Grant in Aid Rules Vetted

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Dated Quetta the 27th November, 2023.

No.FD.SO(Reg-II)/II-5/Policy/2023/933-1083. In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 40

read with Section 6 and 34 (3) of the Balochistan Public Finance Management Act, 2020, the
Government of Balochistan is pleased to make the following rules:

Chapter I – Introduction

1. Short Title and Commencement

(1) The rules shall be called as the Balochistan Grant in Aid Rules 2022.
(2) They shall come into force at once.

Chapter II – Definitions
2. (1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, the
following expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them:-
(a) ‘Act’ means the Balochistan Public Finance Management Act, 2020;
(b) ‘Administrative Department’ means a self-contained Administrative unit in the
secretariat responsible for the conduct of the business of the provincial government
in distinct and specified sphere as defined in the Balochistan Government Rules of
Business, 2012;
(c) ‘Autonomous Body/Special Institution/Board’ means a Body mentioned in
Schedule-V of the Balochistan Government Rules of Business, 2012;
(d) ‘Finance Department’ means the Finance Department, Government of Balochistan;
(e) ‘Financial Year’ means a year commencing on 1st July of each year and closing on
30th June of the following year, except financial institutions which have different
financial year;
(f) ‘Government’ means the Government of Balochistan;
(g) ‘Grant-in-aid’ refers to the funds given by the Government other than grants for
development projects, to various entities, companies, authorities, societies, voluntary
organizations, local bodies, clubs, and individuals for fulfillment of a particular
purpose but excluding NGOs registered under the relevant laws of the land;
(h) ‘Grant Recipient’ means an individual, organization, society or public entity which
receives funds as grant-in-aid from the Provincial Consolidated Fund for specific
purpose as approved by the Government;
(i) ‘Individual / Community’ means the individual or a community getting funds as
grant-in-aid, from the Government against which no services to the Government are
required, such as, compensation for damages caused by natural calamities, act of
terrorism, death compensation, educational packages for the children of Shaheed
employees and others for whom a grant-in-aid is admissible under any law, rule or
policy of the Government;
(j) ‘Internal Audit Function’ means the internal audit function and unit established
under the Internal Audit Charter 2020 of the Government of Balochistan;
(k) ‘Local Council’ means a Council constituted under Section 7 (1) of the Balochistan
Local Government Act, 2010 as amended from time to time;

(l) ‘Non-Recurring Grant’ means the grant awarded and released one-time to a
grant recipient for a special purpose and defined objectives already agreed upon;
(m) "Principal Accounting Officer" means an Officer as defined under Section 2 (p) of
the Act;
(n) ‘Public Entity’ means an entity as defined under Section 34 of the Act;
(o) Project’ means an organized and unique effort undertaking to achieve planned
objectives to be funded from non-development budget, which could be defined
in terms of innovative deliverables, outputs, outcomes or benefits;
(p) Project Authorities’ means project authorities established for the purpose of
executing that project for a specified period as extended from time to time for the
purpose of finalizing the project objectives;
(q) ‘Recurring Grant’ means the grant which is released periodically, subject to the
regulations, to the same organization or any entity as defined in these rules for a
particular purpose;
(r) ‘Societies’ means the societies established for promoting commerce, art,
science, health, education, research, sports, protection of environment, social
welfare, charity or any other useful object registered by any law of the land;
(s) ‘Schemes’ means any activity, project, scheme, or any other purpose for which
the grant is provided or approved; and
(t) ‘Voluntary organization’ means an organization, association or undertaking
established by persons on their own free will for the purpose of rendering
welfare services depending for its resources on public subscriptions, donations or
Government aid and registered under Balochistan Charities (Registration,
Regulation and Facilitation) Act, 2019 or any other Law of the land;

(2) The terms and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the
same meanings as assigned to them in the Act.

Chapter III – Sanctioning of Grant in Aid

3. Grant Recipient — Grant-in-aid may be sanctioned by the Government for:
(a) Public Entities;
(b) Local Councils;
(c) Non-political private entities including:
(i) Voluntary organizations
(ii) Educational and other institutions by way of scholarships or stipends to the
(iii) Societies/Associations
(d) Individual(s) or a section of a community
4. Sanctioning of Grant — (1) Any aspirant seeking Grant-in-Aid from Government shall
be required to submit the following:
(a) An application which includes all relevant information such as Memorandum and Articles
of Association, bye-laws, special enactments under which established.
(b) Audited statement of accounts for at least 3 corresponding years.
(c) The sources and pattern of income and expenditure.
(d) The details and balances in bank accounts maintained in the name of the organization,
organizational structure including structure of the board of directors or those charged
with governance.

(e) Any other documents if required enabling the Administrative Department to assess the
suitability of the Institution or an Organization seeking grant.
(f) The application submitted to Administrative Department should clearly spell out the need
for requesting such grant.

[Explanation: Any applicant other than individual seeking grants shall have been in
existence and shall have continued operations for last three years at least]

(2) In order to avoid duplication of grant to an entity seeking Grant-in-aid should also
certify that whether it has obtained or applied for grant for the same purpose or activity
from any other source or any department of the Federal Government or Provincial
Government within the same financial year other than the natural calamities, natural
disasters, and emergencies.
(3) Grant-in-aid to an eligible entity under these rules shall initially be sanctioned by the
Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) after consultation with the Finance Department and
with the prior approval of the Government.
(4) First-time sanction of grant under rule 4 (1) shall be on cause and term basis with
expected outputs and outcomes, projected timeline, and sustainability plan in the long

5. Principles to be followed for Grant-in-Aid. — In order to ensure that the grant-in-aid is

disbursed for the purpose for which it is granted, the instructions given below shall be
observed. However, the said instructions will not apply to grants amounting to
Rs.200,000 and/or less:-

(a) After availability of funds and obtaining approval for provision of grant, the
sanctioning authority will issue necessary letter for release of grant.
(b) Every order sanctioning a Grant shall indicate whether it is of recurring or non-
recurring nature and specify clearly the purpose for which it is being given along
with the general and special conditions, if any, attached to the Grant.
(c) In the case of non-recurring Grants for a specified object, the order shall also specify
the time limit within which the Grant or each installment of it is to be spent.

(d) The sanction order shall clearly indicate the purpose of the grant; physical milestones
likely to be attained against the grant and the general and special conditions, if any,
attached to the grant as per Annex-II attached with these Rules.

(e) The DDO concerned, based on the exercise at (d) above, shall certify through a
certificate duly counter signed by the Administrative Department sanctioning of
grants-in-aid, placed at Annex-I by 30th November each year that:-
(i) the grant sanctioned in the previous year has been utilized for the object and
purposes for which the grant was sanctioned;
(ii) the grant was spent within the same financial year
(f) Any portion of the amount which was not required for expenditure on the specified
object and purposes was duly surrendered to the Government; and
(g) If any department or the recipient of the grant-in-aid fails to give the aforesaid
certificate by the stipulated date, the Administrative Department shall bring the case
of default to the notice of the Finance Department by the 31st of December each year.

Chapter IV - Management and monitoring of Grant in Aid
6. In order to ensure that Grants in Aid are effectively managed:
(1) The Administrative Department concerned shall designate the responsibility of the
Monitoring and Evaluation function within the department to a dedicated wing / section
or attached office of the department or request the Finance Department to undertake a
qualitative and quantitative evaluation of grant expenditure to assess that the grants are
utilized for the primary purpose and the objectives are achieved;
(2) The Finance Department and the concerned Administrative Departments shall
maintain a database relating to Grant in aid approved. The database shall be maintained
containing data required at Annex-II.
(3) The database and records shall be maintained for at least ten years.
(4) All Grants-in-Aid shall be endorsed by the Principal Accounting Officer of the
respective Administrative Department and shall be further released to the Grant
Recipient on the basis of release received from the Finance Department. The financial
limits for such mandatory endorsement shall be observed in the right of Delegation of
Financial Power and Re-Appropriation Rules, 2019.

(5) The Head or Board of the entity or any governance forum authorized shall be
responsible for the overall financial management of such grants.

(6) In case of grants to individuals, payments shall be made in the name of vendor /
service provider, while declaration for grant utilization shall be submitted by the
individual duly authenticated by the DDO concerned.
7. In order to review the performance of entities receiving Grant in Aid following
instructions shall be followed:

(1) Depending upon the size and nature of activity, the Department concerned shall put
in place a system of external or internal review of entities in such a way that each entity
with higher materiality or assessed risk of misstatement is selected every year, while
those involving less material or low risk expenditure at least once in three year time. Such
a review should be the responsibility of the concerned administrative department and
should invariably focus on:-

(a) The objective for which the entity was set up and whether these objectives have
been or are being achieved;
(b) Whether the activities should be continued at all, either because they are no longer
relevant or have been completed or if there has been a substantial failure in
achievement of the objectives;
(c) Whether the nature of the activities is such that these ought to be performed only
by the entity;
(d)Whether similar functions are also being undertaken by other organizations, be it
in the Federal Government, Provincial Government and the Private Sector, and if
so, whether there is scope for merging or winding up the organizations under
(e) Whether the total staff particularly at the support level, is kept at a minimum;
whether the enormous strides in information technology and communication

facilities have been taken into account in determining staff strength and exploring
the option of outsourcing of work on contract basis;
(f) Whether efforts have been undertaken to maximize the internal resource
generation of the organization to minimize the dependency of the organisation on
the Government budgetary support;
(g) Whether user charges including overheads / institutional charges / management
fee in respect of sponsored projects, are being levied at appropriate rates.

(2) Findings of the review should be examined and put up for appropriate decision to
the Secretary of the department. Further releases of Grants should be made conditional to
the conduct and decisions on the findings of such review.

Chapter V - Reporting on Grant in Aid

8. Annual Grant Report. —
(1) Every grant recipient shall submit its annual performance report duly audited and /
or evaluated by an independent third party, as the case may be, to the Finance Department
not later than 31st December of the year following close of a financial year.

(2) Finance Department shall on annual basis prepare a report and place it on the
website regarding utilization of Grant in Aid funds received by as defined under clauses (n),
(r) and (t) of sub-rule 1 of rule 2 of these rules. The report may include inter alia the
(a) Sectoral classification
(b) Incorporation classification
(c) Dividend Receipts to Balochistan Government
(d) Revenue generated – Sector wise classification
(e) Total Assets – Sector wise classification
(f) Profit and Loss – Sector wise classification

9. (1) Finance Department will function as a central database for analysis of Grant in
Aid to entities defined under clauses (n), (r) and (t) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2 of these rules.
(2) A risk assessment unit within Finance Department will maintain the central database
and shall have access to necessary financial and non-financial information including
business plans and target performance outcomes of each entity receiving Grant in Aid from
(3) The unit shall prepare periodical performance evaluation reports of the Grant
Recipient and assist, Finance Department on matters of critical importance relating to
effective investment of Grant in Aid for the Grant Recipient. The unit shall also evaluate
outcome of the grants paid and report on requirement to retain grant allocation or
(4) The Internal Audit unit of the Finance Department shall include grant recipients in
its annual plan in a manner that each Grant Recipient is selected for internal audit at least
once in three years’ time using its professional judgment and risk assessment report by
the risk assessment function.
(5) The Finance Department on its own or upon request from the administrative
department may and, on the directions of the Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Chief
Minister Inspection Team, or the Government, shall instruct for Internal Audit of grant
extended by the Finance Department to a grant recipient, that falls under the schedule V
of the Balochistan Government Rules of Business, 2012 or is a project established under a
grant from non-development budgets.
10. Grant recipient of above Rs.200,000 shall be required to enter into an Agreement with
the concerned Administrative Department spelling out clearly the performance
parameters, output targets for programmes and works, envisaged qualitative
improvement in the output, along with corresponding input requirements. The output
targets, given in the measurable units of performance, should form the basis of budgetary
support extended to these organizations. The roadmap for improved performance with
clear milestones should form part of the Agreement.

Chapter VI - Procedure for award of Grant-in-Aid

11. In terms of procedure for award of Grant-in-Aid, the following shall be considered:
(1) Any aspiring Grant recipient seeking Grant-in-aid from Government will be required
to submit an application as provided in rules 4, to the administrative department.

(2) The procedures shall also be applicable to all the Grant Recipients who are already
getting funds as grant in aid from Government.

(3) In order to obviate duplication in Grant-in-aid, each Administrative Department

should maintain a list of Grant Recipients along with the details of the amount and purpose
of Grants given to them. These details should also be made available on the website of the
Government of Balochistan or respective Administrative Department, if any.

(4) Award of Grant-in-aid should be considered only on the basis of viable and specific
schemes/project / drawn up in sufficient detail by the Grant Recipients. The budget for
such schemes should disclose, inter alia, the specific quantitative and qualitative targets
likely to be attained against the outlay.

(5) In cases where Grants are given as a part of the expenditure on reimbursement basis
(i.e. the expenditure has already been incurred on approved project/scheme and
reimbursement from the Government in the form of Grant/Subsidy etc. is due), the
Utilization Certificate’ will be treated as application, and no separate certificate shall be

(6) The Administrative Department / Principal Accounting Officer should not only take
into account the internally generated resources regulating such assistance but should also
consider laying down yearly targets for internal resource generation by the Grant Recipients
particularly where Grants are given every year on recurring basis.

(7) When recurring Grant-in-aid are awarded to the same Institution or an Organization
for the same purpose, the unspent balance of the previous Grant and bank balance should be
taken into account while sanctioning the subsequent grant.

(8) The decision regarding Interest or other earnings against Grant-in- aid (other than
reimbursement) earned by any Grant Recipient for remittance in Provincial Consolidated
Account shall be decided by the Finance Department at the time of release of grant.

(9) In providing the Grant-in-aid, a condition should be inserted that the asset acquired
wholly or substantially out of Government Grants, except those declared as obsolete and
unserviceable or condemned in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Financial
rules, shall not be disposed-off without obtaining the prior approval of the authority which
sanctioned the Grant-in-aid.

(10) The Grant Recipient shall also submit detailed list of assets along with annual
report to the Finance Department.

(11) The Administrative Department may prescribe conditions regarding the quantum
and periodicity for release of Grant-in- aid in instalments. However, the release of the last
installment of the Annual Grant must be conditional upon the Grant Recipient providing
reasonable evidence of proper utilization of the earlier released instalments.

(12) In order to finalize the budget estimates of Grant-in-aid to the Grant Recipient, the
department concerned should ensure that institutions seeking grants from the Government
submit their requirement with supporting details by the end of December in the succeeding
year for which the Grant-in-aid is sought. The Department should finalize their examination
of the requests with utmost accuracy and make the necessary budget provision for
sanctioning grants. The Institution or Organization should be informed of the result of their
requests by July of the year in which such grant is likely to be provided or has been

(13) The Administrative Department while laying down the pattern of assistance, may
decide whether the ownership of buildings constructed with Grant-in-aid may vest with the
Government or the Grant Recipient entity. Where the ownership is vested with the
Government, the Grant Recipient entity may be allowed to occupy the building as a lessee.
In such cases, suitable record of details of location, cost, name of lessee and terms and
conditions of lease must be maintained in the records of the granting Department. In all
cases of buildings constructed with Grant-in-aid, responsibility of maintenance of such
buildings shall be of the Grant Recipient.

12. For all Grant Recipients relating to public entities following shall apply for the purposes
of these rules:

(1) All Grant Recipients which receive any grant for their recurring expenditure or
administrative expenditure in the form of grant-in- aid, should ordinarily formulate terms
and conditions of service of their employees and creation of new vacancies in consultation
with the Finance Department.
(2) The Grant Recipient institution, bodies and organizations shall introduce employees’
retirement benefit plans which should ideally be based on contributory plan. These
bodies/institutes shall create funds for each of such retirement plans wherein funding
should be made on regular basis from contribution from employees and its own sources.
This plan should be backed by an actuary evaluation which shall determine the best benefit
plan along with the size and nature of scheme.
13. Any other special terms and conditions or procedures for transaction of business as the
Government may desire to be followed by the Grant Recipient; efforts shall be made to
incorporate in the Articles of Association or bye-laws of the public sector entity
concerned before the release of Grant-in-aid.

Chapter VII - Grant-in-aid to “Voluntary Organizations”
14. Grant-in-aid to voluntary organization(s) — a provision for administrative expenses
may also be kept to ensure a certain minimum staff structure and qualified personnel to
improve their effectiveness and expand their activities subject to the following terms
and conditions:-
(1) The Grant-in-aid should not exceed twenty-five per cent (25%) of approved
administrative expenditure on pay and allowances of the personnel of the voluntary
organisation concerned;

(2) Grant-in-aid to meet administrative expenditure of any private institutions other

than the voluntary organizations should not ordinarily be sanctioned.

15. (1) Before a Grant is released, the members of the Board of the Grant Recipient should be
asked to execute performance bonds binding themselves jointly and severally to: -

(a) Abide by the conditions of the Grant- in-aid by the target dates, if any specified therein;
(b) Not to divert the Grants or entrust execution of the scheme or work concerned to another
Institution(s) or Organization(s);
(c) All amounts shall be kept in a separate profit earning account but shall not be invested in
term deposits or other instruments, unless there is idle balance available in the working
balance in a short and with the concurrence of Finance Department;
(d) Any profit earned, as so stated under clause (c) sub-rule (1) of rule 15 shall be deposited
quarterly / bi-annually in the Provincial Consolidated Fund of the Government along
with providing its sufficient relevant, and reliable evidence to Finance Department.
(e) Not withdraw the amount and transfer to a private bank account;
(f) The bank account should be operated at all times by at least two signatories, one of whom
should be of director or higher executive level and the other should be head of accounts
office/branch with whatever variable name may be designated; and
(g) Abide by any other conditions specified in the agreement governing the Grant-in-aid.
(2) In the event of the Grant Recipient failing to comply with the conditions or
committing breach of the conditions of the Bond, the signatories to the Bond shall be
jointly and severally liable to refund the whole or a part amount of the Grant with
interest or the sum specified under the Bond.

(3) Condition of Execution of Bond will not apply to public entities, which shall, however,
be subject to internal monitoring, risk assessment and audit by the Government.

Chapter VIII - Accounts of Grant Recipients

16. (1) All Grant Recipients shall maintain subsidiary accounts of the Grant in Aid and
furnish to the Finance Department through the concerned Administrative Department a set
of Annual Audited Financial Statements prepared in accordance with the general financial
reporting framework applicable on the Grant Recipient concerned irrespective of the
amount involved.

(2) These Audited Financial Statements shall be furnished on not later than 31st
December of the year following the end of the relevant Financial Year of the Grant Recipient
Organization or within three months after the complete utilization of the Grant in Aid, or
within such time as specified by the Finance Department in case any such interim or special
reports are called for by the respective Administrative Department or the Finance
Department, as the case may be.

Chapter IX - Audit of Accounts
17. The accounts of all Grant recipient institutions or organizations shall be opened to
inspection by the sanctioning authority and audit conducted both by the Auditor
General of Pakistan under the provision of The Auditor General's (Functions, Powers
and Terms and Conditions of Service Ordinance, 2001), External Auditors appointed
under the Companies Act 2017, or any other law for the time being in force, Internal
Audit Function of the Department and/or by Finance Department or Principal
Accounting Officer’s office, whenever the Institution or Organization is called upon to
do so and a provision to this effect should invariably be incorporated in all orders
sanctioning the Grant-in-aid.

18. The principal/responsible individual on behalf of Grant Recipient should also undertake
on a stamp paper that all the grants extended by the government have been spent in
accordance with the objectives / goals submitted earlier in the concept paper. In case of
any deviation/non-compliance of the concept paper or of the criteria, both the Grant
Recipient and the principal individual on behalf of such Grant Recipient shall be jointly
and severally responsible to the Finance Department. The Finance Department, based on
sufficient and appropriate evidences, may decline the disbursement of the Grant.
[Explanation: the audit should be specific to the grant proceeds in addition to the audit of
the Grant Recipient as a whole.]

Chapter X - Utilization Certificates

19. (1) In respect of non-recurring Grants to a Grant Recipient, a certificate, duly certified by
Head of the public entity and an independent third party evaluation firm/individual
for voluntary organization, as the case may be, which shall contain:
a. Actual utilization of the Grants received for the purpose for which it was sanctioned in the
order sanctioning the Grant-in-aid.
b. It shall also disclose whether the specified, quantitative and qualitative targets that were to
be achieved against the amount utilized, were in fact achieved, and if not, the reasons
thereof may be recorded.
c. They shall contain an output-based performance assessment instead of input-based
performance assessment.

(2) The Utilization Certificate shall be submitted within a period of twelve months of the
closure of the financial year by the Grant Recipient concerned. Receipt of such certificate
shall be scrutinized by the Department concerned and forwarded to Finance Department.

20. In respect of recurring Grants, the concerned Department shall release the sanctioned
amount for the subsequent financial year only after Utilization Certificate in respect of
Grants of preceding financial year has been rendered. Release of Grant-in-aid more than
seventy-five per cent of the total amount sanctioned for the subsequent financial year
shall be done only after utilization certificate and the annual audited statement relating
to Grant-in-aid released in the preceding year are submitted to the satisfaction of the
Department concerned and the Finance Department. Reports submitted by the Internal
Audit Function and Inspection Reports received from Auditor General of Pakistan, or
any other registered audit firm, and the performance reports if received for the third
and fourth quarter in the year shall also be considered while sanctioning further Grants.
21. In the case of Private and Voluntary Organizations receiving recurring Grant- in-aid, all
the Departments of the Government of Balochistan should include in their Annual
Report a statement showing the quantum of funds provided to each of those

organizations and the purpose for which they were utilized, for the information of the
Government and the Provincial Assembly if so required.
22. In the case of Grant Recipient receiving one-time assistance or non-recurring Grants as
Grant-in-aid, all Departments should include in their Annual Reports, the statements
showing the quantum of funds provided to each of these organizations and the purpose
for which the funds were utilized, for the information of the Government or the
Provincial Assembly if so required. The Annual Reports and Audited Accounts of
Private and Voluntary Organizations or societies registered under the Balochistan
Charities (Registrations, Regulation and Facilitation) Act, 2019 (Act XI 2019) or any
other provincial or federal entity regulating and registering such organizations
receiving one-time assistance/non-recurring Grants should also be laid in the
Provincial Assembly within nine months of the close of the succeeding financial year of
the Grant Recipient Organizations.


The Chief Controller,
Printing & Stationary Department,
Balochistan Quetta for publication and
provision of_____ copies of the Gazette Notification.

No. Even. Dated. Even.

A copy is forwarded to: -

1. The Additional Chief Secretary (Dev:) P&D Department Balochistan, Quetta.
2. The Additional Chief Secretary, Home Department Balochistan, Quetta.
3. The Senior Member, Board of Revenue, Balochistan.
4. The Chairman, Chief Minister’s Inspection Team, Quetta.
5. The Principal Secretary to Governor Balochistan, Quetta.
6. The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Balochistan, Quetta.
7. All the Administrative Secretaries to Government of Balochistan, Quetta.
8. The Accountant General Balochistan, Quetta.
9. The Inspector General of Police Balochistan, Quetta.
10. The Registrar Balochistan High Court, Quetta.
11. The Secretary, Balochistan Provincial Assembly, Quetta.
12. The Secretary, Office of the Provincial Mohtasib Balochistan, Quetta.
13. The Secretary, Balochistan Public Service Commission, Quetta.
14. All the Commissioners in Balochistan.
15. All the Heads of Attached Departments Balochistan.
16. All the Heads of Autonomous Bodies in Balochistan.
17. All the Deputy Commissioners in Balochistan.
18. All the Registrars of the Universities in Balochistan.
19. All the Additional/Deputy/Under Secretaries and Section Officers in Finance Department.
20. The Private Secretary to Secretary Finance Department, Quetta.


Section Officer (Reg-II)
Ph# 9202195

(To be submitted by the respective Administrative Department on or before 30th November each year)
[Rule 5(3)]
Dated: 30-November--------
General details about Grant in Aid
1 Name of Administrative Department:
2 Name of Grant Recipient:
3 Amount received by Grant Recipient (Amount in Rs.): (previous 3 financial years, 2
financial years, or 1 financial year as the case may be)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
4 Fund / BC (Grant) Number:
5 DDO Code
6 Object Code
7 Date when the last Grant in Aid was received/ Reference No. of FD Release
8 Tentative Date when the Grant in Aid will be fully utilized/Total Period of
Admissibility of Grant in Aid (e.g. one time; or one year; or recurring grant
spread over many years)
9 Object and Purpose of the Grant:
10 Performance parameters agreed with the Administrative Department regarding
utilization of Grant in Aid:
Certification by respective Principal Accounting Officer of the Administrative Department

It is Certified that: YES NO If NO please

document the
The Grant in Aid sanctioned during the previous
1 financial year has been utilized for the object and
purpose for which the grant was sanctioned
The Grant in Aid was spent within the prescribed
2 time limit or within reasonable time agreed by the
Finance Department and Grant Recipient
Amount which was not required for expenditure
on specified object and purpose has been duly
3 surrendered to the Government on date and the
documentation for surrender of funds are
attached with this certificate

Certified by Approved by
DDO Concerned Secretary/Principal
(Administrative Accounting Officer
Department) (Administrative

Release of Grant-in-Aid
From: (Administrative Department)

To: (Grant Recipient)


General details about Grant in Aid

1 Name of Administrative Department:
2 Name of Grant Recipient:
3 Amount received by Grant Recipient (Amount in Rs.): (previous 3 financial years,
2 financial years, or 1 financial year as the case may be)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
4 Fund / BC
6 Object
7 Date when the last Grant in Aid was received/Reference No. of FD Release
8 Physical milestones to be attained:
9 General and Special Conditions (if any):
10 Performance parameters agreed with the Administrative Department regarding
utilization of Grant in Aid:

I am directed to refer to this Department's letter no ---------------- of even number dated -----------
---- read with Clause 6 (ii) of Grant in Aid Rules Balochistan and to state that Government of
Balochistan Finance Department has released grant-in-aid Vide its release order No.
_____________________ amounting to Rs. --------------------------- for the purpose and objective
mentioned above. In this regard, special terms and conditions as well as milestones shall be
applicable to the -------------- (Grant Recipient).

Section Officer
(Administrative Department)


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