Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy 2021

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Surat Municipal


Surat City Electric Vehicle

Policy - 2021
Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

Contents of the Policy

Sr. No Description Page No

** Abbreviations and Definitions 02
** Tables 02
1 Preamble 03
2 Vision 03
3 Objectives 04
4 Policy Period 04
5 Policy Statement 04
I. Development of Public Charging Station 04
II. Promoting Adoption of Electric Vehicles 07
III. Adoption of Electric Vehicles in SMC 08
IV. Database of Public and Private EV Charging Station 09
V. Start up and Innovation in sector of EV 10
VI. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) 10
activities to create awareness
6 Scope and Eligibility 11
7 Convergence 11

8 Existing Tariff Schedule for EV Charging 11

9 Nodal Committee/ Department 11

Total Pages: 12

Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

Abbreviations and Definitions

AIC Atal Incubation Centre
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CREDAI Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India
DISCOMs Electricity Distribution Licensee
DGVCL Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd
DHI Department of Heavy Industry, Ministry of Heavy Industry & Public
Enterprises, Government of India
EEC Energy Efficiency Cell of Surat Municipal Corporation
EV “EV” means Electric Vehicle; including plugin vehicle with rechargeable
battery, 100% overhead fed electric traction vehicle as well as inductive
charging vehicle;
FAME ll Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles in
India Scheme notified by the DHI along with its amendments thereafter
FPPA Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment
GERC Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission
GoG Government of Gujarat
GoI Government of India
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
KWh Kilo Watt Hour
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NBC The National Building Code of India (NBC), a comprehensive building
Code, is a national instrument providing guidelines for regulating the
building construction activities across the country.
NEMMP National Electric Mobility Mission Plan notified by the Department of
Heavy Industries, Ministry of Heavy Industry & Public E Enterprises,
Government of India along with its amendments thereafter
NOC No Objection Certificate
PCS Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Policy Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021
PPP Public Private Partnership
RTO Regional Transport Office
SDG Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework of the United Nations
on Climate Action
SMC Surat Municipal Corporation
State State of Gujarat
URDCL Urban Ring Development Corporation Limited
2W Two Wheelers
3W Three Wheelers
4W Four Wheelers

Tables :
Table - 1 : EVs registered in Surat City as on June - 2021 07
Table - 2 : Summary of EVs targeted in Policy 07
Table - 3 : Summary of EVs in Public Transport 09

Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

1. Preamble :
The gradual shift to EVs is essential towards an energy secure future and a
clean environment. It will also contribute towards the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG) framework of the United Nations on Climate Action.

The burden of Internal Combustion Engi Engine

ne (ICE) vehicles is huge for the
country. There is a need to reduce dependency on a fossil
fossil-fuel based economy.
Adoption of Electric Vehicles (‘EVs’) for road transport contributes to a wide
range of goals which include
includes better air quality, reduced engine based noise
pollution, enhanced energy security and in combination with a low carbon
power generation mix, reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 :

To enable this paradigm shift in road transport, Government o of India

formulated a roadmap--National
National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020.
202 As a part
of the plan, FAME (Faster
Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electrical
Vehicles in India) pilot scheme was launched in 2015 with an objective to
promote new technologies,
ogies, promotion and adoption followed by launch of
FAME-II in 2019 with much bigger budget to enable demand and infrastructure
creation to support transformation of mobility. Additionally, the Phased
Manufacturing Program has been launched to promote indigenous indi
manufacturing of EVs & EV components and provide a thrust to EV
manufacturing in India.

Gujarat State Electrical Vehicle Policy 2021 :

In addition, Gujarat has the highest adoption of battery operated two wheelers
in the country, which makes it an ideal proposition for industries to invest in

Surat City Electrical Vehicle Policy 2021 :

As part of Smart City Program and Solar City Program, Surat City aims to be
irst EV smart City
the "First City" in the country by early adoption of EVs in the State
of Gujarat by providing adequate impetus and support for adoption of Battery
EVs and setting up of related charging infrastructures.

This document shall be known as the "Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy

2. Vision:

To envisage
nvisage Surat as leading EV Smart City in Country

Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

3. Objectives :
Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy 2021 will shoulder the aims and targets of
Gujarat State EV Policy 2021 by keeping following objectives in mind:

I. To facilitate adoption of at least 20 % EVs in the target set in State EV

II. To promote creation of public and private EV Charging Infrastructure in
the city
III. To mandate adoption of EVs in the Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat
Smart City Development Limited, URDCL, Surat Sitilink, Dream City etc
in a phased manner
IV. To adopt the renewable sources of energy into EV Charging
V. To create the awareness among the citizens for adopting EV by
organizing Capacity building programs, seminars, exhibitions etc
VI. To protect the environment by reducing City Air Quality
uality Index
VII. To give multiplier effect on the economy including employment

4. Policy Period:
This Policy shall be valid from 1st Oct 2021 to 30th June 2025.

5. Policy Statement :
Under this policy, SMC will take appropriate actions in followings areas:
I. Development of Public/Private EV Charging Station infrastructure
II. Promoting Adoption of Electrical Vehicles
III. Adoption of Electric Vehicles in SMC
IV. Database of Public and Private EV Charging Station
V. Start up and Innovation in EV Sector
VI. Information,, Education and Communication (IEC) activities to create

I. Development of Public Charging Station :

A. Infrastructure Support :
 Availability of charging stations is a prerequisite and key
driver for adoption of EVs. SMC will initially develop 200 Nos.
of public electric vehicle charging station (PCS) in city during
the operating period of this policy and may gradually increase
depending upon the requirements in future.
 SMC wilwill make available PCS in all possible multilevel parking
/ Zone offices / Pay and Parks/ / Science centre / Aquarium /
Smimer Hospital / Sarthana Zoo / Heritage fort / Health
Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

centres as well as all appropriate public places in phased

manner for citizens.
 URDCL shall make available PCS on upcoming route of outer
ring road.
 To further facilitate in the setting up of EV charging stations,
the SMC will encourage investments in setting up both slow
and fast charging networks in public places through active
participation of public and private players.
 To boost EVs charging station ecosystem, SMC will undertake
appropriate steps including identification of SMC’s land and
encouraging private investments at key locations.
 SMC will motivate through creating awareness for Hotels,
shopping malls
malls, Cinema
inema halls and other public gathering
places to develop the EV Charging station
stations for their customers
/ citizens.
 SMC will sign MOU with DGVCL and Torrent Power Ltd -
DISCOMs to provide priority electricity connections to EV
Charging station
 SMC will sign MOU with RTO to ease out the EV registration
process and to get real time data of EVs.
 SMC will make collaboration with CREDAI,
CREDAI Surat to motivate
through IEC activities for creating awareness to the builders
for inclusion of EV Charging Station in their upcoming /
existing building projects.
 It is anticipated that most private EV users will use home and
workplace charging points and would access public charging
points for non non-daily
daily routes and therefore, appropriate
amendments may be undertaken in building bye-laws bye to
ensure EV Charging infrastructure availability in both
residential and non
residential buildings in Surat City.
 Diamond offices / workplaces, textile companies, corporate
offices, educational complexes etc will be motivated through
creating awareness to establish EV charging infrastructure in
their respective existing premises.
 Educational institutions & hospitals will be motivated through
creating awareness to switch of their Buses/ Derivatives /
Passenger vehicles fleet to Electric Vehicles during operating
period of this policy
policy. SMC will develop the EV Charging
infrastructure through PPP mode at educateducational institutions
& hospitals.
 Existing Residential apartments will be motivated through
Information Education Communication ((IEC) activities to
Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

provide special dedicated plugs / Charging Station facilities

inside the campus facilitating adoption of EVs by their flat
 SMC will make standard operating procedure for issuance of
fire and safety NOC, if required as per National Building Code
(NBC)) and Central Electricity Authority of India (CEA) for
developing EV Charging station.
 SMC will prepare ee-waste/
waste/ battery waste disposal guidelines
and procedures.

B. Incentives :
 To make Surat - first EV Smart City in country, SMC is
targeting to install 500 nos. of Public / Private EV Charging
Stations / Points during the operating period of policy.
Therefore, SMC will provide following supports to make the
public charging stations /points viable.

a) Installation of PCS through Public Private Partnership :

 With a view to promote creation of Public / Private EV
charging infrastructure SMC may grant user rights of
150 nos. of suitable space under SMC's premises (i.e.
community halls, pay & parks, health centers etc) etc for
setting up PCS to any individual / companies /
government authorized agencies / government undertaking
 Under this support, SMC will charge yearly token rent of
Rs 1 / Sq meter for first 2 years from the date of consent
given from SMC and 3rd year and onwards, user rights may
be granted on revenue sharing basis and as per the terms
and conditions as and when decided by SMC.
 The space for which the user rights to be granted, shall be
strictly use for the purpose of PCS only and any kind of
ancillary uses may be permitted only after the prior
approval of SMC and as per the rate, terms & conditions
set by SMC.
b) Rebate in Enviro
nment Improvement Charge :
 SMC will reimburse 100 % Environment Improvement
Charge to all Private
rivate EV Charging station developers for
first 3 years
years.. The detailed procedure to avail this benefit
shall be announced in subsequent guidelines
 The Incentive for charging stations will be given to those
developers, individuals or entities over and above the benefits

Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

/ subsidies /Incentives received from either Central or State

 All EV charging stations shall adhere to the charging
elines and standards defined by the Ministry of Power
circular dated 01.10.2019, and any amendments thereafter.
 Energy Efficiency Cell would play a role of Nodal Department
and responsible for providing detailed guidelines for the same
to simplify the approval, renewal and inspection process to be
completed in a time bound manner

II. Promoting Adoption of Electric Vehicles :

A. Promote EVs mobility in City :
 As on June
June-2021, Total 1007 nos. of EVs have registered in
Surat City, the details are as given in below table - 1.
Type of EVs No of EVs
2W 796
3W 52
4W 105
Buses and others 54
Total Nos of EVs 1007
(Table no - 1 : EVs registered in Surat City as on June - 21)

 To promote adoptability of EV in public / private transport, the

following measures will be taken in line with the
announcements of Central as well as State Government.
 Surat City aims to be first EV Smart city in country and
therefore, SMC is targeting to facilitate adoption of at least
20 % EVs in the targets set in State EV Policy during the
operating period of this policy
policy. The Segments wise target in
EVs is given in below table - 2.
No of EVs State's target SMC's target in
Type of
presently in in State EV City EV Policy
Surat City Policy Period Period
2W 796 1,10,000 20,000
3W 52 70,000 15,000
4W 105 20,000 5,000
Buses 54 - 300
Total Nos
1007 2,00,000 40,300
of EVs
(Table no - 2 : Summary of EVs targeted in Policy)

Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

 The Policy shall be applicable to all classes of electric vehicles

that have taken subsidy under the Government of India’s India’
FAME II scheme dated 8th March 2019, F. No1(1)/2019
and Gujarat State EV Policy - 2021 any amendments

B. Incentives:
 To achieve large scale adoption of Electrical Vehicles in the
Surat City and to maximize reduction of vehicular pollution,
the policy focuses attention on incentivizing the purchase and
use of EVs particularly in the segment of 2W,3W and 4W.

a) Vehicle Tax Exemption benefit :

 Incentive of 100 % exemption in vehicle tax for all electric
vehicles registered in Surat city for first year from the date of
inception of this policy
 Incentive of 75 % exemption in vehicle tax for all electric
vehicles registered in Surat city during second year of this
 Incentive of 50 % exemption in vehicle tax for all electric
vehicles registered in Surat city during third year of this
 Incentive of 25 % exemption in vehicle tax for all electric
vehicles registered in Surat city from fourth year onwards till
operative period of this policy.

b) Rebate in Environment Improvement Charge :

 SMC will reimburse 100 % Environment Improvement Charge
to all EV owners for first 3 years
 The detailed procedure to avail the incentive shall be
announced in subsequent guidelines.

c) Parking Slots in SMC’s Pay & Parks locations :

 To support the EV ecosystem, EV owners will be provided
parking at no cost to SMC’s Pay & Parks locations for three
years from the date of inception of this policy

III. Adoption of Electric Vehicles in SMC

A. City Public Transport :

 Surat Sitilink Ltd - A wholly owned subsidiary company of SMC in

collaboration with BRTS / Traffic cell aims to adopt EVs mobility in
Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

public transport. Surat Sitilink Ltd has planned to adopt EVs

mobility in phase
phased manner as mentioned in below:

Cumulative Target No of E-
Bus in the policy period Year wise targets
75 2021
150 2022
250 2023
300 2024

(Table - 3:: Summary of EVs in Public Transport)

B. Official Vehicles:
 SMC aims to adopt Electric Vehicle
Vehicles in phased manner.

C. SMC’s employee Vehicles:

 SMC's employee credit society will make col collaboration with EV
manufacturers / dealers for adopting 2 Wheelers & 4 Wheelers EVs
for appropriate benefits to SMC's employees.

D. E- Pink Auto:
 UCD Department of SMC will make collaboration with EV
manufacturer / dealers for adopting EV auto rickshaw under “Pink
auto project
project” of SMC.
 SMC shall provide additional cash benefit of Rs 5,000 per auto
through Direct
irect Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode upto December, 2023.
The detailed procedure to avail ththis benefit will be announced in
subsequent guidelines

E. EVs in Door
Door-to-Door Garbage Collecting Vehicles:
 SMC aims to adopt Electric Vehicle in Door-to-Door
Door Garbage
Collecting Vehicles in phased manner.

IV. Database of Public and Private EV Charging Station

 To make the use of public charging easier, information on

available charging facilities and digital payment modes need
to be provided in an integrated interface. Network integration
and management policies help in achieving this by mandating
standard operating, data-sharing
sharing and communication

Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

protocols to be followed by EV Charging Station Operators /

 An open, publicly owned database will be developed and
maintained by Energy Efficiency Cell of SMC offering
historical and real time information on public charging
infrastructure i.e., kWh, session length, vehicle ttype if
available, number of events, location (latitude, longitude) of
the charger, number of chargers at site, site classification,
payment amount, pay structure (by hour, or by kWh, or by
session), as well as payment rate.
 All Private Charging Operators shall
hall have to provide data to
this public data base. The database can be used free of charge
by in
vehicle navigations systems and charging apps and

V. Start up and Innovation in sector of EVs:

 SMC will en encourage start-ups in the EV sector and will offer
incubationon services to them in the form of office space, common
facilities and mentoring support.
 As a part of the Smart Cities Mission, SMC (Surat Municipal
Corporation) and SSCDL (Surat Smart City Development Limited)
has setup an institution to pr promote
omote culture of Innovation, Start-up
Incubation, Trade Facilitation & Skill Development.
 AIC Surati-lab
lab will play a role of Nodal agency for creating Start up
and Innovation in sector of EVs.

VI. Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

activities to create awareness :
 As EVs become more competitive against conventional ICE vehicles
on aspects such as cost and performance, one of the biggest
hurdles to their mainstreaming is the lack of cons
consumer awareness
about EV technology.
 SMC will plan to take up following activities to create awareness
among the citizens about the EVs:
 To organize City level stakeholder workshops for creating
awareness about the EVs,

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Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

 Mass Promotion through national /regional newspapers,

social media ((Facebook, Twitter),
witter), FM radio, public
hoardings will be done,
 Development Informative website and mobile app,
 Other appropriate activities / programs.

6. Scope and Eligibility :

To get real time data of EVs in Surat City, Public and Private Charging
Stations /Points etc
etc., EV owner / Private Charging Station Owner have to
compulsory do registration on SMC's registration desk / portal.

Benefits mentioned under this policy only be made available to the New
registered EV owner / Private Charging Station / Point Owner. The detailed
guidelines will
ll be announced in subsequently

7. Convergence :

The provisions of this Policy shall be in line with the following central / state
schemes / policies:

a) The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP)-2020

b) Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles in
India (FAME) Scheme
Schemes are promoted by the Department of Heavy
Industries, Government of India.
c) Gujarat State Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021

8. Existing Tariff Schedule for EV Charging :

a) The state government is providing benefit of 100 % exemption in

Electricity duty of EV Charging Station in Gujarat State Electric
Vehicle Policy – 2021.
b) GERC has directed DISCOMs to allow charging of EVs from the
existing conne
ction of a consumer at the existing tariff, except from
agriculture connection.
c) GERC has developed a special tariff for EV Charging. Presently, basic
rate of electricity is Rs 4 / KWh for HT Consumers and Rs 4.1 / KWh
for LT Consumers. Applicable FPPA rate rates will be charged over and
above the basic electricity unit charge.

11 | P a g e
Surat City Electric Vehicle Policy - 2021 (Draft)

9. Nodal Committee / Department:

a) Electric Vehicle Policy Managing Committee will ll be formed in SMC.

This committee will perform following actions:
I. Undertake Mid-term review & modification in this policy as and
when the need arises in view of any technological breakthrough or
to remove any difficulties or inconsistency
II. To take decisions related to selection / allocation of SMC’s locations
for development of PCS through PPP.

The General Board, Surat Municipal Corporation empowers the

Municipal Commissioner to decide the members of this committee.

b) Electric Vehicle Policy Implementing and Interpretation Committee

will be formed in SMC. If there is any confusion / dispute about the
meaning, intent or purpose of any provision of this policy, the
interpretation given by this committee shall be final and binding to all
concerned. The General Board, Surat Municipal Corporation empowers
the Municipal Commissioner to decide the members of this committee.

c) Energy Efficiency Cell will be the Nodal

odal Department in SMC and will be
responsible for followings:
I. To prepare EV plan and EV charging infrastructure plan for the
II. Planning and Implementation of the policy.
III. Developing charging infrastructure in city.
IV. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities for
creating awareness


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