Land, Building and Machinery - 0
Land, Building and Machinery - 0
Land, Building and Machinery - 0
ACC 211
Statement classification of Land
Used as plant site PPE
Held for a currently undetermined use investment
Held definitely as future plant site PPE
Held for long-term capital appreciation Investment
Held for current sale by a real estate Inventory
Cost Chargeable to Land
A. Purchase price
B. Legal fees & other expenditures for establishing clean title
C. Broker’s commission
D. Escrow fees
E. Fees for registration & transfer of title
F. Cost of relocation or reconstruction of property belonging to others in order to acquire
G. Mortgages, encumbrances and interest on such mortgages assumed by buyer
H. Unpaid taxes up to date of acquisition assumed by buyer
I. Cost of survey
J. Payments to tenants to induce them to vacate the land (but not to make room for the
construction of new building)
K Cost of permanent improvements such as cost of grading, leveling and landfill
L. Cost of option to buy the acquired land
Land Improvements
-Treatment depends on whether subject to depreciation or
If not subject to depreciation – LAND account
(Ex: Cost of surveying, cost of clearing, cost of grading, levelling and
landfill, etc.)
Depends on whether:
Inventory Capitalized to New
Reason of Demolition Land with Old Entity’s own building
building demolished demolished
Item immediately
(Demolition Cost
less Salvage
Proceeds) Other reason than Capitalized to Land
construction of new
Cost Chargeable to Machinery
Costs of machinery when purchased:
A. Purchase Price
B. Freight, handling, storage and other cost related to acquisition
C. Insurance while in transit
D. Installation cost
E. Cost of testing and trial run
F. Initial estimate of cost of dismantling and removing the machinery…for which the entity
has PRESENT obligation
G. Fee paid to consultants
H. Cost of safety rail and platform surrounding the machine
I. Cost of water device to keep machine cool
* If machinery is moved to a new location
Undepreciated cost of old installation cost – EXPENSE
New installation cost – NEW ASSET
• Classifications:
- Replacement of old asset by new one –
- Replacement of major parts or extraordinary repairs
- Replacement of minor parts or ordinary repairs –
Rearrangement Cost
• This is the relocation or redeployment of an existing
property, plant and equipment.