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Minimum Standard on Safety and - separate facilities for men and women: particularly important in industries enter signs,

ries enter signs, properly positioned within

Health in the workplace Separate facilities for men and women, where hazardous materials are used or the compound of the establishment
such as restrooms and locker rooms, generated: shall be used to increase safety
- the osh standards mandate that every must be provided. This ensures privacy especially during the night. This
company must maintain a workplace and dignity for workers and promotes a 3. Adequate number of fire ensures that vehicles move safely
free from work hazards that are likely to more respectful and comfortable work extinguishers in the workplace: within the workplace, minimizing the
cause physical harm to the workers or environment. risk of collisions and accidents.
damage to property. It's not just about - employers must provide fire
avoiding accidents; it's about creating a - protective gear: Employers must extinguishers, strategically placed 3. Handicapped employees: Providing
culture where workers feel safe and provide appropriate safety devices to throughout the workplace, to respond accessibility and safety
secure, leading to a more productive protects workers from specific hazards to potential fires. This includes:
and engaged workforce. associated with their jobs, such as As far as practicable and feasible, they
exposure to chemicals, dust, or loud 4. Designated safe smoking and shall be provided with facilities for safe
- the osh standards ensure that workers noises. This reduces the risk of injuries welding areas: and convenient movement within the
are entitled to be provided by the and illnesses and ensures that workers establishment. This ensures that
employer with a safe and healthy work - employers must establish designated handicapped employees have access to
have the necessary tools to perform
environment. This is not just a legal safe smoking and welding areas, located safe and accessible work areas.
their jobs safely.
obligation; it's a fundamental right that far from combustible, flammable, or
every worker deserves. - free medical and dental services: Free explosive materials. This minimizes the 4. Good housekeeping: Maintaining a
medical and dental services and risk of fires and explosions: Smoking clean and orderly environment
- adequate seating, lighting, and facilities, including medicines, medical and welding areas must be located a
ventilation: Employers must provide supplies, or first-aid kits, must be safe distance from any materials that This creates a safer and more efficient
comfortable and well-lit workspaces provided. This ensures that workers could ignite or explode. work environment. A clean workplace
with proper ventilation. This ensures have access to immediate medical reduces the risk of slips, trips, and falls,
that workers are not subjected to safety measures within the premises of and minimizes the spread of germs and
attention in case of accidents or
uncomfortable or potentially harmful establishments diseases.
illnesses, minimizing the severity of
conditions like excessive noise, glare, or injuries and promoting faster recovery. 1. Safety signs: Communicating hazards 5. Separate facilities for men and
poor air quality.
and instructions women: Promoting privacy and dignity
1. Appropriate protective equipment
- safe passageways and exits: Clear and and clothing: . This ensures that workers are aware of This ensures privacy and dignity for
safe passageways and exits must be
potential hazards and know how to workers and promotes a more
available for workers. This is crucial for - employers must provide their
respond appropriately. Signs should be respectful and comfortable work
ensuring quick and safe evacuation in employees with the necessary
easy to understand and interpret, using environment. Facilities should be
case of emergencies, preventing panic, protective equipment and clothing to
clear language and symbols. And Signs sufficient in number and size to
and minimizing the risk of injuries safeguard them from specific hazards.
should be placed in prominent locations accommodate the needs of all workers.
during evacuation. This includes a wide range of items,
where they are easily visible to all
depending on the nature of the work:
- firefighting equipment: Fire workers. "Hazardous workplace"
extinguishers and other firefighting 2. Properly designed exhaust systems
2. Traffic signs: Ensuring safe movement 1. Dangerous environmental elements:
equipment must be readily available. and waste disposal:
within the premises The invisible threats
This is essential for preventing and
controlling fires in the workplace, - employers must ensure that the
- other visible signs that may be needed This highlights that a workplace can be
minimizing damage, and ensuring the workplace has effective exhaust
to direct the driver of a motorized hazardous even if it doesn't involve
safety of workers. systems and waste disposal methods to
vehicle such as stop, yield, and do not obvious physical dangers like heavy
control toxic fumes or gases. This is
machinery. The presence of invisible This category highlights the dangers It emphasizes the importance of shared - report unsafe conditions and practices
threats like: associated with: responsibility and collaboration in to the supervisor. This encourages a
creating a safe and healthy work culture of open communication and
Found in industries like nuclear power, - heavy machinery: Machines like environment. empowers employees to identify and
medical imaging, and research, can cranes, bulldozers, and forklifts can report potential hazards.
cause severe health problems. Toxic cause serious injuries if not operated 1. Employer duties: Proactive measures
chemicals used in manufacturing, properly. for a safe workplace - serve as member of the health and
agriculture, and other industries can safety committee. This provides
cause poisoning, burns, and long-term - power-driven equipment: Machines This means employers must develop employees with a platform to voice
health effects. like saws, grinders, and presses can written policies that outline their their concerns, participate in safety
cause cuts, amputations, and other commitment to safety, define their discussions, and contribute to the
2. High-risk industries: Where danger is severe injuries. expectations for workers, and establish development of safety initiatives.
a constant These industries are procedures for managing safety risks.
inherently hazardous due to: 4. Explosives: The controlled power of - cooperate with health and safety
destruction - This ensures that the government is committee. This means employees
- construction: Working at heights, aware of the company's commitment to should actively participate in safety
operating heavy machinery, and This emphasizes the extreme danger safety and can monitor compliance. committee meetings, provide feedback,
handling hazardous materials. associated with: and support the committee's
- This requires employers to track their recommendations.
- logging: the risk of falling trees. - explosives: Materials like dynamite, safety performance, identify areas for
gunpowder, and fireworks have the improvement, and demonstrate their - assist government agencies in the
- firefighting: Exposure to fire, smoke, potential to cause catastrophic commitment to continuous conduct of safety and health inspection.
and hazardous materials. explosions and injuries. improvement. This ensures that government agencies
have access to information and
- mining and quarrying: Working - pyrotechnic products: Fireworks and - act on recommended safety measures. assistance during inspections,
underground, exposure to dust, and the other pyrotechnic devices can cause This means employers must take action promoting transparency and
risk of cave-ins. burns, eye injuries, and other serious to address any safety concerns accountability.
harm if not handled correctly. identified through inspections, audits,
- blasting: Handling explosives, or employee feedback. philippine labor code,
potential for injuries from blasts. 5. Biological agents: The invisible
enemy - provide access to appropriate 1. The philippine labor code: A
- stevedoring and dock work: Heavy authorities. This ensures that framework for labor relations
lifting, handling of cargo, and working This category highlights the risks government inspectors and other
near water. associated with: authorized personnel have access to the - the labor code, promulgated in 1974,
workplace to conduct inspections and is a major breakthrough in the field of
- deep-sea fishing: Working in harsh - bacteria and viruses: Exposure to
investigations. labor management relations in the
conditions, exposure to weather, and these agents can cause infections,
philippines. It serves as a
the risk of accidents at sea. diseases, and even death. 2. Employee duties: Active participation comprehensive legal framework that
in safety defines the rights, obligations, and
- mechanized farming: Operating heavy - parasites: These organisms can cause
machinery, exposure to pesticides, and various diseases and health problems. procedures governing the relationship
- follow safety policies. Employees have between employers and employees.
the risk of accidents. a responsibility to understand and
duties and responsibilities of both
comply with the company's safety - the labor code is divided into seven
3. Heavy machinery: The power of employers and employees in relation
policies and procedures. books, each addressing a specific aspect
potential harm to the occupational safety and health
(osh) standards. of labor relations:
- book i - pre-employment: Covers the recruitment agencies from charging - apprenticeship: a system of training of employ the learner as a regular
recruitment and placement of workers, exorbitant fees and exploiting workers' new generation practitioners of a trade employee upon completion.
including overseas employment, and financial vulnerability. or profession with on the job training
aims to promote full employment. - book iii - conditions of employment:
- article 40. Employment permits of non - apprentice: individual undergoing Outlines provisions on working
- article 18: Ban on direct-hiring. This resident aliens. It aims to strike a apprenticeship training conditions, hours of work, wages,
article prohibits employers from directly balance between attracting foreign holidays, leaves, and other benefits.
hiring filipino workers for overseas expertise and protecting the interests of -apprenticeable occupation:
employment. Instead, they must go filipino workers. It does this by requiring occupations that require significant - book iv - health, safety and social
through authorized recruitment permits of non resident alien amount of hands on training and skill welfare benefits: Covers medical,
agencies. This is intended to prevent employment, ensuring that such development that cannot be adequately dental, and occupational health and
exploitation and ensure that workers employment is truly necessary and learned solely through classroom safety, employees' compensation, and
are properly screened and prepared for doesn’t displace qualified filipino intruction. Ex. Plumbing social security.
their overseas assignments. applicants.
- apprenticeship agreement: A contract Article 156: First-aid treatment - a
- article 22: Mandatory remittance of - book ii - human resource development between the employer and apprentice foundation for immediate care
foreign exchange earnings. This article program: Focuses on developing outlining the terms of training.
requires filipino workers abroad to human resources, establishing training - this article mandates that every
remit a portion of their earnings to their institutions, and formulating plans for - article 71: Deductibility of training employer must maintain a sufficient
families in the philippines. This helps to workforce development. costs. This article further encourages supply of first-aid medicines and
support families back home and investment in apprenticeship programs equipment in their establishment. The
contribute to the philippine economy. - book ii of the labor code recognizes by allowing a tax deduction for training specific requirements for these supplies
the importance of developing a skilled expenses incurred by organizations. will vary depending on the nature and
- article 26: Travel agencies prohibited and competent workforce. It aims to conditions of the work. The department
to recruit. This article prohibits travel enhance the productivity and - article 72: Apprentices without of labor and employment (dole) is
agencies and airline sales agencies from competitiveness of the philippine compensation. This article allows for responsible for establishing regulations
engaging in recruitment and placement economy by investing in worker training apprentices to be hired without that specify these requirements.
of workers for overseas employment. and development. compensation in certain circumstances,
This prevents these entities from taking such as when their training is required - the employer is also obligated to train
advantage of workers seeking overseas - key provisions: by a school curriculum or for graduation a sufficient number of employees in
opportunities. requirements. first-aid treatment. This ensures that
- article 52: Incentive scheme. This there are individuals on-site who are
- article 27: Citizenship requirement. article provides an incentive for - article 73: Learners defined. This equipped to handle basic medical
This article specifies that only filipino employers to invest in labor training by article defines "Learners" As individuals emergencies and provide immediate
citizens or corporations with at least offering a tax deduction for training hired as trainees in semi-skilled or care to injured or ill workers.
75% filipino ownership can participate expenses. This encourages employers to industrial occupations that are not
in recruitment and placement. This invest in programs that enhance their apprenticeable and can be learned - this provision emphasizes the
ensures that filipino workers are not employees' skills and knowledge. through practical training in a short importance of immediate care in the
exploited by foreign companies or period. event of an accident or illness. It
individuals. - article 58: Definition of terms. This acknowledges that prompt action can
article defines key terms related to - article 75: Learnership agreement. This often prevent further complications and
- article 32: Fees to be paid by workers. training programs, including: article outlines the requirements for a minimize the severity of injuries.
This article prohibits charging fees to learnership agreement, including the
workers until they secure employment duration of the training, the learner's
or begin working. This prevents wage rate, and a commitment to
Article 157: Emergency medical and professionals are readily available in - The Dole has exclusive authority in the mediation, and voluntary arbitration to
dental services - a comprehensive case of emergencies. administration and enforcement of facilitate cooperation between labor
approach to workplace health labor and employment laws. and management. Their goal is to
- for non-hazardous workplaces, maintain industrial peace and prevent
- this article outlines the employer's physicians and dentists can be engaged Each agency has a specific mandate strikes or lockouts.
obligation to provide free medical and on a retainer basis, subject to dole related to labor, employment, and
dental services to employees, regulations. This ensures immediate worker welfare. - national labor relations commission
depending on the size of the workforce availability of medical and dental (nlrc): The nlrc is a quasi-judicial body
and the nature of the workplace. The treatment and attendance in case of - employees' compensation commission that acts as the final arbiter in labor
specific requirements vary based on the emergency. (ecc): This agency is responsible for disputes. It provides a mechanism for
number of employees: providing benefits to workers who resolving conflicts through mediation,
- book v - labor relations: Deals with suffer work-related injuries, sickness, conciliation, and compulsory arbitration.
- for workplaces with more than 50 but labor organizations, collective disability, or death. This includes The nlrc ensures that labor disputes are
not more than 200 employees: The bargaining, grievance procedures, and financial assistance for medical resolved fairly and efficiently,
employer must provide the services of a dispute resolution mechanisms. expenses, rehabilitation, and maintaining industrial peace.
full-time registered nurse. In non- compensation to dependents in case of
hazardous workplaces, a graduate first- - book vi - post employment: Covers death. The ecc aims to ensure that - national maritime polytechnic (nmp):
aider may be sufficient if a registered termination of employment, resignation, workers and their families are The nmp focuses on upgrading the
nurse is unavailable. The dole layoff, and retirement. financially protected in the event of competence of filipino merchant
establishes regulations for workplaces work-related incidents. marine officers and ratings. This
with less than 50 employees and - book vii - transitory and final ensures that filipino seafarers remain
defines hazardous workplaces for the provisions: Includes penal provisions, - institute for labor studies (ils): The ils highly skilled and competitive in the
purposes of this article. prescription of offenses and claims, and conducts research and advocacy on international maritime industry. The
transitional arrangements. labor policy issues. It provides data- nmp plays a significant role in
- for workplaces with more than 200 driven insights and recommendations maintaining the high standards of
but not more than 300 employees: The Department of labor and employment to inform policy decisions and improve filipino seafarers worldwide.
employer must provide the services of a (dole): The enforcer of labor laws labor practices in the philippines. Their
full-time registered nurse, a part-time work contributes to evidence-based - national wages and productivity
- the department of labor and
physician and dentist, and an policymaking in the labor sector. commission (nwpc): The nwpc is
employment (dole) is the national
emergency clinic. responsible for setting minimum wage
government agency mandated to - maritime training council (mtc): This rates and promoting productivity
- for workplaces with more than 300 formulate and implement policies and agency is focused on the training and improvement in the country. They
employees: The employer must provide programs, and serves as the policy- qualification of filipino seafarers. It balance the need for fair wages with
the services of a full-time physician, advisory arm of the executive branch in formulates policies and regulates the the need for economic competitiveness.
dentist, and registered nurse, along the field of labor and employment. operations of maritime training centers Their work affects the earnings and
with a dental clinic and an infirmary or to ensure that filipino seafarers meet working conditions of millions of filipino
- the dole is responsible for
emergency hospital with one bed international standards. This is crucial workers.
administering and enforcing the labor
capacity for every 100 employees. for the competitiveness of filipino
code and other relevant labor laws.
seafarers in the global maritime - occupational safety and health center
- in cases of hazardous workplaces, the industry. (oshc): The oshc conducts research and
- the dole consists of the office of the
employer is obligated to engage develops programs to improve
secretary, 7 bureaus, 6 services, 16
physicians and dentists who can stay on - national conciliation and mediation occupational safety and health in the
regional offices, 12 attached agencies,
the premises for a minimum of two board (ncmb): The ncmb plays a vital philippines. This includes developing
and 38 overseas offices.
hours (part-time) or eight hours (full- role in preventing and resolving labor safety standards, conducting workplace
time). This ensures that medical disputes. It promotes conciliation,
inspections, and providing training on within the broader context of labor and gender-specific challenges in the providing opportunities for individual
safety procedures. The oshc's work employment. workplace. growth and development.
contributes to a safer and healthier
work environment for all filipino - department bureaus: These are the - bureau of working conditions (bwc): - categories of difficult/problem
workers. internal divisions of dole responsible for The bwc is responsible for administering employees: The document identifies
various aspects of labor administration. and enforcing laws related to working five categories of difficult/problem
- overseas workers welfare conditions. This includes setting employees: Ineffective employees, rule
administration (owwa): Owwa provides - bureau of labor and employment standards for safety, health, and violators, employees involved in illegal
social welfare and other assistance to statistics (bles): This bureau is working hours, and resolving disputes or dishonest acts, employees with
overseas filipino workers (ofws) and responsible for collecting, analyzing, related to these standards. personal problems, and employees with
their dependents. This includes and disseminating data on labor and substance abuse issues.
financial assistance, health insurance, employment in the philippines. Their In essence, these bureaus and the
and repatriation services. Owwa plays a work provides crucial information for attached agency work together to form
critical role in supporting filipino policymaking and economic planning. a comprehensive system for managing
workers abroad and ensuring their well- labor-related issues in the philippines.
being. - bureau of labor relations (blr): The blr They cover a wide range of functions,
is responsible for administering and from data collection and analysis to
- philippine overseas employment enforcing laws related to labor- dispute resolution and skills
administration (poea): The poea management relations. This includes development, all aimed at promoting a
regulates the recruitment and handling disputes, overseeing collective fair, productive, and safe working
deployment of ofws. This includes bargaining, and ensuring fair labor environment for filipino workers.
overseeing recruitment agencies, practices.
ensuring fair employment practices, Chapter 12
and protecting ofws from exploitation. - bureau of local employment (ble): This
The poea's work is essential for bureau focuses on employment - employee relations: Employee
ensuring that ofws have safe and legal promotion and placement at the local relations activities aim to provide an
employment opportunities. level. They work to connect job seekers atmosphere where all employees can
with employment opportunities within perform their jobs to the best of their
- technical education and skills their respective regions. abilities and contribute creatively to the
development authority (tesda): This is organization.
not strictly a bureau within dole, but - bureau of rural workers (brw): This
rather an attached agency. Tesda's main bureau addresses the specific needs - discipline: Employee discipline is an
function is to provide training and and concerns of workers in rural areas. employer's actions against an employee
retraining of workers to enhance their They focus on improving working for infraction of company policy or rules.
skills and make them globally conditions, providing training, and It is not synonymous with punishment
competitive. This is crucial for promoting the welfare of this significant but aims to correct misconduct and
improving the productivity and employ segment of the workforce. modify unacceptable behavior.
ability of the filipino workforce.
- bureau of women and young workers - prevention of misconduct: Managers
This is a list of bureaus within the (bwyw): This bureau is dedicated to the and supervisors can use strategies to
department of labor and employment protection and promotion of the prevent misconduct before it occurs,
(dole) in the philippines. Each bureau welfare and interests of women and such as setting an example, providing a
has a specific area of responsibility young workers. They work to ensure high-quality work environment,
equal opportunities and address establishing clear guidelines, and

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