DANIEL' C. 3 Tested With Fire
DANIEL' C. 3 Tested With Fire
DANIEL' C. 3 Tested With Fire
Last Week we studied the book of Daniel chapter 1. We were introduced to 4 Jewish young
teenagers who were taken from their home in Jerusalem to live in an enemy territory – Babylon
Let us watch this short video (time stamp from 2:00 – 4:58 only)
We also know that God honored the faith of these 4 young men , Daniel or Belteshazzar,
Shadrach, Meschah and Abednego , and rewarded them with wisdom and health – so that they, after 3
years of Babylonian Development program – were miraculously healthier and wiser than the rest of
those in training.
And in the next chapters of the book of Daniel – we would see that God had a special purpose
why he had allowed the exile of these young teenagers – they were to have a big influence on the
heathen kings they were forced to serve.
Have you ever been awakened in the morning knowing you had a dream; But were unable to
remember it? Or maybe you could remember it, but it seemed very silly or odd?)
As we study Daniel chapter 2, we will be introduced to the ruthless King Nebuchadnezzar who
had a terrifying dream he could not remember nor understand.
Yes – he is the same king who invaded Jerusalem, and the same king who had commanded to
train young Hebrew boys for service in his kingdom. During his reign , he was the most powerful man
having conquered almost all the known world during his time .
Story Proper:
A. One night King Nebuchadnezzar had such disturbing dreams that he couldn’t sleep. He was
confused and frightened. Petrified, Terrified!
Lets watch video 0:00 - 1:17
Look how frightened he was? He knew his dream meant something – something big –
something scary ! but he could not even remember what his dreams were.
He was expecting explanation from his idols of stones – but he found no answers!
(Kids, why cant the king’s idols help him ? Answer : because they were not alive – they were
made of stones)
B. He called his chief servant ARIOCH to summon all the so called “wise men” including his
magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers, - for sure they would be able to help him.
C. Meanwhile, that same night , while the wise men and astrologers were summoned to the Palace,
Daniel and his 3 friends were working late night at the palace library.
Video 1:18-2:11
Daniel reminisces how , as a Jew , he was taken to Babylon to be one of the king’s servants in the
king’s palace who holds high positions in the government along with Jews.
Did you see those astrologers and magicians who passed by the 4 friends on their way to the
king? Did you hear what one said ? “Don’t tell Daniel” .
Oh they did not want Daniel to know that King Nebuchadnezzar was calling all the wise men -
Daniel and his friends should be included, right ? They pretended they were on their way outside
to do star-gazing.
Why did they not tell Daniel and his friends? What do you think kids?
(Possible answer: envy, jealousy ) . Let’see in the next video why they did not tell Daniel and his
3 friends about the king’s order:
Whoa – so there – they disliked Daniel and his 3 friends because they were Jews and not
Babylonians and Chaldeans like they were. They thought King Nebuchadnezzar would favor
them and they did not like the 4 friends to be included! Selfish, huh!
Such a busy night –several awakened – summoned by a furious king. All those were called had
no idea why the king summoned in the wee hours of the morning.
What could be so important which could not wait till morning , they thought
Let us see how these men would react when they find out why they are being called.
Video 2:25-2:54
It was really important - The king demanded first, to know what he dreamed about , and
second, to explain interpretation for his dream.
The “wise “ men asked : Tell us the dream, and we will tell you what it means.
Maybe these magicians thought – it is so easy – they can just invent interpretations !
You know it is always easy to invent interpretations pretending one knows it all .
On 2 occasions, the magicians and astrologers begged the king to tell them his dream - twice
the king would demand that they be the one to tell the king his dream.
(Kids – is that possible at all? To interpret a dream which you don’t know?
Sounds funny and silly – right kids ? BUT it was not funny - the King was serious - dead serious !
How serious ? Let’s see ..
Video 3:27-4:11
Whoa – the king said You must tell me the dream and then I will know you can interpret it.
If you don’t tell me my dream I will execute you - all the wise men in the Palace – as in all!
Oh no! Daniel , Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were included in the wise men ! They too
would be killed ?
These magicians and astrologer explain the impossibility of Nebuchadnezzar’s request.
They answered the king, and said, “There is not a man on earth who can tell the king’s
matter; therefore no king, lord, or ruler has ever asked such things of any magician, astrologer,
or Chaldean. It is a difficult thing that the king requests, and there is no other who can tell it to
the king except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.”
We can see their admission that the gods of stones could not help . This made the king even
more furious!!
A furious Nebuchadnezzar sentences all his wise men to death.
For this reason the king was angry and very furious, and gave a command to destroy all the
wise men of Babylon. So the decree went out, and they began killing the wise men; It was horrible – all
the wise men ran for their lives. They ran. They hid wherever they could! Every wise men was frightened
! and they sought Daniel and his companions, to kill them.
D. But where is Daniel and his 3 friends? They did not know anything yet ! Soon, Daniel and his 3
friends will learn about this threat from the king .
Quickly he would ask ARIOCH , the commander of the king’s guard what had happened.
Knowing the lives of many innocent wise men, including his life and his 3 friends’ were at risk,
Daniel talked to Arioch to request audience with the king.
Kids, do you see fear in Daniel’s eyes? Did he tremble in the face of pressure?
Answer : NO! Not before Arioch – but what about before the furious king Nebuchadnezzar?
For sure he could not stand the wrath of the King!
But in the next video – we could see his composure before the King. Was he just really brave?
Let’s see…
Video 5:41-6:08
E. Daniel with courage , went to see the king to request more time to discover what King had
dreamt and its meaning. King Nebuchadnezzar agreed .
But see his courage did not come from himself – he trusted in his God to give the answer to the
king’s problem !
And he told the king just that : “My God will give the king an answer!”
There was so much pressure , but Daniel knew where to ask help in time of dire pressure.
Daniel went home and told his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah what had happened.
What will they do now ? They cannot flee during the night because they were heavily guarded
by Arioch and some soldiers. Well, they don’t have intention of running anyway.
So what will they do?
Video 6:09-7:29
Daniel urged them to PRAY to God to reveal the secret, so they would not be executed.
They prayed all night.
Lesson we can learn here : Kids, when we are in trouble, when we need guidance, when we are
under pressure, what should we do? PRAY to God !
That night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision, and he gave praise to God (v20-23).
Armed with God’s revelation of the dream, Daniel with his 3 friends , went to the king, boldly .
Again , Daniel would give credit to God for the dream and interpretation.
“There is God which revealeth secrets”
Daniel would the describe the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar:
Video 7:30-9:24
It was a very odd dream - a terrifying statue with the head made of gold, chest and arms made of
silver, belly and thighs made of bronze, and feet made of iron and clay .
And suddenly a huge stone cut without hands emerged and smashed the statue. And the stone
became a huge mountain which covered the whole earth!
King Nebuchadnezzar knew that was exactly his dream – and now he asks what is the
interpretation . He said “ why did the dream send me so much dread?” “Why wad I so terrified in my
But again we can see Daniel’s faith under pressure. He did not balk . He will directly and boldly
declare its meaning, not thinking about the consequences .
Video 9:25-10:11
Answering the king’s question , “why did the dream send me so much dread?”
Daniel boldly said : because “you are the head of gold !
It was faith under pressure for Daniel to boldly say that to the highest ruling man in the world
that time. But Daniel was trusting God and Him alone.
Daniel then proceeded to prophesy the rise and fall of other nations after Babylon.
It was about changing of kingdom on earth . After the Babylonians, they will be defeated by the
Persians, then the Persians would be conquered by the Greeks, then the Romans.
But did you see the huge stone that emerged and smashed the huge statue? That refers to the
kingdom of the Lord Jesus which will smash all earthly kingdoms, and this kingdom will never ever end .
How bold was David to mention about the future kingdom of his God! Powerful than the
Babylonian Empire and other empires!
How will King Nebuchadnezzar accept this ? What will he do to Daniel and his 3 friends?