correlates, or consequences of internalized stigma
habilitation brings together a wide range of recovery- or stigma resistance. The first author applied the eligibility
oriented interventions.22 Psychiatric rehabilitation could criteria and screened the records to select the included
indirectly reduce self-stigma (eg, through improved psy- studies. The last author reviewed each decision. Disputed
chiatric symptoms, self-esteem, cognitive, social, and items were solved through discussion and by reading the
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
article in detail to reach a final decision. For each study, (figure 1). See supplementary table 5 for the list of the
we extracted the following information: general informa- excluded studies.
tion (author, year of publication, country, design, popu- The 272 articles included were characterized by the
lation considered, setting, total number of participants, heterogeneity of the samples, methods, scales, and re-
mean age, or age range), outcome measure (scale/items ported outcomes. Most were published after 2010 (244
used to measure self-stigma, reliability), the main findings, studies; 89.7%) and used cross-sectional designs (231
and variables relating to quality assessment (see supple- studies; 84.9%) with only 41 studies (15.1%) reporting
mentary table 2 for the detailed characteristics of the in- longitudinal outcomes. A total of 89 (95 studies (34.9%)
cluded studies). Quality assessment was performed using were conducted in Europe, 76 (27.9%) in North America,
the Systematic Appraisal of Quality in Observational 44 in South-East Asia (16.2%), 24 (8.8%) in the Middle
Research (SAQOR) tool. This tool comprises six domains East, 13 (4.8%) in Africa, 10 in South Asia (3.7%), 4 in
(sample, control/comparison group, exposure/outcome South America (1.5%), 4 in Oceania (1.5%), and 2 studies
measurements, follow-up, confounders, and reporting of (0.7%) compared internalized stigma in different geo-
data27) and has been adapted for cross-cultural psychiatric graphical areas (see supplementary table 1 for the geo-
epidemiology studies.28 An overall quality score (high, graphical distribution of the included studies).30,31 Most
moderate, or low) was determined based on adequacy in studies included outpatients (211 studies, 77.6%). A total
the six domains. Means and percentages were weighted for of 30 studies (11.3%) were conducted in a psychiatric
the number of cases per study to obtain prevalence data. rehabilitation context, 5 studies (1.8%) in consumer-
Derived weighted means by geographical area and pooled operated service programs or advocacy groups and 6
standard deviations were calculated. One-way ANOVA was studies (2.2%) in prison settings.
conducted from these summary data and post hoc pairwise A total of 114 studies (41.9%) concerned schizo-
test comparisons were computed using the Tukey–Kramer phrenia, 14 (5.1%) BD, 13 (4.8%) MDD, and 13 (4.8%)
method. Weighted scores were calculated using propor- at-risk stages or first episode psychosis, 2 (0.7%) anxiety
tions of rating scale scores. The frequency of self-stigma disorders and 1 obsessive-compulsive disorder (0.4%).
is often measured using the Internalized Stigma of Mental A total of 115 studies (42.3%) looked at SMI. There
Illness Scale.29 A score above the midpoint indicates a were large variations in the definition of SMI. Twenty-
moderate to high level of self-stigma.9,29 This choice was five studies (9.6%) defined SMI as schizophrenia, BD, or
made for practical reasons (ie, facilitating comparisons be- MDD. Fifty-four studies (20%) used a broad definition
tween the studies) as there is no valid cutoff for measuring of SMI and included participants with anxiety disorders
self-stigma. Stigma resistance is often measured using the (AD, n = 25), obsessive-compulsive disorder (n = 11),
ISMI stigma resistance subscale, which shows variable in- and personality disorders (13 studies). Twelve studies
ternal consistency (0.56 in Firmin et al meta-analysis6). (4.6%) investigated self-stigma in schizophrenia and BD
Only the studies reporting internal consistency of above (n = 6), schizophrenia and MDD (n = 1), mood disorders
0.50 were considered when extracting the correlates of (n = 2), schizophrenia and AD (n = 1), AD and MDD
stigma resistance. The study protocol was registered on the (n = 1), and BPD and social phobia (n = 1). Twenty-
PROSPERO database on July 4, 2019 (ID 141282). four studies (8.1%) did not specify the different forms of
SMI. Most studies included young (18–34 years old; 50
Results studies [18.4%]) or middle-aged participants (35–50 years
old; 185 studies [68%]). See supplementary table 6 for the
Our search on July 5, 2019 found 3215 articles on characteristics of studies that included people less than 18
PubMed and 11 472 on Web of Science. It was com- years old. One hundred and ninety-two studies (70.6%)
pleted by searching PsycINFO, the Scopus citation used the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness29 scale to
index, and Ovid SP CINAHL on March 25, 2020 then measure internalized stigma and 33 studies (12.1%) the
updated on April 16, 2020. The search was completed on Self-Stigma of Mental Illness Scale32 (SSMI). Forty-seven
August 22, 2020 using the additional terms “psychosis,” studies (17.3%) measured self-stigma with other scales.
“depression,” “internalized stigma,” and “internalised Most of the instruments used to measure self-stigma in
stigma.” This resulted in 5371 supplementary articles. non-Western countries were adaptations of scales de-
After manually removing all duplicates, there were 4250 signed in Europe or North America (n = 74; 80%). The
remaining references. Based on their titles and abstracts, quality ratings of the included studies obtained using
3811 articles were excluded for lack of relevance. Most SAQOR27 ranged from high to moderate (respectively,
of these articles focused on public stigma, perceived or 57.7% and 42.3%). The results are shown in table 1.
experienced stigma, or self-stigma in other discriminated
populations. Our search strategy yielded 429 full-text ar-
ticles. After conducting a full-text analysis of all these Frequency of Self-stigma
articles and excluding those which did not meet the in- Eighty articles (29.4%) reported data on self-stigma extent
clusion criteria, we ended up with 272 relevant articles in SMI, or on the proportion of individuals with moderate
J. Dubreucq et al
to high self-stigma, or on both outcomes. Thirty-three schizophrenia (35.8%). Higher frequency was found in
studies were conducted in Europe, 20 studies in North South-East Asia and the Middle East for SMI, and in
America, 17 in South-East Asia, 9 in Africa, 12 in Middle North America, Europe, and Africa for schizophrenia.
East, 6 in South Asia, 1 in South America, 1 in Australia, Significant between-group differences in mean self-stigma
and 1 in Austria and Japan. Nine studies compared the fre- scores were found between Europe and South Asia or
quency of self-stigma in different countries,9,10,30,33,34 cities,35 South-East Asia for participants with SMI (P < 0.001;
or settings.13,36,37 The samples were mostly composed of in- weighted mean difference = 0.150 and 0.140), schizo-
dividuals with schizophrenia (31 studies; 43.4%) or SMI phrenia (P < 0.001; 0.159 and 0.143), bipolar disorder
(33 studies; 40.5%). The results are shown in table 2. Forty- (P < 0.001; 0.253 and 0.35), and MDD (P < 0.001; 0.148
seven articles reported on the proportion of moderate to and 0.07). Compared with Europe, self-stigma was higher
high self-stigma (ISMI >2.5 or above the midpoint on other in the Middle East and Africa for SMI (P < 0.001; 0.322
scales) in a total of 15 871 participants (7500 SMI, 5518 and 0.140) and in the Middle East and South America
schizophrenia, 1582 BD, 1188 MDD, 64 BPD, 19 AD). for schizophrenia (P < 0.001; 0.401 and 0.08). Box plots
Eighty-five articles documented self-stigma extent (ISMI on the differences by geographical area are provided on
mean total score and standard deviation) in 25 458 parti- table 3. Self-stigma did not differ between South-East Asia
cipants (11 028 with SMI, 9661 with schizophrenia, 2083 and Africa for SMI, South Asia and South-East Asia for
with BD, 2154 with MDD, 377 with AD, 155 with BPD). schizophrenia, and North America and the Middle East
About one-third of people with SMI (31.3%) reported for bipolar disorder. The results are shown in supple-
elevated self-stigma. The highest frequency was found in mentary table S4. There were significant country-related
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
Table 1. Research Characteristics of the 272 Studies Included in were found for schizophrenia, BD (18.5% Turkey,41 in
the Review remitted BD; 26% USA,42 in non-adherent BD), MDD,
obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety disorders.
All studies
Characteristic (n = 272) %
Cross-sectional Correlates of Self-stigma
Publication date
Pre 2011 28 (10.3%) Two hundred and forty-one studies (88.6%) reported on
2011 or later 244 (89.7%) cross-sectional internalized stigma correlates. The most
Study design common diagnosis was schizophrenia (n = 106; 44%), fol-
Cross-sectional 231 (84.9%) lowed by BD (n = 11; 4.6%) and at-risk states or early
Longitudinal 41 (15.1%) psychosis (n = 9; 3.7%). Ninety studies (37.3%) concerned
Region of study
North America 76 (27.9%) SMI. The results are shown in table 4. See supplementary
Europa 95 (34.9%) table 3 for the detailed list of correlates/consequences.
South Asia 10 (3.7%) Few sociodemographic characteristics correlated signif-
South East Asia 44 (16.2%) icantly with self-stigma. Immigrant status, history of in-
Middle East 24 (8.8%) carceration or homelessness,36,43 parenting status (mothers
South America 4 (1.5%)
Africa 13 (4.8%) > fathers44), shame proneness, and avoidant or self-de-
Australia 4 (1.5%) feating personality traits (n = 6 studies) were associated
Others 2 (0.7%) with higher self-stigma. The results were contrasted for all
Study sites other sociodemographic variables (age, gender, education
Single site 270 (99.3%) level, employment, marital status, income, and source of
Multiple countries/sites 2 (0.7%)
Diagnosis income). Other personal characteristics (attachment style,
Severe mental illness 115 (42.3%) self-compassion) were not associated with self-stigma.45,46
Bipolar disorder 14 (5.1%) Residual psychiatric symptomatology, positive and nega-
Obsessive-compulsive disorder 1 (0.4%) tive symptoms for schizophrenia, and depressive symptoms
Major depressive disorder 13 (4.8%) for BD were associated with higher self-stigma in most
Anxiety disorder 2 (0.7%)
Schizophrenia 114 (41.9%) studies (84.6% significance; n = 65). Social anxiety (n = 3)
At risk stages/first episode psychosis 13 (4.8%) and distress from sub-threshold psychotic symptoms47
Mean age were positively correlated with self-stigma. Self-stigma
<18 years old 3 (1.1%) was equally severe in participants with ultra-high risk and
18–34 years old 50 (18.4%) established psychosis.48 Internalized shame about mental
35–50 years old 185 (68%)
>50 years old 13 (4.8%) illness and fear accuracy in an emotion recognition task
Mixed 21 (7.7%) were negatively associated in people at risk of psychosis.49
% articles including people <18 Stigma stress, identified as a predictor of self-stigma in
Yes 24 (8.8%) several studies (n = 4), was positively associated with tran-
No 248 (91.2%) sition to psychosis.50 Comorbid post-traumatic stress dis-
Internalized stigma measures
Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) 192 (70.6%) order (n = 2) and an increased number of drug side effects
Self-Stigma of Mental Illness Scale (SSMIS) 33 (12.1%) (n = 4) were positively associated with self-stigma.
Others 47 (17.3%) Public stigma51 and other dimensions of stigma were
Patient status associated with self-stigma (perceived stigma, n = 18
Inpatient 28 (10.3%) studies; perceived stigma from mental health providers,52
Outpatient 211 (77.6%)
Mixed 32 (11.8%) n = 1; experienced stigma, n = 9; anticipated stigma,
Not reported 1 (0.3%) n = 3). Cultural factors such as attributing mental illness
Psychiatric rehabilitation to supernatural causes,53–55 a history of traditional treat-
Yes 47 (17.3%) ment,53,55 and loss of face in Eastern countries35,56 were as-
No 225 (82.7%) sociated with self-stigma. Concerns about losing face (or
Quality rating
High 157 (57.7%) the fear of losing face because of being diagnosed with
Moderate 115 (42.3%) SMI) mediated the relationship between perceived stigma
and self-stigma.56 Stigma stress (n = 4) and negative emo-
tional reactions to involuntary psychiatric admission57,58
differences in the proportion of people with SMI who were significant correlates of self-stigma, in contrast with
reported high self-stigma in Europe (from 15.2% in compulsory community treatment,37 forensic status,36 and
Sweden9 to 57% in Croatia33), North America (from 9% the number of involuntary admissions.57–59 In-group value
in Canada37 to 37% in USA38) and in South-East Asia (ie, how people with SMI see their own group,60 social
(from 8.1% in South Korea39 to 50% in Taiwan40). Setting- networks and support (n = 11; n = 21), membership of
related differences were also found.13,35 Similar variations an advocacy group, and family support protected against
Table 2. Frequency of Internalized Stigma
Area Study Country N Mean IS total score SD n High IS (%)
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
Table 2. Continued
Area Study Country N Mean IS total score SD n High IS (%)
Kira USA 330 2.16 0.72 330 40.1%
Tomar189 USA 108 2.31 0.5 108 40.7%
J. Dubreucq et al
Note: MDD, Major Depressive Disorder; OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder; SMI, Severe Mental Illness. Mean Internalized Stigma
refers to ISMI mean total score. High Internalized Stigma refers to the proportion of patients with ISMI > 2.5 or above the midpoint on other scales. Bold faces represents the
total sample and the weighted means and proportions.
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
J. Dubreucq et al
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
Table 3. Continued
Bipolar Disorder
Means and percentages were weighted for the number of cases per study to obtain prevalence data. Derived weighted means by geographical area
and pooled standard deviations were calculated. One-way ANOVA was conducted from these summary data and Post hoc pairwise test compari-
sons were computed with Tukey–Kramer method. Plots shows the ISMI mean score for each studies and each area with 95% confidence interval.
J. Dubreucq et al
self-stigma.61,62 Family expressed emotion and associative included participants with SMI (n = 15; 36.6%), schiz-
stigma in mental health professionals were associated ophrenia (n = 16; 39%) or at-risk stages/early psychosis
with higher self-stigma.63,64 Self-stigma mediated the ef- (n = 5; 12.2%). Twelve studies included young partici-
fects of family expressed emotion and in-group value on pants (<18, n = 1; 18–35, n = 11) and three individuals
psychosocial function and personal recovery.64,65 over 50 years old (10.7%). Fifteen were conducted in psy-
Insight into illness (n = 32 studies), parental insight,66 chiatric rehabilitation settings (36.5%). The duration of
self-perception of clinical severity (n = 3), perceived cog- follow-up ranged from 6 weeks95 to 2 years.96 The results
nitive dysfunction (n = 4), and attributions of personal are shown in table 5.
responsibility67 were associated with higher self-stigma. Fifteen studies reported on the baseline factors
Impairments in cognitive and metacognitive function influencing the level of self-stigma at follow-up. Residual
(n = 5; n = 7), dysfunctional attitudes68 and avoidant psychiatric symptoms,97–100 negative emotional reactions
coping strategies (n = 8) were associated with higher to involuntary hospitalization,57,99 and emotional dis-
self-stigma. Conversely preserved cognitive abilities,69–71 tress98,101 were the most significant baseline factors associ-
empowerment, self-efficacy, self-agency, and stigma re- ated with self-stigma at follow-up. Duration of untreated
sistance protected against self-stigma.9,10,62,72 Mixed re- psychosis97 and baseline coping strategies102 were associ-
sults were found for other illness-related correlates (age ated with higher self-stigma in single studies. Mixed re-
of onset, psychiatric diagnosis, illness duration, history sults were found for self-stigma stability over time with
of suicide attempts, inpatient status, past psychiatric ad- no specific intervention.86,102–104 Attending psychiatric
mission, and number of hospitalizations). rehabilitation was associated with significant reductions
In general, self-stigma was positively associated with in self-stigma extent (from a mean total ISMI score of
depressive symptoms (n = 41) and suicidal ideation 2.31 on admission to 1.96 at discharge; 38 2.36–2.20; 101
(n = 14) and negatively correlated with hope (n = 19), 2.11–1.96; 105 2.1–2.04; 106 1.80–1.50 in participants having
help seeking (n = 5), and treatment adherence (n = 15). worked in the past year without being discriminated
Single studies found negative associations with thera- against107) and in the proportion of participants with
peutic alliance73 and shared decision making.74 Insight high self-stigma (ISMI > 2.5 from 37% to 13.7%; 38 re-
into illness,70,75–80 avoidant personality traits,81 and coping duction in ISMI levels at follow up > 25% in 38% of the
strategies,82 loneliness,83 and resilience84 moderated the participants with mean self-stigma > 2103). Not receiving
relationship with depression and self-esteem mediated disability benefits during psychiatric rehabilitation was
the effects of self-stigma on hope.85 Self-stigma mediated associated with a greater reduction in self-stigma.38
the effects of perceived cognitive dysfunction and expe- Attending consumer-operated service programs was as-
rienced stigma on suicidality86,87 and QoL.88 Self-stigma sociated with self-stigma reduction.108
was negatively associated with QoL (n = 41), self-es- Twenty-eight studies reported on the longitudinal con-
teem (n = 44), self-efficacy (n = 13), well-being (n = 9), sequences of self-stigma. Self-stigma at baseline was as-
life satisfaction (n = 8), empowerment (n = 11), resilience sociated with increased positive symptoms,109 emotional
(n = 7), stigma resistance (n = 11), and personal recovery discomfort,100 social anxiety,110 depression,111,112 suicidal
(n = 22). Self-stigma positively correlated with the “why ideation,96,113 and an increased risk of psychiatric hos-
try effect” 89 and later stages of self-stigma with a higher pitalization114 at follow-up. Participants with high self-
impact on hope, self-esteem, psychosocial function, and stigma reported reduced self-esteem,112 decreased life
personal recovery.89,90 Participants in the late stages of satisfaction,115 lower personal recovery,116 less use of
self-stigma reported more reasons for not disclosing their adaptive coping strategies,102 and lower treatment ad-
psychiatric diagnosis, in contrast with those in the early herence117 at follow-up. Baseline self-stigma was associ-
stages who reported greater benefits from being “out”.91 ated with poorer social and vocational functioning109,118
Self-stigma was negatively associated with global func- at follow-up, and less benefits from vocational reha-
tioning (n = 27). Higher demoralization and decreased bilitation.119 A change in self-stigma during follow-up
resilience mediated the relationship between self-stigma predicted depression. Increases in self-stigma were asso-
and psychosocial function.75,92 Self-stigma was negatively ciated with more depressive symptoms109 and higher sui-
associated with relational satisfaction.41,93 Self-stigma cidality.99,120 Decreases in self-stigma were associated with
positively correlated with sense of loneliness,83,94 fear of less depression.104,105 Increased self-stigma was associated
intimate relationships,41 and self-stigma on parenting with more negative attitudes towards psychiatric medica-
abilities for mothers living without their children.44 tion,120,121 poorer social function,122 reduced self-esteem,99
and lower personal recovery.116 Reduced self-stigma was
associated with decreased subjective clinical severity,105
Self-stigma and Longitudinal Outcomes higher self-esteem,101 and improved global functioning.105
Forty-one studies reported longitudinal outcomes as- Baseline self-stigma was not associated with QoL at fol-
sociated with internalized stigma. These studies mainly low-up.37 Decreased self-stigma during follow-up was,
Table 4. Cross-sectional Correlates and Consequences of Self-stigma
Number significant Significant Positive re- Negative re-
of studies relationship relationship lationship lationship
(n = 272) (P > 0.05) (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05)
Variables n % n % n % n % n %
Gender (1) 62 22.8 50 80.7 12 19.3 3 25.0 9 75.0
Age 68 25.0 49 72.1 19 27.9 12 63.2 7 36.8
Education 60 22.1 37 61.7 23 38.3 10 43 13 57
Employment(2) 37 13.6 16 43.2 21 56.8 2 9.5 19 90.5
Marital status(3) 40 14.7 28 70 12 30 3 25.0 9 75.0
Income 16 5.9 5 31.2 11 68.8 0 0 11 100
Source of income (4) 11 4.0 6 54.5 5 45.5 3 60 2 40
Immigrant status 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 1 100 0 0
History of incarceration/homelessness 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Experience of victimization 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Parenting status (5) 2 0.7 1 50 1 50 1 100 0 0
Internalizing personality traits 6 2.2 0 0 6 100 6 100 0 0
Self-compassion/mindfulness 2 0.7 1 50 1 50 0 0 1 100
Locality (urban/rural) (6) 7 2.6 4 57.1 3 42.9 1 33.3 2 66.7
Severity of psychiatric symptoms 65 23 10 15.4 55 84.6 55 100 0 0
Higher distress from sub-threshold psychotic symptoms/psychiatric symptoms 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Age of onset 26 9.6 19 73.0 7 27.0 0 0 7 100
Illness duration 32 11.8 22 68.7 10 31.3 7 70.0 3 30.0
Stage of illness 1 0.4 1 100 0 0 - - - -
Diagnosis(7) 38 14.0 20 52.6 18 47.4 NA - NA -
Insight 32 11.8 0 0 32 100 32 100 0 0
Parental insight 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 1 100 0 0
Subjective clinical severity 3 1.1 0 0 3 100 3 100 0 0
Perceived cognitive dysfunction 4 1.5 0 0 4 100 4 100 0 0
Hospitalizations 38 14.0 23 60.5 15 39.5 14 93.3 1 6.7
Treatment setting (8) 6 2.2 3 50 3 50 1 33.3 2 66.7
Involuntary hospitalizations (IH) 3 1.1 1 33.3 2 66.7 2 100 0 0
Negative emotional reactions to IH 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Forensic patient status 3 1.1 2 66.7 1 33.3 1 100 0 0
Compulsory community treatment 1 0.4 1 100 0 0 - - - -
History of suicide attempt 6 2.2 1 16.7 5 83.3 5 100 0 100
Social anxiety 3 1.1 0 0 3 100 3 100 0 0
Comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Comorbid personality disorder 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Cormorbid substance use disorder 3 1.1 1 33.3 2 66.7 2 100 0 0
Drug extra-pyramidal side-effects 4 1.5 0 0 4 100 4 100 0 0
Cognitive functioning 6 2.2 1 16.7 5 83.3 0 0 5 100
Social cognition 4 1.5 1 25 3 75 0 0 3 100
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
Table 4. Continued
Number significant Significant Positive re- Negative re-
J. Dubreucq et al
Variables n % n % n % n % n %
Metacognitive abilities 7 2.6 0 0 7 100 0 0 7 100
Dysfunctional attitudes 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 1 100 0 0
Use of negative coping strategies 8 2.9 0 0 8 100 8 100 0 0
Country level of public stigma 6 2.2 0 0 6 100 6 100 0 0
Perceived stigma 18 6.6 0 0 18 100 18 100 0 0
Self-labelling 3 1.1 0 0 3 100 3 100 0 0
Stigma stress 4 1.5 0 0 4 100 4 100 0 0
Group value 3 1.1 0 0 3 100 0 0 3 100
Perceived legitimacy 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Social network 11 4.0 0 0 11 100 0 0 11 100
Sense of belonging 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 0 0 2 100
Perceived social support 21 8.4 0 0 21 100 0 0 21 100
Loneliness 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Family sense of coherence 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 0 0 1 100
Experienced and anticipated stigma 13 4.8 0 0 13 100 13 100 0 0
Expressed emotion in families 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 1 100 0 0
Associative stigma in MHP 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 1 100 0 0
Cultural factors
Attributing mental illness to supernatural causes 3 1.1 0 0 3 100 3 100 0 0
History of traditional treatment 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Loss of face in Eastern countries 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Self-efficacy 13 4.8 0 0 13 100 0 0 13 100
Empowerment 11 4.0 0 0 11 100 0 0 11 100
Self-esteem 44 16.2 0 0 44 100 0 0 44 100
Hope 19 7.0 0 0 19 100 0 0 19 100
Depression 41 15.1 0 0 41 100 41 100 0 0
Suicide risk 15 5.5 1 6.7 14 93.3 14 100 0 0
Help-seeking/Therapeutic alliance 5 1.8 0 0 5 100 0 0 5 100
Treatment adherence 15 5.5 0 0 15 100 0 0 15 100
Subjective social status 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 0 0 1 100
Psychosocial function 27 9.9 0 0 27 100 0 0 27 100
Activity 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 0 0 1 100
Self-reported physical health 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 0 0 2 100
Capacity for intimacy/satisfaction in intimate relationships 4 1.5 0 0 4 100 0 0 4 100
Self-reported parenting experiences 1 0.4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 100
Quality of life 41 15.1 0 0 41 100 0 0 41 100
Wellbeing 9 3.3 0 0 9 100 0 0 9 100
Satisfaction with life 8 2.9 0 0 8 100 0 0 8 100
Table 4. Continued
Number significant Significant Positive re- Negative re-
of studies relationship relationship lationship lationship
(n = 272) (P > 0.05) (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05)
Variables n % n % n % n % n %
“why try effect” 2 0.7 0 0 2 100 2 100 0 0
Coming out (CO)/CO assertiveness 1 0.4 1 100 0 0 - - - -
Benefits from being out 1 0.4 0 0 1 100 0 0 1 100
Stigma resistance 11 4.0 0 0 11 100 0 0 11 100
Resilience 7 2.6 0 0 7 100 0 0 7 100
Personal recovery 22 8.1 0 0 22 100 0 0 22 100
1)Columns D + E; 1 = Men.
2) Columns D + E; 1 = Employed.
3) Columns D + E; 1 = Married.
4) Columns D + E; 1 = Income earner.
5) Columns D + E; 1 = Mothers.
6) Columns D + E; 1 = Urban.
7) Columns D+ E; not applicable (heterogeneity of the samples).
8) Columns D + E; 1= Inpatients.
Table 4 presents the relationships between sociodemographic, illness-related, environment-related, cultural and psychosocial variables with self-stigma (includes 272 studies).
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
J. Dubreucq et al
A. B. C. D. E.
Number significant Significant Positive re- Negative
of studies relationship relationship lationship relationship
(n = 41) (P > 0.05) (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05)
Variables n % n % n % n % n %
Note: COSP, consumer-operated service program; IH, involuntary hospitalization; PR, Psychiatric rehabilitation.
Table 5 presents the longitudinal relationships between sociodemographic, illness-related, environment-related, and psychosocial variables with self-stigma (includes 41
Table 6. Prevalence of Stigma Resistance
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
J. Dubreucq et al
High SR (%)
Note: MDD, Major Depressive Disorder; SMI, Severe Mental Illness. Mean stigma resistance refers to ISMI stigma resistance subscale mean score. High stigma resistance re-
psychiatric rehabilitation.
Self-stigma and Stigma Resistance
Thirty-one studies (11.9%) reported data on stigma re-
sistance frequency in SMI. The results are shown in
fers to the proportion of patients with ISMI stigma resistance subscale > 2.5. Bold faces represents the total sample and the weighted means and proportions.
table 6. Stigma resistance was higher in mood disorders
(59.7%10) than in schizophrenia (53.1%; n = 5). Stigma
resistance in schizophrenia varied within Europe (from
49.2%9 to 63%123 and Africa (from 49.4% in Ethiopia124
to 72.7% in Nigeria125). Stigma resistance was negatively
correlated with self-stigma in Austria,30,123 Croatia,126
Nigeria,125 and South Africa.62 In some countries, self-
stigma and stigma resistance were both high (USA,42
Mean SR
South Africa
Weighted total
Frequency, Correlates, and Consequences of Self-stigma in Serious Mental Illness
stigma, but similar levels of self-stigma for people with The association between self-stigma with treatment
schizophrenia were reported in China and India com- setting varies (50% significance). Two studies reported
pared with Western countries.16,138,139 Cultural factors (eg, higher self-stigma in outpatients compared with in-
concerns about disclosure spillover on family members) patients152,153 and one the opposite.83 Loneliness, low so-
leading to higher self-stigma and social withdrawal might cial support, perceived stigma, experienced stigma, and
explain these variations.14,16,138,139 Most of the instruments anticipated stigma might contribute to higher self-stigma
used for assessing self-stigma in non-Western countries in outpatients.152,153 Participating in community activities,
were adapted from scales developed in Europe or North good social support, and attending psychiatric rehabili-
America and did not include culture-specific items. These tation services or consumer-operated service programs
scales might not reflect all the culture-specific forms of protect against self-stigma.9,62,105,108 Stigma stress, nega-
stigma.55,140 Anti-stigma campaigns and self-stigma re- tive emotional reactions to involuntary hospitalization,
duction interventions should take into consideration cul- and the use of avoidant coping strategies after discharge
tural factors (eg, cost/benefits of strategic disclosure in a contribute to higher self-stigma.57,58,102 Improved inpa-
given cultural context35,54,141). tient care (ie, the implementation of recovery-oriented
Cultural and socio-ideological factors might ac- practices and interventions targeting stigma stress, ther-
count for the large country-related variations that were apeutic alliance and coping strategies) might result in
found within geographical areas. Higher public stigma better patient outcomes after discharge, although this re-
was found in Eastern/Southern Europe compared with mains to be investigated.
Western Europe.142–144 Compared with Western Europe The development of recovery-oriented practices in
or Canada, higher levels of self-reported sociopolit- mental health facilities should be encouraged as it could
ical conservatism were found in Eastern Europe and the reduce perceived stigma, stigma stress,57–59 and negative
USA.145,146 Gonzales147 and De Luca148 found that self- emotional reactions to involuntary admissions.57–59 Peer-
reported political conservatism and right-wing authori- supported self-management interventions, Joint Crisis
tarianism were associated with increased public stigma. Plans, “No Force First” policies, and selective disclosure
Cultural factors (eg, the endorsement of traditional cul- programs could improve self-stigma through reduced
tural values, higher in China than in Taiwan or South stigma stress and perceived coercion.151,154–156 Recovery-
Korea149) might contribute to the differences observed be- oriented training programs for mental health profes-
tween Guangzhou and Hong Kong35 or between Taiwan sionals improve personal recovery in people with SMI.157
and South Korea.39,40 These variations could be related They may also improve mental health professionals’ job
to sample characteristics (eg, higher reliance on family satisfaction, burnout, and associative stigma of mental
support in Guangzhou compared with Hong Kong; 35 illness.15,63 Their effectiveness in reducing self-stigma in
higher proportion of patients with BD in Korea than in patients should be investigated.
Taiwan39,40). Given the potential relationships with stigma stress,50
Sociodemographic and illness-related correlates yielded duration of untreated psychosis,97 distress from sub-
mixed results in line with previous reviews.7,8 Self-stigma threshold psychotic symptoms,47 and transition to
was high in BPD but this is based on a small number of psychosis,50 the effects of recovery-oriented early inter-
studies with small sample sizes. Self-stigma was equally ventions on self-stigma and its consequences should be
severe in the at-risk stages as in psychosis.111 Further re- further investigated. Strategic disclosure programs result
search is needed to confirm this result. Self-stigma was in people making empowered decisions about whether to
closely associated with perceived and experienced stigma. disclose a diagnosis of SMI or not. They result in im-
These concepts are distinct and should be better differen- proved stigma stress and self-stigma in adolescents with
tiated between, as stereotype awareness and self-labeling SMI151 and should be integrated into recovery-oriented
do not necessarily imply stereotype agreement, self- early intervention services.
application, and increased self-stigma.91,150 Self-support As expected,7,8 self-stigma was negatively associated
groups and recovery-oriented services promoting posi- with recovery-related outcomes and positively associated
tive group identification60,106 should be further developed with depression and suicidal ideation. Cognitive impair-
to prevent or reduce self-stigma. Reducing self-stigma ments, dysfunctional attitudes, and avoidant coping strat-
implies targeting the explicitly negative views about the egies were positively associated with self-stigma. Insight
self that relate to being diagnosed with SMI. Making an into illness was the most significant moderator of intern-
empowered decision about disclosing an SMI diagnosis alized stigma. Perceived cognitive dysfunction, perceived
might be effective for adolescents or people in the early and experienced stigma all had indirect effects on clin-
stages of self-stigma.91,151 People in the late stages of self- ical and functional outcomes via self-stigma. Baseline
stigma may need to take part in group interventions com- self-stigma was associated with poorer recovery-related
bining psychoeducation and cognitive restructuring.21,57 outcomes and less benefit from vocational rehabilitation
Interventions should be proposed to each individual ac- at follow-up.8,119 Reduction in self-stigma was associated
cording to his/her personal needs and level of self-stigma. with improved depression, suicidality, attitudes towards
J. Dubreucq et al
medication, self-esteem, QoL, and social function at more limited focus (eg, on the impact of self-stigma on
follow-up. recovery-related outcomes) could be conducted to ex-
Improved treatment (ie, recovery-oriented practices and plore the present findings in more detail.
nonspecific interventions targeting therapeutic alliance,
dysfunctional attitudes, self-esteem, or coping strategies) Conclusions
could indirectly reduce self-stigma.158–160 Recovery-
oriented psychoeducation improves treatment adherence In short, self-stigma is a severe problem in all SMI con-
and reduces the risk of hospitalization.161 Improved ther- ditions (including the at-risk stages) and all geographical
apeutic alliance is associated with better recovery-related areas and is associated with poor clinical and functional
outcomes after attending to early interventions services.158 outcomes. Levels of public, perceived, and experienced
Other interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, stigma (including from mental health providers) are sig-
cognitive remediation, or social skills training might re- nificant predictors of self-stigma, pleading for the rein-
duce self-stigma through improved symptoms, dysfunc- forcement of anti-stigma campaigns and the development
tional attitudes, and functioning.22,159,160,162 Given the of recovery-oriented practices in mental health settings.
potential relationship between expressed emotion in the The respective associations between the duration of un-
families of people with SMI and self-stigma and recovery- treated psychosis, self-stigma, and transition to psychosis
related outcomes,64,65 family psychoeducation could be ef- support the development of recovery-oriented early in-
fective for self-stigma.163 Family psychoeducation should tervention programs. Psychiatric rehabilitation could be
be recovery-oriented and address both public stigma and an effective means of reducing self-stigma and should
self-stigma.164–167 The relationship between self-stigma in therefore be further developed in public policies.
people with SMI and in their relatives is still unclear and
should be further investigated.168
Stigma resistance and self-stigma were negatively asso- Supplementary Material
ciated with each other6 but with different patterns. Self-
Supplementary material is available at https://academic.
stigma and stigma resistance are distinct constructs and
should be measured using more specific scales.6
Limitations Acknowledgments
There are some limitations to this review due to the het- The authors would like to thank Mrs Kim Barrett for
erogeneity in the definition of SMI and in the samples, proofreading the manuscript. They are also grateful to
settings, methods, scales, and reported outcomes. Few the reviewers of a previous version of the manuscript for
articles reported longitudinal outcomes with a limited their helpful comments.
number of studies conducted in psychiatric rehabilitation Author contribution: The two authors had full access to
settings. This review excluded studies where self-stigma the data in the study and take the responsibility for the
was not the main focus, which means that stigma in all its integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data anal-
forms (ie, perceived, experienced or anticipated stigma, ysis. Dr Julien Dubreucq drafted the article. Dr Julien
and self-stigma) could actually have more wide-ranging Dubreucq and Prof Nicolas Franck carried out the liter-
effects on people with SMI. However, by focusing on ature review. M. Julien Plasse did the statistical analysis.
self-stigma, this review provides a more accurate under- Prof Nicolas Franck critically revised the article. Both
standing of its effects on people with SMI. The hetero- authors were involved in the collection and analysis of
geneity of the samples, methods, scales, and reported the data. Both authors contributed to and approved the
outcomes in the included articles limited the possibil- final manuscript.
ities for extracting comparable data. The large number Conflicts of interests: none.
of studies included in this review and the range of coun-
tries represented is however a considerable strength. The
under-reporting of negative or nonsignificant results due Funding
to publication bias and the exclusion of unpublished
studies from this review might have limited the accuracy This research did not receive any specific grants
of the synthesis. The present systematic review does not from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
include a meta-analysis. This decision was made due to not-for-profit sectors.
the large number of studies and the heterogeneity of
the samples, methods, scales, and reported outcomes.
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